/v/ - Video Games

it's fucking video games, baby

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One of the things thats quite annoying is when you talk to someone about an old game and you start to notice that the person you are talking to is just parroting something. You'll notice phrases,words,sentences being almost exactly the same. Kind of like deja-vu. And something that has happened several times is me coming across a video essay on youtube (which i never watch) and seeing the exact same opinion expressed in that video. So for instance a shitty medicore game called Mad Max i recently played. Another example would be Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days. Another shitty game being praised simply because youtubers says its a hidden gem or some masterpiece that everyone somehow forgot or ignored bla bla bla. Its just very interesting because you could simply go back into the past by looking at old reviews to see how everyone thought of the game. The worst part about this is that normalfags cannot think for themselves. Whatever the youtuber says the normalfag repeats. So now these games are considered to be somewhat good with normalfags which doesnt even make any fucking sense. Common thing i see is that alot of people that have these opinions say something like 
>oh i played this in my childhood
or something like that. So they obviously have some sort of bias towards it already. Just because you played a shitty game as a kid doesnt make the game good. Fucking retards.
Oh and i almost forgot to mention No Man's Sky. Remember that shitty game? Well now its considered a redemption arc something something. Basically some faggot youtuber made a video about how the developers are innocent and didnt deserve the hate and how the game is actually good now and now every dumb fucking normalfag parrots that shit.
I think i could maybe include Spec Ops The Line here aswell. I dont think anyone thought of it as more than a mediocre third person shooter when it released but in the past couple of years theres been a massive shift in opinion on how its somehow this DEEP game. The pretentiousness. These people sound exactly like the art people that pretend there is somehow some hidden meaning or something DEEP in some piece of shit. Its annoying because these are clearly not good games and yet people come to believe they are good because other people said so.
Here have a picture of the DEEEEEEEEP thought process behind the retarded pretentious developers behind Spec Ops The Line. Wow so DEEEEEEEEEEEEEP
I believe this has happened because most AAA games have been flopping lately. Even when they turned a profit, most people still disliked them. This naturally pushed people to replay old games or younget players to check them out for the first time. Compared to the slop they were used to, those older games seem great.
Did ya get it all outta yer system sonny?
Why should I waste time forming an opinion that's already been thought before? I could sit here,  weigh the pros and cons,  do a deep dive on the themes, look up obscure references,  or I could watch some youtuber and agree with him.  You are sitting here thinking all these thoughts only to come to the same conclusion as a man on YouTube. 
Why waste time?
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What you're witnessing is basic media manipulation. People got their beliefs before this from watching the news and talk shows. You're only noticing it now because it's affecting spaces you have a vested interest in and because the people doing it in those spaces aren't actively trying to hide that they're doing it.
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It's good that The Line is becoming known for the trashy auteur aspirations it held, not for the bad even though I'm no writer/academic I did my fair share of reading on that den of rats, thus the game found me numb already but for the legwork the art department pulled and the design accommodating having gameplay in that last couple of acts:
Think about the lauded games of its generation and compare them, many are more sophisticated but end up even worse -in nearly all aspects. Contemporary Rockstar peddling games dripping with scriptwriting, hopelessly dull dialogs even in the Deus Ex 'sequel', etc; it makes you realize why Hatred reverbated like a crashing chandelier and Deadly Premonition got snagged in peoples brains.
It's also a reminder another reason AA could not survive was that -along with ballooning budgets, worship of graphical fidelity and streamlining of gameplay and difficulty- 'real' marketing entered the field and more willfully shaped the landscape.

Fun facts OP
There are no 'capital G' good movies so all 'cinema' discussion is like that.
Writing is like comics in that you have to use your wits and endurance to extract gold nuggets from rivers of shit both published and indie.
Gaming just got big enough for the academic brainworms to fully enter along with big money, basically what >>249625 said. Only things that can be wielded against it are the internet and the relatively short time the medium's been around.
What makes you think this is limited to old games or normalfags?  Anons and degenerates of all stripes parrot their own brand of propaganda too.
>>249617 (OP) 
>So for instance a shitty medicore game called Mad Max i recently played.
From what I remember, the Mad Max game had excellent car combat and customization but was dragged down by the game needing to be another bog-standard open world game that was and is still popular for companies to do. Not to mention numerous other games putting their own spin on the Mad Max formula like Rage, Fuel, Motorstorm, etc. several years leading up to it.
>Another example would be Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
I've never heard anything good about that game, with people confused how a sequel even happened when the first K&L were so terrible in the first place.
> So now these games are considered to be somewhat good with normalfags which doesnt even make any fucking sense. 
Could you actually link what some people are saying?
> Oh and i almost forgot to mention No Man's Sky. Remember that shitty game? 
The shit game that only became slightly less shit over the years?
> I think i could maybe include Spec Ops The Line here aswell. I dont think anyone thought of it as more than a mediocre third person shooter when it released but in the past couple of years theres been a massive shift in opinion on how its somehow this DEEP game. 
No, that's been happening since the game came out, with game journos praising the game for it's "excellent" subversion. Here's the EC and ZP reviews if you don't believe me:
Replies: >>249661
>like comics where where you have to extract gold nuggets from rivers of shit

Sheesh that is a good metaphor. Comics are either fantastic or utter mediocre shit, whether big or small, western or jap or even them korean long strips to an even greater extent, literal 1 in 100 is fantastic and the rest are beyond garbage. 
And yeah as nuch as I love big video essays about games as background audio in long drives, I've seen enough with the WORST takes that I now distrust them about as much as regular news, I should just stick to audio books.
>>249617 (OP) 
>Basically some faggot youtuber made a video about how the developers are innocent and didnt deserve the hate and how the game is actually good now and now every dumb fucking normalfag parrots that shit
If you're talking about the Internet Historian's video, the situation is more nuanced than that. I had absolute contempt for Sean Murray and Hello Games for lying to people for so long, but they did make good on their promises and ate their share of crow for many years in order patch No Man's Sky into what people wanted it to be. Now, does the industry need more endless open world survival crafting games? Perhaps not, but that is a different story.

