/v/ - Video Games

it's fucking video games, baby

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Nintendo Switch emulator Yuzu will shut down in lawsuit settlement with Nintendo
>The new settlement (via court documents) of the lawsuit will see Tropic Haze, the company behind Yuzu, paying out $2.4 million to Nintendo and ceasing all distribution, promotion, and development of the emulator.
>What’s more, the company will hand over control of their website, yuzu-emu.org, to Nintendo. With the emulator effectively being shut down, the team’s $30,000/month Patreon will likely be shut down too.
>Previous arguments for the lawsuit noted that The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom was downloaded over 1 million times before its official launch, and that Yuzu’s Patreon (which they use for support to develop the emulator) doubled during that time.
>Nintendo has been known to aggressively protect their intellectual property and/or copyright. A notorious case with an alleged Switch hacker named Gary Bowser ended with the person imprisoned (though released now) and fined millions of dollars, which he’s still paying out.
Where the fuck can I download citra now?
Meta will start collecting “anonymized” data about Quest headset usage
>"Your audio data, when your microphone preferences are enabled, to animate your avatar’s lip and face movement"
>"Certain data" about hand, body, and eye tracking, "such as tracking quality and the amount of time it takes to detect your hands and body"
>Fitness-related information such as the "number of calories you burned, how long you’ve been physically active, [and] your fitness goals and achievements"
>"Information about your physical environment and its dimensions" such as "the size of walls, surfaces, and objects in your room and the distances between them and your headset"
>"Voice interactions" used when making audio commands or dictations, including audio recordings and transcripts that might include "any background sound that happens when you use those services" (these recordings and transcriptions are deleted "immediately" in most cases, Meta writes)
>Information about "your activity in virtual reality," including "the virtual reality events you attend"
Texas crypto miners risk collapsing the electric grid by not sharing data with regulators
Persona series sells over 22 million copies worldwide
Replies: >>237725 >>237854
So, is Dolphin next?
Replies: >>237719 >>237722
Nintendo threatened Dolphin with some flimsy shit and Dolphin essentially told them to get fucked and nintendo never bit.
Replies: >>237721
>virgin yuzu vrs chad dolphin
Replies: >>237724
The trannies in charge of yuzu explicitly monetized the emulator, shared console-specific keys in the developer discord, passed around prerelease leaks among themselves with no opsec and allegedly planned to make their own NSO clone for profit. They broke every rule of emudev in the name of greed and nutendo called them out for it. This settlement is arguably the lesser evil because at least it prevents a trial where the judge could be bribed to contradict Sony v. Connectix, this way it's only their LLC (which nobody else has ever felt the need to do for emudev, by the way) that gets fucked.
Dolphin devs haven't done anything nearly as stupid and so nintendo can safely be told to get fucked.
>The trannies in charge of yuzu explicitly monetized the emulator, shared console-specific keys in the developer discord, passed around prerelease leaks among themselves with no opsec and allegedly planned to make their own NSO clone for profit. They broke every rule of emudev in the name of greed
>Dolphin devs haven't done anything nearly as stupid and so nintendo can safely be told to get fucked.
I still hate Jewtendo though.
>Not understand memes
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>>237717 (OP) 
>Where the fuck can I download citra now?
Check the archive
There is a nightly build from a day ago there and the android version still has its github page up for now
Replies: >>237726
>Check the archive
Replies: >>237727
Took me 3 seconds moron
Replies: >>237729
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Why are normalfags fucking retarded?
Oh, pardon me. When I see schizoposting involving the WEF and "check the archive" I assume it means the share thread archive or something run by a recluse on 4chan.
>The trannies in charge of yuzu explicitly monetized the emulator
>planned to make their own NSO clone for profit.
>only their LLC (which nobody else has ever felt the need to do for emudev
Gee it's almost as if they made that "company" so it can be held libel instead of them. It's almost as if they saw this all coming. Such a mystery as to why Yuzu settled wirh Jewtendo so quickly.
I found Yuzu to be, on average, a far more competent emulator than Ryujinx.
While Ryujinx prioritizes accuracy, it also has far higher requirements while having mostly negligible differences on average as far as accuracy goes on most titles, and it usually took about a week or two for yuzu to catch when it came down to running the latest releases. I don't give a shit about the developers being retarded discord niggers since I wasn't paying for it, I care about the more usable "better" product and this is why this sucks.
Besides, NIntendo surely has their eyes set on Ryujinx next so it will all boil down to a legal attrition war, playing whackamole with every single developer and fork until people get too tired to keep fighting them, that's essentially what Nintendo wants to do.
I tried both and decided with Ryujinx.
>playing whackamole with every single developer and fork until people get too tired to keep fighting them
They're going to have a fun time then, autists who make this sort of stuff aren't known for giving up that easily.
Ryujinx didn't paint a massive red target on themselves.
Only time will tell really
Yuzu only works well if you don't care about actually playing the game without glitches
accuracy>frame rate

<nyagger pill
Replies: >>237752
Ryujinx has audio issues for certain games for me that Yuzu doesn't. It's sometimes the opposite though.
Replies: >>237753
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I had audio issues with dolphin but it was due to some odd software glitch where the game was running at 1/10th of the speed but I fixed it by simply reopening the emulator and closing out any drivers
this type of stuff  can be easily fixed in future updates and even then who knows if it's even user error
Replies: >>237754
I've never had any issues w/ dolphin aside from extremely minor things like texture glitches.
Replies: >>237756
dolphin has loads of glitches if you go  beyond native res and most of them cannot be fixed without simply just disabling  effects entirely using cheat codes which can even make the game even more glitchy  or just ignoring it
DraStic's devs are also taking down their DS emulator for android. Supposedly not strictly due to Nintendo going after Yuzu, but the timing is influenced by it. At least they're letting people know in advance and have made it free until it gets pulled.
Also being made open source.
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>charging for emulators
Replies: >>237761
I mean it's a mobile emulator, if phone niggers are stupid enough to pay for microtransactions then they are stupid enough to pay for an emulator.
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>open source 
Replies: >>237764
You are basically paying for precompiled builds
Nintendo isn't so blind it only suddenly realized the Switch has emulators. It needed irrefutable evidence to take out Yuzu and hasn't gone after other emulators for the simple fact it isn't confident in winning. Ryunjinx has been in the game for just over 6 years and about a month shorter then Yuzu.
Replies: >>237767
Nintendo was merely testing the waters here to see if they could get their way in court with a case as flimsy as this one, it worked.
Replies: >>237768 >>237771
I wouldn't say someone making money directly off your work and not only just that but stealing  from it is flimsy
Replies: >>237775
This may show Nintendo's ability to attack and could scare some devs. But the facts remain that Nintendo filed the suit and a week later it was settled. At no time did a judge pass final judgement other then to accept the terms of the settlement. Taking a look at the actual suit filed, it appears that some of the ammunition Nintendo uses comes down to that Yuzu devs knowingly promoted piracy of Switch games NOT owned by the users. It further pushes that the Yuzu devs obtained copies of leaked Switch games, being games they also did not own, and promoted their use prior to the game even releasing. Granted Nintendo does push the general copyright and stealing claims that could also be applied to other emulators
Replies: >>237776 >>237787
They weren't selling Nintendo ISOs, I wouldn't call an ARM emulator "their work"
Replies: >>237777
>expecting forever sads to read any of that
>they weren't selling
yeah?  but they were using leaked copies and even then  they were making online for only people who paid them
Replies: >>237787 >>237788
I used Yuzu because I like to avoid managed .NETrash also I seem to remember Ryujinx dropping win7 in a purely artificial cunt move
Replies: >>237787
Part of Nintendo's idea behind how weak the lawsuit is in many regards, may be hoping the actual issues you described get them a verdict and drag the weak arguments along with them.
Basically get a case they can point to and say "hey, this was part of the complaint, it got accepted, therefore all these points are valid"

Yuzu devs were pieces of thrash and deserved to get kneecapped, but at least they had the decency of not dragging the rest along with them.

>and even then they were making online for only people who paid them
Worded kinda awkwardly, but yes. They were effectively selling the same thing as Nintendo's "Nintendo Switch Online" service, which can be considered selling a competing product using someone else's work.
There's legal precedent for winning cases like that, Blizzard v Wowscape. Court ruling involved a sum of $200 "per act of circumvention of a copyright security system" which ended up being over 85 million USD. Despite the server software being entirely made by people uninvolved with Blizzard, just reverse engineering snapshots from the server's responses.

I think that's Dolphin you're thinking of, some anon on here occasionally posted about reverting one single line that caused a dependency on newer Windows versions for zero benefit.
As for liking Yuzu, there's multiple forks already. Time will tell if any of them get updated, but it's not like you can actually remove open source software off the internet.
Replies: >>237792 >>237795
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Just how I like it
I have yet to see proof for this allegedly online service, the only online feature that I knew Yuzu had was P2P lobbies for emulated local network matchmaking.
>I think that's Dolphin you're thinking of, some anon on here occasionally posted about reverting one single line that caused a dependency on newer Windows versions for zero benefit.
No, that was PCSX2. Dolphin actively supported win7 until they switched to Qt6, and even then you could just drop in patched Qt6 dlls. Ryujinx simply flipped a compiler switch that made the builds win10+ for no benefit to anyone.
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Sweet Baby Inc. CEO Kim Belair Speech Urged Employees To “Terrify” Video Game Companies If They “Don’t Give You What They Want”
>Sweet Baby Inc. CEO Kim Belair makes it clear the purpose is to forget about gamers entirely and terrorize video game companies in a statement found on Twitter / X. It highlights their entire philosophy in a way which shows they shouldn’t be involved in any productions.
>Sweet Baby Inc. garnered attention due to its involvement with the latest Rocksteady game, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. Much of the game’s content was criticized for its lack of respect towards the source material. The company has been associated with several other controversial games, including Starfield, Forspoken, Gotham Knights, Spiderman 2, and the reboot of Saints Row, which led to the closure of its development studio, Volition. A Steam user, Kabrutus, created a Steam Curator list titled “Sweet Baby Inc detected” which list tracks the games that Sweet Baby Inc is involved in and does not recommend them to followers.
>Subsequently, an employee of Sweet Baby Inc, Chris Kindred, made attempts to have Kabrutus and his Steam Curator list, titled “Sweet Baby Inc detected,” removed. Kindred took to X to voice his concerns, stating, “The Steam curator harassment group, Sweet Baby Inc detected, is led by this person, kabrutusrambo. Here’s them trying to be slick so they don’t get reported. Even with the discriminatory language filed off, the group itself still fails the code of conduct.” Kindred then urged others to report the group, saying, “Anyway, report the group,” and concluded with, “And report the creator since he loves his account so much.”
>Now people have found video clips of the CEO of Sweet Baby Inc, Kim Belair showing that bullying and terrorising tactics is nothing new to Sweet Baby Inc.
Posting a clip from a game developers conference, X user GamesNosh exposed Kim Belair: “The Co-Founder of Sweet Baby Inc Kim Belair proudly explains the method she uses to force bosses at game studios to censor, alter, and “diversify” game projects she feels are problematic – “Terrify them” aka threaten them with the anger of the cancel culture mob.”
>In the full video clip, Kim Belair makes clear that the Sweet Baby Inc. game dev philosophy is to forget about the core audience, force diversity into games, sneak it in there if necessary, and use terror tactics and threats if you don’t get your way.
>Kim Belair said at the conference: “Create moments that are intentionally targeted and designed to create joy in the marginalized. They are going to appreciate this on a level that your core audience won’t, but it doesn’t mean you’re going to exclude your core audience.”
>Kim Belair continued: “Also, don’t fall into this trap that I think a lot of people fall into, which is they think, “Okay, don’t worry.” We can include everyone by making this like a single default universal experience that is universally representative. Because usually, like all that means, as it did in the dating example, is that you’re aiming at your core demographic and you’re probably invisibly leaning towards the dominant societal voice, even if you don’t realize it. Um, and if you’re in development and you are part of that dominant voice, you’re like a cis-hetero white dude or just adjacent to that, do not wait until the end to call your consultants. Bring them in at the beginning.”
>She added: “And instead of asking them, “Hey, is this very racist thing we did very racist or is this deeply offensive thing we did deeply offensive? Are you hurt by it?” Ask them what they want to see. Like, ask them what would thrill them, what would bring them joy. And if you have a team lead, put that request to them very, very early. If you’re a creative working in AAA, which I did for many, many years, put this stuff up to your higher-ups. And if they don’t see the value in what you’re asking for when you ask for consultants, when you ask for research, go have a coffee with your marketing team and just terrify them with the possibility of what’s going to happen if they don’t give you what you want.”
>The statements by Sweet Baby Inc.’s CEO only make matters worse for the company which is already embattled in so many problems from the core audience who don’t want this nonsense in their entertainment.
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Replies: >>237846 >>237847
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A literal fucking niggerkikess getting uppity.
Replies: >>237851
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this says it all
Is this why devs suddenly started using "body type"?
Replies: >>237851
>my ex was a Monster
Stop fucking dating sasquatch then you dumb bimbo
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That thing is clearly a nigger-kike hybrid like Obongo.
The worst of the worst, it's like mixing shit and vomit.
>Is this why devs suddenly started using "body type"?
Yes, and all these years they lied about it, trying to make people believe that it was something that was happening ((( organically ))) and not under threats by the ((( usual suspects ))).
Glad even normalfags are now starting to be aware of these pieces of shit and what they do.
That's why ultimately these retards are in full panic mode, they have been operating for years in the shadows and now that they got under the spotlight they can't stand to be called out continuously.
Bunch of retarded kikes.
Replies: >>237854
>>237717 (OP) 
>Meta will start collecting “anonymized” data about Quest headset usage
No sympathy for anyone who bought that facebook spy device.

