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it's fucking video games, baby

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I just finished Sonic X Shadow Generations. Twice in fact. 
It has the best gameplay and level design of all the boost games. Base Generations is more dynamic sure, but it's also harder to see what is going on at times, so I prefer this approach. I like the controls more too.
The writing is the best it's been since Unleashed. I'm so glad we're out of that meta era and the stories can take themselves seriously again.
If this is what Team B can do, I can't wait to see what Team A can pull off. I'm looking forward to see what they do with Frontiers 2 now that they have a Yakuza budget.
Overall, bery gud. I still need to go back and S Rank the last stages and collect everything, and so on, but right now I want to play the Sonic Generations "remastered' part and see what they changed dialogue-wise. Good and bad.
Replies: >>261268 >>266623
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Been playing Wind Waker again and remembering exactly why I hated it when it came out.  Forcing myself to finish it this time though, so I can make a thorough critique of why it sucks so much.
Replies: >>261275 >>261302
>>261235 (OP) 
Screw the censorship but I'm glad you had fun with it anon. How long did it take you to finish Shadow's campaign in the game?
Replies: >>261298
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It's hard to maintain a sense of adventure through all the stuff you have to do before you can explore freely.
Even after your boat stops arguing with you about where to sail, there are an awful lot of islands you can't really do anything on until you get more items from later in the game. The way they're arranged, you'll find some of these locked islands even if you sail straight toward the next main plot point. The game keeps hammering the message of "don't explore yet".

I think they didn't understand how to make Zelda gameplay work with an open overworld. Breath of the Wild fixed this problem by forcing the player to collect the bombs, magnet, ice, and stasis before leaving the tutorial area. Those are enough to access most areas. That game also lets the player mark the map, so if something is inaccessible now, you have a reminder of where it is to come back later.
Replies: >>261282 >>261302
>I think they didn't understand how to make Zelda gameplay work with an open overworld.
Literally play the first Zelda game.  Oh but Aonuma is too much of a hack for that.
Replies: >>261479
Voices of the voids new update. I finally got an omega kerfus so I dont have to spend all day getting hashes.
Replies: >>261299
Like 10 hours, but that's because I kept replaying the stages and challenges to collect everything and get S rank.
Replies: >>261384
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I´ve been playing Red Dead Redemption for the last couple of days
Gunplay is fun, but either the game is a little bit buggy or the port is not the best
I´ve seen a couple of characters flying or stuck in the ground or in the air, some cloth physics are spazzing out even when locking the game to 60FPS and some dialogue doesn´t flow properly, though nothing gamebreaking happened so far
Also horses feel really awkward to use since you need to hammer your shift-key to get them to sprint and they just bleed speed if you are not on a road and despite the game telling me that they will follow the road while aiming they don´t follow shit

>new Voices of the Void update
Did something of value get added or just more pointless busywork for streamers/youtubers?
m8 these games are "video game"-y is the best word to be used. Everything is there for the player, not a fully fleshed out world. Everything is just there as a set piece to keep you moving along. A lot of LoZ games are like this where shit is perfectly down to the wire existent only to help the player instead of again it being a realized world. 
Why I had to stop playing LoZ: TP while I love Midna the game itself is a boring snoozefest with not really much going on.
Replies: >>261314
Slew of bugfixes, little bit of a map update, some new events, entity tweaks,, new setting called extreme combat that allows certain entity spawn. Uhhhhh oh yeah, completely fucked omega kurfus blueprint. I finally went ahead and built it in an old save and ported it into my 8.1 game. Why did I ever wait this long to make one? It frees up so much time by getting hashes and I can actually dick around and explore. 
I need to get a metal detector, a rod, and there are these weird candles I can find around I'm wondering what do. I'm currently on day 8.
Replies: >>261318
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>N E G E R
Did this somehow get past the USK or did you mod it?
Replies: >>261308 >>261326
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>Did this somehow get past the USK
Probably, but seeing how the game is USK 18 I´m guessing it was judged accurate to the time period the game plays in
Replies: >>261324
Shut up, moron. Don't reply to posts you can't be bothered to read.
Replies: >>261341
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It's nothing really worth doing the whole mailbox shuffle from an old save for. I really wish the dev would sit on these updates more and release more stuff at once. Or hell, just sit on the game entirely until you're ready to launch the finished thing. Tiny updates just burn out the playerbase.

I read about the candles on the itch.io comments of all places. They form a perfect circle around the entire map but nobody's figured out if they do anything if they're all lit. I wonder since you can buy candles now if you're supposed to light one yourself in the base at 0:0 or something.
I both love and hate how esoteric the game is with stuff like this. I also had the computer get spammed with mojibake emails at one point. I tried turning it off but emails still get sent and it didn't stop me from pausing or saving either. The only way to get it to stop was to quit and load the save again. I know the dev said he tried to fix the accidental inputs when using the PC so maybe he introduced a new glitch, but it also happened pretty early and it's just the sort of slightly offputting but not outright spooky event that fits well into the earlygame. So in the end I don't even know if that was an intentional event or a glitch.
Replies: >>261323
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I finished playing the citadel. Despite being a game about anime girls getting blown to bits you tend to quickly get used to it after a bit.
The ending was anti-climatic despite dumping loads of ammo and explosives through the final levels
Only thing that was annoying was the engine the dev used which was unreal engine 4? But he seems to have figured it out on is next sequel.
Oh that glitch. Yeah so he was testing and needed a way to send emails to himself and forgot to take the trigger out. I don't know if there is a way to fix it but it's good it stopped. 
Other shit that spooked me recently was that weird fern in that cabin. Omega has scared the shit out of me in the basement when I didn't see her walk up on me. I use the pink one so it's not gay. I heard some big random explosion and I'm unsure it's a random event or if it's story. 
I want to explore at night but the thought of getting the ATV around the woods in the dark makes me not want to even try it. All I need is for it to fly off a cliff and fuck off into the woods. There is a new key item that will make the ATV chirp which is useful to help find it not but still. I'll prob eventually give it a shot.

Something about this game really puts me on edge. It's all the little things that come together to make it unsettling. There is something stomping around my vents at night.
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>the muh violence and gnahzees racism-hating german state media censorship agency is less historically cucked on negro issues than the US ESGRB
Replies: >>261335
"Neger" translates to "Negro", not "Nigger".
This is a distinction I think many Americans miss.
Replies: >>261336
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Kinda funny really

Dude is probably the same guy from the /k/ slav slapfight thread that found out that some faggots from 4cuck /lgbt/ are trying to subvert shit here or something 
>(though that is changing)
It changed ages ago when they decided that the names of certain food were racist
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It's less of a distinction than one may think, the German language has nowhere near as much of a history with the Negro race than the Anglo tongue does so there never was a separate term for an Africanized African compared to a regular African.
Jew-owned post-1968 "German" media has of course played up da ebul raycisme to the point "Neger"'s ((( modern ))) connotation is somewhat similar to the American "Nigger" depending on the user's age, race and political affiliation/indoctrination, even though the word itself is functionally closer to "Negro".

t. Blutshitler
I don't do what faggots tell me.
You do realize that 10 years from now  the children who grew up on the meta era are going to be saying it was "underrated" too right?
Replies: >>261376
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Probably. I bet Forces already has its fans. I doubt it will happen to Boom.
Colors and Gens are pretty gud though.
Kind of mad the campaign seems so short, but I think I'll give it a try sometime when I'm free. Thanks for the info.
Replies: >>261385
For what is worth, there's an extra level coming a week before the movie and there's a hard modo in the post-game.
Finished Magical Princess Lily last week and started Harvestella.
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That was an enjoyable ride
Time to do Undead Nightmare
Replies: >>261446 >>261450
Did you get the true ending
Replies: >>261448
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What true ending?
If you mean shooting that agent at the river then yes
Replies: >>261449
Yeah that one
Undead Nightmare isn't great, I found it more repetitive than the original and the some of the writing made it seem like it was handled by a different team.
Replies: >>261451 >>261452
It probably was one of their B teams.
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>holy shit Bigfoot real
>quest:go hunt them
>tearjerker ending with last one bawling his eyes out
>asks for death
Oh well, since you asked so nicely

