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“Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Teenbros don't have that problem.” - Otamin

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1930s & 40s
>civil rights era starts
>America gets involved in WW2 after Pearl Harbor thanks to communist sellout kike ((( FDR )))
>Germany and the axis loses the war 
>the Cold War begins
>Israel is created over the aahes of Palestine, starting Zionist world domination

1950s & 60s
>faggotry now becomes socially accepted with people like Harry Hay (pedophile), Dr. John Money (another pedophile) and Christine Jorgensen (tranny)
>the last time you coukd ever say "nigger" publicly
>sexual revolution, feminism and other anti-family hippie boomer garbage
>the door to the third world was opened and now we have to accept Cuban boat people by the millions
>race-mixing on TV shows
>Michael Kimg (aka "MLK") gets assassinated, sparking protests that marked an end to the civil rights movement
>all of those white protesters who opposed integration are all liberals now and became born-again soyboys 
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Replies: >>3766
>>3753 (OP) 
very yes
Redpill me on the arab spring. 
I never got into the details of how and why it happened.
Replies: >>3997
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I don’t know, but I can reason to guess.

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get reading mad lads
full size images here
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Pay no attention to the glowniggers at >>3924, Merged PDF Anon.

Librarianship and keepin the books floatin, is itself a skilled task.
Replies: >>3980
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Why are you having a mental breakdown? Why don't you read a book instead?
Being a glownigger is when you read books and don't recommend jewish cuckservatives like Dennis Prager.
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cool car bamp

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Cogent is an Israeli company run out of Poland, for those who don't know. The CEO in question is Dave Schaffer

This is a global account manager at once of the largest ISPs in the world. His job is to sell bandwidth. He is supposed to connect computers together. Instead, his concern is "anti-LGBTQ messaging".

This is it. This is the future. These are the people who think they get to decide what is on the Internet. Homeopathic 'medicine' scams, tranny grooming forums, hacker/warez sharing sites, and Islamic terrorist groups are all welcome...but dare not to offend the LGBTQPedos, or your right to free speech will be limited to as far as your own WiFi will reach.

From the river to the sea, the Internet should be free.
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Replies: >>3987 + 1 earlier
Lolbertarianisn should be the starting point, not the end.

OK, we are going to begin with lolbertarianism and then move onto the policies we could add to it to make it a functional society.

Just remember that we are going for long-term value of stability, not the short-term value of safety.

So, starting from NWS Minarchism with NAP for it's laws.
It goes without saying that I hold to the lolbertarian ideals that property and people must be physical to be legitimate, we should not recognize intellectual property nor corporate personhood.

First, remove the legislature and legislative powers, political leaders should be overseers who enforce the laws as they were written at the nation's founding, not those who make changes to the laws.

Second, make all the banks into a branch of the government, we print our own money, and we prohibit practices like issuing currency backed by fiat, lending on a fractional reserve system, and of course charging interest at any rate.

Third, taxes, they will be charged in the following forms:
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If you have to pick national socialism vs international socialism you have already lost.

Your post is correct on everything being about power (or rather the continuous application of it that we can call control).

So everything that removes control from your own hands, no matter the justification, is bad. Everything that gives control back (over your own life, not others) is good. Politics reflect the power balance. So trying to bring others to your side with ideology is rather pointless. Become independent de facto, network with other independents, and push.
I don't really care, Josh Moon.
Libertarianism is not "live and let live",  it is "if you find it right to interfere with my freedom I find it necessary to interfere with yours". It is "we get it, the objective of the game is not making money, it is making money as powerful as possible, and after money comes power, after power comes control. So more control in the hand of the citizen = less control in the hand of the state = good. Yes there's the risk of splintering, but the fascist unity has been even more of a threat, see the "strategy" in Russia.
>>3883 (OP) 
I agree with you that an isp shouldn't moderate content. The journey the 8chan community has taken has only been a downward spiral however. The other characters in authoritative positions such as Mark, Jim, including yourself mismanaged your respective sites and boards. You people can not hide your power level, overestimate your spheres of influence, pick petty fights, and practically invited shills to foster paranoia within the community. I would almost say you did more for your authoritarian opposition than you did for your ideals by creating an odious caricature of free speech advocacy.