>Glad even normalfags are now starting to be aware of these pieces of shit and what they do.
It doesn't matter if they are aware, it only matters if they are principled enough to stop supporting this shit.
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Ghost of Tsushima on PC
Is it fun?
it looks nice but gameplay seems like bamham formula with asscreed climbing
worth a pirate
Replies: >>237864 >>237871
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>Is it fun?
I had fun with it, it's no masterpiece but you can tell that devs cared about what they were doing, which is rare.
>gameplay seems like bamham formula with asscreed climbing
while you can tell that they started with the batman stuff the sheer amount of samurai autism they piled on top of it hides it really well, it's rare that you actually find yoursel bamhaming at people, especially if you play on the difficulty that makes hits appropriately lethal.
I mostly ran with the build that buffs the combat start kurosawa sword duel mechanic (pic related) so a meaningful amount of fights ended without even bringing the combat system in.
Replies: >>237871
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>Ghost of Tsushima on PC
>Is it fun?
It is, especially when you start getting the more advanced abilities.
>it looks nice but gameplay seems like bamham formula with asscreed climbing
>while you can tell that they started with the batman stuff the sheer amount of samurai autism they piled on top of it hides it really well, it's rare that you actually find yoursel bamhaming at people, especially if you play on the difficulty that makes hits appropriately lethal.
When i started playing it, i thought it was a mixture of the Arkham games, Onimusha, the good parts of Days Gone, and yes, the Assassin's Creed parkour as well.
But it only took the good parts of those games.
>I had fun with it, it's no masterpiece but you can tell that devs cared about what they were doing, which is rare.
I agree, it was one rare instance of devs wanting to make a good game and not interactive propaganda.
Quite surprising, coming from a Soyny owned studio. (Sucker Punch, devs of Sly Cooper and inFamous)
The only minor complaints i have it that the main character is quite uncharismatic and average looking, (I don't know what it is, maybe it's the weak jaw line, but something makes him look a bit like a dork instead of the tough samurai he's supposed to be) and that while the game generally looks great, i hate how the water looks, especially when you swim in it, as it doesn't react like it should.
You see a few barely noticeable circles forming behind you, but for the most part it doesn't react to walking in it or swimming in it.
for some reason, static water in vidya always bothered me, except for old low poly vidya like Tomb Raider of course.
To me it feels like those games where you shoot the walls or the groung and nothing happens, no bullet holes nor dust coming up, and that may really kill immersion.
If you put water in vidya and the MC has to interact with it, either by swimming, walking on puddles or throwing shit in it, then make it react to it accordingly.
But yeah, apart from that, very good game, and pretty fun too.
There are also rumors of a Gravity Rush 2 port for the PC.
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China breakthrough promises optical discs that store hundreds of terabytes
>Optical discs that can store up to 200 TB of data could be possible with a new technology developed in China. If commercialized, it could revive optical media as an alternative to hard disk or tape for cost-effective long-term storage.
I want to buy 1TB compact disks.
>In an article published in Nature titled "A 3D nanoscale optical disk memory with petabit capacity," the researchers detail how they developed a novel optical storage medium they call dye-doped photoresist (DDPR) with aggregation-induced emission luminogens (AIE-DDPR).
>In tests, the researchers claim the AIE-DDPR film is so transparent that they were able to write and read up to 100 layers on such disks, with a distance between neighboring layers of just 1 micrometer (1 μm).
>With 100 layers to a disc plus a minimum spot size of 54 nm and a lateral track pitch of 70 nm, the researchers estimate this should make possible a capacity of 1.6 petabits (200 TB) within the area of a DVD-sized disc.
transparent, but the point isn’t entirely clear
Rooster Teeth shut down by Warner Bros. Discovery
Didn't a guy worked there that was slowly killed by his 3DPD wife with a cat and when he was in a coma, she pulled the plug without telling anyone?
Intel puts 1nm process (10A) on the roadmap for 2027 — also plans for fully AI-automated factories with 'Cobots'
Electronic Arts is the latest gaming giant to announce big layoffs, cutting 5% of staff
Klarna says its AI assistant does the work of 700 people after it laid off 700 people
Sony cuts 900 jobs in gaming, shuts down a London division
>Didn't a guy worked there that was slowly killed by his 3DPD wife with a cat and when he was in a coma, she pulled the plug without telling anyone?
Monty Oum, creator of the series RWBY. Which yes, Roosterteeth owned, so not sure what's going to happen to it now. It supposedly went to shit after his death (didn't watch it) so hopefully it's kill.
Replies: >>237886
>Roosterteeth is dead
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>Rooster Teeth shut down by Warner Bros. Discovery
Until I see it in action that transparent screen is horseshit.
Replies: >>237883 >>237885
>cuckster teef is dead
>EA layoffs
>soyny layoffs
It's always nice to see some good news.
Even if it works perfectly, I can't see it being popular for laptops. Using the tech in car windshields to give you nav arrows would be pretty cool, right up until an OTA update floods your entire field of view with gay porn.
you'll never see it in ackshun becuz you nver leaf ur house virgen
>Monty Oum, creator of the series RWBY. 
He was the founder, he hand animated Haloid and a bunch of weeaboo fightan CGI shorts before founding Rooster Teeth after Red Vs. Blue took off.
Replies: >>237888
didn't either he or rooster teeth stole a good bunch of MMD assets without crediting the community as its common practice among MMD creators?
Replies: >>237915
I hope this blows up. The internet could use another nuke.
Replies: >>237918 >>237930
That's bullshit but I believe it. It's not like the MMD "community" had much if any overlap with burger weebs in the mid 2000s, which is when that would have happened.
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Some Anons wanted to know how companies are spending 'MILLIONS' on games with nothing to show for it
Aside from hiring and appealing to "consultants" like what's going down with Sweet Baby inc: >>237833
Rockstar just gave you your answer.
>‘Before Rockstar, I Was Just a Jobbing Actor Off Broadway’: Arthur Morgan Actor Roger Clark on the Red Dead Redemption 2 Effect
>Grand Theft Auto 6 devs hit out at Rockstar’s ‘reckless’ return-to-office mandate

The TL;DR is that these companies are spending ludicrous amounts of money to:
<Handing a blank check to people who literally have nothing to do with developing the actual fucking game
<Appealing to employees who are demanding that they never be required to do any actual work

>The Catcher in the Rye
Is there something about this book that I should know?

