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Welcome to /liberty/. This board is home to all discussion of libertarianism and economics.

1. Adhere to global rules.
2. Keep discussion on-topic: economics, politics, memes.
3. Low-quality posts will be deleted.
4. Namefagging will get you banned.
5. /liberty/ is a SFW board. Spoiler all NSFW content.

Complementary helicopter rides are available for visiting lefties.

STATUS OF ID FUNCTIONS - Apparently, IDs are not functioning properly due to "ISP fuckery" and this may or may not mean that different posters can share the same ID. Also, GeoFlags aren't working. I have contacted site administration and been informed that there is no way to retroactively wipe IDs. Until these 2 issues are resolved, we will have to make do with sus ID fuckery.
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Replies: >>11
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>>10 (OP) 
This thread is also a good place to discuss board aesthetics. Custom CSS and banner suggestions go here.
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Did you come from an imageboard that died or are you so naive to think a following for /liberty/ is just going to poof out of nowhere and post on your board? Or do you think that zzzchan's current userbase would all jump on the idea of /liberty/ so quickly? No trolling intended, just really curious why you think this board is necessary
Replies: >>14
The /liberty/ board on 8chan was usually active and there used to be a /liberty/ board on the webring. No idea what happened to it, I think the site that hosted it went down.
Replies: >>19
Hail and well-met to our brethren of /liberty/! It's nice to see you fags again.
Checking in. Never went to any of the libertarian boards on cripplechan but will post on here.
is libertarian gay?
8chan died back in 2019. It's 2023. There is not a chance the userbase will ever return, you find yourself in the exact same boat as /fascist/, but without the christcuck witchhunting.
Replies: >>21 >>22
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Hello /liberty/! It's been a hot minute since I've used this board but I'm glad to see you back on the web ring. Does /liberty/ still exist on I can spread the good word that across here to tell everyone that our favorite autistic private property lovers are back in action.
I don't know if you've been to /fascist/ since then but they've definitely evolved beyond christian witchhunts, although in my opinion, it's not for the better.
Replies: >>22
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What is this board? Is it just to leash in failed normies so they don't go the way of the noticer. 
Fascist died in 2022, nothing even matches the activity it had then.
Replies: >>25
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I remember this board from 8chan. Fuck the 2016 elections.
I was thinking, my beliefs are sort of a strange syncretic mix of /liberty/, /monarchy/ and /fascist/. i.e., nationalist, distributist Jeffersonianism with a semi-meritocratic nobility  Has that happened to any of you anons?
Arguably /fascist/ died with the death of 16chan, since that was the last place where there was any coherent, decent discussion to be had, before it disintegrated into purely being "Christcucks bad" they are, but that's besides the point, "muh Ethnoglobe" and just being an Aryan version of /fringe/. No ideological discussion about fascism itself, no discussion about cool shit like architecture or philosophical questions about futurism or primitivism, just that garbage.
Replies: >>27
>Has that happened to any of you anons?
In a way, it has. I'll go ahead and explain my thought process on this.

So, in any transaction, voluntary or not, there is an implied contract. Voluntarists will kvetch and say, "I didn't sign any piece of paper," but implied contracts are everywhere in a society: from honest, hard-working people who do any kind of business with another in an unofficial capacity, to when thieves steal from others (i.e. retribution). Individual and State transact with one another on a daily basis. The question regarding this tacit agreement between individual and State is, if the individual, in using the goods and services the State provides them, by calling emergency services or using The Roads™, steals from the State. Or, does the State steal from the individual through its mandatory collection of taxation? Then, whom, under Libertarian restitution theory of property/theft, is indebted to the other. Do I owe the state compensation, or does the State owe me?
As an anarchist, I believe that taxation is theft. Therefore, the State, being a tax estate, as long as it exists and I live within it, owes me my claim in its assets and, by extension, owes me the preservation of my claim. This means the State has a duty, before doing anything else with its stolen funds, to fund a military, to protect the stolen assets from larger States. It owes it to me to import higher-skilled immigrants as opposed to lower-skilled immigrants, who will also have a claim in the estate, as to not detract from the value of the estate. This also means that the State should protect its assets, like public parks, from, say, vandalism. These are all reasonable positions for an anarchist to hold regarding the State's duties.

I recently read "Industrial Society and Its Future," by Ted Kaczynski. Its a good read for an anarchist. Mr. Kaczynski's position is commonly known as "anarcho-primitivism." To me, anarcho-primitivism is not an anarchist school of thought or philosophy, its a strategy to achieve a stateless society. It is recognizing that "large-scale technologies," such as the internet, the military-industrial complex, and their supply chains are what support the continued existence of the State. My conclusion, after reading his work, is that in order to abolish the State, Industrial-Technological Society, the "large-scale technologies" described by Mr. Kaczysnki, need to be torn down.
In reading his work, I have lost significant faith in the anarchist cause. I am one of the people who benefits most from the Industrial-Technological system and the State that it's supporting. I will one day work in Silicon Valley, (which, coincidentally, enjoys substantial economic support from the U.S. government) and I can't support destroying the system that benefits someone like me most of all.

So, to answer your question: yes, this too has happened to me. My political position went from anarchism to that an aristocratic minarchy is ideal. This is optimal autism.
Replies: >>36 >>38
>Mr. Kaczysnki
An acid dropping psych patient told you anarchy means giving up your laptop and all your porn so now you're not an anarchist anymore?

>Or, does the State steal from the individual through its mandatory collection of taxation? Then, whom, under Libertarian restitution theory of property/theft, is indebted to the other
Read Hoppe. One way to undo the state is to add up how much tax everyone has paid in their lifetimes and convert that amount to shares in the newly privatized state services (you will own 1% of the police, 1% of the firedudes etc.).

>As a taxpayer I want the government to....
But as a taxpayer you have no control. You don't even get more votes. You could pay 100K a year in taxes and your vote is cancelled out by 2 crackheads on welfare. The reason you want everything to be privatized is because when a private company does a shit job you don't pay them. And they are forced to either get their shit together or stop existing.
Replies: >>67
There is truly only one master over man, and that is the supremacy of force, aka violence or the threat thereof.

Never has any human interaction ever been resolved by any means that lacks a solid foundation of force supremacy, because there is nothing else to negotiate with.

The only question is how many steps removed from violence a given conflict or human interaction is, all politics has barbarity at it's core..

Once you recognize this, everything makes sense, the dejure world of ideals is an illusion, a mask placed over the truth tat the world is a defacto one of the concrete.

Just because things are nominally supposed to be a certain way doesn't mean they will actually work in that way, regardless what the rules are, their enforcement is entirely in the hands of those who hold the reigns of power in society.

