/hikki/ - Hikikomori

The modern hermit

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What games have you been playing recently /hikki/? What's the game you have put the most hours into?
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>fun games that don't have violence/killing in them
Off the top of my head, you could try idle games, hidden object games, text adventure games, rhythm games, or games like Animal Crossing (which are apparently called "social simulation games"). I don't know much about rhythm games personally, but I can link you to lists of the other four:
Where do you draw the line for "violence/killing"? For example, would something like Super Mario be too much for you? What about something where you "kill" inorganic things like robots? Assuming that those would be too much, aside from what the other anon listed, there are many other genres/games that potentially don't have anything resembling "violence/killing" such as puzzle games, racing games, etc.
Update:  still losing.  Still haven't got past the Oracle.  I've made zero progress in 5 months.
Replies: >>917
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Dawg just play a different game 😭 (pic somewhat related)
Replies: >>958
I want to prove to people that some people never get better and never improve and never win no matter how much they try.  This is my boulder to roll up this hill for eternity.

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Just like the suicide thread in the previous board. Share any struggles you might have regarding suicide, any past failed attempts and/or why do you think suicide may be the answer to all this you're going through. 

I've been procrastinating/delaying my suicide plan for over 5 years now, partly because I'm scared of what comes after death as I cannot know for sure what will happen once I'm on the other side and this kind of scaring me and holding me back from killing myself. Maybe it's the survival instinct in the end? I attempted suicide for like 8 times in 3 years now and every-time I was saved by either a stranger or a family member and this didn't change my mindset or made me think less of it. The desire to eradicate this body, this existence is getting stronger day after day especially these days, but I'm still hesitating to actually go with it, as I still have somewhat of a brief feeling of hope that my ways might change in the future but then I rethink it and figure out that I'm in my early 20's now and still haven't done anything significant with my life, still trying to find a purpose, a motivation or maybe a dream to live for, meanwhile everyone my age around me is graduating college and passing through different phases with their lives, all while I'm still stuck in the no-purpose teenage-like kind of existentialism. It really gets very boring everyday and Idk what to do anymore.
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I can't suicide because I have a soul.
All I can do is ask God to give me comfort, and to come fetch me soon. I'm on my last bit of will.
But I'm happy about the last 7 or so years of struggles, because it's helped me free myself from the chains of this world and flesh (sins like gluttony, wrath, lust, etc.).
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My tinnitus has been slowly getting worse and worse and worse.  If I commit suicide, I'm pretty sure that it'll be due to it.  It sounds lame because it's so minor compared to some of the other pain people deal with on a daily basis, but it's more of a Chinese-water-torture kind of thing.  Having had doctors shrug me off about it over the years doesn't help.

I think the only reason I haven't so far is just because my fear of pain is so high.  Even when I hold the metaphorical gun, I just imagine the intense pain--however brief--and it's always enough to scare me off from it.

I also frequently imagine what would happen if we lived in a world where suicide was normalized.  Like if the goddess Ixtab was a thing and it was just a totally normal part of culture to commit suicide whenever you wanted to.  I imagine that the world would have to be a much nicer place.  Because anything that would make that world bad would have people offing themselves like crazy.
Replies: >>915
might wanna try one of those experimental treatments to cure it
Suicide is for the truly brave.

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I vaguely remember browsing it years ago, would any of you ever want to see it come back? Even if it isn't the original owner so long as there's a definite place to go to communicate with other hikis
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Replies: >>897 + 1 earlier
whats wrong with incels?
Once people realise how to get NEET bucks and then wait for society to finally fall apart. Boomers are domestic terrorists. Maybe zoomers will think it's niche like how kids who grew up after '90s wanted to pretend the Internet wasn't like 20 years old already.
Replies: >>879
You guys probably ruined neet.moe and made the admin quiet.
When everyone is a NEET, no one is. Day of the Pillow when? It's not zoomers' fault decades have ceased to have meaning.
>>749 (OP) 
It seems like the webring is on it's very last leg.
I guess it's because noone is advertising it. All we need to do is post links to the relevant section when in discussions on other places on the internet.
I guess a push to bring others to /v/ first would work best.
Replies: >>899
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>All we need to do is post links to the relevant section when in discussions on other places on the internet.
>I guess a push to bring others to /v/ first would work best.
I hope you're joking.