>I hope this blows up.
Seems like it is:
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>Sweet Baby Inc. isn’t forcing diversity, it’s happening naturally
Replies: >>237924
She is sperging about the book specifically because it's about a white young man
>all that immediate piss poor b8 in the cuckchan link
>all those replies to said piss poor b8
I dunno if it'll explode but it certainly seems like this exposure has touched a nerve.
Replies: >>237925
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That's what ((( they ))) wanted us to believe until this shit came out.
It's happening so "naturally" that there's a company specifically tasked with mobbing and essentially blackmailing gaming companies into adding niggers and faggots into their games.
You can't tell these stupid faggots are kikes, lying and doubling down even in front of the most blatant evidence that proves them wrong.
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>I dunno if it'll explode but it certainly seems like this exposure has touched a nerve.
In this cases, adding fuel to the fire is what must be done, so you niggers better do your best to spread this shit like wildfire.
What are the comments saying?
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Did the writer of that Kotaku article think anybody would fall for that total horseshit?
>Sweet Baby Inc. is a narrative design company, meaning most of its work is focused on writing stories and dialogue—they are not a DEI consultancy firm. That means they ensure a game’s plot points make logical sense and are satisfying to players, and that characters speak and behave in consistent ways. Narrative designers may also provide a final round of polish, like a Hollywood “script doctor.” For example, the team worked on Suicide Squad long after the story was written—and even then they joined just to write in-game ads, audio logs, and NPC “barks,”
IMMEDIATELY after an actual quote from the CEO is given
<One of the things that we do offer is cultural consultations or authenticity consultations
It does have one point though: there are ((( DEI ))) companies out there that deserve to be fucking firebombed a hell of a lot more but this is still a good step.
Replies: >>237977
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A bunch of Jewtuber retards have already flooded YouTube with their own video essays and anti-SJW takes, so presumably this stuff is hitting a wider audience, or at least an audience already fed up with the shit that's been going on in other areas of society that can now be exposed to more societal degeneracy.
See: Critical Stinker, ItsAFagdam, and other e-celeb brouhaha
It's not enough until it spills into the streets, but at least it's getting spicier.
Am I the only one to think that the sudden reveals of SweetBaby and its influence in the games industry to a broader audience is strange? I've known about them for years and thought others did too.
>Is there something about this book that I should know?
Holden Caulfield is very sensitive, and his story appeals to the female and feminine male demographics. Life is Strange's protagonist shares his last name for a reason. It's also a piece of required reading in almost all of America.
>A bunch of Jewtuber retards
Useful idiots, hope it keeps spreading.
Replies: >>237935
Yes... like Ragnarok, may the old tainted earth give way for new growth...
Who cares who they are as long as this shit gets out.
It's normalfags who should be made aware of it, not anons who already know this kind of shit.
>Am I the only one to think that the sudden reveals of SweetBaby and its influence in the games industry to a broader audience is strange?
No I think it is just the Streissand effect. This wave of attention started when some Sweet Baby employees tweeted out to mass report the Steam curator that only had a couple thousand members at the time, now it has hundreds of thousands.
Everything is suspicious, no one is trustworthy, not even you faggots.
But yeah, a bunch of retard mongoloids all propping this particular issue up out of nowhere is odd, though you could argue it's because all of the e-celeb-tier faggots who saw GAY MER GAYT's results all started congregating and fucking each others' buttholes when they realized that the world at large would rather suck a blue haired rotten tit than listen to their pasty balding ass.
At the risk of being niggerpill, it's not like it'll do anything. The average joe doesn't know about this, only interniggers, and the few shmucks that actually do know about this in the real world don't give half of their fat ass about it. It'll take significant changes in the outside world before gaming changes, it's just that the changes in gaming were the first ones noticed by a greater than 0 portion of the population.
Replies: >>237940
If it didn't matter, why would companies censor fhe shit out of everyone and flood the internet with ads?
At least be coherent.
>It's also a piece of required reading in almost all of America.
I lived in one of those places it wasn't, but then again we had to read some book about poor spics migrating up to the southwest from Mexico, or something like that. I couldn't be bothered to remember the details or what it's called at this point, but I feel like forced boring/politically inclined literature in schools is a big part of why most people in my classes, even up through community college, could barely read. At least violent stories of heroes, like Beowulf, actually caught students' attention (probably helped by culminating in two class days of movie watching), but I figure we wouldn't have read it as part of the curriculum to begin with if it didn't have "cultural significance" as one of the oldest surviving pieces of English literature.
Replies: >>237946 >>238527
>Ghost of Tsushima
It is a 5.5/10 game at best. It mostly relies on looking "pretty" but it has a lot of issues. The biggest is that it follows the typical Sony format of story over gameplay. The entirety of the main story and even the majority of the side quests forces you the player to do TLOU-tier walking to hear exposition, almost as if it is a loading screen, before you can get to the area of the quest. Endlessly running to and from areas just so characters can talk to you gets boring quickly. The story also doesn't matter since it boils down to choosing A or B at the very end.
The whole game is about being a Samurai or Ninja to fight the Mongols. The game is better when playing as a Samurai since it means fighting enemies head on. Being a Ninja is for faggots as it entails playing a modern-era stealth game where you instant kill brain dead enemies who cannot react to you until their "notice" bar fills up.
But just in case you thought you could enjoy being a Samurai, the fucking devs hate you for not playing their way. The game has you choose from three fighting stances: Light for light enemies, medium for medium enemies, and heavy for heavy enemies. Now the game also loves to throw a mix of these types in groups that you fight all at once. But if for whatever reason you want to fight the group with a medium stance so you aren't too slow or do too little damage, and you face off against anything other then the medium enemy, the game will fucking pause itself and give you a tutorial about stances. This happened a handful of times before it mercifully stopped, and the game is easy enough that it doesn't require changing stances every 5 seconds like the devs envisioned.
I remember being forced to sit through To Kill a Mockingbird and jesus christ women are terrible writers.
>and jesus christ women are terrible writers.
There are good female writers out there, but nearly ALL of them use a male pseudonym.
Replies: >>237950
i liked soul reaver
Replies: >>237952
Reminds me of this classic from an author that actually is a best seller and got into literature by reading literally everything in his small town library as a kid.
Christ this just unlocked a memory for me and now I remember one of my high school english teachers forcing the class to read excerpts from Freud that were so shit I think I forced it into the recesses of my brain.
Amy Hennig is a good writer, and she isn't a feminist cunt nor a liberal douche
>I’m not saying that my work is a classic. Heck no. By no means. I’m proud to be a pulp writer. I don’t write books with themes or hidden meanings. A gun is a gun and werewolves are not a symbol of feminist liberation. Most normal writers are in the same boat. We don’t have literati pretensions of smug superiority. We write to get paid, and the more entertaining we are, the more we get paid.  
Almost as if the entire point is to have fun. Though in vidya's case it hasn't become the dominant way to teach over books yet. Also funny how they expect everyone to over analyze every piece of media then recoil in horror when everyone simply starts tearing apart pretentious stories.
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>Am I the only one to think that the sudden reveals of SweetBaby and its influence in the games industry to a broader audience is strange? I've known about them for years and thought others did too.
I didn't know about it until "someone" (jew) called it out after Suicide Squad bombed. Before that I simply assumed all the major publishers had their own ESG commissariat.
Given how hard this is blowing up, I suspect there's a plan to hijack and weaponize it as part of the dup btfo circus this year, in the same way niggergate was weaponized almost immediately and turned into the "The Right Side Of History vs evil dissenters" dialectic the jews have been riding since 2015. Or it's just viral being viral and happening too fast to be shut down without an even greater Streisand effect.
Replies: >>237966
Nah, the growth is too organic with established voices driving it. Forum digging after seeing it in Spider-Man 2 credits>Nichegamer>smaller YouTube commenters>bigger YouTube commenters is a pretty natural track.
Klarnas AI assistant is fucking garbage. I tried contacting support and the automated ai assistant or whatever the fuck it is just replaced the chat and redirects you to a FAQ page. Absolute garbage.
That one we did have to read where I was. Same with The Great Gatsby and Weasel's "it was real in my mind" Night.
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The Steam group just disabled people's ability to make threads and leave comments:
I have been seeing the group forums getting absolutely  bombarded with posts akin to "does anyone else want to beat up women/trannies fellow incels :^)" so i dont blame them
Replies: >>237977
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4chan is deleting threads about it. Make one here, this is GG 2.0, mark my fucking words.
So all it will amount to is another jewpedia article about how toxic gamers harassed another dindu woman?
Replies: >>237980
Among other things, chief of which the coming massive overreaction and censor attempt, following Streisand in full effect soon after and showing shit like media corruption and kikery to even more normalfags and possibly getting them off the fence. But yes, I've no doubt they'll chalk this up to the ebil gamer nazi and NiGGergate boogeymen. 4chan banning GG and censoring /pol/ was what gave birth to 8ch, remember that.
>oy vey goyim you can't go around telling people which games we're involved in! it's literally anotha shoah!
Is Baby Rappers Inc. were actually so proud of the diversity and inclusion force into vidya, why are they so afraid of being named?
Replies: >>238002
Who cares what cuckchan is doing?
Replies: >>237995
He's hinting at the possibility of 16chan.
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Reminder to report this Chris guy on Xwitter. Ever since Elon Musk took over, reporting lefties for harassment seems to work quite often even if they have a million followers.
Replies: >>237997
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Apparently it got autosuspended because it hit a report threshold, but muskmelon did nothing.
>Make one here, this is GG 2.0, 
Or you could just use the GamerGate thread.
Replies: >>238006 >>238036
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Again? Haven't they learned from their lesson from the Janiteam leaks?
>4chan is deleting threads about it.
The same shit they did with TLOU2 memes
>Is Baby Rappers Inc. were actually so proud of the diversity and inclusion force into vidya, why are they so afraid of being named?
Because kikes know that what they are doing is malicious and plain evil, even if they use nice-sounding words to describe it.
There's a reason "oy vey! The goyim know! Shut it down!" Became a meme.
Replies: >>238003
>The same shit they did with TLOU2 memes
Not just 4um, back then Julay did it too. I remember that.
Replies: >>238005
With Julay it was /cow/tards that were spamming the thread with facesitting and farting fetish shit only to ask the retarded mod to delete the whole thread for the same off topic derailment they caused.
I was there during that shitshow
Or you could shut up about your delusions of sending emails to change policies set by objectively evil people and just play good video games instead.
Name five good games that released in these past two years that are not 2D.
Replies: >>238010 >>238014
Corn Kidz 64
>let evil do as it pleases and allow it to keep consuming everything, just shut up like a good goy
how about you eat shit kike
Replies: >>238012
<be an obnoxious fuckwad and driving people into the arms of your enemies through the sheer force of your mental retardation, while evil still does as it pleases because you're still playing the game it created
You can do both you know. But if you ever want good games to be released again then it's important to fight this shit.
Replies: >>238016 >>238017
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Replies: >>238020
Sending emails does nothing though. If anything it just gives ammunition to your enemy.
You have to come up with a meticulous plan and think long-term like kikes do.
What plan that would be I couldn't tell you though this whole Sweet Baby situation does seem like an opening for something.
Good games are being released, you just refuse to play them because they're not Brand™® and would rather waste your loosh "spreading awareness" on a Mongolian tapestry appreciation forum of about 100 people, most of whom will leave when you try to start Niggergate 2.0: it's totally going to work this time I swear. Jews won't back off on the ESG crap until they are personally threatened, and anything you or I could do through autisic screeching will only make that day come later (through the backfire effect) when you're already watching evil destroy itself simply by being bad at its job.
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Do you even know why this website exists? Why are you even here?
Replies: >>238021 >>238157
maybe fighting-age white men getting into hobbies other than consuming fiction is a good thing
Replies: >>238020
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>soyjak template video
This is the best version of that song regardless.
I'd agree if there was any way to form an IRL gatekept social circle anymore. A single man by himself won't make a difference.
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>Do you even know why this website exists?
Yes. You obviously don't though.
>Why are you even here?
To talk about video games.
Replies: >>238025
>100 people
People hate games here and any time you try to talk about one you get dog pulled by autists who shit on your thread for clout.
May as well do goyimgate 2.
Replies: >>238036 >>238038
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>Oy vey! Don't do nothing goyim and the problem will eventually go away by itself
Replies: >>238036
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Seems like Sweet Baby Inc. was only the tip of the iceberg.
Here's a list of companies that do the same shit.
<"Divershitty it's totally happening organically, goys, i swear!"
Replies: >>238032 >>238055
>Mormon convert from Roman Catholicism
>calls out books wanting awards despite making a campaign to have him and his buddies nominated for Hugo Awards
>says books that are sad or show human despair aren't good
>thinks influential books are only so because professors deemed them such
>admits to writing books for money rather than enjoyment
>sees monetary gains as greater than meaning or fulfillment
>thinks Star Wars and Twilight are more influential than the literature that came before them
He's right that the maintained progressive literary standard which has existed since the 60s has created a crushing phenomena on literacy, but he cries about how he gets no recognition and definitely isn't bitter about it while also admitting to being lowbrow. If he's so literate and has been since his schooldays, why did he fail his English courses? Is it really because he was so engrossed in other pieces that he just didn't care? I don't know why anyone would see this guy as respectable.
Replies: >>238061
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The most GoonerGate ever did was get a pedo-whore fired from Nintendo. We don’t need another fencesitting movement
Replies: >>238045
Hey, it also primed the pump for any conservative discourse to be discarded by normalfags as a cult for almost a decade. That's got to count for something.
Replies: >>238051
I'm pretty sure conservatives consistently being indistinguishable from democrats from 10 years ago did that, not gaymergate
The very idea of giving money to any kind of consultation company is stupid. At best, you get hot air and wasted time. At worst, poz. Did I already mention that giving money to consultation companies is stupid?
Replies: >>238057
It's not stupid per se but it has to be done to fill a short-term need you can't fill yourself and you need to vet them to make sure they can actually help you. The Highly Paid Consultant hired to blow smoke or take the blame for management failures when it all comes crashing down is archetypal in IT.
Did you actually read it? The entire point is that English class isn't about reading comprehension, it's about making up Freudian nonsense. The mention of  the "awards" is that they're rigged and thus meaningless. The entire point of Sad Puppies was to show World Con/the Hugos weren't actually a "for fans by fans" thing and if faced with the prospect of not being able to pick their pet diversity hire nobody reads the "judges" would burn the entire thing to the ground instead (which they did). It's really, really hard to be about him wanting on of the awards when he refused the nomination.

