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Who wins?
Replies: >>857
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>>856 (OP) 
I do think that Trump will probably win.
Kamala, because the Deep State controls the elections.
Replies: >>859
they're both puppets
Replies: >>964
Worst candidates ever
israel wins
>they're both puppets
Now you might be onto something, but you also sound like a pseudo intellectual 14 year old.
Replies: >>965
You sound like a kosher Qtard boomer.
Replies: >>966 >>1016
kek it really do be like that
Replies: >>972
cringe faggot
Replies: >>986
Nah that's you
Is voting or not voting libertarian?
Does voting confer legitimacy to the State?
>everyone who disagrees with me is a boomer
Replies: >>1017
Not really, but boomers are known for idolizing Trump and ignoring the Jewish Question.
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Welp, looks like Trump won.  I just wanted to post my thoughts on the whole thing from a campaign management perspective--not on the candidates themselves.

What the DNC/Harris campaign did wrong:
- The VP has one job, which is to take over when the POTUS can't do it anymore.  The first debate was horrifying, and showed from before the official start of Kamala's campaign that she wasn't doing her job.
- The DNC's lack of primary or even a contested convention that at least would've given the resultant candidate some 'democratic' legitimacy.
- Currying favor from out-of-touch elite Hollywood celebrities.
- Getting endorsements from the fucking Cheneys and other RINO neocon Iraq-war hawk throwback neanderthals that completely undermine any shred of what the Dems supposedly stand for.
- Throwing Tulsi and a Kennedy out.
- If you go to the wayback machine and compare their campaign websites, Trump has position statements well in advance of Harris.
- What the hell was up with picking Walz?
- What the hell was the deal with their messaging?  "Abortion" and "I'm from a middle class family"?  Really?  That's it?  Their demand for old school MSM tactics like "message consistency" failed to keep with the current day media strategies.
- Complete lack of ability to keep up with the current media landscape.  That botched ABC interview, appearing on hardly any podcasts, extremely over-cultured and controlled appearances, etc..
- Not getting important endorsements like the Teamsters and WaPo.
- She really fucked up with Rogan.

I've said it elsewhere, but I'll say it again.  If I was DNC chair/Harris campaign manager and also secretly a GOP mole/spy who didn't want to get caught; I don't think I would've done anything differently.

What the RNC/Trump campaign did right:
- The reaction to the assassination attempts, but especially the first one.  That image of his fist in the air won him the election.
- Trump was doing a rally or a podcast nearly every night.  He was _relentless_.
- Getting on Rogan definitely helped--and being willing to do an unscripted THREE HOUR interview with a 78 year old was a risky play that played well.
- Working hard to pull in and get endorsements from the LNC, Tulsi, RFK, Elon, Rogan--and the implicit endorsements from a lot of labor unions, were solid.
- He was on-the-ball with his campaign website.
- The Madison Square Garden event was pretty well produced.
- The McDonalds event was genius.
- The garbage truck stunt was smart.
- Vance was a solid pick by comparison and "won" him the last debate.
Replies: >>1052 >>1053
>The McDonalds event was genius.
I’m struggling to figure out what you meant by this.
Replies: >>1053
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>The first debate was horrifying, and showed from before the official start of Kamala's campaign that she wasn't doing her job.
There's a theory that when they forced Biden to withdraw from the race he went off script by nominating Harris and after that they were stuck with her.

>What the hell was up with picking Walz?
They had to pick someone who wouldn't outshine Harris so the bar was extremely high.

>Currying favor from out-of-touch elite Hollywood celebrities.
They are the only people they could blackmail.

>Complete lack of ability to keep up with the current media landscape
It would have been worse for them if Harris had done more interviews because even the most blue pilled NPCs would not be able to deny she is a retard with nothing to say.

>She really fucked up with Rogan.
What's even more retarded about this is that Rogan is a Bernie Sanders socialist. If the Democrats weren't so obsessed with trannies and culture war bullshit he would have been on their side by default. They are the ones who snubbed him not the other way around.

>I’m struggling to figure out what you meant by this.
Trump worked at a McDonalds drivethru for a few minutes as a publicity stunt. He probably did it because Harris was caught lying about working at McDonalds when she was young.
Replies: >>1054 >>1055
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>There's a theory that when they forced Biden to withdraw from the race he went off script by nominating Harris and after that they were stuck with her.
Biden 100% shadow campaigned for Trump.  Between the 'garbage' comment, his wife wearing red on election day, and the purple tie w/HUEG smile when Trump visited--he HAD to be behind Trump.
>They had to pick someone who wouldn't outshine Harris so the bar was extremely high.
Why did Trump have no issues picking a VP who outshines him, then?
>They are the only people they could blackmail.
Replies: >>1058
[Hide] (39.1KB, 815x429)
>If the Democrats weren't so obsessed with trannies and culture war bullshit he would have been on their side by default. They are the ones who snubbed him not the other way around.
I get the impression that all those "Body builders are far right extremists" articles pushed Rogan over as well.
Replies: >>1056 >>1058
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A better example.
>Between the 'garbage' comment, his wife wearing red on election day, and the purple tie w/HUEG smile when Trump visited
Also that video of him putting on a MAGA hat for some kids.

>Why did Trump have no issues picking a VP who outshines him, then?
Now that I think about it they probably knew Harris has zero chance of winning and didn't want to waste any of their "good" people on a lost cause.

>Body builders are far right extremists
It is an accurate correlation though. Leftists hate fitness because it requires you to do the work as an individual. It requires discipline and self ownership. You can't just use politics to steal somebody else's gains. I actually got banned from /leftypol/ for saying this so it must have hit a nerve.
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