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Would it be hard to increase the thread limit? I've seen imageboards with, like, 200 pages or something
Ah yes, that's what we need, more threads that have been inactive for 2+ months.
Replies: >>4501
Inactive threads are bad because......?
Replies: >>4506
Dead prehistoric threads at the bottom of the catalog that prevent people from making new threads are good because...?
Replies: >>4507 >>4522
>Dead prehistoric threads at the bottom of the catalog (...) are good because...?
They may contain interesting or useful information. And someone may revive them.
>that prevent people from making new threads
What?? Nothing prevents you from making new threads, and thus sliding old ones. So, a good solution would be to allow much more threads, so that each thread has enough time before being sled for people to archive it or revive it if it is interesting/useful enough.
Though another good solution would be to have automatic archives, like there are several ones for cuckchan.
Replies: >>4511
>They may contain interesting or useful information
Nobody's going to re-read shitty old threads like that as if they're some treasure trove of valuable information, and it would be much more interesting to read and participate in a new thread than an old one where the discussion has already run it's course.

You can't make a new thread because it'll be deemed a duplicate. Posting in a 2 month old thread will get significantly less discussion than a new thread, it doesn't benefit anyone.
Replies: >>4522
>that prevent people from making new threads 
they don't
>Nobody's going to re-read shitty old threads like that as if they're some treasure trove of valuable information
>You can't make a new thread because it'll be deemed a duplicate
remove duplication restrictions
>Posting in a 2 month old thread will get significantly less discussion than a new thread
It is irrelevant.
test post
A new test
Third test
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