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/k/anteen threads will be merged  and banners updated when images aren't borked on tor.

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I said come in, don't stand there!
The rules:
2.Don't spam
3.Spoiler porn and gore
4.Try to remain on topic
Get out of here stalker

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Current Happenings:
>Absolutely nothing

Link Dump: (documents equipment losses; strong Ukrainian bias)
Maps: (THETI maps: shows both troops deployments and conflict areas) (Weeb Union Map)
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200 replies and 172 files omitted. View the full thread
Ignore the retard, he's just going to try and turn this into a cuck/pol/ retard fight if you give him any attention.
I like your posts anon
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The only negative thing about the Russians winning is the amount of braindead russian retards that have spilled into social media calling every Western weapon "trash" and how NATO tactics are inferior. 
Yesterday I watched a video where ukrainian border scouts guards got ambushed and they ran away when their MG3 got jammed. Every second comment was a russoid calling the MG3 a "terrible unreliable nazi gun" and all about how the AK-47 (Yes,  AK-47, not AKM, AKMN, AK-103 or even RPK. No, the AK-47 in particular) could run forever without maintenance.  

There is nothing more retarded than radicalized normalfags
Replies: >>2083 >>2085
Sadly that's the reality
To be fair , its been other way round for decades now, with every single slavshit being inherently inferiour.

Best thing is to ignore the retards on both sides.

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No thread on this? What a shame.
Looks like Hamas has gone as far as they can and is now getting pulverized by JDF. If jew leadership is to be believed lol Gaza City is about to get turned into Wasa City. I just wish it lasted longer, unless Iran suddenly decides it wants a piece of that kazar ass.
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No they were big white diapers along with an invoice for the israel military buying shitloads of adult diapers and some internal notes about soldiers soiling themselves
Replies: >>2073 >>2075
I haven't seen that one then.
God's chosen people, truly. chosen for what, though?
Replies: >>2080
> chosen for what, though?
For slaughter. The Byzantines were the most extreme and faithful followers of the original Christian teachings. They treated the jews like you and I treat mosquitos. They were seen as worse scum than non-believers. If a Byzantine had the choice to kill 1 Jew or 1000 muslims, he would grab the little nose goblin by the beard and rip its face off without a second thought.
Replies: >>2084
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There was a long forgotten spanish tradition of killing jews the sundays as you got drunk.

You can post videos in this thread.
85 replies and 69 files omitted. View the full thread
>Can't shoot another nigger point blank from behind
>Manages to score a hit on an officer from ~30yds through a car door by flailing a gun in his direction
Groid gun kata is one hell of a thing.
>Amazon employee
Heh boss probably PIP'd him.
That'd be the upper end of the scale, I was thinking more along the line of light AA gun emplacements on trucks or Toyotas.
>most of those vehicles could not actually power IRST, OSTR, or even modern digital GFCs.
Would strapping a few electric motors, a chinese SBC and a short range IR sensor sourced from Yemen along with a highly motivated Paratrooper-turned-Mercenary from Rwanda as a lookout/operator on a Flakvierling really consume so much energy a basic 6 cylinder Diesel engine couldn't feed it?
What's wrong with launching 88mm proximity fused HE against drone clusters?
Replies: >>2077
>I was thinking more along the line of light AA gun emplacements on trucks or Toyotas.
Hmm. I was thinking SPAA, thus Crusader AA MkIII. If you're just betting on technicals, you should just get a ZU-23/ZOM1 (or equivalent) sourced from Russia/China and tie it to your truck bed. Still in production and is pretty much ubiquitous (hell, even the US has several dozen of them).
A truck very likely could support the electronics, they tend to have stable alternators etc. WW2-era systems were a bit more erratic, and I was thinking WW2-era SPAA. A large enough truck (even from that era) could just carry an independent genset and batteries to run the thing, so there's no real reason it wouldn't work as a technical.

