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Replies: >>406
>>404 (OP) 
I wish people understood regulatory capture better, or just it got brought up more.  Like it got brought up so much people made fun of libertarians in the future by saying "muh regulatory capture."  That'd at least be an improvement in the current discourse.

Especially when it comes to environmental laws.  Like they see a new environmental law, but they don't THINK for two goddam seconds about, "Hey, why is a major chemical company ENDORSING this law?"  Gee, I fucking wonder.

There's this e-mail thread in the Twitter files where Twitter employees are talking about new "disinfo legislation" and they're all preening about how badly it'll clamp down on their Facebook competition.  All the employees are happy about the new regulation coming down the pipeline because they're the ones making it, not the legislators.
Replies: >>407
Most people don't want to be on the side of truth they just want to be on the side of power.
Replies: >>455
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Replies: >>662
Power lies in violence, the willingness to use it, and the wisdom to use it well.

See through the illusion of morality and you will find the reality of strategy.
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A classic.
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Cringe and mostly dead board, might as well contribute I guess.
Replies: >>668
Board is dead because zzz mods keep deleting effort posts with no warning or reason.
Replies: >>669 >>670
Really? I figured the camels simply left for long journey greener pastures after this place dried up since we webring folks are basically forced and used to be nomadic to find like minded discourse or fun shitposts to participate in. Though I suppose mod autism is the reason in particular for it drying up, shame really but oh well I guess.
>effort posts
What kind of posts? Because if those have soyjaks then I wouldn't consider them "effort".
Replies: >>673
>What kind of posts? Because if those have soyjaks then I wouldn't consider them "effort".
If you don't like the image then spoiler it or delete the image. Deleting 500 word posts and threads just because you got triggered by a meme was a retarded decision and is the reason why everything except /v/ is dead or full of throwaway 1 line posts.
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Replies: >>1023
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Replies: >>1057
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>victims of capitalism
When I first realized that date labeling wasn’t linked directly to scientifically backed safety standards but to a more subjective, voluntary, and nebulous standard of “freshness,” I wondered if it was … well, kind of a scam. After all, customers don’t benefit from throwing out foods; grocers lose money; farmers miss out on possible sources of revenue. The only people who could benefit are the producers, and I could imagine an unscrupulous manufacturer shortening the date on their food so that people will sigh, throw out a half-eaten package that has “expired,” and go buy some more.

I asked Emily Broad Leib, the director of the Harvard Law School Food and Policy Clinic and lead author of the 2013 study, about this. She laughed and said I’m not the only one to wonder if we’re just getting played.

But, she said, manufacturers would say “there is a legitimate reason on their part, which is that they want you to eat things when they taste the absolute best.” The methods by which they determine that date can vary; a big manufacturer might run a focus group with consumers to determine the date, while a small producer may just hazard a guesstimate. But importantly, the freshness date almost never corresponds to the food’s safety — to whether or not it could make you sick.

Suppose you buy a particular brand of yogurt, Broad Leib says, and it waits around till it’s slightly past its peak. You might decide you don’t like this brand of yogurt, and buy a different one next time. The dates are, in part, a way of “protecting the brand,” she said. Their biggest incentive is to make sure you eat the food when it tastes the way they think it should.
Replies: >>1032
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>she said, manufacturers would say “there is a legitimate reason on their part, which is that they want you to eat things when they taste the absolute best.”
She is a retard. Obviously it's about legal liability. You can't drink 1 month old milk and then sue the milk company for selling a faulty product because they clearly labeled what date the product should no longer be considered safe.

>The only people who could benefit are the producers, and I could imagine an unscrupulous manufacturer shortening the date on their food so that people will sigh, throw out a half-eaten package that has “expired,” and go buy some more.
What kind of retard throws out expired food and then runs out to buy the same food again? If you didn't eat it in time then clearly it's something you didn't really want in the first place.

>victims of capitalism
You're free to make your own judgment instead of blindly following the label. You're not a victim of capitalism you are a victim of your own stupidity.
>Little Prince
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