/hikki/ - Hikikomori

The modern hermit

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meta thread for discussing board rules and changes. feel free to post complaints about rules and changes you want to see to them.
Replies: >>108 >>124 >>795
hikki, Im going to clean up meta since this is just turning into edrama shit no anon really cares for other then you too, please email me
Replies: >>105
>please email me

You're the site owner right?
Replies: >>752

>>83 (OP) 
Why the fuck did you delete my thread on "why become an Hikikomori", I wanted to know more about what made thing this way or are you this much of an insecure faggot that can't handle a simple question ?
Replies: >>109
Are you not a hikki?
Replies: >>112
No I'm not and probably never will be, I just wanted to know what made hikki anons like you to chose this "lifestyle" or whatever.
Replies: >>113
>No I'm not and probably never will be
thats what I thought and its rule ten
>>83 (OP) 
>click the rules link at the bottom of the page
>404 not found
Replies: >>129
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God I fucking hate those hikkifags don't they know every board should be /b/ said the gorilla taking a chip from the can on his right side.
they deleted his my pony ass fucking shitpost THEYRE SO FUCKING FUCKING FUCK FUCK FUCK Face flushed crimson, noises you would think only a rabid orangutan would make echoing around the house as his father was making coffee down the hall. It was going to be one of those days.
Replies: >>140 >>565
>hehe i deleted your post :) hot takes are not allowed here
>is my strawman funny?
Replies: >>253
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dead already, nice job
Replies: >>176 >>177
What did you expect from a board that was made solely for BO's self gratification?
Replies: >>177
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>still same fagging 
Glad to see your here at the normal time too.
Replies: >>182
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this post needs ##Board Owner and it will be perfect.
Replies: >>219
also saging in pinned thread lol
Replies: >>216
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thanks for reviving the board when I was taking a break.
Went to check on the board and was surprised to see it was moved here. No complaints from me, though. Also, unless I'm mistaken, we still have the same BO from back when we were in 8chan. Glad you're still around. Dunno why a bunch of retarded normalfags decided to crash the board, but don't let them get you down.
Replies: >>240
Thanks anon, I'm not the original board owner however I'm in contact with him and I am planning to keep the board the same as it was on 8chan with only the two new rules being the only changes. also the spamming was from a samefag from the cuckchan spam around e3.
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why was number 7 deleted ? as far as I remember he just posted Puru Puru Pururin but in 4k or flac ?
Replies: >>250
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He deleted by ip without reviewing posts I guess.
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Accidently deleted by ip when I intended to delete his tranime post by the time I realized what I had done all 16 of the posts where gone and I couldn't restore them.
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Also it was just 4k image, webm doesn't support lossless audio codecs.
>this scares the BO
Replies: >>253 >>255 >>258
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I don't mind shitposting, Just make a general I wont delete anything as long as you keep it to one thread.
I am sorry anon.
Replies: >>254
rule 12 still applies though
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>that Q U A L I T Y
Replies: >>259
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>Also it was just 4k image, webm doesn't support lossless audio codecs.
Didn't know that thanks
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I'm honestly impressed how low I managed to get filesize to be, god bless modern codecs.
I noticed you deleted my post about shut-ins not necessarily being suicidal. I'm not sure why you did that, but I am sure you're a huge faggot. What a shame.
Replies: >>278 >>280
I did not. I haven't deleted any post since July 10 and I wouldn't have any reason to delete your posts since they didn't break any rule.
Replies: >>280
oh you where the same anon who made the tranime post, I accidently deleted all posts by your ip.
Is this BO the same as the old BO on 8chan /hikki/?
Replies: >>322
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Hey hikki-anons. Sorry for posting here, couldn't find a better suited thread. But basically we're trying to get a dedicated retro vidya board off the ground on the webring. Do come and check it out if you're into oldschool games.

Replies: >>305 >>307
Is this BO the same as the old BO on anonib /hikki/?
Replies: >>356
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honeypot stay away at ALL costs
Replies: >>306 >>307
>on the webring for months
fuck off with your fake news
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good luck to your board. I might make a fallout 1 and 2 thread.
post proof and ill delete his shill.
Came to ask this but he doesn't speak in broken english so I doubt it.
Replies: >>324
I'm still in contact with the original hikki bo and one of the vols. I'm planning on keeping things as they were for the most part.
Replies: >>327
>I'm still in contact with the original hikki bo and one of the vols. I'm planning on keeping things as they were for the most part.

Wait so is it just you and me admin or are you back in contact with him? shoot me a email.
Replies: >>335
sent you an email
Replies: >>338
>sent you an email

The old BO was a hypocritical lair, he would tell us all on the previous board that he’s so isolated and living off of disability when in reality he had a discord server where he was talking to a 50+ user and is close friends with some of them, and it seemed as though he was so desperate for human contact that as soon as his discord server got deleted because of him having a mental breakdown every 3 days where he threatened suicide but never went along with it, he left his room claiming “recovery” which I don’t anything who stayed as a shut in for over 7 years now would be able to recover in a couple days let alone getting a gf, and holding a job. And I think the current BO agrees with this statement. That’s the reason the old /hikki/ board dies it wasn’t because of the fall/breakdown of 8ch it’s more of the BO being a hypocritical lair who just wanted human contact during a hard period in his life, and he abandoned the place as soon as his teenage depression-wave passed. In summary the old BO was just a normalfag who wanted some contact in a hard time in his life.
Which I don’t think anyone*
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>he’s so isolated and living off of disability when in reality he had a discord server where he was talking to a 50+ user and is close friends with some of them, and it seemed as though he was so desperate for human contact that as soon as his discord server got deleted because of him having a mental breakdown every 3 days where he threatened suicide but never went along with it, he left his room claiming “recovery” which I don’t anything who stayed as a shut in for over 7 years now would be able to recover in a couple days let alone getting a gf, and holding a job. And I think the current BO agrees with this statement.
That's pretty much it. I'm not interested in any of the faggy edrama of the past I just wanna run the board. Even if the webring goes down I will make sure there isn't a two year hiatus this time around and I can confirm I wont let the board degenerate into edrama and infighting.
Replies: >>361 >>368
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I never knew about any of that, but I did enjoy the board until the end, so it was fine.
Replies: >>367

