/bmn/ - Bad Movie Night

The Webring's Satellite of Love | Movies Every Saturday

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Ho! Ho! Ho! Good day everyone.

It's the merry season again, and it's time to spread some Christmas Jeer. That's right! It's the annual Christmas celebration, and boy is tonight's list filled with some absolute coal earners. Grab a warm drink; tonight's offerings are sure to freeze a warm heart.

Set List:

Believe In Santa
Santa's Slay
Elf Bowling

Stream Information
Date: December 23rd
Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC 
Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)

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Get kringled nerd!
are we on for tonight or are we canceled this saturday? you may have said at the end on last saturday but I cant remember because they wouldnt stop saying elf
Replies: >>565
There's certainly something happening this weekend. It'll be either today or tomorrow at the very least.
Replies: >>566
we know that much at least then
Replies: >>567
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We're on for tonight.

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A repository thread for selected tracks from BMN movie osts. Links are fine, but files are preferred. Posts about movies not shown on BMN will be removed.

Last edited by Hidden User
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The mercenaries theme from Hearts and Armor
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Battletruck final fight theme
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The Killer's Theme from Mardi Gras Massacre. It's EVIL!
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Intro music video to "High Voltage"
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OST for Contamination

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Talk about movies screened during BMN that were shredded/devil's door'd but you like anyways.
I liked Blood Moon and that other horror movie in Italy with the demonic possession and I don't think they deserved to be shredded, they were boring in some parts but I think there was enough action/amusement/insanity to make it not-shredable or even glory.

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It's that time of year again everyone. 
We have crossed over into the month of October. Prepare yourselves, for the month-long special experiment returns. For the entire month of October, the Attack Of The Bad Movie Stack takes over, with horror being shown all month. 
This week's movies, like the killers and monsters they contain, hide from you in the shadows. Grab some drinks and snacks, and kick back while you still can.

Stream Information
'Date: October 28th
'Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
'Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)'

BMN Cytube 
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Last edited by Hidden User
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As requested: Doll Face
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Replies: >>544
Found Jacinto's subtitles, but the only two easy to find options were AI-translated English subs and Polish subtitles that seem to have been done by a human. Can't upload .srt or .txt here to make it easy, so here: https://files.catbox.moe/7wg7sp.txt I could try working on the Polish version if this isn't good enough.
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that was the best bmn in a long time

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Good day everyone!

It's been seven years of BMN, and what a year it has been. This may have been the most brutal year of movies yet, for I think more movies were shredded in year 7 than any prior year. It's been a year of hell, and that's true for more than just the movies. 
The coof fucking sucked and the last half of '22 is something I hope I will be able to reconcile with myself eventually. Please pardon the vague personal note, but I do feel the following is important.

Every year, I've thanked you all for watching, and I've meant it every time I've said it. However, being at the brink makes you evermore thankful for what you have. 
So, once again, thank you all for watching this past year and  some of you since the beginning. You all watching and occasionally enjoying the movies each week are what make this truly enjoyable to work on; and for this last year, were a reason to pull myself from the deep murk. Truly, thank you all.

For this year's BMN celebration, we have a mixed blessing. It was a small year for Glory Pile additions, but what we do have makes for a prime setlist. Tonight's movies are:

My Samurai
Mutant Hunt

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Replies: >>511
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You are a good man BMN, and I thank you for the terrible kino you showcase each week.
Stay strong friend.
>>509 (OP) 
Regardless of how painful some of these movies are to watch, BMN is one of the few things I look forward to each week.  Been here since late 2016 and often wonder what happened to some of the early crew but i'm sure they're doing fine.  Keep up the good work, it's appreciated.

Yours in masochistic movie viewing,
Cheers dude
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Mutant Hunt?
More like Bug Chaser!
Replies: >>514
remember kids, dating fujoshis can be fun. but if she asks you to choose something to watch from her movie folder. make sure thumbnails are on

anyways, happy anniversary BMN. cheers for the many bad movies to come

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>no bmn this week
what am i supposed to do then, watch a GOOD movie?
Replies: >>280
This man looks trapezoidal.
>>274 (OP) 
what Dolph movie was this from again
Replies: >>478
Spoiler File
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No thanks, don't want to turn into pic related.
backjack I think?

Replies: >>25 >>424 >>494
>>16 (OP) 
where the fuck are the furries then
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>>16 (OP) 
Let's watch BLOODSPORT.
Let's all go to the Kumahteh.
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>>16 (OP) 
This is zzzchan

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Good day everyone.

It's a new year and time for another band of brothas have come forth to take it to the M's: Mobs, Maniacs, and The Man. Indeed my brothas, it's Blaxploitation Movie Night 2023. Grab yo dranks, spice yo food, and kick back for tonight's three features.


Black Samurai
Black Belt Jones
Death Ranch

Stream Information
'Date: February 25th
'Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
'Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)'
Last edited by gorgonite
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Replies: >>438

Spoiler File
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Spoiler File
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Welcome to February 18th's Bad Movie Night. This week's experiment consists of wildcards and punishment.

Stream Information
'Date: February 18th
'Show Start Time: 8PM CDT (Central Daylight Time (US)) / 01:00 UTC '
'Pre-Show start time: 7:30PM CDT (Saturday) / 00:30 UTC (Sunday)'

BMN Cytube 
https://cytu.be/r/BMNight (Chat and stream)
http://infinity.watch (Click the clown icon in User Movie Streams)
Last edited by gorgonite

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