>thinks Star Wars and Twilight are more influential than the literature that came before them

Yes. Gatsby was a major failure that literally had to be given out for free to very, very bored people to get a following and that one is actually more influential than most of the stuff in it. Compared to Star Wars influence on sci-fi as a genre and filmmaking as a whole, or the sheer depths of shitty romance spawned from Twilight (remember: 50 Shades of Grey was a Twilight fanfic) that's nothing.
Replies: >>238112
>The entire point is that English class isn't about reading comprehension, it's about making up Freudian nonsense
I did read it, and I understand and agree with his basic point, that English courses in America are about prescribing meaning rather than encouraging literacy and instilling progressive social values based on book lists written decades prior, but I dislike his character and how he expanded on his point. Regarding Sad Puppies, the campaign began with an attempt to force a Best Novel nomination for Correia, which he couldn't achieve. He only reached a nomination in the next year, in which he finished last. Voting for the Hugos was always exclusive and intended to be a representation of what members of the WSFS, themselves meant to be both the standards of quality and fellows, deemed to be the best works of the year. Leaving nominations to what may as well be the popular vote is a betrayal of the existence of the Hugos. Star Wars is a classic and was very influential by bringing space opera to film. However, its influence is inflated due to Lucas's extremely good business sense. The initial trilogy is and was fodder for people who lacked a background in science fiction, regardless of how autistic Lucas was and wanted to be with his lore. I know it won Hugos. Twilight isn't a classic. It had a large influence, but it lacks literary merit.
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Vince McMahon's face blurred from archival footage in WWE 2K24 after sex trafficking lawsuit
Verizon is giving away a free Nintendo Switch for new home internet subscribers
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons remake renders at 454p on Xbox Series S
>Digital Foundry’s analsysis finds that the Xbox Series X and PS5 versions have a dynamic resolution in Quality mode that ranges between highs of 1620p and lows of 1260p, notably lower than the native 4K resolution (2160p) both systems can achieve.
>“4K may be the target here, but it’s rarely if ever in sight,” Digital Foundry’s Thomas Morgan says.
>Meanwhile, the Xbox Series S version has a resolution that ranges between 454p and 720p, meaning at times it can render at lower than standard definition, though Morgan notes that “in Quality mode it does tend to rest at the upper end, at 720p”.
Developer releases Small Radios Big Televisions as freeware after getting delisted by WB Discovery
>“WarnerBros Discovery have informed me they will be ‘retiring’ my game Small Radios Big Televisions from both Steam and PS4 stores”, Deery wrote on X.
>“I’ve made it free to download here. Thanks for all your support.”
https://fire-face.com/games/srbt.html inb4 shill
Helldivers 2 studio CEO denies rumors of Sony buyout
>After X user @NextGenPlayer posted a mocked up image of the PlayStation Studios logo and the Arrowhead logo with the message “welcome to the family”, Arrowhead CEO Johan Pilestedt replied saying the image, and the news, were untrue.
>“This is fake, unless I’ve missed something,” he replied. “Also, a really shitty old logo from 2008 or so when we just started the studio.”
>In a similar discussion, one user told Pilestedt: “They say you sold out to Sony.”
>“In that case, this would be the first I hear about it,” he replied.
>Verizon is giving away a free Nintendo Switch for new home internet subscribers
And that's my queue to begin pirating Switch games!
I have a particular autism in that I will only pirate games if they're given away for free at any point in time.
>Developer releases Small Radios Big Televisions as freeware after getting delisted by WB Discovery
Incidentally, I should look up whatever happened to that Coyote vs. Roadrunner movie that the CEO had an autism fit over and refused to distribute.
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>Vince McMahon's face blurred from archival footage in WWE 2K24 after sex trafficking lawsuit
lol Vince
Replies: >>238161
to ban people you don't like clearly
>post in any board with a active moderator
>they ban you for posting a image on a imageboard
Press "F" to pay respect.
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Isn't that the normalfag that have a scat fetish?
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RIP in prince
What with Manga artists dying with shit health? Sure their job is to sit all day, but should mean game devs should be having the same issues.
Replies: >>238168 >>238414

He died of subdural hematoma, which is mostly caused by getting a head injury and not going to a fucking doctor to get it checked. Not exactly a health issue, more of a (rather common) fuckup by underestimating a "seemingly minor" injury.
Alcohol abuse and being on anticoagulants can make it more likely to happen, so it's not like health is necessarily entirely unrelated, but as far as I know from old interviews he rarely if ever drank.
Replies: >>238170
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>as far as I know from old interviews he rarely if ever drank.
He was a proud chainsmoker though.
i did it my way
oh the reason I bring this up is because they’re definitely censoring any mentions and deleting as stated here >>237977

Seems odd considering many claim that site as the last bastion of freedom on the internet(lol)
people started getting b& from 4/v/ for saying nigger about 12 years ago, this isn't news
Time to replay Chrono Trigger.
Replies: >>238245 >>238389
But the future refused to change.
The mods are kikes, that's why.
Why do you think only 8ch went under fire but cuckchan was left alone?
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Already on it.
>krillin as the frog knight
How is this both an insult and praise at the same time?
>luka as bulma not chichi
Replies: >>238400
>not Vgeta, Vgeta, and Vgeta
Bulma is the tech genius, like Lucca. Chichi would fit Marle more.
Replies: >>238434
>Chichi would fit Marle more
Yeah you're right.
Replies: >>238434
Are you just having a laugh or are you genuinely so stupid you don't understand why being a full-time manga artist for 30-40 years would take a toll on a man's health?
Replies: >>238430
What I don't get is Araki is blatantly senile, he has gone on record saying he doesn't remember drawing Part 2, his art gets worse with every chapter, and yet Toriyama dies first. There ain't no justice.
Replies: >>238431
Meanwhile Oda keeps making Nami's tits larger and larger with each passing day
Replies: >>238918
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Marle is the only party member that doesn't have an obvious Dragon Ball counterpart. I think she's closer to Bianca from DQ more than anything but I haven't played the game she's from to say for sure. I briefly considered naming her Lunch before settling on Chi-chi. Also the retranslation patch I'm using calls her "Chicidia" which demonstrates why Square USA threw that particular naming quirk in the garbage.
>Vgeta, Vgeta, and Vgeta
It's Chrono Trigger, not Dragon Quest.
Replies: >>238435 >>238437
>which demonstrates why Square USA threw that particular naming quirk in the garbage
Because they are retarded? The point is that Marle is dumb and uses a nickname that she came up with on the spot that is just a shortening of her real name, so no matter what you name her it will reflect on her real name too. "Nadia" is just localizer bullshit.
Replies: >>238544
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>It's Chrono Trigger, not Dragon Quest.
Replies: >>238544
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>burn Tobal 2 on a CD
>the next day Toriyama dies
His women look retarded but I'll give Chaco a pass. I like my space age gogo girls.
Replies: >>238499 >>238637
I don't think his women look any more retarded than his other characters.
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>some book about poor spics migrating up to the southwest from Mexico
The Tortilla Curtain? I remember that book defeating its own purpose of illustrating white people fears of illegal immigration being overblown by having one of the illegal Mexican characters be a villain that implicitly rapes the female illegal Mexican MC, and nearly rapes one of the white female MC's. Those discrepancies were glossed over in book discussions, if they were brought up at all.
Replies: >>238649
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>The point is that Marle is dumb and uses a nickname that she came up with on the spot that is just a shortening of her real name
The point is it's a piece of wordplay that doesn't work in English at all when that character's name could be "DICKS" or "Carl" or "Vgeta" for all you know. It barely works in Japanese with the one-phoneme-per-kana rule. You can't be EOP and then complain when the translators try to make the script sound like English while at least trying to avoid shredding authorial intent. inb4 "you're defending da joooooooos"
I'm going to be honest and say I forgot that image existed.
Ghost Of Tsushima's Lead Devs To Become the Real Island's Ambassadors
>Two senior members of the Ghost of Tsushima development team are to become ambassadors of the real island of Tsushima. PlayStation exclusive Ghost of Tsushima has been widely praised for its beautiful open-world setting and compelling storyline, and Japan is one of the game's biggest fanbases.
>Ghost of Tsushima has raised the global profile of the real-world island of Japan's Tsushima Island since the game's initial release in July 2020. The result of this newfound fame saw members of the Ghost of Tsushima fan community band together to raise funds for the island after a typhoon destroyed one of its historic Torii shrine gates. The local shrine priest, Yuichi Hirayama, publicly acknowledged that it was the Ghost of Tsushima community that donated a vast sum of the final money raised through the Campfire campaign (Japan’s counterpart of Kickstarter) that he started to fund the repairs.
>Now the island is honoring two of Ghost of Tsushuima’s lead developers. Sucker Punch Production's Game Director Nate Fox and Creative Director Jason Connell will receive the distinctions of becoming permanent tourism ambassadors of the city of Tsushima in Nagasaki. In a statement translated by VGC, Tsushima mayor Hiroki Hitakatsu said:
>“ [Fox and Connell] spread the name and history of Tsushima to the whole world in such a wonderful way. Even a lot of Japanese people do not know the history of the Gen-ko period. When it comes to the world, the name and location of Tsushima is literally unknown, so I cannot thank them enough for telling our story with such phenomenal graphics and profound stories.”
Replies: >>238638
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i like his women
I am looking forward to the PC port, I will probably play it in Japanese though, if it supports that.
Replies: >>238684 >>238866
I don't think so. I don't remember the cover looking like that or name sounding like that either.
>I will probably play it in Japanese though, if it supports that
Don't see why not. The english dub gave Khotun Khan a lisp and makes him sound pathetic.
>I will probably play it in Japanese though, if it supports that.
There's a very specific option for that, called "authentic mode" or something like that, that allows you to play it in Japanese with subtitles.
Replies: >>238880
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Are said subtitles actually authentic though?
Pic was about >>238116
Somehow cleared the text field by accident. Fug.
I don't exactly see the reasoning behind fucking subtitles up  for a american game it's already made by a bunch of faggots
wow AI inpainting is getting good, nobody is going to be able to trust anything they see on the media now
Replies: >>238892
>trust anything they see on the media now
what rock have you been sleeping under?
I'd have to guess the same one that fell on your head and left you unable to glean sarcasm from text.
not that anon
Replies: >>238896
>black text
you do see there are id tags right?
I dunno there's a lot of naive and completely innocent people these days  because they been sheltered 
that joke would make more sense if it was pre 2013 and more than half the internet wasn't completely bots ad advertisers and had intelligent posts
Replies: >>238905
but AI wasn't invented yet in the 1960s during the great depression so stalin had to use photoshop on dosbox to edit that photo
Replies: >>238906
So you're telling me that cover of big iron by Elvis Presley is real?
Replies: >>238909
Totally, I was there when he sang it, bro, dude just trust me, man!
Really? Is there a before and after?
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'Sincerely apologize': Peoria police remove recruitment ad based on violent video game
>The ad referenced Call of Duty, the popular first-person shooter video game series, calling on prospective recruits to "stop playing games and answer the call of duty" by joining the police department. Above the text, three white police officers are brandishing guns.
>"It was never my intention to offend any of our community members with the recruitment flyer that was posted on our Facebook page yesterday," Echevarria said. "It was simply a recruitment image I thought would appeal and connect to a younger generation. I take ownership of this, and I sincerely apologize. Our goal is to recruit the best and most qualified officers for this police department in the most caring and respectful way."
>The department does have a recruitment ad up on social media targeted at potential female recruits, combined with a video showing a group of diverse women officers going about their jobs and supporting their families.
Replies: >>238964 >>239010
>caring what the public thinks
You either get detroit hellhole with no cops because cops bad or some Martha's vineyard mercenary death squad because you stepped on the millionaire's grass. Everyone in between gets fucked with shitty diversity cops.
Replies: >>238979
if there were no cops in a city the jews, niggers, fags and other trash would all get killed/enslaved/chased out in less than a month.
Replies: >>238988
You must be 18 to post here.
Replies: >>239015
Do these retards not understand the games are named after a principle the army and police are founded upon, not the other way around?
He's not wrong, that's what happened in Brazil.
FALLOUT Director Jonathan Nolan Didn't Set Out To Make A Show That Pleases The Fans
>I don't think you really can set out to please the fans of anything, or please anyone other than yourself. I think you have to come into this trying to make the show that you want to make it and trusting that as fans of the game, you know, we would find the pieces that were essential to us about the games and try to do the best version of those that we can. I think, you know, it's kind of a fool's errand to try to figure out how to make people happy in that way. You gotta make yourself happy. And I've made myself very happy with the show.
>All eight episodes of Fallout will debut on Prime Video at once on April 11
>dumping the whole thing at once
They are fucking retarded.
Bravo Nolan.
I'm gonna assume he didn't look at the track record of the recent fallout games
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<I don't think you really can set out to please the fans of anything, or please anyone other than yourself.
<I think, you know, it's kind of a fool's errand to try to figure out how to make people happy in that way. You gotta make yourself happy. And I've made myself very happy with the show.
>Making a show to cater exclusively to yourself
>Not caring about those who are expected to watch it.
I willing to bet this is some gender studies dropout, how can anyone possibly be this fucking retarded?
How can you be such a narcissistic, self-centered retard?
Just wait for this guy to wonder why nobody will watch that shit.
Replies: >>239171 >>239173
How surprising!