The thought of having to clear areas again just to have a place to save already sounds awful
How long is Undead Nightmare?
Replies: >>261454
<we eat mushrooms and berries
>How long is Undead Nightmare?
If I recall correctly somewhere between half or 1/3rd as long as the main game, but I played it a long time ago and I found it so repetitive it's kind of a blur. If you're already at the Bigfoot mission you should already be nearing the end because if I'm not mistaken that takes place near the snowy mountains which was an endgame area.
Replies: >>261455
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>Bigfoot mission you should already be nearing the end because if I'm not mistaken that takes place near the snowy mountains which was an endgame area.
Endgame in the main story yeah, but I just started Undead Nightmare more or less
Cleared Blackwater and Manzanita Trading Post and just finished clearing Thieves Landing while I still have not followed one of the two leads that some townfolk were talking about
>between half or 1/3rd as long as the main game
Alright thanks
Replies: >>261457
>Endgame in the main story yeah, but I just started Undead Nightmare more or less
Huh, I could've sworn that bigfoot one wasn't until a decent bit into it, maybe it's one of the side ones and you did it early? Either that or my memory's all jumbled up.
By the way keep your eyes peeled when you travel from one place to another, especially offroad, if you're lucky you might find something pretty cool, I'm not gonna say what to not spoil it but you'll know when you see it and it'll be super useful.
Replies: >>261459
Spoiler File
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Its one of those side stories, yeah
>find something pretty cool
I think I already found the thing in question
Replies: >>261460
Yup. Strange, I thought the spawn was randomized and the fact I found it early in the game was just a stroke of luck, but since you also found the same exact one also early in suggests it isn't. Be careful not to lose it like I did, it's by far both the coolest looking and most useful one, and it's one time type deal as you might've guessed.
Replies: >>261461
>and it's one time type deal as you might've guessed
I wasn´t but thanks for the heads up
If its a one time thing, whats the point of the 4 Horses of the Apocalypse challenge or finding the fabled unicorn?
Replies: >>261462
You replace one with the other, like in single player you can only have 1 ride saved at a time. I only ever found 2 of them, War, which I lost at some point, and Famine while searching for another War dupe, which I could not find. I didn't like Famine's special ability much but at least it was still fast and with infinite stamina.
Replies: >>261464
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>I only ever found 2 of them
I´ll try finding all of them then
Maybe it will net me something special from it like the other challenges
>infinite stamina
War seems to have infinite too?
Either that or there is some bug or they have ludicrous amounts of stamina to the point that it doesn´t matter
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>Literally play the first Zelda game.
>"Literally" play.
You could have wrote "Just play the first Zelda game" and not sound like a reddit faggot.
More voices of the void. I have level 3 signals unlocked and its only day 8. I have a metal detector too and I get to dig up random shit in the woods. Hooray. Still not exploring outside, its safe in my base and nothing can get me.
Replies: >>261494
>its safe in my base and nothing can get me
Put any skulls you find in the emergency shower. It'll be funny.
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I'm playing Silent Hill 2 remake
I don't dislike it as much as I thought I would, still feels completely devoid of any sort personality, I play this and think I might as well be playing RE2 remake, Evil Within, Alone in the Dark remake, last of us, or any recent third person horror shooter with "stealth" mechanics.
It is a well made game, but I haven't seen a single person praising it who can establish why it's "good" without referencing the original.
Replies: >>261530
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>RE2 remake, Evil Within, Alone in the Dark remake, last of us, or any recent third person horror shooter with "stealth" mechanics.
That's the problem i have with these "remakes", apart from the usual poz or godawful character design, they look and play all the same, dumbing down both gameplay and visuals in order to please those retards who can't play anything different from the same stale shit they played for more than 15 years straight.
> I haven't seen a single person praising it who can establish why it's "good" without referencing the original.
That's another reason these remakes suck.
Because they have no merits on their own, and they live off the OG's merits.
The tasteless plebs praising this shit (paid shills aside) are doing it for the story and the characters, that are copied (badly) from the original game.
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Do visual novels count?
Currently, I'm playing Sekien no Inganock ~What a beautiful people~ and I'm almost midway through the story I think. I'm liking it so far, since it has good worldbuilding, good poetic prose (probably even better in Japanese), a unique and nice looking artstyle, and good characterizations. My only complaints are the horrendous mini game in which I looked up a guide for (and while it gives you the option to turn it off, it is highly not recommended since it elaborates on many parts of the story that aren't explained in the main game), and how MC gets this Sailor Moon tier power up that defeats the monster of the week...maybe I'm too early in the story to judge now but hopefully this doesn't happen all the time. Otherwise, this vn is doing a good job of pulling me in so far. I love how the MC has a little quasi-family going on, it's really adorable and heartwarming. The cat girl is cute and very likeable (I usually don't care too much for cat girls), and so is the loli. If this were just a VN about the three of them being a family I think I would still enjoy it a lot.
Replies: >>261824
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currently going through Dragon Ball Sparking zero.
shirtless muscular anime men make my vagina twitch 
I hope they add Launch, she was added to DB legends after all.
currently not interested on PVP i'm just playing the story mode
Replies: >>261766
I didn't really get Madness Project Nexus at first but now that I've rerolled my character in Arena Mode I realize that it's a very solid top down shooter once you get used to the progression system. That one mission where you fight a ton of zombies solo is one motherfucker of a difficulty spike.
Tits or GTFO
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I'm watching a playthrough of this now. There's some good and bad, but overall I don't think there's enough improvement over the original to replace it for me...
>more detailed environment
More room for exploration is always nice, but you often just find ammo/health items. I think the polaroids (photographs) are collectibles but I'm not sure if they serve any purpose or unlock anything.
>more world building through notes
I felt the newspapers, journals, and letters were more fleshed out in the remake. I vastly prefer those to cutscenes.
>more challenging enemies
Not sure if this is a positive thing considering SH is not supposed to be an action game, but I loved how unpredictable some of the enemies have become. Especially the ones that rise from the ground some time after you double-stomp them.
>(some) redesigned puzzles
I thought they were surprisingly creative, especially the ones in the apartments.
>glass smashan
Destruction is fun.
<the fucking RE4 engine
This is now a generic action game with the same generic walking+aiming camera used since RE4 (2005). Long gone are the areas with the unique camera angles and the challenging "layman" shooting mechanic. Pic related became true to a tee.
<the cut content and puzzles
They even rub it in your face by changing the camera for a few seconds and playing a jingle anytime you encounter a "relic" from the original game. Maria even uncovers her original dress and ASKS the player if she should wear it, but you can't answer so she puts it away. There are also "references" to Born from a Wish but no gameplay to match.
<the fucking cutscenes
It started out with minimal changes to the dialogue and before you know it entire cutscenes are replaced and dragged out for quadruple the time. The pure walking areas (no combat) have been made longer too.
<character designs
Much has been said about this but I'm most bothered by James and Maria looking like elderly people wearing the skin of young adults. It's hard to describe but they just look uncanny, and not in a good way.
<character personalities
The character personality changes are arguably worse than the visual changes; Maria sounds bored and annoying, Eddie sounds pathetic and non threatening in the least, Angela sounds WAY too deep for a young woman, and Laura is a major brat... James sounds alright though.
<more jumpscares
Most of them are just bullshit. Part of SH's charm is keeping the player guessing and slowly driving him mad, the remake ruins this with too many jumpscares.
<the empty drawers
Why are there so many?
>Not sure if this is a positive thing considering SH is not supposed to be an action game
People who wanted a remake arguing that SH2 needed to improve its "combat" clearly don't have a clue of what kind of game Silent Hill is supposed to be.
All the shit i expected from the demake came true, including the RE4 over-the-shoulder camera and gameplay, uglier characters and censorship.
The fan made "Enhanced Edition" is the definitive way to play SH2.
Apart from that, the only acceptable changes would be an increase of polygons for the character models and upscaled textures.
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Pretty much my thoughts exactly. It's not really a bad game, it's just not good at being SH2. Makes sense that all the "long time SH2 fans" that never actually played the original love it.
>also "references" to Born from a Wish but no gameplay to match
Surely they're gonna sell that shit as DLC later. The game sold well and the goyim's wallets are desperate to be emptied.
>Laura is a major brat
Of all things they got wrong, this ain't one of them chief.
Replies: >>262661
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>Maria looking like elderly people wearing the skin of young adults.
I blame the actress for looking both 30 and 50 simultaneously, both her and James are supposed to be around 30 but she looks much older to me
I'm the anon from this >>261715 post and I just finished the visual novel so I'm going to give a review.

