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it's fucking video games, baby

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We have seen rise of Retro SNES style games with mostly indie and also with some bigger studios. And recently, assuming people who grew up with PSX and N64 are now old enough to start making their own games, now the trend shifted towards boomer shooters, old school horror games, and some 3d platformers. I will not even bother giving examples to these games as you already know this phenomenon. So, I expect that in a couple of years we will see rise of sixth generation imitators, as people who grew up with PS2 and whatnot will start making their own childhood game. 

>Do you expect this trend to happen?
>What kind of games you want to see being revived?
>Will AAA follow this trend if it happens?
>Can sixth gen imitation save video game industry?
>Seventh gen is slowly being considered retro. Will the same thing happen to it as well?

Personally I hope Ratchet and Clank series gets imitation. I know Akimbot exists but that game has such a shit optimization I didn't bother finishing it. Hopefully kino 2000s edge comes back, or at least with seventh gen revival trend.
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>>265081 (OP) 
>Seventh gen is slowly being considered retro.
Replies: >>265085
The future is now OLD MAN
Replies: >>265087
fr, next decade tiktok will be retro too
>>265081 (OP) 
I don't keep up with the indiepshit scene too much so I don't know, but I'd guess that indie devs like 4th gen and 5th gen-like aesthetics because they're easy to produce as opposed to making modern realistic AAA graphics. 6th gen is already swaying onto that, and I don't even need to speak for 7th gen.
Replies: >>265132
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>>265081 (OP) 
>>Do you expect this trend to happen?
Done for the past several years with everything Kao, to DAH, to Ratchet & Clank, to even remakes of RE4 and Shadow of the Colossus. We're past that time now and currently doing seventh gen revivals with Dead Rising, and TLoU, and Dead Space, and Sonic Generations.
>What kind of games you want to see being revived?
Not a damn thing!!!
>Seventh gen is slowly being considered retro. Will the same thing happen to it as well?
No. People drop "retro" for anything as old as the Dreamcast. There have been attempts, but no one is buying it. Even then, "retro" itself felt like a forced meme in the first place, and almost entirely applied to Indies and pixel-shit, as opposed to using terms like "vintage" which more accurately defines the fifth gen and earlier.
>Personally I hope Ratchet and Clank series gets imitation.
Ever play Ruff Trigger?
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That's not going to happen.  6th gen is when the cancer of industrial games development fully metastasized.  Dozens of developers were unable to keep up the sharp increase in development cost and died off in the transition between 5th and 6th generation consoles.  You're kidding yourself if you think indie devs can suddenly come up with the resources to match this kind of graphical fidelity and match it out of nostalgia.
Replies: >>265104
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>>265081 (OP) 
>Do you expect this trend to happen?
Doubtful, since making 6th gen games requires actual talent and art-direction, instead of doing some ugly pixel art game and calling it "retro".
At most you can expect your usual UE5 slop with a terrible filter slapped on top, just like the so called 'PS1/N64-inspired' indie shit.
Replies: >>265116
>Dozens of developers were unable to keep up the sharp increase in development cost and died off in the transition between 5th and 6th generation consoles.
Explain the masses of low-budget and what we would call "AA" today that came out for the PS2 then.
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>>265081 (OP) 
>Do you expect this trend to happen?
No not really. People are more into the Y2k aesthetic of the 2000s era. If it does it'll end up going the wrong way with people trying to overthrow the edginess of it to a more pussified version of it.
>>Can sixth gen imitation save video game industry?
Huge doubt on that one. The gaming  industry is already bigger than hollyjew itself. At best it'll probably be it's own niche thing and will probably not be as attractive to "modern audiences". 
>What kind of games you want to see being revived?
Something similar to either Tony Hawk Underground, or probably Xenosaga. Again this would mean people would have to be able to have fun working on it, an actual art direction,not getting into bullshit drama on twitter or bluesky, and being able to do their own thing without shifting away from what the idea sixth gen game would be like.
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>talent and art direction
>points to the creepy porcelain dolls in the early Dead or Alive games
Better examples please anon.
>>265081 (OP) 
there's almost no difference between them except western games are literal dogshit
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The problem with trying to imitate PS2/GCN graphically is that it's really the only pre-modern era (pre-PS4/Xbone) where the idea of a system wide graphics "style" 'does not exist' . Sausage fingers, the limited lighting, and maybe flat textures are the only real visual unification and they 1: really only get noticed under careful examination and 2: aren't even in every game,  Even the PS3/360 era has a more unified graphics style due to the horrid texture compression on virtually every 3D game (you can see its start in this gen, but only for some limited natural areas rather than everything in the environment like the next gen). Here's some random 2004-early 2005 titles: What's the unifying visual identity?

