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Cuckservatives and fascists have /pol/
Leftist fags have /leftypol/

Do you not organize anywhere? Is this and all you have?
Replies: >>654 >>655 >>954
All libertarians with a triple digit IQ realized that the current jewish world order cannot be defeated by libertarianism, that's what fascism is for. After the world is no longer dominated by zionists then maybe a piece of land can be carved out for Ancapistan because fascist white people are actually capable of empathy unlike jews so they probably won't bomb us just for existing if we leave them alone.
Replies: >>645 >>991
Replies: >>646
not an argument
Replies: >>647
if you think statism is the answer, you never understood libertarian thought
Replies: >>649
Let's hear your plan to create a libertarian village/city/small nation without getting waco'd.
Replies: >>650
read What Must Be Done
Replies: >>652
It's not possible for most people to read a book because an unlimited supply of far more entertaining things like videos and video games are readily available. Your enemies spend trillions of dollars making sure most media has their propaganda injected into it. You can insult people for choosing entertainment over reading a book all day but it's never going to convince them to read the book.
Replies: >>653 >>654 >>655
that's not a good argument for converting to fascism though
Replies: >>654 >>655
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>>643 (OP) 
>Leftist fags have /leftypol/
Leftists don't have jobs or companies to run. Being an unemployed loser living from the labor of others is practically a requirement for being a leftist.

>Do you not organize anywhere?
Organize what? There are groups like nomad network and tom woods elite but people are doing actual business there. They're not a place for losers to post dumb memes and cry about how jews are oppressing you. If all you do want is to post dumb memes and get into policy slapfights with socialists and boomercons and people who actually vote then that's what twitter is for.

>It's not possible for most people to read a book
Bitch you asked and you got an answer. Don't pivot to "but muh normies are too dumb to read a book". Those are the people we leave behind. Libertarianism is not about saving the normies it's about saving yourself and anybody who wants to come with you. Fuck the normies.

>that's not a good argument for converting to fascism though
Fascism is just racist socialism and socialism is a scam. You give up all your freedom and power and money to a centralized bureaucracy and then you're shocked pikachu face when the bureaucrats use all that money and power to pursue their own interests instead of giving you universal healthcare.

Leftists don't understand once you have given up all your political power to the state they have zero incentive to help you. Under socialism you are either an inside slave working in the factories or an outside slave dying on the battlefield.

It's just utterly delusional to think that the authoritarian dictator is going to do exactly what you want. Hitler is not going to kill the jews and give you all their money. He is going to give you a t-shirt and flip flops and send you to get your balls blown off by russian peasants. I have family who were in the wehrmacht I know what I'm talking about. Hitler wasn't the biggest cunt of the 20th century but he was a cunt. You're an ignorant burger eating larper if you unironically worship him.
Replies: >>950 >>954
>>643 (OP)  (OP) 
>Leftist fags have /leftypol/
Leftists don't have jobs or companies to run. Being an unemployed loser living from the labor of others is practically a requirement for being a leftist.

>Do you not organize anywhere?
Organize what? There are groups like nomad network and tom woods elite but people are doing actual business there. They're not a place for losers to post dumb memes and cry about how jews are oppressing you. If all you do want is to post dumb memes and get into policy slapfights with socialists and boomercons and people who actually vote then that's what twitter is for.

>It's not possible for most people to read a book
Bitch you asked and you got an answer. Don't pivot to "but muh normies are too dumb to read a book". Those are the people we leave behind. Libertarianism is not about saving the normies it's about saving yourself and anybody who wants to come with you. Fuck the normies.

>that's not a good argument for converting to fascism though
Fascism is just racist socialism and socialism is a scam. You give up all your freedom and power and money to a centralized bureaucracy and then you're shocked pikachu face when the bureaucrats use all that money and power to pursue their own interests instead of giving you universal healthcare.

Leftists don't understand once you have given up all your political power to the state they have zero incentive to help you. Under socialism you are either an inside slave working in the factories or an outside slave dying on the battlefield.

It's just utterly delusional to think that the authoritarian dictator is going to do exactly what you want. Hitler is not going to kill the jews and give you all their money. He is going to give you a t-shirt and flip flops and send you to get your balls blown off by russian peasants. I have family who were in the wehrmacht I know what I'm talking about. Hitler wasn't the biggest cunt of the 20th century but he was a cunt. You're an ignorant burger eating larper if you unironically worship him.

