Why would his friend dox him?
>posting loli hentai on a stream one time
I remember an old cap of an SA post of some goon talking about OD'ing on irony pills and all he could think about was cocks. He was very distressed and said it took a lot of willpower not to shout about cocks and balls during the course of the day. /cow/ is a relic of this era, I think. Nothing is "cool" or "fun," except spite. Forcing bitter smiles and jeering laughs to hide their misery, because they cannot express anything but disdain or they won't be "hip." I remember watching the guntstream back when stream.me was a thing. It was the killstream, but with goofy gifs playing over it. No commentary, no shit talking, no nothing. Just dozens of people hate-watching, occasionally chatting to say they hated it. Absolutely pathetic. Troll-shielding, I've heard it called, but the term may be too generous, do they even try?