>What's wrong with launching 88mm proximity fused HE against drone clusters?
Largely an issue with its manpower requirements, poor ability to react to unexpected threats, and extremely low rate of fire for the types of targets you'd be employing it against.
If you want flak-style Air-Burst munitions, just get a M230LF with XM211P munitions, that thing is pretty much designed to shoot down drones and it doesn't involve robbing a museum (or creating the industry to reproduce the old guns).
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>Work an unfullfilling dead-end job as an Amazon warehouse manager
>Have to constantly worry that one of your negroid colleagues is going to shoot you in the back of the head

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Post and discuss lever action rifles, shotguns, and mares leg pistols be they traditional designs for cowboy larping fun or more modern 'tacticool' configurations for applications such as hunting or not being completely defenseless in B& states 'legally' (even thought it's the local state governments that are actually breaking the law however...)
Why? Because lever gats are cool.
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Replies: >>1630
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What about a rotating tube mag thing? Works for this shitpost gun.
Replies: >>1351
I mean, if you can make it thin enough so that it is about the size of a tube magazine then it can work. You could also try something like the P90 or its inspiration:
A lever gun with a .45 ACP magazine of that type would be pretty tacticool.
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>6000-7000J out of such a tiny barrel
Holy fucking shit, imagine firing it from a lever gun with a barrel that is twice as long.  I guess a  Winchester Model 1895 made with modern steel could reliably deal with. The whole thing is 75mm long, which is about the same ballpark as most of the cartridges that gun was chambeed for.
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>>1258 (OP) 
I think a lever action gets more benefits from the scout rifle concept than a bolt action does. The long eye relief scope and both eyes open shooting takes some practice and loses it's advantages at longer ranges so it makes more sense for the effective range of common lever action cartridges. Comparing the the scout Browning and the Marlin with a can in OP's first and second images shows a couple more reasons. The scope on the Marlin needs a goofy hammer extension to clear it and is enchanted with a curse that drinks the blood of your eyebrow when you shoot high power 45-70 loads. The scout scope on the Browning can't bite you and also leaves plenty of room for a back up sight at the rear of the receiver. 
I was disappointed with low light performance of my Marlin Guide Gun with the Williams Fool-proof receiver sight so I tried putting lever-scout mount and a 2-7x32 long eye relief scope on it. Now it's my favorite rifle for creeping through the bushes. Pic related is similar.
How prevalent was the idea of using a lever rifle and a revolver chambered for the same calibre back in the day? I imagine the average frontiersman would use the rifle 99% of the time, as a pistol would be useful mostly in self-defence situations within a building or on a train. And if you will barely use the revolver then a box of ammo should last you for quite a while, therefore buying an available one that fires a different ammo would be better than going out of your way to find one in the same calibre. Although if you replace an old revolver with a new one because you feel like it, then you might as well buy it to be a companion gun. Or were there combo deals for lever-actions and revolvers back then?

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Since cafe/k/ has gone to shit I will be moving my business here for the time being.
Non-/k/-related discussion goes here.
174 replies and 40 files omitted. View the full thread
That is unsettling in ways I find hard to put into words.
Replies: >>2061 >>2078
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I love it, that's fucking metal as fuck. I wish someone made a painting of me like that.
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Is he burning or just evil?
I am Charlenia, Blade of Ingurland, and I have never been defeated.
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Have you See. Ghostbusters 2?

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Thread for discussing everything wrong with THOSE DAMN CHICOMS STEALING OUR FREEDOMS

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门
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>another not-veiled /pol/ thread
>biting from the hand that feeds you
You didn't learn from huh.
Replies: >>1807
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Spoiler File
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When are the chinks going to do special military operations in taiwan?
Replies: >>2062
When it is at the most advantageous time for the Chinese and simultaneously the most disadvantageous time for the US/

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Retro and Modern for discussion of A-Bombs and their effects on history and the modern world. Including contributions to popular culture. So everything from serious discussion to giant gila monsters are both welcome here.
''tl;dr nukes, rockets, & radiation goes here.
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Having seen a lot of videos of nuclear explosions, and seeing how different the mushroom clouds and even sometimes the fireballs can be, I'm wondering what are the factors that determine the look of the blast? Is it just yield and burst height with a little bit of local humidity factored in or are there other factors? Like I've noticed that a lot of Soviet bombs have a certain look and I know the Russians used the so called "alarm clock" design. Does the internal orientation have some bearing on the fireball?