Reposting without the soyjak. I forgot what chan I was on.
Is everyone on /liberty/ such...assholes?
Replies: >>953
>omg why r u so mean
If you value feelings over facts then this isn't the place for you.
Replies: >>955
>>643 (OP) 
Libertarians were all pedos so they have their sex rings in India mostly I'd imagine. Somalia. Etc. Leftypol is reddit I guess, but why post if censored by leftists in censor mode? Right wingers are every single imageboard due to Trump funded psyops. 
>not covering the QR code nor URL
How mature and sane of the soyjack memer. Surely ad hominems work. Look at how my very comment saying liberty = pedo won't do jack shit. The secret reason why I did it? Because thereis no leftypol. Why the kid did it? A nigger stole his gf. It's why only white guys are on the maps. They've been told their dicks are little so all that small dick energy pours out onto the Internet so hard now we gotta see that level of assharmed memery IRL it seems. Hitler's mouth was wide open too and yet no child wishing for a lack of equality, of which in reality means a lack of nigger dick pounding his potential gfs, and he doesn't even hate equality just niggers. It's ironic to make the thing so pale until you realize it's racially motivated every single time. Liberty means no rules. That's nigger far more than communism. "fuck deez rules day why people rulez"
Charisma doesn't have to be the dump stat.
Replies: >>960
That is precisely your problem you think lies presented in an appealing way have more value than plain facts. And then you're shocked pikachu face when Trump is elected president.
nap libertarians are cuckold retards that think they live in a free society full of niggers and beaners. Liberalism is the ultimate form of white excelenece, however libertarianism itself is flawed in thinking niggers, jews, women etc. should have equal rights.
Replies: >>994 >>999
If they violate the NAP they'd be removed from that society. Not sure why you think it's passive or why you think fascism will bring in libertarianism when historical precedent has shown that not to be the case in the slightest.
>a free society full of niggers and beaners
I'd rather live with a peaceful black man who pulls his own weight than a white NEET who literally can't survive without government handouts.
Replies: >>1000 >>1089
If you allow even a single non-white in, then everything just ends up where we are now.
All those White people that have been murdered by non-whites is a result of allowing them in, and even allowing them to live.
I hope you stop being a supporter of evil. And if you can't, then it'd just be best for you to rope.
Replies: >>1001
Found the NEET. If you want to help the white race then kill yourself so they don't have to keep wasting resources you.
Replies: >>1002 >>1089
>being a NEET is....BAD!
>Being a miserable prick in an office is GOOD!
>being one bad day away from murdering everyone is GOOD and BENEFICIAL TO SOCIETY
Replies: >>1003
>being a NEET is....BAD!
Yes because you are a burden to the white men who are forced to pay for you. If you what to help the white race then step one is to become self sufficient. You're deluding yourself if you think you're going to have white children with a fertile white wife when you can't even support yourself.
Replies: >>1089
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>Implying white neets get welfare
Welfare exists to buy votes from brown people and prop up the false illusion of equality so they can import more of them to do the same. Most unemployed white people don't get social security easily or at all, and if they do not nearly to the same degree. Seperate from such, if one lives amongst their parents, the only relevant bill they impact is utilities, which is a drop in the bucket compared to: municipal taxes, property taxes, obligatory insurance, liscense renewal fees, mortgage rates/property tax, income tax etc etc. You're deluding yourself if you think this has any societal impact relatively. On the contrary, those same fees you pay on a daily basis, the funds of which are invariably used by the government, whether it be regional or federal, to enact things which relate to your peoples decay does have a substantial societal impact. It's true that the inaction of NEETs solves nothing, but they have the possibility to go other directions, whereas wageslaves, taking the path of least resistance and submitting all their time for some career in order to become a "productive" member of society have bound themselves to whatever that entails. The consequent dependencies render them ideologically manipulable or nullifiable; they wont do anything that would risk losing their career, and that career has bound them only to be capable of living in areas where it may be enacted. And more practically most have rendered themselves useless, spending the majority of their time in/to work they now don't have any to develop themselves. But why bother? After all, if you have money to pay someone to do something why would you do it yourself? Except that, now you can't do anything at all by yourself, and are only allowed technological solutions someone else can maintain for you. And then you preach of sufficiency to the NEET, while 80% of you can't even afford to reproduce without dipping into the lower class while turning over 40% of your income so brown immigrants can, all while the Amish keep laughing with their 5 children at age 30.

There is nothing praiseworthy of working in modern society unless you use those funds to achieve a superior state of affairs that removes your future generations from needing to do the same, or to support some creative effort. Nor is there anything impressive about the high majority of positions.

As an alluded aside; the fact that libertarianism is entirely focused on economics rather than technology is especially dissapointing in light of the aforementioned, and itself is why you people will never get anywhere. And no, I'm not the fasci above. Are the ideals correct? Yes. But good luck fighting the entire elites economic interests, in a stage where they can manipulate every person/organization of, even you, as opposed to, attaining your own food and building an efficient building that doesn't cost 12000 zogbucks a month. Rather then preaching about the next crypto that will topple fiat currency or the reintroduction of the gold standard, you should be relaxing building codes and advocating for the usage of renewabless, because their ability to scale down efficiently and remain independent of city infastructure (and as such allow you to build a better building than what the city contracts) is their true benefit and the environmental aspects, which are a bonus, afford you a substantial audience to preach to.
Replies: >>1091 >>1096
>being a wageslave
>the fact that libertarianism is entirely focused on economics rather than technology 
Have you been introduced to the cypherpunks and cryptoanarchism?
Replies: >>1096
>I'm not a parasitic burden on my country and my people because I have white skin and I don't eat much and the browns are the real enemy
Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>the fact that libertarianism is entirely focused on economics rather than technology is especially dissapointing
What do you think bitcoin is? Monero, odysee, nostr, silk road they are all libertarian projects. There's a whole branch of libertarianism called agorism which is basically fuck politics, stop waiting for permission and use technology to implement free markets now. The founder of silk road was an agorist.

>you should be...
As a worthless parasite sucking on the government tit you are not on our side so your advice is worthless. Try getting your own life together before telling us what to do.

Good point, Julian Assange and Satoshi both got their start on the cypherpunks mailing list.
There's a whole load of stuff to read once you start down that path
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