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How did we go from everyone agreeing that guilds are a bad idea to just calling it "occupational licensing" and everyone protecting the idea?

Why don't the same arguments that worked to destroy guilds work yesterday work to destroy occupational licensing today?  Was the downfall of guilds really due to their loss in the battle of ideas?
Replies: >>941
>>934 (OP) 
>How did we go from everyone agreeing that guilds are a bad idea to just calling it "occupational licensing" and everyone protecting the idea?
Flip the chessboard around. You are a politician or bureaucrat, if you let the guild exist then you get a steady stream of votes, taxes and bribes. If you abolish the guild then you get ... nothing. Regulated professional bodies and occupational licensing is just an extension of the state getting too big and getting manipulated for private gain.

As for the people, it's just an extension of the nanny state
>we can't just let anybody be a doctor we have to make sure they are "qualified" it's for your own safety
>we can't just let anybody be a dentist we have to make sure they are "qualified" it's for your own safety
>we can't just let anybody be a hair stylist we have to make sure they are "qualified" it's for your own safety
You're talking about people who wore a paper mask and rubbed their groceries with hand sanitizer a few years ago. Disgenics is at a point where a significant number of people are too helpless to oppose the dominant narrative on anything.
Replies: >>1084
>we can't just let anybody be a doctor we have to make sure they are "qualified" it's for your own safety
A licensed doctor removed an Alabama man’s liver instead of the spleen, resulting in “immediate and catastrophic death,”

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Post your best.
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Replies: >>1057
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>victims of capitalism
When I first realized that date labeling wasn’t linked directly to scientifically backed safety standards but to a more subjective, voluntary, and nebulous standard of “freshness,” I wondered if it was … well, kind of a scam. After all, customers don’t benefit from throwing out foods; grocers lose money; farmers miss out on possible sources of revenue. The only people who could benefit are the producers, and I could imagine an unscrupulous manufacturer shortening the date on their food so that people will sigh, throw out a half-eaten package that has “expired,” and go buy some more.

I asked Emily Broad Leib, the director of the Harvard Law School Food and Policy Clinic and lead author of the 2013 study, about this. She laughed and said I’m not the only one to wonder if we’re just getting played.

But, she said, manufacturers would say “there is a legitimate reason on their part, which is that they want you to eat things when they taste the absolute best.” The methods by which they determine that date can vary; a big manufacturer might run a focus group with consumers to determine the date, while a small producer may just hazard a guesstimate. But importantly, the freshness date almost never corresponds to the food’s safety — to whether or not it could make you sick.

Suppose you buy a particular brand of yogurt, 
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Replies: >>1032
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>she said, manufacturers would say “there is a legitimate reason on their part, which is that they want you to eat things when they taste the absolute best.”
She is a retard. Obviously it's about legal liability. You can't drink 1 month old milk and then sue the milk company for selling a faulty product because they clearly labeled what date the product should no longer be considered safe.

>The only people who could benefit are the producers, and I could imagine an unscrupulous manufacturer shortening the date on their food so that people will sigh, throw out a half-eaten package that has “expired,” and go buy some more.
What kind of retard throws out expired food and then runs out to buy the same food again? If you didn't eat it in time then clearly it's something you didn't really want in the first place.

>victims of capitalism
You're free to make your own judgment instead of blindly following the label. You're not a victim of capitalism you are a victim of your own stupidity.
>Little Prince
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Fusionism and constant compromise with authoritarianism simply doesn't work. We should stand on our own. The modern 'online' right is a gigantic Peter Thiel-funded psyop from every angle imaginable.
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Replies: >>939 + 1 earlier
Friendly reminder that far-right don't hate the socialist state, they hate freedom:

>Slavery was actually *mutually* beneficial. It's well known that niggers and indians are uncivilized; Niggers aggressive and violent, indians stubborn and self-centered. When we brought them to America, they were spared a life of hardship in undeveloped, harsh, wild lands filled with warlords and bandits. They instead got to live a comfy life with guaranteed pay for life in farm fields, homesteads, etc.
Replies: >>938
>one person on /b/ said that slavery benefited niggers therefore the entire far-right hates freedom and loves communism
Incredible, you truly are an intellectual heavyweight.
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>conservatives yes, nationalists, hell no.
Nationalism is certainly better than globalism. But if it's a choice between breaking things up further or remaining a "united" nation that's when we need to leave the nationalists.

>>738 (OP) 
>constant compromise with authoritarianism simply doesn't work
Both sides are authoritarian. The point you're missing is that one side is significantly more powerful than the other at the moment. That's why it makes sense to support the weaker side the balance things out.
Replies: >>1078
Without an ethnostate "muh freedums" can't exist.
Replies: >>1079
>Without an ethnostate "muh freedums" can't exist.
Race is just a heuristic. I would rather live with a 110 IQ black person than a 80 IQ white person. If we filter all the high IQ, low time preference people who are capable of self governance into a single geographic area there will be large racial disparities but it won't be an ethnostate.