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Благодарим Тебя за то, что раскрыл слугам Твоим козни врагов наших! 
Озари сиянием Твоим души тех, кто отдал жизнь во исполнение воли Твоей! 
В бой, защитники Монолита! В бой! 
Отомстим за павших братьев наших, да будет благословенно вечное их единение с Монолитом! 
Смерть… лютая смерть тем, кто отвергает Его священную силу!
67 replies and 10 files omitted. View the full thread
>not twoo scotsmen anons
lol this kind of shit is probably part if why these sites all died. No one is "true" enough of an anon for one another. As if there's some definite standard outside of "don't use a name".
Replies: >>2014 >>2016
>As if there's some definite standard outside of "don't use a name".
It's mostly the unwritten rules of behaviour that do change over time but gradually enough that many anons get to know them even without knowing, there's some notable exceptions in which newfags get to do or post some content without knowing the why in them, for example dub checking was used to derail/castrate a shitty thread by using any dumb excuse which in that case was observing repeating digits aka every time 10 posts are made, and so on.
There might not be a definite standard but there truly is a set of common denominators that do make a "normal" or "real" anon.

>probably part if why these sites all died
They died because most anons have a threshold for activity/dopamine hits aka speed/PPH, those of us who stay here have adapted to very slow PPHs or visit out of pure daily routine which keeps being fed when we get to see something we like every week or so. Those who got out of this game wanted more/better activity and/or are tired of the drama which always happens but in this case got more petty because we are fewer.
Honestly a discordfag (closed, "tight" community) or twatterfag (open, "ambiguous" community) can be "normal" anons (open, "tight" and/or "ambiguous" community) but their base customs are different and when SHTF they will rely back on being fags rathe
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>lol this kind of shit is probably part if why these sites all died.
/k/ died because of lack of /k/ontent, not enough funs, too much innadoors, not enough innawoods and ultimately too much meta. /b/ and maybe /r9k/ can sustain off of just 'imageboard culture' and navel gazing but that doesn't work at all when the source of the topic is external.
Current events threads helped fill the gap a little but it's a shadow of the old happening threads, when was the last time any OC was posted here? It's all just a spotty recap/summary from other places. the irony is this place would be completely dead if it weren't for content from discord/twitter/MSM that you all love to gaze down upon
Replies: >>2020
And lack of content is due to lack of population and lack of population is due to lack of content. 
We are too small to succeed and there is nowhere to grow
Replies: >>2022
Seems like folks will whiplash complaining about either too many tourists or a dead board. The magical place had to get going from nothing at some point, right? But as the saying goes "this too shall pass."
>too small to succeed
Define success. Are you looking for a steady somewhat reliable stream of content on this particular topic to passively consume and entertain you?

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Let's begin again. The other thread was about to die anyway.
Hopefully we can keep this one alive for another 4 years and bring some new content to it.
59 replies and 133 files omitted. View the full thread
How Nips deal with atmospheric beasts
<sassy country western negress
How Nips deal with atmospheric beasts
>Ace Combat Sentai Loli Corps
Replies: >>1865
How nuBurgers deal with atmospheric beasts:
>sassy negress funded by Blackrock, Monsanto, PETA and Lockheeb-Martin holds an epic Zoom livestream about combating the effects of climate change caused by evil anti-globalists, proposes sending white criminals up as sacrifices whenever a beast descends along with a new suborbital F-35 version which Bidup and gangrene Congress approve only to shuffle all the taxpayer money into the Ukraine Israel instead
How Nips deal with atmospheric beasts:
>Ace Combat ロリ飛行戦隊
How illegitimate Chinese deal with atmospheric beasts:
>send observation balloons with China numba wan banners up in the stratosphere to show the flag
How legitimate Chinese deal with atmospheric beasts:
>beg the US for more missiles and hope the beasts trouble the Communists instead
How Russia deals with atmospheric beasts:
>send observation drones up into the stratosphere, have Vasily get bored and strap a bottle of Vodka on the fuselage during an experimental close flyby
How Israel deals with atmospheric beasts:
>claim it's a sign that the Messiah will descend soon and wipe away all the goyim filth while being this close to Samsoning whenever Palestinians and Iran take another opportunity to launch missiles while Israeli ballistic missile defense is mildly distracted by high-altitude jamming
How Iran deals with atmospheric beasts:
>try to lure them towards Yid airspace coupled with precision missile strikes on Israeli military infrastructure, otherwise leave them alone for they are surely messengers of god sent to smite the Jew
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Some interesting looking bombers.
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The last two are reposts but they fit so well.
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Modern tac TOS phaser.

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