[Hide] (1.5MB, 2560x1600) I just wanted to go on a small shitpost rant about the Lorax.
The Onceler's actions only make sense to me in three possible cases:
1 - The forest was like Department of the Interior land that the Onceler bribed some government official for in order to get a lease. So, there was a massive "tragedy of the commons" thing that went on.
2 - The Onceler either didn't have or didn't listen to his accountants saying, "Uh, sir, we have a positive cashflow, yes, but negative profits given that the depreciation of the value of the property has...
3 - The Onceler's world doesn't have a functioning futures market.
I can find #1 WAY more believable than 2 or 3. Hell, that happens right now.
But in #2, surely there'd be some board members who'd start saying, "Hey, wtf is up with the balance sheet?!" with the Onceler saying, "The fuck is a balance sheet?" Or there'd be some other rich investor or group of rich investors who'd say, "Hey, Onceler, since all you care about is cashflow, here's a big one-time payment. Now could you fuck off before you run this incredibly profitable enterprise into the ground?"
#3 would only make sense to me if there was some fucktard in the FTC who said that there "Shouldn't be futures in Truffula" just like the current FTC says there shouldn't be futures in onions.
Finally, I wanted to go on an aside about "greed." The Lorax is used as the quintessential fairytale to attack greed. I don't know about you, but isn't greed an _emotion_? Like, "anger" isn't necessarily good OR bad. I can be angry and kill someone in anger, and that's obviously bad, and I can be angry and right an injustice and that's obviously bad. Likewise, I can be greedy and kill my uncle for the inheritance, or I can be greedy and start up a business.
It frustrates me because there's actually a semantic game in the background going on here: greed is not the same as short-sighted. People take 'greed' to mean 'short-sighted' and it isn't the same, and I wanted to take the morally neutral term of greed back.
Thank you.