The real danger of this particular type of revisionism is that people are eager to apply it to other games for two reasons:
- It allows them to buy the shiny new thing and pretend they are not animals.
- It allows them to fantasize about the day when the devs/publishers/whoever will drop some magical new content update and make the game perfect, and all the people who didn't believe will have to shut up and cry and tell the true believers how cool they are.

The latter reason is how Star Citizen has been extracting wealth from boomers for over a decade with no meaningful product to show for it.

As for Spec Ops, you're being a bit harsh calling it a mediocre third person shooter. It was, but it was also trying to have some kind of message and make the player feel something, and for that alone I am willing to forgive the devs being pretentious. The real reason it's shallow and hollow is that the section with white phosphorus is forced because the game is narrative heavy; instead of strongly encouraging the player to do thing that is easy mechanically and bad morally, they didn't believe in their own creation.

The reason for this is obvious: most players are pretty chill/morally good and would try to avoid doing a bad moral thing either because they didn't want to do it or because they would view it as a challenge. Depending on how it was framed this either would have made the game even more heavy-handed (Walker pussying out and not burning women and children into flesh paste) or introduced a sparkle of hope into the scenario (Walker triumphing and threading the needle so he didn't have to burn women and children into flesh paste). Either one was unacceptable to the devs because they wanted the game to be misery all the way through, and they wanted it to be miserable because it was released during a time when literally every shooter was about being a modern military dude doing cool things.

As a product of its time, SO:TL is a neat little novelty. But part of the problem with the video essayists and "media literacy" crowd is that their power stems from imbuing meaning where there is none. You and I can play a game, recognize what it did or didn't do well, put it down, and move on with our lives. But we cannot practice word wizardry this way.
Replies: >>249655 >>249681
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>As a product of its time, SO:TL is a neat little novelty.
Except, five months later, Far Cry 3 comes out and the game's endings either have the player character regretting all of his actions on the island (You know, everything he did for the purposes of trying to survive and rescuing his friends from a murderous psychopath) or being murdered by the native waifu. Then Bioshock Infinite cames out six months later and topped both of those with the game ending on the message that the player character is a bad person who needs to be erased across all realities as there is no road to redemption for you because you ARE the very thing that you swore to fight and prevent.

I'm sorry, but I'm calling bullshit.
As has been said before it should hardly be considered surprising that normalfags are now praising mediocre post-2007 vidya considering the abysmal selection of pozware they're exposed to daily, even if they do need some jewtuber to articulate things for them.
>From what I remember, the Mad Max game had excellent car combat and customization but was dragged down by the game needing to be another bog-standard open world game that was and is still popular for companies to do
It was mediocre but somehow considered something of a "hidden gem" even when it was new. It had bamham combat and the awful JC2+ "bad car = delayed steering" mechanic, the only car with no delay being the Magnum Opus which you only get at the end of the game. Said mechanic that was designed for JC2 where you can just steal a supercar with unfucked steering whenever you want, it had no place in a game that was mostly about cars.
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>>249617 (OP) 
Are you new to the internet or even the world in general? The niggercattle can be herded easily and history has proven this. Just take a look at public schooling. On the internet, all it really takes now is a big follower number and a media platform that's designed to keep the top at the top and you can make a veritable cult that will do your bidding and follow your teachings.

On SOtL specifically; the game itself is at best some mediocre mind-numbing third person shooter. I don't care how "deep" your game is if it isn't enjoyable to play. Keep your stupid art horseshit in hollywood where it belongs.

NMS is still not remotely fun to play and the "story" is laughable. Imagine the most basic open world gathering loop you can think of and that's NMS. If I were forced to play either Starfield or NMS I would play Starfield. That's how bad it is.

The big jewtubers are all grifters but they're at the top for a reason. They can read the waves and the market for "hidden gem" videos. They're just capitalizing on it, even if barely any of it is true. There are even idiots out there who really believe that FALLOUT 76 of all things had a redemption arc. It obviously didn't and anybody who actually played it would know that.