It wasn't bad...I didn't really like the fight scenes, didn't like how many things weren't explained properly, and I didn't like how some of the characters seemed pretty useless and irrelevant to the story overall Looking at you Ruaha.... While I did like the prose of the writing, at times it got too repetitive, and mostly because of the lack of explanation from the plot **and probably my low iq* some of it was extremely cryptic to the point of being nonsensical. This is supposed to be one of those philosophical stories so I didn't let my self become to bothered by the plot and writing, however, it was very, very, confusing at times especially since a few things end up being unanswered. Anyway, I hear there is a webnovel series that expands the plot a little more so I'm going to go try to find and read it. I think on a scale of enjoyment I give it a 6/10. Not bad and pretty creative.
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Finished Undead Nightmare and found all the 4 horses
Had to go to a/the Red Dead wiki to find Pestilence spawn locations, but Death was given for free after finishing the story an level 5 of the horse challenge was pretty easy (trample each type of undead with Death) and nets you the Bloodpacts that allow for free summoning
Repetitive dlc but the few pieces of music that weren´t ambient were pretty good and turning zeds into fine red mist with a blunderbuss never got old
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I've played this game on and off for like 20 years now but never finished it. Just a few days ago I started it again and finally it's complete...
There's still the post-game of course but I'm not sure if it's worth the effort. The missions have been lacking so far and "The Driver" in particular is just too frustrating, might as well throw in the towel.
Replies: >>261869
Nevermind, this isn't "the post-game" that's just what's left of the missions before the final one.
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Are all Mario games THIS BAD?
I remember playing some Mario game like a decade ago but only recently i played this one and its pretty boring. The only level i liked was some mole level on world 5. And the bowser fights are so bad. I thought you actually had to fight him some way so i mean i lost alot of lives but after completing the fights it just seems like you're supposed to run past him which is retarded. Im definetly not having fun.
Replies: >>262273 >>262275
No. Some are actually good, believe it or not. But around the wii era nintendo figured out the quality of bingbingwahoos didn't matter as much as brand recognition to the vast majority of fans. Emulate Super Mario World or 64. Someone decompiled 64 and made a PC port if you can find that. If those don't strike your fancy then the bingbingwahoos might just not be for you.
Replies: >>262275
>Are all Mario games THIS BAD?
No, you just picked the worst one to start with.
In all honesty 3D World on the Wii U/Switch is a fair improvement over 3D Bland and the Switch exclusive Bowser's Furry expansion is what 3D Land/World-style Mayro should've been in the first place.
The brand recognition thing certainly applies to the NSMB series and even Galaxy 2 to a degree, those games are souped-up asset flips Galaxy 2 is breddy darn gud in spite of that though.
>playing Factorio
>looking forward to checking other planets
>get to fulgora
>immediately lose interest in playing
I thought this map would be a comfy break from all the alien attacks and I could experiment with quality minmaxing thanks of the recycler, but this just kinda sucks. You need to make some kind of nightmarish item recycling and disposal loop for 100 different items, which wouldn't be bad if the planet wasn't also 80% oil that you can't build on nor landfill over. This seems like the planet where you need to have space the most, but you have the least.
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Pleying edf 6. Im at the 100+ missions and some of these are starting to get unfair, fuck krakens.
Replies: >>262517
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Pacific Drive
Its nice and comfy driving in a different kind of zone and its rare to have a game nowadays that allows import of custom music tracks even if the formats feel rather limited

What difficulty?
The shielded ones get worse on inferno
I want to listen to some music while I drive around in my shitty car, would you say it's good if I don't care about the story?
Replies: >>262524
Hard is what I started on.  Hardest mix it up a lot like they stated doing in 5?
Replies: >>262524
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I don´t care about the story either and I´m only doing the story because deeper parts of the zone are gated behind it and with it new car parts and upgrades to research and craft
Just get the tranny flag remover mod beforehand and FYI the game only seems to accept .mp3 and.wav files for its ingame radio

Mix up of enemies and some get a new fuck you like the shield krakens get reflective shields IIRC
Replies: >>262526
Should also note the tracks in game are fucking hot steaming garbage and the voice acting is abysmal.
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Its fun.
Replies: >>262621 >>262758
Chinese core keeper knockoff with monster waifus.
Replies: >>262626 >>262699
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And no niggers.
Replies: >>262723
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Been playing SMT 1 for the SNES.
So far so good.
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That SH2 fake Ad turned out to be prophetic anyone with a brain saw that shit coming
>long time fans who never played it
Are such retards actually a thing?
I thought it was just a meme, but with all the retards among normalfags i wouldn't be surprised if there's morons claiming they are fans of games they never played.
Core Keeper has "body type" tranny shit in it. This chinese knockoff doesnt.
Replies: >>262723
I'm convinced. Sign me up.
>word starts appearing on one line and jumps to the next line when it runs out of room
Replies: >>262943
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Still working on BattleTech. After a couple embarrassing pilot deaths and an outright failure during the first Oops! All Urbies Training Day mission, we of the SmekWarriors now have our own socially progressive headscarf-wearing mud woman to fix our new JumpShip. I'm not mad enough to drop the game because the setting always had Arabs farting around the areas where the game takes place and the faction you're working for has a vague Moorish Spain flavor, but I'm still mad because she's obviously there for ESG points.

It's still cool because we have a BattleTech Center now.
Read faster, fag.
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I have started Starsector again and this time modded it to shit. There are still more I can do but this is enough, for now anyway. 
Current Fleet. 
Dawn best girl.
Replies: >>262949 >>263011
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Oh yes, it begins.
Replies: >>262960 >>263011
where's the sex
Replies: >>262980 >>263002
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Replies: >>262962
Replies: >>262963
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>if i mod it out it doesnt exist
>donate button
Replies: >>262991
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What about https://ayakalounge.me/ ?
Hard right now, I think in on edf 8? Its where you get in the robot for that very first mission.

Dawn is for petting, handholding, kissing, and then gentle lovemaking.

UAF is installed to satisfy my base desires. I also have secrets of the frontier installed which gives you le quirky ai Sierra but her ship slaps so it's cool.  

I just did the mission that unlocks her cruiser which is a massive pain in the ass because of the damage output it shits and how fast it can move.  I basically needed to catch it when it moved in during initial connect otherwise my formation would break apart and it would rip though individual ships. I did it 4-5 times and the last I thought I fucked up again.  It charged and overloaded me,  I panic dumped a bunch of gazer DMEs and sabots and it peeled off toward my fleet.  After I drove back some of the enemy supporting ships that were tailing the cruiser I went to my command screen to see where it got to.  I thought it just went out of range but after I didn't see it lurking in the corners of the map I realized it was gone. I'm guessing the sabot and dme spam overloaded it and it got killed by my missles and fighters.  Then I cleaned up and won the battle so I was pretty pleased.
Me too, my nigger.
Anybody know how to speedrun into buying favonius?
Is it possible without a commission?
Stupid fucking jew modder hid all the 0.96 files.
Replies: >>263016
whats that?
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Replay this shit at least once a year.
>ywn steal shit with rutee and get thrown in jail with her for it
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I finally decided to play SH1 despite being a ps1 game it feels pretty modern, just holding the bumper and the button to keep your weapon out  there's almost nothing that really makes it seem like a ps1 game outside of a few minor things  like the graphics and turning and having to open a menu to reload.
you get a stupid amount of ammo for your handgun and as long as you run past the dogs  you can basically gun down every fleshy flying dinosaur if they get too close
I only gotten past the key hunting for the dog house  I gotten 2 keys out of 3 just by exploring the map  the third which I just didn't bother because I looked around basically everywhere and just looked it up and it was hidden off somewhere that seemed like a dead end.

maybe I'm just stupid or inpatient or both but  to me it seemed like just something  that they did to sell guides or have you make a paid phone call for Hints&tips.
I'm having a good time but I dread if this game  has me checking every nook and cranny for something  again and possibly where the story is going if there even is one other than man trips the fuck out because hes so mentally unstable and is in denial of  reality and makes a mental image of his daughter and him going into a town for a trip.
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>I finally decided to play SH1 despite being a ps1 game
And because it is a PS1 game the shooting, for instance, is a lot more twitchy and fun than in the later games. You can immediately stop the running animation by aiming with a gun, which made some bosses like the moth monster pretty frantic.
Only boss I remember being utter garbage was Satan, which had you unloading rifle ammo on it while you kept tanking thunder bolts by going back and forth into the inventory after every hit.
>just looked it up and it was hidden off somewhere that seemed like a dead end
Do you mean the key in the trunk or the one by the hoops? I can't remember whether it happens in 1, but in SH2 and 3 the player character's head tilts in the direction where items are in the room.
If you genuinely don't know what to do just just whip out a notebook and look at the map. Having to write down my thoughts made me realize how plain and simple the piano and the zodiac puzzle were.