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The Rotunda of the National Archives in Washington DC was evacuated after two climate retards dumped red powder on themselves and the case holding the United States Constitution while demanding gibs for niggers
Those "climate activists" are always psyops
Remember that
Those security guards don’t seem to be good at their job.

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Replies: >>3892
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>>3887 (OP) 
cool story bro
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A notorious 4chan anon posted this on a 3-day fileshare. It really is some good stuff, so its gonna float as a repost for 30 days. 

Exp: 2024.02.04
File: pe9n93.rar
Size: 648 mib
CRC32: 0B5B47E8

Replies: >>3923
kek that was me
I made a smaller version
see here
Replies: >>3964
Cool! I like your stuff Anon. I recognize the images: Youre the compiler/stack Anon, makin big ol PDFs. I've perused a couple.

I see theres some new material. I'll grab the new sets in a couple weeks. I got new storage! I'm sure I can accommodate the lot and have a copy for posterity. 

Since there is now a singular source, and I have your "Right Wing Mega Pack" in its own folder, I would like a superfolder of your chosen moniker, to which the mega packs can be subfoldered into. I understand if you don't, I'll wrangle some sort of source attribution.

I too am an internet famous, and of the librarian master race.

See here: https://pastelink.net/pzgsaos4
Replies: >>3974
thanks I keep getting banned at 4chan crappy mods
that is alot of stuff at pastelink
I need to do some downloading!

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Extraterrestrial space station discovered near Jupiter's Ganymede. Derelict, possibly hundreds or thousands of years old. Said to signal with Antarctica alignment. Dead man's switch activated. Related obituary in the news. Related NASA signal detection in the news. NASA just lost the images from Ganymede. A supposed image of the object was posted.

>/x/ Dead Man's Switch
https://archive.4plebs(Please use archive.today)/x/thread/26510736/
https://archive.4plebs(Please use archive.today)/x/thread/26522455/

>United Federation of Earth Envoy
https://archive.4plebs(Please use archive.today)/pol/thread/414133337/

https://www.daily5techtips(Please use archive.today)/walter-ashcroft-car-accident/

>NASA Signal
https://www.abc4(Please use archive.today)/news/discovery-in-space-fm-radio-signal-coming-from-jupiters-moon-ganymede/

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Replies: >>3763
>/x/ Dead Man's Switch

>United Federation of Earth Envoy


>NASA Signal

>NASA Lost Images
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>>3598 (OP) 
The feds zapped my fucking harddrive after I saved the full collection of pics of that thing.
I also had the audio leaked, you can probably still find the news article.
The satellite approached that thing and then it fucking screamed out a powerful radio signal, I don't know all the specifics, but it got leaked, I had the audio, and now i can never hear it again because these stupid fed niggers fucked my shit up.
Replies: >>3973
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Did you die, anon?

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ALIEN-UFO INTELLIGENCE- The U.S. Government's Involvement With Extraterrestrials

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Look into these shitstack spacekikes too.

Youre an ignorant doublenigger if you aint apprised of the alien situation. Its a clear and present danger that has voluminous evidence and reports, all corroborating.

Every man and woman is at war, with all of nature, the cold, governments, corporations, their own friends and family, the media propaganda machine, and 40+ species of aliens.

The aliens don't attack the rich elite powerful corrupt and famous. They don't dream psychic attack the corrupt government officials of the U.S., israel, russia, china. They don't sabotage the Rothschilds. They don't impress their sweet nothing enlightenment upon the níggers. They don't abduct movie stars. They don't botch surgical operations on the management.

Because theyre All In On It. They are the rulers, and they consider our rulers the middle men. The aliens don't destroy the lives, finances, and networks, of the ruling elite.