What is this gay shit?  for fuck sake fuck off Twisted i have had enough of your crap stop lying to all the users you fucking psychopath just kill yourself and get it over with already the world would be a better place without you.
Replies: >>369

 Its just some stupid zoomer kid lying like he always does in fact he wasn't hikikomori himself he was in HS when i knew him and skipping school doesn't make you hikikomori.
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Thank  you for saying this i too am fucking tired of people bringing up old 2018 bullshit when its fucking 2021 almost 2022 its like these guys are roasties who cannot get over their fucking ex.
Replies: >>369
Lying? Kek. So, you never had a discord server nor were you seeking attention everywhere? You better off denying being a pedophile too xD. The only one who needs to be nuked off of the planet is you. Stop getting so defensive and acting like what you described a “roastie” or I’ll have to end up doxxing you and sharing your conversations everywhere, you know what’s in those, huh.  
Who cares about e-drama when your whole life/reality is consisted of it? You know my words are legit and actually happened but you got so defensive and accused me “once again” of being a “psychopath” which makes my points more stronger. You left your place to rot because of a discord server, you’re a pedo, you fabricated stories about my whole life, you threatened suicide every other day for attention and there’s a massive connection between flint’s sadness and later on suicide and your suicide-threatening messages. I don’t visit this place as much, but I do believe the current BO is far better than you psychologically and won’t leave his place to rot for a couple occasional conversations on a socializing application.
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You're not worth my time anymore and you just continue to say the same gay shit you  were saying in 2018 move the fuck on already  Jesus fucking Christ you're a crybaby and i  can't even take you seriously anymore keep  throwing a fit and bitching like a high school girl because it is honestly hilarious and i think you're just mad that the new BO is taking away your mod status tbh.

> So, you never had a discord server nor were you seeking attention everywhere? 

Never denied that i had one and you're just gas lighting so fuck off.

> Who cares about e-drama when your whole life/reality is consisted of it?

You're projecting kid don't you have anything better to do instead of bothering a 30 year old man on the internet go to bed its past your  bedtime zoomer lol.

> you got so defensive and accused me “once again” of being a “psychopath”

You are a psychopath and a  narcissist you're mad because i am not allowing myself to be abused by you anymore and i am hurting your ego and victim complex by not taking you seriously.

> You left your place to rot because of a discord server,

If you mean the original /hikki/  that is absolutely a fucking lie for one i didn't leave it to rot i  lost access to    my account i already told you this crap  why do i have to tell you again are you fucking slow? plus like i said i didn't wanna do this shit anymore and  honestly i feel like you're just salty that i don't wanna be a NEET anymore oh how dare i wanna live a normal life LMFAO  get a grip and grow the fuck up kid. 

> you’re a pedo

Being a pedo isn't a crime child molestation  is  which i haven't offended nor do i want to  and you are one as well so STFU and you have actually offended. Also whatever i said back in 2018/2019 doesn't really matter anymore as i am better   psychologically now and was not in a good headspace back then which you know this 

> you fabricated stories about my whole life,

No i didn't you were  very open with me back when we were cool stop acting like you're the ultimate victim.

>you threatened suicide every other day for attention

I suggest doing some research on how suicidal tendencies and depression actually work.

>there’s a massive connection between flint’s sadness and later on suicide and your suicide-threatening messages.

Okay you and i both know this is horse shit and you're just trying to get under my skin so go fuck yourself it was his choice and he had been planning it for years.

>I do believe the current BO is far better than you psychologically 

 Well he doesn't like you either  he thinks you're fucking  weird

This is all i am going to say and this will be my final response to you.

  Seek fucking help for your  Schizophrenia Twisted go to therapy i don't give a shit about 2018/2019 bullshit anymore i am happy and living my life now if you wanna still cry like a bitch about shit that happened almost 4 years ago well .. i miss the part where that's my problem.
Replies: >>372 >>373
>Well he doesn't like you either  he thinks you're fucking  weird
Like I said. I do not GIVE A SHIT about this place, you or the current BO. I only come here to laugh at your rants sometimes. 

>honestly i feel like you're just salty that i don't wanna be a NEET anymore oh how dare i wanna live a normal life LMFAO  get a grip and grow the fuck up kid.
Then why are you here? If you want to live a normal life, why are you using a hikikomori anonymous board in your 30’s?
> i don't wanna be a NEET anymore
Doesn’t a NEET mean : Not in education employment or training! Why was I accused of lying and not being a hikikomori in your previous posts.!
> in fact he wasn't hikikomori himself he was in HS when i knew him and skipping school doesn't make you hikikomori.

I think anyone can witness your attempts at covering up everything, and how you get so defensive. But who cares! As, I said I seriously only come to this place to laugh at your rants. A 30 year old pedophile ranting on imageboards and thinking I’m pissed because another homosexual BO who has a discord account too where he flirts with a guy according to what he said is taking away my OH mod status on a dead imageboard. 
> he thinks you're fucking weird
Kek. So how’s your plan to live with the guy friend you met online going bro? Sure I’m the weird one. 

