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it's fucking video games, baby

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I'm thinking of getting a Logitech Driving Force GT. Is that a good starting wheel? 
I was considering the EX at first, since it's a bit cheaper, but I think I'll pay extra for the better feedback and a bigger rotation range.
I want it specifically to use it on my PS triple and PS2. I'm guessing it wouldn't work with PS1 games, and I'd need to use an emulator instead.
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Has anyone gotten a controller to work on Need for Speed High Stakes on Wine?
Porsche has no problem detecting my gamepad but HS doesn't register any inputs from it, it's the only game in my library to do so.
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Why is Screamer of all games slanted for an edgy reboob, it's like someone read my shitposts from 6+ years ago on old 8chan.
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Logitech Driving Force GT is the best budget wheel. I picked mine up used for $50. The last time I went to my local pawn shop they had like 5 wheels for some reason too

I only used my wheel for PC games. I never tried to get it working with emulation
Replies: >>264295 >>264296
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I ordered it 3 days ago, so that's nice to hear.
dunno why but that video makes that kind of racing look terrifying, maybe it's the view bobbing, but fuck, you must've needed to be several degrees of insane to actually get into one of those death machines, one small kink in the road and you either get zooted into the next dimension or cooked to ash in the mangled carcass of the car
Replies: >>264358
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Oh fuck yeah it was dangerous. 2 drivers died during the 1967 season. One of them flipped their car at Monaco and burned to death.

I don't begrudge modern F1 of all its safety but it will never be as exciting as the old stuff imo
Replies: >>264366
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What really happened here? One frame it's fine, next frame there's just a fireball?
Replies: >>264372 >>264441
they deleted something.
I'm not certain, it's on every footage of the crash I've seen.

My guess is that they only caught the aftermath of the crash on camera, so they spliced in footage from a previous lap to make it look a bit smoother
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My DFGT appropriately arrived today. I'm going to play Ridge Racer 7 on my PS triple all Christmas.
Replies: >>265539
What's a good HOTAS set to play Ace combat on?
Replies: >>265538 >>265553
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I have a used Thrustmaster Warthog because I have an autistic need to have a split throttle even though I fucking never use it. I got it for $180 while they go for like $500 new. If you want to save money, look for used HOTAS nearby, including pawn shops and research the best one, because holy fuck this shit gets expensive. Not sure what the best budget HOTAS is. Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick is technically a HOTAS because it has a little throttle lever on the joystick itself. I used that to start with.
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Enjoy. Nothing compares to the experience of the first wheel
Replies: >>265540
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Thanks. I've been quite enjoying it. 
Too bad Ridge Racer 7 doesn't have any feedback, but I've been playing a lot of Daytona, Outrun 2006 and Gran Turismo 5.
I'm waiting for my new PS2 to arrive to play more games, since my last PS2 died.
Any stick with a non-dogshit sensor will do fine, Ace Combat isn't exactly a "serious" flight simulator and was designed around gamepad usage to begin with so a stick will be more of a novelty than anything.
Dunno what advantages a HOTAS would bring aside from looking cool, those are intended for "proper" plane/spees games and to my knowledge AC games don't implement individual throttle control for multi-engined aircraft making a split throttle a complete meme there.
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