tl;dr anybody who donates to a patreon deserves crucifixion
NMS is also buggy as shit and also crashes constantly, forgot to mention.
Did NMS even end up implementing all that shit that was promised for it? I hate that nigger Internet Historian for convincing people that a dev team sitting down and finishing a game after it's release was somehow commendable, but if they didn't even do that, that's even worse.
Replies: >>249687
>There are even idiots out there who really believe that FALLOUT 76 of all things had a redemption arc
Did anyone ever crack it w/ custom servers? It sounds like a fun way to fuck around with anons
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>>249617 (OP) 
Those people are either morons who are uncapable of indipendent thought, or morons who are obsessed with being part of the lame "cool kids" and so they parrot some jewtuber opinion or what they perceive as the majority's opinion to feel part of something.
The jewtube comment section is full of these braindead retards, and their comments almost look copy-pasted.
<Super Mario Bros. on the NES?
<muh childhood! I remember playing this game...
<...5 years ago on my phone!
And don't forget at least a couple hundreds "literally" improperly used:
<"i am literally telling you that i literally played this game on literally my TV literally 10 years ago when it literally came out and i literally remember literally loving it"
The normalfag's lack of brain never cease to astonish me.
Considering Sean Murray was on stage constantly saying shit like
>You can do anything on these planets
i'll let you figure it out.
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Something something about Plato's cave and npcs unable leaving it and touching REAL grass because they're hylics, empty vassals with no soul or will of their own.
Maybe this is also relevant to the thread, 5th pic in particular.
Imagine how smart this guy would be if he didn't religiously visit 4cuck and have schizophrenia.
Replies: >>249692 >>249702
There is a cure for the NPC malady. Just disconnect them from any media for a week but good luck convincing them.
Replies: >>249693
Ironically, the retards who type "touch grass" the most, are the ones who most need it.
Maybe the brain rot was already there from the start, but social media definitely helped the rot spread faster.
Replies: >>249702
This is the most stereotypically /v/ thread I've ever seen. Never change lads, but also stay the fuck away from everyone else.
I hate niggers, fuck off and die
Somethings wrong with earth when Genshin Impact makes billions of dollars. Prove me wrong.
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I see what the problem is. Tell me, does this video make you upset?
Replies: >>249703
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Gotta shamefully quote my own post from /b/ in a thread where the OP asked what is a normalfag and why are hated
<And the most important question -- why do we hate them?
>The answer is very simple:
>Normalfags are hated for keeping the status quo as shit as it currently is, and for making things much more tiresome to those who try and seek to change things for the better.
>Normalfags held humanity's potential back, and want everyone to be as self-centered and shallow as they are rather than realizing it and take the effort to be better.
Replies: >>249760
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>>249617 (OP) 
"revisionism of old games"
Nonsense statement
Your new games are 99% baby brain dogshit spare once every new moon indie game.

>because you played a shitty game as a kid doesnt make the game good. 
because you DIDN'T PLAY THEM doesn't make them bad zoomerfaggot
Replies: >>249717 >>249718
Even worse:
<"That game sucks"
>dumbed down remake comes out
<"i am a fan of the series!"
Settle down, nigger. You grew up with vidya that wasn't targeted towards "people" who's brains have been rotted by social media and ((( media. ))) Of course they'd think a game that wasn't dumbed down to the point where it basically plays itself is bad. That's all they know.
>>249617 (OP) 
I feel more offended by the fact that videos about games seem to have more cultural relevancy than the games themselves. Shitty opinions being regurgitated is really not that bad by comparison.
>If I were forced to play either Starfield or NMS I would play Starfield. That's how bad it is.
Holy shit, is NMS THAT bad!?
Replies: >>249773 >>249775
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I hate normalfags because they are blind to shit like sodomy and tranny shit. It amazes me when a normalfag hates tranny shit, but embraces sodomy, not knowing that tranny is just another step on the ladder of degenerancy.
>anybody who donates to a patreon deserves crucifixion
What about people who make doujins?
Replies: >>249802
I’d say he’s exaggerating especially since you have way more to do in NMS than in Starfield and while planets aren’t always interesting they aren’t literally empty.
No he's just being a fag. NMS is just dull.
>>249617 (OP) 
As >>249625 and >>249643 pointed out, this happens with all media. A critic class forms which has influence on the public consciousness and shapes their perception, forming simulations of works for their audience. Until the 2010s, games journalism filled this role for video games. My major complaint about online game reviews is that they've veered from the traditions found in book and movie reviews due to the popularity of lets plays. Almost every video game review nowadays is a thinly-veiled lets play which walks the audience through the story. The most replayed portions will be in the "gameplay" section because the audience is there to see the reviewer's commentary on the game. These aren't real reviews. This isn't a simulation of the game. This is a simulacra of the game. The audience is experiencing the game in a way that replaces their initial experience of it. It's only a step above videos which outright state themselves as lets plays, themselves a step above reaction videos.
Those images are metaphysics for babies and suggest that the race having an excess of focus on character is European, rather than Jewish. In fact, the majority of the images make no mention of Jews other than as an afterthought at the bottom or top of the page, something to be clipped off. Hermetic Qabalah comes from Christian Cabala, and Christian Cabala comes from Jewish Kabbalah. 

The fifth image is the most egregious in its error. Nihilism can be divided between positive and negative forms, something a self-professed hermetic should understand. Both profess a meaninglessness to life, that there's ultimately no difference between action and inaction. Both are, for the most part, a response to an inability to enjoy life within a given structure. Positive nihilism posits that actions should be taken without regard for the structure which has formed it. Negative nihilism posits that actions should be taken without regard for the structure which has formed it, unless the structure is useful. Its contents on social media are equally axe-dragging. "An artificial ego," is the definition of a persona. One's actions online under an avatar and handle are actions under a persona, even if the handle and avatar are his own name and face. The presentation of this in the image is no better than the "X taught me Y" meme. It's something someone over 40 would post online. 

