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How do i get mood again.
Replies: >>748 >>760
>>745 (OP) 
Music maybe. Anime. I d on 't know.
>>745 (OP) 

Not sure what would work for you, but personally working out helped me a lot on self-image and mood, and i'm not even going to the gym, i'm doing everything at home.

And I suppose watching/playing old nostalgic stuff from the 2000s (sometimes a little bit before), a time where society was much saner therefore with products of higher quality and that completely lack any degeneracy of today (mainly getting them through the use of torrents or else) while giving the feeling of being in a sort of time capsule when everything was better then.

I also found a taste for obscure/niche stuff, and data-hoarding (reminder that in december, google is going to remove all youtube videos from channels inactive for more than 2 years), helps somewhat getting myself occupied.

Also it's probably hardly possible for you (same for me) but try to cut pr0n as much as you can, and avoid industrial sugar (that I succeed at however)/sweets, I also found some 15 minutes every few days outside (in countryside) helped a lot. And not using social medias or watching TV at all.

Hope you update us with how your life goes on, Anon.
I have severe problems with anger. The smallest things, like how someone talks to me, can set me off and make me upset all day and punch things.
The only things that slightly cools me down is when I take a shower or a short sleep.
It's also good to have different kinds of playlists on yt to help switch moods(the only mood a person should be in is a calm/slightly cheerful one).
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