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Is hikikomori getting too mainstream?
Replies: >>883 >>884
If you call yourself a hikki then you never were one to begin with
>>881 (OP) 
>2 million likes
it's so over
Replies: >>927
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>>881 (OP) 
It's only 2 thousand, the guy who took the screenshot is a macaco and in the macaco language "mil" means "thousand", not "million". You can see how it says "7 de ago" on the top for confirmation that that's not English.

the last time i went outside was 3 years ago and anytime i go outside its so fucking annoying and i freeze when anyone talks to me and i feel like i have no consciousness when im outside.
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Replies: >>842 >>876 + 1 earlier
Try doing some light exercise outside or going for walks a little bit at a time until you get more comfortable. It sucks and I know how you feel! It can improve with time
>>810 (OP) 
once in three month on average i order something online and pick it up from the post office
>>810 (OP) 
Only at night for Groceries
I used to be hiki. I think it's easier if you have a set task and a regular routine when going out. Once you're a familiar face you start to blend in.

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Yesterday I saw my teacher from high-school. Back then, I would get excellent grades and she would always used to tell me that I am incredibly intelligent and that she sees me becoming very successful. She told me that she is very disappointed that, at 21, I am a NEET with no friends. I explained that society has nothing to offer me (went into a little detail about my reasons) and she said it's tragic we live in a world where people like myself just don't want to contribute. Anyone else had a similar experience where people had high expectatinos of you and you kind of let them down?
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Replies: >>803 >>849 + 8 earlier
>>555 (OP) 
I can't even rememeber a single person from school or any of my past - no names or faces, etc.
I'm sure it's the same for them.
Most people's lives just revolve around their immediate family when they become adults. Most people don't have friends once they start a family, and they also tend to stop playing games, and fill up their little bit of free time with shows.

Once I become homeless, I'll have to fill up my freetime with my imagination, and going through bins, etc.

I don't know why god even bothered to create such a shit reality.
Replies: >>826 >>849
>How could another person know what someone's outward aesthetic means and infer someone's temperament and character and life trajectory
Estimates based on experience and logic

>Until exchanges like these are commonly understood to be criminal assault society will not improve.
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There is no God, this simulation is created by an Artifact from the dreams of visitors, players. 
The administrators withdrew themselves, perhaps they survived the simulation. 
However, next year the Little Fox and the Black King should appear again!
>at least had a father that actually taught me stuff(skills, wisdom, or any help to get into the real world).

Yours was a deadbeat too, huh? Did he throw tantrums like a toddler when asked to do that shit too?
Replies: >>849
>Dismissed on every concern and ignored.
Even on this very thread, by the looks of things.  Do you still feel invisible, anon?
Given how society is, though, I feel like you're justified.
You've done well to take counsel in Epictetus.
>Once I become homeless, I'll have to fill up my freetime with my imagination, and going through bins, etc.
"When you have nothing left to do, God starts to give you visions.  He starts adding clairvoyance into your life."
>I don't know why god even bothered to create such a shit reality.
It makes me partial to demiurge theory.
>Did he throw tantrums like a toddler when asked to do that shit too?
Oh my god.  Not that guy, but goddam yes.  How our parents failed us should be a whole goddam thread, but that is a good one.  When you're yelled at to help, and then repeatedly yelled at for not knowing how to help--IS IT ANY SURPRISE YOU SPEND THE REST OF YOUR LIFE CURLED UP LIKE SELIGMAN'S DOG?!
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Share your daily routine anons 

I'm a little bit more productive these days and feeling good on the emotional and mental side, so I been waking up early in the morning and adjusting to my new plans for the remaining 6 months of this year.
>wake up at 5-7 am 
>use face cleanser and wash teeth, make a hot cup of green tea
>planning my food for the day as I been doing OMAD for half a month now, seeing as it's easier to manage the meal and get my daily needed calories and proteins, instead of having to eat 3+ times a day
>go online, lurk shitchan /fit/ and watch some YT videos of the people I'm subbed to
>watch a movie 
>5 PM. sit down to eat my daily meal
>7-8 PM. Meditate and do some relaxing techniques to chill down before heading to bed
>sleep at 9 PM max. 
I've been thinking about adding a one hour working-out plan to my routine but I'm still kind of lazy and ain't able to go through with it, but it's getting better or at least I'm hoping it gets better and I actually manage to add an exercise plan to my day. 
Also I live in a very negative environment inside my parents house and it's been drastically affecting my mental health far more than what isolation does to me and I'm really sick of it bu
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Replies: >>780 >>841 + 4 earlier
>>136 (OP) 
The times I sleep vary all the time, because we have schedules for when we have electricity throughout the day (4hrs on, 4hrs off, 4hrs on, etc.).
The only things that stay consistent is that I do the dishes first thing in the morning, and then during the first power outage I shower, brush my teeth, and then sleep through whatever time's left.
Can't believe God placed my in this shithole.
Why does this image inspire so much happiness? Where is it from?
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>>136 (OP) 
picrelated is approximately me in my room
>wake whenever i usually have nice dreams and i always hate when they end
>do fuck all until i get tired, lurking imageboards is most of it, if i have energy i consume popular media i torrented
>maybe have one meal during the day but usually none at all
>fall asleep whenever i try to sleep as much as possible because i don't want to be conscious
i can't wait until god sends to anime world afterlife where im happy
>wake up 6-11am
>drink coffee or green tea
>often times smoke weed
>wake up
>listen to cute anime girl music
>read the few new posts on a few slow imageboards
>make a few posts, get b& a few times, ban evade a few times
>piss, cum and shit
>eat and drink
>watch anime
>go to sleep when tired
fuck God and fuck any faggot that worships him

