”Slay the gay.” - Otamin
>What's a alice polite and pleasant Alicesoft mascot loli with zero fighting ability of her own who likes to read play as your choice of Rance or a variety of characters people care about far less https://alicesoft.fandom.com/wiki/Alice_Senki_2 >Where do I start? https://mega.nz/#!aIY2SZ7a!FGJD9UWLBKuYwVv6sjU2B6cjCJbQngXUgpeIeb73XDI Unlock Nalzgeis by playing through mock battle (the non-story arcade mode) once. Unlock the characters that you will be deemed as "that kiddo" for playing as by beating story with Rance, Hanny King, and Miki. Unlock all the stages by playing through story mode as various characters as well as beating mock battle with Nalzgeis. >Only for pure primary niggers: https://www.alicesoft.com/ >Try to learn alice: https://w.atwiki.jp/arisen/
does it have rollback
>>8741 I don't actually know but even mexicos seem to play it with little lag problem so we might not have too much trouble
Someone try this.
now I can't make a Seed's Sneed and Bleed (Formerly Chow's) quip
GGs. The lags getting too much.
>>8745 lag's*
Didja quit for now? GGs even if there was definitely lag involved, Tiger Joe is further cemented as my main. I look forward to the day I can daigo parry your danmaku and then teleport behind you.
Note to all future hosts: please bother unlocking at least Nalzgeis and turning on stage selection.
gib host pls
Come to think of it, how DO you host yourself on this? I get how to join a match, but I'm not sure what to select in order to host.
Testing hosting >>8757 Use this page to know what are the option for hosting/joining https://wiki.gbl.gg/w/Alice_Senki_2/Netplay
As you can now clearly see, Raysen is the Marisa of this game.
Last game, this lag is really annoying to deal with
>>8760 this is worse lag than with the other host honestly
GGs can't believe you stuck with Shizuka for most of the matches despite her projectiles probably being responsible for the heaviest lag
>>8761 Yea I dont know whats going on, I had no issues when it was against another from the same country but for some reason it bad when its else where. Either way ggs. >>8762 Didnt think that they would cause the lag honestly. laggy games only
>>8766 gg >>8764 still up
>>8767 con fixing
>>8768 Alright ggs. I can't control whether I combo or just drop into extremely punishable bullshit. lag aint helping
>>8767 big brain gameplay I will time a meaty on oki eventually. GGs SORRY FOR THE SHIT SHOW 1 LAG = 1 GG Hope theres some cure for it
Somebody let me know if this works:
Why is it when I open up my REPLAY folder for this game, it saves all of them as soku replay files?
>>8773 still waiting pls respond
gib host! Alright I actually learned some things. Still don't have a fix for the lag.
>>8792 try to cum earlier next time
>>8793 ogay
yes hello where is the host
host is ephemeral
>>8797 mebe host will cum later today
pray arice
soku host suddenly disappeared, gib alice host instead