>something  that they did to sell guides
Only thing I had to look up were things you'd look for in a second playthrough, such as saving Cybil which isn't the canon ending and how to get the ayy lmao ending.
>because hes so mentally unstable and is in denial of reality
Harry is mentally sound, the town is what's out of the ordinary. What he's seeing is actually happening, and if he saw his adoptive daughter teleporting in front of him it's because she is a supernatural entity herself.
This isn't a "psychological" horror game, it's just plain horror.
Replies: >>263189 >>263224
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>despite being a ps1 game
You gotta problem with PS1 games?
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Replaying the original Silent Hill 2 now. For some reason melee combat feels worse than I remember, it needs a certain amount of precision to land hits without taking damage. Firearm combat is ezpz though...
My biggest gripe with this game is the camera defaulting to second person view in certain tight spaces, that just makes no sense. If I can't see what's literally right in front of my face then there's something very wrong.
Other than that I have no complaints. The game is fun and still manages to spook me all these years later.

>maybe I'm just stupid or inpatient or both but  to me it seemed like just something  that they did to sell guides
You're impatient. The game shows you where to go on the map, the cutscenes help too but it's mostly the map. When you explore you get rewarded with useful items and maybe a different ending but that's not the proper way to progress through the story.

>in SH2 and 3 the player character's head tilts in the direction where items are
That's not in SH1, however the poly count is so low and the colors so vibrant that any collectible item sticks out like a sore thumb. You also get alternative camera angles when you approach key items so there's practically no way to miss anything in this game.
>Do you mean the key in the trunk or the one by the hoops?
it was the one at Levin St where you had to walk the plank  I didn't think anything of that because it just seemed like a invisible wall to make sure the player  went in the order they intended
the other keys were simple to find because the map pretty much told me that  the keys were in a specific area.
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Downloaded Warcraft 3 cd from archiveorg and then patched it. And downloaded warcraft 1 and 2 from gog
Replies: >>263259
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Soul vs Soulless
Replies: >>263433
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I, Anonymous, humbly submit a toast to Anonymous for successfully managing to pirate Warcraft III, so that he may consume the cum chalice. Congratulations, Anon.
Replies: >>263261
Who is he? He is cute.
He ain't so cute now
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Replies: >>263280
lol didn't know that Korn was that way
I agree, the one on the right looks way better.
Replies: >>263442
Until she tries to make an expression and just looks strange
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Oh yes, love can bloom amongst these barren stars. 
Also you know, a perk she gets is nice. 
I'm getting some weird ass crash in game and I think I might have pinned it down to symbiotic void creatures. I saw a pirate try to stake me with a harpoon and then the game crashed. Would explain why it's so hard to pin down, not everyone has them.
Replies: >>263501
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>symbiotic void creatures.
What mod?
Replies: >>263503 >>263507
That's the name of the mod.
Buy it.  It's the sooperspesial oc faction and will bring fat cash. Plus all the rape you want. 
I bought sone card from some gay robot and I have no idea what so do with it, I thought it would open some special market or sonething. The cryptocard or something, any ideas?
Replies: >>263510
You're supposed to turn it in for either 60k cakepoints or 1 mil creds.
the whole shop thing isnt in 0.96 though so I can't say for sure how
Please tell me there's an archive of old starsector mod versions
Now i playing a classic doom, i don't have other thing for play, if your give me ideas, i play.
Replies: >>263568
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Play The Maiden Rape Assault -Violent Semen Inferno-
Replies: >>263583 >>263701
>Group Sex of One Female and Several Males
Replies: >>263585
How is that gay
Replies: >>263586 >>263675
Letting another mans dick touch yours.
Why is captcha on
Replies: >>263685
so basically every person who hasn't fucked  their sister or cousin is gay?
Replies: >>263693
if i going to play a weird game from japan, i am going play Morimia or Fear of Hunger, and not this. But you reply make me laugh, thanks.
A random anon, please explain for me, why have many weird games in Japan? Is because the culture?
Replies: >>263705
Japan is perfectly normal. The west is weird.
Replies: >>263714
I am not say in this sense, but about the indie game scene in Japan!
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I'm playing Sanctum 2, this game is boring, the art style, the gameplay, the towers, the guns, they removed every single feature that made the first game fun and enjoyable, the weapon upgrades, the tower upgrades, the number of enemies, the number of towers you can place in a map, it doesn't feel like a tower defense game, it feels like shooter with some tower defense mechanics.
The art style reminds of that disgusting lesbian webcomic people used post a decade ago to derail threads, Skye in first game was cute, now I have to look at this half eaten beef jerky every time I load a map.
So why are you forcing yourself to play it? There must be something good in there.
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>The art style reminds of that disgusting lesbian webcomic people used post a decade ago to derail threads
Oh man, I haven't gotten to bust this out in a while. Thanks for the reminder.
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I will play this when it comes out because it looks good and has tomboys in swimsuits
I have once again started pathfinder kingmaker. I was going to start a new save file but I do have a rogue who is at the start of troll trouble. Rogue is ok, lots of skill points and UMD gives him a few things to play with. I've considered dipping into another class but I'm not sure. I'm about to go start the teins quest so I can smother myself in big red ass as a king.
An older file I had that was an alchemic bomber which was a ton of fun, but I have no idea where it  went on my drive. I may remake it. Hucking all the different bombs with crazy effects was to much fun. It took me a long time to find a class I like yet for some reason that one stuck. Used a long spear to avoid attacks of opportunity when I threw bombs.
Replies: >>263962
I just finished Dragon Valor for the first time. I really like how the game lets you keep the spells and rare low stat boost items between generations but not the more common high stat boosters. It captures the sense of progression while still keeping fodder enemies relevant. I hate how the enemy i-frames only flash some of the time, making me overextend myself just to waste an attack and eat shit. The clear save only seems to save the routes completed instead of letting you keep all your loot on restarting, so that sucks too. And that piece of shit shopkeeper only offered 10 VAL for my harp that I've been carrying since Chapter 1. What a cunt.
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I got to stage 3 in Cotton on the PCE CD.
Have you finished the campaign before? I keep bouncing off of it. I've completed WotR and love it, but Kingmaker just saps my will to play every time. I've installed and uninstalled like 4 times. I don't get it.
Started playing Crow Country. Probably my favorite modern survival horror game I've played thus far. Great art style and setting. I'd actually recommend this as a good entry into the genre, it's not as hard to get into for new players as the RE trilogy might be.
I never played 1, but I really liked 2 back in the day. Maybe I'll go back to the first one.
Replies: >>263990
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>Crow Country
I wanted to give that one a try, glad to know it is actually good.
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This absolute motherfucker spawned so close to my wall that even a flamethrower turret directly in front of it can't reach it. I'm busy fixing my shit in Gleba, I can't go all the way back to fix this right now.
Replies: >>264069 >>264090
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>repair packs ran out
>this one particular wall has no robot connection to my base
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Been playing Intravenous, is fun.
Does this sad unfinished joke of a game have more than three enemy types yet?
Replies: >>264094 >>264095
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With Space Age DLC yes, but they're not as interesting as you'd expect.

Currently trying to design version 3 of my attempt to harvest resources on this planet, the enemies are not even fully at tier 2 evolution and they just break my shit every other time they attack. Can't set up research for new weapons for the same reason, I'm not sure what else I'm supposed to do. I don't even want to be here but the enemies destroy everything if I go away for too long.
What makes you say that?
Replies: >>264111
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Playing the PS2 Berserk game since I just finished catching up with the manga and now feel depressed and empty because I have no more chapters to read, but also disappointed since the new chapters feel very rushed and the art isn't as good as Miura's.

Replies: >>264136
The fact that they scrapped their entire developer roadmap, which included things like a full proper campaign with actual level design and multiplayer as a sort of innovative RTS where you issue orders to robotic units from a command center.  Sadly they spent too much time working on mechanical tweaking to please autists on their forums, until finally they just threw their hands up in the air and gave up entirely on ever finishing their game.  We're left with a "game" with a paper-thin goal, no campaign and only a procedural generator, and a pathetic lack of enemy variety.

As if Minecraft wasn't already instructive enough, Factorio was the final conclusive demonstration to me of the broken nature of early access as a game development model. The players you attract when a game isn't finished yet (people who for various reasons are willing to pay money to play with something that has very little content) are bad for future development.  Developers' sense of indebtedness to them compels them to spend all their time and energy refining corners instead of following through with their original ambitions.