Its words on Universalism make no sense given the quote or the definition of Universalism. Universalism is a school of thought that certain tenets and practices exist across all cultures, either due to universal responses to stressors or shared origins, and that all of these relate to a single through line of truth. As for his "Destructive Vice of Selfless Universalism", the Christian concept of universalism, which he redundantly labels "Universalist Delusion", is that everyone will be saved either through a life of worship or an extended period in Hell, not that everyone can be saved through adherence to escape eternal damnation. Almost every organized religion to ever exist has wanted to convert all other nations because they believe their tenets to be fundamentally true. In the "Eastern Delusion", Samsara exists for spiritual purification, but some spirits never reach Nirvana and ultimately become attached to the physical world. 

In regards to his "Destructive Vice: Egoist Individualism", all of them are retarded. The "Sectarian Delusion" and "Messiah Delusion" are what he's professing. The differences between races ultimately giving them distinct powers is inherently Sectarian. The belief that abilities from Hermeticism are unique to a handful of people, and that they should be used to guide a group of people, is Messianic. The concepts he has outlined in the previous images are inherently Luciferian. They are entirely suggestive of using ESP to influence and predict the outcome of events for your own gain or that of your race.
Replies: >>256673
Make a product and sell it. Don't beg me to pay your monthly wages.
>>249617 (OP) 
Normalfags don't play videogames at all. The whole thing is an illusion. They just look up what was supposed to be in their childhood and then internalize fictional events.
Anyone can download an Ocarina of Time rom, fire it up, and see that Navi in fact does not go "Hey, listen!". She goes "Hey!" if an offscreen enemy is about to attack and "Listen!" if you ask her for advice. But every normalfag who autohypnotized themselves into believing they "played Ocarina of Time as a kid" will say that she would constantly go "Hey, listen!", and every single depiction of her in pop culture is based on the delusion.
big if true
If you meandered around too much she would remind you of the plot with hints. These hints would come seemingly at random as Navi says "Hey!" with the C-UP symbol flashing. If you pressed C-UP, she would say "Listen!"

If you performed the action in quick succession it would sound like "Hey, Listen". I think that's what most people remember. It still wasn't nearly as frequent as what is portrayed, but it's an exaggeration for humor.
Replies: >>249840
There's one particularly annoying part of the game where she'll do that every ten minutes or so until you follow her directions. That would tend to stick in players' memories.
>They just look up what was supposed to be in their childhood and then internalize fictional events.
>But every normalfag who auto-hypnotized themselves into believing they "played Ocarina of Time as a kid" will say that she would constantly go "Hey, listen!", and every single depiction of her in pop culture is based on the delusion.
I honestly do think that most of those "muh childhood" retards are lying about it.
Gen Z fags claiming shit from the 90's or early 2000's was their childhood is something i find hard to believe.
I also played Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt on the NES a few times when i was i child, but the NES was already old by that time, so it's not like i can call that "muh childhood".
I think most of those retards are simply seeking for validation and nothing else.
Replies: >>249857
>I honestly do think that most of those "muh childhood" retards are lying about it.
Gen Zigger are the type to willingly lie about anything in order to gain some sort of validation. But this behavior is not exclusive to Gen Z.
Tatl > Navi
Prove me wrong.
Replies: >>249911 >>250041
True statement, although Midna was the only Zelda assistant that I liked. It's unfortunate that Twilight Princess is not very fun to actually play. I've replayed most of the pre-Gamecube Zelda games countless times, but I can't say the same for the later entries. I think the idea of Twilight Princess being a good game is another normalfag spook. It's pretty, certainly, the prettiest in the series IMO, and it has a nice soundtrack, but it's very slow and dull.
Replies: >>249912 >>249913
TP would be good if it cut out the fat but with it it's boring to play. The actual dungeons and explorations are somewhat fun but are constantly bogged down by story and padding to the point it makes the game near unreplayable for me. Wind Waker had this but to a lesser extent, but at least TP is fully fleshed out.
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I'm like the only person in the world who thinks that Midna looks repulsive/ugly and not attractive. I guess I'm not into monster girls in general, but I'd still say that the average one is better than Midna.
I think it's part >shadman noticing she was at least 25% ass by volume and running with it, part the sheer smugness she radiates. At least you have to admit she's better than Navi.
That's too bad that you didn't like her. I love the concept of a cute & sexy imp girl riding on your back and sassing you all game. In general, it seems like it's very hard to get assistants "right" in games. That was one where for me at least, they knocked it out of the park.
Fag alert
Replies: >>250019
Spec Ops The Line always had fans defending it as 2deep4u. I disagree with them, but they've been there the whole time. 
It's just a half-baked video game version of Heart of Darkness/Apocalypse Now with a poorly executed twist that undermines what's interesting about that kind of story. That said, some of the little details were good, like the execution mechanic you're encouraged to use not actually benefiting you in any way.
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This is probably more of an unpopular opinions thing, but certain "facts" regarding bidya history being endlessly regurgitated by Anons and normalniggers alike annoy me the more I've thought about them.

