/v/ - Video Games

it's fucking video games, baby

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someone else made one of these a loooong time ago but it eventually slid off the catalog and nobody made another, so here

feeling lonely? it doesn't have to be this way! use this thread to look for anonymous buddies to organize, coordinate and play whatever vidya strikes your fancy together! now you don't have to wait for a game night to spend some time with your best friends, us anons! host your own listen server on your shitbox from hell, rent a dedicated one and give out the IP, use virtual lans, third party servers or even steam servers or whatever the fuck: NOBODY REALLY GIVES A SHIT as long as you're enjoying yourself! don't let whiny naysayers bring you down and ruin your fun!

links to servers that are currently open below, mods feel free to edit to add more or remove inactive ones:
Last edited by alexander
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>a server IP scraping thread
<implying everyone wouldn't just fuck off to whatever game's thread they're playing
<implying anyone's going to feel compelled to check any of the servers, and at best divide the userbase amongst different games
<implying this won't amount to a shittier gamenight suggestion thread
<implying this thread's not on par with blacked.moe's shitheap of a >gamenight thread, reason why they've never had a proper one ever since Eden stopped scraping ZZZ OPs
Nothing to bring zzzigers /together/ like the Twitch emote frog right?
Replies: >>227468
>>227415 (OP) 
I like the idea of this thread so I'm going to bump it. 
>>227429 is a fag and probably doesnt even play vidya.
Replies: >>227482
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>>227415 (OP) 
>wojacks and gondola in the same picture
Look man, I appreciate the attempt at making OC or whatever it is you're trying to do, but please, lurk a little more. We already got shit that brings us together, not that I'm gonna spoonfeed you it.
Its just your typical demoralization shills arriving to tell you how much someones thread sucks and that they should STOP POSTING! They want this board to have 0 PPH and will shit on any thread not made by the cabal.
Replies: >>227485
Yeah, fags whining about nothing.  I think that pic is an older pic too. But remember,  you have to get mad at it because you HAVE to. That's what your supposed to do.
For serious though,  posters like this might stem from the fact some of them grew up on 8chan prime and think being a bitter fag is status quo. That or they are gen z who lack the light hearted posting of early millennials because by the time they got to the internet it was all unfun serious business. I could wax about that further but won't, however I think most of the internet shittery stems from that.
Just have fun and play game.
Replies: >>227494
I'll be down to play something later. I pretty much only touch ancient games and indieshit nowadays.
Also Tabletop Simulator.
Replies: >>227488 >>227499
I'll play that
Replies: >>227489 >>227499
Are you the fag I keep playing 7 wonders duel with?
Replies: >>227490 >>227493
I'm not and I don't even know what that is, I hope you're patient enough to teach a sped
Replies: >>227491
Ah, sorry. Every time we have a TTS game night I end up playing against the same guy so I was just ribbing him. Yeah I've got a bunch of games I like on there so we'll be fine.
Replies: >>227493 >>227500
I am
and that was so long ago
how does everyone remember these things so well?
>I think that pic is an older pic too
Alright, if it is, sleepychinz was still founded around the time that pepes and wojaks all became normalfag shit.
Replies: >>227500 >>227503
while I'm here, anyone down to play TTS? I only have a legit copy right now though, it's a pain to do the pirate setup
Replies: >>227500
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Well 3's a crowd, you guys got pirated copies or do you have it on steam?
I hear oxygen is quite popular with normalfags and pretty much everyone is breathing it, maybe you should stop doing so to spite them so you can be based and redpilled right?
I'm a steam weenie and I'll be at work for another three hours.
Replies: >>227514
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Replies: >>227505
ok faggot post your steam, I'll teach you 7 wonders while we wait for the other dude to stop waging
Replies: >>227514
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So we taking back what was ours from normalfags? If you're serious, then that's all fine. If anything I'd be happy to have it back. Just keep in mind about what it can bring like those shitty soyjack edits.
Replies: >>227514 >>227516
Don't this board already have a game night organization thread?
Replies: >>227510 >>227514
please read the op once again
I see now. This is one of the most abhorrent threads I have ever witnessed, and we are all poorer for reading it.
Replies: >>227514
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That's fine with me, let me know when you're around and I'll add you.
Once you step out the cave and realize you were being a jaded faggot for no reason, you'll find there is at least a glimmer of sun outside and that you really were only spiting yourself. It's not that hard.
Samefag harder, you already posted with that IP.
Replies: >>227517
>So we taking back what was ours from normalfags?
Exactly. Letting them have what was once ours is as bad as Christians giving up the Cross of Saint Peter (the inverted Latin cross) to the satanists, when it is in fact a Christian symbol.
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Please don't argue with the nofun niggers. Just play the video games and have a nice day.
any1 wanna play furcadia with me uwu??
Replies: >>227561
Furcadia still exists?
Replies: >>227564
If it's a place for furries to waste their lives, it definitely still exists.
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I can't believe I missed all this fun posting.
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There is no "fun" posting. It's completely serious. The internet is serious business. 
just like shantae is seriously a NIGGER LMAOOOOO
Replies: >>227569
take that back or else
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>>227415 (OP) 
Any time someone wants to play games it requires either hard work or a superior system than I have. 
>wojak and pepe
I am bothered slightly by the bastardization of the domo shit to begin with that anons still love. Domo, pedo bear, gondolas and spuro and shit. Domo is the first. Why not let pepes and wojak evolve? Because they would have already if they were going to. I was there when they failed to. Give up.
Replies: >>227648
No one gives a shit about your issues with gay internet drawings.
Replies: >>227670
Any of you ziggers gonna play the tribes 3 playtest? I have fond memories of the shazbowl still
Replies: >>227678
Except literally everyone does or soyjacks wouldn't be soy annoying.
idk does it flag drag
Avatarfags like you deserve to be hung but for now, I'll just report you since luckily the mods have deleted your avatarfagging in the past as they should
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Anyone wanna play MHW? I just got it and never played it before
Replies: >>227754
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Why bother replying if you have nothing to say?
Replies: >>227760 >>227765
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>showing off your Slavery library
>on an anonymous imageboard
There are three layers of irony that are lost on the people bumping this thread.
>replying to some innocuous (1)-and-done
Are you offended? Did you make this thread or something?
Replies: >>227764
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I'm saying nobody's gonna play MHW with you because it sucks
Replies: >>227768
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Replies: >>227772
You're pretty slow aren't you?
Replies: >>227776 >>227780
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It's his thread, anon. Leave him be.
Replies: >>227777 >>227780
if quads I will
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>in a desperate bid to sound like their opinion is relevant they start throwing out random insults and schizophrenic accusations
Oh, I wish I could be as cool, novel and original as you, I've totally never seen this kind of behavior before. Impotently lashing out at random like a childish sperg? What a concept
You know, anon. I would. But I don't really have the hours to sink into that game anymore. Remember to play with Iceborne Community Edition patch to remove the gay clagger meta and get cool weapon rebalances.
You're brand new in it? Ugh, the early game is such an unfun slog. How far in it are you? Mayhaps I could be convinced to play.
Replies: >>227869
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About this far, aka literally spent 1 hour making my character and got bored that the cutscene/force-you-to-walk-around-slow-while- explain-shit wasn't over after another hour. So yeah, basically as new as it gets, but I have played some previous MH games before.
Did you already buy iceborne? If you did then dont use the clutch claw before going to the actual expansion. The clutch claw comes with buying it. Also dont use the starter kit even though the game incentivices you to use it. Its basically just made for people that want to rush through the game with minimal effort or challenge (getting carried like a baby by the game)
Replies: >>229516
tts lobby
pw rage
Do you still want to play? Im interested in replaying it
Replies: >>229426
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Yeah I beat that poison chameleos/garuga hybrid looking bird thing "peek-a-boo" or whatever the fuck, and ranked up to 3.
Replies: >>229465
how can i add you?
Replies: >>229553
Let's all post our tox IDs or steam accounts so we can all contact eachother and make a not-discord channel for zzzchan!
Replies: >>229468
have you tried not being perpetually butthurt?
Replies: >>229470
but i'd like to play games with fags on here without posting my IP and methods on a board where people like to archive everything.
Replies: >>229472
Theres nothing stopping you from setting something like that up.
Replies: >>229476
alot of people use tox for that since you can easily make a disposable "account" and just delete it after. easy way to talk with a group. i've organized a few gamenights in the past over that, but i think the program is dead now. the old versions probably work fine though.

