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 Who do you want to win? Are you neutral? I'm sure no one here backs Harris, but the Project 2025/Vance thing has hurt Trump's momentum a lot.
Neutrality is death
>>728 (OP) 
All (s)elections are fake.
Policy positions aside, she's scary like Obama in that it's obvious she doesn't have enough gravitas to do much of anything aside from serving as a mouthpiece for the interests of others.

>Project 2025/Vance
Haven't looked into the 2025 initiative in depth, but the relationship between JD Vance, Vivek Ramaswamy, Peter Thiel, Elon Musk and other silicon valley types is a curious one. An interesting clique there that seems to be backing Trump, in terms of Libertarian ideals, being that all of them have done very well for themselves at the taxpayers expense via government contracts.
How does one look upon that? Hand wave it away as a matter of practical necessity in current year? But are their various business interests and the institutions that they are building insuring liberty or endangering it?

I won't be voting for either of them, but hope Trump wins because he can be a clever shitposter.
Replies: >>740 >>750
>An interesting clique there that seems to be backing Trump, in terms of Libertarian ideals, 
<JD Vance
Not a libertarian.
<Vivek Ramaswamy
Not a libertarian.
<Peter Thiel
Not a libertarian.
<Elon Musk
Not a libertarian.
>>728 (OP) 
>but the Project 2025/Vance thing has hurt Trump's momentum a lot
Amongst whom?
Replies: >>742 >>778
people who aren't retarded
Replies: >>743 >>778
Please list them
>the Democrats are scary!
>not gonna vote for Trump, tho
>even though he'd be much better for the country
Enjoy your Kammunism and gun bans, then.
>>728 (OP) 
I want a candidate who was against the masks and lockdowns to win.  That means I can't support either major party.  Sad state of affairs.
Replies: >>760
it do be like that.
Replies: >>761
Is the perfect the enemy of the good, then?  Refusing to participate in the process because nobody checks all the boxes on your checklist means you get to be ruled by people who aren't so picky.
Replies: >>763 >>766
They don't check any of my boxes Trumpfag
Replies: >>764
Trump or Kackling Kommie Kamala.  One of these two will win in November.  Choose one, otherwise you don't get to complain when Kamala sends a death-squad of Antifa goons to kick in your door at 2am for making a joke about her on an imageboard.  The first item on my checklist is "not a commie."  Maybe you want a President who'll give you a pony.  Maybe you want a President who'll make you taller and cure your male pattern baldness.  It's understandable.  It's very human to want more.  But grown-ups know how to cooperate and compromise.
Replies: >>773
Dude, what perfection chasing?  BOTH CANDIDATES ARE O.K. WITH FUCKING CLOTSHOTS.  I can't even do a "Well, a 31% tax rate is better than a 31.5% rate" comparison here!
Replies: >>767 >>778
Bro, bro, fam, pepe, bro... Trump is the lesser of two evils ('member always voting for that? Your parents do if you don't, so trust me). BRO KAMALA WILL JEW THE COUNTRY OMG MY JEW PUPPET TRUMP WITH JEWISH INLAWS AND GRANDKIDS WHO SAID HE LOVES ISRAEL WONT DO THAT ACTUALLY HE WILL DO A HITLER PLEASE BRO BELIEVE ME
Replies: >>769 >>774
Are you ready to radicalize yet, berty?
Replies: >>770
>socialist trump or socialist kamala
i'm good
You had my attention. Now you have my interest.
That's like saying both candidates supported the Iraq war. If they diverge on future policies then that is what you should be focusing on.

Immigration for example. The Democrats want to give non-working migrants free housing, food and healthcare. Trump supposedly wants to build a wall. Even if Trump is lying or too incompetent to deliver on his promise the rational thing to do is to vote for the guy who might improve things rather than the side that will definitely make things worse.

