[Hide] (257.9KB, 900x1071) CHARACTER SUMMARY
Alice Margatroid
Fumo worshipper. Weak to getting rushed down. Can lock games down after getting the knockdown and spamming dolls if opponent does nothing about it. Struggles to mix things up due to Alice's moveset being mostly keepaway oriented. Great skillcards, decent spellcards. For those that really love their fumo collection as well as non-neurotypical individuals that derive particular pleasure from watching others suffer.
Aya Shameimaru
SANIC of Soku. Fastest character overall, but bullets are gimmicky and hard to hit with at middle or long range, so she has to rush down to make pressure. Above average spell cards, but low damage compared to others. Player needs to go fast enough to make use of Aya's speed. For giant speds and their evolution, unmatched speed demons.
Generic joke character on par with Neko Arc. Weak all around, but her 5C shotgun is top tier, default 22B is excellent anti-air and her alternate skills are very good. Most of her basic moves are bad and she has trouble getting into close range. Great at locking down opponents. Floats mid-air after jumping as a personal gimmick. (9)
Iku Nagae
Disco expert with drills. Spam j.2A until it lands, which results in a full combo. Slow, but has a great kit all-around. Has a lot of gimmicky alternate skillcards. Weak to counter rushdown, strong all-around. For D I S C O N I G H T only.
Komachi Onozuka
Soku's attack helicopter. Slow enough that one needs to overcompensate for her crippling inability to go fast with cancels. Can do air-unblockable attacks, crossups, space control and long range melee. Her 66 airdash always pulls her towards the ground, which lets her land cancel melee moves easily. Slow bullets, average skillcards and spellcards.
Marisa Kirisame
50-50 Kirisame. Powerful spellcards, great bullets, good reversals and well enough spellcard selection. Famous for being able to confirm a fullscreen laser into a spellcard for almost 3k damage. None of her pressure is tight enough into itself that she can lock someone down 100% without reading opponent's mind. So in effect, she cannot lock someone else down if they know what's happen. For mind readers, mashers and failed Aya players.
Hong Meiling
Close range brawler character. Her melee needs bullets to function, but all those bullets are close ranged. Excellent skillcards, decent spellcards. Get in up close and personal and spread Corona-chan one hit at a time. For those welded inside their apartment inside a chinese quarantine zone or those that want to spread the Wu Flu without any special reason.
Patchouli Knowledge
Walking EoSD stage 4. Make a lot of bullets and bait opponents into a deceptively big melee range. Has a lot of seemingly redundant spells that have their own niche. Reversals mostly locked behind spellcards and skillcard alts. Break blocks with spellcards and press the Royal Flare button when their orbs are low for massive damage and hate mail. Decent at keepaway. For vomiting bullets with precision and having enough niche tools for most situations.
Reimu Hakurei
Soku's Ryu. Keep enemy in block by pressing B at the right time. Kill mashing attempts with C and aerial melee. Stop jump-ins with dragon punch. Even has an insta-win spellcard that needs 7 melee hits to activate. Has both meta and meme cards. A certified Jill of all trades character. For those that do not know what to pick.
Reisen Udongein Inaba
The epitome of meaning behind the expression "because physical wounds heal". Has slow, but very dense bullets that are great for space control and locking down, skills that misdirect opponent and let her play more mindgames and a wide variety of spellcards - gas opponents, permanent stat boost, straight damage, make opponent discard a card. Can dash through enemies. Needs to be autistic with combos to deal damage and she doesn't have reversals. For high-speed rusemasters willing to put up with Reisen's bullets.
Remilia Scarlet
The gimmick lord. Has her own unique dash modes - ground dashes arc and can be canceled into melee midway, air dashes teleport. With strong base moveset, punishing skills and damaging spellcards, Remi players have a strong neutral game that easily can punish opponent's gambles. Most of her kit can't be used at range though, so much like Aya, she has to move in. For autists that really hate the mashing community and/or those that like to wield girls with elegance.
Sakuya Izayoi
The walking Jojo reference. Infamous for being a broken hurtbox character with a 6A that dodges attacks when it feels like it. Has knives that give blockstun for days, knives and more knives. Ridiculous melee and powerful projectiles are counterbalanced by below average skills and so-so spellcards. Much like Alice, her pressure can grow predictable, but it is extremely effective when it works. For those that hate fun, and by extension, meidos.
Sanae Kochiya
The good girl is a bait expert. Has many moves which bait opponent towards attacking, then stop their pressure dead. Powerful skills on a cooldown let her control space and play keepaway as she wishes. Her melee and bullets are oriented towards punishing overaggressive opponents. Weaknesses include pressure being mostly 50-50 as mashing out of it can prove more effective than dealing with it in certain situations. For those that like watching people kill themselves and jews.
Suika Ibuki
The drunk grappler. Very strong melee, very strong, but sometimes awkward bullets. Skills are average and sometimes hard to use, but with alternate skillcards become FUN to use. Has two 5-card grab cards that deal obscene amounts of damage should they land and a size increase spellcard straight out of Dobson's fantasies. Struggles with breaking blocks unless she really goes for it, as her C bullets are so slow. Has a unique backwards dash. For those that like to take it easy without overextending until the meter is full, then press the "take a nap" button when it's time to do so.