>Then why are you posting shit about fascists. Rothbard was against everything about fascism except the social conservatism part. We can do the social conservatism part without the rest of your collectivist, socialist, statist cancer.
I said it was a traditionalist text about fascism, and did you read it? the text doesn't even support fascism, hates it. And i am not nor a traditionalist nor a fascist. I just were sharing that.
Well, libertarians can learn a lot from traditionalists, for example, this author, Alvaro d'Ors, calls to fiscal subversion and explains the tricks you have to do to stop the bureaucratic machinery of the state, reclaims tyrannicide as the biggest apportation of the catholic church to the political thought. (His form of government is not the Republic or the Monarchy, is the government of God Father, that's the level of how a reactionary this man was) So, we have this man who called openly to evade taxes and to civil disobedience, I don't know, but that sounds very libertarian. In other things we can discern, but in this point is very clear. For example, Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn (this man is a libertarian of the austrian school) talks about how liberals were proud to have been the ones that created the nation-state meanwhile these ones opposed to it.
If the modern libertarian b