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Who wins?
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>The first debate was horrifying, and showed from before the official start of Kamala's campaign that she wasn't doing her job.
There's a theory that when they forced Biden to withdraw from the race he went off script by nominating Harris and after that they were stuck with her.

>What the hell was up with picking Walz?
They had to pick someone who wouldn't outshine Harris so the bar was extremely high.

>Currying favor from out-of-touch elite Hollywood celebrities.
They are the only people they could blackmail.

>Complete lack of ability to keep up with the current media landscape
It would have been worse for them if Harris had done more interviews because even the most blue pilled NPCs would not be able to deny she is a retard with nothing to say.

>She really fucked up with Rogan.
What's even more retarded about this is that Rogan is a Bernie Sanders socialist. If the Democrats weren't so obsessed with trannies and culture war bullshit he would have been on their side by default. They are the ones who snubbed him not the other way around.
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Replies: >>1054 >>1055
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>There's a theory that when they forced Biden to withdraw from the race he went off script by nominating Harris and after that they were stuck with her.
Biden 100% shadow campaigned for Trump.  Between the 'garbage' comment, his wife wearing red on election day, and the purple tie w/HUEG smile when Trump visited--he HAD to be behind Trump.
>They had to pick someone who wouldn't outshine Harris so the bar was extremely high.
Why did Trump have no issues picking a VP who outshines him, then?
>They are the only people they could blackmail.
Replies: >>1058
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>If the Democrats weren't so obsessed with trannies and culture war bullshit he would have been on their side by default. They are the ones who snubbed him not the other way around.
I get the impression that all those "Body builders are far right extremists" articles pushed Rogan over as well.
Replies: >>1056 >>1058
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A better example.
>Between the 'garbage' comment, his wife wearing red on election day, and the purple tie w/HUEG smile when Trump visited
Also that video of him putting on a MAGA hat for some kids.

>Why did Trump have no issues picking a VP who outshines him, then?
Now that I think about it they probably knew Harris has zero chance of winning and didn't want to waste any of their "good" people on a lost cause.

>Body builders are far right extremists
It is an accurate correlation though. Leftists hate fitness because it requires you to do the work as an individual. It requires discipline and self ownership. You can't just use politics to steal somebody else's gains. I actually got banned from /leftypol/ for saying this so it must have hit a nerve.

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A long time back the Mises website used to run their own forum.  We had a troll on the site named "Socialist Gerry" (Socialist Gerry -> Socialist German -> Nazi).  He was irritating, he messed up the board, but everyone replied to him all the same and he stayed around until eventually he got bored and left the site and was replaced by some other moron.

Now, even on libertarian forums, I've noticed trolls like this get banned.  But should they?

Yes, under libertarian ethics it's allowed.  Yeah, it's private property.  Private property owners can do that.  This is not an ethical argument I'm making, it's more of a cultural/moral one.  Like I get you don't want someone running naked on the libertarian party stage, but there's a matter of degree here, and I'm not asking to let communists into your neighborhood, but I am asking that maybe there's a more general moral argument that should be shared so that libertarians and others alike can just...not all turn into HOA Karens.

More generally than just the libertarian sphere, I feel like all across the internet the amount of tolerance has slipped dramatically.  I think that internet communities tend to be more and more ban happy and gatekeepy, and it's getting worse as time goes on.  This doesn't appear to be a government issue; it appears to be a cultural issue.

Personally, I'm making this post because--and this might be because I've become a worse individual over the years--but I can't really find any other places
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Bro it's from his official website.  People can still criticize Trump without automatically being cock-sucking CNN-watching communists, they can even criticize him while still supporting him.
Section 230 bullshit:
FISA court and whistleblower bullshit:
In better news, Mike Pompeo is NOT going to be in the cabinet!
Replies: >>1044
This and the Ron Paul forum are the only libertarian spaces that I know of and I'd rather post there than in any schizo'd out fascist board.
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>In better news, Mike Pompeo is NOT going to be in the cabinet!
Nikki Haley too!

Yaaaaay, neocons get wrecked!
I've been speaking with friends of mine who supported Kamala, and am really surprised by how many of them aren't just surprised by Trump winning, but by Trump _crushingly_ winning.  There's a lot of, "How?" "I don't know anyone who supported Trump!" (I never told them) "Who are these people?" "Why were the polls so wrong?!" or just outright denial that Trump supporters exist at all.

