/hikki/ - Hikikomori

The modern hermit

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/hkgenneral/ - thread for general discussion here.

>in before this become the final new thread that is not a staff announcement.
Replies: >>829 >>986
what's the question of the day for this general?
my life is still the same since the last time I was on this site. the only thing that's changed is that I've become MUCH more stressed and angry.
Not much to look forward to either in the future. I'm going to become homeless without a doubt, so my life is going to regress even more. I'm going to have spiders and snakes and all kinds of other trash all around me because of where I'm going to be homeless.
I would hope that god would save me, but he doesn't seem to be around anymore.
>>799 (OP) 
The chick on the left has already ridden over 9000 dicks (and probably enjoys black dick more than anyone else). The one on the right fucks her dog every day.
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I've been trawling various advice boards.  It's just been an endless menagerie of people asking for relationship advice.  Just one right after another.  Endless.  Lots of discussions that start with "how do i into gf?" or "im so lonely."  The same threads, over and over again.
It's not just on advice boards, but irl, my family members just endlessly talk about that as well.

Because of this it got me thinking...does anyone else here NOT feel that way?  Because that's something that I feel like isn't really talked about at all.  Anyone else just not care about sex, relationships, or any of that?  Is anyone else built different?
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/hikki/'s thoughts on schizoids?
Replies: >>921
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It's a real disorder though hard to pin because it's basically introversion and apathy. The traits and symptoms are defined and consistent regardless of culture and economic class for it to constitute as a personality disorder but how so is something that isn't easily explainable, it's just the way that aversion, solitude and outlook manifests. Given the conditions of the modern world and the adverse upbringing some have in it there are a lot of people who convergently "schizoid" or run parallel with it but not actually so. It's sort like ADHD in that case except instead of prescribing every child who wants to play outside with Ritalin, it's self-diagnosis when reading summaries of it and comparing it to themselves. It's a rare disorder in terms of how often it's documented as many schizoids don't know that there's "something wrong with them" or they like the position they're in because that's all they know so any case of comparison is hard to draw upon, I certainly wouldn't trust self-proclaimed schizoids who make videos about having it.

I don't think it's going to become the next popular literally me lonely person label like autist and incel because I think enough embarrassment and egotism has occurred for another wave like that to not happen. The one person I know who might be a schizoid if not avoidant or just maladjusted is a flat amoral husk who does nothing but browse the internet and buy groceries, and not a 1000-IQ misunderstood brooding deep thinker with a trench coat and pack of cigarettes for each day like many fake schizoids or schizoid enthusiasts fashion the personality to be.
Replies: >>922
Thanks for finding the full set of comics.
I was kind of wondering about them in the context of hikkis.  Like, it appears to be a personality that would complement the prototypical hikki.
>I don't think it's going to become the next popular literally me lonely person label like autist and incel because I think enough embarrassment and egotism has occurred for another wave like that to not happen.
Well, the autist or incel has some sort of conflict of desire or internal struggle that makes those terms an actual 'disorder'.  So, I can see how they're "literally me lonely person" labels.  However, the schizoid--as suggested by the last panel of that comic--is pretty O.K. with their life circumstances.
>The one person I know who might be a schizoid if not avoidant or just maladjusted is a flat amoral husk who does nothing but browse the internet and buy groceries
Sounds like a cool dude?

I really don't understand why this is a 'disorder'.
Replies: >>925
Schizoids, robots, shut-ins, other withdrawn and odd-fitting people existed long before the hikikomori-NEET phenomenon so a substantial amount have now opted for the lifestyle. How many of us would be so or identify with such labels if our currency was strong or our societies weren't upside-down and vapid. Many such were normal or normal enough to want to be happy with families and a fulfilling or unintrusive job; if things were how they should be the population of misfits would be 5% of what it is now.
>is pretty O.K. with their life circumstances.
It's not only about masquerading their angst with a label to justify their current mindset but trying to be special/cool and give deeper meaning to that angst or whatever they fucking feel by shallowly understanding whatever it is they're pretending to be.
>I really don't understand why this is a 'disorder'.
If there's no biological wiring, especially if it's congenital, for such behavior can something really be a mental illness or disorder? If someone was made this was through circumstance couldn't they also slip out of it at some point? We are all defined by childhood and adolescence more than anything that will happen to us as adults so if we acquire a disorder or frowned-upon personality traits in it then does it still count? The thread on Uboachan talks of similar issues, I feel like I'm repeating that thread.
Replies: >>926 >>942
Almost every aspect of personality and mental illness is genetic, anything that reduces genetic fitness or your ability to contribute to the group is a disorder.
Replies: >>942
Do schizoids hurt society in an absolute sense, only in a comparative sense, or not at all?
Replies: >>943
Hurt in what way?
Replies: >>957
Asmongold during his neet era. Is this guy the most successful neet of our era? Usually neets live a worthless life and die in horrible slow death, no one cares.
>>799 (OP) 
I'm sorry but that image is stupid and does not reflect the point of either memes. Not only that but you may as well make Sailor moon the one on the left if youre' gonna use that shit on the right, though I cannot recall the name of the newer 'nerd girl' anime chick that had black hair and green eyes though I did see it many years ago. Chad fucks women, lots of them. Stacey is not a virgin due to chad fucking her. Chad virgin is an oxymoron even if a male and this is a female? 

Ideal gf meme is easier to have fun with. Leave this chad vs beta meme behind, it's bad even when people use it properly and always was meant to be a troll image. Perhaps you did this on purpose due to this. Places like /r9k/ or hikki places should like ideal gf meme. 

>warm glass of milk gf
>keeps me warm at night
>safe from ulcers
>literally keeps me alive
>does not complain about my cold hands
>is bubbly 
>is as white as the driven snow
>is 99 percent more popular than chocolate milk
>everyone wants her at some point in their lives unless they are dysgenic 
I can keep going and going with this shit. 
>you can fuck up and spill her, no point in crying, fill it back up
>break up anytime, get/buy another the next day
>can cook/bake many sweet things with her
>she can be made through activation of almonds 
>it's okay that she ages poorly, dime a doezen 
>time for bed, a natural sedative
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