>How can you be such a narcissistic, self-centered retard?
By growing in LA
Normalfags have absolute shit taste so anything made to cater to them is 100% guaranteed to be shit. I don't know who John Nolan is but if he is even slightly more intelligent than the average fallout 4 player then he made the right choice.
Replies: >>239174
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I concur, they only need to see Power Armor and Deathclaws and they'll be doing the grimace face and clapping.
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Replies: >>239195
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>you really can set out to please the fans of anything, or please anyone other than yourself
>You gotta make yourself happy
>it's all about ME ME ME
Yeah and in a few months we'll be seeing how Soyout season 2 has been shitcanned because all the racist/sexist/transphobic bigots didn't watch it. I'm a "creative" too or whatever faggot term you want to use so I have a bit of experience here and he's a fucking retard. No matter how much YOU like something you've done, if no one else does they're not going to buy it. If you're making something for yourself, great. Go ham on it and do what you want. But if you're trying to sell people something you have to give them something they want to buy. Sure there will be paint swilling retards that force down whatever shit you put in front of them because it has the name brand on it and the paid shillsjournalists who love anything as long as it shits on something straight males liked even if they don't consume the product themselves, but they're hardly the majority.
Replies: >>239211
>Yeah and in a few months we'll be seeing how Soyout season 2 has been shitcanned because all the racist/sexist/transphobic bigots didn't watch it.
No, there will be a second season. That's the new tactic these companies pull. They green light a show for two seasons, at least, as a gimmick to convince people that the show was "popular" in the first place, however it's all just a marketing tactic to get people to watch the show.
Replies: >>239214
I thought the real trick was that the studios give funding for one season but the producers break it up into two by breaking up the number of episodes produced into two batches. At least that was what I was told about the production of TLOU  show.
Replies: >>239222
the real trick is to steal money from netflix in exchange for exclusivity
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Replies: >>239226 >>239266
I guess by "to please himself" Mr. Nolan was referring to his black on white racemixing fetish
By Nolan's own words, he's the only one hyped
Replies: >>239271
Well, if Nolan made that shit for himself, he should have said:
>Am i hyped to smell my own fart?
New rimworld update announced that looks not good
I've loved Rimworld since the early alphas but there hasn't been a good update since Tynan handed it off to his interns or whoever it is that has been shitting out all these off-brand DLCs.
Replies: >>239461
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I still cannot get over that name and the fact that it looks like something you would get play in your browser like 10 years ago
Royalty sucks aside from the mech stuff but the other two are fine. This one looks like a glorified events mod with even more linear quests.
The update looks good, but the new DLC doesn't.
Someone (not me) remake another SBI/gubgoy 2.0 thread
Replies: >>239504
That was a pretty terrible thread to be honest
Replies: >>239507
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Replies: >>239532
itz all ogre goyim! u raff u rooz! teh gaym. we lost it! holy shitto u ded kant ebin 2 hear me! ill go to your side *blam* now we can jerkoff to cia approved loli prawn 2gether
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Then go and post. Last I checked, shitposters can't hold future threads hostage.
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lmao I thought game devs had no balls  anymore this shit reminds me of Maliken from HoN
Replies: >>239673 >>239675
Now if only they had the balls to not change it when the inevitable flood of twitter troons bitch about it.
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That thing is genuinely creepy though
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Transgender Actor Lashes Out At Dead By Daylight After Being “Tricked” Into Voicing “Deformed Freak In A Skirt”
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It's a very faithful and respectful depiction. I don't see the problem.
>thousands of people
I guarantee it was two people at most.
LGBTQ+ Activists Accuse ‘Helldivers 2’ Developers Of Silencing Them After They Attempted To Push Propaganda Into Game
>Numerous LGBTQ+ activists are accusing Helldivers II developers of attempting to silence them after they attempted to push LGBTQ+ propaganda into the game.
>As reported by Endymion, numerous LGBTQ+ activists spoke with Polygon and accused developers Arrowhead Game Studios of silencing them.
>One activist, going by the name of Bapanada, told the outlet, “The problem here isn’t actually the bigots, those are an unfortunate fact of life that can never be fully eradicated. >The problem is that Arrowhead’s official spaces […] have made the deliberate decision to silence LGBTQ+ voices under the guise of banning any ‘political’ discussion, as if people’s identities are political, and as if this game was not created and marketed as a heavy-handed piece of political satire.”
>Polygon’s Diego Nicolás Argüello also claimed that an individual named Wendy Wilson demanded pride flag capes be added to the game in the official Discord server. After numerous gamers told her to keep the propaganda away, she changed her profile to a transgender flag.
>Argüello then detailed, “After posting a long message in the official Helldivers 2 Discord detailing the events and asking for proper moderation, she was timed out for 24 hours, her message was deleted, and another swarm of people DMed her.”
>Wilson informed Polygon, “Disallowing discussion only causes lgbt members of the community to hide, while the bigots get to remain.”
>Interestingly, a number of players on the game’s Steam forums have indicated they were kicked from the game’s discord for opposing LGBTQ+ propaganda in the game.
>User CaliburxZero posted, “So someone started posting all the “dirt” on the LGBT stance of the devs, and I got kicked out because I questioned why this group of people need their flag everywhere and why should they get a flag put on as capes where nobody else will? The moment I posted that shortly after I was kicked out of the discord.”
>He added, “Not gonna lie, this censorship and LACK of democracy is getting old.”
>In an edit, he also posted, “The point I had tried to make as I have on reddit, is that if you give the cape to them you MUST give it to EVERYONE or NOBODY at ALL. Fair is fair. If I’m made to put up with seeing it, at least be FAIR to the other groups of people that are “underrepresented”. Either way, I’m sick of Politics of the left in everything. Just leave me alone and let me play my game and tune out from world crap.”
>“Oh and as a final message to those who support this censorship to protect your fragile ideology to this I say one simple thing: Seethe more, and your hatred of DIVERSITY of THOUGHT only brings more awareness to the way you people think and act,” he concluded.
LMAO isn't Dead By Daylight one of SBI's clients too?
Life imitates art ... and art imitates life. Bask in this glorious moment of Zen.
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‘Stellar Blade’s Design Isn’t the Problem—It’s How Creepy Men Are Being About It
>A new action-adventure game, Stellar Blade, is on its way to releasing for PlayStation 5. However, controversy over the game has arisen due to men being creepy about the lead character, Eve.
>Of course, men being creepy about female characters is nothing new. The hypersexualization of women in media, from TV to movies to video games, is a decades-old ongoing issue. However, it is especially a problem in video games, as it’s estimated about 61% of those working in the gaming industry are male. Additionally, although it has been found that women now make up about half of the gaming community, there are misconceptions that gamers are still predominantly male. Hence, from Lara Croft to Bayonetta, women in video games have consistently been heavily sexualized to appeal to men.
>Fortunately, in recent years, video games have done better at portraying women in a more balanced way. Unfortunately, the presence of a few women in video games who aren’t exactly what these men want to see has only resulted in escalating their creepiness. According to conservative men, not approaching the creation of every female character in video games in a way that appeals directly to them is “woke,” and some deeply disturbed men have taken to going on public rants about it. Recently, conservatives formulated a conspiracy theory that Sweet Baby Inc. was behind improving the treatment of women in video games and the inclusion of diverse characters, resulting in them boycotting the company.
>Additionally, in their Sweet Baby Inc. Detection Discord, men were praising Stellar Blade for being “traditional” instead of “woke” with its female lead protagonist. Anything that gets the approval of male conservative extremists is bound to give anyone pause, and the creators soon confirmed that one is right to be hesitant about Stellar Blade.
>Ever since the marketing for Stellar Blade began, it has been abundantly clear that men are going to be gross about it. When the gameplay overview was released, the comments were overtaken with commenters fawning over the lead character and declaring it the best game ever solely for the protagonist’s design. Meanwhile, Eve has become an “anti-woke” symbol for conservatives. Of course, one could argue that the game’s developer, Shift Up, can’t control men being gross online, and one can’t really call them out for hypersexualizing women without calling out the entire industry.
>However, game director Hyung-Tae Kim raised eyebrows when he said of Eve’s design, “When it comes to the design, we put special attention on the back of the character because the player is always facing the back of the character when they’re playing. That’s what they see the most of, so we thought this was pretty important.” It’s already quite strange to hear a director highlighting the extra emphasis that went into a female character’s rear. He also doubled down on the sexualization of women in video games, stating,
>It’s important to note that the problem with this whole debacle is not about Eve’s design. Some have claimed that those concerned about this situation are shaming the model that Eve was based on or suggesting that women shouldn’t embrace their sexuality, but that’s not what we’re saying. The problem is quite simple: A game developer and thousands of internet users are bluntly describing Eve as an “ideal” woman—the only woman that men want to see. Hypersexualization in video games is a problem because it pushes the idea that there is only one “ideal” body type and that women should be judged on how well they adhere to it.
>Some have also pointed out that Stellar Blade’s design is actually tame in comparison to the company’s other games. It has stirred controversy in the past with its highly sexualized female characters, particularly in games like Goddess of Victory: Nikke. Still, the fact that Stellar Blade isn’t as bad as it could be doesn’t make up for the increasingly creepy comments and behavior arising around this game. Perhaps if all body types and women were represented in video games, it wouldn’t be such an issue. However, Stellar Blade is an example of how male developers continually push only their narrow views of what women should look like into games.
>Additionally, it’s just very strange how video games supposedly have to have these “ideal” characters because they’re “adult entertainment.” There are plenty of other outlets where men can access adult content. However, this push to turn video games solely into adult content for men while ignoring all other audiences is outright bizarre. Its suggesting that, despite men having specific outlets for this content, it now needs to be injected into all media to cater solely to them.
>While some amount of fan service is understandable for success, it feels very weird to specifically be catering to misogynist men who get triggered if they see a woman in a video game who doesn’t look exactly how they want. It’s hard to see how people don’t find it creepy that men seemingly can’t enjoy video games or won’t be entertained if they can’t see their version of an ideal woman. I certainly have never heard a woman going on an unhinged rant because she feels personally attacked by what men look like in a video game. It also feels very dangerous to be a woman and have men increasingly pushing this idea that any woman who doesn’t look like a hypersexualized video game character is “woke,” triggering, and deserving of their hatred.
Replies: >>239737
>‘Stellar Blade’s Design Isn’t the Problem—It’s How Creepy Men Are Being About It
This was written by an ugly woman wasn't it?
Replies: >>239741
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Chris Roberts says Star Citizen is finally pushing for the 1.0 'finish line'
>Crowdfunded space sim Star Citizen achieved a new milestone recently—the first player to seamlessly jump between two star systems on different servers—and now the guy in charge, Cloud Imperium Games CEO Chris Roberts, is indicating that the 1.0 release might finally be in sight.
>It's been over a decade since Roberts first showed me a prototype for Star Citizen. The space game has now raised over $670 million and become two distinct projects: A singleplayer Wing Commander successor called Squadron 42, and the Star Citizen persistent universe MMO. 
>Squadron 42, which stars famous actors including Gillian Anderson, Mark Hamill, and Gary Oldman, was declared "feature complete" late last year, and now Roberts says those features are making their way into the persistent universe "at an accelerated rate." Meanwhile, the recent tech milestone, which saw a player named "MrTrash" (of course that's their name) become the first to travel between star systems by wormhole, represents a vital step toward the MMO's 1.0 release, according to the CEO.
>"After many hard years of work towards a goal many thought was impossible, we are on the cusp of delivering one of the final pieces of technology that will enable a connected, shared universe that thousands of people can experience together at the same time," wrote Roberts in his latest dispatch to backers.
>The technology, which they call "server meshing," allows players to seamlessly travel between locations that are hosted on different servers (it's more complicated than that, but that's the gist). The recent test also set a new record for concurrent players on a Star Citizen server shard—350—according to Roberts. 
>There's more detail on server meshing in a Q&A, but the big takeaway here is that Roberts believes Star Citizen's 1.0 release is close enough to start seriously talking about again. Now that Squadron 42 is feature complete, the dev team has been reorganized and is setting sail "for Star Citizen's own finish line," he said—though crossing that line of course won't mean the end of development.
>"Star Citizen 1.0 is what we consider the features and content set to represent 'commercial' release," Roberts wrote. "This means that the game is welcoming to new players, stable, and polished with enough gameplay and content to engage players continuously. In other words, it is no longer Alpha or Early Access."
>Cloud Imperium technology chief Benoit Beausejour says the company is now "charging full steam ahead" toward launching server meshing in Star Citizen Alpha 4.0, which will "mark a new beginning" for the game architecture. Senior game director Rich Tyrer added that, as they pursue the 1.0 goal, players should expect "large updates each quarter with many changes to systems that have not been touched in a long time like Economy, Insurance, etc," as well as "a whole suite of quality-of-life improvements" and "brand-new features and content."
>As part of this 1.0 push, Roberts says he's moved from Los Angeles to Austin to put himself closer to the time zones of Manchester, Frankfurt, and Montreal, where Star Citizen development is focused. Cloud Imperium's LA office has shrunk as a result, with developers based there asked to relocate to other offices, primarily Manchester. Roberts notes one departure from the company. Persistent universe live director Todd Papy, who had lived in the UK but moved back to the US, was let go: "...after much soul searching, I determined that we cannot afford to have this role remote from the main team in Manchester for a good portion of the year," Roberts wrote.
>"I will miss the sunny skies and beaches of Los Angeles, but Star Citizen and Squadron 42 take precedence," concluded the CEO. "The journey is longer and more difficult than I anticipated 11 ½ years ago, but the final destination is so much more exciting and fulfilling. I would have never in my dreams expected to have the opportunity to build something on the scale and ambition of Star Citizen, and because of this feel incredibly blessed by all of your support, and I am determined to finish strong."
>Squadron 42, which was at one point meant to release in 2014, and then in 2016, does not have a release date, and neither does Star Citizen 1.0, although you can play the current alpha version by purchasing a starter pack. According to Roberts, more than 1.1 million players logged in last year. You can read his full post about the state and future of Star Citizen here.
Replies: >>239904
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>Rachel Ulatowski is an SEO writer for The Mary Sue, who frequently covers DC, Marvel, Star Wars, YA literature, celebrity news, and coming-of-age films. She has over two years of experience in the digital media and entertainment industry, and her works can also be found on Screen Rant and Tell-Tale TV. She enjoys running, reading, snarking on YouTube personalities, and working on her future novel when she's not writing professionally. >You can find more of her writing on Twitter at @RachelUlatowski.
Replies: >>239743 >>239803
Wrath of the Plain Jane.
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>DC, Marvel, Star Wars, YA literature, celebrity news, and coming-of-age films
wow that takes skill
>According to the latest sales report from Famitsu, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth sales in Japan fell to 24,482 copies for the week of March 4th to March 10th.
>The game’s total sales now sit at 287,138 in its second week after release. It previously held first place, selling 262,656 copies throughout its launch week.
>This may surprise fans, since critics and players alike gave Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth very strong reviews. However, the numbers actually fall in line with the series’ previous releases in Japan.
>Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth launched on February 29th for PlayStation 5, and it’s also currently a “Metacritic Must-Play” title. The demo alone, released earlier that month, also gained positive reactions.
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Gotham Knights’ developer is helping on the Wonder Woman game
>According to a job listing spotted by Tech4Gamers, the studio which most recently helmed Gotham Knights is working on the game.
>Wonder Woman, which is being developed by Monolith Productions, will use the Nemesis system from their acclaimed pair of Lord of the Rings titles released during the last generation.
>WB Montreal is known for Gotham Knights and Batman: Arkham Origins. The latter of the two was well received by fans, but has received little love publicly from Arkham series originator Rocksteady.
>Monolith Productions has been staffing up for the game for some time.
>A previous job ad caused many players to fear that the game would be a live-service game rather than a traditional single-player experience.
>Wonder Woman was announced at the 2021 Game Awards with a brief teaser trailer, but little has been shared about the game since.
>ywn play a game where you can impregnant wonder woman
Replies: >>239972
why is her skin the same color as shit? is she in the hospital because she fell asleep in a tanning bed for 10 hours?
Replies: >>239974 >>239980
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Baldur's Gate 3 Mods That 'Glow Up' Faces Are My Pet Peeve
>The forcing of conventional beauty standards on everything is tiring.
>Baldur’s Gate 3, being a game with such detailed high-quality character models, has a LOT of cosmetic mods. On Nexus Mods, a mod entitled “Enhanced Nude Bodies” has almost 1 million downloads, nothing too surprising about that. There’s also the possibly AI-titled “Beautiful Curvy Body and Sexy Outfits”, which clocks in at over 300k downloads.
>It’s not the sexual mods I take issue with, though. After all, Baldur’s Gate 3 is a horny game, you can’t settle down for a nice cup of tea in camp without Halsin trying to jump your bones. Some cosmetic mods do irk me though; facial mods that aren’t created in the spirit of the character they’re modifying.
>For example, “Another Face for Lae’zel” is the most downloaded cosmetic mod for the Githyanki. Predictably, they enlarged her eyes, flattened her nose to make it less reptilian and made her lips plumper. It has over 70,000 downloads. It’s a reinforcement of conventional beauty standards on a character who is wholly unconcerned with beauty.
>There has been a lot of, often toxic, discourse in gaming over the last couple of years regarding the appearance of women in video games. A lot of this irrational ire has been directed towards Guerilla Games for their design of Aloy, the protagonist of the Horizon series. According to the terminally online, Aloy is an example of how media is de-femming women, making them intentionally unattractive to push some kind of nebulous agenda.
>Karlach isn’t an unblemished Barbie doll, she’s a foul-mouthed, battle-hardened warrior. It’s crass to mould her into something that satisfies a misguided need for visual purity. Not all mods have to be true to a character, but these mods add nothing positive to the playing or narrative experience.
>Face packs that change the faces of player characters are less frustrating, though I still don’t like the aesthetic of a lot of these mods. That really is just a peeve, though. If you want your Tav / Durge to look like a buxom anime character then that’s your prerogative, even if it looks completely out of place with the rest of the game.
>It’s strange to me just how prevalent these mods are currently. This can be partially explained by the lack of modding support for Baldur’s Gate 3, something Larian is currently working on. Without an easier process for developing more complex mods, we see a lot of ‘easier’ mods, like ones that replace textures.
>We can take solace in the fact that Larian Studios are the ones creating these complex characters, rather than concupiscent modders in Blender, I shudder to think what my beloved party would look like if they had their way.
It is just a tan!
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For some Helldivers 2 players, the fascist role-play has gone too far
>‘They talk like we’re actually soldiers’
>tIt took GantztheDemon 10 days to be able to play Helldivers 2 again. On Feb. 21, TikTok user AJGaming shared a video featuring Gantz killing them. The sequence went viral overnight, garnering 4.8 million views as of this writing. A subsection of the Helldivers 2 community, hung up on the politically charged satire theme of the online shooter, labeled the player as a “traitor” and began inciting others to shoot on sight. Alongside dozens of TikToks campaigning for a witch hunt, Gantz’s PlayStation account was temporarily banned after receiving hundreds of reports.
>“The last two weeks have been surreal, I never thought I would be getting this attention over a team kill inside of a video game,” GantztheDemon told Polygon over Discord. “It was pretty cool, but at the same time, reading comments of people saying they were going to find out who I was and release my personal information, I thought about just deleting it all.”
>Just a mere few weeks after the launch of Helldivers 2, in which thousands of players were forced to wait in a queue due to the servers being at max capacity almost every day, GantztheDemon was immortalized in the fan lore. According to Gantz, however, it was all a misunderstanding. The team kill, or TK for short, was payback for a friend being attacked by two random players in a team of four. Gantz then avenged them, which is the clip we’ve all seen.
>The Gantz situation has since cemented itself as an example of how the in-game theme of fighting a war together is, for better or worse, resounding in the community beyond the game itself. After conducting interviews with over 60 players for this article, it’s clear that the propaganda of Helldivers 2 inherently encourages people to band together. But some are acting in bad faith, spinning the clear satire into an overly serious military role-play — one that extends beyond acts like consecrating someone as public enemy number one.
>Toxicity has become a popular topic around the Helldivers 2 community as of late. Over at the game’s subreddit, there have been discussions around pursuing or rejecting a certain meta or play style. Players told me that these conversations have allegedly led to some players kicking or TKing people who didn’t abide by the consensus. The uptick in TKs has also been attributed to Gantz — as the user told Polygon, he’s seen several copycat accounts on Discord and TikTok.
>This was supported by Cadrian96, who pointed out the novelty of the narrative around Helldivers 2 being purely player-driven, as opposed to other live service game events where players’ mission results don’t impact the story. “This makes it feel like if we lose, we are all going to see the consequences in a higher enemy count, Stratagem bonus, or different climate conditions on the planets,” he said. This echoes the events of Malevelon Creek and the first unsuccessful mission last week.
>Most interviewees pointed at the sense of camaraderie as a big uniting force. Eleven of them replied to the questions in character, talking about “doing their part” for the sake of democracy alongside their “fellow divers.” A couple of Discord profiles were entirely committed to the bit, from display names detailing in-game ranks to profile pictures that say “Malevelon Creek Veteran.”
>The community has been expanding on the game’s thematic propaganda since its launch, including anything from fan-made posters that gave birth to slogans like “Spill Oil” to the Super Earth Broadcast, a fan-run TikTok account that shares daily updates about the galactic war. Several interviewees said that these community creations convinced them to purchase the game. Most found its satirical perspective was easy to role-play around or create fan-made content that adds to the world-building. Others expressed concerns for those players who are taking it to an extreme.
>“Something about Helldivers 2 makes the people taking it too seriously a very big problem,” user ViviGayming said over Discord. “They talk like we’re actually soldiers. I get role-playing — hell, I love the role-playing. But so many people get so into the war aspect that they fail to realize that not everyone cares as much as them.”
She added that there’s been an increase in people who are only interested in watching the numbers go up. Baptized as “Creekers” by the community, they tend to spew toxicity against anyone whom they consider to be “hurting the war effort” by not taking part in Major Orders. Part of this hate has recently been redirected toward developer Joel, who was described as Helldivers 2’s “dungeon master” in an interview with PC Gamer. “The community seems to have latched onto a name and now he’s the face of the galactic war as a whole, which I cannot imagine is good for his mental health,” ViviGayming said.
>Players have found other ways to combat the hate. The “Super Earth says Trans Rights” Discord server, a queer-led group with 70 current members, is one of several subcommunities that sprawled outward from the official Helldivers 2 server. The channel #bigot-watching collects hundreds of messages and interactions where users in official Helldivers 2 channels (such as the Helldivers official Discord) had insulted members of the Discord using slurs and threatened them via DMs. In screenshots shared with Polygon, these users had explicitly used Nazi speech to primarily target trans and furry folks, as well as using images of related paraphernalia (such as SS uniforms) in their profile pictures. (Developer Arrowhead did not respond to Polygon’s request for comment about any of these issues in time for publication.)
>“The problem here isn’t actually the bigots, those are an unfortunate fact of life that can never be fully eradicated,” user Bapanada said over Discord. “The problem is that Arrowhead’s official spaces [...] have made the deliberate decision to silence LGBTQ+ voices under the guise of banning any ‘political’ discussion, as if people’s identities are political, and as if this game was not created and marketed as a heavy-handed piece of political satire.”
>When Wendy Wilson joined the official Discord, she asked if it’d be possible to have pride flag capes added to Helldivers 2. She told Polygon she’s since been receiving messages telling her to “keep your shit out of our game,” followed by slurs and harassment after she changed her profile picture to the trans flag in protest. After posting a long message in the official Helldivers 2 Discord detailing the events and asking for proper moderation, she was timed out for 24 hours, her message was deleted, and another swarm of people DMed her. “Disallowing discussion only causes lgbt members of the community to hide, while the bigots get to remain,” read an excerpt from the deleted message.
>Encounters like this have extended to the game itself. This past weekend, user mechanizedContortion was team killed and kicked from a public lobby after somebody in the squad saw the trans flag in her Steam profile picture. “When I joined I saw him go AFK for a bit, and when he came back he had typed in the chat along the lines of ‘get out of my game freak’ and then killed me,” she said. “He told me after I asked [why he said that] and he said he looked at my Steam profile and that he doesn’t like ‘your kind of people’. He kicked me after that. It was fucking surreal.”
>As it stands, interviewees echoed that the opportunity for players to grief one another is “incredibly high” with the way friendly fire works. Some argued that the mechanic adds realism, and clips of accidental kills received with jest contributed to the virality around the game. Others are aware of how kicking and killing teammates is being used in bad faith.
>When asked for features they’d like to see to mitigate these issues, users mentioned that being able to report players for griefing or team killing, adding a friendly fire warning similar to that in Rainbow Six Siege, and penalties for going against teamwork could make a difference, among other similar suggestions.
>Issues that extend to the community as a whole, however, seem to grow more unwieldy by the day. “The thing about this game is that on the surface, it looks like a game for chuds,” user Rayni said over Discord. “Media illiterate boogaloo boys will take the advertising at face value not realizing they’re the ones being parodied, like people who unironically think Homelander is the hero of The Boys.”
>A 21-year-old user, who asked for anonymity, said over email that because tools like the website and API Helldivers.io are exposing the raw data behind the curtain, it’s led to a more meta take on the war. According to this player, details such as liberation rates for each planet have been used to spread hate at others for “not playing the game right,” which has included death threats. The user has since created a separate “brigade,” acting as one of the several subcommunities meant to be a safe and open space for queer folks.
>“I care so much for Helldivers 2, and the community I’ve found,” they said, “and I’d hate to see this game become known for its toxicity not being addressed.”
>It took GantztheDemon 10 days to be able to play Helldivers 2 again. On Feb. 21, TikTok user AJGaming shared a video featuring Gantz killing them. The sequence went viral overnight, garnering 4.8 million views as of this writing. A subsection of the Helldivers 2 community, hung up on the politically charged satire theme of the online shooter, labeled the player as a “traitor” and began inciting others to shoot on sight. Alongside dozens of TikToks campaigning for a witch hunt, Gantz’s PlayStation account was temporarily banned after receiving hundreds of reports.
Zoomers are actually fucking braindead, I fucking hate modern online gaming so fucking much. Imagine if these people would've had to play Halo 2 or CS Source back in the day.
this is ridiculous, if this is viral marketing it's working because I want to play this game now
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Is this whole thread really just people linking to archives of polygon and kotaku articles and getting angry that clickbait sites would put out clickbait?
Replies: >>239980
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Dude she's Greek.
No, it's just one asshole who comes here when Mark bans him for not cleaning the smegma off his cock fast enough.