>the PS2 was the "weakest" console of the 6th gen
<when objectively speaking the PS2 was simply the second-oldest hardware wise as it uses 1999 silicon whereas the Gamecube and Xbox use 2000 silicon and the Dreamcast uses late 1997/early 1998 silicon
<also each console of the 6th gen was architecturally distinct enough to have features that the other systems plain didn't have, such as the Dreamcast's hardware OIT which PC GPUs couldn't into until the advent of OpenGL CS and Vulkan in the early-mid 2010s, the PS2's hilariously autistic VUs which could do all sorts of rad shit PCSX2 still struggles to properly emulate, the Gamecube's Macfag hardware+SDKs with an efficient and flexible fixed pipeline and the Xbox' first-generation pixel and vertex shaders, making the "weak" moniker somewhat superfluous
>the PS2 winning the 6th gen somehow justifying Nintendo's ass-backwards weak cheap hardware=good "strategy" they've been ramming through every Nintendrone's throats since the Wii
<when half of what made the PS2 the undisputed winrar of the 6th gen wasn't the "weak" hardware which was notoriously difficult to work with compared to the competition, it was the massive gap between the Japanese March 2000 launch date and the post-9/11 September 2001 launch date of the Gamecube that not only gave Sony a whopping 18 months to build up an initial install base of games and users but with the Dreamcast's death 12 months after the PS2 launch a 6-month period of complete monopoly of the 6th generation home console market in a time when DEI faggotry hadn't properly manifested and developers were still trying to make games that were fun
<the other half being the PS2 using double-layered DVDs while being a then-fully specced DVD player at a pricepoint that outcompeted dedicated DVD players on top of releasing at just the right time to forcibly accelerate VHS' slow but inevitable demise as the premier normalfag home bideo format
<even the PS3 could've gotten over its nogaems phase if it'd released in March of 2005 with the 360 and Wii releasing in fall of 2006 against a PS3 that by that point would've seen at least one major price cut, obviously that didn't happen 
>the Wii "winning" the 7th gen justifying all sorts of retarded decisions by Nintendo
<when the 7th gen was an abject disaster with no real "winners", Microshaft should've handily "won" on paper as they had the best starting point and did very well for the first few years, but they kept blowing through shekels with pajewt management and early DEI projects to the point that the whole Xcocks endeavor incl. absolute brain-rending garbage like the Kinect netted them a multi-billion dollar loss.jpg
<SCE almost sank itself with their mightier-than-thou strategy for the PS3 coupled with a destructive corporate restructuring in 2006 right before the 2008 crisis with the company only getting back on its feet thanks to due to M$ shooting itself in the foot and Nintendo's lightning in a bottle having discharged all of its electricity while small-scale nipponese developers were flocking to Sony for the purpose of releasing weeb hentai gaems
<objectively speaking the Wii had burned itself out by 2009 with most retirement homes having bought all the Wiis they'd ever need and the casual troglodyte audience Nintendo had so effortlessly (and probably accidentally) weaponized following the Wii's initial 2006 ad campaign being swept away by Steve Jewb's reality distortion field with the 2008 launch of the iPhone 3G and its crapp store
>the Sega Saturn having the worst hardware architecture of the 5th gen which was half the reason it failed and further justifies the Nintendrone delusion of "weaker=better"
<when from an objective standpoint the N64's horrendously gimped bus system coupled with asinine decisions from Nintendo regarding the use of cartridges and Zip drives far outweighs the autistic but capably labyrinthine Saturn architecture, with enough autism it allowed nipponese devs to pull off some mighty impressive layering effects whereas getting games to run at 60 fps on the N64 required devs to either be among a small clique of British and Germans, attain divine intellect, be M64 romhackers from 20 years in the future or part of Nintendo's internal dev teams who had access to newer RDP microcode actively withheld from third party developers
<As even a passing glance at 1995 Japanese Saturn-PSX sales numbers and the Japanese Saturn library clearly shows the Saturn's failure can be 75%-90% attributed to the irrational business decisions taken by Sega itself, primarily SoA's premature US Saturn launch and the miscommunications/rivalry between SoJ and SoA.

Fuck, even the objectively successful Switch which unlike the Wii at least got a steady stream of actual games throughout its lifespan is just Nintendo lucking out again by choosing cheap shitter hardware with SDKs and documentation so good emulators sprang up before you knew it at a time when AAA-DEI was and still is fully immersed in budgetary TBTF, the great number of mobileshitter devs available as ARM poogramming contractors also helped.
With the Steam Dong happily running Jewzu and Rijewjinx along with 6 million PC games in spite of using GNU/Linux and many portable PCs utilizing amd64, ARM and soon RISC-V coming out of the woodwork though it's highly doubtful Mark's benefactors can repeat the Switches success by releasing anudda Switch but with better hardware.
>objectively speaking the Wii had burned itself out by 2009
The humor I find in that statement is that it seems like majority of the Wii's best games released from the 2009-2011 period. The Last Story, Red Steel 2, Sin & Punishment 2, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Ghostbusters, MadWorld, Fragile Dreams, Lost in Shadow, Xenoblade, and so on.

