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I just wanted to go on a small shitpost rant about the Lorax.
The Onceler's actions only make sense to me in three possible cases:
1 - The forest was like Department of the Interior land that the Onceler bribed some government official for in order to get a lease. So, there was a massive "tragedy of the commons" thing that went on.
2 - The Onceler either didn't have or didn't listen to his accountants saying, "Uh, sir, we have a positive cashflow, yes, but negative profits given that the depreciation of the value of the property has...
3 - The Onceler's world doesn't have a functioning futures market.
I can find #1 WAY more believable than 2 or 3. Hell, that happens right now.
But in #2, surely there'd be some board members who'd start saying, "Hey, wtf is up with the balance sheet?!" with the Onceler saying, "The fuck is a balance sheet?" Or there'd be some other rich investor or group of rich investors who'd say, "Hey, Onceler, since all you care about is cashflow, here's a big one-time payment. Now could you fuck off before you run this incredibly profitable enterprise into the ground?"
#3 would only make sense to me if there was some fucktard in the FTC who said that there "Shouldn't be futures in Truffula" just like the current FTC says there shouldn't be futures in onions.
Finally, I wanted to go on an aside about "greed." The Lorax is used as the quintessential fairytale to attack greed. I don't know about you, but isn't greed an _emotion_? Like, "anger" isn't necessarily good OR bad. I can be angry and kill someone in anger, and that's obviously bad, and I can be angry and right an injustice and that's obviously bad. Likewise, I can be greedy and kill my uncle for the inheritance, or I can be greedy and start up a business.
It frustrates me because there's actually a semantic game in the background going on here: greed is not the same as short-sighted. People take 'greed' to mean 'short-sighted' and it isn't the same, and I wanted to take the morally neutral term of greed back.
Thank you.
Replies: >>1146
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There's a pretty cool movie about greed
>>1142 (OP) 
Okay, I rewatched the 1972 cartoon because I was genuinely curious about this.
I noticed that it made a point that Once-ler Onceler exclusively or almost exclusively hired Oncelers for his Thneed business. It says at first that he hired his "family" which seemed to be a dozen with change at the very most. But then there are hundreds of them working the factories.
It seems like Oncelers are not human. They all have hidden faces and wear weird green jumpsuits. We clearly see the boy at the beginning of the story who looks like a normal human (by Seuss standards) so the story is clearly making an effort to differentiate them.
It's established that every Onceler is a motherfucker. In the establishing scene for the other Oncelers they're casually throwing garbage along the sides of the road while driving to Grickle Grass. Once-ler Onceler was also either unaware that the trees were exhaustible or in  complete denial about it because he was still blowing smoke about expanding while his tree cutters were just about done clearing out the forest. I think that the point is that Oncelers as a species have zero foresight about anything, like in a fantasy setting where every dwarf hungers for gold, or every elf is a tree hugger.
On a side tangent, I imagine Oncelers have no chin and look like Pac-Man ghosts from the neck up, or have the Ku Klux Klan hoods or something.
This may have been a cartoon-only thing but the Oncelers also seem to revere Once-ler Onceler as the god-emperor of Thneeds because he was the guy who discovered this frontier I guess.
So the conclusion I've come to is that Once-ler Onceler most likely had an entire cabinet of yes men who followed his word to the letter. Or if he tried juicing advice from somebody then it'd probably be from another Onceler who's input would be to the effect of "but trees are infinite lol?"
So I guess that the real moral is: gas the Oncelers, species war now.
Or maybe the cartoon was a bad adaptation. I don't know. Send me a PDF of the book and I'll tell you if I get a different message out of it.
I haven't watch the Illumination movie because I'm not a fujoshit.
I just realized that Once-ler Onceler mentioned that he searched "all his life" for something like a Truffula tree but Grickle Grass is maybe a couple dozen miles from the other Oncelers at the very most.
>The Lorax is used as the quintessential fairytale to attack greed
Is it? I thought that that was more of the Midas Touch's territory.
Replies: >>1149
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>>The Lorax is used as the quintessential fairytale to attack greed
>Is it? 
Yes, of course.
>On a side tangent, I imagine Oncelers have no chin and look like Pac-Man ghosts from the neck up, or have the Ku Klux Klan hoods or something.
I think it more simply comes out of the spate of hacky movies and T.V. shows that never show the villain's face.
>I haven't watch the Illumination movie because I'm not a fujoshit.
I have to tell you:  it's really bad. Like the propaganda is so fucking over-the-top that you'll cringe so hard you won't need a colonoscopy when you're older.
>Or maybe the cartoon was a bad adaptation. I don't know. Send me a PDF of the book and I'll tell you if I get a different message out of it.
Yeah, if you read any of the author of The Lorax' words about it, I'm p. sure he was just going 12304% watermelon environmentalist about it.
Replies: >>1150
Shame. I thought that the cartoon was surprisingly nuanced for it's message and presentation.
For instance, on my first viewing I thought that Once-ler's "if I don't do it, someone else will" line was his way to dodge accountability. Now I realize that he was true in a literal sense: any other Onceler likely would have gone down the exact same path that he did in his situation, he was just the one who found the trees first.
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