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So what the hell is this now? ((( Hidden User ))) is going way too far with xher shiny banhammer toy. Get that nigger out ASAP.
8 replies and 2 files omitted. View the full thread
>>>/4kids/ is more your speed, little fella. there you'll find the truly based bussin rizz gyatt fr ong ohio fanum tax baby gronk grimace shake goon sigmas you're looking for.
Replies: >>4712 >>4715
This could all be fixed if they made a captcha that was actually difficult.
What? That makes no sense, I didn't 'censor' any post info, you retarded ESL monkey.
Yes I was hired by the deep state to target your retardation specifically.
Last edited by Hidden User
Replies: >>4718
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>I didn't 'censor' any post info
ya? i was referring to OP

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Would it be hard to increase the thread limit? I've seen imageboards with, like, 200 pages or something
4 replies omitted. View the full thread
>They may contain interesting or useful information
Nobody's going to re-read shitty old threads like that as if they're some treasure trove of valuable information, and it would be much more interesting to read and participate in a new thread than an old one where the discussion has already run it's course.

You can't make a new thread because it'll be deemed a duplicate. Posting in a 2 month old thread will get significantly less discussion than a new thread, it doesn't benefit anyone.
Replies: >>4522
>that prevent people from making new threads 
they don't
>Nobody's going to re-read shitty old threads like that as if they're some treasure trove of valuable information
>You can't make a new thread because it'll be deemed a duplicate
remove duplication restrictions
>Posting in a 2 month old thread will get significantly less discussion than a new thread
It is irrelevant.
test post
A new test
Third test

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Please make an even worse captcha, thanks.
18 replies and 1 file omitted. View the full thread
The problem where you get the same captcha over and over seems to be caused by caching. Since the captcha image is loaded from a generic url (/captcha) it loads the result that was cached previously. You can fix it by using "/captcha?unique_number" instead of "/captcha" as the URL (where unique_number can be anything as long as it's different, for example current time).
The captcha is an excellent tool for teaching methodical problem solving which is valuable in programming. I will pass the test, one day.
The captcha is broken, I swear. It only works for five minutes if your browser hasn't visited zzzchan before and fails otherwise every time.
There's a captcha

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Enable .zip or .7z or .rar or .tar.gz uploads (or all of the above). This is the third time now that I've wanted to share something but couldn't, and I can't be bothered to use a third party website.
Archives will not be enabled.
Replies: >>4631
Cool story bro. You know what would be a cooler story though? One that has even a single good reason in it.
Replies: >>4632
And I'm not dealing with having to check every archive for illegal shit because you can't be bothered to use anonfile/catbox etc.
Replies: >>4633
What if I encode files into a PNG? Are you going to decode it just to make sure it's not illegal? I'd rather register an account that can be marked as trusted and post with that than be cucked and buck broken in shackles for the rest of my life just because of some fucking spammers that clearly aren't being stopped anyway.

I asked for a good reason, not a bad one.
Replies: >>4659
>What if I encode files into a PNG?
This was already done here >>>/tech/5646 and was not well received. I would advise against it.

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Are you going to deal with the herdnigger spam on /b/ or will you let it become a mess beyond saving like you've done for the past months?

I've put in several global reports on their obvious and recognizable spam, and you dipshits haven't done anything about it besides leaving it up.
56 replies and 22 files omitted. View the full thread
/b/ is kill, cancer won, let it go.
Replies: >>3871
What if I don't want to?
That TOR posting can have different IDs, retard.
Welp, looks like the shite dick spammer is back.

Thanks for nothing Sturgeon. You truly are an incompetent faggot, just like ((( alex ))).
tor called

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I brought this issue up in the /v/ gamergate thread and was told to repost it here.  For reference, I'm >>>/v/26109.

To summarize, I wanted to know why minor shitposting was deleted in the gamergate thread even though other threads (like the first FPS general) had much more and much worse periods of shitposting/calling OP a faggot at the start.

