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So what the hell is this now? ((( Hidden User ))) is going way too far with xher shiny banhammer toy. Get that nigger out ASAP.
I lifted the bans immediately, faggot, lol. 
Also if you weren't retarded you would know there's a /b/ meta thread, moving your post there.
Replies: >>4706 >>4707
I can't find it probably due to an early 404, so you can use this thread to complain about /b/ instead.
Replies: >>4706 >>4707
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why did you censor the post info?? boom exposed now ur house gonna burn down prepare to die
Replies: >>4713
((( Hidden User ))) is a total nigger. Get him out of here.
Replies: >>4833
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Watcha up to rabbi????  You are some fucking CIA plant or stupid migatard.
Replies: >>4713
you're not a revolutionary, you're a shitposter, and were treated as such
stop malding
Replies: >>4709
>crying about shitposting on b
zoomie going zoom zoom zoom!
Replies: >>4710
seethe, cope, dilate
become an hero
yadda yadda, happy to see you triggered
Replies: >>4711
>>>/4kids/ is more your speed, little fella. there you'll find the truly based bussin rizz gyatt fr ong ohio fanum tax baby gronk grimace shake goon sigmas you're looking for.
Replies: >>4712 >>4715
This could all be fixed if they made a captcha that was actually difficult.
What? That makes no sense, I didn't 'censor' any post info, you retarded ESL monkey.
Yes I was hired by the deep state to target your retardation specifically.
Last edited by Hidden User
Replies: >>4718
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>I didn't 'censor' any post info
ya? i was referring to OP
It's Virtual now, he changed his name, but his deletion style remained the same.
Replies: >>4836 >>4837
What did he do?
Replies: >>4837
the /digi/-aligned moderators have been misusing their moderator privileges to suppress any organic culture and criticisms of their board. Any anon that points that out gets shoah'd.
Replies: >>4838 >>4848
Why do you believe the digi mods are global mods or are receiving preferential treatment?
Replies: >>4845
nta but it's a plausible theory because digi has the public image of being rulecucked and pro-trump and the new mods have been pretty strict with deleting posts, especially anti-trump ones

i find this theory to have some holes and i dont believe it, but it's more than just made up nonsense
Replies: >>4848
Don't care about about whatever dramaniggery is going on, but deleting random threads on the reasoning that they're fagspam is absolutely retarded. For God's sake multiple OPs got deleted, when the mod team could've simply deleted the spam below. This is just lazy moderation.
Some anon typed something about the /digi/ connection on a thread on /b/, that is when the entire thread got obliterated. As if the mods care more about protecting the image of /digi/ rather than the spam that was going on.
Replies: >>4851
I am near certain these posts are from the spammer, testing the waters. Yet non of them got deleted.
Replies: >>4850
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I can’t speak on behalf of the other spam, but I made that one post of the sailors with the sea shanty lyrics. I got banned on /digi/ a while back for opposing the US election and I had attached an mp3 of drunken sailor to my post. I posted that picture on /b/ as an act of rebellion.
Replies: >>4851
>I got banned on /digi/
You don't have to post on digi to get banned these days, see>>4848 the mere mention of their board gets whole threads deleted. I am really tired of seeing deleted when i wake up to a thread I've been posting in. Sometimes they don't even bother banning anyone, what is the point of deleting entire threads if they don't break any rules. One week actual cancer gets left up, the other week it doesn't, there is no consistency. For every spammer caught 10 innocent posters get banned.
I like how the retarded fish faggot issuing lengthy bans merely because his rectum is easily bruised just makes it slightly more tedious to report CP and accomplishes nothing else. Webring double nigger faggot retard janitor hurts itself in confusion!
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I think the mod "virtual" should be replaced because he seems extremely conceited and doesn’t exercise good judgment that goes beyond "deleting posts they don’t like". I also don’t think it’s a possibility for someone like that to change into a half decent moderator because they are already too far gone and detached from reality.
Replies: >>4869
>doesn’t exercise good judgment that goes beyond "deleting posts they don’t like"
Congratulations, you've described the admin too.
Replies: >>4870
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Yeah as of late, but virtual is more rabid and out of control. Somebody should take him out back and do what needs to be done.
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