> Being a pedo isn't a crime 

> I suggest doing some research on how suicidal tendencies and depression actually work.
Surely. Legit suicidal people don’t write wall of texts to over 20 user on a social platform only to find them sending messages the next morning. You have to differentiate between suicidal tendencies/depression and attention seeking mr.30 year not NEET guy.
So you're not a hikikomori? if not, why are you here then?
Replies: >>374
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>So you're not a hikikomori? if not, why are you here then?

I never said i wasn't a NEET i still am i was planning on  looking for a job but codvid extended my   NEETdom for a little bit longer . I am just trying to enjoy my final days as a  NEET without toxic behavior. Hate to burst your bubble but not all NEETs  are anti-work and have the reeeeee wagie mindset  it is better to be productive in some way instead of sitting around doing nothing all day. Don't believe anything this anon >>369 says he just wants attention for me to give him a reaction which i am no longer going to give him the little zoomer is not worth my time.  Anyway i am gonna go back to  hanging out on Japanese websites because Japanese NEETs are a lot more chill.
Replies: >>375 >>376 >>377
You've seem to conflate hikikomori with being a NEET, which just isn't the case. and you're also purposefully evading my question, are you a hikki are not?
Replies: >>376
>You've seem to conflate hikikomori with being a NEET, which just isn't the case.

the only difference between NEETs and hikikomori is that a NEET can outside and have friends and a social life  where as hikikomori don't do that other than that they are pretty much the same thing.

>The  Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare defines hikikomori as a condition in which the affected individuals refuse to leave their parents' house, do not work or go to school and isolate themselves away from society and family in a single room for a period exceeding six months.[10] The psychiatrist Tamaki Saitō defines hikikomori as "a state that has become a problem by the late twenties, that involves cooping oneself up in one's own home and not participating in society for six months or longer, but that does not seem to have another psychological problem as its principal source".[


>you're also purposefully evading my question, are you a hikki are not?
Not really i actually said i was still one at the beginning of this post. >>374
Replies: >>377
>the only difference between NEETs and hikikomori is that a NEET can outside and have friends and a social life  where as hikikomori don't do that other than that they are pretty much the same thing.

Which is a big difference, I don't know why you're trying to conflate the two. The main purpose of the board is about being an hikikomori, and not a NEET. Although, I do admit most hikkis are NEETs, due to the nature of being a hikikomori.

>Not really i actually said i was still one at the beginning of this post. >>374

You said at the beginning of the post ->
>I never said i wasn't a NEET i still am i was planning on  looking for a job but codvid extended my   NEETdom for a little bit longer 

This doesn't say anything about you being a hikki, only that you're still a NEET. So now tell me this, are you a hikki or not?
Replies: >>378 >>579
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>Which is a big difference, I don't know why you're trying to conflate the two.

Many people in both Asia and the  west use the term NEET  when talking about hikikomori people.

>Although, I do admit most hikkis are NEETs, due to the nature of being a hikikomori.

That's completely wrong all hikikomori are NEETs. They don't leave their rooms they rely on their parents or someone else to provide for them  or live on government assistance and have very little or no social contact  if you're working or are in some kind of education in any way you're still apart of society. The whole purpose behind hikikomori is to completely  withdraw from society including working and school.

> The main purpose of the board is about being an hikikomori, and not a NEET.

No shit i know the difference i ran the original board i am not stupid anon. 

>This doesn't say anything about you being a hikki, only that you're still a NEET. So now tell me this, are you a hikki or not?

As i said many people use the term NEET when referring to hikikomori people so yes i am a hikikomori they are the same damn thing anon only with a few differences you're arguing about pointless shit who cares if i replace hikikomori with NEET?  

Replies: >>379
>Many people in both Asia and the  west use the term NEET  when talking about hikikomori people.

I don't care that many people in asia conflate the two (which i doubt), but they're very different things. 

>That's completely wrong all hikikomori are NEETs. They don't leave their rooms they rely on their parents or someone else to provide for them  or live on government assistance and have very little or no social contact  if you're working or are in some kind of education in any way you're still apart of society. The whole purpose behind hikikomori is to completely  withdraw from society including working and school.

MOST hihikomoris are NEETs, hikikomoris can still work online, or play the stock market to generate an income for themselves. They're quite a few ways to earn money without social interaction. You can also attain education through the internet, so AGAIN you're wrong. Which btw, NEETs by definition cannot do, or else you're not a NEET.

>No shit i know the difference i ran the original board i am not stupid anon. 

You don't seem to know the difference, which lends credibility to the original poster >>369. Because you cannot seem to grasp the differences between the two, which makes you stupid, or just lying about being a hikki.

>As i said many people use the term NEET when referring to hikikomori people so yes i am a hikikomori they are the same damn thing anon only with a few differences you're arguing about pointless shit who cares if i replace hikikomori with NEET?  

The differences between the two are profound, a NEET can go out and socialize, which nearly all NEETs do. if they didn't, that would make them hikkis also, hence having different words to differentiate the two. You seem to want to conflate being a trust fund kid who never worked a job in his life, in current education and training (def. NEET) that is hyper social (going to bars with his friends etc.), to Satou from N.H.K.

You seem incapable in calling yourself a hikikomori, I'm beginning to think you're not a hikki and never were one.
Replies: >>380
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>I don't care that many people in asia conflate the two (which i doubt), but they're very different things. 

