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I haven't read the manga but the "animated" adaptation released this month. Man, I haven't laught out loud at a anime for a while. Surprising considering Shitflix is involved. The timing is great and the comedy is so good. If you don't know what it is about is basically a Yakuza is a househusband. The humor it's pretty similar to some bits in Nichijou. It's a shame it might be the most poorly animated anime out there. I know modern anime doesn't shine in this field but jesus christ it's like I'm watching the manga with a voice over. However It didn't ruin my experience with it and I definitely recommend giving it a pirate.
I prefer my comedy in video form because I think it works better that way but I'll have to check out the manga and see how it compares and if it's better.
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But it made me haha because of the juxtaposition of a yakuza in everyday situations of a househusband.
Replies: >>1891
I'm surprised Shiho really takes to him though.

He is a chaste type of guy, and really doesn't have much choice because Shiho's parents are super rich and won't let her leave the house, but I guess for some reason they have hit it off!

Let's see.

Kikuoka, the antiques dealer?

I don't think I want to take him to the Osaka park anymore though!


Still funny, and maybe a little scary.

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I watched this with my mom, he's a funny anime to watch with family
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gets old very fast because there's no story, no substance besides haha scary yakuza does cute things
Replies: >>1893
me on the right

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there's an anime where a 30 year old chad is walking through a field at noon, which unbeknownst to him, is a high school property. some kids call him over and say "who are you?" "are you from this school?"
he replies "yeah bro i'm in 8th grade", and they don't laugh or bat an eye. later as he's walking home, he realizes they actually believed this. he uses his newfound superpowers to do really bad stuff.
what anime is this?
i want to watch it to annualize peod psychology
Replies: >>1703
>>770 (OP) 
Uhhh... sorry, I don't know what anime you are talking about.
But that's an interesting picture, with teenager Shio.
Replies: >>1706
Dude, look at the date. He's not gonna come back and read this TWO YEARS later.

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Have you celebrated Satoko's birthday yet, /a/nons?
Replies: >>1098 >>1689
>>1097 (OP) 
no i have not
happy birthday anime girl.
Replies: >>1101
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Still the best 1983
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>>1097 (OP) 
i will remember to celebrate satoko's birthday

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Share them wallpapers.
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Got any mecha wallpaper?
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Do you like Studio Ghibli films, anon?
I've been meaning to watch them. So far I've seen Spirited Away, Totoro and Grave of the Fireflies. My favorite so far is Grave of the Fireflies. How about you anon? Which one is your favorite? Do you think Earwig and the Witch will be any good?
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Tomorrow at 11am PST, right nigger?
Replies: >>743
Ghibli movies are hilariously overrated.
The main people who like them are women, children, redditors with nostalgia goggles, and western liberal normalfags who are new to anime and don't like seeing anything "offensive".
Replies: >>1492
>Disney movies are hilariously overrated. The main people who like them are women, children, redditors with nostalgia goggles, and western liberal normalfags who are new to anime and don't like seeing anything "offensive".
Fixed that for ya
Replies: >>1493
Ghibli is just the Disney of Japan (except at least Disney used to make females with attractiveness and sex appeal back in the day).
Either way, both are shit so no, you didn't fix it.

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Anime/manga about 2 girls together having a best day. Post them.
Replies: >>1397
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>>1396 (OP) 

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Floch was right 
(SPOILERS for the ending of Attack of Titan. Don’t enter thread if you haven’t read the end of the manga)
Replies: >>1384
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100 years later Paradis is carpet bombed
>>1220 (OP) 
Looking at it through a WN analysis, It leads to the conclusion that the race  which is most hated for it's past successes should wipe out all other races or else it will eventually be wiped out.

Assuming the AoT world's history is like our own, it is most probable that all the different peoples of the world spent most of their existence trying to conquer as much territory and resources as possible for their own prosperity.

Meaning that all engaged in practices such as slavery and colonialism, since they were simply what a people needed to do in order to thrive. As it is in out world, what people have done was the most optimal thing they could do to survive, and even though it seems brutal to us today, all the civilizations who didn't commit such atrocities were likely to be wiped out by those who had no such reservations.

The Eldians were exactly like White people in our world, they are a people who were once the most powerful force on the planet, not because they were any more cruel than the other people in the setting, but because they were simply the most successful at winning at the same game everybody else was playing.

Like our world's White people, they had decided later on to relinquish the power they had attained over the other peoples of the world, they set all the slaves free, removed their presence from all the territories they acquired, hoping to live in peace with the rest of humanity.

They should have read Machiavelli, for what happened to the Eldians is exactly what happened to White people in our world, the other peoples of their world hated them for having been beaten by the Whites, who not only showed mercy by refraining from wiping them out, but were now doing the largely unprecedented by relinquishing their power for no reason other than the new moral philosophies that originated from within their empire.

Over time it was like White people in our world, they went  from being merely egalitarian to hating their own kind and deciding to wipe themselves out.

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Do you listen to anime music?
I usually listen do Space Dandy ost and some OPs I like but not much other than that.
ndori dori dori dori nyan nya jan
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I don't like lyrics in my music, so I listen to covers of animu songs by some fags.
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Rurouni Kenshin - Sobakasu (Freckles) - FULL English Cover
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Found this while listening to the Shiki soundtrack Which is surprisingly unique for vampire anime
What's intresting was that this was removed for being too happy, which messes with the theme of the show. 
I don't blame them though, it really doesnt fit with the world of Shiki, could work in whatever anime you anons can think of.

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Anyone knows whats that korean manhwa where pretty boys are beaten up?

So surreal.when theyre all busy dancing

Then again i m not sure what they mean by ugly anyway

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Liru is a miracle of the universe!  ✨️ 🙏 

Let's have a Magipoka thread!

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