Former Pokémon legal head Don McGowan thanks media for highlighting projects for the company to take down
>"Short answer: thanks to you folks," McGowan said. "I would be sitting in my office minding my own business when someone from the company would send me a link to a news article, or I would stumble across it myself. I teach Entertainment Law at the University of Washington and say this to my students: the worst thing on earth is when your 'fan' project gets press, because now I know about you."
> But, as McGowan continued, the existence of a fan project did not automatically mean a serious-looking letter from Pokémon's legal team.
>"That's not the end of the equation," he continued. "You don't send a takedown right away. You wait to see if they get funded (for a Kickstarter or similar); if they get funded then that's when you engage. No one likes suing fans."
Uranium didn't get funded, eat shit.
Palworld developer to remain a small studio*
>Speaking to Bloomberg, Pocketpair founder and exec Takuro Mizobe said the developer "[is] and will remain a small studio". "I want to make multiple small games," he added, "big budget triple-A games are not for us."
>The company isn't planning on increasing its headcount to a large degree (although it did put out a call for developers to help fill its overwhelming need of staff in February), Mizobe revealed, and is open to considering partnership or acquisition offers.
Star Wars: BattleFront modder claims Aspyr stole his work for Classic Collection
>Prior to release, modder Iamashaymin claimed that footage of Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection that appeared in a trailer suggested that developer Aspyr was using his mod.
>Following this, Apsyr released a statement claiming it had “mistakenly” used footage of this mod, and that it was a placeholder. Now, following the full release, players appear to have discovered evidence that prior to a very last-minute patch, the game shipped with the uncredited mod work.
CDPR inks deal with Amazon to host GOG.com titles on Luna cloud streaming service
>Star Wars: BattleFront modder claims Aspyr stole his work for Classic Collection
>it's not a  texture mod
basically nothing is going to get done over this and if it was a ai upscaled textures they have the argument that the ai did the work
this type of shit happens way too often with old game re-releases
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gog-games.to is dead
ah shit  here we go again
Fuck. I really should have downloaded more games.
>checked the onion link
>same shit
y tho
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Man, am I glad that I have a spare external hard drive right now.
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gog-games.to is back, for 72h
Replies: >>240207
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GDC Unreal livestream just started.
Replies: >>240151
cytube link for shitposting chat?
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Atari Partners with ALAN-1 to bring Atari Recharged games to arcades
In case you're wondering what Atari Recharged is, it's all generic remakes that look like they should be decorating the "didn't beat the average" tier of a Humble Bundle. Vid related is the trailer for Berserk for example. ALAN-1 is one of those tiny retro shops that makes parts to keep old vector games alive so I have no idea why they're making cabinets all of a sudden.