The reply I got from Seagull (presumably; no capcode) was >>>/v/26199, which claimed that deleting bitching about the threads was not preferential treatment because these threads are allowed under the rules - even if the rules literally refer to them as "special" threads, and no other threads get scrubbed like that.  Yes, I'm aware that the rules put ""special"" in quotations, which somewhat diminishes the strength of the word, but the fact remains that they are exceptions to rules like "effortless threads will be met with ridicule."

Seagull said to take the issue up with the BO, so here we are.  I'm sure that the reply will be "stay mad faggot these threads are BASED and always allowed!" but I'm just going through the proper channels.

And before anyone tells me that this shouldn't come as a surprise, it's not the presence of gamergate threads that I'm specifically taking issue with (although I do maintain they are worthless and attract all kinds of non-vidya attention whores).  My point is that if
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450 replies and 150 files omitted. View the full thread
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Please fix the word filter. Every time I try posting something longer than three sentences I see the magic words "word filter auto ban" and I have to weigh trying to read seagull's mind to find out which innocuous word was used to annoy him this week against closing the tab and doing something productive with my day.
Replies: >>4558
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Seagull is innocent, It was a rather generous hash filter I had set to curb some spam yesterday, though I'm not sure why it was set to "autoban" rather than just "block post" since I'm fairly certain that's the setting I had on. I lifted the ban already.
For future reference, it would help if you described what exactly you tried to post and then also appealed to the ban through the appeal form when this sort of shit happens, so we can narrow it down and lift the ban quicker.
Last edited by alexander
Replies: >>4559 >>4563
These need to fuck off from the wordfilter list:
These are actual English words, except for LOL which at least has a conventional usage that isn't cancer.
Replies: >>4560 >>4563
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the fuck are you on about
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I've said it a dozen times, and I'll say it once more: there are NO word filters on /v/ outside of spam links and hashes of illegal shit like CP. When filters are added it's a short term measure to curb persistent spam and are removed as soon as it's over. With that said, "based", "literally", and "lol" were never filtered so I'm going to join the other anon in asking: the fuck are you on about?

Do note that like in this scenario >>4558, if it looks like you can't post no matter what you type, it might be a problem with the file you're trying to upload.

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Do you consider zzz your home? Why do you stay here and not another place on the webring?
How many other boards on the webring do you regularly visit?
If you use tor, why come here at all instead of a tor only imageboard?
Do you think there are "better" chans for specific boards?
In terms of users/admin, what would you say is the differences between zzz, and say anoncafe?
24 replies and 4 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>4524 + 3 earlier
Shills and feds use this kind of threads to find new sites.
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>heartily chuckled
>faux pas
1/10, eden
>>4098 (OP) 
I'd love to leave, especially seeing as to how tor does not work here, but retarded niggersheep won't go somewhere else.
Replies: >>4527
tor works the fish is just dumb and you have to add /index.html to the end, like so: http://crghlabr45r5pqkgnbgehywk5nxutdks5iss7tabyux5psikqqjirryd.onion/index.html
tor does work though, I refuse to post anywhere that doesn't allow tor and I exclusively to post here so you're full of shit

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Behold the new front page mascot and cute tank dork of the Zzzigger alliance that always should have been.
Is especially popular among the /b/ and /k/ crowd. So it's settled then.
....No I was serious, it's not fair that halfchan has Sachiko and 8Moe has the Jewcy Mark Mann.
14 replies and 10 files omitted. View the full thread
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>Says the fag IP hopping
Nah I just use private tabs in Librewolf because cookies spook me, I'm not intentionally doing that. It really is that easy. Non the less you have my word that half the posts on this thread are from other anons genuinely engaged in the conversation.
Replies: >>4488
Replies: >>4491
Replies: >>4491
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Sigh, if only I had taken a screenshot of my (You)'s and non(You)'s. then you anons would believe me.