>murdering babies should be illegal
Your friend >>741 is correct, anybody who was scared by Project 2025 is already downloading all their opinions and talking points from the corporate media and was never going to vote for Trump anyway.
Replies: >>781 >>806 >>812
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The clotshot is just the tip of the iceberg. When you see the big picture, you realize there truly are no differences between the two controlled parties. While Trump might be marginally better, I feel like our only hope, short of a revolution, is a mass nullification movement in the states and local governments.
Replies: >>782 >>783
>Trump's gonna give me an eightball of coke and a date with a goth chick with C cup tits!
>but no, I insist on D cup tits!
>Kamala wants me and my family to be gang-raped and murdered by IQ-55 wetbacks.
>Hmm, no difference at all here.
>Guess I shouldn't vote at all!
>Trump's gonna give me an eightball of coke and a date with a goth chick with C cup tits!
Wait, Trump's gonna do that? Is that a voters only thing or can I just move to the US and get it?
>delivering on promises he made during the election cycle is too much for Trump
>the implication he did anything of value during his presidency
absolute state of MIGApedes
Replies: >>786
>delivering on promises he made during the election cycle is too much for Trump
It's not his fault that the permanent bureaucracy blocked him at every step. The fact that he is not a career politician is both his biggest strength and weakness.
Replies: >>787
Saying that he can't follow up and that he won't follow up is effectively the same thing.
Replies: >>788
>Saying that he can't follow up and that he won't follow up is effectively the same thing.
He has more experience with how the inside of the bureaucracy works now so what he tried and failed to do last time he might try and succeed this time. Like >>782 is saying, this vote is like the difference between using your last dollar to buy a lotto ticket and using your last dollar to wipe your ass.
Replies: >>789
In exchange for the assurance that things will change, the government took its hand and wrung the internet dry.
Innumerable disaffected gun owning men - many of whom were fighting age - were taught by your peers to stay in their seats and believe in the system.
And now you're saying that things might change if you give him a second chance? Give me a fucking break.
Replies: >>790 >>799
>Innumerable disaffected gun owning men - many of whom were fighting age - were taught by your peers to stay in their seats and believe in the system.
Stop typing and use your guns then you fucking larp.
Replies: >>792
Looks like more typing to me. Lets see a photo of your gun.
Replies: >>806
The pseudomasculine mask peels away and the gynic-judaic shame tactics reveal themselves.
You don't need groups goyim, just preform suicide by cop and die for people who won't stand up for themselves. Or just vote for "our" president and hopefully, maybe, do something of value!
Replies: >>794 >>801 >>805
My mistake. Of course you're not going to do shit you're just going to join a group and conform to their opinions and traditions. That's not feminine at all.
Is it any wonder why Trump is losing? Boasting of broad, sweeping changes. Then when put under scrutiny they become less broad, but still significant changes. Then maybe the chance of changes, and finally his supporters retreat into petty insults and denial of the simple reality of group survival.
Hey, maybe that should be Trump's slogan for the elections. "My Voters are Pussies". That'll be 2025's red hat.
Replies: >>797
Based Trump is going to make it legal for White people to be replaced. That's functionally different than illegal invasion and based. OK, back to watching based GMO niggers get paid millions of dollars for giving each other concussions and playing a kids ballgame. Based.
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>Boasting of broad, sweeping changes.
Post number? If you can't quote it it didn't happen.

>Then when put under scrutiny they become less broad, but still significant changes. Then maybe the chance of changes
If you have a problem with the actual argument then why don't you attack the actual argument.
<The Democrats want to give non-working migrants free housing, food and healthcare. Trump supposedly wants to build a wall. Even if Trump is lying or too incompetent to deliver on his promise the rational thing to do is to vote for the guy who might improve things rather than the side that will definitely make things worse.

>and finally his supporters retreat into petty insults
You are the one who got mad and started the petty insults
<The pseudomasculine mask peels away and the gynic-judaic shame tactics reveal themselves.
Is refusing to take responsibility for your own shitty behavior also part of your alpha (group) masculinity?

>denial of the simple reality of group survival.
You can't survive without a group because you are weak and incompetent. Don't project that shit onto everyone else. You can't even control your own emotions. You talk about "gynic" shame without realizing only women and low-T males hide behind group consensus for protection.
Replies: >>798 >>806 >>840
>Post number
Right here. >>782
>If you have a problem with the actual argument
I have a problem with being told that I'm wrong for not supporting somebody. You're asking me to waste my time and attention on this two-party circus and you're giving me hypotheticals and word games instead of promises.
>You are the one who got mad and started the petty insults
I was called a larp for not wanting to preform suicide by cop.
>You can't survive without a group because you are weak and incompetent
You don't agree with your own statement because you're rallying for support of Trump who, no matter how you slice it, is the leader of a group. If you believed that groups weren't important then you wouldn't need him or anybody else to represent your own beliefs.
Replies: >>799
>Boasting of broad, sweeping changes.
<Trump's gonna give me an eightball of coke and a date with a goth chick with C cup tits!
How desperate do you have to be to pretend that's a real Trump supporter making a real point.

>I have a problem with being to ld that I'm wrong for not supporting somebody.
Nobody told you to support Trump. You were told that voting for Trump in the next election instead of voting for Kamala is most rational thing to do. And then you threw a soyfit for some reason. And now you're doing your "individualism bad collectivism good" autism you do everytime you post on /liberty/.