When a game is merely a collection of mechanics without content, goals, objectives, etc. to test the player's skill yet, the kind of base attracted to this ends up being one that just wants to play with Legos instead of a coherent game. So you end up with a base of people on your forums who have bought your unfinished game, who are of course very dedicated to the product they are already experiencing. And the large majority of the feedback you get from them comes from a mechanical perspective. These people are very vocal about fine-tuning this or that mechanic, adding this or that mechanic similar to something they've already experienced, but most players (even if their interest is in an actual game more than playing with Legos) don't really have any idea what kind of actual content they would like to see in a game, especially to a degree that's helpful to a game designer. The developers, who have their livelihoods to thank to these benefactors, in turn begin to spend increasingly large amounts of their time fine-tuning mechanics, and slowly lose sight of the original broad development goals and develop a fear of making firm decisions about level design, player objectives, game progression, etc. Eventually the developers abandon their original intentions entirely and give up, having achieved a sufficiently large audience who is perfectly fine with their unfinished game. For the developers it can be described as a successful commercial model for making a living, but it's a failure as a model for producing games.

[spoiler]Also I'm increasingly angry that one of the devs abandoned a very important OpenTTD mod and to this day has left it with very serious unresolved bugs.[/spoiler]
>intelligent well thought out reply
Very nice.
if you want to know how to do spoilers and stuff just read the faq at the bottom of the page
Replies: >>264119
Dunno which dumbass decided to drop supporting legacy tags, but I'm very annoyed at alternative image boards using divergent markup syntax lately.  I don't post on only one image board and I don't have time to learn which special snowflake syntax variant each one is using.
Replies: >>264128
Yep, a lot of functionality of the DLC was intended and advertised to be in the base game, until they just slapped the 1.0 sticker on their unfinished product to justify increasing the price and just called it quits.
But no, you don't get that content we advertised to you before release goyim. That'll be 35 dollaridoos please.

Meanwhile their retarded fans defend them like they'd be killed if any dishonor befalls their beloved developers. "No no, they're totally based for not doing sales, to avoid FOMO. Oops they just announced they're raising the base game's price for the third time, better get it quick!"
Replies: >>264130 >>264137
Never spoil, never hide. If they dont want to see it then they should avert their eyes from your glory.
retards will  lap it up because at least it's not EA despite it's the same shit
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Playing through Project Zomboid unstable Build 42.
So far I really hate how they nerfed the combat mechanic. 
In B41 you could take on like 5 zombies or more if you're confident enough. Now with the new "muscle strain mechanic" you can barely take on 2 now. But at the same time the zombies movement have been changed to compensate the new mechanic.
So far there's a couple of nice things they added such as new lighting and a facelift on the spawn map.
Except for the new art for the loading screens and main menu that really don't fit with the game at all Don't get me started on the moodle icons. I don't know what retard approved it but they look like shit to me, unless it's just a place holder till they fix whatever bugs are in the game.
Replies: >>264135 >>264144
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>Project Zomboid
>So far I really hate how they nerfed the combat mechanic. 
I don't really post on /v/ since I don't play vidya anymore but this pissed me off enough to stop scrolling the overboard. I can't believe this game is gonna go down the same fun-sapping realism-obsessive route that CDDA went. Hopefully if they do go through with this muscle strain mechanic, a modder will remove it. That's is all for my sperg out, have fun with your zombie survival game anon.
Just like Gut's journey, being a fan of Berserk is true suffering.
Money doesn't come from nowhere. If you have a project more ambitious than a generic card game then you probably have to do early access or you might never be able to make it in the first place. Nobody likes slaving away in some goy job, but for indie devs it's even worse because you now have only 20% of the day and 10% of your energy left to work on your game. You might cut even more corners for 1.0 because you're desperate to move your focus from shekel goldstein's corporation into your passion project. I'm trying to make games too, I haven't even managed to made a sellable game yet and I'm already feeling the pressure to change my plans and compromise on my ideas so I can change my life situation, I'm writing this comment in the 30 minutes I have after waking up before having to leave for work. How in the fuck am I supposed to make one of the games I want to make all the way up to 1.0 in this situation?

I can't even imagine what it's like for something like Factorio where you're in a team, nobody's going to work for free for 8 years on your epic game. Factorio was in development for a year even before crowdfunding, which then gave like 5 months worth of salary for a team of 2. So you're saying they were supposed to release 1.0 after 2 years of development? For context, those blogs >>264127 would have been released 2 years after 1.0. But instead development continued and the team grew to 30 people over the next 7 years. There's no way you can fund that without early access. Early access also gives motivation because you don't have to work on the game in secrecy for 8 years.

>just make shitty small game that you have 0 passion for to make money first
Yeah? And compete with 200 games-per-day on Steam trying to do the same (or 2000-per-day on mobile)? I've heard stories of people getting stuck in a cycle of making a small game and getting barely enough to fund the next small game.

Releasing a big game straight to 1.0 is fiction for most small developers, but it sure sounds good to people who don't have to be the one making the game. It was more reasonable in the past when the entire development cycle of a game was 1-2 years and a decent job netted you 50x more purchasing power than it does today.

>These people are very vocal about fine-tuning this or that mechanic
Factorio is probably the most well designed and polished game I've ever played, so it's clearly working for them. It's probably one of the reasons why it's so well received, as far as I remember Factorio held the most highly rated game position on steam until some politically motivated review bombing campaign.
Replies: >>264140
You make various well-taken critiques of the difficulty and unfairness of being an independent/hobbyist developer.  In spite of this, however, there are many examples of such developers putting out complete products without subjecting development to the early access process.  Obviously early access isn't the only way to get a game made and be successful.

>So you're saying they were supposed to release 1.0 after 2 years of development?
This is a strange straw man, they've had far longer than two years at this point and still failed to produce a competent campaign or robust enemy variety.  If I remember right the point at which they abandoned their old developer roadmap was actually probably around four or five years of development.  The sorry state of Factorio is not really a question of time or developer resources, you've made the case now that they've had a ton of that.  It's a question of misplaced focus.

For some reason we tend to have a lot of bias when video game discourse is involved, so I think a physical game analogy will help here.  You can spend decades of research and development making the perfect 'rubber ball' that's optimally durable, has the best elasticity, is the perfect weight, etc.  But if that's all you ever do with your time and resources, you haven't gotten any closer to constructing the 'game' of Basketball.

A game is more than a collection of mechanics.  It is also level design, enemy design, objectives, etc.  The problem with early access is it puts a system in place that encourages abandoning the latter in favor of mechanical tweaking.

>some politically motivated review bombing campaign
They got exactly what they deserved when they voluntarily tainted their project with asinine geopolitics.  Turns out not everyone in the world has their brain colonized by NATO.
Replies: >>264164
this is so stupid.
what fucking weakling working on the game cant swing a weapon more than 10 times without getting a muscle strain holy shit
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がんばれゴエモン〜ネオ桃山幕府のおどり〜 ought to be a national treasure of the Nipponese nation, it's so god damn genuine.
The SFC games were good, but this one sticks out because it's arguably one of the closest adaptations of 2D gameplay into 3D without overmuch jank hindering it, the entire game could be demade into an SFC game yet the 3D gameplay is nonetheless just as if not smoother than the 2D games and it just werks unlike many of its competitors.
Even the 1997-tier graphics are charming in their artistically excellent simplicity, sure the textures are low res but almost everything you need to know is conveyed fluidly in a manner even M64 at times can't reach and by god those CRT-dimmed sunsets.
Only genuine problem the game has for one is the camera, it follows your character and automatically recenters itself when you stand still like any proper current day 3D platformer camera does but there's zero manual control over it, this extends to the pre-battle Impact sections as well where the camera is positioned at an awkward angle that coupled with the N64 draw distance and sluggish jumping animations can make it hard to react at times, a problem not present in the SFC games.

OOT probably would not exist as >we know it without this game.
>>264111 (checked)
Replies: >>264160
That used to work ago a few years back, wonder why it no longer does because nested spoilers were neat.
Replies: >>265299
>there are many examples of such developers putting out complete products without subjecting development to the early access process
Not everyone has the same life situation and opportunities, yes. In this kind of discussions the tone is usually that anyone who does early access is supid/lazy/greedy/etc. Since players themselves are part of the problem for buying unfinished games, from my perspective it feels like people keep going into ghettos in detroit and then complaining about how evil gun owners are when they keep getting shot by niggers.