irc and similar are also other options.
Replies: >>229480
Tox's is abandonware and is also p2p which is nono.
Replies: >>229573
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I already shilled this somewhere but if you hate clutch claw that much you should check out the ICE mod. Rebalances the monster hitzones to be like vanilla and also attempts to fix the horrid difficulty curve (IE, making not a faceroll until you hit Master Rank).


It works online and only connects you with others who have it to avoid conflicts. Be aware it does change some weapons like switch axe a fair bit but so far I've really enjoyed the changes.
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Tell me when you're around I'll make a session and share the code if I'm available. I'm playing right now, here's the code: c3@uTKn6DnuX

Is the Plesioth in this game btw?
Replies: >>229578
There is no alternative that is more as private or secure.
i guess you're not on right now.
Replies: >>229583
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Well that was like 4 hours ago but I'll hop on again in around 30 minutes
Replies: >>229588
alright. Just let me know the id
Replies: >>229590
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Replies: >>229591
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alright. Joining
Replies: >>229594
>>227415 (OP) 
Getting sick and tired of seeing this stupid fucking frog every time I log into this site. Who's bumping this thread for, if no one ends up playing anything?
It's the only other quest I've got left how do I let you join?
Replies: >>229595
i dont know but i quit playing. Im not going to play again.
Replies: >>229596
Tomorrow I guess?
Replies: >>229597
im too bored of the game. Ive played it for 200 hours already.
Replies: >>229599
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Replies: >>229642
How far are you in game/ timezone?
Replies: >>229692
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>>227415 (OP) 
>Killing Floor
Okay, it's been ages since I played this and I'm going to be taking the NEET pill soon, is there any mod packs I need, maps, etc?
Which version is the serb on or does it even matter?
Replies: >>229655
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There's a thread on the catalog for KF with all the information you want to know
Replies: >>229692
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This far AKA, beat the totally not a Nibelsnarf/Plesioth bastard muddy asshole alone because apparently it was a "special" quest for special people and the other fag couldn't join.
Bumping :^)
Replies: >>234092
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CLEAR and back to the top because video gayms
If it's a special quest, they can join after the story bits and you start fighting the monster, or where you are allowed to use the SOS signal.
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