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This is a friendly singular-thread board for weary anons. There is no enforced subject or topic here, so you can discuss anything you want as long as it follows the rules. We are unapologetically gatekept.
Oh, and we have lots of flags.
Have fun!

Board Rules (READ, NIGGER, READ!)

Di Gi Charat Music Collection

Japanese Translation Guide
Part 1 
Part 2
Last edited by dejiko
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I managed to make まわるメイドインワリオ (Wario Ware Twisted!) properly run on my 3DS with gyro support, with the following method https://wiki.gbatemp.net/wiki/GBARunner2/DSi_3DS_Compatibility_List#Gyro_Support_in_Games . I'm playing it for the first time and it's a fun game! But due to its main mechanic you can't just easily emulate it like any other GBA game (or play with a regular flashcart).
Replies: >>27756
I was trying to decipher this post but you are basically saying that it doesn't look original or entertaining enough for it to be memorable, which might be the case.
I played this one years ago, it was pretty fun for what it was. I believe you can also emulate it using a phone since those have gyroscopes.
I like the little extras this game has, they are pretty cool.
Replies: >>27757
>I was trying to decipher this post but you are basically saying that it doesn't look original or entertaining enough for it to be memorable
Yeah pretty much, I wrote all that because I was thinking about the plot from Zero Escape games when I made that post.
a little disorienting due to being able to change the camera in birds eye view, purely isometric stuff doesn't suffer this problem, i guess this is kind of a fix for the sort of disorienting combat in the early resident evil games by adding over-the-shoulder perspective for combat. i might give it a try.
does anyone want to do some kind of board event? i could do another abandonshovel, or we could do something like the long drive where dejiko and i played on the same seed. and then we discuss it here.

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