>This is a strange straw man, they've had far longer than two years at this point and still failed to produce a competent campaign or robust enemy variety
It's also [insert fallacy] to say that early access is to blame for the changes in their plans. Whether they've been as fast as they should is one thing, but how can you KNOW that Factorio would have released with a campaign if they didn't do early access? How do you know they wouldn't have had very similar changes of plans without early access as they did with it? There's countless examples of non-early access games that get changed inbetween announcement and release, sometimes very drastically, nobody has a perfect design document that they will follow 1:1 all the way. Jonathan Blow, who is considered one of the best game designers who are known by name, says that great games are not designed, they are discovered (tl;dr you start with an idea/theory and then explore it to find what kind of things are actually fun/interesting about it). The reason you even know exactly what changed with Factorio is because early access allows you to see the actual development process (and also because they are exceptionally open about the development process in their blog).

Enemies: On one hand I agree about enemy variety (and enemies in general, I hate that a straight line of turrets is the best defense, but even I don't know how to fix that), but on another hand maybe they never came up with enemies that are interesting enough to be worth adding. If they add a new enemy to Nauvis, they'd inevitably come along the same paths as biters and spitters and then you need to use the same copypaste turret wall everywhere anyway and nothing has changed. If you add a flying enemy that goes over water then you'd just need turret walls everywhere and that would only make the game less interesting because you can't take advantage of shoreline bottlenecks. If you add special enemies that only appear at late-game, that would just be annoying because suddenly all your walls start breaking at once and you weren't prepared. The developers seem to be very conservative about adding things that aren't actually worthy additions, they've even removed features that weren't interesting enough, like pickaxes. You can list a whole bunch of mechanical differences with the spiders on Gleba, but in practice you don't do anything new to fight them, it's mostly the planet itself that makes fighting different because you have new constraints and needs.

Space platform: In my opinion space age is better than what their original plans with the space platform sounded like, so the game might have been worse if they went with the original plan. Maybe they could already sense that it's not interesting enough, so they put it on the shelf until they came up with the idea to make space platforms basically be trains between planets.

Campaign: Maybe they just found the sandbox gameplay to be far more appealing and lost interest in the campaign. Maybe they thought it would split the game in 2 and didn't want that. Maybe they didn't have good enough ideas for it and they just couldn't make it fun and interesting enough.

They changed their mind and wanted the perfect bouncy ball to bounce around (sandbox gameplay) and lost interest in making a team game around it (campaign), is that wrong? You don't get to be the most highly rated PC game if you don't do something extremely right.
>but they promised
According to you the players are the ones who wanted the perfect bouncy ball. There's a lot of developers that change into a direction that nobody likes (which may be happening to Zomboid right now), but this seems like the opposite: they planned to go to a certain direction but instead focused on the parts that people already liked. Whether or not they should have kept on the original course regardless gets philosophical, but as far as objectively measurable things go, the opinions around the game have remained extremely positive.

>tainted their project with asinine geopolitics
If I remember right it was because they quoted some programmer who, unknown to the developers at the time, also happens to hate the gays or something, and the developers told reddit to shove cancel culture up their asses because the quote is good regardless of who said it. Not 100% sure if that drama was the first one though.
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Replaying MGS4. If you skip most of the cutscenes it's a good 6-8 hour romp. Sunny is cute and Raiden is a huge faggot for not sticking around to protect her smile.
>at the frog ambush in South America
>despite Big Boss Hard making enemies more sensitive to sound you can still hide under the desk and noscope them all with the Mk.22 as they breach the building
>caution disappears
>huh? I thought there was a cutscene here
>I guess you have to try to leave first
>walk out and turn the corner
Can't believe that still got me. Also can't believe I did the photo shoot easter egg and still forgot to pick up the doll.
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miside is pretty cute and funny.
Replies: >>265334
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I hate this fucking planet, these enemies are impossible to deal with without artillery. It's not like I can't defend against normal attacks, but the game is a bugged piece of shit so the enemies freeze and keep stacking up into this kind of massive piles until one of my turrets causes the enemies to update and the entire pile unfreezes and attacks all at once. This image is immediately after an attack so the enemy pile is smaller than it gets.
Replies: >>265275 >>265302
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Here's a video. The actual attack group is gathering on the left, but there's just a huge pile of frozen enemies in the middle, and I guess my tesla turret beam jumps from the attackers into this pile and unfreezes them.
Replies: >>265302
I’ve only ever seen nested spoilers work on 4chan, not even 8chan had them.
Welcome back, I suppose
Go to Fulgora first and get the lighting turrets from there, enemies on Gleba have zero resistances to lighting. Alternatively invest in rocket turrets.
Replies: >>265314
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Finished MiSide, this game has no happy ending, which is weird, i don't remember playing any visual novel type game without a happy ending. But I guess this is normal for Russians? It's a walking simulator but i do enjoy playing it.
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I have both and all my turrets are purple quality, but they don't help when 20 medium/large stompers and strafers all attack as a solid mass of enemies. I can't add more lightning turrets because I can't generate enough electricity on this planet. Maybe I need to replace all my solar panels and accumulators with purple quality ones too and and/or redesign this wall to be mostly rocket turrets.
Replies: >>265322 >>265336
Played and completed the demo for Tactical Breach Wizards, which released last year. It's a neat experience that is more like a puzzle game wearing a tactics skin than any actual kind of tactics game, and while the writing has a bit too much unnecessary snark you can at least choose dialog options to minimize that. The real reason I don't want to play it is the upgrade and perk system; I'm just tired of games which pretend to have gameplay with limitations (actions per turn, damage per attack, etc.) and then let you either flat-out upgrade the damage or boost your characters' capabilities in so many ways that it becomes redundant.

The optimal play pattern in any game like this is to nuke all your enemy units into the ground as fast as possible, and then hunker down in cover for a turn if possible. Having the ability to rewind and fast-forward through each turn as much as you want and try every possible combination of outcomes is certainly helpful for discouraging players to stare at the screen and theorycraft for minutes before moving, but it does turn most encounters into single-turn puzzle boxes where there is definitely an optimal way to clear them.

If I weren't so picky when it comes to turn-based strategy games then I'd probably enjoy it, but I'm not going to get the full game.
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Beyond Citadel
Fun improvement over the previous game, though there still is no v-sync option and the durability mechanic is stupid and pointless

>this is normal for Russians?
Pretty much
Depression is woven into their DNA
Replies: >>265338 >>265340
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>can't generate enough electricity on this planet
Turns out I'm retarded. I never realized until now that the farmable fruits themselves are way more efficient fuel than spoilage or carbon.
Replies: >>265336
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Is this shit just another ((( DDLC )))?
Replies: >>265335 >>265470
if by that you mean subversive western slop with an eastern aesthetic that is also popular with youtubers, yes, yes it is
I was gonna post earlier but forgot, Gleba's burners for power generation are essentially free, infinite power and frankly they outpace nuclear power if you set it up right.

Glad you're figuring it out, that planet is not as bad as it seems even with the spoilage mechanic and the mobs because there's technically no waste at all because you're generating resources out of the soil which are basically infinite as long as they're properly protected.
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AI War Fleet Command
I like it, its a 4x game mixed with RTS, it has a steep learning curve compared to other RTS, but I prefer this style over the classic RTS gameplay.
What do the ex levels do?
Replies: >>265347
Can you atleast disable the durability? Irc the first game had that option.
Replies: >>265347
I don't know jack shit about this game but it looks like it has an ending where you just stay with the girl. Which already rises it above the majority of "yandere horror" games (so fucking stupid).
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They are harder but offer you a findable whetstone (permanent melee damage upgrade) and an upgrade for the player

>Can you atleast disable the durability?
Its not something you can disable sadly
Replies: >>265348
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Is this cute girls doing doom things?
Replies: >>265349
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Reached Aquilo and this is by far my favorite planet concept. I thought the heating requirement would be cancer, but in reality it makes the design part of the game much more elaborate and feels almost like an open world puzzle game. You can't just haphazardly brute force things. That said, this planet is ruined by the fact that there seems to be almost nothing to do here, you can't craft anything without shipping all the materials from other planets, and the fact that you require unique products of every planet feels kinda forced.

I'm not sure what you're supposed to do with all this excess ice, you can't dump it into the ocean (like you can in space and with lava) and I can't come up with a way to consume it in large quantities. I'm just turning them into ice platforms for now. I can put them into a recycler loop to delete them, but that becomes less viable as I research recycler productivity.
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Finally got around to beating the original Castlevania, and I'm getting close to no-continue clearing both loops.  I was expecting a somewhat less refined game since this was the first game in the series, but actually this is pretty good.  The bosses could be better, but you could also argue that they're not really the focus o the game.  It was a surprise to me to realize that the holy water is actually the best subweapon for half of the game, for the primary reason that it trivializes half the bosses.

