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Turns out the CIA nigger on cafe couldn't take the heat. Figures since he's a dumb CIA nigger. I'll be making a proper sticky soon outlining the plan going forward. In the meantime feel free to treat this the same as pre alphabet cafe/k/ and please keep the current drama contained here.
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fr i find better shit on discord
Replies: >>892
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Sorry but you deserve to be shamed.
I am not happy about the bird nuking the board before I could archive the Fantasy weapon, asian and african sickles, and the /x/ threads.
Replies: >>897 >>899
Unless you're completely new and unaware of who he is you should've known better than to put that off. The dude's a notorious piece of shit, the fact he gave you any kind of heads up is a miracle.
The niggersickles found refuge here:

As did the chronicle of fantastical tales from innawoods:

The cafe is currently down for some reason, it'll probably be back soon.
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I think he said you have to email sturgeon to index the board.
Replies: >>217
BO can do that himself whenever I just ask that he lets me know.
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>others moved to 16chan/k/
it's been dead as fuck

is still accessible through the onion url? can't check for myself at the moment
Replies: >>221
It is

Since sturgeon has generously allowed this board to be moderated and to serve as a bunker for the cafe's bunker, I'll update the rules in a bit and take of the general day to day operations.

Edited because I have the IQ of an actual retard and did not read properly...
Last edited by shturm
Replies: >>184
>>182 (OP) 
MJ#HK6CG 666 /}qYG;xVV
Replies: >>185
Test no 2

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Welcome to zzzchan/k/! I will be using this sticky to outline my plans for this board and list the rules.

My intentions for /k/ overall:
It's not a secret that I've been interested in having /k/ on zzzchan since it's inception. However I had zero interest in any attempt to split the board. I am only creating the board here now due to the total implosion over on cafe and the apparent lack of a BO to take the CIA nigger's place. It is also my understanding that cafe's admin has a backup and will be looking at restoring it in the near future. Regarding this, I still have no desire to split /k/. If someone agreeable steps up to be BO over on cafe after the restoration of the catalog and anons want to stay there, I will defer to cafe and decommission this board. 

How is moderation going to be handled?
Given the shitshow that was the /tech/ launch, I will serve as BO for the time being. I have had one applicant for the board, 50cal, and I will have him serve as a moderator for a time before deciding to give him the board fully. 50cal Bailed And was likely the glownigger An important point about zzzchan and moderation's access to raw IPs: Only I can see raw IPs. All other moderators including globals can only see hashed IPs.

The Rules:
1. Global rules apply
2. Literature requests should go in the proper thread
3. Threads with basic questions not conductive to discussion should go
in the QTDDTOT
4. No avatarfagging/shilling
5. No fedposting
Last edited by sturgeon
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Replies: >>128
Further watching:
Yes you should make it anon because I'm much too lazy to do it myself.
Pretty sure the board owner of anoncafe (and probably the admin team in general) are glowniggers, which is why most people post here
>noooo i can't live without muh precious cuckime
Why are you even here then? The only thing even you're even allowed to post freely on cuckchannel /k/ anymore is /ak/ threads because of /a/ tranny mods and jannies who care about nothing else and delete shit arbitrarily.

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