/hikki/ - Hikikomori

The modern hermit

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How do i get mood again.
Replies: >>748 >>760
>>745 (OP) 
Music maybe. Anime. I d on 't know.
>>745 (OP) 

Not sure what would work for you, but personally working out helped me a lot on self-image and mood, and i'm not even going to the gym, i'm doing everything at home.

And I suppose watching/playing old nostalgic stuff from the 2000s (sometimes a little bit before), a time where society was much saner therefore with products of higher quality and that completely lack any degeneracy of today (mainly getting them through the use of torrents or else) while giving the feeling of being in a sort of time capsule when everything was better then.

I also found a taste for obscure/niche stuff, and data-hoarding (reminder that in december, google is going to remove all youtube videos from channels inactive for more than 2 years), helps somewhat getting myself occupied.

Also it's probably hardly possible for you (same for me) but try to cut pr0n as much as you can, and avoid industrial sugar (that I succeed at however)/sweets, I also found some 15 minutes every few days outside (in countryside) helped a lot. And not using social medias or watching TV at all.

Hope you update us with how your life goes on, Anon.
I have severe problems with anger. The smallest things, like how someone talks to me, can set me off and make me upset all day and punch things.
The only things that slightly cools me down is when I take a shower or a short sleep.
It's also good to have different kinds of playlists on yt to help switch moods(the only mood a person should be in is a calm/slightly cheerful one).

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A continuation of the old thread on the old board. How far did you get before abandoning everything? 
I was never able to finish my first year of high school before dropping out until I was forced in my early 20s to going to night school to get a diploma before cutting off everything completely.
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Replies: >>687 >>777 + 2 earlier
>>178 (OP) 
Is this me?
your dad would be glad to talk to you imo, give him a call
Did all the things people said I should do "enjoy life" like changing cities, getting a career, a GF, doing drugs, renting your own place, college
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Barely finished college, dropped out of uni. Cant even bring myself to get my documents back. Got a couple of shitty jobs tho, years ago. Was fired for getting gallbladder stones removed. Haven't left the house in 6 weeks or maybe more. 
Interacting with people is a nightmare, even if I like them and enjoy their company. Recent chapter of chainsaw man summarized it very well.
>>178 (OP) 
I got into a cheap college, but had to drop out because my mother had some financial problems.
I also had a few jobs in my early 20's, but it was just shelve packing jobs and 2 cashier jobs.
I now have no money, friends, health, or anything else. I'm worse off than I was 15+ years ago.
The only thing I have to look forward to is God's return.

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How to control watercolor like https://characterdesignreferences.com/artist-of-the-week-7/makoto-kobayashi
And the realism of it
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This has nothing to do with being hikki
Replies: >>755
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watercolor is a great hobby for hikkis. Its a very cheep hobby and its how a lot of retro manga got colored.
Replies: >>765
watercolor pencils are actually pretty cheap, watercolour frens keep making le drawings.
Replies: >>766
Replies: >>767

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Tell me popular 6 digit career these days
Replies: >>641 >>698
>>640 (OP) 
drug dealer. idk, you expect us to know anything about jobs???
>space marine nigger asking hikkis about jobs
lel absolute retard
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>>640 (OP) 

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Replies: >>663
not >>7 but this should help you
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fuck forgot to attach file
>>4 (OP) 
what is anime?
Replies: >>664
It's a fictional anime from anime called Welcome to the N.H.K.

is this the largest /hikki/-type board?
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No thanks. It glows in the dark.
alfred's playhouse
We hikkis really need to stop calling ourselves NEETs and just embrace hikki. NEET is such a low barrier of entry that normies are infesting NEET communities.
Reject NEET. Embrace hikikomori.
Replies: >>607
Yeah pretty much. Any teenager can claim to be a NEET because they aren't currently going to school or working, which definitely isn't the same thing as hardly leaving your house for years on end, while also probably not having a bunch of friends like normalcattle NEETs do. I'm aware there's debate around these definitions and Hikki/NEET just being synonyms, but if we're honest with ourselves, there is a big distinction between not working for a couple months and not working for multiple years-decades while being stuck in your room because you suffocate in public. Frankly comparing us to NEETs diminishes what we go through and how severe our problems typically are and fetishes it, a lot of us just weren't ever destined to be functional.
Not clicking that

the filthy /pol/ bad goyem have figured out our 6 gorellion was a lie we must use our Kabbalah magic.
anyone know how to summon Misaki golem?
Replies: >>531
>>530 (OP) 
Waste of time, golems always turn on you. The smart move is to burn your kippah and Talmud, move to a distant country under an assumed name, and tell the goyim that you're Turkish. They can't tell the difference.