Oh wait, they have one arcade cab to their name and it plays a Joust clone that's currently in steam early access.
Normally you have to go to the pinball "industry" to see this much crack being smoked in public.
>it's all generic remakes that look like they should be decorating the "didn't beat the average" tier of a Humble Bundle
Shit that's a good insult, I gotta remember that one.
Sucks that they'll pump out absolute thrash arcade machines, no one will play them, and their conclusion's gonna be "well clearly people didn't want cool new arcade games" instead of "oh they were shit".
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wht the heck is atori dumbledole doing in public
does she have bad idea month???????
this looks honestly bad and makes me think of flash porn games and neopets to a degree
it's weird looking at it because it makes me  think of 2008-2010  but it's so ugly  like who is this supposed to appeal to?
I cannot imagine the grandpas who care about atari would like this weird mix of corporate art and flash game shit from almost 2 DECADES AGO
Replies: >>240195 >>240304
>who is this supposed to appeal to?
People who are nostalgic about Atari who don't realize that the Atari company died years ago.
Replies: >>240200
>People who are nostalgic about Atari who don't realize that the Atari company died years ago.
The only things that would fit that category are ghosts.
fuck, any recommended vidya to download?
Replies: >>240213 >>240215
Here are the games i found interesting enough to download.
total annihilation commander pack
homeworld emergence
divinity 1
metro exodus
creepy tale
hand of fate
Gravity Circuit
Turbo Overkill
Battle Brothers
west of loathing
Delta Force
Rainbow Six
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon
Brothers in Arms
Hidden & Dangerous
Battle Brothers
Silent Storm
Combat Mission
Fallout: Tactics
Fields of Glory
Frozen Synapse
Invisible, Inc.
7.62 High Calibre
Armored Brigade
Sudden Strike
Full Spectrum Warrior
Soldier of Fortune
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Blood West
hedon bloodrite
World In Conflict
Severed Steel
Blood (original version)
Baldurs Gate The Original Saga (delisted on gog, DO NOT GET THE ENHANCED EDITION)
Baldurs Gate 2 Complete (delisted on gog, DO NOT GET THE ENHANCED EDITION)
Europa Universalis 4 (and all of dlc)
Empire Earth
All the Deponia games
Age Of Wonders
Anno 1404
Cossacks Art Of War
Desperados Wanted Dead Or Alive
Doom games
Emperor Rise Of The Middle Kingdom
Evil Genius (original)
Fallout games
Gothic,Gothic 2
Heroes Of Might And Magic 4
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream
Jagged Alliance 1 and 2 with all the expansions
Just Cause 1,Just Cause 2
Majesty Gold Edition
Men Of War,Men Of War Assault Squad
Nosferatu: Wrath Of Malachi (personal favorite of mine)
Penumbra Black Plague,Penumbra Overture
Shadow Warrior 2013
Sniper Elite (only the first game)
Star Wars Empire At War
Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Saga
Stronghold Crusader HD,Stronghold HD
Styx Master Of Shadows,Styx Shards Of Darkness
System Shock,System Shock 2
Thief Gold (I would recommend looking for the original theif version since Thief Gold does remove some things from it)
Warhammer 40.000 Dawn Of War games
Witcher games
Kingdom Come Deliverance
Replies: >>240214
stop fucking deleting your posts because you missed one thing you absolute moron this isn't facebook
>any recommended vidya to download?
What are you looking for?
I'm going to try and copy links to every game before they go down. I'll post a text file in the share thread and update it as I go. It'll be in base64 becase paranoia.
>CDPR inks deal with Amazon to host GOG.com titles on Luna cloud streaming service
>gog-games.to is dead
I don't think is coincidental. Does gog-to scrape or buy the games it uploads? Maybe they received a warning or C&D from CDPR.
Replies: >>240260 >>240272
They are probably cleaning house before amazon shows up to do some house inspection, yes.
they buy
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Playing computer games can increase risk of erectile dysfunction, study finds
>Too much screen time is literally making men soft: Chinese scientists found that playing computer games for a prolonged period can drastically increase someone’s likelihood of experiencing erectile dysfunction, per a study published in the journal “Andrology.”
>“The present study offered substantial evidence for a positive causal association between computer use and the risk of erectile dysfunction,” wrote the study authors.
>Chinese scientists found that playing computer games for a prolonged period can drastically increase someone’s likelihood of experiencing erectile dysfunction, per a study published in the journal “Andrology.”
>Scientists arrived at this hard truth by exploring “the causal association between leisure sedentary behavior and erectile dysfunction,” per the study.
>To gauge if there was a link, researchers observed 223,805 men aged 40 to 69 as they engaged in various leisure activities, including watching TV, computer use and even driving for pleasure.
>They then measured participants’ levels of testosterone and other sex hormones as well as feelings of depression and anxiety.
>How do these pixelated pursuits torpedo one’s “hard” drive?
>Prolonged computer use is associated with lower levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which is manufactured by the brain’s pituitary gland. Along with testosterone, FSH is responsible for stimulating sperm production in men, which, when impinged, can result in ED.
>By a similar token, low levels of FSH have also been found to cause decreased libido, infertility and low energy. Fortunately, this digitally-induced impotence can be counteracted by “moderate physical activity,” per the study.
>No need to exchange your laptop for an elliptical just yet, however: The study had several caveats, most notably the fact that they only evaluated men under 70, the age at which ED is most prevalent.
>The intensity of the symptoms was also unclear.
>“Therefore, it could only be concluded that the longer the time spent using a computer, the more likely ED was to occur, but the risk of developing a specific type of ED or how severe ED would be could not be determined,” the authors wrote.
>Researchers determined that more research is needed before they can establish a “definitive causal association” between computer use and impotence.
>The study also neglected to specify what type of leisurely computer use upped the chances of ED, which currently affects around 30 million men in the US.
>However, previous studies have found that online porn can paradoxically ruin young men’s love lives by giving them unrealistic sex-pectations.
>“Porn addiction can lead to desensitization to sexual stimuli, which can decrease arousal and lead to difficulties achieving and maintaining an erection,” explained clinical sexologist and psychotherapist Dr. Rob Weiss. “If my primary source of arousal is constantly looking at 50 images a day or 1,000 images a day, I no longer become that interested on an individual basis.”-
Opinion discarded.
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>summary is completely misleading
>circumstances are absurd "feed rats multiple times their body weight causes issues so ban it" tier test
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Yeah, I don't get it. Killer Queen is both pixelshit and an ASSFAGGOTS, but somehow it looks way better as a Joust clone.
I came to the opposite conclusion since my dick is constantly rising by smutty games.
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Mentally ill developer faggots are screaming in some gay protest
>The public scream, organized by former Epic Games producer Caryl Shaw and Fortnite Festival designer Scott Jon Siegel, took place at 12 pm PT/3 pm ET and was exactly what it sounds like: A raw expression of outrage over an industry that has laid off thousands of developers over the past year, throwing countless lives into turmoil in pursuit of shareholder value.
>Speaking to PC Gamer at the event, Siegel said he was prompted to organize the event by the frustration he's felt over widespread layoffs and the recent "Gamergate 2.0" controversy over narrative consultancy firm Sweet Baby Inc.
You make them as miserable as they make you. Don't forget that.
Replies: >>240350
It's like a fucking parody.
>When I heard all the screaming at the game developers conference I thought a fire had broken out and they were in mortal peril. Then I realized everyone was unharmed and I was sorely disappointed.
>literal 1984 two minutes of hate organized by a kike
It's like pottery
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I am sure that after this collective autistic screeching people will side with them.
They clearly look like the reasonable ones here :^)  and certainly not like the mentally ill overgrown babies they actually are.
or in other words
>mentally ill retards scream at the sky and give themselves hearing damage
but by the way you're supposed to feel bad for these people and give them  the benefit of doubt despite their games being hacker infested and linear set pieces where you press x to awesome 
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Will Smith’s Zombie Game Has Been Hit Harder Than Chris Rock at the Oscars – Its Astronomical Budget Was Reportedly More Than Oppenheimer
>Tencent Games has created many popular video games but their fans will always remember Undawn for being a complete disaster. The game was endorsed by actor Will Smith, who also appears in the game, and had a gigantic budget. All this came crashing down as the game failed to attract the audience, making it one of the biggest financial failures for the company.
>Undawn was the first game to fail under Tencent Games’ “in-house” production plan, which was going to help the studios make profits of their own. The development and marketing of the game cost the studios around 1 billion yuan (roughly $140 million), which is $40 million more than Christopher Nolan’s 2023 blockbuster hit, Oppenheimer.
>If you have not heard about Tencent Games’ Undawn, we don’t blame you. The zombie apocalypse shooting game was an unoriginal idea that failed to please the audience, making it one of the biggest financial mistakes in Tencent Games’ history. Even actor Will Smith couldn’t save the game from being a major flop as the actor was hired to endorse the game.
>As per Reuters, the game’s budget, which included development and marketing cost, was roughly 1 billion yuan, which is around $140 million. To put things into perspective, Collider stated that Christopher Nolan’s 2023 movie Oppenheimer had a budget of $100 million, making the game more expensive than the Oscar-winning movie. Not just that, a team of 300 developers was formed to create the game, which eventually turned out to be a disaster.
>A source has revealed to Reuters that Undawn only managed to bring in $287,000 for Tencent Games last month. Undawn was released on Android, iOS, and Microsoft Windows on 15 June 2023 and since then, the game’s revenue has proved that Undawn was a major gamble that was under Tencent Games’ “in-house” production plan.
>Under this plan, Tencent focuses on creating games within their organization so their profits are all their own and not shared. Setbacks like Undawn can be partially blamed for the delay of Tencent Games’ highly anticipated game, Assassin’s Creed: Jade, as they are focusing more on casual party games and Genshin Impact. Assassin’s Creed: Jade was originally slated for a late 2023 release but it has been now pushed back. Nonetheless, Undawn’s failure doesn’t slow down Tencent as they are known for creating many popular profitable video games like PUBG Mobile.
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This is only semi-relevant to video games, but I wanted to have a handy link here. Short story, Newgrounds is apparently receiving takedown notices from Nintendo regarding porn of Nintendo characters, and Tom Fulp is complying like the cuck he is.


