Sanae's a slug!
pretty sure she's a plant
>>308 Good girls don't walk around butt naked.
Reimu still has better price-performance, though.
>>313 I don't think that just lying there like a dead fish can be even considered "performance".
>>301 (OP) Is there a good waifu in touhou?
>>315 The only good waifu is mine. You can't have her.
>>315 >good Yes. >waifu No.
>>314 Her kegel game is pretty good. Plus she does anal and complementary youkai extermination. What else could you possibly need?
>>318 I pay her for fucking sex, not for youkai extermination!
>>314 Isn't Reimu the type to be good at sex without really trying?
>>329 Every single fucking incident!
>>318 I wonder if she can hook me up with some slutty goddess. She'll probably demand a separate payment, though.
>>329 That trick where she kills the fortune teller with a gohei shot from her ass is worth every yen, though.
>>349 Remiu too desperate for money to show off her pits for free. How much did you pay her?
>>350 3
>>356 Plant! (got it cus she drank the water)
>>350 Never pay more than 1 yen for Reimu's services.
>>357 Nudist!
>>358 You donate money?
>>365 What else?
>>369 Food.
>>386 You can't live on semen. You need some hydrocarbonates.
>>388 Well, I'm no Hakurei Shrine Maiden.
>>356 background image sighted
>>2318 Looks scary
Sanae's a toilet! Sanae is a good girl so she volunteered to become her classmates' toilet! And it's free to use! Pissin' in Sanae's mouth! Shittin' in Sanae's mouth! Puttin' a huge feces-eating slug into Sanae's mouth!
Sanae supports nipple freedom!
Sanae supports rape!
>>2391 You can't rape an umbrella. What's next, raping a dildo?
>>2393 I will have that dildo bear my children wether it wants it or not!
>>2397 Well, it's completly impossible to impregnate a dildo. Give up and get an onahole.
>>2400 Compared to impregnating Okuu's rods, this is nothing.
>>2393 >You can't rape an umbrella But the umbrella can rape you
>>2406 What if it accidentally opens while inside?
>>2407 Then it doubles as a speculum.
>>2407 You will became umbrella leather cover
Sanae is going to give birth in public. It seems that she is fucking crazy.
>>2456 You do know the meaning of those tattoos, right?
>>2465 Umm, pregnant, toilet, YOUKAI'D?
>>2466 Or, wait, RUMIED?
>>2465 Do you?
Sanae loves doing lewd things in public! Being naked in public! Pee pee in public! Poo poo in public!
Sanae is an easy girl! Even a kid can rape her!
>>2472 (`›∀‹´)=3 ↑Sanae's normal reaction to getting """raped"""
>>2476 She would try to smile even when she's raped!
>>2478 She would rape back.
Sanae is spunky!
>>2556 She does have a lot of spunk in and on her!
>>2557 No, that's just some yogurt on her
Sanae loves milk!
>>2558 It got spoilered, that means it isn't.
>>2560 It got spoilered because the milk got spoilered. Get it?
How does Sanae smell? What perfume does she use?
Sanny is wife
>>2764 >>2557
>>2766 Lies! Lies! Sanae does not smell like spunk! >>2765 She's not married yet
smells like teen spirit
>>2769 Smells like a wet umbrella
Sanae paizuri? Sanae paizuri
>>2765 Runa is husband.
>>2768 She's married to the Moriya gods.
>>2774 Suwako is her mom tho
>>2772 Who?
>>2768 Sanae smells like and subscribe.
Disgusting zoomer memes. I would never like something like this!
>>2769 Teen spunk.
>>3028 Reimu begs Sanae to have hot lesbian sex together
>>2776 Wow, that must have hurt. A human baby is huge compared to Suwako's hole.
>>3040 I thought frogs have external reproduction
>>2559 >bagged milk Is Sanae Canadian too?
>>3031 Sorry, Reimu. This girl's mouths eat little village-made wieners only.
>>3040 I feel like I don't object as hard to this image as I should.