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What do you think of the calls to legally identify and police misinformation?
Replies: >>879
>>861 (OP) 
Walz said something similar.

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What is the right-wing libertarian answer to Transhumanism?
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Replies: >>816 + 2 earlier
>>438 (OP) 
>wadabaut tranzoomanism
>posts posthuman picture
RIP thread, dead on arrival.
Replies: >>830
Why not both?
it's the same thing blud
we need to get rid of intellectual property as fast as possible.

intellectual property necessarily conflicts with the ownership of physical private property.

also, corporations should not be treated as persons under the law.

these kinds of changes can make libertarian transhumanism work w/o creating some sort of cyberpunk dystopia.
Replies: >>878
transhumanism doesn't work because it subverts human nature. fuck it.

Howdy fellow autists (auatrians)! Dont normally post in liberty boards but this one seems nice and has some non-retarded people so ill give it a shot.

Let's stop infighting and making the same theoretical arguments over and over again and discuss something new. There is enough theory already! Let us discuss ancap praxis; how should freedom best be achieved...

The greatest failure of modern lolbertarianism has been its utter lack of any practical means to establiah freedom. Rothbard himself had lots of failed aliances, Hoppe had a few, Rand was Rand. Now everything has stagnated and all iq has been deposited into intellectual boomer circlejerks in Mises Institute and the PFS, who's only purpose is to ejaculate this autismo economics onto young impressionable college students. They have never even heard of Monero! All the cool edgy kids now read Moldbug instead.

What we want is one single free community! Afterwards land can be purchased from neighbouring states, thats not a big concern after sovergnty is established. But how has libertarianism existed for this long without a single successful experiment? 69 years after the communisy manifesto we got the bolshevik revolution. Its been 50 years since For a New Liberty, and what have we got to show for it? Free state project and the crypto grifters and larpers in liberland? When Brazil is driving the movement, you know its bad.

Here is my promt for a productive discussion: what are in your opinion the most feasable strategies for liberty in our lifetime? The aim is for a stable and ultraconservative, homogeneous community, with posibility for future territorial expansion. No retarded larps of liberland or seasteading or mars or muh online communities. I will list some good and bad strategies for you to rank. Motivate your rankings!

National libertarian party politics
Gun proliferation
Ghost guns
Digital freedom/copyleft movement
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Replies: >>865 + 1 earlier
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>I would recommend not to focus too hard on racial autism or neocon values.
Collectivism is brain damage but I'm not opposed to building bridges. If racialists want to live in a one-race community then freedom and property rights is an effective way of achieving that goal. They don't have to be our enemies. Most people are only our enemies because we're being forced to live under the same government.

>How ICE became a $2.8b domestic surveillance agency
That's an argument for why government doesn't work not why borders don't work.

>Ethonocentrism and liberty are not at odds in principle
Racism and the free market can go either way. Unjustified discrimination is going to cost you because competitors who don't give a fuck what color their customers are will rake in more business. On the other hand justified discrimination is rewarded, for example if most people of a certain race really are broke low IQ violent thugs then refusing to let them on your property would make you better off than the refugees welcome guy who gets robbed raped and killed.
If you want to spend your time productively, work out how the globalist letches got there in the first place and then put protections in place to further keep them out henceforth. Nothing has been worse for our society. As far as England and the English-speaking people goes, this payment in suffering that we're having to pay is worse than when we ourselves arrived on the boats to exploit the weak naivety of the Romano-Briton Vortigern. The blood over our hands is worse than our tumultuous founding was pre-Middle Ages.

Liberty will mean the ejection of the globalist class and their enablers. Do it with a vote, do it with a putsch, nobody cares at this point any more.
Replies: >>390
>work out how the globalist letches got there in the first place
They control the money printers. It's as simple as that. But if you try to take your country off their fake paper standard and onto a gold standard you will get democracy'ed a la Iraq and Libya.
Replies: >>394
If the plan is to get the fish in the tank to eat each other, this being somehow more profitable than peacetime is, then it's going to be difficult in countries which still have some holdout whites left in them, since such people are more likely to notice the man with the bucket pouring the vipers into the house and go for that man instead of just the snakes he's been bringing in.

