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I've migrated and fixed a bunch of shit along the way, but if anything is broken please use this thread to report it. I've locked the previous thread to focus new issues here.

Two known issues:
- Favicon didn't fly so good
- Need to set up a new tor socks5 proxy for webring

Both of these will be fixed shortly.
Also regarding tegaki: You may have to refresh the page after granting canvas access to really get it working. This is the case on tor/firefox at least but once that's done it should just work.
>>4378 (OP) 
webring doesn't fucking work
mp3 uploads aren't fixed (god knows what other filetypes are broken too)
Replies: >>4385 >>4393
One of the guys from /digi/ mentions that FLAC files are also broken, even before the migration
Replies: >>4393
after trying to post images, it gives a "something broke" error and refuses to process the post
captcha locks up afterwards giving you a white square if you try to make a post
curiously, posts without images appear to go through
also spoiler markup is reverted, meaning double * is now italics and  double | are now spoiler tags
these are italics
these are spoiler tags
Images don't seem to load, and I am unable to download any files off of here. The cursor in tegaki mode seems to bleed onto the screen, but it randomly disappeared.
craptcha test
oh shit nigger it works
Replies: >>4395
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>install webring script and make sure it fucking works this time
>make post formatting syntax match vichan instead of being discord shit
>make audio uploads not fucking break due to missing thumbnails
>disable local time and relative time by default because it's web 3.0 cancer and will only empower the "original 8chan thread" nigger
>unbreak tegaki I guess
Replies: >>4394 >>4441
Custom fonts for boards like >>>/digi/ are borked
>disable local time and relative time by default 
Don't do it! It makes it easier to find the original thread if someone posts a screenshot.
Replies: >>4396
Fucking finally.
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t. "original 8chan thread" nigger
Replies: >>4397
Nice cuckchan filename, fucktarded crosposter
Replies: >>4398
It physically pains me to see posters this retarded. Please commit suicide and don't survive.
Replies: >>4399
>asking anon to get anything right
good luck
>newfag doesnt know about 4chan's image hash
Alright fess up, who linked this place on cuckchan? Anyone??!
Replies: >>4406
The overboard only works for /b/, /v/ and /digi/. If you filter out those boards it shows you posts from /test/.
Replies: >>4404
Scratch that, only /v/ and /digi/ show up correctly.
>retardfag doesn't understand that's not a hash, that's a timestamp
>retardfag doesn't understand that most imageboard software uses the unix timestamp format, including imageboards that are currently in the webring at this very moment
>retardfag doesn't understand that imageboards that uses hashes are actually outliers
If you're going to call someone a newfag don't be a newfag also please kill yourself you probably started using imageboards 6 months ago and have reddit and blacked open in your other tabs.
Replies: >>4406
Forgot to quote >>4400
Also you're a nigger. And your mother took hundreds of cocks. Get off imageboards.
It mostly looks good, but having two quote marks (the " character) as bold is not going to work.  It'll accidentally escape every time a post contains two over-emphasized quotations within a single paragraph and then whoever posted it will yell "damn you!" to the skies.

I was going to talk about the ""gameplay" in Game X but calling it gameplay is even more laughable than implying the game has a "story".

You see what I mean?

I seriously do not fucking know why Sturgeon is so averse to using triple apostrophes as bold.  It literally worked with the default version of zchan/zzzchan years ago.  Just put the triple-apostrophe check before the double-apostrophe check in the markdown logic and you should avoid any problems.
>try to report my post and delete it by mistake
Replies: >>4410 >>4422
>using a password
tripfags out
Replies: >>4412
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New threads sometimes get put at the very bottom of the catalog? The MUGEN thread was made briefly after migration and was sitting at the top like it was supposed to. I then found the thread at the bottom of the catalog after some shit stirring post got deleted.
You're always posting with a password
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>>4378 (OP) 
>- Favicon didn't fly so good
Same mistake as last time, you only replaced favicon.ico when you need to replace all of them or at least the 16x16 and 32x32
Replies: >>4416
Replies: >>4417
So why is favicon.ico correct but not the others then?
Are the thumbnails supposed to be lower quality after the update?
>>4378 (OP) 
>Need to set up a new tor socks5 proxy for webring
Any word on that?
Replies: >>4422
Bold has been a complete pain in the ass to set and triple apostrophes was conflicting with italics' double apostrophes. Your example seems to be extremely fringe, I'm leaving it as double quotes.

