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“Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Teenbros don't have that problem.” - Otamin

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for learning about political topics
the jpgs are table of contents for the pdf blobs hosted at catbox
part 1 of 3
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Replies: >>3715
That's what happens when you decide that directly linking cuckchan is a good idea
Use archive sites next time
Replies: >>3555
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The Raw Dog Surfer fears the VPN Surfer.

Get over it, dude. No one here is going raw. Plus... the actual thread, guess what? Yall can add to it! 

Calculated. Genius.

The archive sites for a current thread on hr for infofuckingraphics, is irrelevant.

Next time, if you want, you can add archive site links, and shut your goddamn whore mouth.
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URLs are alphanumeric, and should be disambiguous. As should most other bitmap embedded text. Keep away from using the usual Arial/Helvetica sans, Times New Roman serif, and Impact sans. 

For example, some nigger decides to resize and recompress, now resized lowercase a e and g apertures are fused on the sans, resized counters become solid on the Impact sans, artifacts and subsequent artifacts destroy the serifs and stems, and the visually-complex URL is cramped and unintelligible with any 0O1Il. There is no guarantee the original image clarity will stay as intended, once it is released. Hence Mono, in Bold or Semibold. Clarity, legibility, long-term robustness. 

Per my tests, Liberation Mono, Cascadia Mono, and Adobe Source Code Pro, are the best performant, in that order. Should you decide on any other Mono, do not use a Mono whose 0 (zero) looks like an uppercase O (Oh) or like a Scandinavian Ø (Oeh), and whose lowercase l (ell) looks like a number 1 (one). The old Courier style lowercase l (ell) is being deprecated.



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meme designers needed for ongoing meme wars
fresh oc
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>>3511 (OP) 
moar fresh oc

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新維吾爾族生活模擬器 (Xīn wéiwú'ěr zú shēnghuó mónǐ qì) is a life simulation PC game developed by the Chinese company 猩紅色組 (Xīng hóngsè zǔ). The game was released in China on the country's intranet, and it has been reported that the game is not available outside of China due to suppression and censorship by the Chinese government.

In the game, players take on the role of a Chinese Uyghur and experience their daily life, from waking up and having breakfast to going to work and taking care of their family. The game aims to showcase the culture and traditions of the Uyghur people, while also allowing players to experience a different way of life.

However, there is a secret mode that can be unlocked by changing a line in the .ini file to "[審查] 囚徒模式 = 201821208". This mode reveals a dark and disturbing side of the game, as the player character is detained by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officers and sent to a prison camp. The player is then forced to participate in hard labor mini-games and is subjected to verbal abuse and mentally distressing dialog from other prisoners.

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>women bad
>ban women
>women should not allowed to have sex
>fascism: translation: we are all in this together
you do realize thats gay
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>>3400 (OP) 
Fascism comes from the latin ‘fasces’, which means ‘grouped together’. The symbol for classical fascism is an axe with many handles/wooden rods bundled together. 
The old english name for a bundle of wooden sticks is ‘faggot’
>>3400 (OP) 
>women bad
Correct. Those who protect women are idiots.

>ban women
Correct. Women are objects. Not people.

>women should not allowed to have sex
Men are the ones who decide when women can have sex. And women must never have sex before marriage.

Perfect and must be forced upon everyone else, as they are all animals of lower genes that have no saying in what superior people can or can't do.
fuck off fed. Go suck Joe Biden's dick! You probably aren't young enough to though. Go 41% faggot!
I recognise that URL cut bitch! 

What is your federal employee number? When the revolution happens, I want to make sure you are in the ground.
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>>3400 (OP) 
All women are terrorists.

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The first electric telegraph was invented (well, rather patented or proposed) by a Scot in 1753, way before Morse Code.

>The concept of a multi-wire electric telegraph was first proposed anonymously by a mysterious C. M. (thought to be Charles Morrison of Renfrew, Scotland) in the 17 February 1753 issue of The Scots Magazine. C. M. suggested using Leyden jars to charge twenty-six wires, one for each letter of the alphabet, with static electricity. The first working model based on this design was made by a Frenchman, Georges Louis Lesage, in 1774. Lesage’s electrostatic telegraph used twenty-six insulated wires and spanned across two adjacent rooms of his elegant mansion.

It was a static powered telegraph, unlike other less primitive electric telegraphs. It was abandoned after it was experimented with due to it being unreliable.

Radio waves were predicted to exist years before ((( Heinrich Hertz ))) ever proved its existence (read: James Clerk Maxwell), leading to the switch for wireless (aka Spark Gap transmitters).

When it comes to white people Anglo > anything else (even jews). We started the technological revolution that you're using to read this. If it weren't for Anglos, your ass would be living without electricity (see: Benjamin Franklin's kite experiments for instance).
10 months of the year are White History Month. Why do you think they had to give one to the niggers and the fags?
Replies: >>3688
It's not white to brag.

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Hypothetically, what would happen if you changed the laws of a country to advance the very least fit members to positions of decision making and wealth?

Because the laws of a country can be anything, you can make laws that say that people have to wear shoes on their hands, you could make laws to advance the least fit members of a civilization. 

So what would happen if you did that?

What if you made laws to cap the IQ of people in law enforcement and intelligence work?

