At the end, I used 22b (myon attack) and you dashed through and started attacking. You could have completed it for a combo, but I guess you dropped it in the heat of the moment.
>1- does that overhead 623 (I think) has a lot of frame advantage? (I think that was the term) because I was hitting you with normal AAA and then suddenly you could attack me with that
623 is the red dragon punch attack. The B version has melee invuln (partial at level 0, full at level 1.) The C version can graze bullets but is not invuln, just a big hitbox. Both have very fast startup that can beat out most jabs and other such things, but it's a gamble because if it gets blocked then I have a shit ton of recovery. This means when you see the move hit, consider dashing in and punishing. I will probably only be able to block at that point, if I can even do that. Otherwise you get a free combo.
>2- What does the spellcard that makes two Youmu's appear do exactly?
It has two effects. One, myon disappears, which means I can't do 6C or 22C, etc. HOWEVER, every melee attack I do gets doubled by the clone (with a short time delay.) For me, this means I can do extremely tight block strings that will fuck you up if you don't block them. The 2 card is very short, so I would recommend you just block until it's over. That tends to be the best survival method, though you can try to BE or punish if you see me fuck up. (it might be a trap though) 5 cards last much longer, and so it can be a good idea to just run around and avoid me. The good thing is that this actually works, because once you get out of pressure I am actually weaker than normal (no myon attacks.) This is why you see me always using it on knockdown, where I can guarantee I can start pressure.
>3- How do I activate hitboxes and other stuff on training mode
F4. I believe ReplayInputViewer is the module responsible for that, so if it doesn't work you might need to download that or activate it in SWRSToys.ini (just delete the semicolon from the line if it's there)