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Bad move IMO. The people who support Trump will think he is a weasel and the people who hate both candidates think he's cucked. He would have been better off saying nothing at all.
Replies: >>1009 >>1020
Explain your reasoning
Replies: >>1010
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>>1007 (OP) 
Literally who.
Replies: >>1010
Trump/MAGA have done nothing to advance libertarianism. He obviously shouldn't endorse democrats but Trump is the same guy who wanted him expelled from the Republican Party for calling out the error of his ways.

Libertarian senator from Kentucky. If you're well-versed in libertarian stuff he's a name that comes up a lot, but he hasn't reached Ron Paul tier name recognition yet. Or even Rand Paul.
Replies: >>1012
He has been talking a lot about AIPAC this year and then his wife suddenly died. If he's not compromised he's still under a lot of pressure, I don't blame him for not being perfect.
>>1007 (OP) 
How can a libertarian support someone known for saying "You're fired!" who never fired Fauci?

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We'll see if that holds up.
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sure he does...
Replies: >>1018 >>1019
Yeah he doesn't
I saw someone post this elsewhere like a week or two ago and thought it was a joke. Checked his website and had a good, long laugh. Hilarious to see WN dogwhistles in marketing.

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To all the groypers and natsocs, which politician is talking like this?

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License Plate Surveillance, Courtesy of Your Homeowners Association

Flock Safety works with police to market scanners to hundreds of private community groups — which have no privacy safeguards.

At a city council meeting in June 2021, Mayor Thomas Kilgore, of Lakeway, Texas, made an announcement that confused his community.

“I believe it is my duty to inform you that a surveillance system has been installed in the city of Lakeway,” he told the perplexed crowd.

Kilgore was referring to a system consisting of eight license plate readers, installed by the private company Flock Safety, that was tracking cars on both private and public roads. Despite being in place for six months, no one had told residents that they were being watched. Kilgore himself had just recently learned of the cameras.

“We find ourselves with a surveillance system,” he said, “with no information and no policies, procedures, or protections.”

The deal to install the cameras had not been approved by the city government’s executive branch.

Instead, the Rough Hollow Homeowners Association, a nongovernment entity, and the Lakeway police chief had signed off on the deal in January 2021, giving police access to residents’ footage. By the time of the June city council meeting, the surveillance system had notified the police department over a dozen times.
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What happens if you provide service without a license?
Replies: >>998
>What happens if you provide service without a license?
Men with guns beat you up and kidnap you and lock you in a cage. It's ok though because then the state does it it's called "justice".
Replies: >>1004
"Cops must be unleashed, and allowed to administer instant punishment" - Rothbard >>185
Replies: >>1005
Oh no you completely destroyed my worldview by taking a quote out of context. Thanks for the bump.

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Most 'ex-libertarians' weren't truly libertarian to begin with. The ones that went fascist were impulsive control freaks who want to mold society in their perfect image regardless of what anyone else wants. If you're about that, you're not a Libertarian. You're just a LARPing fagola.
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They try to post here and in other libertarian spaces to try and subvert. Don't let them.
we went fascist because we realized people get complacent and the only solution to that is an entity that is willing to fight for white identity 24/7 365. Until libertarians can answer the JQ they're a bunch of retards.
Replies: >>995 >>997
Who the fuck is 'we'?
I don't understand how you can spend years criticizing state power only to think it's somehow the answer when there's no precedent for that.
Replies: >>997
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>Until libertarians can answer the JQ
Defend your property from all sources of aggression, jews or otherwise.

Fascists are the kind of niggers who will bend over for uncle adolf let him destroy your economy, rape your country, send you to die in a foreign war and then be like
>at least it's not the jews

>I don't understand how you can spend years criticizing state power only to think it's somehow the answer
They think that if "their" guys control the state then they can get what they want.

>when there's no precedent for that
The precedent is that the moment "your guy" gets power he's not your guy anymore and exploits you for his own benefit just like every guy before him. The state will never be on your side.

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How would the NAP be enforced?
Replies: >>980
I can't tell if trolling or retarded
>How would the NAP be enforced?
By you. Only you are responsible for defending yourself and your property. If you can't do it alone then ask friends for help. If friends aren't enough then pay professionals to help.

One way security could work without a state is through insurance companies. A nigger steals your car. The insurance company pays you the money. If they still want to make a profit they now have an incentive to track down the nigger and get either the car or the money back from him.

But the most profitable thing for insurance companies would be if there was no crime at all. So they will do the math and figure out the optimal amount of preventative crimefighting to do to maximize profits. That's an example of how market forces can be used to give everyone the right incentives.
Replies: >>987 >>989
fucking retard
you tracking down a nigger and using violence to get your car back is violating the NAP. The NAP is the most jewish concept I have ever heard in my life. Libertarians are cucks until they abandon this part of their ideology. Also in a truly libertarian society you would be steam rolled by jews so you'd have to be prepared to fight back to remain free, at all times, cause kikes are constantly scheming. So how does the NAP fit into that fucking faggot? 

Not to mention a libertarian society wouldn't work anyway with non whites.

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The yield curve has been inverted for a record long time.
FED is finally inching down interest rates.
P/E ratios are INSANE.
Stock markets and prices are at all time highs.