What if you made economic laws to transfer the wealth to the least productive and psychopathic individuals by legalizing rackets for non-productive people that are so ethically wrong that only a psychopath would "invest" in them?

What would happen when you put idiots in charge of government and psychopathic leeches in charge of managing the economy's resources?

Do you think the idiots and psychopaths that profited and advanced because of warped laws like that would allow anyone to change things until everyone was dead when it means they would have to admit they were inferior people, lose their ability to boss people better than them around, and lose their ability to make a living? Or would they keep fucking everything up until everyone was dead, always attributing the problems they created to something else?

And what would happen to the smart and ethical people in a civilization like that where people that would otherwise be incapable of surviving are promoted to positions of power and wealth? They'd die out because of the laws, wouldn't they?
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As much as I hate to say it America is an Empire in the middle stages of collapse. Systemic corruption absolutely destroyed and gutted this once-great nation. It's really very sad. The only profits to be made in the USSA Today (Inc) are: endless wars, pornography, recycling mass consumed trash, fraud, politics that will not benefit normal people or productive workers, more fraud and garbage entertainment. Seriously the US hardly produces anything else today. And now they're in the process of killing the world wide web because free speech is no longer in the interest of these despotic oligarchs & politicos running/ruining our country.
It's simple, we: 
>create our own incentive structures that select for intelligence and skills
>learn important skills like machining and first aid or find allies who have these skills
>starve the ZOG beast by not supplying it with any more human capital or tax revenue
>don't get caught in the controlled demolition of the country
>>3296 (OP) 
> what would happen if you changed the laws of a country to advance the very least fit members to positions of decision making 
We already do this. Strong leaders who understand economics rake in millions as executives and entrepreneurs.

It's the leftovers who couldn't even get a $300K a year job managing a 100 person company who end up in politics.

Then everyone is shocked pikachu face when all these politicians are equally hopeless at running an entire country.
>>3296 (OP) 
Laws are powerless. As are law enforcers.
>>3296 (OP) 
Slow grinding systemic collapse as the organs of government rot and fall apart due to poor management. The people in power develop a sort of abstract cargo cult for the government, worshiping the “systems” that they don’t understand the function of, purely because ‘they are systems’. It’d be like Trigun or Fallout, where pseudoreligions form around the vestiges of the institutions and tools that were created before them, with all knowledge of their maintenance having been lost.

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Replies: >>3530 >>3676
You are an even bigger pussy for not posting an archive of your source:
>>3528 (OP) 
All jews will be killed.

The White race is the superior race.
>>3528 (OP) 
Texas has been hispanic-majority for 20 years, yet it keeps getting more anti-immigration and anti-leftist. The most leftist part of the state is Austin, which is the whitest major city in the state. 

Remember: Texas used to be a swing state, and so did Florida.

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How can we spot the covert lefty/socialist types so that we can avoid them?
sister thread: >>>/liberty/12
Replies: >>3675
>>3604 (OP) 
Become fluent in their beliefs, tactics, and ideology. Once you understand and are more knowledgeable in leftism than the typical leftist is, it becomes trivially easy to sniff them out by how they act and talk and carry themselves. It can be as easy as things like how they phrase sentences and what words they like to use.

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Terrorism thread, thread for /Terror/ and -ism's. post manifestos, homemade weapons and other /Terror/ related things.

t. Agent Smith
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Replies: >>3613 + 5 earlier
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"We wuz honky angels"
Replies: >>3659
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>>2703 (OP) 
All you'll need is a 6" PVC sparkler bomb + a 5 gallon gas can with the petrol in it. I learned this from watching those Biker gang documentaries.

Also, I clearly do remember seeing a video several years back on how to make asparkler bomb the right way using PVC (basically a pipe bomb) however any and all information pertaining to exactly how these are made has since been scrubbed from the internet.
Replies: >>3658
If the only restriction, no shoes off, no unpacking luggage, no leaving my gun at home, all the fullsize  bottles of shampoo I want, to get getting on a plane was showing some perv my dick I'd do it.
> has since been scrubbed from the internet.
Browns deserve what they get

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Post any memes, infographics and links to redpilled content ITT
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>wasmannian mimicry
The top is probably Russian not a European. There is no such thing as a European, just a race crime of homogenizing white people. 

I-ties are not the same thing as Germans, are not the same thing as Russians, are not the same thing as Norwegians, and are not the same things as English.
Florida is Sigma Israel.
Niggers are easier to control and socialize, therefore replace the people with niggers.
Do people even fall for this any more.
1. overly point out jews as a problems, so that Jews.
2. Trigger an austistic retard to do a shooting or some other criminal act motivated by jew-hatred.
3. After the crime is committed the public will act out in strong opposition to the motives of the attack and self censor their beliefs not wanting to be associated with the attacker.
4. Any publication of fact that the jews who run the Council of 300 are trying to kill everyone and move us all into 15-minute prison cities is ignored and discredited because the only people who think those things are "violate extremists".

<< ... and this is how the moral orthodoxy of the party is enforced.
is this thread war gaming or information mining?

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It never had anything to do with protecting the environment from pollution
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Replies: >>3526 + 2 earlier
It is always ok to kill jews and leftards.
>>3456 (OP) 
i love how jews and leftoids say the west is racist when they run it
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You vill eat the... you're already eating ze bugs.
Who got rich from the Bolshevik Revolution for 500?

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