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Post lolis
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moar casual topless
Replies: >>2045
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man of culture
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In principle Arale should look like this, because Dr. Norimaki has canonically no idea how vagina looks like.
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So the protagonist is the best find of a great hero, and is a part of his party alongside the rest of the cast.

Opens up like the end of a typical battle anime adventure, but he protagonist discovers a dark secret about the hero: He's been working behind the scenes to make sure he has villains to fight against so that he could never stop heroing and his adventures would never end.

You see, before the start of his first adventure he had nothing going for him, no place in the world, becoming a hero meant living a far better life than the one he had before.

It was on this first adventure that he met the protag and his love interest, it was then when he became someone important and lived with purpose. It was then when he had the novelty of adventure to cut the banality of living in peace.

So when the first adventure ended in victory, and he saw an opportunity for another journey, he intentionally allowed a second villain to rampage just so he could have an evil to vanquish.

Even during this second outing, he was secretly setting things up for the trilogy. Since then most of the enemies they fight are the result of the hero's machinations.

The villains themselves are the real deal, they are actually carrying out their plans and causing a great deal of harm, innocents die before the hero and his allies stop them.

To be fair they do what they can to stop the disasters they cause, but now that the protag knows his best bud is the true culprit behind this and many other threats, all because he's addicted to adventuring and being the hero.
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Replies: >>1377
>>1376 (OP) 
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Next idea.
Replies: >>1378
An actual anime, not the shit Netflix put out.
Replies: >>1379
No, I mean the game.
best anime idea: season 2 of Kill Me Baby, Ichigo Mashimaro and Mitsuboshi Colors
Girls und Panzer but its about submarines, preferably in a fictional world.

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Who is your waifu anon? Just wondering, pic unrelated.
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Replies: >>1987 + 4 earlier
I don't have a dakimakura because I still live with my parents (and probably will for at least 3~5 years), but I would like to have one when I eventually move away, it sounds comfy.
Though there's a lot of annoyances surrounding them such as price, availability, shipping, maintenance, etc.
I don't know what character I would like to have. I don't really have much of a "waifu", I just like 2D girls in general. I guess it could heavily depend on availability.
I'd like to eventually learn drawing though, and I guess I could try drawing a daki cover for myself, though I can imagine that potentially being cringe.
Who? Is this even anime?
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10/10 ~ moe day
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>>693 (OP) 
Kim pine
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SINCE THERE'S NO REAL /m/ ON THE WEBRING plw/mecha/ is dead as fuck, BRING IT ON!

This year is looking bright for mecha.
>Getter Robo Arc
>Muv-Luv Alternative
>Eva 3.0 + 1.0

What is your favorite MS in Gundam? and why is it the Zudah?
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Been meaning to watch Overman King Gainer, but should I go through Xabungle first? I think I've heard it's a spiritual successor of sorts to the latter, so I'm wondering if it might be better suited to watch afterward.

Great taste anon.
I thought that Bael jobbing was kind of the point. The idea that it was a trump card was just the childish fantasy of a broken man who couldn't understand others.
Not that I'll defend that show any further, especially the second season. The pacing was the only thing more retarded than the characters.
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Cross Ange should fit that description.
Unfortunately its shit.
Started out interesting but around the halfway point it starts going off the rails in a bad way, with each plot twist becoming increasingly retarded until the ending with the mowt retarded one of all. I expected far better out of Taniguchi and Nakashima, but I guess they are an incompatible duo, the latter really needs to stick with Imaishi while the former should stick to real robot mecha instead of haphazardly trying to mix the two into this abomination.
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Everyone has been sleeping on this one. Only watched the first episode and was OK so far. 

> What is your favorite MS in Gundam?

Crossbone Gundam. It concern the adventures of Tobia Aronax in the events after F91. After the monarchist failed , because there was a mobile suit that wasn't a nugget on the colony next to the one they invaded, the survivors created a pirate crew called Crossbone Vanguard to prevent Spacenoids from Jupiter from destroying earth. Also there will never ever be an anime adaptation.

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I'm just curious:
What does /a/ think is the best anime of all time?
Feel free to say why of course.
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Replies: >>1873 + 2 earlier
Anon, its literally in the MAL top 10 and is also on every imageboard recommendations chart, on top of being memed fairly frequently.
Those people saying that kind of retardation are a minority of a minority, given that not that many people watched it to begin with, but the overwhelming majority of the ones that did watch it think its the best thing since sliced bread.
>international appeal
What does that have to do with anything? That doesn't necessarily reflect quality at all.
Replies: >>1874
>>974 (OP) 
The exact same thing as asking what the best movie or tv show of all time is, or video game,  or book, or fruit, etc. It's to do with taste. 

I read somewhere Evangelion was considered the best from a pol.
Alright, well I don't know. I just saw it and liked it more than any other anime I've ever seen. I guess I know complete shit about the culture surrounding it. I don't usually look at /a/ infographs, so I honestly don't know about the broader reception past what I've been told.