>I was called a larp for not wanting to preform suicide by cop.
In >>789 you strongly implied that you're a fighting age male with a gun who has a better solution than voting and talking on the internet. But talking on the internet in the only thing you're doing. So you're a fucking larp.

>you're rallying for support of Trump 
You know the drill. If you can't quote it it didn't happen.

>You don't agree with your own statement
Only in your schizo brain.

>If you believed that groups weren't important
Any group you are part of is certainly not important. The reason you're obsessed with groups is because you want to get free protection and resources from capable men, not because you have anything to contribute.
Replies: >>800 >>806
>How desperate do you have to be to pretend that's a real Trump supporter making a real point
<d-didn't happen
>Nobody told you to support Trump
>(the other bits denying that's what you're here for)
Well, I'm glad, because I won't.
>a better solution than voting and talking on the internet
IRL meetups, forming small communities, holding protests, that sort of thing. If you see the word "gun" and you think "shooting up a mosque", that's your problem.
>more shaming
Still not getting in the booth.
Replies: >>801
<d-didn't happen
You said
>Boasting of broad, sweeping changes.
I said post number? And this is the best you can come up with
>Right here. >>782
<Trump's gonna give me an eightball of coke and a date with a goth chick with C cup tits!
That's not a Trump supporter "boasting of broad, sweeping changes". You were wrong. Take responsibility.

>Nobody told you to support Trump
If you can't quote it then it didn't happen.

>If you see the word "gun" and you think "shooting up a mosque", that's your problem.
If you can't quote it then it didn't happen. It was your schizo brain that saw the word "larp" and jumped to "suicide by cop" >>793

>more shaming
If you can't quote it then it didn't happen.
Replies: >>805
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"If you can't quote it then it didn't happen."
-  Vote for Donald Trump 2024
Replies: >>803
Keep posting. All you're doing is keeping my board alive and proving how retarded collectivists are.
Replies: >>804
I know you don't want to engage anymore, but I just want to say I had fun. It was a nice way to spend a morning. Thank you.
Replies: >>805
>I know you don't want to engage anymore
It's your move. You never answered >>801

You said
>Boasting of broad, sweeping changes.
I said post number? And this is the best you can come up with
>Right here. >>782
<Trump's gonna give me an eightball of coke and a date with a goth chick with C cup tits!
That's not a Trump supporter "boasting of broad, sweeping changes". You were wrong. Take responsibility.

>Nobody told you to support Trump
If you can't quote it then it didn't happen.

>If you see the word "gun" and you think "shooting up a mosque", that's your problem.
If you can't quote it then it didn't happen. It was your schizo brain that saw the word "larp" and jumped to "suicide by cop" >>793

>more shaming
If you can't quote it then it didn't happen.
Replies: >>806
Sure. I had a good sleep.
So it seems like you're having a lot of trouble with my post.
I don't know if this is one of those bellcurver things where you think asking for a source on every statement (metaphorically speaking) gives you intelligence experience points for your intelligence skill, or if you're having genuine trouble connecting your statements and the conclusions I've gotten from them. But either way, I can oblige.
>Trump's gonna give me an eightball of coke and a date with a goth chick with C cup tits!
He's using what we refer to as "hyperbolic symbolism". It's a way to explain subtle ideas in a way that can more easily digested. In his post, the drugs and women are a metaphor for more general positive effects Trump will allegedly bring for the person who is reading the post. By the poster sarcastically complaining about something very minor within that metaphor, it implies that the criticisms presented at Trump are accordingly minor.
Thus we can conclude that the poster is most likely presenting his real opinion in a humorous way.
>Nobody told you to support Trump
From posts >>778 >>797
<Even if Trump is lying or too incompetent to deliver on his promise the rational thing to do is to vote for the guy who might improve things rather than the side that will definitely make things worse
You're trying to convince others to vote for Trump. Which - whether you like the tone of it or not - is providing support for him.
>If you see the word "gun" and you think "shooting up a mosque", that's your problem.
From posts >>790 >>792
<Stop typing and use your guns then
<Lets see a photo of your gun.
If that wasn't the conclusion I was supposed to get from those posts, then go ahead and clarify. What did they mean by this?
By the way, the second one is you (or somebody in your community) trying to coerce me into forfeiting my anonymity. Very manly.
>It was your schizo brain
Note how you're insulting and not clarifying. I think I'm doing a lot for the scope of my power over things. If you have suggestions then the stage is yours.
>more shaming
From post >>799
<And then you threw a soyfit for some reason
<Only in your schizo brain.
<you want to get free protection and resources from capable men, not because you have anything to contribute
Ironic that you think I'm some "collectivist" boogeyman (whatever that means) >>799
>And now you're doing your "individualism bad collectivism good" autism you do everytime you post on /liberty/.
when your "rational" decision (see above) is to throw yourself into the jaws of the electoral machine.
I don't think that Trump deserves my vote. He hasn't done anything to deserve my vote, whether he was intending to or not. And if he gets in, it'll be his second term. He won't have another term to worry about keeping up appearances for.
I mean, maybe he'll be alright. Maybe it'll be four more years of Skibidi Biden style economic downward spiral. Maybe he'll send policemen to take away white babbies. Who knows? I don't.
I also don't live in a swing state, so my vote is even that more useless.
So I have to ask, why is this more "rational" than forgoing voting entirely and focusing on myself?
Replies: >>807
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>I don't know if this is one of those bellcurver things where you think asking for a source on every statement (metaphorically speaking) gives you intelligence experience points
There is a very big gap between what's happening in the thread and what's happening in your head. Instead of just calling you a schizo I asked you to quote the things you think were said because then when you can't find them you'll have to admit that it didn't happen.