This is why the left wins and the right loses, again and again, the right lives within the illusion, the left within the reality.

The right will judge the defendant based upon the evidence of his case, the left will judge them based upon the benefit it has to their interests.

The rules are only as good as the consequences for not following them, the system is only as good as the people who enforce it are at playing their roles.

The foundation of all civilization is violence and the hierarchy of it, all the things we condemn in systems of power (such as anything to do the manipulation of minds) were the things used to establish the systems of power which those people live.

There's only one best way of organizing people and managing their behavior, the brutal process of natural selection ensures that those who do not seize upon this ideal are eliminated from the competition all humans inherently exist as a part of. 

There are all these psychological studies on the ways in which totalitarians have shaped human behavior and beliefs, but these studies fail to realize that all of these events were not aberrant, they were the initial processes by which ALL new regimes had formed themselves, including the ones they live in, it's just that the society they re used to has had that part of it's development in their pasts and are long forgotten.

They didn't find the way a certain kind of human organization comes about, they had found the way that all human organization was created, and to a degree these conditions haven't completely vanished, we just don't notice them because this is the society we see fro the inside out, other societies are seen as being more or less like ours, or are seen as allied to our own (our leaders are friends with their leaders).

We only see the "problematic" psycho-sociological behaviors when we do not favor the groups engaging in them and/or when we are not a part of that group ourselves.

In reality there's only what works best for your goals, and everything else. All good guys started out doing what the bad guys do until they became the status quo or the champions of it, then they set the standards that favored the maintenance of their positions in power.

Evil is what we call out competition when they make the best moves for themselves.
When we do likewise we give ourselves a pass.

People do what they do because it is pragmatic, game theory and books of strategy reveal exactly why all the great atrocities of history occurred the way they had.

All nations and empires began by using those techniques that psychologists condemned as pathological, just as all religions or political ideologies began using the techniques we associate with cults or abusive relationships.
Replies: >>43
But let us look a little more closely at this omnipotent “force” of Herr Dühring's. Crusoe enslaved Friday “sword in hand”. Where did he get the sword? Even on the imaginary islands of the Robinson Crusoe epic, swords have not, up to now, been known to grow on trees, and Herr Dühring provides no answer to this question. If Crusoe could procure a sword for himself, we are equally entitled to assume that one fine morning Friday might appear with a loaded revolver in his hand, and then the whole “force” relationship is inverted. Friday commands, and it is Crusoe who has to drudge. We must apologise to the readers for returning with such insistence to the Robinson Crusoe and Friday story, which properly belongs to the nursery and not to the field of science — but how can we help it? We are obliged to apply Herr Dühring's axiomatic method conscientiously, and it is not our fault if in doing so we have to keep all the time within the field of pure childishness. So, then, the revolver triumphs over the sword; and this will probably make even the most childish axiomatician comprehend that force is no mere act of the will, but requires the existence of very real preliminary conditions before it can come into operation, namely, instruments, the more perfect of which gets the better of the less perfect; moreover, that these instruments have to be produced, which implies that the producer of more perfect instruments of force, vulgo arms, gets the better of the producer of the less perfect instruments, and that, in a word, the triumph of force is based on the production of arms, and this in turn on production in general — therefore, on “economic power”, on the “economic situation”, on the material means which force has at its disposal.

Force, nowadays, is the army and navy, and both, as we all know to our cost, are “devilishly expensive”. Force, however, cannot make any money; at most it can take away money that has already been made—and this does not help much either—as we have seen, also to our cost, in the case of the French milliards. (Engels means the protracted economic crisis of 1873-79 in German industry, in spite of the seizure of Alsace and East Lorraine and the 5,000 million francs of war indemnities that France paid to Germany under the terms of the Frankfurt peace treaty (1871), after her defeat in the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-71.) In the last analysis, therefore, money must be provided through the medium of economic production; and so once more force is conditioned by the economic situation, which furnishes the means for the equipment and maintenance of the instruments of force. But even that is not all. Nothing is more dependent on economic prerequisites than precisely army and navy. Armament, composition, organisation, tactics and strategy depend above all on the stage reached at the time in production and on communications. It is not the “free creations of the mind” of generals of genius that have had a revolutionising effect here, but the invention of better weapons and the change in the human material, the soldiers; at the very most the part played by generals of genius is limited to adapting methods of fighting to the new weapons and combatants.

At the beginning of the fourteenth century, gunpowder came from the Arabs to Western Europe, and, as every school child knows, completely revolutionised the methods of warfare. The introduction of gunpowder and fire-arms, however, was not at all an act of force, but a step forward in industry, that is, an economic advance. Industry remains industry, whether it is applied to the production or the destruction of things. And the introduction of fire-arms had a revolutionising effect not only on the conduct of war itself, but also on the political relationships of domination and subjection. The procurement of powder and fire-arms required industry and money, and both of these were in the hands of the burghers of the towns. From the outset therefore, fire-arms were the weapons of the towns, and of the rising town-supported monarchy against the feudal nobility. The stone walls of the noblemen's castles, hitherto unapproachable, fell before the cannon of the burghers, and the bullets of the burghers’ arquebuses pierced the armour of the knights. With the defeat of the nobility’s armour-clad cavalry, the nobility's supremacy was broken; with the development of the bourgeoisie, infantry and artillery became more and more the decisive types of arms compelled by the development of artillery, the military profession had to add to its organisation a new and entirely industrial subsection, engineering.

Frederick Engels “Anti-Dühring”
This response is way too late.

>An acid dropping psych patient told you anarchy means giving up your laptop and all your porn so now you're not an anarchist anymore?
I have no idea how you imagine anarchy is supposed to work in a globalized society. I don't see how the State is supposed to collapse in a society where they are armed to the teeth and can effectively control the internet and all the supply chains. It's like they can just endlessly spend money and write a bill to raise the debt ceiling and nothing will probably ever change. 350 million Americans, along with me, are going to be debt slaves for the rest of our lives to the $23 trillion and counting debt clock.