 Well that's probably because you have never lurked  the hiki and NEET boards on 2channel nor have you met nor talked to actual Japanese people like i have. They use the term NEET  interchangeably with hikikomori all the time.

> hikikomoris can still work online, or play the stock market to generate an income for themselves. They're quite a few ways to earn money without social interaction. You can also attain education through the internet,

You're missing the point even if you're working or taking classes  online  you're still apart of the system and still apart of society and still contributing to it just not in the traditional  way   real hikikomoris do not contribute to society at all nor are they finically independent.  Go watch a documentary on the subject not a single one shows them working a job because that's not what they are hikikomori are socially withdrawn NEETs. 

>Because you cannot seem to grasp the differences between the two, which makes you stupid, or just lying about being a hikki.

You can believe whatever you want be a  fucking retard i don't give a shit that's your choice. 

>The differences between the two are profound, a NEET can go out and socialize, which nearly all NEETs do. if they didn't, that would make them hikkis also, hence having different words to differentiate the two. You seem to want to conflate being a trust fund kid who never worked a job in his life, in current education and training (def. NEET) that is hyper social (going to bars with his friends etc.), to Satou from N.H.K.

Anon seriously it is not that serious shut the fuck up LOL.

>You seem incapable in calling yourself a hikikomori,

Probably because the word has been bastardized and its cringe and weeb-like to proudly call yourself a serious Japanese social problem just say NEET. or even Failure To Launch for fuck sake.

> I'm beginning to think you're not a hikki and never were one.

You can believe whatever you want i honestly don't care. Also not all hikikomori  pee in bottles and have their parents leave a plate of food at  the bedroom door most hikikomori do still go outside and people like you just like to gatekeep the less extreme hikis because they aren't as big of a loser as you even though being a loser isn't a dick   measuring contest. In Dr. Saitos book on the subject he talks about a Japanese guy  who mostly remained in his apartment but would leave every night to ride his bike to the convenience store is he not a hiki?
Replies: >>586
> plus like i said i didn't wanna do this shit anymore and  honestly i feel like you're just salty that i don't wanna be a NEET anymore oh how dare i wanna live a normal life LMFAO  

 >you're also purposefully evading my question, are you a hikki are not?
>Not really i actually said i was still one at the beginning of this 

> You said at the beginning of the post ->
>I never said i wasn't a NEET i still am i was planning on  looking for a job but codvid extended my   NEETdom for a little bit longer 

This doesn't say anything about you being a hikki, only that you're still a NEET. So now tell me this, are you a hikki or not?

> As i said many people use the term NEET when referring to hikikomori people so yes i am a hikikomori they are the same damn thing anon only with a few differences you're arguing about pointless shit who cares if i replace hikikomori with NEET?  
hmmm? I think other anons are able to see the hypocrisy and running away from answering a direct question. 

> You don't seem to know the difference, which lends credibility to the original poster >>369. Because you cannot seem to grasp the differences between the two, which makes you stupid, or just lying about being a hikki.
Thanks anon. Thanking for having the ability to point out his actual and definitive lying and covering up behaviors. 

> You seem incapable in calling yourself a hikikomori, I'm beginning to think you're not a hikki and never were one.
Pretty much. 
You can have fun all you want interacting with the current BO. Both of you are hypocritical and not lefit hikikomoris, keep pretending and running places to replace the lack of actual social contact but you’ll never be true hikikomoris and I was a dumbass for trusting the current BO too.
Replies: >>382
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>hmmm? I think other anons are able to see the hypocrisy and running away from answering a direct question. 

No you're just a  schizo who doesn't know how to fucking read nor have you interacted with a Japanese person before. Go on 2channel go on 2chan heck go on fucking  4chan in both Asia and the west NEET is used interchangeably  with hikikomori all the time.

>You  can have fun all you want interacting with the current BO. Both of you are hypocritical and not lefit hikikomoris, keep pretending and running places to replace the lack of actual social contact but you’ll never be true hikikomoris and I was a dumbass for trusting the current BO too.

You can believe whatever you want that's your choice  but the reality is most of what that kid says isn't true.
No banners yet?
Replies: >>400
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I was lazy Banners 引きこもり and the spoiler image As soon as the fish responds to my email
The banners look great.
is hiki a problem when everyone actually like living inside since forever and being a good outgoing person requires alot of going-out as a reputation which means it is not a regular achivement even for everyone. Context aside i don't see numbers being established yet so this is a new illnesseveryone had recently named as an issue when everyone prefer to sit in their cozy offices than miggle  in company outings.

Being alienated from the crowd in regular outing and getting singled out like racial discrimination is not a fucking illness, it
s the society's failure to comply with its low population cap and low attention capacity.
if outside is the better inside for the normies as some sort of normality maybe they have the

mori-hikiko. an antisocial anxiety.
more banners check em out
What's the difference between this and /r9k/?
Replies: >>462 >>463
/r9k/ is just a wizchan-lite at this point full of extreme edgelord teenagers and losers who blame all of their life's problems on every woman they see not blowing them while pretending they don't care about sex and women, and acting like they're somehow better than everyone else for it.

This is for Hikikomori/anti-social shut ins who hardly leave their rooms for months on end, and are too anti-social and withdrawn for even the robot crowd, we're also way less common and not exclusively like this because we have high virgin power levels, although there's some obvious overlap. This place is also way more comfy in general, despite this board sadly almost being dead along with most of the other Hikki boards.
Replies: >>464 >>470

/r9k/ used to be a board for  depressed lonely sexless guys with no gfs to vent about their issues in life however  around 2015/2016 things changed. /r9k/ nowadays is just a dating board full of underage kids porn politics and women. This is a board for hikikomori while there is some overlap we are not exactly the same as /r9k/.
Replies: >>470
>/r9k/ is just a wizchan-lite at this point full of extreme edgelord teenagers and losers who blame all of their life's problems on every woman they see not blowing them while pretending they don't care about sex and women, and acting like they're somehow better than everyone else for it.

