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I see libertarian sentiment slowly making a comeback while this culture war has been going on and reactionaries have routinely disappointed people by either going way too far or just being obvious grifts. The Mises people (Institute, not Caucus) are still going strong. This all has shades of the Paleo Strategy, which Murray Rothbard and Lew Rockwell would regret soon after the paleocons had irreconcilable differences with them and compromised on far too much.
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Replies: >>733 + 1 earlier
Then why are you posting shit about fascists. Rothbard was against everything about fascism except the social conservatism part.  We can do the social conservatism part without the rest of your collectivist, socialist, statist cancer.
Replies: >>726 >>727
Most traditionalists online shill for authoritarianism. Trad shit shouldn't be the face of the libertarian movement, it should be in the background.
Replies: >>727
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>Then why are you posting shit about fascists. Rothbard was against everything about fascism except the social conservatism part.  We can do the social conservatism part without the rest of your collectivist, socialist, statist cancer.
I said it was a traditionalist text about fascism, and did you read it? the text doesn't even support fascism, hates it. And i am not nor a traditionalist nor a fascist. I just were sharing that.
Well, libertarians can learn a lot from traditionalists, for example, this author, Alvaro d'Ors, calls to fiscal subversion and explains the tricks you have to do to stop the bureaucratic machinery of the state, reclaims tyrannicide as the biggest apportation of the catholic church to the political thought. (His form of government is not the Republic or the Monarchy, is the government of God Father, that's the level of how a reactionary this man was) So, we have this man who called openly to evade taxes and to civil disobedience, I don't know, but that sounds very libertarian. In other things we can discern, but in this point is very clear. For example, Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn (this man is a libertarian of the austrian school) talks about how liberals were proud to have been the ones that created the nation-state meanwhile these ones opposed to it. 
If the modern libertarian b
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Replies: >>731
>did you read it?
No why would I read something that's more than 10 lines.

>libertarians can learn a lot from traditionalists something something theocracy
No. On the surface traditional values like family first, gender roles etc. are superior to progressive values like everyone should be a gay trans feminist. But then the jesusfags start talking about demons and nephilim and muh prophecy and everything-I-don't-like-is-satanism and you realize they are just as mentally ill and detached from reality as the rainbow cult.

In my mind they are equivalent at this point. If you want to cut off your dick and pretend you're a woman then go ahead. If you want to worship your childish sky daddy then go ahead. Either we work together on the principles of liberty and then you fuck off. Or you skip straight to fucking off part now. Either way I don't give a fuck about your so called "culture".

I do like your picrel though
>>702 (OP) 
The libertarian to fascist pipeline was just a psyop to get libertarians back into statism.

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Replies: >>640
>>636 (OP) 
>What's the libertarian answer to unrestricted internet access for 5 year olds?
It is the parents/guardian's responsibility to raise their own children.
what's the libertarian answer to people destroying any internet infrastructure that isn't on private property? will everyone have a big tower with a transmitter and receiver in their yard to connect like with HAM radio?

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Which has had a bigger impact on ending slavery
1 - The abolitionist movement
2 - The industrial revolution
Which has had a bigger impact on limiting modern day inflation
1 - Ron Paul's End the FED movement
2 - Bitcoin
Concluding leading question:  which matters more for furthering libertarianism
1 - Ideas
2 - Technology
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>That's why leftists ignore banks
Go to a /leftpol/ or reddit and ask them what they think about banks or the fed. They'll say something like get lost lolbert corporations are the only enemy.
Replies: >>626
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>corporations are the only enemy.
Ask them what they think about the big pharma covid vax conspiracy.
Replies: >>641
What libertarians actually do to become ungovernable?
Replies: >>641
The elites have turned everyone into criminals, liars, hypocrites, and cowards.

The only good thing about living in a police state is that no one can take the moral high ground on anything.
>Ask them what they think about the big pharma covid vax conspiracy.
They say it was a government project with "scientific" oversight therefor shutup and take your boosters nazi.

>What libertarians actually do to become ungovernable?

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How would the NAP deal with noise complaints?
Replies: >>638
>>637 (OP) 
I approve this soyjak because it's making fun of commies.
Not going to effort post a response because the op has a soyjak so the whole thread will probably get deleted by some retarded crybaby zzz mod.

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This has been bugging me for a while. I'm probably not going to say anything new, but I think a thread discussing the matter here would be nice. If we want to have perfect ethics, why should we apply the NAP only to humans? Why would one justify aggression against other animals? But in fact, why just animals? Why not also apply it to every other living being? Perhaps to non-living things as well: maybe it's atoms that have the property right, or maybe it's subatomic particles that do.
Also, all this poses a big problem. If it's true that it's not justified to violate their property right (if they have it), this makes it impossible for us to do anything without violating ethics, since merely developing the land or even just existing causes the death of some other beings or things, and it would make us aggressors by default.
This might all sound quite extreme, but I wanted to push the argument to the absolute limit.
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veganism (not necessarily vegetarianism) also has this problem to deal with... by plowing the field, a vegan is basically denying the existence of some smaller animals like bugs (ignoring other non-animal living beings as well). How to solve this contradiction?
Replies: >>617
>I don't see why being able to argue or reason is relevant to determine rights.
It's the only secular explanation for why humans are special. Even the smartest gorillas that can be trained to use sign language are still utterly incapable of asking questions or engaging in any other kind of abstract thought.
The reason for these frameworks, however primitive they were for the times they were in, established in trial after bloody trial what the correct and "best for you" way to live was along with the rationale for why it is so, Christ being necessary after all.