>>international appeal
I'm not saying such a thing is important outside of introducing and convincing normalfags to anime as a respectable medium, hence why I mention Cowboy Bebop and Monster as such (though I really do think Monster is far beyond Cowboy Bebop in terms of narrative).
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Gurren Lagann, obviously.
It incorporates everything great about anime but amped up to 11, and is a well-made masterpiece full of heart, passion and soul (no, I don't mean that in the meme buzzword way) with great and timeless themes, and its inspired a lot of people to grow in their own lives and strive for greater things.
I was going to say clannad too
Same reason as you

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Why there aren't much alternative or even just historical and even less war themed anime or mangos. There are few. I mean nearly everything feels the same in modern animus. Nearly every season there is an isekai trash, yuri anime and some other unintresting trash. 
Why they cannot be a more darker war themed story with a more gritty artstyle? Or maybe an adaptation of a western story like southern victory and stuff like that?
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Replies: >>1038 >>1973 + 2 earlier
Your country doesn't have internet?
>none of them are good
I doubt it.
Replies: >>549
>This sounds like a reddit tier excuse
But isn't consumption one of the redditor virtues?
Replies: >>549
No it has.
As you think. If reading or watching is that.
>>480 (OP) 
> Why there aren't much alternative or even just historical
Maybe there is.
It’s just like with everything else, anon. Animu and mangos are not some sort of a magical land automatically banishing the stray clowns to Tumblr and Seattle.
So there’s not much of a niche, and what does exist is going to be hard to find. Especially if you want something better than what passes for “history” in Hollywood and/or incoherent “REEEEE!” of some disturbed wiki-ng about his pet wonk point.

> Nearly every season there is an isekai trash, yuri anime and some other unintresting trash. 
Because mainstream shonens for retards, half-assed pr0n and other trash can be churned out by little more than monkeys with typewriters, and there’s always a market for this. Just like with any other medium.
Also, whenever you go looking for good stuff, you have to dodge both the Charybdis of trash piles (where it’s buried forever under vast layers of trashy sediment) and Scylla of the WTF where the hipsters and other basket cases dwell.
The only difference is that with anime most warning signs are visible: the stuff about which the brats babble endlessly and undisguised knockoffs of knockoffs.
>>480 (OP) 
There is is just not that popular
Only some exceptions like golden kamuy get popular because of the larger appeal
The problem is some of them are so unpopular they don't even get adaptation and are stuck to Manga/LN realm

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>The hypothesis that society will reach a peak of harmonious functioning when each of its divisions efficiently performs its designated function, as a body's organs individually contribute to its
general health and functionality, lies at the center of corporatist theory.

>”it means a nation organized as the human body, with each organ performing its individual function but working in harmony with the whole” - Oswald Mosley on corporatism

The basic premise of the anime ‘Cells at Work’ is to portray the human body as if it were a human society, which unintentionally means it represents fascism. The viewer isn't even aware he's being fed fascist propaganda because they think they're just being educated about how the human body works.
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>t. brownoid coping before going back to torturing kitties
Replies: >>1938
>check sources
>amyg not mentioned once
>search cute aggression
>no amyg mentioned
>interaction between oxytocin and vasopressin
Imagine going in an anime board and seething about anime LOL
That’s not OP, dumbass
I’m the person that started this thread
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Some faggot who thinks that Once Upon a Time... Life but written by Japanese people affirms his shit (and also inorganic) political ideology and some retard screeching about moefaggotry. What a shit thread. Misunderstand me correctly,  Once Upon a Time... Life has blatant propaganda. In the last episode where maestro gives a speech affirming progressivism and genesplicing. Cells at work seems to not have anything comparable to that.