That's really nothing new and was always a thing on /r9k/. /r9k/ nowadays is more of a dating board similar to /soc/  with  tranny posting gay porn discord  drama e-thots and normalfags complaining about their boyfriends and girlfriends. Most of the 2012-2015 virgins are gone now and  either moved on after 2016 or died.
Replies: >>470
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I wanna apologize to hikki, whatever happened between us I completely take the blame for it and I am sorry for having been a bad friend to you. (And yes I am Twisted) not tryna hide anymore nor do I want to start any kind of drama, just pure apologies.
Replies: >>469 >>485
I love you
Replies: >>483 >>484 >>485
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You're describing cuckchan right?  Not trying to defend /r9k/ for anything other than clarity but on 8ch and post-8ch communities seemed as the posters were more than upset about women not handing it out to them and society itself though it is evidently true that not all of them were hardcore shut-ins who gave up on love and society.

The posters on this site's /r9k/ seem to be the same cloth, hence why I asked this board exists separating two similar userbases instead of /hikki/'s denizens moving to /r9k/.  Is it because of a board's name setting a precedent of what to expect after years of the name's usage?
Replies: >>474 >>477
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/r9k/ has no set topic and allows posters who would be banned from /hikki/.
The boards may have overlap however there were/are many users of /r9k/, wizardchan and hikkichan who can/could integrate into society just fine but they perceive virginity as a injustice and a reason they are societal outcasts.
Hikkichan failed because of those posters so this isn't a problem only cuckchan faces.
Replies: >>476

Hikkichan failed because it was never a site  for hikikomori to begin with and most of the posters on there were just I am a retard shitposters. Plus the admin openly admitted to creating the site while he was in college and had a gf at the time and he made the site to laugh at NEETs.
Last edited by hikki
Replies: >>478
>8chan /r9k/

That was more of a MGTOW /pol/ type of board  you're thinking of /v9k/ which is where all the real robots went after  the 2012-2015 era of /r9k/. Also the only difference between robots and hikikomori is robots are  lonely virgin guys with no gfs and hikikomori are shut-ins who don't leave their rooms and don't work or go to school.  Sometimes they may overlap but they aren't exactly the same.
Replies: >>479
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>Hikkichan failed because it was never a site  for hikikomori to begin with
You are correct, that is essentially what I posted. 
rule 12
Stop posting halfchan buzzwords I'm not going to ban you for one post in the meta thread of all places However you can post fag and nigger here.
Replies: >>482
I liked /v9k/ but the most popular posts I remember there was an underage killing himself over a girl and a guy's love story of a girlfriend he got in high school but ended with her getting put in jail.  It's honest but I don't think the robot('s idealized self) would call it the real /r9k/.
Replies: >>481

Maybe my memory is getting bad but i don't remember any post like that at all most of the post i saw were feels post and  other types of incel/robot type post which is what 4/r9k/ 2012-2016 was like. Plus /v9k/ was a slow and dead board 8/r9k/ was more active.
Replies: >>676
>Stop posting halfchan buzzwords I'm not going to ban you for one post in the meta thread of all places However you can post fag and nigger here.

Fair enough sorry about that.

However   i just want to point out that on the original /hikki/   meme speak was  allowed people could speak any way they wanted to.
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If it’s you hikki then I’m really sorry for all the things that happened between us man, you should also know that I haven’t been in contact with Red or any of his bum buddies in a very long time now. I know what I did and I sincerely apologize and would like for us to be in contact again but I know that makes me stuck out as someone with ulterior motives, so it’s fine if you don’t wanna talk to me again dude but just know I do still care for you.
Replies: >>484 >>485

I didn't want to respond but i feel like i have to so you don't get confused >>469 is actually not me. 

Also you have said all this before what makes you think after the billionth time of constantly apologizing and then stabbing me in the back and doing something awful that i would trust you this time? 

If you're finally being sincere i appreciate that but unfortunately i can't accept your apology given everything that has happened.

Perhaps it is best if you just move on like i already have and go do your own thing i think that is the best thing for both of us.  

I don't have time for 4 year old drama and i don't want new friends either because i have major trust issues now because of what you did.
Replies: >>485 >>486
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Replies: >>486
Dude it’s not like you haven’t disappeared all of a sudden and came back after years trying to make up with me but that’s not the conversation i wanna be having with you anymore, whatever happened between us happened and I don’t know why it would cause major trust issues? Like dude I just sent Red a pic of your face, maybe you just didn’t like the fact that it was obvious doxxing but still I think I’ve seen you in pics before that incident so not like you didn’t doxx yourself before and so did I. I’ve showed you pics of me too. So, please dude don’t be completely blaming me for it, I know I’ve did horrible things to you but tbh we both are wrong and neither of us to blame, we were just going through hard times. Anyways man I just wanted to apologize, you not accepting it is not bad at all, it’s up to you. And like I said hours ago, I really do still care for you man. 

