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I've migrated and fixed a bunch of shit along the way, but if anything is broken please use this thread to report it. I've locked the previous thread to focus new issues here.

Two known issues:
- Favicon didn't fly so good
- Need to set up a new tor socks5 proxy for webring

Both of these will be fixed shortly.
105 replies and 19 files omitted. View the full thread
Please stop handing out 6 month bans for wordfilters. Any bad actor can sign up for a VPN after finding the magic word and get every exit node banned in half an hour.
>Glowies and Think Tanks use them
I'd like to see this implemented if that's actually true.
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Less a bug and more a sysop error:
>On the topic of rule-breaking posts, I like how global rule 5 has been utter gibberish since its inception.
>5. Boards created for the sole purpose of spam or whose board owners neglect reasonab$
If it's some 2deep4u meme that only four people know about, it's still pretty fucking clueless to keep as a global rule. The point of the rules is to set a framework for behavior (not that most of the global rules accomplish anything even without being literal, incomprehensible gibberish LOL).

There should be a new global rule that prohibits derailing threads or making image dumps on unrelated threads. Shills and CIAniggers often dump porn if something they don't like is being discussed.
Replies: >>4909
I think you need to kill yourself for being a total faggot unable to handle imageboards.

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I will leave the rest of the post intact, please ignore the special stipulations.

Hello and welcome to the fist round of BO applications for zzzchan. I will outline the application process below, along with some special stipulations for this first round.

To apply for a board, you must submit your answers to the following questions: 

1. What will the focus of your board be?
2. What will the rules be?
3. How would you handle the following hypothetical scenarios:
    A. A user who is only breaking the rules of your board has a substantial post history that is perfectly fine up until the single instance you are reviewing. What do you do?
    B. A spammer posts CP. What do you do?
    C. A spammer has slid your catalog and all unpinned threads are gone. What do you do?
4. What time range(s) would you normally be able to keep an eye on the board?
5. If your board becomes active enough, do you agree to look for one or more vol(s) to help you? Do you know anyone already?
Last edited by sturgeon
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705 replies and 198 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>4761 + 18 earlier
make dis nigga mod he got my vote
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>>137 (OP) 
1chan is down and I'd like to request a sfw bunker board for the site, /rail/.
>1. What will the focus of your board be?
Trains (& foamer culture).
>2. What will the rules be?
Global rules, no faggotry, and a stipulation to keep discussion on-track (heh)
>3. How would you handle the following hypothetical scenarios:
>A. A user who is only breaking the rules of your board has a substantial post history that is perfectly fine up until the single instance you are reviewing. What do you do?
Warning if it's off topic retardation, immediate deletion if it infringes on global rules. 
>B. A spammer posts CP. What do you do?
Global report, lock board, delete posts. I'm inexperienced with moderating image boards but I'm sure these tools are avaliable.
>C. A spammer has slid your catalog and all unpinned threads are gone. What do you do?
If possible I'd limit thread creation to prevent this. Otherwise, cleanup & thread restoration.
>4. What time range(s) would you normally be able to keep an eye on the board?
Night, Pacific time.
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Replies: >>4798
ill take globo or v vol if you need help with the staff shortage
also our secret club chat dont work no more
t. retarded bird
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1. What will the focus of your board be?
> /u/, a fictional 2d gay girls board
2. What will the rules be?
>i :  dont post 3dpd
>iii : don't start drama with other boards
>iv : don't start drama with the webring
>v :  you're responsible for your own posts
>vi : don't be a nuisance
>vii : don't be the ass that gets the site shut down
>viii: Futanari are for trannies, not yuri. Dont post it.
>xi : Please refrain posting western medium outside from it's own containment thread.
>xii all image reaction shoud be girl and anime style images only.
3. How would you handle the following hypothetical scenarios:
    A. A user who is only breaking the rules of your board has a substantial post history that is perfectly fine up until the single instance you are reviewing. What do you do?
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This thread is for handling boards from other sites that wish to migrate here/have been orphaned if public thread creation is locked on /meta/. If public thread creation is open you are free to make a dedicated thread here, otherwise I will make one for you.

