/hikki/ - Hikikomori

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well /hikki/, what is the best and worst incarnation of nhk? the light novel will always be better then both the anime and manga to me and the anime is worse then the manga.
Replies: >>217 >>224 >>662
Its coming back the manga is going to continue.
Replies: >>154
>the manga
Wasn't it just a 30 page short story sequel to the light novel?
Replies: >>169

Holy shit you're right when it was first announced people were saying the manga would continue.  I read the new book and it sucks its not even a sequel its just a reboot.
Replies: >>170
yeah its shit, cuckchan /r9k/ and reddit praised it though.
Replies: >>172
>, cuckchan /r9k/ and reddit praised it though.

 /a/ didn't like it.
Replies: >>173
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genuinely surprising.
Is there a visual novel version?
Replies: >>185
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>Is there a visual novel version?

There was going to be but it was cancelled.
Replies: >>187
fucking shit.
>>147 (OP) 
I liked the anima, but I never read the manga. In a few years when my memories fade, I will give it a read.
Replies: >>222
Read the light novel first, its better.
Every version is different, and I like all of them.
Replies: >>225
>>147 (OP) 

welcome to the nhk wasn't even good to begin with
Replies: >>225
Have you read the light novel?
That's fair. However what do you feel about the anime watering the story down?
Replies: >>233
I don't have a problem with the anime at all, it's fantastic (one of my favorites) and it's one hell of an emotional roller coaster (especially if you drink a lot), and funny too. The fact that every version is different is more of an advantage. Easier to justify finishing all of them. I have the OST too, and it's great and only exists because the anime does.
Replies: >>235
>The fact that every version is different is more of an advantage. Easier to justify finishing all of them. I have the OST too, and it's great and only exists because the anime does.
that's Fair anon, the music is the best part of the anime as well.
I'm reading the official English translation of the LN, how accurate is it?
Replies: >>310
its alright.
Replies: >>501
anything better?
Replies: >>505
if you can read nip the read the original however I own the light novel physically and it was pretty good last time I read it.
>>147 (OP) 
Both manga and anime are awful garbage but the anime is better, presumably because the original creator had less input
Replies: >>667
after his recent sequel id rather have someone else work on adaptations.
they were all of them different and lack of something. it should have a bit longer to my test
"In this world conspiracies exist." Tatsuhiko Takimoto
Personally I enjoyed the light novel the most, and the manga second. Once I'd read the light novel the anime seemed ten times worse considering how much they cut.
I know there's a "rebuild of NHK" but from what I've heard it kinda sucks and I won't pay money for it, maybe if someone uploads em all somewhere I'll read it but I have zero plans to especially if I gotta pay for the shit.
What do you think are the best versions of the OP and ED songs?
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I finally read the manga and it made me sad. I held off from it for years because I read that Misaki is outright manipulative and Machiavellian in it but I caved because I wanted to reexperience the story. I felt like it spun its wheels and reused some scenarios too much, and Misaki's behavior being due to HPD and conflicts over love & happiness due to her parents' relationship were sort of trite. On how she compares between the two, in the anime she had selfish ulterior motives yet was still benevolent and ultimately cared for Satou which still put me off from her. In the manga she reaches antagonistic levels of malice and self-conceit, and what love he has for him as warped and obtuse. If a girl ever did that to me I would blow her face off with a shotgun in front of her family because I don't think I'd have the patience to get proper revenge. I'm familiar with that behavior in women, to a smaller and realistic extent it's happened to me multiple times minus the love part. Despite this I can't enjoy the anime in the same way anymore, it's shallow and tidy compared to the depth the characters are given in the manga, how much longer the timespan is, and how long it actually is to go through. No one's wretchedness and vanity is developed and the anime has no counterweight of its own for how cynical and mean-spirited the manga was, therefore those personalities are like they're hidden in the anime and it feels like a facade so why not read the manga unless you're fine with a telling that was made clean for broadcast. I find it hard to enjoy this franchise now. I've yet to read the novel, I always quit in the preface talking about neo-nazis and jews. My browser closed the first time typing this so maybe I'll remember points I forgot but I don't care anymore, no one will care either since dead board.
Replies: >>946
>I always quit in the preface talking about neo-nazis and jews
Figures that it's made by a race traitor. I avoided that shit because even the concept reeked of subversive stink. Glad I wasn't wrong.
Replies: >>947
The preface is not as long as I remember (I wasn't a good reader back then) and he just uses the CIA and Jews as an example of hikki delusions, especially the Jews. I don't know anything about the author so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that it was a niche belief 20 years ago especially in a country as culturally insular as Japan and probably rejected all conspiracies since he was inundated with so many so it's more that he chose the example because he saw it in a store or how hikkis could hurt people with their delusions. Considering the guy had the drive and motivation to make a product he can be seen as a relatively normal person and not a representative hikki. Regardless of his intention of using it as an example I couldn't see past it when I was younger and it still puts a taste of contempt in my mouth.
Replies: >>948
Well, if that includes foreigners, then he's a guy living in an ethnostate talking shit about people who don't have that luxury. I guess I can't be mad at him otherwise.
After years of having the novel on hand I finally finished it. There's not much difference between it and the anime and is actually the weakest of the three tellings to me. A hikki simply wanted to make something and the result is understandably amateurish, Welcome to the NHK is still popular because it's the only anime/manga that explicitly is about hikikomori. Anyway this felt like a prototype for the manga and anime, and a lot of light novels seem to be. For starters it felt short, not much happens across its 220~ pages, it felt empty. The whole book is written tersely in that the plot's flow is choppy with scenarios feeling stitched and not as a stylistic choice to represent listlessness. You don't really get a feel on Satou's actions and behavior either, it's mostly about what's going on around him and that is told in just basic descriptions, what internal monologue about him is shown is just about how useless he is which worked in the anime and manga as he was partially a subject we were observing but literature does not translate that well when your book is in first-person. Here are some plot differences.
>Satou drops out of developing the game instead of sticking through and it happens fairly early in the story, in general he comes off as cooler-headed and apathetic compared to his agitated and restless state in the manga and anime
>Yamazaki gets hooked on loli and drugs much deeper than Satou
>the vocational school is only mentioned, it is never attended as Yamazaki is skipping
>Satou and Yamazaki don't go to Akihabara 
>Nanako isn't included
>Satou's parents are only mentioned and in relation to his allowance
>Satou meets Kashiwa just once
>I don't remember in the anime if it's mentioned but Satou and Kashiwa fucked once in high school
>Misaki seems meeker and less antagonistic than in the anime
>her past and family life is left vaguer
>the religion her aunt belongs to is Christianity, in which Satou and Yamazaki attend a service
>the ending is less definite to if he'll stop being one at least any time soon