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Well based on the pinned text 
>caused by the lifestyle
I suppose i havent been very outgoing, as the kind of.. no, as people havent been reaching out to me, and i also expects a certain kind of people to reach out to me, or being a particular kind only then you are allowed to reach me,

And i also has a certain amount ptsd caused by my mounting unsuccessful life that now culminates into a particularly specific set of questions that clouds almost every single activity i need to do...

Well, what am i to discuss? I definitely in no position to give advice, and no amount of drugs or exposure seems to work either nor does anyone continues on giving me solutions to get over it.

It seems set on that i have to have the scores and idea i need
Lest i will not be ever settled down on myself.

If anything, the world needs really smart people that can solve just about anything, and i guess this means i am not at all needed in any means possible.
Replies: >>801
>>798 (OP) 
Hopefully someday things will start to turn around, and there'll be programs with very patient people to help out people like us. And hopefully the governments of the world will be forced to keep a certain percentage of factory jobs, because I think jobs with no skills required and no social aspect would be helpful for neets.

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what has your family's reaction been to you being a hikikomori? I've noticed my family almost stopped caring about my lifestyle entirely after I entered my late 20s.
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Replies: >>778 >>793 + 3 earlier
Well, after several unfortunate attempts and health issues, I find myself among the ranks of you weeaboos.

I had to return to living with family
I haven't worked for over half a year because of health issues
I rarely go out unless it's to buy food
i have lost interest in pursuing women (i don't have any issues attracting and engaging with women but this current political climate is insufferable and all the women I have met recently are consumed with woke bullshit)
I spend my days online and doing digital art, shit posting but mainly looking at porn like a fucking degenerate

i need to return to the gym and get myself together. this hermit lifestyle is utter bullshit

my family understands the hinderances but they're also telling me i need to get my shit together and it's true
All my friends have either moved away or live in other countries (real friends, not anons) so I don't have any friends anymore in a sense. I have no one to call or hang out with at the moment (it's been like this for 2 years now).

I rarely get out of bed.

I don't have fights with my family, we get along.

they are the only people I have substantial human contact with
>>22 (OP) 
After the first few years she stopped caring. Although she still views me as a parasite and takes her frustration out on me and gets very short with me a lot.
All I can hope for is that God kills me soon.
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>>22 (OP) 
Wish I could've had a family like in an american family show (like 7th heaven or whatever).
Seems like most "parents" are passive, which is wrong. You should ALWAYS be active in everything.
But I've grown past the need for guidance.
Now I just try to stay on the right path and hope that something clicks to make me immune to sinful things.
I'm going to try to completely avoid all temptations, but it'll be hard, since I don't have much(healthy things) to occupy my time with.

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Food has gotten exponentially more expensive lately and I've been in need of more things to make that don't break the bank. If you have any recommendations and recipes I would appreciate it.
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first ingredients
you'll need 
2 cups of soy sauce
1 cup of any east asian wine(ive used sake but I use Mirin mostly)
a tablespoon of honey
a tablespoon of ground ginger
a few shakes of garlic powder
3 cloves of garlic
corn starch
boneless skinless chicken thighs
first mix the sauce its very easy use every ingredient in it besides the corn starch garlic cloves and chicken thighs
then fry your chicken and crushed garlic cloves until they are fully cooked then add the sauce
wait for the sauce to heat up before adding the corn starch 
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Have you tried this yourself? Two sausages and a glass of milk are better than nothing or a carb-heavy diet depending on how much you can handle hunger.
Bananas - $0.70 a pound. Oatmeal appears expensive at first, but you get many bowls from a bag or tube of it. Rice of course - drown in soy sauce or butter and sugar if you can't afford to top with meat that day or don't have fresh vegetables.
Has anyone tried pork flossing on to their rice? Its nice if you can't afford rice.
Replies: >>791
I meant meat, if you cant afford meat on your rice you'll use pork flossing, brb kms

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