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Cuckservatives and fascists have /pol/
Leftist fags have /leftypol/

Do you not organize anywhere? Is this and all you have?
Replies: >>654 >>655
All libertarians with a triple digit IQ realized that the current jewish world order cannot be defeated by libertarianism, that's what fascism is for. After the world is no longer dominated by zionists then maybe a piece of land can be carved out for Ancapistan because fascist white people are actually capable of empathy unlike jews so they probably won't bomb us just for existing if we leave them alone.
Replies: >>645
Replies: >>646
not an argument
Replies: >>647
if you think statism is the answer, you never understood libertarian thought
Replies: >>649
Let's hear your plan to create a libertarian village/city/small nation without getting waco'd.
Replies: >>650
read What Must Be Done
Replies: >>652
It's not possible for most people to read a book because an unlimited supply of far more entertaining things like videos and video games are readily available. Your enemies spend trillions of dollars making sure most media has their propaganda injected into it. You can insult people for choosing entertainment over reading a book all day but it's never going to convince them to read the book.
Replies: >>653 >>654 >>655
that's not a good argument for converting to fascism though
Replies: >>654 >>655
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>>643 (OP) 
>Leftist fags have /leftypol/
Leftists don't have jobs or companies to run. Being an unemployed loser living from the labor of others is practically a requirement for being a leftist.

>Do you not organize anywhere?
Organize what? There are groups like nomad network and tom woods elite but people are doing actual business there. They're not a place for losers to post dumb memes and cry about how jews are oppressing you. If all you do want is to post dumb memes and get into policy slapfights with socialists and boomercons and people who actually vote then that's what twitter is for.

>It's not possible for most people to read a book
Bitch you asked and you got an answer. Don't pivot to "but muh normies are too dumb to read a book". Those are the people we leave behind. Libertarianism is not about saving the normies it's about saving yourself and anybody who wants to come with you. Fuck the normies.

>that's not a good argument for converting to fascism though
Fascism is just racist socialism and socialism is a scam. You give up all your freedom and power and money to a centralized bureaucracy and then you're shocked pikachu face when the bureaucrats use all that money and power to pursue their own interests instead of giving you universal healthcare.

Leftists don't understand once you have given up all your political power to the state they have zero incentive to help you. Under socialism you are either an inside slave working in the factories or an outside slave dying on the battlefield.

It's just utterly delusional to think that the authoritarian dictator is going to do exactly what you want. Hitler is not going to kill the jews and give you all their money. He is going to give you a t-shirt and flip flops and send you to get your balls blown off by russian peasants. I have family who were in the wehrmacht I know what I'm talking about. Hitler wasn't the biggest cunt of the 20th century but he was a cunt. You're an ignorant burger eating larper if you unironically worship him.
>>643 (OP)  (OP) 
>Leftist fags have /leftypol/
Leftists don't have jobs or companies to run. Being an unemployed loser living from the labor of others is practically a requirement for being a leftist.

>Do you not organize anywhere?
Organize what? There are groups like nomad network and tom woods elite but people are doing actual business there. They're not a place for losers to post dumb memes and cry about how jews are oppressing you. If all you do want is to post dumb memes and get into policy slapfights with socialists and boomercons and people who actually vote then that's what twitter is for.

>It's not possible for most people to read a book
Bitch you asked and you got an answer. Don't pivot to "but muh normies are too dumb to read a book". Those are the people we leave behind. Libertarianism is not about saving the normies it's about saving yourself and anybody who wants to come with you. Fuck the normies.

>that's not a good argument for converting to fascism though
Fascism is just racist socialism and socialism is a scam. You give up all your freedom and power and money to a centralized bureaucracy and then you're shocked pikachu face when the bureaucrats use all that money and power to pursue their own interests instead of giving you universal healthcare.

Leftists don't understand once you have given up all your political power to the state they have zero incentive to help you. Under socialism you are either an inside slave working in the factories or an outside slave dying on the battlefield.

It's just utterly delusional to think that the authoritarian dictator is going to do exactly what you want. Hitler is not going to kill the jews and give you all their money. He is going to give you a t-shirt and flip flops and send you to get your balls blown off by russian peasants. I have family who were in the wehrmacht I know what I'm talking about. Hitler wasn't the biggest cunt of the 20th century but he was a cunt. You're an ignorant burger eating larper if you unironically worship him.

Reposting without the soyjak. I forgot what chan I was on.
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