Hand to face placement is fucked up. It looks like she's picking her nose. Stomach bulges too much. It makes her look malnourished. The feet in the original image were already pretty fucked up (that's a big toe on the outside of the left foot), so good on you for changing that. Unless it's a stylistic choice, the goggles aren't centered. Your forearms aren't the same length, and the left forearm has a crazy curve. The linework on the right calf is too thick, and its back should be softer. The lighting outlines are too harsh, but you probably included those for reference for later revisions. Your goggles look like they cut off and don't wrap around the head because the line for the top part of the strap past the buckle doesn't exist, and the lighting on top of the head doesn't go far enough, giving an impression that it's from a different source than what's hitting the body. Eye to eyebrow distance is wrong, and the forehead protrudes too much, giving a mannish look. The face in general might be too forward and straight-angled relative to the rest of the head. Try pushing it in and angling it down a little. Linework on the right thigh is too rough. I can see the pixels. Your right heel is a fucking square, like she has bone spurs.
I'm not >>254071, but keep trying.
Did you fail in school? He's art studying, applying his own style to the character, using it for reference so he can understand how to better draw in his style.