Ok mr.anonymage?
Replies: >>487
stop posting drama twisted No one cares its over
Replies: >>488
I care because he was one of my best friends ever
Replies: >>489
Not my problem
Stop bringing drama here Please just be civil and leave it in the past like he said to
If anyone's wondering what happened to the site, it's a new version of jschan that had bizarre changes shoved into it by the developer.
This board is dead because of drama with one participant being admin? /hikki/ will never be a live board if that's the case.
Replies: >>550
>one participant being admin
the drama has been dead for months, and at the time no participant was an admin. Things are just slow around here.
What manga is this from? Saucenao brings up nothing.
Replies: >>566
Oh that's her. She was in a school uniform and judging by the art style it looked like something Kiyohiko Azuma could've made.
home again

< refugee from 8ch.net
Replies: >>590
I think NEET is a more poorly defined term. Some Hikki have job from room. But all NEET don't have job. All Hikki have social phobia. I don't know if NEET have social phobia.

Hikikomori is both a clinical diagnosis and a word lay people use when the seem to be acting like what they think a Hikki acts, but does not strictly meet the clinical definition.

NEET is not as well defined: "NEET, an acronym for "Not in Education, Employment, or Training", refers to a person who is unemployed and not receiving an education or vocational training. The classification originated in the United Kingdom in the late 1990s,". So is a person NEET if they don't get a job immoderately after college and then just spend the summer at home? I would say "no", because it seems that the classification means that the person is forgoing work and education opportunities, but is not just classified by statistical groups. What if you are at home taking care of family, but you have college degree, are you NEET? the NEET definition does not expound on why someone would not be a NEET when other wise seeming to match the description; there is not differential diagnosis, so it's just some dumb statistical category.

I've know people to say their NEET, after graduating college, so how can you be NEET if you have college degree? I would say no, because even though you are not being trained currently you just left training. There is also this fallacy that everyone from college automatically gets a job in their field and that the only reason you would go through college or training is to get a professional job. What about people who are under employees and forced to be due to debt? NEET is just a poor statistical category this has slipped into the lay vernacular and is now as meaning less as so many other words.
Replies: >>596
>You're missing the point even if you're working or taking classes  online  you're still apart of the system and still apart of society and still contributing to it just not in the traditional  way   real hikikomoris do not contribute to society at all nor are they finically independent.  Go watch a documentary on the subject not a single one shows them working a job because that's not what they are hikikomori are socially withdrawn NEETs. 

What is "contributing"? That words make so sense. What is society but a bunch of individuals creating hikikomori like a factory. Do the extremely disabled contribute? This kind of table top Marxism ends with people gas cambers. It's not like a hikki has much of a choice but to be tortured in this world. This world with Marxist deathcamp counselors like you.
welcome back
but you got to buy groceries somehow or whatever., I guess now you could buy things online but either way the waves and delivery driver wants to talk to me, figured the cashiers don't give a shit so they won't bother.
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This thread is a great lesson why you should never befriend Anons. I'd say that 33%-50% are emotionally stunted & dependent which means high maintenance not to mention what that directly entails, egotistic/narcissistic, dishonest with themselves, easily offended, will eventually know the posts you make and stalk you, and if slighted enough times you'll get what's happened here where they expose you. Not that Tumblr and Twitter are good places with non-terrible people but a lot of the shittalking is from projection. The chat dramas that have been leaked are enough evidence of this insufferable loathsome mindset. This comes from my own experience conversing and pondering my own behavior('s potential). The posters you're speaking to and may consider to be comrades have the same fortitude and sensibilities of a teenage millenial on Tumblr.
Victim complex too.
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All neets must be alcoholics, epic alcoholics. Putting them normalfag alcoholics to shame.
Replies: >>669 >>673 >>806
I'll take anons over normalniggers because at least they don't try to brainwash you over becoming a slave to the system with the excuse of "advising what's best for you".
i only drink tea and i embrace my suffering
vodka, jaegermeister and beer
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It's been a long time since I've seen those. I especially recall murdoch-chan. Soon to be five years since that guy offed himself... It's a tragedy that 8chan got filled with normalfags, then fragmented, then subsequent boards for certain topics didn't exist (/v9k/, /suicide/) or kept getting nuked (/fascist/, /r9k/). The webring is better than nothing, but seeing how dead the best boards are and how much I hate other places, I have no clue why I still browse forums.
Replies: >>679 >>682
I'm still here because there's nowhere else to go, if anyone has any better ideas I would like to hear them. I understand your sentiment exactly, /v/ is by far the most popular board, and it's beyond shit and it makes me feel like a middle aged babysitter with the way they act
/v9k/ and /suicide/ weren't popular to begin with and were practically dead when the nuke hit anyway, why would you expect them to come back?
>I have no clue why I still browse forums.
Is it because this is the closest thing to home and connects you to the world comfortably with the same aesthetic and people you've been accustomed to for years. I wouldn't know where else to go and don't want to completely divorce myself from imageboards either so I'm still here as well. I found a few forums but I'm very careful not to post them on here so they won't get flooded with feds and shitters so dig around even for other imageboards if it's not that you aren't pessimistic and languid towards talking to people.
Replies: >>684
>found a few forums but I'm very careful not to post them on here so they won't get flooded with feds and shitters
Please do share them.
zzzchan doesn't have much traffic anyway, so there is no risk of flooding as the few people who browse the /hikki/ or /r9k/ are at most 5 people.

i really miss 8chan/r9k/ and ofc the hikki imageboard, it seems the social outcasts of the past generation are dying out.
Replies: >>691 >>702
>it seems the social outcasts of the past generation are dying out
You can only stay cooped up for so long until you get sick of speaking to people, kill yourself or begin to go outside again. There're going to be no replacements either as it's hard to be a social outcast or socially disconnect yourself as a zoomer. Being raised on the walled garden internet, in a time where the internet is immersed in corporeal reality, and commodified by the ever-learning pop culture & propaganda machine means they're less inclined to drop out as they have a support network of consumption and internet friends to fall back into and are attached to that motivates them to keep going, and if they do hit rock bottom they turn to drugs (that makes you retarded f.e. xanax or something that makes you intensely fearful just to feel alive f.e. salvia) and other people to do those drugs with. They're too extroverted and socially competent out of the womb to get so depressed and/or angry at the world whether they rise above or get crushed by it.