>In his post, the drugs and women are a metaphor for more general positive effects Trump will allegedly bring for the person who is reading the post
What you said was >Boasting of broad, sweeping changes.
This is not broad, sweeping changes.

>You're trying to convince others to vote for Trump. Which - whether you like the tone of it or not - is providing support for him.
<Nobody told you to support Trump. You were told that voting for Trump in the next election instead of voting for Kamala is most rational thing to do

>If that wasn't the conclusion I was supposed to get from those posts, then go ahead and clarify. What did they mean by this?
You're the one bragging about being a fighting aged male with a gun why don't you clarify what you meant.

>coerce me into forfeiting my anonymity
What do you think coerce means. You made a claim and somebody asked for proof. Can you not figure out how to take a picture of an object without doxing yourself.

>Note how you're insulting and not clarifying.
It's not an insult you are responding to things that didn't happen. That's schizophrenia.

<And then you threw a soyfit for some reason
You did lose your temper earlier in this thread.

<Only in your schizo brain.
You are demonstrating signs of schizophrenia by replacing reality with your imagination.
>It was your schizo brain that saw the word "larp" and jumped to "suicide by cop" 

<you want to get free protection and resources from capable men, not because you have anything to contribute
Also not an insult if it's true. Tell me I'm wrong.

>when your "rational" decision (see above) is to throw yourself into the jaws of the electoral machine.
The "electoral machine" exists whether you use it or not. The only cost of voting for trump is that you can't vote for someone else and you lose 20 minutes of your day. 

>Maybe it'll be four more years of Skibidi Biden
My mistake you're not schizo your brain has been fried by tiktok.

>why is this more "rational" than forgoing voting entirely and focusing on myself?
What do you think voting is? It takes 20 minutes and then you forget about it. Nobody told you to stop improving yourself as an individual. That is more important that voting but it doesn't mean voting doesn't matter.
Replies: >>808
What was the post >>790
>Stop typing and use your guns then you fucking larp
suggesting I do?
Replies: >>809
Why are you bragging about having a gun if you have no idea what to use it for? Sounds like a larp to me.
>Stop typing and use your guns then you fucking larp.
I will use them on anybody who tries to infringe on my freedom or property.
You're so bad at this I'm just going to do both sides of the discussion now.
trumpfags are retards kwab
>That's like saying both candidates supported the Iraq war. If they diverge on future policies then that is what you should be focusing on.
These fuckers killed my grandmother and my livelihood.  In what world do you think I could vote for them?  My mind boils with rage when I think about fuckers who supported the covid bullshit to the point that it's made it extremely difficult for me to continue functioning in polite society.
Replies: >>813
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Trump deserves to lose.
38 more days.
>>728 (OP) 
>Project 2025...has hurt Trump's momentum a lot.
>thought that his last terrible debate would be the end of the israel bootlicker's popularity
>as if on cue, a bunch of dudes in dresses start sniping the wind in his direction, so now he has street cred
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Replies: >>867
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>You can't survive without a group because you are weak and incompetent. 