Whose side are They on? Not ours.
"Please procreate so I can kill them. Thank you"

We payin' spacenígger bills with pain
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The only thing that you are, the only thing that you have, they will take that away from you for trivial realities. They have ABSOLUTELY ZERO concept of being usurped all the way up the 15th dimension. All they know is The Orchestra Operation of Control, its their drug, their vice, they can't let it go, or set boundaries, and when they ease up, it takes forever to implement. They can act so fucking casual, non-chalantly murdering the entire culmination and purpose of your existence in all dimensions except the physical. Forcing upon forcing upon forcing, to force you into events, tasks, situations, or events that they want on their time that required forcing you to their schedule so they could force you to move or do something at a particular time while they force the "outside" world into what youre recording. Every. Single. Time. You are destroyed. The past you made for your future which is Now is destroyed. The future you need to get-to with your Now is destroyed. You miss what could be of use because the entirety of your actual physical vision has been forced 1,484,783 times to process what some shitstack entity wants you to process. Do you get it? You are killed.
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Someone who haven't 100% Caucasian DNA be considered white?

If yes, what would be needed to be white?

Someone in Brazil for example, who have 80% of their DNA of caucasian origin and present all fisical traits, but have 2 indigenous great-grandmother, it's be considered white? (the girl at immage its an exemple of it)
If not, Russians who have mongolian DNA, are mixed and not whites too?
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Replies: >>3958 + 5 earlier
*Act White
I don't care as much about white people as I do about specific recessive phenotypes that are almost exclusively found in European populations.

Blonde or red hair, blue or green eyes, pale or fair skin, and other europoid/caucasoid indo-aryan features. These are what need most to be preserved amongst humanity.
Replies: >>3953
fuck you it's pink nipples or bust

Titty flesh a bit beige on the swatch chart? Too bad for you kid it's time to go back
My yardstick is the nipples
Beige nipples makes you a scam-dinavian
It's time to go back
>>3680 (OP) 
You have to be able to pass.  And one of the things this means is that the one-drop rule applies only to nigger mixes.  East Asian, South Asian, Arabic, and Amerind phenotypes + White below 50% admixture essentially vanish and you get normal and normal-looking White people who might have dark hair and dark eyes, which are not uncommon anyway.  Niggers retain flat noses, thick lips, massive bony supraorbital ridges, foreheads that slope way, way back, and the dominant genes they carry result in a nasty combination of low IQ, testosterone levels 10+ times those of normal humans, and the MAO-A gene for violent psychopathy down to 1% nigger blood and less.  You aren't going to breed the jungle out of them.

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>An artificial womb for fetuses to safely grow in, and a robotic nanny to monitor and take care of them.
>All within the realm of possibility, say Chinese scientists, in what could be a breakthrough for the future of childbearing in a country facing its lowest birth rates in decades.
>Researchers in Suzhou, in China’s eastern Jiangsu province, say they have developed an artificial intelligence system that can monitor and take care of embryos as they grow into fetuses in an artificial womb environment.
>This AI nanny is looking after a large number of animal embryos for now, they said in findings published in the domestic peer-reviewed Journal of Biomedical Engineering last month.
>But the same technology could help solve some major reproductive problems for humans, the paper says.
>Surveys show young Chinese women increasingly rejecting the traditional priorities of marriage and children, despite the drastic easing of China’s one-child policy and other state incentives.

We don't n
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Replies: >>3891 + 7 earlier
Seems this idea is back on the menu, boys.
Replies: >>3896
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then kill yourself doomer faggot
Replies: >>3895
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>>1564 (OP) 
Mazdanet. Go back there.
>stem cells
>the spawn of Moloch are STILL trying to make mass child sacrifice an intrinsic aspect of soyciety
I'll pass.

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Who killed WHITES better than Kyle?

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Replies: >>3890 + 6 earlier
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>>955 (OP) 
legally justified too
Replies: >>3893
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He was being a vigilante against....the public rioting? It's not just anti-libertarian, it's illegal blatantly in authoritarian states. The US not only has obviously libertarian roots but also sees public riots as an important part of culture. They often changes laws, protests. Now days they don't due to basically militarized police stopping it and now we have little boys helping out. How funny is that?
Replies: >>3894
>He was being a vigilante 

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