>Many people in both Asia and the west use the term NEET when talking about hikikomori people.
I don't care that many people in asia conflate the two (which i doubt), but they're very different things.
>That's completely wrong all hikikomori are NEETs. They don't leave their rooms they rely on their parents or someone else to provide for them or live on government assistance and have very little or no social contact if you're working or are in some kind of education in any way you're still apart of society. The whole purpose behind hikikomori is to completely withdraw from society including working and school.
MOST hihikomoris are NEETs, hikikomoris can still work online, or play the stock market to generate an income for themselves. They're quite a few ways to earn money without social interaction. You can also attain education through the internet, so AGAIN you're wrong. Which btw, NEETs by definition cannot do, or else you're not a NEET.
>No shit i know the difference i ran the original board i am not stupid anon.
You don't seem to know the difference, which lends credibility to the original poster >>369. Because you cannot seem to grasp the differences between the two, which makes you stupid, or just lying about being a hikki.
>As i said many people use the term NEET when referring to hikikomori people so yes i am a hikikomori they are the same damn thing anon only with a few differences you're arguing about pointless shit who cares if i replace hikikomori with NEET?
The differences between the two are profound, a NEET can go out and socialize, which nearly all NEETs do. if they didn't, that would make them hikkis also, hence having different words to differentiate the two. You seem to want to conflate being a trust fund kid who never worked a job in his life, in current education and training (def. NEET) that is hyper social (going to bars with his friends etc.), to Satou from N.H.K.
You seem incapable in calling yourself a hikikomori, I'm beginning to think you're not a hikki and never were one.