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Fusionism and constant compromise with authoritarianism simply doesn't work. We should stand on our own. The modern 'online' right is a gigantic Peter Thiel-funded psyop from every angle imaginable.
Replies: >>885 >>939
At the same time, we should distance ourselves from 'progressive' sects like that of Chase Oliver.
How come barely anyone notices?
>>738 (OP) 
The more they make us fight each other the more they win
I think we can all agree that it should be legal to set non-Whites on fire and invade mexico.
conservatives yes, nationalists, hell no.
libertarians should ve nationalists, the line must be drawn somewhere regarding to whom and to what the NAP should be applicable to. Id prefer it be drawn well.

Is rather put anything other than "a human being (or sapient humanoid) that does not have skin, eyes, or hair which are black or brown in color, who can produce sperm capable of sexual reproduction with an egg from a genetically compatible female" outside of the law.

That is the realm of property, not people. Females go there, prepubescent boys go there, and nonwhites definitely go there.

the adult white male can consent to whatever he likes being done with the fellow human beings that he owns so long as it does not violate the NAP with regard to the person/body or property/belongings of another individual adult white male.
Replies: >>929 >>932 >>939
the faschizo is back everybody
You're retarded and you've been blown the fuck out in several threads before. The NAP doesn't only apply to people who are like you, it applies to all people. You're not a libertarian. You're an identity politics obsessed control freak faggot
Friendly reminder that far-right don't hate the socialist state, they hate freedom:

>Slavery was actually *mutually* beneficial. It's well known that niggers and indians are uncivilized; Niggers aggressive and violent, indians stubborn and self-centered. When we brought them to America, they were spared a life of hardship in undeveloped, harsh, wild lands filled with warlords and bandits. They instead got to live a comfy life with guaranteed pay for life in farm fields, homesteads, etc.
Replies: >>938
>one person on /b/ said that slavery benefited niggers therefore the entire far-right hates freedom and loves communism
Incredible, you truly are an intellectual heavyweight.
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>conservatives yes, nationalists, hell no.
Nationalism is certainly better than globalism. But if it's a choice between breaking things up further or remaining a "united" nation that's when we need to leave the nationalists.

>>738 (OP) 
>constant compromise with authoritarianism simply doesn't work
Both sides are authoritarian. The point you're missing is that one side is significantly more powerful than the other at the moment. That's why it makes sense to support the weaker side the balance things out.
Replies: >>1078
Without an ethnostate "muh freedums" can't exist.
Replies: >>1079
>Without an ethnostate "muh freedums" can't exist.
Race is just a heuristic. I would rather live with a 110 IQ black person than a 80 IQ white person. If we filter all the high IQ, low time preference people who are capable of self governance into a single geographic area there will be large racial disparities but it won't be an ethnostate.
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