/hikki/ - Hikikomori

The modern hermit

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What is allowed on this board? What is its purpose?

On this board you can discuss and request or give advice regarding the Hikikomori  lifestyle anxieties and social or mental issues arising from these conditions of living  and also post general hikikomori discussion If you're content with being a hikikomori  that's ok, and you won't get in trouble for saying so.

Make Sure to read the rules before posting.



The term Hikikomori ひきこもり or 引きこもり is a Japanese word that when translated into English it means  “pulling inward, being confined”,acute social withdrawal “)  in context of a person the term refers to a shut-in who stays home and does not leave their room for very long periods  usually   for about 6 months or more.


Hikikomori is a social condition in which the affected individual isolates themselves away from society at home in their parents house in their room for a period exceeding six months  . The Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare of Japan defines hikikomori as a condition in which the affected individuals refuse to leave their parents' house, and isolate themselves away from society and their family in their bedrooms  for a period exceeding six months but is not directly caused by  a physical condition or other psychological   problem.
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meta thread for discussing board rules and changes. feel free to post complaints about rules and changes you want to see to them.
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One of the posts was misaligned.
>murdoch-chan saga
jesus what a fucking travesty
Replies: >>862
it's the most retarded shit i've read in weeks
I will be 23 in a week which has led me to look back, realizing that I spent the majority of my life in a pathetic, miserable state. 
As soon as I hit the 20s it seems I lost any sense of time, my mental development came to a halt and even reverted in various aspects. I became unable to express the most mundane thoughts in conversation, I lost interest in the world. I became so empty and shallow that I'm nostalgic for the days when I thought about kms everyday. I wonder why I became this way. Perhaps it is the nature of the internet, that is especially hazardous to my retarded spergbrain. Perhaps it is just of our depraved timeline. I don't know. I feel pathetic that I wasn't even able to fill a proper textwall with my bullshit. this senseless rant has meant nothing. good night
Replies: >>875
Don't worry, it will only get worse lol

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If you want to make banners for the board feel free to post them here
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Ico is favorite game of mine. Yorda having to spend her life within the confines of the castle albeit against her will fits with the theme of the hikikomori lifestyle, I think.
Replies: >>732
You don't need to justify it, it's a beautiful game.
Replies: >>733
I guess I just liked the fact somebody acknowledged my ICO related post, albeit two years later.

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Is hikikomori getting too mainstream?
Replies: >>883 >>884
If you call yourself a hikki then you never were one to begin with
>>881 (OP) 
>2 million likes
it's so over
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>>881 (OP) 

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Just like the suicide thread in the previous board. Share any struggles you might have regarding suicide, any past failed attempts and/or why do you think suicide may be the answer to all this you're going through. 

I've been procrastinating/delaying my suicide plan for over 5 years now, partly because I'm scared of what comes after death as I cannot know for sure what will happen once I'm on the other side and this kind of scaring me and holding me back from killing myself. Maybe it's the survival instinct in the end? I attempted suicide for like 8 times in 3 years now and every-time I was saved by either a stranger or a family member and this didn't change my mindset or made me think less of it. The desire to eradicate this body, this existence is getting stronger day after day especially these days, but I'm still hesitating to actually go with it, as I still have somewhat of a brief feeling of hope that my ways might change in the future but then I rethink it and figure out that I'm in my early 20's now and still haven't done anything significant with my life, still trying to find a purpose, a motivation or maybe a dream to live for, meanwhile everyone my age around me is graduating college and passing through different phases with their lives, all while I'm still stuck in the no-purpose teenage-like kind of existentialism. It really gets very boring everyday and Idk what to do anymore.
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That explains a lot of my interactions in the lesser boards.
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Replies: >>859
This is one of those cases in statistics where articles have headlines like
>32% increase in suicide from 1999 levels
When in absolute terms it means fuck all.
I need to do great things in my life. I need to suffer. I watch all these animes with main characters doing monumental things in their lives, achieving great success, and suffering heavy failures, yet here I am, half-assing everything. I want to be like them; I want to suffer like them. I want to get my dick wet on a regular basis. From today onward, that will be my goal. I will study and absorb like a sponge. I will wake up at 5 AM and run. I will read my books, play my video games, and read my manga. I will learn my instruments, and I will learn coding until my eyes bleed. I will be the greatest hacker known to man. I'm not a genius, but I have the heart to do so.  Hikki are the ones with strongest motivation, since we are so fed up with the state of our lives. Nothing is more disgusting and painful than the guilt of a neet.

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I vaguely remember browsing it years ago, would any of you ever want to see it come back? Even if it isn't the original owner so long as there's a definite place to go to communicate with other hikis
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all neet/hikky boards are shit too.
my first one was ruchan.net/hik/. then 2ch.ru/rf became refuge for bullied hikkies from /b/. then a lot of guys copied japanese hikky (turned out that board was very bad as well) rules and made some chans as well as making a refuge/hikky board on every chan. then r9k, jp, wizardchan. some obscure/invite only chans in between. some tor chans in between. 

now we are here AND I MISS MY FUCKING NEET.MOE chan shit, despite its incel clique it was the best i had.
Replies: >>879
also missing brutal blackpill dude. a little too incel, but it was also good
Replies: >>832
whats wrong with incels?
Once people realise how to get NEET bucks and then wait for society to finally fall apart. Boomers are domestic terrorists. Maybe zoomers will think it's niche like how kids who grew up after '90s wanted to pretend the Internet wasn't like 20 years old already.
Replies: >>879
You guys probably ruined neet.moe and made the admin quiet.
When everyone is a NEET, no one is. Day of the Pillow when? It's not zoomers' fault decades have ceased to have meaning.

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well /hikki/, what is the best and worst incarnation of nhk? the light novel will always be better then both the anime and manga to me and the anime is worse then the manga.
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after his recent sequel id rather have someone else work on adaptations.
they were all of them different and lack of something. it should have a bit longer to my test
"In this world conspiracies exist." Tatsuhiko Takimoto
Personally I enjoyed the light novel the most, and the manga second. Once I'd read the light novel the anime seemed ten times worse considering how much they cut.
I know there's a "rebuild of NHK" but from what I've heard it kinda sucks and I won't pay money for it, maybe if someone uploads em all somewhere I'll read it but I have zero plans to especially if I gotta pay for the shit.
What do you think are the best versions of the OP and ED songs?

the last time i went outside was 3 years ago and anytime i go outside its so fucking annoying and i freeze when anyone talks to me and i feel like i have no consciousness when im outside.
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Replies: >>842 >>876 + 1 earlier
Try doing some light exercise outside or going for walks a little bit at a time until you get more comfortable. It sucks and I know how you feel! It can improve with time
>>810 (OP) 
once in three month on average i order something online and pick it up from the post office
>>810 (OP) 
Only at night for Groceries
I used to be hiki. I think it's easier if you have a set task and a regular routine when going out. Once you're a familiar face you start to blend in.

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How are you doing? What did you do last week?
Probably an old post but like, idfk

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Yorushika, tuyu are my favorites
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Chief Kelly x RiverKinn - Ad Nauseum [Lyrics x AMV]
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X-Static - Hymn of a hidden place
The Stanley Brothers - Purple Robe

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