>But as a taxpayer you have no control. You don't even get more votes. You could pay 100K a year in taxes and your vote is cancelled out by 2 crackheads on welfare. The reason you want everything to be privatized is because when a private company does a shit job you don't pay them. And they are forced to either get their shit together or stop existing.
This is why you want the State to be privately-owned. If the executors were selected from a noble class and actual owned the State as an estate, they would better have the proper long-term interests of the State and its People in mind.
So basically, I think that ancap society, which would kinda be like an official supreme legal system + law insurance, would be very economically prosperous. However, that being said, it would be very hard to imagine such a society having proper measures in place to, say, fund and preserve the arts--art would still be priceless, as per wealth inequality, and museums would charge exorbitant fees; they would not be museums for the common people but rather for a class of militant archaeologists and they would reflect that and not the history of the People. It would be very hard to imagine such a society would be capable of implementing measures to counter mass immigration, as it would be very at odds with the nature of the freedom of that society. Such a society would not have any history or a cohesive People without a State to bind them together. It would be a strange endeavor into creating a very free and prosperous society for a People that would inevitably be not themselves.
>I can't think how this could work therefor it's impossible
Ignorance and lack of imagination is not an argument.

>This is why you want the State to be privately-owned.
You kind of skipped the part where you need a state in the first place but ok. It sounds like you read Democracy the God that Failed at least.

>it would be very hard to imagine such a society having proper measures in place to, say, fund and preserve the arts
You mean it would be hard to fund art that nobody wants. Cry me a river because a transexual genderswapped dragqueen feminist rendition of Romea and Jiuletto loses all its government funding. If somebody finds something valuable they will pay for it voluntarily.

>museums would charge exorbitant fees
If they charge fees nobody can afford then they won't make any profit. This is capitalism 101.

>It would be very hard to imagine such a society would be capable of implementing measures to counter mass immigration
If everything is private there is nowhere for these invaders to exist without trespassing on somebody's property and being subject to the legal system. The only immigration that would exist are people who can pay for themselves or have a sponsor.
Replies: >>89
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>Ignorance and lack of imagination is not an argument.
A privately-funded military market is an awful idea because they'll be competing for glory. They will be incentivized to sabotage each other. What's your response to that?
>You mean it would be hard to fund art that nobody wants. Cry me a river because a transexual genderswapped dragqueen feminist rendition of Romea and Jiuletto loses all its government funding. If somebody finds something valuable they will pay for it voluntarily.
If you ever visit Paris, check out their museums. Priceless history line the walls of the Louvre and nothing of the things you're talking about.

What I am suggesting is anarcho-capitalism + a centralized State. It will be more than just a minarchy, because the police forces will be voluntarily funded under a free market. The Law, that being the State, will collect a per-capita coverage tax fee on those who impose the law (insurance companies, private defense agencies, etc.). You could actually protest your "government" by refusing to pay your taxes, you may be economically disadvantaged, but you will not actually endanger yourself in the process. The police forces are economically incentivized to assist you, because they can collect damages from the offender.
And we will still have a common good:
a public military
public universities and museums
public infrastructure
Replies: >>90 >>119
>A privately-funded military market is an awful idea because they'll be competing for glory. They will be incentivized to sabotage each other. What's your response to that?
The purpose of a private company is profit. And fighting is expensive. The real incentive will be deterrence and diplomacy with violence being the last resort. Chaos Theory is a good short book to learn how fully anarchist police and military might work

>Priceless history line the walls of the Louvre
If it is good art then people will voluntarily pay to see and sponsor it. You only need state coercion to sponsor things that nobody wants.
Well isn't that the point. Why don't you use an art museum founded after the welfare state as an example.

Arguing anarchy vs minarchy is like vegan vs vegetarian we're basically on the same side here. Two things you might want to consider I guess:
<1. If decentralized market competition yields superior outcomes to centralized bureaucracy in every other industry why would police/military/courts be an exception?
<2. Once you have a group of people with a monopoly on police/military/courts how do you prevent them exploiting that power to grow the government back to the imperialist-scoialist-leviathen we have now?
Sounds like a good idea
Do blocking ads violate the NAP?
Replies: >>140 >>152
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That is a very good question. I asked a friend who is a libertarian and this is what he said.
you're actually taking away the ad from the company every time it is blocked and therefore stealing and therefore within reasonable means of force ala tactical nuclear payload to protect their property
Is this true, /liberty/?
Replies: >>149
Why It's OK to Block Ads
It honestly sounds no different than piracy which most libertarians are okay with since intellectual "property" is not real property. A website is basically just information at the end of the day, and blocking ads would be no different than viewing an archived or mirrored version of a website/video.

However, one could make the case that since you are physically connecting to someone's server(s), using their CPU power, electricity, and other physical resources, that the webmaster should be allowed to dictate how you can access the site even if you are not posting anything. In that case you can think of it like going to a store and wearing certain clothing that makes it harder (if not impossible) for CCTVs to detect you. Of course, the shop owner has a right to tell you to leave in that situation, but stopping users from blocking ads would be hard to enforce. The only thing they can really do about it is to use JavaScript to detect if certain resources didn't load.
Replies: >>150
>that the webmaster should be allowed to dictate how you
>the shop owner has a right to tell you to leave 
Everyone is your master. Freedom!
Replies: >>151
So freedom is when shop owners don't have a say what goes on in their shop, or when the webmaster is forced to not be able to put certain texts in his code? Is that seriously what you believe freedom is? A system in which people are subjugated to literal violence unless they agree with you on how they should do stuff.

And don't meander about violence part. That is essential. If a store owner is penalized, then they either steal from him from violence, or make him pay under a threat of violence. If his shop is put out of business, then that is done by force.

Ultimately, there is a threat of institutional violence in the end. And that is what you call "freedom"? When others with property that you don't own don't bend to your will or the mob's desires. If you suppose a non-violent ethic (like boycotts or protests with full consequences as to employment and other contracts/interactions with fellow men), then you just supposing a libertarian ethic. But no, double standards all the way, rights for me, but not for you. Consistency is your enemy because there is no Hegelian dialectics without a synthesis. Communists, fascists, statists, "an"coms like in a constant state of logical contradictions, making policy on a whim based on either aesthetics or a chase of a higher truth,
Replies: >>161 >>185
Your computer and by extension web browser is your property, you may display html files and run javascript code with as many or little modifications as you please.
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I want to buy my Libertarian father a gift for Christmas. Does /liberty/ have any suggestions for that?
Replies: >>160
3D printer
The standard libertarian model of a community is one of individuals who, instead of living physically separated and isolated from one another, associate with each other as neighbors living on adjacent but separately owned pieces of land. However, this model is too simplistic. Presumably, the reason for choosing neighbors over isolation is the fact that for individuals participating in and partaking of the benefits of the division of labor, a neighborhood offers the added advantage of lower transaction costs; that is, a neighborhood facilitates exchange. As a consequence, the value of an individually owned piece of land will be enhanced by the existence of neighboring pieces of land owned by others. However, while this may indeed be true and constitute a valid reason for choosing a neighborhood over physical isolation, it is by no means always true. A neighborhood also involves risks and may lead to falling rather than increasing property values, for even if one assumes, in accordance with the model under consideration, that the initial establishment of neighboring property was mutually beneficial, and even if it is further assumed that all members of a community refrain from criminal activity, it might still happen that a formerly "good" neighbor turns obnoxious, that he does not take care of his property or changes it so as to negatively affect the property values of other community members, or that he simply refuses to participate fuck your freedom! in any cooperative effort directed at improving the value of the community as a whole.