Even Onirism the (until last few months) indie game that openly and shamelessly bases its gameplay on games of this era doesn't try to imitate any of its visuals.
Replies: >>265127
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>Here's some random 2004-early 2005 titles: What's the unifying visual identity?
<Sausage fingers, the limited lighting, and maybe flat textures are the only real visual unification
Also a lack of graphical effects like filters, post-processing, anti-aliasing, and motion blur. Some games did have these effects, mostly blur, bur they were seldom used outside of "cinematic" effect.
<Earliest game of pics shown is from 2002
Replies: >>265128
The problem is 1: most games with those things allow disabling them, at least on PC (and many do for better running/cleaner view) 2: Most of those can be hacked into older games, especially on PC. That means its not really as unique to the gen.

>Earliest game of pics shown is from 2002
I deliberately used pics that were upscaled because retro graphics or not, nobody is going to release a 3D game locked to 480p now. I chose mid-late life games because I wanted to avoid all the games that began as previous gen titles or were rushed to early release.
Never gonna happen, indietroons are talentless hacks who could barely duplicate PS1 aesthetics without understanding what actually made those games great. It's too much work for them
Replies: >>265134
This, it's just a way to sell low-budget graphics to the extra retarded millennials. And given how /v/ criticizes "retro games" like there was actual thought given into working within the limitations of the console, I'd say it's working.
it's not that they want to replicate those aesthetics,they just want to cash in on a trend the people who play that shit  they're just hipsters  who  think they're cool for pretty much not playing popular big budget games and end up just being walking simulators with no real gameplay or thought.
real indie games with actual experimentation and artistic intent are almost non existent.
 fuck the big corporation while voting for lobbyists ironic retards are the worst
>creepy porcelain dolls
No, they're just cute and perfect, I know normalfags are scared of those traits.
Replies: >>265203
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They're cute CUTE
Replies: >>265203
Even back when I was a horny teenager, the DOA plastic barbie aesthetic did nothing for me. For games sold on sex appeal, they were remarkably unappealing.
Replies: >>265206 >>265493
Whatever fag
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>>265081 (OP) 
>Do you expect this trend to happen?
Probably indie games with shit graphics will use the excuse that they are 6th gen inspired to justify their incompetence or lack of talent, even if said games will look nothing like 6th gen games.
Kinda like many "retro-inspired" pixel games of today are ugly as shit because indie devs don't know that devs back then tried to make games look as good as they could despite the pixels limitations, while they do the exact opposite,  making shit looking games thinking they will evoke the same feeling.
>What kind of games you want to see being revived?
Anything that is not either a FPS, An over-the-shoulder 'cinematic' slop or a first person walking simulator.
What i liked the most about 6th gen was the variety in genre, art style, and gameplay.
>Will AAA follow this trend if it happens?
No AAA will always keep on chasing the "best" graphics even if the art direction is shit
>Can sixth gen imitation save video game industry?
>Seventh gen is slowly being considered retro. Will the same thing happen to it as well?
Normalfags seem to consider "retro" any shit that came out barely the year before, so it wouldn't surprise me.
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>DoA girls
>Creepy porcelain dolls
>Even back when I was a horny teenager, the DOA plastic barbie aesthetic did nothing for me. For games sold on sex appeal, they were remarkably unappealing.
When i was an horny teenager, my only critic about the DoA girls (and DoA roster in general) is that they were a bit on the bland side and looked tok similar to each other. DoA's characters weren't as varied and charismatic as Tekken's, Street Fighter's or Fatal Fury's,.
While it's true that they are lacking in charisma (only exception Ayane after her Ninja Gaiden appearances), DoA girls were still cute and hot.
The DoA games before 4 still look amazing and more appealing that most modern crap of today.
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