Replies: >>984
>>824 (OP) 
it's not going to happen, they will just declare war on anyone who threatens to cast the us into recession by dumping the dollar. everyone in BRICS is a target now, just wait
Replies: >>985
>After losing in Afghanistan and Ukraine, giving the latter most of their excess equipment
>After going all in for Yidsrael, earning the ire of the entire muslim world including Iran
>After military recruitment rates have fallen to an all-time low
>Weimarica will still have the means and will to enter wars with all the other economic powerhouses of the world simultaneously.
Anon, I...

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Have any of the cryptoanarchists thought up any solutions to the problem of fedposting?

Specifically the following playbook:
>Forum with actual freeze peach.
>Feds want to shut it down.
>Feds post cp on it.
>Feds claim, "You're hosting cp."
>No way to show that they've been framed.
>"Give us backend access to spam it the fuck with fedposting bots, or get shut down."
>Those that don't have a tor site get shut down.
>Those that do have a tor site, "Fuck off, we're resistant to censorship."
>Feds spam the everloving fuck out of the board--usually with cp anyways
>Have to put up a captcha.
>"Give us backend access or we shut down the captcha provider :)."
>Only freeze peach forums left are those with like 3 users who post every few months.
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There is a point to that.  If you've ever had to deal with plainclothes cops, I've noticed that one way to rat them out is to simply ask whether they're an undercover cop.  A normal ghetto rat will reply, "I haven't seen any cops 'round" and will completely miss or not even hear the accusation.  However, an actual undercover cop (or in this case, fedposter/activist/etc.) will get _pissed_.

It's one of the best ways to rat them out.
Replies: >>947
Do I sound pissed? You're just wrong it's as simple as that. And nobody believes you have been to the "ghetto". If you unironically think I'd a fed because I rekt you with simple logic then that means you are so terminally online it has made your brain schizo.
Replies: >>948
>Do I sound pissed?
Replies: >>952
You are living in a different reality.
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>you're glowing pretty hard
>don't do shit goy only leftists are allowed to use violence

die faggot

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Libertarians blown the fuck out... how can they recover?
Replies: >>596
>>591 (OP) 
I don't have time to read all this so if you want a better response then quote the parts that you find particularly convincing.

>The Libertarian Non-Aggression Principle is typically defined as an ethical rule prohibiting aggression (or actions that violate negative rights). But there are lots of disagreements among Libertarians regarding what the NAP prohibits, allows, and mandates since “aggression” is not clearly defined. 
The literature is very clear that the NAP only applies to property rights. People who try to argue that racism or misgendering is a violation of the NAP are confused leftists or agents trying to fracture the movement.

>Most libertarians are deontologists, so they view morality as a list of rules that shall never be violated. The justification for these rules is that at a macro-level these rules have consequences that cannot be considered at a micro-level. To put this in perspective, let’s take the example of lying. If a drug addict lies to a police officer about the presence of cocaine in his house, he can avoid getting arrested. But if too many people lie, then people won’t trust each other. Here the micro level concern is getting arrested, and the macro level concern is social trust. 
The NAP is only about when is it legitimate to use force against someone (e.g. they are stealing your stuff). That doesn't mean lying is a good thing or should be tolerated. If somebody lied with regards to a business transaction (fraud) then that is a form a theft and falls under the NAP. If somebody just lied and hurt your feelings then you have to find a peaceful way to deal with that. In most human societies once somebody gains a reputation as a liar they generally get shunned by their neighbors, which is perfectly consistent with the NAP. You don't have to associate with somebody you don't want to.

Like most criticism of libertarianism/anarchism this is not a brand new problem that humans have never had to deal with before. It is certainly not something the state can magically fix even if it tried.

>Negative rights require positive rights for their enforcement. The right not to be assaulted implies the right to justice if you do get assaulted. Negative rights requires positive rights to: the labor of the police, detectives, lawyers, and the entire justice system.
This is not true at all. You have the right to defend your property. You can enlist the help of others either voluntarily or through payment. If you're such an asshole that you cannot find any friends or family to help you then that is somewhat your fault. Although as the article says at the top but conveniently forgets to mention here, this is a simple problem to solve with insurance contracts. You don't have to pay the full price of a swat team if you offset the risk with premium payments.

>2.2. Every Existing Organism Can Only Exist At The Cost Of Another
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Replies: >>904 >>905
aggression can be clearly illustrates by the flashlight analogy.

shining a flashlight on my house should not be considered an act of aggression, but shooting it with a laser should be.

the diffetence being that one has a concrete effect on my property, the other doesnt. it is the fact that my property is being physically affected in a tangible manner that makes it an act of aggression.
covenant communities.

libertarianism is (almost) every other political ideology, too.

if you beleive that people should leave each others bodies and belongings alone unless the owner has consented to the other person physically interacting with them, then your ideology is covered.

go form whatever little society you want within libertalia or minarchistan/ancapistan.

if you own land, you get to set the terms for living on that land, and any libertarian government will enforce that by evicting the offender who breaks those rules just as they will enforce the nap by evicting those who break them from the society (such as by placing them in prison).

ancapistan will do things a bit differently since it lacks a cental authority to enforce its laws, but theyve already addressed itt how the goal would be accomplished in their society.

most likely you will have three levels of laws to deal with in any of these three utopias:
- the nap, that applies everywhere within its borders.
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Seemed okay when I first browsed it a few months back but since the elections started gearing up, the culture war BS is seeming to amplify
Replies: >>862
>>785 (OP) 
It has gotten better.
they're based

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