My counter-point: socialism has always been bourgeoise. Marx and Engels were both university educated academics, and of course socialism had, and has continued to have, significant support among the aristocrat elite, and academia. Academia itself being an extension of the Church, the Church being an institution of the Holy Roman Empire, that is to say the nobility or aristocracy. Not to mention, historical materialism is simply secularized repackaged Christianity. So, Socialism originated from a subset of the European nobility, in reaction to the rise of liberalism after the American and French revolution. It is a senile attempt to sell a reformed Feudalism to the proles as a compromise between the church, the state, and liberal reformers, while allowing the disenfranchised nobility to reclaim power, turning the aristocracy into bureaucracy. This is why socialism is a plague among entitled yuppies, many of whom inherited their wealth from parents of well off, well-connected European families of lesser nobility, OR are simply surrounded by these kinds of people, who find socialism uniquely appealing, as by design.
Source: My ass.