I noticed that people in their 40s and 50s make up the largest age group of wretches, scum, and outcasts of society. In Japan it's because of the economic recession and lost decade that made many into hikkis, in America it's because of broken homes and negative subcultures & romanticization from TV like punk and drugs that made many go out onto the street and turn into the leering hungry junkies that lurk on sidewalks we see today, in eastern Europe it's because many people were made useless after the chaos following communism's abrupt collapse and capitalist hawks swooping down to feast on their resources and capital which made many into drunks and junkies even if they had serious credentials and education, in the UK it's too convoluted for me to dig through but they fell roughly as hard as eastern Europe did.

Entire generations of people who couldn't get stable lives and didn't succeed as well as their predecessors in a freer era are rendered useless; when the tentacles of centralization weren't long enough to wrap around them, they destroyed those people and whatever livelihood they could have. Now that they're long enough they can mold the new generations into their image and there'd be no need for a massive slash and burn as it was the prerequisite to have them in their hands like this as their adults and epoch were mangled by that slash and burn. So don't hold out for any young people to understand us and the world we come. Excuse me if this was an unwarranted political rant with the moral being that we're main characters.
Replies: >>713
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Hey guys, it's the one-year anniversary since the board was killed!
isn't it amazing how, despite going through a period of global lock downs and experiencing a supposed "pandemic of isolation", genuine hikkis seem even less common than before? Where did all those posters from hikkichan go, rope, or were they just all normalfags role playing until it got boring?
Replies: >>701
I see it as inevitable. All the more obscure places that I browse have had decreased activity as a recent trend. I assume most people move to mainstream places like Discord or largely abandon social interaction on the internet. In my case, I no longer contribute as often to places simply because the activity has decreased. It's an effect that magnifies itself over time.
Another possible reason is that many forums appeal to a certain demographic, and once that demographic has aged and no longer sees a forum as appealing, many will leave it behind. If this is the case, I do not know what they pursue next, but I would guess that a large portion of them substitute forum activity with watching anime, reading books, etc. 
If the centralization trend does not begin to go in the opposite direction, I would speculate that all outcast forums will be dead by 2030, since many are already dead today. The technological changes and expansion of major sites are what ultimately put lesser forums in this precarious scenario. It's a dying world for many sites.
Replies: >>702 >>816
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I don't mean to gatekeep and understand your want as I'm curious about other sites anons mention going to but I can't risk it whether shitters come across it or government spammers take notice and set their eyes on it, there are so few websites I enjoy going to already. Again, look up something you're interested in and find some forum and lurk it.
Something has been happening the past half decade where many forums and other internet communities are getting shut down, it's a very silent phenomenon that I didn't realize until a couple months ago. It's a further centralization of the internet, and imageboards and "alt-right" places like incels.me act as a release valve or controlled operation to be spied upon. The whole net is to be scrubbed clean and have the users conform to mainstream and "alternative" social media.
Replies: >>706
Still better than worshipping kikes
Eh. I am not like you people. But. I brows alot of not mainstream/centralize internet website long time ago with the help of my older family member when i was small. It is good time.
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This is true, however, the boards are not equal to the social network, therefore True Anonymous communicates with his Projections, Ego, and not people.
That was an interesting read.
So your assumption is : centralization + no economic recession = decrease in dropouts. Centralization being the main factor.
I think that's actually a good thing, being a dropout ain't a fun life and I wouldn't encourage others to actively pursue this lifestyle.

However at what cost comes this corpo-manufactured sense of belonging ? as I see more globohomo and degeneracy promoted on those mediums that created this sense of unity among the new generation.

Everything comes at a price.
Replies: >>714 >>911
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>centralization + no economic recession = decrease in dropouts
I didn't set out to have a point, and I think I covered too much ground in that post (which was a lateral perspective) to have one extracted. I could say that a type of centralization is the individual's relationship to the community which is relatively decentralized against a federal legislature or international corporation which has become the new tether to form identity, and people in the 20th century had objectively more purchasing power than we do today. But I didn't set out to say a single topic in it or have it be streamlined in such a manner; it needs the entire context.

Where we are now came through changed standards of merits for cohabitation, friendship, feasibility of acquiring a job, trauma in development years of age by authorities and fellow same-ageds molded by the former and latter, technology, architecture, the timetables industrialization requires, and what kind of people a lifestyle like this churns out to those who don't care to think or wonder about it. I don't intend for these to come off as loaded statements to preach my sociopolitical beliefs and am aware they're cookie-cutter talking points you've heard before but not everyone will fit or conform to that existence.