Hence, in order to overcome the difficulties inherent in community development when the land is held in divided ownership, the formation of neighborhoods and communities has in fact proceeded along different lines from those suggested in the above mentioned model.

Rather than being composed of adjacent pieces of land owned in severalty, then, neighborhoods have typically been proprietary or covenantal communities, founded and owned by a single proprietor a Master who would "lease" separate parts of the land under specified conditions to selected individuals. Originally, such covenants were based on kinship relations, with the role of the proprietor performed by the head of a family or clan. In other words, just as the actions of the immediate family members are coordinated by the head and owner of the household within a single family household, so was the function of directing and coordinating the land uses of groups of neighboring households traditionally fulfilled by the head of an extended kinship group.

Hans-Hermann Hoppe
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What is the most /liberty/  tier drug?
Replies: >>184
>Begin with the night-watchman state, the absolute minimal government you need to remain stable (sorry ancaps, but anarchy of any kind lack stability).

>Remove the legislative branch and all legislative powers from government, we have the non-aggression principle, we don't need to make any changes to the laws. Our government would be composed of overseers, not lawmakers, they would only be able to enforce the laws as they were written at the time of the nation's founding. Ownership of Intellectual property will not be recognized by law, neither would the "personhood" of corporate entities/institutions (these two policies caused a lot of issues for our countries down the line, didn't they? and in retrospect, they were flat out retarded, just as bad as welfare/social-security/pensions).

>In it's place put the national banking system, it will operate in all kinds of banking, and be regulated by law to adhere to a policy of full monetary reform (no charging interest, no fiat currency, no fractional reserve, etc.). For any country to maintain it's sovereignty it must maintain full and exclusive control over it's money.

>Instead of sentencing them to a set duration of time in prison, criminals will be punished by sending the convicted to rehabilitation, to be released only upon expert determination that they are reasonably unlikely to reoffend. Those who are unable to be reformed may be sent to a prison for permanent incarceration, exiled to a penal colony to the same effect, or simply executed by the state. Victims of crimes will be financially compensated by the state, as it is the defining role of the government to prevent crime.

>Taxes are necessary for state functioning, but with limited services provided by the government (just enough to enforce the law, defend the nation, and run their financial system) taxes need not be collected in an unfair way. A percentage will be taken out of every domestic transaction that uses the national currency, an additional percentage may be taken out of transactions using the national currency that occur across borders, a tax will be taken annually from all landowners in the form of a percentage of the value the land holdings had at the time of their acquisition, crossing the borders will cost a sum to be paid for each person crossing. In addition to the percentage taken out of every account with the national bank, and the shares of the profits purchased by the bank in enterprises, this should be more than sufficient to fund the operations of the government.

>If you want there to be a more fascist libertarianism, limit the NAP to apply only to living adult male humans of white race. Anything/Everyone else would lack personhood and rights, becoming a defacto outlaw and dejure slave. Their only protections under the law would come from being the property of someone who does fit the criteria, and it would only protect them from anything their owner doesn't consent to. The owner would also assume legal accountability for the actions of their property.

We could also institute a policy that requires military/police service or land ownership for participation in the electoral process (voting or running), assuming we even had an electoral system. Perhaps we could require a term of service to own land, and landholding to participate in the political process. BTW, if we did have elections, I'd like them to be conducted through a system that does not fail all the standards of arrow's theorem, and also meets the condorcet standard as well (it's possible), we could add an additional tweak to make elections even more difficult to meddle with by adding the detail of the minority rule, or having the basis of selection be lowest amount of votes rather than the greatest number of them.

>I'm basically taking ideas from all over for this, but one thing I'd like to to have an empire, for whatever nation implements these policies to conquer the world and unite them under this system.

>Two last details, first as a pre-emptive response to the "flashlight dilemma" with regards to the NAP, I believe that the consistent physical effect of the flashlight vs lazerbeam on someone's house well establishes the criteria for determining if the NAP has been violated by an act, and in such a manner that does not include the concept of harm being done by words or images.

>The solution to the "bad neighbor" is the concept of nested laws. In it's simplest form, the government owns all the land within it's borders, and as such it can institute a broad set of laws to regulate the behavior of the people within those boundaries, these are the laws of the NAP and are the most essential laws to maintain social-political-economic stability.
>Of the land within those borders, some may be owned by a private citizen, who may open the land to those willing to live on it, and if they do, h may impose upon them another set of rules to regulate their conduct, and the only limitation is that his rules may not conflict with those of the government, the government will enforce those rules along with their own laws.
>Now, someone who purchases a home on this privately owned land owns the specific property they paid for, and they get to set the rules for what happens within that space, imposing a third set of rules on any guest who stays there for a time.
>The laws of the government, laws of the landlord, and laws of the tenant, the guest must follow all three, and each in the chain must obey the rules of those on the level above themselves. Each set of rules may com with a penalty, to break the highest and least limiting set of laws may get your into the criminal justice system, breaking the second set may get you evicted from that land, even if you had a home there, the landlord takes it back, braking the third set gets you evicted from the home of the homeowner, you might still be permitted to stay within the area around the home, perhaps within a home that you own or another that would take you in as a guest, but you may not trespass upon the home you got kicked out of. The government will enforce every set of rules at the behest of the ones who instituted them.
>How does this solve the "bad neighbor" issue? Because I predict conflicts such as those will result in people living on lands tat are owned like apartments are, and these will come with rules that must be followed by those who live in these places, rules that were made by the owner of that land.
Replies: >>345
Does cross-pollination of GMOs violate the NAP?
Replies: >>182 >>183
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I'd say it does because it's very easy to destabilize an ecosystem with cross pollination as well as make various breeds of plants go extinct through ethnic replacement. I'd view it the same way I do releasing wild pigs into my neighbor's forest next to me.
Short answer is yes. But I think there is a caveat if the GMO guy was there first. You can't buy land next to the known GMO farmer and then cry about it because in that case you are the one who put yourself in that situation.