At some point one has to realize that banning everyone off of your platform, deleting their posts, falsifying polling data, etc. is creating an echo chamber where you don't know what reality is anymore.  If you can't know what reality is anymore, you won't be able to function or plan your actions.  At some point, don't moderators, pollsters, and the media realize that they're doing this to themselves, and that it's in their best interest to have an American Glasnost?
Replies: >>1047
leftists: billionaires and corporations are evil scumbags who will do anything to make a profit
>also leftists: let me download today's news and talking points from my favorite billionaire controlled media corporations

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You can't. You're either based or you're not.
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as opposed to using violence to achieve tyranny? Kys faggot.
Alright, now that the election is over and the bots are all unfunded and probably left, time to post on the board again!
What you said and how what I said can still both be true.
Replies: >>1031
>What you said and how what I said can still both be true.
Liberty and equality are opposites.
Replies: >>1035
Yes.  I know.  You already said that, and I already agreed with it.

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I'm kinda depressed by how people can't even agree that printing a fuckton of money causes price inflation.
Replies: >>894 >>1030
>>821 (OP) 
Actually, if you cook the money after you print it, it doesn't cause inflation. Most of our economic problems are caused by using raw money. Raw money contains pathogens that cause economic inflation.
Replies: >>1028
Basically what they believe.
>>821 (OP) 
>people can't even agree that printing a fuckton of money causes price inflation.
A lot of propaganda goes into making sure normies don't make the link between government spending and inflation. The only way they can sell a 20 year war in Afghanistan to voters is if they think it's not costing them anything.

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I've heard a theory exposited that I'd like to hear the opinion of other libertarians on:

The current rich elite are highly anticapitalist because they inherited their wealth from their parents without any work of their own.  This leads to psychological deep rooted feelings of guilt, paranoia, and fatalism.  This in turns leads to a high degree of self-hatred.  This self-hatred manifest as self-destructive behavior.  This self destructive behavior is the reason that trust fund babies are supporting socialist causes which undermine their own interests and the interests of others.

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>I really do think something is different about the latest generation
Ok but why does it matter. Several generations of parents worked hard and made sacrifices to build up this intergenerational wealth and now some degenerate douchebag  is wasting it. It's none of my business. It's none of your business. It is BLM style propaganda. It is a tiny insignificant occurrence that they rub in your face because they know it will trigger you because muh injustice or whatever. The simple fact is that your wealth is your property and you can give it to whoever you want including your douchebag kids.

>My counter-point: socialism has always been bourgeoise. 
Thomas Sowell has a good quote about exactly this
>The Marxist constituency has remained as narrow as the conception behind it. The Communist Manifesto, written by two bright and articulate young men without responsibility even for their own livelihoods—much less for the social consequences of their vision—has had a special appeal for successive generations of the same kinds of people. The offspring of privilege have dominated the leadership of Marxist movements from the days of Marx and Engels through Lenin, Mao, Castro, Ho Chi Minh, and their lesser counterparts around the world and down through 
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Replies: >>311
>Ok but why does it matter. 
1 - These guys are my enemies, and I'm trying to develop a psychological profile to know them better so I can deal with them better.
2 - I don't want my kids to end up like this.
Replies: >>375
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>1 - These guys are my enemies,
The main enemy is the money printers and those that physically protect them. Everyone else is a pawn.

>2 - I don't want my kids to end up like this.
I would make it clear from the start that your shit is not automatically their shit. Teach them that they have to work for what they want. My dad was also very clear that I am out of the house when I turn 18 whether I'm ready for it or not.

You have to teach them how money and markets work as well though. The big trap for entitled middle class brats is that they will get high grades in school and then go to college and get a masters degree and then they graduate and don't magically get a high paying job. "But I did everything right why am I working at starbucks capitalism has failed". You have to teach them that they need to give value to get value. Show them how an electrician and a plumber with no higher education makes more than a phd astrophysicist simply because the work they do is more valuable to society and the market (when it is not too fucked up by government interventions) will reward that.
This is only very tangentially related, so sorry for necroing an old thread with this, but does home ownership correlate with support for capitalism?  The idea being that in order to be a capitalist, you have to have a stake in it.
Replies: >>1029
Post-election bump.

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when you cant sign up and/or post using a vpn to protect your privacy. I hate redditors so much.
Replies: >>981
>>971 (OP) 
The whole english speaking internet is in lockdown because of the imperial elections and "muh russian bots". Things should ease up in a few weeks.
Replies: >>988
so after the election I can use reddit on a vpn?
Replies: >>1027
Well, does it work now, or do you really still want to be on plebbit?

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It's so over
Replies: >>1022
>>1021 (OP) 
You unironically believe a fringe conservative journalist is telling Trump what to do.

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