The rules for migration are : 
- All Migrating/orphaned boards will be considered outside of the application cycle and should contact me at the same email address listed below.
- I will require proof that you are/were the BO/mod of the original board, or that the moderation team for the board in question has fallen apart.
- You must agree to follow all global rules for this site.
- You must agree to actively moderate the new board.
- If accepted, you must notify anons on the old board if it still exists. I do not mind If zzzchan is used as a bunker, the new board will be unlisted in this type of scenario and will not be announced until ready.

Feel free to ping me at [email protected] in case of a happening. I'll come right here.
Last edited by sturgeon
159 replies and 41 files omitted. View the full thread
>is Tor currently disabled/banned sitewide?
No, TOR is enabled sitewide. It has been temporarily disabled in the past but we don't need to do this anymore.TOR posters now get unique IDs per-session which makes cleanup easy on our end without sacrificing privacy. 

>are VPNS disabled/banned sitewide?
Not explicitly, but they aren't given special treatment either. If someone abuses a VPN with enough adjacent addresses then that VPN is going to be unusable for a while.
permabans aren't really effective these days so they are avoided

>were either or both of those ever disabled/banned sitewide?
Before TOR posters had unique IDs we did have to turn TOR off briefly a couple of times, yes. 

>are either or both of those disabled/banned by any of the boards here?
No boards ban any VPN explicitly. 2 boards ban TOR but that decision is left to the BOs. 

>are there any restrictions for posting through Tor or VPNs, like having to complete a captcha each post or not being able to post images?
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Replies: >>4578

I can't access the onion version.
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Wasn't there a tool to export board from lynxchan over to jschan? How does it work?
I'm tempted to own an /icup/ board here on ZZZ seeing that anon.cafe is soon to croak.
Replies: >>4622
Apparently the guy is moving to Trashchan.
Replies: >>4638
If you want to talk to the guy

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Hello and welcome to zzzchan! I will be using this thread to explain how this site is set up and answer the initial wave of questions. Thread creation on /meta/ will be locked initially, I will explain how this will be handled going forward below.

Now, to answer some initial questions:

>Who the fuck are you? Who are the other mods?
I am sturgeon, I was a mod back on fat/v/ and later z/v/. fat/v/ was my first role as a moderator in any capacity. I'm happy to say that Pasta and seagull have also stuck around and will be managing /v/. r9k's BO will also be back.

>Nice namefagging
I intend to only use my name & role tag when posting something relevant to my role or the site. 

>Why have you set this up?
Because zchan was doing fairly well before the admin pulled the plug without warning. I'd been considering making my own IB since fat died but once zchan went down I decided I had to make the effort. 

>Will you abandon this after x amount of time?
I've gone through the effort of setting all this up after losing 2 previous boards. I'm doing this because I want it to, and I plan to keep this place running as long as I can. 
Last edited by sturgeon
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586 replies and 136 files omitted. View the full thread
That and I need to set up an account on poast or something.
Heads up from the /k/ BO here. There's a HAProxy CVE of high severity right now in response to HTTP requests CVE-2024-53008.
>Inconsistent interpretation of HTTP requests ('HTTP Request/Response Smuggling') issue exists in HAProxy. If this vulnerability is exploited, a remote attacker may access a path that is restricted by ACL (Access Control List) set on the product. As a result, the attacker may obtain sensitive information.
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Sturgeon, any chance you can make a filehosting thing for cytube streams? perhaps making uploads invite only to prevent/limit abuse
All the freely acceptable ones crap out for at least a couple of anons every stream with buffering or video 404's 20 minutes in.
Replies: >>4902
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can i have this to manage my apache whitelist
If you don't mind a 15-20 second delay, use Peertube. I've been using it for a few years now to stream vidya on cytube and it's been alright.

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uhhhhhhhhh can i appeal my ban it said its uinappeabable but yeah i was drunk so sorry and im drunk right now too but im sorry okay I GUESS i could also wait a month as well thats fair itso kay too actually yeah sorry okay
Replies: >>4907
>>4906 (OP) 
You could try evading it...... except you're a narcissistic namefag, so that's not an option.
What did you even get banned for anyway?