What I liked about it is that there's no deviations like in the manga and anime where Satou impulsively falls for a bad habit he traps himself in (or scheme in the case of reuniting with the class rep) that you'd expect him to be smart enough to not fall for after getting hooked on porn, like it's a fucking villain of the week. That made up a good portion of the other two so it seems like cognitive dissonance I'd complain about that but it halted any chemistry I felt was occurring by throwing in a sidetrack to display hikki activities like MMO addiction or maybe I'm bitching too much and that it's realistic he wouldn't learn his lesson so easily, I didn't mind it in the manga so much.

Also the English translation was definitely done by an ESL still learning to the language, I wonder if it felt so skim because some parts may have just been fucking cut out. It's fucking astounding that this saw publication.

Manga > anime > novel. The best version exists somewhere between the three of them but the anime usurps the novel, it was like a weaker version of it.
Replies: >>956
Kudos for seeing it through anon.

Being the resident expert of NHK now, any lessons you've gleaned from it?
Replies: >>961
No. Everyone reaches the same destination by different routes, there's no lesson to learn.
Replies: >>963
...why did you bother with going through so much NHK media?
Replies: >>964
Because I liked the story. The author didn't really have any answers, if he did he would've found another way to escaping instead of writing a book or growing out of it and he ended becoming a hikki again afterwards.
Replies: >>972
I really like NHK as a piece of literature for that same reason, it doesn't need to be a self-help book, give you a lesson or something like that. Just tell a story, then you could interpret it how you want.
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