Go look at the webring page, it's been working.
Replies: >>4437 >>4443
Bug report: There is no I2P version of zzzchan in the year 2023.
The tor onion automatically redirects to https:// which doesn't work if you put the onion URL without http:// in the tor browser address bar. Figure out some way to automatically redirect https:// to http:// for the onion.
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>disable local time and relative time by default because it's web 3.0 cancer and will only empower the "original 8chan thread" nigger
That issue was fixed with an unexpected update.
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Not really a bug, but global rule 5 on the global rules page is incomplete.
Replies: >>4479
>triple apostrophes was conflicting with italics' double apostrophes
Why did it work before then?
Whenever I hide a thread in the catalog, unless I immediately refresh the page after hiding it, it won't persist and will reappear if I refresh the catalog some time later. Ungoogled Chromium on ganoo+linoox.
Is any one else getting bad request errors for a post for 'word filtering'? No matter what I try to post I can't get past this error, and I am definitely positive that I am not using any of the words on a word-block list.
Replies: >>4452
I think it's an error related to the ten thousand range bans in effect at the moment, because specific IP bans are too difficult for the modes
Having any thread open spikes GPU usage for no reason, even when the glowing webring button is blocked.
>With the catalog open laptop GPU temperature hovers around 50C
>Opening a thread spikes this to 60C+
This is after I cleaned the inside and replaced the thermal paste. Let me know if you need more info.
Replies: >>4463
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Is it the little animated live post dot that's causing you issues or have you blocked that as well?
The onion https can't be reached unless you manually delete the s. I have https everywhere and it's extremely annoying I have to do this every time.
Replies: >>4467
Look at the address bar when you're on the homepage. It ends with /index.html. That exact url needs to be your bookmark. Trying to go to the url in the Welcome message is the cause, It forces https when redirecting to the url with /index.html appended. This has been known for a year or two and there hasn't been an attempt to fix the redirect or even simply change the Welcome message.
Replies: >>4483
this is still a (small) problem.
Make sure to make backups. Lainchan got hit by s0yjak raid today.
What's up with the maintenance? Upgrading to 1.1.2?
.onion is down.
Replies: >>4525
Is it intentional that smuglo isn't listed in the webring here? Because you guys are still listed on theirs.
Replies: >>4513 >>4514
They're a bunch of pedos. WDYT?
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jschan's webring list is all kinds of fucked
only one site is blacklisted, and it's neither smug or tvch, but neither show on the webring page despite them being both manually followed and in the known nodes list. go bug tom about it.
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why are the dates now appearing as day/month/year instead of the superior and vastly easier to understand month/day/year
Replies: >>4518 >>4519
because they make sense, fuck you
Replies: >>4519
>"AMERICA FUCK YEAH" banner message
>around the same time the website switched to non-American dates
(anyway, I'm not even American, and I agree month/day/year is superior)
>Tor working 
IDs are broken. They seem to reset all the time.
I'm having a problem with the captcha where it continuously refreshes, very quickly, due to the cookie not being set properly. The refresh timer is being set to a negative value. I've enabled cookies and everything so I'm not sure why this is happening, all I can see is that calculated refresh time is a large negative number, which explains why it refreshes without any delay. Testing now by modifying the function in the dev console, hopefully this sends.
Replies: >>4534
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Good, it worked. I can finally post again.

Unfortunately I don't have any reproduction steps. I'm using ungoogled chromium on artix linux. This happened once before and seems to have been caused by a system update. idk what has changed, probably package manager speds screwed something up. I'll try to look into it more but for some reason I can't see my cookies through the dev console. Which is weird, because otherwise, my settings are definitely being stored and are persisting. Not sure if there's some special way that the captcha cookie is being created, but I can't see it at all, and it appears to be incorrect when it is read.