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Welcome to the K.K.K

Retarded image autistically edited by me

Discuss about the anime or something idk
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>unironic gook shilling
See what I mean?
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Hitomi should have blonde hair and blue eyes. Misaki should be a ginger. Injecting Sato with vril to give him A10s misses the point.
He would have killed himself if Misaki hadn't appeared. A point of the story is that people can fuck around and go off in different, even completely worthless, directions and enjoy their youth, but they eventually have to face and interact with reality, even if there are some things that they know are true but are totally uncontrollable, and learn self-worth. Another point is that escapism is fine in moderation, but society preys on the gullible and weak by playing into their vulnerabilities through things like pyramid schemes. Ironically, the creator didn't learn from his own work and became a shut-in once he gained wealth to sustain himself. In two separate afterwards, he despaired over his situation and those presented, since they were not autobiographical, but documentarian. He is an MMO addicted, eroge-obsessed, conspiracy-believing super otaku druggie who doesn't work or leave his room. His most recent addition to Welcome to the NHK was a garbage oneshot attempt at modernizing it.
Replies: >>1907
>His most recent addition to Welcome to the NHK was a garbage oneshot attempt at modernizing it.
I tried to give that a chance, but found it to be like amateurish fan fiction. Maybe the drug use has taken it's toll.
Kinda agree, but they are probably at least a tad better than in US. They aren't the ideal dream, but I don't think they are as gone as in the U S A. I think that women in the west are inwardly poisoned or deeply pessimistic. They don't seem to dream, or they have no romantic vision for the world (I mean a real vision, not just some shitty larp from a novel). It's not even deadpan like in the cute emo way, it's just hollowed out shells acting out self affirming behaviors, never seeing past themselves not even willing to accept a dream or bright vision of reality. There's always this sense of irony or contempt like it's so wrong to want to be a visionary, or to try to find the appeal of reality. Even with this pessimism, they don't have any notion of living well by it, like with Nietzsche or Buddhism, or whatever. I mean they can't even accept the dreary world they see themselves in. Instead they act out in ways that enforce their miserable image, on others and themselves, taking pleasure in bringing others down, proving their worldview is right by forcing us all into it. And when someone tries to offer them a way out they defend their shitty worldview tooth and nail. Personally, I think jap girls are not so far gone to the point that it would be impossible to share a vision together. But we have to put in the effort too which is also our proble
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I find it really interesting that younger people are showing interest towards 2000s anime and visual novels, but I've noticed 99% of the time it's a larp. Many will use characters as profile pictures or make edits but then not even know what media they're from. (Totono, Saya no Uta, Subahibi, ect.)
I got into VNs recently and every time I think I found someone who shares an interest I find out they just like a character for the aesthetic.
Replies: >>1790 >>1800
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>>1757 (OP) 
A fellow philosopher-artist, I see.... Hehe... Not much of us around these days.... Isn't it? It can't be helped...
>>1757 (OP) 
The rise of "FOMO" and being "terminally online" (thanks social media) combined with the popularity of internet "fandoms" created a unique phenomenon: Being a "fan" of a piece of media is now socially equivalent to having experienced the piece of media yourself. Essentially, as the internet became more fast-paced, people had to streamline their experience with the outside world in an attempt to fit in as quickly as possible.

In other words, thanks to Tumblr, Gen Z is filled with posers and Fahrenheit 451 is now a sad reality.

sage for non-animoo
Replies: >>1822
"Fandoms" in the current/clown age fullfill much of the same roles religious sects/cults did prior to WW2.
People who use others' creative works for their own social cachet are so fucking gay.
The only tiny positive might be that it *might* lead someone to actually check out the media in question.
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I don’t know exactly how young “younger people” refers to, yet I think I have a strong inkling who it is since I’ve seen it often whenever I have the misfortune of stumbling upon such a young person, so I’ll go with what I got and say that as a guy in his mid-twenties I grew up in the 2000s and from what I’ve seen of these young people you refer to, they’re almost always teenage high schoolers, without fail. I’ve been online for as long as they have been alive and I can remember the time when Kanon, Toradora, Azumanga Daioh, Clannad, Rozen Maiden, Haruhi, Soul Eater, Death Note, etc. were all the rage. You couldn’t go one foot into an anime centric forum or YouTube channel or wallpaper hosting site - you name it - without seeing them. So to find teens who flaunt those anime, and 2000s internet culture in general, dig up what they think is some ancient relic, when to me and people my age it was my nostalgic past being online as a kid, makes me feel old, especially considering this is their first time encountering such material. Sometimes I get really pissed off because they’re appropriating my internet culture, they butcher it into some form of sick joke for “teh lulz”, and they misuse some memes outside of their original intention as if they don’t know the format. It seriously feels like a hollow cheap imitation, because that’s all they can do is mimicry. For some of the more contextually aware posts I find made by those of more ambiguous age I think “oh you have to be around
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I haven't read the manga but the "animated" adaptation released this month. Man, I haven't laught out loud at a anime for a while. Surprising considering Shitflix is involved. The timing is great and the comedy is so good. If you don't know what it is about is basically a Yakuza is a househusband. The humor it's pretty similar to some bits in Nichijou. It's a shame it might be the most poorly animated anime out there. I know modern anime doesn't shine in this field but jesus christ it's like I'm watching the manga with a voice over. However It didn't ruin my experience with it and I definitely recommend giving it a pirate.
I prefer my comedy in video form because I think it works better that way but I'll have to check out the manga and see how it compares and if it's better.
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But it made me haha because of the juxtaposition of a yakuza in everyday situations of a househusband.
Replies: >>1891
I'm surprised Shiho really takes to him though.

He is a chaste type of guy, and really doesn't have much choice because Shiho's parents are super rich and won't let her leave the house, but I guess for some reason they have hit it off!

Let's see.

Kikuoka, the antiques dealer?

I don't think I want to take him to the Osaka park anymore though!


Still funny, and maybe a little scary.

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I watched this with my mom, he's a funny anime to watch with family
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gets old very fast because there's no story, no substance besides haha scary yakuza does cute things
Replies: >>1893
me on the right

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