/hikki/ - Hikikomori

The modern hermit

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What is allowed on this board? What is its purpose?

On this board you can discuss and request or give advice regarding the Hikikomori  lifestyle anxieties and social or mental issues arising from these conditions of living  and also post general hikikomori discussion If you're content with being a hikikomori  that's ok, and you won't get in trouble for saying so.

Make Sure to read the rules before posting.



The term Hikikomori ひきこもり or 引きこもり is a Japanese word that when translated into English it means  “pulling inward, being confined”,acute social withdrawal “)  in context of a person the term refers to a shut-in who stays home and does not leave their room for very long periods  usually   for about 6 months or more.


Hikikomori is a social condition in which the affected individual isolates themselves away from society at home in their parents house in their room for a period exceeding six months  . The Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare of Japan defines hikikomori as a condition in which the affected individuals refuse to leave their parents' house, and isolate themselves away from society and their family in their bedrooms  for a period exceeding six months but is not directly caused by  a physical condition or other psychological   problem.
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meta thread for discussing board rules and changes. feel free to post complaints about rules and changes you want to see to them.
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Unfortunately, posting from under Thor is practically impossible from Mordor [shitty Russia!]. The pidorusskies aka Kremlin bots specially parse boards and flame the CP and other black content [symbolically created with stolen and raped Ukrainian children]. It's a pity that the admin and mods do not understand this and ban the OnionNet nodes for a long time. You should clearly understand that everyone who calls themselves russians are schizophrenics and hate not only Ukrainians, but the whole world and all people, inventing derogatory nicknames for each nation and country. On average, there are 1/50,000 normal people in Mordor. Deal with it!
Replies: >>955
Why do you call Russia Mordor?  Is there any other forum anywhere else that does that, or did you just pick that up and decided to roll with it?  Why do you call it "OnionNet" and not "Tor"?  What do you mean by "symbolically created"?  Why did you decide to post this in the meta thread of a dead /hikki/ board?
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>> Why, why, proofs!
Fuck went, pissed fagot!
Replies: >>962
Who are you replying to?  What does your post even mean?
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If you want to make banners for the board feel free to post them here
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Ico is favorite game of mine. Yorda having to spend her life within the confines of the castle albeit against her will fits with the theme of the hikikomori lifestyle, I think.
Replies: >>732
You don't need to justify it, it's a beautiful game.
Replies: >>733
I guess I just liked the fact somebody acknowledged my ICO related post, albeit two years later.
Replies: >>959
I keep seeing this whenever I load up this board, and want to join the ICO talk, but can't really think of anything to say...

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wait you are a bot right
okay I read it sir
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Where did you come from?
First time huh, i remember my first

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/hkgenneral/ - thread for general discussion here.

>in before this become the final new thread that is not a staff announcement.
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Replies: >>986 + 1 earlier
Do schizoids hurt society in an absolute sense, only in a comparative sense, or not at all?
Replies: >>943
Hurt in what way?
Replies: >>957
Asmongold during his neet era. Is this guy the most successful neet of our era? Usually neets live a worthless life and die in horrible slow death, no one cares.
>>799 (OP) 
I'm sorry but that image is stupid and does not reflect the point of either memes. Not only that but you may as well make Sailor moon the one on the left if youre' gonna use that shit on the right, though I cannot recall the name of the newer 'nerd girl' anime chick that had black hair and green eyes though I did see it many years ago. Chad fucks women, lots of them. Stacey is not a virgin due to chad fucking her. Chad virgin is an oxymoron even if a male and this is a female? 

Ideal gf meme is easier to have fun with. Leave this chad vs beta meme behind, it's bad even when people use it properly and always was meant to be a troll image. Perhaps you did this on purpose due to this. Places like /r9k/ or hikki places should like ideal gf meme. 

>warm glass of milk gf
>keeps me warm at night
>safe from ulcers
>literally keeps me alive
>does not complain about my cold hands
>is bubbly 
>is as white as the driven snow
>is 99 percent more popular than chocolate milk
>everyone wants her at some point in their lives unless they are dysgenic 
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well /hikki/, what is the best and worst incarnation of nhk? the light novel will always be better then both the anime and manga to me and the anime is worse then the manga.
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Kudos for seeing it through anon.

Being the resident expert of NHK now, any lessons you've gleaned from it?
Replies: >>961
No. Everyone reaches the same destination by different routes, there's no lesson to learn.
Replies: >>963
...why did you bother with going through so much NHK media?
Replies: >>964
Because I liked the story. The author didn't really have any answers, if he did he would've found another way to escaping instead of writing a book or growing out of it and he ended becoming a hikki again afterwards.
Replies: >>972
I really like NHK as a piece of literature for that same reason, it doesn't need to be a self-help book, give you a lesson or something like that. Just tell a story, then you could interpret it how you want.

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What a great time of year, with wagies all dying n' wasting their souls and then they go back to live in consumerist christmas missing the whole spirit of one that I will bring to this board!

Merry Christmas to all from chudpol, make sure that you pray and sing carol, all songs while I take a sip of my creatine water and go to some gym session and yes  i wish you guys all the happy merry year tonight. thank you.

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How are you doing? What did you do last week?
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I'll try again and try to stick to the main point.

Happiness/Sadness are the expressions of chemicals in the brain.  Due to our biology, however, a consistently net positive expression of these chemicals is impossible, and is considerably more fleeting than one may realize.  This is backed up by happiness studies as well.  Therefore, happiness/sadness as a goal in life is impossible, and the information conveyed by these emotional states are useless and should be ignored.
Replies: >>909
Well, I guess I might as well keep talking to myself.

This thought has been sticking in my brain more and more, begging for it to get fully written out into some overly wordy manifesto.  There are so many societal morals that go out the window when one considers the impossibility of happiness.  There are so many therapies and psychiatric studies that appear more plainly to be nothing more than manipulative shams when one considers that happiness is an impossibility.

It completely changes the worldview, and I don't know where to begin with it.
I've been trying to code a game, but I either get overwhelmed by how big the task is, or when I break it down into small enough tasks the code gets so spaghetti that I lose track of everything.
Replies: >>916
I've been trying to improve the way that I plan it so the separate tasks really are segmented enough to not be overwhelmed.  I think I've come up with a way to design the system beforehand, and then use graph theory to simplify and modularize the codebase.  But, I doubt it.  I've only written a single function.
Replies: >>970
How is it going so far?

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...I can't believe you had to explicitly explain why you were replying like that for me to figure out why you were replying like that.
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[Melodic Dubstep]
Au5 & Tasha Baxter - Stargate VIP
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Yury - Branded
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Emil Rottmayer - Ultraviolet

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Went outside today for the first time in 2 weeks because I was craving chocolate. It's never as bad as I think it will be.
How long have you been a hikki for?
In a row or in total? Because I have been on and off the lifestyle since I finished my education. A few months working and having to keep a semblance of sociability while at it, then quitting and locking myself up for a couple of years. I go back to my parents' sometimes. They used to try to fix me, get me out, go do something, but I think they have accepted I'm hopeless by now. I'm living with them again and we barely talk. I have never been much to talk, but at least they used to try. They don't even bother anymore, not even to complain about my dead weight or try to lecture me about my future.

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