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Just got a 10 day unappealable auto ban for "pedo". No idea what word even triggered it as I wasn't even attempting to discuss the subject. Here's a cap of the post for reference. Is some word here filtered? Or did I just get hit with a ban for something someone else did on the same VPN?
12 replies omitted. View the full thread
I've now heard. Do filters also apply to the the name/email/subject fields?
Replies: >>4892 >>4893
No clue.
Not just that, but it also applies even to the filenames (even if you select "strip filename")
Thanks to whoever unbanned me.
Replies: >>4896
It could be that some bans for VPNs or otherwise are periodically lifted with no pattern.

spoiler test
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ruby pineapple strawberry
ruby pineapple strawberry

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I brought this issue up in the /v/ gamergate thread and was told to repost it here.  For reference, I'm >>>/v/26109.

To summarize, I wanted to know why minor shitposting was deleted in the gamergate thread even though other threads (like the first FPS general) had much more and much worse periods of shitposting/calling OP a faggot at the start.

The reply I got from Seagull (presumably; no capcode) was >>>/v/26199, which claimed that deleting bitching about the threads was not preferential treatment because these threads are allowed under the rules - even if the rules literally refer to them as "special" threads, and no other threads get scrubbed like that.  Yes, I'm aware that the rules put ""special"" in quotations, which somewhat diminishes the strength of the word, but the fact remains that they are exceptions to rules like "effortless threads will be met with ridicule."

Seagull said to take the issue up with the BO, so here we are.  I'm sure that the reply will be "stay mad faggot these threads are BASED and always allowed!" but I'm just going through the proper channels.

And before anyone tells me that this shouldn't come as a surprise, it's not the presence of gamergate threads that I'm specifically taking issue with (although I do maintain they are worthless and attract all kinds of non-vidya attention whores).  My point is that if
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454 replies and 156 files omitted. View the full thread
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I've said it a dozen times, and I'll say it once more: there are NO word filters on /v/ outside of spam links and hashes of illegal shit like CP. When filters are added it's a short term measure to curb persistent spam and are removed as soon as it's over. With that said, "based", "literally", and "lol" were never filtered so I'm going to join the other anon in asking: the fuck are you on about?

Do note that like in this scenario >>4558, if it looks like you can't post no matter what you type, it might be a problem with the file you're trying to upload.
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i try to post about tf2 and other vidya and im banned for no reason? could i at least get a reason? is someone else using my ip for spam or something?
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No, you attempted to false flag on /v/, got spotted immediately and are attempting to do so here on /meta/. There is no possible way the no-name VPNs you've hopped between are being shared by anyone else. Fuck off.
Replies: >>4863
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but that wasn't me? i made a post in the tf2 thread then tried to make another post in the indie fighting game thread and somehow got banned between then?
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Someone is abusing wordfilters to systematically ban all VPN IPs. Fix this or enjoy your dead board.

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So what the hell is this now? ((( Hidden User ))) is going way too far with xher shiny banhammer toy. Get that nigger out ASAP.
21 replies and 4 files omitted. View the full thread
>I got banned on /digi/
You don't have to post on digi to get banned these days, see>>4848 the mere mention of their board gets whole threads deleted. I am really tired of seeing deleted when i wake up to a thread I've been posting in. Sometimes they don't even bother banning anyone, what is the point of deleting entire threads if they don't break any rules. One week actual cancer gets left up, the other week it doesn't, there is no consistency. For every spammer caught 10 innocent posters get banned.
I like how the retarded fish faggot issuing lengthy bans merely because his rectum is easily bruised just makes it slightly more tedious to report CP and accomplishes nothing else. Webring double nigger faggot retard janitor hurts itself in confusion!
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I think the mod "virtual" should be replaced because he seems extremely conceited and doesn’t exercise good judgment that goes beyond "deleting posts they don’t like". I also don’t think it’s a possibility for someone like that to change into a half decent moderator because they are already too far gone and detached from reality.
Replies: >>4869
>doesn’t exercise good judgment that goes beyond "deleting posts they don’t like"
Congratulations, you've described the admin too.
Replies: >>4870
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Yeah as of late, but virtual is more rabid and out of control. Somebody should take him out back and do what needs to be done.

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Happy holidays sturgeon

Thank you for all the work
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