Speaking of which, something I noticed when looking at my Wii U, 3DS, and Dreamcast library is that majority of the "best" games for those systems come out either in the first or second year of release (That includes third-parties). Meanwhile it seems like nearly every other system I own games for managed to have the best games interspersed throughout the consoles entire life span. Even the GC, despite being the "loser" of the sixth gen, still managed to have a strong library of games all the way up to the Wii despite lacking the "heavy hitters" of that generation.
Replies: >>249956
>console sales slow down
>game quality improves
Though in all likelihood this coincided with shovelware devs moving on to soyphones, leaving the rest of the Wii's lifespan to proper video game-playing audiences.
Doesn't change the fact though that sales from '09 onwards cratered compared to the system's early years, if not for the old men advertisement at launch the Wii would've probably had Gamecube-esque levels of success overall.
>something I noticed when looking at my Wii U, 3DS, and Dreamcast library is that majority of the "best" games for those systems come out either in the first or second year of release (That includes third-parties)
The Dreamcast had a 28-month lifespan in Japan and only 18 months in the US.
I hate when people pretend MGS2 and FFVIII weren't divisive games when they were released, and to "prove it" they just post the same shill gamemag reviews over and over as if the Official Playstation Magazine spoke for everyone.
I don't remember anyone saying FF8 at least wasn't divisive, or at least weird compared to the games around it.
>>249617 (OP) 
The Kane & Lynch games were fun, both in co-op and online.
Well, the online was fun if you could find a game where everyone didn't fucking kill each other as soon as the level started. Then the last survivor gets gunned down by cops.
On 4cuck they pretend FFVIII was universally loved from day 1 and if you have some qualms about it, it must be because of Spoony.
Replies: >>250009 >>250025
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I personally loved FFVIII (never finished though) and i remember being surprised hearing by FF fans how shit and disappointing it was.
So this has to be some kind of revisionism going on, or maybe after the shit SquareEnix pulled out in recent years they realized FF8 wasn't that bad after all, and regret talking bad about it.
Same thing for MGS2.
I liked the game but i hated Raiden that it was another case of:
< "let's change the cool MC for some younger effeminate version to make happy those japanese faggots who think reaching puberty means being old and that life is over once you leave school"
And i remember many people shitting on the game for the very reason and the fact that "everything was just a simulation".
In order to make Raiden cool in later games they had to turn him into Grey Fox, essentially.
No, 8 always had retarded mechanics design that makes no sense, aren't intuitive, and screw you over for not knowing how they work, but are super exploitable if you have even the slightest idea how they work. Any like for it was because it was after FF7.
Replies: >>250011 >>250025
>No, 8 always had retarded mechanics design that makes no sense, aren't intuitive, and screw you over for not knowing how they work
I mean that's kind of on the player for not reading the computer in the first room of the game that explains all of it really.
>I personally loved FFVIII (never finished though) and i remember being surprised hearing by FF fans how shit and disappointing it was.
From the FF fan postings I've seen, theres a huge schism over whether FF7 or FF8'' was better.
Replies: >>250025
ff7 feels like a very complete game, with plenty of solid combat that you can choose to minmax to minigames and sidequests with both trivial and real impacts, to include hidden content and characters. the story is solid too, can be humorous, with solid character development, and some nice twists. all in all ff7 just feels like a complete game. I don't think it reinvented the genre but it definitely upped the bar.
Replies: >>250020 >>250025
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>i-if you don't like my fetish y-you're gay
It's far from the first time I to hear this line and it manages to sound so insecure every single time.
Replies: >>250021 >>251343
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>nigger party member
>gay nigger gangrape ( https://yotube.com/watch?v=tWVdv4Qalcg )
>story about le heckin environmentarino and le bad corporatino (I could ignore this if not for the other two factors)
Never playing it.
Replies: >>250021 >>251343
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>butthurt sage
>admits he's never even played the game, not a single gameplay criticism
>cuckchan lingo
You'll fit right in here.
Replies: >>250025 >>250026
FF7 fandom is so hardcore whenever you used to download a psx emulator and or ISO for FF7 it'd often mention it being the best psx game ever made. FF7 wow'd people so hard FF8 could never be good enough. FF8 is fine but people, being retarded as always, expected better. Like with Chrono Cross not being good enough, Chrono Trigger was just too good. Lightning in a bottle sort of thing. 
It was hated due to being after seven tho....
It was a very good game.  If not for random battles it'd be perfect. Enemies shoulda been visible like in some other JRPG games. Why not? I hate jump scares. 
<but FF
Don't care. 
"Tryhards" do indeed fit in with minimal effort, ironically. Makes me wanna watch The Wave again (1981).
Replies: >>256645
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>yeah bro, in this game you play as naked niggers with prolapsed AIDS-filled anuses killing and raping White people and smoking weed while Jewish rap about trans rights is playing on the background
>but what do you mean that the game is shit!? you never even played it! the gameplay is also very good, trust me!
(Before someone spergs out, that's just an imaginary scenario based on that logic, I'm not talking about FF7 specifically)
Replies: >>250027 >>251343
Are you fucking insane? The protagonist is white. All the heroines are white. The main villain is white. The bath scene is clearly a fucking joke but you're too autistic to understand those so I get it. The game has themes you don't personally like but that doesn't instantly make them invalid.
You're only real valid point is there being a nigger party member but Barrett isn't treated like he's an actual nigger or like he's in a fucking marvel movie and shoved in your face, he's just there. If you switched out his skin tone to white it would make next to no difference.
I don't even like FF7 but you're clearly just one of these faggots who will never like anything no matter what. I don't even know why I'm bothering to argue with you because you clearly don't play videogames anymore.
Replies: >>250034 >>256557
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>The bath scene is clearly a fucking joke but you're too autistic to understand those so I get it
<yeah bro if your sense of disgust is not conflated with sense of comedy you're an autist
>If you switched out his skin tone to white it would make next to no difference
<yeah bro just hallucinate colors just like i hallucinate my gender
>just one of these faggots who will never like anything no matter what
>you clearly don't play videogames anymore
<yeah bro X is the only game that exists and if you don't like it you don't like anything in life
Replies: >>250037 >>251343
>it would make next to no difference
Guy literally raises another man's child. No Negro even raises his own, that's a pretty damn big difference there.
Replies: >>250036
It's pretty clear the devs just wanted to have B.A "Bad Attitude" Baracus in the party and didn't think too hard about the details.
So what (retro) JRPG game do you like that's so much better than FF7?
Replies: >>250057 >>250070
iir if you ignore the hey for too long it screams listen and makes you read it at at least one point. Also, mandela effect. Also says watch out when targetting something irr. But mandela effect.
>time limit
Replies: >>250055 >>250057
>>249617 (OP) 
Youtube is old . It keeps recommending me realtor channels in Tampa or Florida but it's in polish or some slav language. There are poles living in Florida? all I hear is Spanish in Florida
>>249617 (OP) 
i know this thread might not be for this kind of posts but i just have to say this.
for games that have been around for years it gets confusing when talking to someone online and they say "I played that when i was 8 years old" and you just don't know how old that person is because of how long has been since the game was out.
TF2 players and Roblox players share this.
Replies: >>250060
>baby casual couldn't deal with the MM time limit
I don't know, I'm not too big into JRPGs. But it would be the best JRPG after FF7 that does not have repulsive aesthetic or thematic choices, I guess.
>mandela effect
More like... jewtube parrot effect.
Replies: >>250070 >>251343
>tfw someone who was 8 when TF2 launched would be 25 now
Fuck I feel old
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Holy shit, Grill. Calm down and take a break.
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>If you switched out his skin tone to white it would make next to no difference.
It would make him a better character.
So yes, it would make a difference.
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>bumps a two month old thread to reddit directly onto the floor
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I haven't seen this much revision of anything IRL. Most normalfags I know either play huge franchises like Mario, garbage by president of the chess club or  the latest crafting nonsense that seems to attempt to clone Factorio. It probably is a illusion as some have suggested ITT. What I have spotted instead is are:

