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Putin's given us the boot! Read about it here: https://zzzchan.xyz/news.html#66208b6a8fca3aefee4bf211

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Add an I2P address pls.

I2P doesn't have some of the vulnerabilities of Tor (see Dread DDoS) and has better, more reliable performance for hidden services. Oh and it supports torrenting. In fact it's integrated to default I2P client, so unlike on Tor, fun is allowed. Finally, unlike Tor, it does not rely on centralized directory authorities. The network is truly decentralized. It makes for a different set of pros and cons. If nothing else, it's good for hedging your bets with Tor, but generally, I2P is just better for hidden service use. That's what it was designed for. Meanwhile Tor is first and foremost a proxy system to clearnet.
For website hosting, you can use i2pd which is a more performant C++ implementation without the bells and whistles.

Some chans that already have I2P support:

As you can see, you have an option to have a domain name registered on some volunteer servers (they act more like address books to which people subscribe), but if you don't trust them, you don't have to.
Replies: >>4423
>>4421 (OP) 
Looks cool, I can have a look at this but there's more work I want to do on the current setup before tackling i2p. Know any good tutorials/documentation?
Replies: >>4433 >>4438
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Quick note for pic related: You should use the HTTP proxy instead of the SOCKS proxy since the HTTP proxy masks your browser user agent to be MYOB/6.66 (AN/ON) while the SOCKS proxy doesn't mask your browser user agent.

Here is a short tutorial on how to create an i2pd HTTP tunnel: https://i2pd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/http/

You don't need to open the httpd port for I2P traffic on your firewall. There isn't any nginx example for this, but I have a simple static site example for OpenBSD httpd:
language: json
server "zmjdpytveh2mp6krdnlniupxnv2cgacmffhznbxvgypl63tjchfa.b32.i2p" {
        listen on * port 8080
        root "/htdocs/examplesite"
        no log

server "example.i2p" {
        listen on * port 8080
        root "/htdocs/examplesite"
        no log

You can primarily provide a B32 address link. An address helper link in addition is optional and you don't need a registry service since the short domains are added to the user's local addressbook when an address helper link is clicked.
The i2pd webconsole listens on port 7070 by default. If you need to access the i2pd webconsole on your local machine web browser, use a SSH tunnel:

ssh -NL 7073:localhost:7070 [insert server IP]

These instructions below assume you are using a SSH tunnel for the webconsole.

To generate an addresshelper, visit this page of the i2pd webconsole and click on your server tunnel hotlink. Copy the Base64 hash and paste it into the below link to create an address helper:
http://example.i2p/?i2paddresshelper=[Insert Base64 hash here]

The only decent I2P domain registry I know of is http://reg.i2p/ http://shx5vqsw7usdaunyzr2qmes2fq37oumybpudrd4jjj4e4vk4uusa.b32.i2p/
Their TOS states that domains with "offensive content" will be hidden from the lists, but are still searchable and can be unhidden. I don't know what is deemed "offensive content" by reg.i2p. All the other I2P domain registries will remove your domain from the database completely if they deem your content to be offensive.

To register your domain on reg.i2p, open a web browser that uses the i2pd HTTP proxy and go to the i2pd webconsole and click on your server tunnel. Click on "Address registration line" and type any name you want, then click "generate". Click on "submit" to submit to reg.i2p.
Replies: >>4434 >>4439
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Also both pics are years old and outdated, I just post it because of nep
install i2pd-qt. Is a lot easier to setup and it comes with qt interface for i2p configuration.
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Turns out you can leave out the "example.i2p" block from your webserver config since those kinds of addresses are simply base64 aliases to the B32 address.

The OpenBSD config would look like this now:
language: json
server "zmjdpytveh2mp6krdnlniupxnv2cgacmffhznbxvgypl63tjchfa.b32.i2p" {
        listen on * port 8080
        root "/htdocs/examplesite"
        no log
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