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>you can go outside
<that's fair I guess...
>you don't even have to be neet
<gettin' retarded here....
>rule 1
So you're a self hating faggot?
>you can't bully but can troll
Are you retarded?
>no helping with suicide
Redditor much? Stopped reading.

t. a 10+ year long neet with no social life
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>We have been too lazy to reclaim the 8kunt board, that's why cuckchan posters have been shilling there discords on it.
> I am confused  bro what are you talking about?

Yeah. I tried I've been delaying reclaiming /hikki/ for a long time, especially because I lost my mod account. Until I met the BO of this current board and we've been on good terms and thinking about starting a new board for a while now. 
>  I didn't screw over anyone  i didn't wanna run it anymore 
Because you wanted to reintegrate "which is totally normal and I fully support your decision" and the discord drama was too much it kinda made you overlook the board. 
>it should have stayed dead
Why? it was a place for most of us to talk away from the toxicity of other places. 
>plus the board was toxic and depressing and wasn't very good for my mental health
You never thought of it this way when you first started it. You simply started viewing it as such once you wanted to join society again which again is totally fine but abandoning a place that you were highly enthusiastic about  just because you couldn't relate to the users anymore is bad bro.

Though with all that being said. I'm still happy to see you 
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>Im still confused as to why you left the discord servers up on /hikki/

By the time they were posted there i was already gone i haven't been  in  control of that place since August 2019 when 8chan was shutdown i originally had plans to bring it back but i changed my mind after it pretty much stayed dead and didn't comeback for a long time. I apologize for confusing you and making it seem like i fucked you and everyone else over when in reality i didn't mean to and i am sorry about that. If i was still in control i would delete all the spam and clean it up.
Replies: >>94
>wait what! did you become a hikikomori again?

Yeah and i don't mind being NEET for a little bit longer i was trying to look for a job at the start of 2020 but Codvid put me back in my room and i am okay with that for now.
email me and we will get it sorted
lets move this to the meta thread I was going to lock this thread originally before Hikki posted anyway

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>be me
>offer to take my dad to the store
>offer to mow the back yard
>accomplish both of these and pick up some booze-clues
>somehow caused a fight between my parents by doing this

Anyone else feel like when they do something helpful it's somehow always counter productive?

I just wanted an excuse to buy some drinks.
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Replies: >>786 + 1 earlier
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>be me
>Dad asks me to help him find a second job because he hates being at home and dealing with my mother
>tells me about some Fed Ex job a huge distance away for $20+ USD
>tells me about a temp agency he wants me to sign him up for
>ask him for a resume
>be kind of a dick about it
>boomer as dad doesnt have a cell phone, refuses to use one, refuses to learn how to use a computer or any electronic
>gets pissed off when i tell him he needs a resume
<"I've been working the same job for 20 years. I dont want to do the same thing. I've gone to temp agencies before and gotten signed up for jobs"
<been over 30 years since that happened
>mfw the temp agency wants a resume
>mfw my dad gets into an arguement with my mom
>feels when made dad cry because the future is now and the world has moved on without him

You cant even get hired at little caesers pizza if you walk in and ask for a job. It's the same everywhere "you gotta apply online"
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kill her
>thinkpad for mom
Thinkpad is a kind of autistic call for a normie, but if that's how she treats you no wonder you're where you are.

Your talents and care for detail could br used better elsewhere.
>>72 (OP) 
I just stay out of sight. I even keep my door closed so that noone will try to engage with me, because everyone just treats me like I have no value.
The only time I leave my room or make any noise/sound, is when I do the dishes and laundry. What a shit life. Wish I could've had the regular life(house, family, office job, etc.).

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