< Pretentious journo types writing a special about some bullshit that had been universally ignored at the time to justify his writing gig in some print magazine only old farts like us are still buying.
< Some collector call a game a hidden gem to rationalize how the garbage he clearly overpaid for is actually valuable so he doesn't create SAO_shotgun_incident.webm over his horrible financial decision.
< Some plebbitor who got bell curved into praising mediocre slop, because he things newer is better, despite the fact what ignorant troglodytes liked about an earlier iteration and what made that thing actually good are identical.

Most of those people aren't normalfags.

>>249617 (OP) 
Wasn't Spec Ops the line a remake of heart of darkness? I am pretty certain it was vidya of Heart of Darkness. 


< the Sega Saturn having the worst hardware architecture of the 5th gen which was half the reason it failed and further justifies the Nintendrone delusion of "weaker=better"

Are they shitting me? Most N64 games looked fucking horrible in comparison to most other things. 

Let's not forget that many people new to Final Fantasy when VII came out expected better and better. Even the next installments healing 3 kinds of cancer and also AIDS. Because VI and VII were such sacred cows. The disappointment in VIII was very visible and hilarious.

In hindsight the entire thing fell apart around X, when Squenix gave up the characteristic Active Time Battle™ system. It really was dead in a ditch when a lot of key people either retired or left.
Replies: >>256647 >>256657
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>Wasn't Spec Ops the line a remake of heart of darkness? I am pretty certain it was vidya of Heart of Darkness. 
I read Heart of Darkness and I don't see any connection at all, you sound like one of those mentally lacking people OP is describing
>when you talk to someone about an old game and you start to notice that the person you are talking to is just parroting something.
Whose words are you parroting, anon?
Replies: >>256648 >>256649
>I read Heart of Darkness and I don't see any connection at all, you sound like one of those mentally lacking people OP is describing
John Konrad is literally named after Joseph Konrad.
Replies: >>256651
Nobodies? First because the plot of Spec Op the Line overall is a spike trap for pretentious people at best and the Devs ventilating himself with own farts at worst. Given the account from OP, its probably the latter. I am sorry I have confused you, but I have read more compelling plots in the manual to mindless arcade games. At least that game is just pretentious not refuting itself like the true mythology of Dragon Quest XI
And? The game's narrative is nothing like the book besides "X party goes to search for Y party" which is so generic it could describe a million other stories. Solid Snake's name, much of his character, and some of his plot elements were clearly lifted from John Carpenter's movie and its main character, but you wouldn't say "Metal Gear" is a "remake" of "Escape from New York" it would you? By that metric every single "Hero X saves the world from villain Y" fictional story is a remake of the previous. I'll can take "vaguely inspired by" but "a remake of" is some serious retarded reaching.
Replies: >>256652
I don't think it's a remake either. However the influence from the book is there.
>>249617 (OP) 
>No Man's Sky
Tell me it wasn't a clever money laundering scheme lol.
Isn't it still getting updates? I think it got a fishing overhaul last month
I've seen the webm of that one fag with the bullpup shotgun ending himself and I know the second part of SAO is about some sperg with anti-fun trauma playing violent video games to get over her liberal fears, but I don't remember anything involving shotguns and SAO in particular.
It came out, so no.
Replies: >>256659
Its the faggot with the bullup shotgun. You may recreate that video too, if I you lost your life savings on every copy of that Burgeking Xbox 360 game in the world.