Long answer:
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>there is a threat of institutional violence in the end
Murray N. Rothbard
A Program for Right-Wing Populism

4. Take Back the Streets: Crush Criminals. And by this I mean, of course, not “white collar criminals” or “inside traders” but violent street criminals – robbers, muggers, rapists, murderers. Cops must be unleashed, and allowed to administer instant punishment, subject of course to liability when they are in error.

5. Take Back the Streets: Get Rid of the Bums. Again: unleash the cops to clear the streets of bums and vagrants. Where will they go? Who cares? Hopefully, they will disappear, that is, move from the ranks of the petted and cosseted bum class to the ranks of the productive members of society.
Replies: >>186
>4. Take Back the Streets: Crush Criminals
>5. Take Back the Streets: Get Rid of the Bums
This is about using police to enforce property rights.
The post you're responding to is about using police to do the opposite.

Don't forget
>6. Abolish the Fed; Attack the Banksters. Money and banking are recondite issues. But the realities can be made vivid: the Fed is an organized cartel of banksters, who are creating inflation, ripping off the public, destroying the savings of the average American. The hundreds of billions of taxpayer handouts to S&L banksters will be chicken-feed compared to the coming collapse of the commercial banks.
Replies: >>187
Nationalize the banks. One of the rare occasions where I advocate that the government take some services over (Another example being that we shoudnt have privatized prisons). Though that is after many other changes to make the state smaller.

I know what roles government needs to play and what they do not need to be in charge of. We need the state for the stability of the nation, not "safety", stability (as in, that the country can sustain itself and its sovereignty and continue to exist, rather than that the protection of individuals from harm, that is the prerogative of the people, whom we entrusted with ownership). Everything else is freedom.

While I'm at it, pass full monetary reform policies. No charging interest, no fractional reserve, no fiat currency, etc.

I reccomend watching "the collapse of the american dream" that cartoon was pretty good at elaborating my concepts.
Replies: >>189 >>1006
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>Nationalize the banks.
Good idea, then when covid-25 comes and you refuse to wear a face diaper pfizer doesn't need to waste time getting you banned from 100 different banks they just need to close your account on the one nationalized bank. Authoritarianism is great up until the point you realize "your guys" are not the ones in charge.

>No charging interest, no fractional reserve, no fiat currency
None of those things are actually a problem. The problem is that banks are fully insulated from risk by the government. Remove the government and now banks that change predatory interest, lend out money that doesn't exist and print fake money out of nothing will get smashed by the market.
Replies: >>191
>when covid-25 comes and you refuse to wear a face diaper
Spreading a deadly virus from your mouth is like releasing wild pigs into your neighbor's forest.
Replies: >>192
>Spreading a deadly virus from your mouth is like releasing wild pigs into your neighbor's forest.
Covid is not a "deadly" virus and masks don't stop it spreading.
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What is the libertarian solution to the microplastic problem?

= Not A Problem

Microplastics are probably not that harmful to organisms, except if they want to live 100 years.

But srsly, pollution in general is a difficult topic in libertarianism.
Replies: >>199
that's like asking a leftist what needs to be done about illegal immigration
Replies: >>196
interesting point. elab?
Microplastics are the weirdest psyop ever. The publications and the media have been complaining non-stop about them for more than a decade now. Despite that, the only effects we can clearly observe is on wildlife. Humans effects are edging the line of statistical probability.
Just use for brain for a second, what is plastic? It's stable, and one of the least reactive substance humans use. Oh no, it gets into our food? Everything gets into our food. Hundreds of thousands of years of evolution has made the mammal's digestive system incredibly resistant to stuff way more reactive with our bodies. Is it in the air? How is that different from dust? Sure, long term exposure is not healthy, but long term exposure to any non-organic material won't be healthy.

But people read the newspapers that it's the end of the world, we are all gonna die. But in reality, it's just the Luddite tendencies of humanity. We have played the same thing before. These are all examples that people freaked out in the past over
>cars move too fast, people will get their organs disconfigured
>books will make the youth asocial and shut in
>radiowaves will give you and your animals cancer
>television will decrease our vocabulary
>microwave will put cancer in the food
>the impact of the internet on the global economy will be no greater than that of the fax machine
>Bitcoin will push global warming above 1°C

The recent trend of "5G microchips in COVID vaccines" is the in same vein. It's just plain old Luddites.

But watch and see as in the coming years microplastics will become an ever greater talking point, without any new significant evidence that they do anything to humans. It will probably be accompanied with climate change rhetoric as well.
Replies: >>198 >>199 >>207
>The recent trend of "5G microchips in COVID vaccines" is the in same vein. It's just plain old Luddites.
That's kind of a false equivalence because the 5G microchips is clearly a psyop to distract and discredit those with actual concerns about the "vaccine", but I see what you mean.

I too feel like it's a psyop. I understand why people might be concerned about it because obviously they associate microplastics with larger fragments of plastic which can cause someone to choke or have their internal organs cut if swallowed. But I've never heard of anyone being poisoned by plastic of all things. Though I've heard that it can reduce sperm count, and it might be a contributing factor in the declining sperm count in men over the past few decades, but I can't confirm this, and I think it has more to deal with the crap food that people eat and the toxic chemicals that people choose to clean their houses with, etc.
Replies: >>206
>The publications and the media have been complaining non-stop
As a general rule if the state and corporate media are trying to make you worried about a thing then it's a political tool not an actual problem.

>pollution in general is a difficult topic in libertarianism
No it's not. If somebody threatens to damage your property then you take preventative action against them. If they have already damaged your property then you extract compensation from them. This is all part of the NAP.

>What is the libertarian solution to the microplastic problem?
If you want a discussion you need to elaborate on what you think the problem is instead of just assuming that everyone has been exposed to the same propaganda you have.
Replies: >>202 >>206
>If you want a discussion you need to elaborate on what you think the problem is instead of just assuming that everyone has been exposed to the same propaganda you have.
Apparently, the only known health effect is that it reduces sperm count in men.
Small children can choke on large plastic pieces, this is why LEGO blocks have a 3+ age rating. But aside from that, if you swallow a piece of plastic, it will come out the other side. But true, there might be something, there might be not. The thing that set me off is that people and especially the news media are already drawing conclusions for something that would require government intervention. Actually, it would appeal to both sides of the spectrum. Feed the conservatives with "our land is being poisoned" and feed the socialists with "the evil capitalists are poisoning the working class". Guaranteed election win. And it would probably red tape to control anything plastic related increasing the general price of every single service thus increasing the amount of near monopolies, people would complain about too high prices and too few competition and get even more government intervention. Or so the story goes.
>lower sperm count
I think stricter, less ventilating underwear might also be a cause. Generally, the testes is a few degrees colder than the rest of the body. But now many males just keep it in their underwear, without much ventilation. Or without care for underwear selection in general, just going with the cheapest option.
And the recent trend of young boys starting to masturbate at very young ages is probably not good for sexual function, since masturbation is already known to be connected to ED.