My solution is inconvenient but works for now. just set captchaController.startRefreshTimer = function(){} to disable the refresh immediately after opening the thread dialog If you could add a "disable auto refresh" checkbox to the captcha that would make it easier for me and anyone else who has this bug.
Fix the fucking captcha so I can report the cp on /v/.
Replies: >>4542
>fix the captcha 
you are literally posting here you know how to solve it
Replies: >>4550
virus file on /v/ was a false alarm. i got scared because of virustotal reporting connections to some IP addresses.
What's the point of having an onion link if tor is blocked on every board and all the clearnet nodes are banned? Why not just get rid of it at this point?
is weird because sometimes you don't need to do the captcha, but other times is necessary.
How exactly does zzzchan configure thier alternate proxies? i want to make my own imageboard someday
I hate cuckflare so much its unreal i wish i could just host my media on p2p filehosts like bitchan and changolia. Fuck the modern web and all its bloat
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fix this in the global rules:
>5. Boards created for the sole purpose of spam or whose board owners neglect reasonab$
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I just got "wordfiltered" for a .png image. It's literally just this pic but changed to transparent via paint.NET. I don't understand at all.
Replies: >>4611
The zzz Tor address is down
Replies: >>4610
tor test
skill issue
Hey, images on the onion seem to be broken like OP's including captchas.
Not working: http://crghlabr45r5pqkgnbgehywk5nxutdks5iss7tabyux5psikqqjirryd.onion/file/2dff3a36cfe5462618b2408c2112b0dd9e9938355570abc2c1320b8214c8de44.gif
Working: https://zzzchan.xyz/file/2dff3a36cfe5462618b2408c2112b0dd9e9938355570abc2c1320b8214c8de44.gif
Replies: >>4621 >>4634 >>4635
This is a problem too because if you try to make a post on Tor on boards with captcha you can't even solve them.
Please fix this Sturgeon.
Replies: >>4626 >>4635
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Here's a workaround for the captcha in the meantime:
>Open your browser's developer tools
>Go to network requests
>Filter requests by "/captcha/"
>Refresh the page and open the post captcha
>Check back the requests, there should be one for a PNG image, like http://crghlabr45r5pqkgnbgehywk5nxutdks5iss7tabyux5psikqqjirryd.onion/captcha/65d4e7e323e3b454ecfb5d26.jpg
>Replace the onion host name in the URL with the clearnet one. The example above becomes https://zzzchan.xyz/captcha/65d4e7e323e3b454ecfb5d26.jpg
>Open/download the new URL's image to solve the captcha
If it doesn't work the first or second tries then you probably need to refresh the page again for a new URL.
You should also be able to attach files to your posts, though you won't be able to see them once posted.
Replies: >>4627 >>4808
Thanks for the workaround.
+1. Images are bork on onion.
Replies: >>4635
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>Images are still borked.
Replies: >>4641
Did the site just 404 for a bit? Also freespeechextremist seems to be dead.
Replies: >>4640
I updated the site to import a board from cafe.

>Also freespeechextremist seems to be dead.
Wew, indeed it does. Guess I'll have to set up a public account somewhere else. I'll announce that when I do it.
Last edited by sturgeon
Replies: >>4641
Please do something about this too >>4635
Replies: >>4642
It's on my list, I had to prioritize getting the import tools working.
Last edited by sturgeon
Replies: >>4649
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Hey queermo what do you think about this 
and a potential solution
Replies: >>4656
Tor images and captcha are borked still fyi
Hey fish I've got a question about reporting. When you report a post you get that pop up box that says "x posts reported" or whatever, and if you click "ok" it reloads the page. I recently discovered that if you click the x in the top right of the box it goes away without reloading the page. Does the report still go through if you do that? I would rather not reload the whole page when I make a report.
Replies: >>4656
SSH backdoor in upstream xz/liblzma release tarballs!

Also, this looks suspicious: https://archive.vn/ogmcy
Replies: >>4656
Was IP blacklist stuff changed recently? Actual (USA) IP gets reported as blacklisted when trying to post. No ban message, previous posts remain. Worked fine till now.
Replies: >>4656
This never got anywhere near stable release for mainline distros and is already fixed everywhere.