In any case we're due some fighting and some upheaving. If robots aren't available to do the job then the third-worlders aren't going to cut it, since they are disloyal and inefficient.
>>102 (OP) 
National Libertarianism is goofy and Cuckbug is retarded.

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Look at the seethe in the comments.

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Why the fuck aren't we talking about this guy?
Replies: >>307 >>863
>>282 (OP) 
>Why the fuck aren't we talking about this guy?
What's to say? He talks a good talk now lets watch him walk.
>What's to say?
Funny memes, good 'best of' moments, etc..  Just to have two seconds to revel, because I feel like libertarians don't get that a lot.
>>282 (OP) 
Hoppe raped this guy

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I've been reading a lot about the Black Plague recently, and have been chilled by how much better things got after the Plague hit.  Labor saving devices.  Increased productivity.  The beginnings of the industrial revolution  Better working conditions.  Better civil liberties.  It's enough to give me pause for Malthus.

What would happen if millions of people stuck in poverty and debt today all committed mass suicide on the same day?  Would there be any sort of 'shock effect' caused by such a bizarre protest of human condition?

Given the collapse of demographics going on, why isn't that priced into labor markets?  Surely, businesses must see that human population is going to drop off a cliff in the next few decades.  E.g., in places like Japan and South Korea especially it's going to completely and utterly fucking collapse.
Replies: >>681 >>818
>>675 (OP) 
>Given the collapse of demographics going on, why isn't that priced into labor markets?
Labor and manufacturing are completely irrelevant to western economies. We print magic pieces of paper that are backed by nothing and use them to scam brown and yellow people into making everything for us. The problem with printing money is that every time you do it the money becomes worth less and eventually everyone gets crushed by runaway inflation. But we're not there yet.

>in places like Japan and South Korea especially it's going to completely and utterly fucking collapse.
You can only chalk so much up to incompetence. The sooner you realize the government is not on your side the better you will be able to prepare yourself.
Replies: >>818
>>675 (OP) 
The BP didn't spread naturally.
Destroying some magic paper solves the issue.

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How is this as an intro?

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What is /liberty/'s ideal currency? Is it gold, silver, or perhaps something else all together? What does /liberty/ think of 1930's germany tying their money to labor? Is barter superior to currency?
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Silver isn't really that high. It was a bit higher when I first started buying in summer 2022. But I'm still waiting for a dip, of course.
Gold is all-time high now, but I doubt it'll go down much at this point. It's buying season in asia, and in a few months banks are going to start failing again. It's been almost a year since SVB, and the mechanisms they put in place are going to expire soon.
Replies: >>692
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It's pretty high right now. It's a little less than $30 bucks an ounce. I want to buy gold once it drops to less than 2k an ounce but I don't know how realistic that is. Do you think we'll ever seen gold drop below $2000? One day, I'd like to own at least 5 ounces of gold.
Replies: >>693
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>Do you think we'll ever seen gold drop below $2000? 
There will never be negative inflation. Fiat is only going in one direction and that's down.
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Gold hit $2,500 an ounce. Is this a sign of even more incoming economic troubles?
Why Did the World Choose a Gold Standard Instead of a Silver Standard?

Among those who support the end of government fiat money, it’s not uncommon to hear and see claims that gold is “the best money” or “natural money” or the only substance that’s really suited to be commodity money. In many of these cases, when they say “gold” they mean gold, and not silver, platinum, or any other precious metal.

Naturally, one can expect to encounter these claims among those who have made a living out of promoting gold and gold-related investments for commercial purposes.

For example, consider Nathan Lewis’s 2020 article at Forbes titled “Gold Has Always Been the Best Money.” Lewis contends that gold and not silver is obviously the best money and that its adoption as the metal behind the nineteenth-century gold standard was more or less inevitable and based on the alleged intrinsic superiority of gold as money. He writes:

< In the late 19th century, a final decision had to be made between gold and silver. People chose gold; and silver, which had for thousands of years traded in a stable ratio with gold, lost its monetary quality and became volatile.

Lewis presents this as an event that was as natural as people choosing to ride in automobiles rather than on the backs of donkeys. Choosing gold over silver is progress, just like getting rid of the horse and buggy!

Lewis insists that “a final decision had to be made” between gold and silver and that “people” chose gold.