What I'd given you there was some of that rationale. You will know whether that rationale is valid or not, independent of one's theology for that matter, if you test it against alternate ideas and alternate theories or rationale and see which ones function as they are supposed to.

With mine and in what I gave you, it logically follows. Whereas the "animals should have personhood status ~ they are equivalent/have as much rights as man" argument made by modern law or modern lefty liberals will not logically and consistently "follow" when a lion mauls their offspring and their response is not "I'm glad that lions have the right to be lions".
Also props to the Blood Brothers - Papa Roach
It is true that smaller animals and other living beings die during crop production, but by far the vast majority of crop is fed to livestock. Only a smaller portion is directed towards human consumption. So, almost paradoxically, being on a vegan / plant-based diet leads to way fewer deaths of not only bugs, mice, and other small animals, but also plants as well.

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Can we talk about this?
Replies: >>577 >>602
>>575 (OP) 
This guy's been fighting the good fight against the U.S. for more than a decade now.  I don't know what else to say other than, "It sucks."
>>575 (OP) 
Good OP.

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Looking for recs
Replies: >>598
>>589 (OP)
>Notable proponents and organizations
>Murray Rothbard, American anarcho-capitalist and Austrian economist.
>Lew Rockwell, associate of Rothbard, advocate of secession, and founder of the Mises Institute.
>Hans-Hermann Hoppe, German economist, anarcho- capitalist, and cultural conservative.
>Stefan Molyneux
>Javier Milei, President of Argentina
>Mises Institute, founded by Rockwell to advance Paleolibertarian and Austrian economic views.
>Mises Caucus, faction within the American Libertarian Party
These are all people I follow anyway. What other kind of libertarianism is there?
Replies: >>601
There's Cato libertarians aka Gary Johnson/Koch people

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>Things get worse and worse and worse every year.
>Hyperinflation, massive unemployment, government completely corrupt.
>Argentines vote for a libertarian only because they're so sick of the current system.  Even with the current political party spending nearly 2% of GDP on advertising for the mainstream parties campaign.  Thing have just gotten that bad.
>Meanwhile in Public Education Land...
>Covid remote schooling antics have turned out kids with incredible poor metrics.
>Basic reading, writing, and arithmetic skills are absolutely appalling.
>Kids spend their time talking about gender and sexuality.
>Home schooling, fuck now even UNschoolers are performing better.
>Parents keep their kids in public schools.
How bad do things have to get?
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I kind of this the point about how hard homeschoolers have been WINNING recently really needs to be emphasized.  It's one of libertarianism's greatest wins in COVID fiasco, and I think it's going to become more and more apparent in the years to come.
The thing about libertarianism is that it makes things worse right away, but then creates a trend where everything gets better and better.

Socialism does the opposite, everything improves, but then a trend is established where everything just gets worse and worse.
Replies: >>541
Most of the time, probably, particularly with monetary policy.  But things like cutting red tape or tax cuts most of the time just immediately make things better.
>What data do you want?
I want you to have some kind of argument that is not just "it's true because I want it to be true". Just because we're on the same side doesn't mean we should have zero standards with each other.
Replies: >>584
I don't know about hard stats but The Case Against Education is a good book for exploring the general ideas.

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Dear new people entering the board.  Let's discuss basic economics.

#1 - Price Inflation is caused by printing loads of money.  Not because of "corporate greed."  Nearly every money supply metric showed an enormous increase in 2020, and its taken time for that absolutely insane monetary inflation to hit the rest of the economy.
#2 - Even if one country can produce everything more effectively (they have an "absolute advantage"), they still have an economic incentive to trade due to the opportunity costs in producing one product over another.  This concept is known as "comparative advantage."  This is why criticism against "dumping" doesn't make sense.

Thank you for your attention.
Replies: >>549
>>542 (OP) 
Wrong. Everybody knows that price Inflation is caused by global warming and comparative advantage is white supremacy.

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Replies: >>9
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>>8 (OP) 
Replies: >>177
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bump because I keep coming back to this
I hate this long lists of books that the poster obviously hasn't read. Nobody needs to read 20 books on austrian economics.

If you're looking for one good book for each category
Economics: Bob Murphy's Choice
AnCap/Libertarianism: Roathbard's Ethics of Liberty
Anti-Statism: Hoppe's Democracy the God that Failed
Anti-War: Scott Horton's Enough Already

For fiction, Larry Niven's non-mainstream stuff tends to be very libertarian, Anansi and Red Tide for example. And F. Paul Wilson is a full ancap author you might not have heard of. If you really like Ayn Rand's stuff and wish there was more than Stephan Molyneux has some Randian inspired fiction.
Who /Palelolibertarian/ here?

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