Like a lot of other early console Konami game this has some pretty trivial 1up exploits.  Only took me a few days to figure out the best one: chaining five projectiles and enemies in a row with a cross toss to get like 15,000 points.  You get an extra life every 80,000, so it takes hardly any time at all to roll the score counter over and get the maximum of 20 extra lives for a playthrough.  I appreciate that the 2nd loop is a lot more interesting than Contra's braindead loops.  Although it also throws so many enemies at you that you can get enormous amounts of points from subweapon chains without even leaning into an exploit.
Replies: >>265394
Also I have much greater appreciation for how much of a remake Super Castlevania IV was now.
>this game has no happy ending
What is the point then?
Replies: >>265415
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I used to be addicted to visual novels and only cured by running out of games to play, ddlc bored me to fucking dead. But miside is pretty cute, I don't think it is subversive or ((( deconstruct ))) or whatever. Cute and funny.
Replies: >>265477
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>running out of games to play
EOP problems!
Replies: >>265658
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Fun fact: Oishii Two-Han Seikatsu is almost exactly the same length as the second cutscene phase of the Vamp fight in MGS4, the part where you shoot at Gekko with the railgun while Raiden and Vamp beta test Blade Mode on each other. If you push play on Snake's iPod when the fight starts the song will end right as you lose control. Knowing Kojima this was probably done on purpose.

Speaking of Kojimbo, the fanboys who insist MGR isn't canon because it breaks the setting have obviously never really watched what's going on in the right half of the screen during that fight. It's not RULES OF NATURE level bullshit but it's pretty close.
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You're not wrong anon. There are many untranslated visual novels that i really want to play. I need to study Japanese.
Replies: >>265681
>I need to study Japanese.
If/when you do, don't fall for the runology meme (ie. the reason why 99.9% of "learners" fail/quit). See >>253791
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What is with Nip loicense games having so much soul.
That doesn't look like a loli. Also turn off that disgusting filter.
That looks like a loli. Also keep that amazing filter.
Explain what you mean, that is not a medabot therefore nothing like a loli, and your filter looks worse than an HDCRT.
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I'm playing Ocarina of Time for the first time of my entire life. Truth be told I decided to do it after watching a jewtuber don't worry he didn't splurge on about nostalgia or sucking on miyamotos cock for hours.  I'm somewhat enjoying it at my own pace. I would've played the 3Ds version but I don't really have the money at the moment to even buy another 3DS nor do I want to even jailbreak mine since I don't really trust myself.
I can see why this game is overhyped as fuck and beyond. It's not the best looking game  The camera is really weird to me since I'm used to games either having a camera in place or letting me move around freely, but never having to press a button to look straight ahead.
So far the only thing that's not doing it for me is the hyrule field (which wouldn't be a problem if I didn't get a fucking horse till I reach adult link.)
But still I like the innovation aspect of it, you can really see that nintendo pulled out all the stocks on this and wanted this game to be really fun experience for whoever is playing it. 
Also Malon is cute I don't fucking care what you niggers say, I appreciate a hard working girl.
Replies: >>266109 >>266117
Please tell me that first image is not how you are playing the game.
Replies: >>266111
I don't know shit about emulators sorry
Replies: >>266112 >>266123
You poor soul, that looks awful. Please search up some recommended settings. You deserve better, man.
>first pic
The fuck am I looking?
Replies: >>266118 >>266120
A picture of a new person playing an N64 emulator in fullscreen
One of about 3 areas in the entirety of Ocarina of Time with prerendered low resolution backgrounds that fags are sperging out about because ???
Those are always gonna look like shit on anything that isn't native res on a CRT but it doesn't really matter because 98% of the game is full 3D environments that don't have any issue rendering at high res.
Replies: >>266123
It was meant for 4:3. You can probably make your emulator do 4:3 and or temporarily make your computer have 4:3 without regard to emualtor settings. Sometiems an emulator will glitch windows and force it into 4:3 when an emulator crashes just to warn you. Could mess with ur resolution so don't panic if that happens. Mupen is everyone's fav n64 emu if I recall but windows has project64 (the newest verison might have a sort of childlock where it begs for money for a few seconds when the game starts). Also, oot was fully ported to PC so using an emulator is no longer necessary. It's like Tomb Raider or Mario 64 or Doom. Everything should be native by now if you wanted the best performance (on a potato).
I liked the flat background thing RE2 did and FF7 and such. OOT sucked at it, lucky it was only there a small amount, indeed. 3d objects on flat background and character sprites  on a 3d background like in  Xenogears were cool to me. Then again I'm old enough to have found black things being red to be cool with shitty old emulators like epsxe/psxeven/etc. I often use older software on older and or shittier hardware for shits and giggles. That and I"m just used to potatoes due to being neet most of my life. Blog over. Oh, about shtity PC's, I remember one time getting all the way near to the end and the lagging made me get wrecked by Gannon when you have to bounce back his attack the second time. Shit made me mad because the computer handled it okayish all the way up to then but in between input lag and lagging in general you end up wasting a lot of time trying to get pas that part. Fucker laughin his ass off... anywho, blog over....
Replies: >>266138 >>266145
>Also, oot was fully ported to PC so using an emulator is no longer necessary. It's like Tomb Raider or Mario 64 or Doom. Everything should be native by now if you wanted the best performance (on a potato).
No kidding? That sounds great, although I'm sure it's somewhere on the internet since nintendo likes being a bitch and have probably been sending DMCA's after them. I'll check it out thanks dude.
>oot was fully ported to PC
Got a link to that?
>there are bois who don't know bout my ship of Harkinian
Nintendo hasn't sent a C&D and Cuckcuckshlomo isn't censoring results, c'mon.
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Wat now?
maybe I should fuck around with the colony crises.
Replies: >>266192
Hope much rape have you done? Went into the abyss yet? Colony crisis are pretty fun of only because of the combat. I'm done the persean league one so far and it was pretty crazy you can also cheese the fuck out of it.
I see you have Sierra, what other mods you running?
Replies: >>266266
How did you know I have that mod?
I don't think 0.96 has the abyss sadly, I'm hoping to be able to rape the persean armada directly, but I'm also partial to not cap spamming which makes things pretty hard for me.
>What mods
Just the a bunch of the waifu mods and dependencies.
I've been looking for the izanami but no luck so far.
Runi is mad OP by the way
Replies: >>266270
You can see sierra's officer portrait at the bottom of the second and third screenshot
Izanami is ridiculously rare. It can show up in scavengers, legio, and independent fleets but the ship has a really low appearance rate and the odds of those factions pulling from the knights bp pool is also low. You can't buy it anywhere. If you really want to play around with it, cheat it in or start a new game with it, it is one of the starting options in nex for great houses.
Replies: >>266277
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You and I both know that question wasn't about sierra.
> it is one of the starting options in nex for great houses.
I was hoping prism would have it stocked.
Did you have to do an arcade mission for it? because I didn't have that option.
Look at her go
Replies: >>266358
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I've been going between lots of games recently. Not exactly going through all of them at once, just picking one, play 30 minutes to one hour, and then just change to another one the next day.
I was on a big Half-life binge last month though, went though Half-life, Opposing Force, HL2 and its episodes, and very good mods like Delta Particles, Dark Interval and Raising the Bar Redux. Only thing I didn't bother with was Blue Shift since it was the only thing from HL1 I ever finished. I used this opportunity to complete the rest.
Otherwise I've been going between Onirism, Neverwinter Nights, Necrodome, Chasm: The Rift, Serious Sam II, CyClones, Metro Exodus, TF2 and more.
Replies: >>266286 >>266292
How do you find the time for all of this?
Replies: >>266287
You don't have 30 minutes to one hour a day for vidya?
Replies: >>266291
For all those in a month? I call bull.
Replies: >>266292 >>266294
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Meanwhile, all I accomplished last month was getting Marie Rose's satisfaction up in DOA Xtreme 3 and drive around in NFS: Hot Pursuit. Played a bit of AC6 and DS3 too I guess.
I'm terrible at finishing games lol.
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I got a week off during Christmas, it helped.
I didn't finish all of these yet, you know. I'm working on it.
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Been playing something called Svarogs Dream
Kinda easy, kinda jank, but still a neat little RPG
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Playing Legend of Legaia, its your classic jrpg plot about the chosen ones saving the world from the great satan, however the setting and the character interactions are great.
Its an apocalyptic setting where a strange mist turns the spirits that humans used in their daily lives into malevolent creatures, some of these spirits can possess humans like a facehugger by wrapping themselves into the human body, not many jrpg have this type of setting, I think whoever wrote this was clearly inspired by aliens and the mist story.
The best part of the game is the party, the main the character is kind autistic, there is a feral child who was raised by a wolf, she is retarded and keep saying stupid shit to NPCs, and the last one is a serious amish monk who is forced to bond with a spirit to save the world and kill his traitorous brother, his order refuses to use the spirits believing it corrupts the body or something.
The is game is awesome, however there is one problem, its slow, dips into 15-14 FPS during certain areas of the game, I don't know if its because I'm using the PAL version, or something on the emulator, I tested other games they are working fine, I had to overclock the emulator to 90hz to make sure the game has stable framerates, its not an action game so I think its fine.
Replies: >>266323
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You could try the North American version and see if that runs any better (and the game itself will be faster as a default, since everything was hard coded to be about 16% slower for PAL, aside from the audio). Just note that the North American version awards half the gold and a quarter less EXP per kill than the original Japanese and later PAL versions. There is a patch to restore the parameters to what Prokion originally intended though.
Replies: >>266340
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Replies: >>266336
Isn't the main character of that game a tranny?
Replies: >>266339
of Tony Hawk?
Replies: >>266343
When will the translators ever stop fucking with games?
Replies: >>266346 >>266354
My bad, I thought based on the image it was that PaRappa clone that came out after Friday Night Funkin proved there was still a market for Rhythm games. Melody something or other.
It was probably their handlers going
>ok bro rentals are lowering our sales make it so it's bullshit and grindy to play so they buy it instead
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Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath: Vengeance of the Slayer. It's fun and surprisingly good. I never played Hypnospace Outlaw since it seemed like a quirky indie game with no substance, but the accuracy of Slayers X as a period piece that both parodies and pays genuine homage to the 90s/00s edgelords is only the kind of thing that could come from a place of true sincerity.