>As a general rule if the state and corporate media are trying to make you worried about a thing then it's a political tool not an actual problem.
Exactly. The irony is that there are many people that say that, but don't apply it consistently or rationally.

>If they have already damaged your property then you extract compensation from them.
People always complain about "muh negative externalities", but in reality, it's only the NAP that can solve such problems consistently, because it's only private property that can objectively and consistently decide who the polluter is, and who incurred what damages.
Replies: >>208
>Despite that, the only effects we can clearly observe is on wildlife. Humans effects are edging the line of statistical probability.
Probably because you're not accounting for cancer and infertility. Plastics are one of a myriad of substances which are contaminating the food and water supplies and causing such things. But of course infertility and cancer are both things that could be explained as "first world problems" from people simply growing too old, the economy being bad and women being hags, so it's easy to point at some other cause. Besides, only wildlife? We need them to be unpoisoned so we can keep living. Anything that only affects them actually also affects us.
>Just use for brain for a second, what is plastic? It's stable
It's created and used precisely because it isn't stable, it's something you can shape into whatever you want. That's what "just using my brain for a second" tells me.
>Hundreds of thousands of years of evolution has made the mammal's digestive system incredibly resistant
Hundreds of thousands of years of evolution and only in the smallest latter fraction did Humans have anything to do with plastics. Many would argue that evolution as the "body optimizing" agent has completely checked out by now and probably did before plastics were even invented. "Nature" is "selecting" for those who can breed right now (or more accurately it is selecting against those who cannot) and there is practically no correlation between robustness, longevity, immunity or any other "health" measure and having children in the modern era of near-instant access to miraculous medical care for nearly anyone.
>These are all examples that people freaked out in the past over
Yes, people can be wrong (not that I'd accept as given that all your examples are wrong), why are you so confident that you aren't? Your evidence is that there is a buzzing in the signal. That is sufficient cause to doubt but not sufficient for anything more than just doubt. Hell, all the "publications and media complaining" (I've seen no such thing) could just be a kind of "false flag" or "strawman" intended to make you believe exactly what you believe so that the prolific and profitable plastics industry continues to make it's money. Granted, it could be the very opposite and that's why doubt is warranted.
Replies: >>208
>it's only the NAP that can solve such problems consistently, because it's only private property that can objectively and consistently decide who the polluter is, and who incurred what damages.
But it would be hard to do with microplastics given that they are microscopic, are by-products of all plastics as they naturally break-down, and are released without people noticing. Seriously, supposedly everything you do releases microplastics, washing clothes, using a dryer, driving, wearing non-organic clothes, carrying anything plastic, etc.

>It's created and used precisely because it isn't stable, it's something you can shape into whatever you want.
He clearly meant "chemically stable" (i.e less likely to react to other chemicals), not "physically stable".
Is it okay to shoplift from stores if they benefited from the state?
Replies: >>211 >>225
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You could argue that all stores benefit from the state. I've seen a lot of people argue that shoplifting is okay from major corporations but the problem with that is if we look at areas where significant portions of the population are okay with shop lifting, we get shitholes like San Francisco and San Diego. However, those major globalhomo corporations have definitely caused more harm than the shoplifters do. That being said, I wouldn't be okay living in an area where shop lifting was okay. 

In this video here we can see  based private security also refered to as "Mc Cops" defending the shop from a ghetto nigger shop lifter. Then, an Extremely Based Member of the Community acts quickly and defends not only himself and the store but also the McCop by throwing what appears to be a Tactical 2 liter at the shop lifter.
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I wish more people posted here.
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Am I alright to post a local politics thread here, or is it too glowy? I could use some help with getting into it, especially with getting past the corrupt fuckers during town meetings.
Replies: >>222
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The farthest I'd go in terms of local politics are maybe state. If you recall back in the day on 8chan, there used to be /florida/ and /texas/. I don't know about towns thought. I also don't know if your fellow local town residents would look favorably when you browse /liberty/.
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>Is it okay to shoplift from stores if they benefited from the state?
Technically yes but you have to do the math.

If somebody has stolen your property then you have a moral right to take it back. You might pay $20,000 a year is taxes and that gets mixed into the government's $6T budget and then a store gets a tiny fraction of that. So yes you are entitled to shoplift like $0.000000001 from a store. Or maybe wait 100,000 years and then steal a candy bar.

In terms of where stolen taxes end up you've got more of a case for stealing guns from the IDF than shoplifting your local Wallmart.
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Are privatized police less violent than government police?
Replies: >>231
Is Argentina's Javier Milei Really a Libertarian?

Milei and Villarruel oppose abortion and LGBTQ rights, which they call "cultural Marxism." During a recent interview with journalist Luis Novaresio, Villarruel stated: "Milei and I are against abortion because there are no human rights without life." Milei has similarly critiqued sectors that promote women's right to terminate their pregnancies, referring to them as "individuals with brainwashed minds in murderous policy."

When asked whether he believes that a woman who becomes pregnant through rape is committing aggravated homicide if she chooses to end her pregnancy, Milei responded, "I defend life. Biology states that life begins at conception. At that moment, a new being with a completely different DNA is created." In Argentina, however, abortion is legal nationwide. Milei is proposing to either repeal the abortion law or hold a referendum.


Villarruel also recently took to X (formerly Twitter), lamenting the end of military service in Argentina. She argued that this change "deprived the country of having its citizens trained in defense and made subsequent generations of men [and women] crybabies," adding that "compulsory military service prepares our citizens for the defense of our extensive and rich territory, nothing more." Yet, it is important to acknowledge that compulsory military service infringes upon the right to self-ownership, limiting the freedom to make decisions about one's own life.

Milei and Villaruel oppose the legalization of drugs, even marijuana in medicinal contexts. In September 2021, in response to a video shared by a journalist on X addressing the drug situation in Philadelphia and other U.S. cities, Villarruel commented: "That is our future if we approve drug legalization proposals." Later, in May 2022, Villarruel tweeted: "They're voting in two minutes on the law for 'medicinal cannabis,' where, without scientific evidence, they want to quasi-legalize marijuana. A millionaire business that thrives on consumption… It's encouraging addiction." A social media follower responded to her comments, arguing that cannabis can help alleviate pains from certain illnesses. Villarruel replied by saying that such a claim only "applies to refractory epilepsy" and that "the rest is pro-drug lobbying."