Yes, DNSBL was enabled. I'm leaving it on to see if it helps at all.

I don't have an option to force local boards first, I'll see how trashmin is doing it.

The report is sent when you submit the form, so yes.
Replies: >>4657
I don't think it helps
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russia blocked apparently
also captcha broken in olde waterfox now
I can't upload on /b/ through Tor.
The page resets after making a new post or thread.
you said there would be domains, eggman
where are the domains
The default /b/ theme causes lag. I think its because you added some mascot thing on the side
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Uploading this webm shows "something broke" on another board.
hi dear admin. i am very tempted to call you faggot, but the truth is the problem is with me. i am not at very good terms with the cp spam all over altchans, so i very much appreciate the REPORT button. you got a report button? show me please.
Replies: >>4722
Press "Show Post Actions" at the bottom of the page. Put some effort in next time.
Replies: >>4723
thank you actually i just needed to enable javascript
not popular these days to be very honest
>>4378 (OP) 
Block AWS and Azure IPs from posting. Glowies and Think Tanks use them.
Replies: >>4874
So it is just a bug that you're blocking posters from uploading Animated PNGs?  Because someone forgot to include apng in acceptable mime types for .png?  Boy I sure hope that's the case.

I would hate to think you're actually trying to push subpar substitutes for animation like webm or webp out of some uninformed hubristic sense of knowing what's best for the web, like that arrogant fuck m00t started doing over a decade ago back on 4chan.  Because right now you're the only alternative image board I've come across that does this.  Is this the company you wanna keep?
Are  broad range IP tor bans a thing? Because it's making it hard for me to mod my board if I'm banned on a bazillion bridges.
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If you're trying to solve a CAPTCHA through the onion but it's missing/invisible, try the workaround in >>4626
Make sure to open the devtools window before opening the captcha window, or else you'll have to refresh the page.
You can also replace the image's URL with http instead of https as a fix.

Details for the fish: seems like jschan fetches the captcha image with an URL containing https, which doesn't work over the onion.
It doesn't happen constantly, but often enough to be troublesome. It happened to me while posting this.
Looking at https://gitgud.io/fatchan/jschan/-/blob/v1.4.1/models/pages/captcha.js?ref_type=tags line 54:
                .cookie('captchaid', captchaId.toString(), {
                        'secure': production && secureCookies && (req.headers['x-forwarded-proto'] === 'https'),
                        'sameSite': 'strict',

The secure field in line 55 may be why it converts the URL to https.
In particular, the code req.headers['x-forwarded-proto'] === 'https' may be the culprit, which seems to check the HTTP request header x-forwarded-proto for the value https, therefore setting secure to true (if production and secureCookies are also true, which
I'm assuming so).
Perhaps it's an issue with some proxy config of yours?
Note that this code is also present in jschan's latest master (bd48d527).
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Why no spoiler and filename stripping options for images in the onion service? I do have JS enabled and most other features do work fine.
Replies: >>4828
Here's a workaround for anyone interested >>>/tech/14671 ...
/x/ has a broken CAPTCHA -- it reloads rapidly, then says: try again later. Tried different browsers, same thing. It may be a slow board, but hopefully this can be sorted.
Replies: >>4860
Isn't that caused by your PC clock being wrong?
Please stop handing out 6 month bans for wordfilters. Any bad actor can sign up for a VPN after finding the magic word and get every exit node banned in half an hour.
>Glowies and Think Tanks use them
I'd like to see this implemented if that's actually true.
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Less a bug and more a sysop error:
>On the topic of rule-breaking posts, I like how global rule 5 has been utter gibberish since its inception.
>5. Boards created for the sole purpose of spam or whose board owners neglect reasonab$
If it's some 2deep4u meme that only four people know about, it's still pretty fucking clueless to keep as a global rule. The point of the rules is to set a framework for behavior (not that most of the global rules accomplish anything even without being literal, incomprehensible gibberish LOL).

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