>I think that's actually a good thing
This isn't some rebirth or fix to the problem. For this era we live in and the precedents that led to our malicious epoch it's what is used to keep people in line and it is an insulting replacement for community that has been lost along with potential to acquire peace. These smartphone kids are like a blank slate and disconnected from the shallow cultural lineage we came from into an even shallower one. Anyone who is or was a NEET, loner, or hikki was so because they saw effort-reward ratio in society was worth it even if they never had a chance due to mental and physical characteristics, for whatever reason and intelligence those three groups have they at least saw the sham of post-war culture and morality. It's now worse and corporations & government have perfected the art of bread & circuses so that people are content with less quality across the spectrum, including those buckled and cowered at seeing what this society for what it currently is and snipped their cognition.
I'm just a giant fag who disagreed with your observation because it disagreed with my point of view of writing that post, and tried to twist it away from the logical conclusion you reached but I think my point got across anyway.
hey hikki if your still browsing this board could we get back in contact somehow? I have a question about the old board.
I'm a NEET but not a hiki, can I still post in this board?
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where are all the people ?. this is the only good board on zzzchan. can't we just revive the board ?
Replies: >>769 >>770 >>773
I'm still here.
I pop in whenever there's a new post.
I had to deal with people at work. Now I feel like I'm being haunted. I have a head ache like always. When I talk about it others seem to think it's like not normal to always have a head ache. I just feel sick and stressed from dealing with people. I wish I could escape, but there is nowhere to escape to. I will be dead by 2030.
I'm banned from making comments on yt and r*ddit. And the 2 neets sites are shit too, so I don't have anywhere to go anymore.
I'm just listening to videos now and playing tf2. It's getting kind of boring, but my pc can't run many games.
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>>83 (OP) 
Could you change the captcha system.
This system makes it impossible for anyone to make new threads, and that means that new people will just leave the second they encounter this wall.
Have one that is similar to alogspace or 4ch.
Replies: >>797 >>808
>New fags will just leave after a moderate level of resistance.

This isn't a bad thing.
Replies: >>809
I am. I realize guys like me must be addicts. Smoking vaping drinking it's the only way.
Why do only certain boards have that captcha? /fascist/ doesn’t and neither does this place
>newfags will Leave
Then make this site die out? So genius anon
I realized that nothing is more miserable and painful and being a neet trying to change myself but it's so difficult Even though I try so up for so many years you still doesn't work I know exactly what I need to do to change and I don't do it The wall between me being happy you just one specific goal apart. They still time for me from today onward to the rest of my life I will change. My goal is to one day be so good that One day everyone here know who I am. I can do it cuz I must do it if I don't do it I will die I know exactly what I need to do The only happiness that I see is only one go apart
Replies: >>812
>I realized that nothing is more miserable and painful and being a neet trying to change myself
Then you are fortunate.

But what is it that you wish to become good at?
To the guy who wanted new websites to go to but I denied his request on where to look, I hope you're still here and that I come across other former 8ch anons on the internet and also I felt as though I came off as cold in refusing to point you in a direction.
can you really blame them when they ban anyone that isn't a fed doomposting?
You guys always talk like people use these places. I don't know if you notice but this is not anything, nothing is here. All these dead image boards yet they still have like pinned rules and meta threads discussion as if it's real.
Replies: >>818
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kinda reminds you of those old abandonned buildings that still have doors and windows.
But nobody is living there anymore.
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Hello, /christmas/ here. We want to invite you participate in our annual Christmas party again this year. It's already started, and the main stream will be from Friday 22nd, through Monday 25th : 3 pm PST / 22 UTC . 

'Please come and share some Christmas cheer with your fellow anons!'
Replies: >>834
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You must be eating out of a copper bowl, because you are FED.
Could the stickies be cleaned up into just one sticky?  You have to scroll down quite a bit on the front page to get to the actual threads.
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One of the posts was misaligned.
>murdoch-chan saga
jesus what a fucking travesty
Replies: >>862
it's the most retarded shit i've read in weeks
I will be 23 in a week which has led me to look back, realizing that I spent the majority of my life in a pathetic, miserable state. 
As soon as I hit the 20s it seems I lost any sense of time, my mental development came to a halt and even reverted in various aspects. I became unable to express the most mundane thoughts in conversation, I lost interest in the world. I became so empty and shallow that I'm nostalgic for the days when I thought about kms everyday. I wonder why I became this way. Perhaps it is the nature of the internet, that is especially hazardous to my retarded spergbrain. Perhaps it is just of our depraved timeline. I don't know. I feel pathetic that I wasn't even able to fill a proper textwall with my bullshit. this senseless rant has meant nothing. good night
Replies: >>875 >>912
Don't worry, it will only get worse lol
I really worry about hikkis of the future, with shit like social credit scores coming, they'll be put between a rock and a hard place.
You're still young, don't trap yourself in a mindset that says "I can't escape from this". There's always something you can do. I was you years ago, with effort you can and will improve your situation. I believe in you buddy.
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Does the admin still visit this board?
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Unfortunately, posting from under Thor is practically impossible from Mordor [shitty Russia!]. The pidorusskies aka Kremlin bots specially parse boards and flame the CP and other black content [symbolically created with stolen and raped Ukrainian children]. It's a pity that the admin and mods do not understand this and ban the OnionNet nodes for a long time. You should clearly understand that everyone who calls themselves russians are schizophrenics and hate not only Ukrainians, but the whole world and all people, inventing derogatory nicknames for each nation and country. On average, there are 1/50,000 normal people in Mordor. Deal with it!
Replies: >>955
Why do you call Russia Mordor?  Is there any other forum anywhere else that does that, or did you just pick that up and decided to roll with it?  Why do you call it "OnionNet" and not "Tor"?  What do you mean by "symbolically created"?  Why did you decide to post this in the meta thread of a dead /hikki/ board?
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>> Why, why, proofs!
Fuck went, pissed fagot!
Replies: >>962
Who are you replying to?  What does your post even mean?
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