Yes. You are totally the Ubermensch.  Laws and civic order are totally for faggots.  Teach me your ways.
Replies: >>853 >>868 >>872
>i am silly!
A little over a month left.
It's true. I left "the community" for two years, and came back and its the same exact circular bullshit. Someone makes an empty threat, someone calls the bluff, and then someone replies with "glowing." The loop hasn't changed one iota in two years.
why is it that the people who are so concerned about moral restraints also seem to beleive that everybody wants to go around being a self destructive asshole?

without morals there is still reason and discipline, there are personally beneficial advantages to being pro social and personally disadvantageous consequences to acting anti socially.

at the very least you get the same good feeling from helping others out that you do from anything else which makes you feel good. so if pleasure is what you seek, then being the kind of guy to look out for others is a totally valid path to it.

but even in the pic posted, what would eventually emerge from the chaos is an order imposed by the victories of the strongest and smartest, who are typically those that could persuade others to follow them as their leader.

not because of morality, but purely out of the self organizing principle of rational self interest. people like the guy that made this image love to ignore the "rational" part of that in favor of focusing exclusively upon the "self interest" component.
Replies: >>1077
>Laws and civic order are totally for faggots.
What if I told you it's possible to have morality and order and cooperation without daddy government to enforce the rules for you. People who are obsessed with groups and collectivism are the people who have nothing to offer in the first place.
Replies: >>1077
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week 3 of anons in this thread collectively having a stroke because I said the word "gun"
1 month left
Replies: >>897
I can't wait either.  One more month until these astroturfing shills and bots go away.
>why is it that the people who are so concerned about moral restraints also seem to beleive that everybody wants to go around being a self destructive asshole?
Because we don't live in Mommy's basement and we've opened the door and gone outside.
>What if I told you it's possible to have morality and order and cooperation without daddy government to enforce the rules for you. People who are obsessed with groups and collectivism are the people who have nothing to offer in the first place.
I'd say that six thousand years of recorded history make me doubt that very much.  Nice try, though.
Replies: >>1080 >>1114
>Because we don't live in Mommy's basement and we've opened the door and gone outside.
If you need the government to protect you from niggers then you are part of the problem not the solution.

>I'd say that six thousand years of recorded history make me doubt that very much.  Nice try, though.
I'd say you don't know what recorded history is because nation states have no existed for 6000 years and several white countries such as Ireland and Iceland did exist for significant periods of time under functional anarchy.
Replies: >>1122
>I'd say that six thousand years of recorded history
Recorded by governments. 
Do you trust CNN?
China has 6000+ years of recorded history, though if you read up on it, it gets pretty same-ey after the first couple thousand years--Prince Han defeats the barbarians, his uncle becomes jealous and has him poisoned, the kingdom collapses into civil war, the kingdom is saved by Prince Chang, who was a bandit chieftain two months ago, but he defeated the barbarians and retook the capital city so the surviving bureaucrats are willing to ret-con him into the royal family tree and call him "Prince," Prince Chang is drowned in the royal baths by the eunuchs, who felt insulted and overlooked, the barbarians burn the capital city to the ground and put every last infant to the sword, etc., etc., etc.  It goes on and on and on like that for centuries, illustrating the crab-bucket mentality and the human capacity for deceit, manipulation, and self-destructive spite to an extent that will leave you nauseous.  It will also leave you wary of lolbertarians who will try to tell you that in the absence of structure human beings will naturally turn into independent yeoman farmers who read Plutarch by candlelight, in the original Greek, after a day of plowing the fields, and who will all speak their minds fearlessly four times a year at the township meeting hall, then abide peacefully by the vote even if they don't like the result.  That isn't how it works.  That has never been how it worked.  Even in the era of the American Revolution when we had something close to a pure English-speaking Anglo ethnostate, with an open western frontier and free land for any man who had the balls to pick up a musket and go and take it, that wasn't really how it worked then either.

Leftists don't grasp human nature.  They think they do but they don't.  Their belief system requires a sapient species who aren't really human in their psychology, a species for which kin preference and Dunbar's Number don't exist.  They dream of being Party members with badges and guns, ruling over a species of bugmen who are overjoyed to be interchangeable, fungible, expendable units of economic production and consumption and will happily live in the pod and die childless as long as someone promises them that their Funko Pops will be buried with them.  [ voice = Morgan_Freeman ] Their Funko Pops will, in fact, be recycled, as will their erstwhile owners. [ /voice ]  Leftists are evil and stupid.

But, see, lolbertarians are almost as stupid.  If your blueprint for civilization doesn't start with blood and soil, you're the political equivalent of the Flat Earth Society.  gg, no re
Replies: >>1140
>his uncle becomes jealous and has him poisoned, the kingdom collapses into civil war
>It goes on and on and on like that for centuries
"The state" is working!

>is saved by Prince Chang, who was a bandit chieftain two months ago
Any state is a gang.

>the barbarians burn the capital city to the ground and put every last infant to the sword, etc., etc., etc.
"The state" don't saved taxpayers from barbarians.

>If your blueprint for civilization doesn't start with blood and soil
Why Hitler killed himself?
Replies: >>1145
Replies: >>1147
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