Also yes
Reluctant self bump

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The long awaited server migration is finally ready, I will outline the details here.

What's happening?
I am moving zzzchan to a new application server. This new server is better, cheaper, and has a 100% working jschan installation ready to go.

What has to be done?
I will have to take the site down for a bit in order to rsync files and a mongo backup into the new server. These will slot right in once the transfer is done. From there all I need to do is edit the site's DNS. I don't expect this process to take more than hour if everything goes well. The .onion service will be dormant through the whole process and switched over after the clearnet site is confirmed working on the new server. 

When is this happening?
Current date is this tuesday evening but I've been sick since saturday. Watch the global announcements for any delays.

What if something goes wrong?
The current, soon to be old appserver will be at the ready to switch back to. Again global announcements will be used to announce if I have to switch back. I only see potential issues with updating DNS but thats only because its the only untested part of the process

What's changing with the switch?
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24 replies and 9 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>4415 >>4455 + 4 earlier
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>>4355 (OP) 
>application server
It should be fixed in 0.11.0
Now I only have to wait 5 years until sturgeon updates his site again...
Captcha got worse after the update.
Before it was reasonably effortlessly solvable on the first try unless you got a very offset row or a very distorted chess.
Now for each chess figure you might as well guess if it's filled or not, especially for queens and bishops.
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>>4355 (OP) 
When will you use this DDOS protection script instead of cuckflare? https://github.com/C0nw0nk/Nginx-Lua-Anti-DDoS
Hey admin, I'm thinking of migrating to jschan and want to know what your thoughts on it are. (I can't test it out on my tiny server because of a dependency not supporting the hardware)
Especially things like administration and moderation tool. What is good, and what is missing?

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Add an I2P address pls.

I2P doesn't have some of the vulnerabilities of Tor (see Dread DDoS) and has better, more reliable performance for hidden services. Oh and it supports torrenting. In fact it's integrated to default I2P client, so unlike on Tor, fun is allowed. Finally, unlike Tor, it does not rely on centralized directory authorities. The network is truly decentralized. It makes for a different set of pros and cons. If nothing else, it's good for hedging your bets with Tor, but generally, I2P is just better for hidden service use. That's what it was designed for. Meanwhile Tor is first and foremost a proxy system to clearnet.
For website hosting, you can use i2pd which is a more performant C++ implementation without the bells and whistles.

Some chans that already have I2P support:
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Replies: >>4423
>>4421 (OP) 
Looks cool, I can have a look at this but there's more work I want to do on the current setup before tackling i2p. Know any good tutorials/documentation?
Replies: >>4433 >>4438
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Quick note for pic related: You should use the HTTP proxy instead of the SOCKS proxy since the HTTP proxy masks your browser user agent to be MYOB/6.66 (AN/ON) while the SOCKS proxy doesn't mask your browser user agent.

Here is a short tutorial on how to create an i2pd HTTP tunnel: https://i2pd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/http/

You don't need to open the httpd port for I2P traffic on your firewall. There isn't any nginx example for this, but I have a simple static site example for OpenBSD httpd:
language: json
server "zmjdpytveh2mp6krdnlniupxnv2cgacmffhznbxvgypl63tjchfa.b32.i2p" {
        listen on * port 8080
        root "/htdocs/examplesite"
        no log

server "example.i2p" {
        listen on * port 8080
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Replies: >>4434 >>4439
Spoiler File
(2.5MB, 2880x2064)
Also both pics are years old and outdated, I just post it because of nep
install i2pd-qt. Is a lot easier to setup and it comes with qt interface for i2p configuration.
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Turns out you can leave out the "example.i2p" block from your webserver config since those kinds of addresses are simply base64 aliases to the B32 address.

The OpenBSD config would look like this now:
language: json
server "zmjdpytveh2mp6krdnlniupxnv2cgacmffhznbxvgypl63tjchfa.b32.i2p" {
        listen on * port 8080
        root "/htdocs/examplesite"
        no log

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