It came out and supposedly got much better than it should have.
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>As even a passing glance at 1995 Japanese Saturn-PSX sales numbers and the Japanese Saturn library clearly shows the Saturn's failure can be 75%-90% attributed to the irrational business decisions taken by Sega itself, primarily SoA's premature US Saturn launch and the miscommunications/rivalry between SoJ and SoA.
The funny thing is that Sega could have dominated the Japanese market with the Saturn had they not decided to can the X-rating. I'm not shitting you, unlike earlier systems which include the PC-Engine that was just a consolized PC-98, the Saturn had somehow "cracked the code" when it came to Japanese game developers porting over PC games (Primarily eroges) to consoles. This resulted in the Spring of 1996 being one of the best sales season the Saturn had seen in Japan since the system launched as numerous erotica titles were releases back-to-back.
And what did Sega do?
They canned the X rating by the fall for the more "acceptable" 18+ rating, meaning eroges had to tone down the sexaul content (If they didn't remove them entirely), in order to sell the console to the younger demographics. Yet as the years went one, the best selling and strongest genres on the Saturn were dating sims, like Sentimental Graffiti and Sega's own Sakura Wars. Yes, a couple did come over to the PS1 like Tokimeki Memorial, Angelique, and Policenauts, but nowhere near the amount that was on the Saturn. Despite being censored, EVE: burst Error and Kakyuusei were some of the highest demanded games on the Saturn. And Sega practically begged the developers of Kuro no Danshou to release the sequel on the Saturn since the first game was such a smash hit, but they had to decline due to the first game costing so much  to port over with additions added for the console release only to have it not provide enough return. Then the "final nail" in the coffin for the Saturn was the release of FF7 on the PS1.

To put it bluntly, Sega turned down sex, and their console suffered as a result.
Replies: >>256679 >>256739
holy fucking shit take your meds.
Replies: >>256679
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>the PC-Engine that was just a consolized PC-98
This is so totally and utterly wrong that I'm not even going to read the rest of your post, as you must have written it during a psychotic episode.

>quoting three MONTH old posts to say "take meds"
Replies: >>256690
His retardation may stem from the fact that the Super CD-ROM addon which happened to be the only decently executed one of its kind had a not-insignificant amount of its library consist of uncensored エロげ ported from the PC-98 in the form of full-on remakes due to CD Audio and the considerable differences in hardware.
Funny considering that SoJ may have learned from their mistakes with the MCD and thus initially steered the Saturn in a similar direction to the PCE CD in Japan, but then censornigs happened.
I don't believe Sega could've remained numba wan in the Nip market on the strength of their 変態 alone, FFVII was fuckhueg and Sony at the time wouldn't have hesitated to hire a few risque VN devs for PSX-exclusive smut in the interest of competition.
I bet it's Eden.
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>>249617 (OP) 
>One of the things thats quite annoying is when you talk to someone about an old game and you start to notice that the person you are talking to is just parroting something. You'll notice phrases,words,sentences being almost exactly the same. Kind of like deja-vu. And something that has happened several times is me coming across a video essay on youtube (which i never watch) and seeing the exact same opinion expressed in that video.
So, just like politics (and almost everything else)
That's why normalfags are normalfags.
>Common thing i see is that alot of people that have these opinions say something like 
<oh i played this in my childhood
>or something like that. 
The "muh childhood" thing seems like it became the base braindead comment when something is being discussed online.
I am starting to think many of those retards who write "muh childhood" are GenZ who are lying just to feel part of something.
Replies: >>256716 >>256739
>hating your childhood memories of gaming to own the normalfags
Imageboards are increasingly becoming mistakes
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It's not about hating childhood memories, it's about braindead morons thinking that spamming "muh childhood" over everything makes them interesting or "deep".
>To put it bluntly, Sega turned down sex, and their console suffered as a result.
Sega simply didn't want their console to be a beacon of soft pornography. If you need dicks and cum to sell you're not looking at the right kind of product.
Anyway, who played the Saturd?
The childhood parameter adds extra value to a person. A form of nobility and knowledge all rolled into on. You don't want to be a newfag who discovered bideo gaems yesterday after all, right? It's shit anyway because I don't mind virgins and using emulators to help people discover old games is such a fantastic experience. Simpler games with far more genuine artistic content and with zero to very low pozz.
Replies: >>257325
>>249617 (OP) 
So, people having tastes you don't share, people blindly regurgitating something they heard, and marketers going 2DEEP4U to defend a shoddy product: none of these qualifies as "revisionism", or as anything noteworthy given they're all older than the internet. 
>anyways who played the Saturd
<talking shit about the Saturn
Go back to reddit
Replies: >>262062
No, the people who use them are.
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>>249617 (OP) 
>One of the things thats quite annoying is when you talk to someone about an old game and you start to notice that the person you are talking to is just parroting something. You'll notice phrases,words,sentences being almost exactly the same. Kind of like deja-vu. 
The most retarded normalfag trend is thinking that everything new is always better and an improvement, while anything older is always worse, 'obsolete' and can't possibly be objectively better, and that if you think so, it's just because of nostalgia even if you explain in detail and bring out some valid points.
Replies: >>262047
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>that mp4
Hit in the feefees
>Missing the point this hard
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