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> We should just remove the cancer and replace it with nothing.
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>Instead, the Heritage Foundation is made up of so many completely mentally incompetent, Don Knotts throwback, idiotic, blind flag-waving, Polyanna Boomers that they literally don't understand that their own government is cucking them.
They are the intellectual class. Their job is to mold opinion for the ruling class. Their skills (lying and manipulating people) have no relevance in the free market, without their cushy thinktank jobs they would be flipping burgers at mcdonalds. They're actually more cucked than you think they are.
Replies: >>762
>say NOTHING about Big Tech censorship
As soon as mature members of society habitually express acceptance or even advocate egalitarian sentiments, whether in the form of democracy (majority rule) or of communism, it becomes essential that other members, and in particular the natural social elites, be prepared to act decisively and, in the case of continued nonconformity, exclude and ultimately expel these members from society. In a covenant concluded among proprietor and community tenants for the purpose of protecting their private property, no such thing as a right to free (unlimited) speech exists, not even to unlimited speech on one's own tenant-property. One may say innumerable things and promote almost any idea under the sun, but naturally no one is permitted to advocate ideas contrary to the very purpose of the covenant of preserving and protecting private property, such as democracy and communism. There can be no tolerance toward democrats and communists in a libertarian social order. They will have to be physically separated and expelled from society. Likewise, in a covenant founded for the purpose of protecting family and kin, there can be no tolerance toward those habitually promoting lifestyles incompatible with this goal. They—the advocates of alternative, non-family and kin-centered lifestyles such 
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Replies: >>757
Interesting findings: 

Seeing Ron Paul/Mises/libertarian forums begin to criticize the GOP a lot more and now Vance is seen as a Thiel pick. I think we're coming back, bros.
Fuck off with your whataboutism tuquoque fallacy bullshit.
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>Their skills (lying and manipulating people) have no relevance in the free market
It's called "marketing."  It must be good because it has "market" right there in the name.

Why did libertarianism die so fucking hard since '08?
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I never wrote that I supported "fascism". I wrote that I'd support anything which would favor me. That being said, a system which puts inherent value on the lives of a certain group of people (the kin, tribe, or race) would put me in a privileged position (provided I was of that clan, of course). I'm not exactly sure what you think fascism is, but some people link ethno-nationalism and fascism so in that case it would be preferable to a market free-for-all. I think monarchy is the superior system, what with the King being first among kin and therefore accountable to his people. I reckon things might have gone better if the nation began with the maligned "King George the First".
Replies: >>711 >>751
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>If "nature" selects against me, then I would happily support anything "unnatural" which would select in my favor instead. 
Natural selection is more about the environment. Individuals and groups who thrive best in a given environment will have more offspring and those who don't thrive will slip out of the genepool.

As human civilization gets more sophisticated the natural environment isn't as important as the environment we create for ourselves. Air conditioning means that having dark skin in hot climates is not much of an impact on natural selection anymore.

>some people link ethno-nationalism and fascism so in that case it would be preferable to a market free-for-all
That's a false dichotomy, you don't have to choose between socialism or open boarders you can reject both.

>I think monarchy is the superior system, what with the King being first among kin and therefore accountable to his people.
You already have a king how is that working out for you.

>Fascism is not going to put you into a position of power, lmao.
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Replies: >>713
Considering that the Romans were infested with Jews you have to go back to pre-Roman era to argue about such a thing. Did the Greeks attack Greeks? They had  slaves, yes, but that's called being a minimum wage worker today. You were free to save up and buy a slave of your own. That's capitalism. Then shit like ((( Abraham ))) lincoln happen and Queen Victoria banning brothels and such and society ends up mega gay. My point being that the Greeks didn't try to take over the world. The Persian Empire tried it before the Romans did also so you cant call whites inherently tyrannical. You can always blame the Jews for senseless war (for profit). Simple as a bank forcing a country into being bankrupt, they do what? Give a loan to make war machines to go get spoils of war. You do know about the banks and the jews and war, right?
With two currencies it'd not have been their paradise.
>I never wrote that I supported "fascism".
You are arguing with lolberts.  They have been taught to call anything they dislike "fascism."  They use the word almost as freely as Antifa does.  You're not allowed to notice how many names ending with -berg, -stein, -baum, and -blatt you find in lists of lolbertarian and Marxist "thinkers."

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