Milei has said that "consuming drugs is committing suicide slowly." When asked about the topic, he claims to be "against the public spending that could come with the legalization of drugs" and never says he would legalize. In fact, Villarruel has proposed a law to seize all drugs — and thereby, continue the war on drugs.

Other politicians, such as Mariela Weimer, Milei's candidate for vice mayor of Ramírez, shout Milei's slogan "Long live freedom, damn it" while simultaneously asserting that "if the military forces were in charge, there wouldn't be as much insecurity, drug issues, inflation, and social assistance programs," and that "with 40 years of military rule, we'd be better off."
Replies: >>231 >>232 >>240
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>Are privatized police less violent than government police?
Vague question. Arguably government police in places like california are not violent enough, they're not even pretending to do their jobs while stores get robbed blind.

Privatization adds competition and competition adds effectiveness. You hire somebody to protect your store and they stand by while it gets robbed then you're not going to pay that faggot and you will hire someone else next time. So you quickly get to a point where only people who are actually willing to tackle robbers will be able to make a living in private security.

On the other hand violence has a cost and the point of a business is to make money. If you watch bouncers in a club you see they are careful to use the minimum violence necessary to resolve a situation because any collateral damage comes out of their pay checks.

So if the real question is if private police is better the answer is yes.

>abortion and LGBTQ rights
Lol Reason. If you refuse to support a politician who is promising to destroy the central bank because he uses the wrong pronouns then you are a complete fucking clown.
Replies: >>232 >>240 >>245
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I don't care about that article, but Milei is indeed, controlled opposition.
That certainly counts for more than anything Reason has to say.

He could be controlled opposition
>In some ways it’s worse with a “victory” like this because if he completely fails in his fight against the hydra with a thousand heads (very likely), then the state/state-media/progressive spin is, “Well, there you go. This proves that libertarian ideas don’t work.

But on the other hand so many of these people wouldn't have known that libertarian ideas even exist if it wasn't for this election.
What is the significance of the WEF having a tiny blurb about him on their people-who-exist database?
You do know the reason he appears on the WEF is because he only appeared once to complain about keneysians, only to be kicked out afterwards?
The other candidate literally proposed eating bugs and implementing CBDC
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I wonder what Milei thinks of silver and gold? Isn't Argentina literally named after silver? 
That's a fair point. One thing that does concern me is faggots who think they're cops because they patrol a mall. It's plainly disgusting. Especially the ones who wear fake tactical gear. But yeah I see your point on private security. I heard a couple of neighborhoods in chicongo actually hired private security and it was successful in keep their neighborhoods safe. Do you personally have any experience with private security? Either working for them or having them guard an establishment that you own or live in?
Replies: >>241
>I heard a couple of neighborhoods in chicongo actually hired private security and it was successful in keep their neighborhoods safe.
There's also a famous case of a gas station in philly hiring private security. It's easy to see why it works because security protects the customers, the customers pay the gas station, the gas station pays the security. Everyone's incentives line up perfectly. And no they don't have shootouts with private security from rival gas stations that's just a retarded statist talking point.

>Do you personally have any experience with private security?
Only bouncers and stuff.

>One thing that does concern me is faggots who think they're cops because they patrol a mall. It's plainly disgusting. Especially the ones who wear fake tactical gear.
There will always be faggots in the world. But if they are paid directly by the mall that means they are on a much shorter leash because anything they do that hurts the interests of the mall will get them reprimanded or fired.
Replies: >>242
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>And no they don't have shootouts with private security from rival gas stations that's just a retarded statist talking point.
I must admit that is an extremely funny idea. 2 private security guards shooting each other because they're from different gas stations. That sounds like a very fun movie made by an ancap movie director. 
>Only bouncers and stuff.
You used to be a bouncer? 
>But if they are paid directly by the mall that means they are on a much shorter leash because anything they do that hurts the interests of the mall will get them reprimanded or fired.
That's a valid point. I've seen some of the stuff cops get away with and with their qualified immunity it's crazy.  

Speaking of that, anon, is getting a job in private security a good idea? Would you work private security?
Replies: >>243
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>You used to be a bouncer? 
No I used to be a drunk asshole.

>Speaking of that, anon, is getting a job in private security a good idea?
I don't know. I'm guessing you need to be above average height and know how to fight but also have good social skills to talk people down or assert verbal dominance over them. It probably also depends on the laws where you are. The reason all these stores getting robbed in the communist republic of california don't hire private security is probably because the police would arrest them for trying to defend private property.
Replies: >>244
>getting robbed in the communist republic of california
<So if california wants to ban abortions and texas wants to ban weed then that's fine. People can choose to live in whichever state best represents their values. >>237
This is fine, because everyone is free to live in another state.
Replies: >>246
>because he uses the wrong pronouns
ban abortion
compulsory military service
continue the war on drugs
Replies: >>246
>ban abortion
Libertarians are on both sides of this issue.

>compulsory military service
That sucks.

>continue the war on drugs
That sucks.

>This is fine, because everyone is free to live in another state.
It means that trying to get a job as private security in a state that has criminalized that job probably isn't a good idea. I don't know what other point you're trying to make here.
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I wish more people posted in currency thread. 
libertarianism in practice is jewish as fuck. As an ideology it might be possible but with jews in power it will be corrupted
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Hello, /christmas/ here. We want to invite you participate in our annual Christmas party again this year. It's already started, and the main stream will be from Friday 22nd, through Monday 25th : 3 pm PST / 22 UTC . 

'Please come and share some Christmas cheer with your fellow anons!'
Who is supposed to assign addresses to houses/businesses without a state? Do people assign them to their own property? How do we make sure there aren't any duplicates?
Replies: >>267 >>269 >>272
Rights are self-evident.
Why do you think this is hard to do?
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Do people on the left side of the political compass put more faith in therapy and therefore are more likely to identify with being mentally ill, or are they legitimately more mentally ill?

Are people on the right more likely to identify alternatives to therapy, like going to the gym and weight lifting, and therefore don't identify with being mentally ill, or are they legitimately less mentally ill?
Replies: >>271 >>272 >>338
People who believe in the political compass have a bipolar disorder.

>social right on top
Why we don't have top and bottom political orientation?
Replies: >>273
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>Who is supposed to assign addresses to houses/businesses without a state?
The people you pay to deliver shit will figure out a system.

>Do people on the left side of the political compass put more faith in therapy and therefore are more likely to identify with being mentally ill, or are they legitimately more mentally ill?
Leftists derive status from claiming some kind of minority or victim status
<Look at me I'm poor / disabled / gay / black / mentally ill therefor you need to give me special privileges and attention

>going to the gym and weight lifting
Socialists don't /fit/ because it's impossible to steal somebody else's gains. It's an activity that requires you to do the work to get the results you want, that's why leftists hate fitness and fitness culture.

