China has 6000+ years of recorded history, though if you read up on it, it gets pretty same-ey after the first couple thousand years--Prince Han defeats the barbarians, his uncle becomes jealous and has him poisoned, the kingdom collapses into civil war, the kingdom is saved by Prince Chang, who was a bandit chieftain two months ago, but he defeated the barbarians and retook the capital city so the surviving bureaucrats are willing to ret-con him into the royal family tree and call him "Prince," Prince Chang is drowned in the royal baths by the eunuchs, who felt insulted and overlooked, the barbarians burn the capital city to the ground and put every last infant to the sword, etc., etc., etc. It goes on and on and on like that for centuries, illustrating the crab-bucket mentality and the human capacity for deceit, manipulation, and self-destructive spite to an extent that will leave you nauseous. It will also leave you wary of lolbertarians who will try to tell you that in the absence of structure human beings will naturally turn into independent yeoman farmers who read Plutarch by candlelight, in the original Greek, after a day of plowing the fields, and who will all speak their minds fearlessly four times a year at the township meeting hall, then abide peacefully by the vote even if they don't like the result. That isn't how it works. That has never been how it worked. Even in the era of the American Revolution when we had something close to a pure English-speaking Anglo ethnostate, with an open western frontier and free land for any man who had the balls to pick up a musket and go and take it, that wasn't really how it worked then either.
Leftists don't grasp human nature. They think they do but they don't. Their belief system requires a sapient species who aren't really human in their psychology, a species for which kin preference and Dunbar's Number don't exist. They dream of being Party members with badges and guns, ruling over a species of bugmen who are overjoyed to be interchangeable, fungible, expendable units of economic production and consumption and will happily live in the pod and die childless as long as someone promises them that their Funko Pops will be buried with them. [ voice = Morgan_Freeman ] Their Funko Pops will, in fact, be recycled, as will their erstwhile owners. [ /voice ] Leftists are evil and stupid.
But, see, lolbertarians are almost as stupid. If your blueprint for civilization doesn't start with blood and soil, you're the political equivalent of the Flat Earth Society. gg, no re