Also mildly surprised that the giant werewolf gf with a rocket launcher hasn't gotten any fanart.
Replies: >>266348
>fellow Slayers X enjoyer
The thing that really puts it over for me is the level design. There's almost no enemy variety between "Doom zombieman" and " damage firehose", the weapons are slightly awkward, but whoever did the maps understood the "pseudorealism" that made the first episode of Duke3D great better than fucking 3D Realms did. It's better than a lot of wads that go for that style, even. At the same time they still managed to be faithful to the 2000s edgetard attitude; I distinctly remember one point where you could make a wrong turn, you would walk that way long enough to think there was a secret at the end only for a freaky mspaint monster to spawn and slowly walk up to kill you. That's exactly the kind of bullshit trap I fantasized about adding to a game when I was a kid and they nailed it. It makes the moments when the mask slips and you remember you're playing a Unity game roughly imitating Build all the more irritating.
Replies: >>266416
Possibility of rentals were usually the reason that parameters got fucked with (in terms of being made harder), and it's more on the higher ups at the publisher than anyone touching the script. Apparently that's the price we as customers had to pay for Nintendo failing to get game rentals banned out here, the way they did in Japan. Just make the games take longer so they'll be less rental-friendly. Even though RPGs were less rental friendly than other games as is.
Anon, I just KNOW you have it installed. OK?
The levels are the best part for me, too, and it does seem very accurate to the source material of the time (I was a bit too young to play Doom and Quake when their mapmaking scenes were in their prime) even down to the bullshit invisible walls hidden out in the middle of nowhere. The rocket launcher hidden in the dark forest in Dollar$haver is something that probably would have taken me hours to find, but I am only mildly ashamed to admit that I looked up a guide for help on my 100% Inzane run.

I have to wonder, is there something I'm missing in Cult Die Sack? The max enemy number is around 400 but I can only kill about 230 enemies after doing everything in the level.
Been playing battletech with the rogue tech mod and just lost a mechwarrior to some event where all of the bolts in my dropshit are shitty and shear off. Of course the creator of the ship in lore is boeing so I can't tell if this is some shitty roguetech meme or if its base game. 
I liked that faggot too, he was a real can opener using a hover craft with a thunderbolt 15 and a heavy rifle with special ammo.

I've finally managed to piece together three heavies, acustom Grasshopper, a crossbow,  and a crusader.  I'm going to shelf the Crossbow and just roll with the Crusader now, a handsome upgrade for my trebuchet pilot. The grasshopper is my guys ride but I may take a seat back in the Griffin.
I also put together a Stinger LAM because I need more pilots and Lams are cool. Now I'm poking around for good contacts as I have a fair amount of armor to throw on the field.
Replies: >>266495
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Playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Pretty standard hack-and-slash, but you can effectively turn what little skillpoint/itemization wank is there, and it has Deadpool from when he was actually funny and not just spouting memes all the goddamn time. There was also this gem:
>Wait, do I really want to free [NPC] now? He could die when he lands in that molten metal.
<No, I'll wait until I can find a way to cool the metal.
<Yes, I want this mission to end in failure.

Roguetech is a shitty meme, yes. The devs are confirmed trannies and the cancer that is killing BattleTech.
Replies: >>266617
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It is a shitty meme but I was doing BTA for a while and wanted to mix it up. Plus BTA wont let me hold a lbx/20 in a handheld slot and run around with a shotgun.
I just had a choice betwwen a thantos and a thunderbolt for salvage and I went with the Thantos and now I am mildly regretting it. The Thantos without an XL engine has like no tonnage left over after max armor so I had to downgrade the engine to make some space. 
Speaking of Battletech things. No, a brawler should not have an XL engine, that is called a liability and I wont argue this.
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>>261235 (OP) 
I'm playing with my wiener.
Replies: >>266634
Is your wiener a good game
Replies: >>266974
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American McGee's Alice. I tried starting on Nightmare mode and I think it was a mistake. There's a part early on where three boojums gangbang Alice with mid ranged attacks the moment she enters a room. There is no cover, they cannot be outrun, and it takes a lot of hits with your cards just to kill one. You can save anywhere so I've already tried to get passed them a couple dozen times. Is there any reason to play the harder difficulties beyond making sure the game isn't too easy?
Replies: >>267362 >>267364
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Nuclear Option
Getting clapped by beyond-visual-range missiles gets annoying pretty fast but dropping a bunch of nukes in revenge is pretty satisfying
No, but My Wiener is!
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Working on 100%ing Amagami. I'm about 50% so far, judging by my map coverage. Mopping up the last 5% of events will probably take a while though, since they seem to have specific conditions.

I wish they still made complex dating sims like this.
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I've been playing doom for the first time. I only liked chapter 1 of the first game. But i have now completed the first 3 chapters of the game and moved on to doom 2. Now my first problem with doom 2 is that its just too dark initially. I mean so dark wherein i could barely see anything the first few levels and had to gamma correct it. I had no such issues with the first doom. I dont really have much to say except it feels like ammo is very scarce in some levels. Take this level that i just played for instance. I started it with maybe 4 or 6 shotgun ammo. There are so many fucking enemies in this map and so little ammo. I basically had to kite and savescum and find most of the secrets to complete it. And even then i had to make sure i didnt miss my shots because then i would be fucked because no ammo.
Replies: >>267361
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You're not playing on the KEX engine port are you? I know I'm being a faggot about but the KEX port is pretty shit.
>I only liked chapter 1 of the first game.
Almost everybody loves E1 so much so you have people straight up trying to copy it in whatever techbase inspired maps they've created. Somehow Romero managed to strike a fine balance with it.
>I had no such issues with the first doom. I dont really have much to say except it feels like ammo is very scarce in some levels. 
As for Doom 2 I don't really blame you since the level development of Doom 2 was mainly dropped on Sandy Peterson who isn't exactly as good as Romero (who only contributed like 6 levels but fucked around acting like a rockstar)
Hopefully you get to No Rest For the Living which is really good Doom 2 expansion made by a studio that ported it on the Xbox 360. (Won't make any comment on the other new expansion since it involves Doomworld shenanigans) 
I would talk more about other expansions but I would rather the doom thread on here become more active again.
>Is there any reason to play the harder difficulties beyond making sure the game isn't too easy?
No. The game is plain unfun on harder difficulties.
I made the same exact mistake years ago, I think I got to the point where I had some kind of bridge crossing and I was getting gang raped by a bunch of flying niggers that's where I dropped the game
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