>Are people on the right more likely to identify alternatives to therapy
People like Stefan Molyneux definitely identity as being on the right and definitely believe in therapy.
>Plotting the correlations of self-reported mental illness
The difference is just that being a victim in left wing circles grants you extra privileges and being a victim in right wing circles makes you weak. So leftists are incentivized to brag about mental illnesses and collect them like pokemon cards. And rightists are incentivized to fix mental illness or at least hide it.
>Why we don't have top and bottom political orientation?
I've never seen "social right" and "social left" before. It's supposed to be Authoritarian at the top and Libertarian at the bottom.
Is it possible to change the board styling to make it easier to see where one thread ends and another begins?  Maybe thicker hr s?
Replies: >>472
The political Left has always been made up of self-loathing Cluster B cases.  It's how they get even with Daddy for touching their peepee place.

>>If you want there to be a more fascist libertarianism, limit the NAP to apply only to living adult male humans of white race. Anything/Everyone else would lack personhood and rights, becoming a defacto outlaw and dejure slave. Their only protections under the law would come from being the property of someone who does fit the criteria, and it would only protect them from anything their owner doesn't consent to. The owner would also assume legal accountability for the actions of their property.

This is not libertarianism.
>>I'm basically taking ideas from all over for this, but one thing I'd like to to have an empire, for whatever nation implements these policies to conquer the world and unite them under this system.
This is also not libertarianism. This is just your power fantasy.
It's one thing to post your shit everywhere, but half the time I don't even understand who you're talking to.  Like in >>411 or >>356 your posts barely make sense.  By stylometric analysis, you're clearly the same poster, so let me extend a branch:  what do you want?  What's your goal here?
Green text is too dark here. Have to highlight it or turn up my gamma with the default scheme.
Replies: >>425 >>473
To further to this, if you want to stick to green I suggest 049F29. Alternatively you could consider going full yellow, which I think would look better.
Replies: >>473
Changed the hr thickness from 1px to 2px and changed color from lightgray to white.
Please let me know what you guys think.
Replies: >>473 >>476
Also went ahead and implemented suggested font color changes.
Again, feedback is always accepted.
I didn't even recognize that there were lines previously.  Thanks BO.
How should the board be improved?
Replies: >>486
More fun posting.  It's all doomposting, depression, or bitter arguments.
Where did the hoppe open letter thread go?
Replies: >>534 >>550 >>593
Seconding this question.
Replies: >>593
Mod abused his power because a post hurt his feelings. This is why there's no such thing as a good imageboard.
Replies: >>581
Either that or he made a mistake and is embarrassed to admit it.
Replies: >>581
Isn't there an archive of it?
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Does board owner have the ability to enable pdf uploads? It would be nice to post books and papers instead of just telling people to find it themselves.
Replies: >>696
If posts go missing it might be because it had a soyjak meme attached. The zzz admin is blindly deleting all posts with soyjaks attached regardless on content.
Instead of just a board, why not a Libertypol or Freedomchan? It might help organize libertarians better.
If the state is abolished, then does that mean I have to give up all of my belonging that I won at police auctions?
Replies: >>664
>If the state is abolished, then does that mean I have to give up all of my belonging that I won at police auctions?
It is the same rules for all stolen property. If the legitimate owner can prove they are the rightful owner then give it back. This does entitle you to extract compensation from the pigs who organized the auction in the first place though
>something something just following orders
is not a valid legal defense in any sane justice system.
After careful consideration, I have decided to allow this. This is disabled by default, I wondered if there was a reason for this but this did not warrant contacting site administration.
Replies: >>697
It doesn't matter the board is completely dead at this point. I spent a long time making that Hoppe vs Walter Block thread only for it to get nuked because of a soyjak. You should just delete this board instead of hoping that people will forget how dumb and childish zzz mods are and come back.
Replies: >>725
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Do chemtrails violate the NAP?
Replies: >>983 >>1082
That sucks man.
No, because you first need to define aggression.
Replies: >>1082
Poisoning your neighbor is absolutely a violation of the NAP, as is poisoning his land, livestock, etc.
Replies: >>1092
The NAP is a relativist position and therefore is self-refuting.
Replies: >>1093
>The NAP is a relativist position and therefore is self-refuting.
The NAP only applies to property and property is objective. People who claim that racism is a violation of the NAP are retards because hurt feelings are not property.
Replies: >>1095
The idea of property being objective does not follow that the NAP is objective. People have to agree with what constitutes aggression and property. The NAP is man-made and therefore is inherently subjective again making it a relativist position and self-refuting.
Replies: >>1098
>People have to agree with what constitutes aggression and property.
That's not what relativist means. Property is an objective thing that applies universally. Ownership is an objective thing that applies universally. Just because two people have a disagreement over who owns a particular shoe doesn't mean all property is relativist and self-refuting. You're trying to make the tranny argument that someone with fucked up DNA is born intersex therefor there's no such thing as gender. Go back to reddit with your fedora tipping postmodernist bullshit.
Replies: >>1099
I am not a relativist, but I am saying the NAP is a relativist postition.
Replies: >>1100
>I am not a relativist
Yes I know. You see through the bullshit when trannies use this argument but when somebody says it about us you fell for it.
Replies: >>1101
Your NAP relies on a subjective interpretation of aggression, hence it is relativist. If you seek to create a standardized definition of aggression by which to hold everyone to, then you already violated the NAP do you not?
Replies: >>1103
>Your NAP relies on a subjective interpretation of aggression, hence it is relativist.
Aggression is defined as not using or modifying property without the owner's permission. That is an objective standard that can be applied universally to all people in a society without contradiction. In practice that means you'll just assume you don't have permission to interact with other people's property without their permission.

It's like saying "follow the rules". And the guy you stole this argument from is saying "but there are different rules in middle school and high school something something muh relativism.". But "follow the rules" is still an objective standard. Can you see how he moved the goalposts on you by yeeting a layer of abstraction.
Replies: >>1123
>But "follow the rules" is still an objective standard
Except you have nothing objective granting those rules. You just have an arbitrary set of rules that everyone is supposed to get on board with.
Replies: >>1155
>Except you have nothing objective granting those rules
You set the conditions for other people to use your property. That's what property is.

>You just have an arbitrary set of rules that everyone is supposed to get on board with.
Libertarians just want to be left alone, nobody is forcing you to go with them.
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