If you have any artist friends, now would be a great time to convince them to move to a different platform like Itaku or start hosting their own website on Neocities.
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>Check Itaku
>Furry garbage on front and center
Get the fuck out

Shame about Newgrounds, though.
Replies: >>240471 >>240477
Pokemon fan game repository Relic Castle nukes itself after DMCA takedown notice
I have a feeling this will be a good thing in the end, assuming someone manages to get a DB dump of gelbooru in time. It forces commission chasers to get real jobs, forces people who just want to create stuff under fair use to go underground and teaches everyone from the lowest porn addict to the actual artists to loathe the jew, all at the same time.

Helldivers 2 is the best-selling game in the US YTD, 60% of sales on PC
Dragon's Dogma 2 releases to "mixed" reviews
Mario Kart Live studio planning layoff after 'major project suddenly cancelled'
Princess Peach Showtime is Goemon director's first directorial role in over 25 years
Okay, convince everyone to use your art hosting platform where furry is banned. I'll wait.
>a no-censorship porn website has furry porn on it
Do you huff paint for fun or just to get into the mood for posting?
Is there even anything a company can do about people making art of their characters? Surely copyright bullshit doesn't stretch that far?
Replies: >>240480
You're looking at what they can do. They threaten and sue the shit out of sites that host such content and if the servers are in a country that will comply then there's not much the owners can do about it. The fag calling him a cuck has never had to deal with being sued or has any idea how much even cases where you successfully defend yourself cost. Even one court case can be life ruining if you're not a multimillionaire and Newgrounds sure as fuck doesn't make Full that much money. The only other option is to sink a shitton of money into the court case and probably wind up having to shut the entire site down because he won't be able to afford keeping it around afterwards.
Replies: >>240484 >>240495
That cuts both ways. If Nintendo actually decided to pursue legal action over fan art then they would definitely be seen as the bad guys and damage their reputation.
Replies: >>240514 >>240642
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XJ9K mentioned this thread in the CP2 report list by mistake -  https://xj9k.neocities.org/posts/cp2/

This must be a mistake; CP2 doesn't reply to anything in particular. The thread in question was talking about gaming news eg. "Former Pokémon legal head Don McGowan thanks media for highlighting projects for the company to take down".

Being an error, the anon in question is not supposed to be the hostile CP2, let alone a 'newbie'. CP2 is a spam user and shouldn't be here; hopefully the list is fixable.
Replies: >>242135
But if Fulp did succesfully defend himself and won, wouldn't Nintendo have to pay for all his legal fees?
Replies: >>240500 >>240514
Usually that only happens if the judge deems it or the defense counter sues with that stipulation.
Have you been living under a rock? Nintendo has already been going after fan projects for decades, anyone who isn't a mindless nintoddler or a literal child already despises them for this exact behavior. They don't give a single shit since they have an extremely loyal consumer base, and attacking porn on a site that has been mostly irrelevant since youtube became a thing is only going to piss off a couple thousand fags at the absolute most.
That depends entirely on the judge's attitude and how good Fulp's lawyers are, it's not a guarantee by any means.
Replies: >>240563
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Is a kill
>It is with heavy heart that I announce that the Relic Castle website has been taken down following a DMCA takedown notice.
Where the fuck am I suppose to get all the pokemon assests now?
>That depends entirely on the judge's attitude and how good Fulp's lawyers are, it's not a guarantee by any means.
And even if Fulp did decide to fight Nintendo in court, he'd have to get a judge or jury with the mental faculties to consider that making porn of children's video game characters is something that should be allowed. Nobody is going to defend this position against normalfags because the second they hear "porn" and "princess peach" together they will instantly assume whomever is being accused of disrespecting the sacred intellectual property rights is a pedophile.

It's like the issue with NSFW loli through a different lens. Most people are just too fucking retarded to understand that the law is supposed to focus on crimes that harm people, not personal depravities/repugnities.
Replies: >>240566 >>240577
Civil cases don't typically involve juries, particularly ones that involve international copyright bullshit and Princess Peach isn't a child nor does anyone think she is.
Replies: >>240570
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>Princess Peach isn't a child nor does anyone think she is
It seems you believe that people will look at the facts of the matter and come to a logical conclusion, or perhaps that the job of a courtroom is to make sense of things. Both of these are dangerous and incorrect things to believe, and I encourage you to consider how presenting this information to your parents or grandparents would go.

>"anon, what's all this about that ground news web site innernet thing again?"
<"there are these artists who draw porn of Princess Peach - you know, from the Mario games?"
>"those games you played when you were a kid!? those horrible people! they should be in jail!"
<"no, mom - nintendo is actually a bad and overly litigious company that has shut down FOSS emulators and fan projects to maintain a predatory grip on their IP."
>"well if there are pedophiles out there making unwholesome images of a game for children, then they deserve to get shut down! shame on them and shame on you for defending them! you'd better not turn out to be some kind of pedophile!"

As soon as the notion that freedom and ugly things must go together is introduced to most people, they will gladly agree that freedom must be destroy to prevent the ugly things from existing.
Replies: >>240577 >>240582
I mean you guys basically hit it on the head, people don't think "can ninty prove the law was broken or that there was harm," people will think, "does this bother me" and "what would people think of me if I didn't admonish this." The ciritcal thinking is so lacking that innocent and guilty don't even factor in, only appearances and opinion.
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>that whole green&pinktext conversation
fucking hell, did you just describe like 60% of anons' family members in that?
reminds me of when me and my mom were having a discussion about tranny surgeries because she was like, morbidly curious about it and why so many people were trooning out, and her first actual serious thought when i presented the shit that goes on in tranny surgeries was
>anon, you weren't thinking about becoming a tranny yourself, were you? like you know so much about it, i was wondering...
just out of fucking nowhere.
and unfortunately i think that's what the normalfag mindset boils down to and i blame shit like big bang theory for that.
>wow, anon knows so much about this thing, haha, what a nerd, total freak
>haha, that sheldon and his funny surface nerd references, he knows so much about this nerd shit, what a nerd
granted, just deflecting with a "no, i learn about it so i have ample ammo AGAINST it" is enough to prove your point, but probably not in the court of law where some faglord can go "uhm, objection your honor, he is out of line"
Replies: >>240585
Ok whatever my interactions with people have been wildly different than what you're describing. Not that everyone is perfectly rational but most people I deal with irl aren't ready to ruin someone's life without some kind of explanation as to why, from my experience it's almost always the terminally online faggots that do that kind of petty mean shit.
Replies: >>240681
>and unfortunately i think that's what the normalfag mindset boils down to and i blame shit like big bang theory for that.
Normalfags think it's weird to obsess over something you hate. Especially when you start to lecture them like a super autist.
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Hollywood really scraping the bottom of the barrel now
>three (You)s in a row
don't respond to niggerpill
Pointless when he IP hops constantly. It's ironic he accuses me of not going outside too when he spends all this time doing this stupid shit or browsing twatter where the other terminally online retards with severely warped perceptions of reality hang out.
Replies: >>240639
you're not wrong. I guess I like to keep my scrolling tidy instead of staring at his ramblings after internally dismissing them.
This is actually a good argument, despite the "but porn can't be fanart" mindset of normalfags. Fulp should have at least tried to give the lawyers the finger.
Fun fact: 60 years ago, BBC tried to take down Teletubbies parodies from NG and succeeded, but Fulp fought back and won. Maybe Nintendo is just that much worse or Fulp has lost his balls.
Replies: >>240644 >>240646
>then they would definitely be seen as the bad guys and damage their reputation.
What a grand and intoxicating innocence
The nintards NEED to be taken to court for this one. They can’t keep getting away with this
>maybe Fulp lost his balls
I bet he's just grateful his website even still exists despite youtube and whatnot, doubt he sees the big picture that the more he lets people bully him the quicker his website will die.
Replies: >>240680 >>240763
What I hate about this is that people like Fulp always fold IMMEDIATELY. Like, tell people to change all mentions of Princess Peach to something stupid but legally distinct like Queen Apricot and there, nothing Nutendo can do about it.
What do you niggers expect from kneelgrounds? Do I really need to remind you about that?
Replies: >>240763
Most people who grew up with the internet understand that it's not possible, nor should it be, to stop people from drawing porn and posting it online. Most people over the age of 40 (which is most of the legal system) treat computers as magic boxes that let them talk with their friends over Facebook.
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Guilty Gear Strive’s creators had to “destroy” past games to keep series alive
>The process of making Guilty Gear Strive the breakout success it is today wasn’t an easy one. In our eye-opening conversation, series creator Ishiwatari explained the biggest difference between Strive and Xrd, claiming that their goal was to ‘break’ Xrd with Strive’s improvements.
>“The decisive difference between Strive and Xrd is that Strive was made to destroy Xrd,” he told us. “In that sense, we were trying to make Xrd as an example of failure. Of course, it wasn’t a failure, but we had to change the direction completely. We had to be prepared for that.”
>Game Director Akira Katano also chimed in, explaining that the team is focusing on their broader player base outside of Japan with Strive.
>“What we originally created came from a very limited world view, because we were focused more on our Japanese player base and values in terms of what we wanted to put into it,” he explained. “But with Strive, this is when our American division was born. And with Strive, we really wanted to expand our perspective and our field of view to the entire world. That’s another big difference in the mindset and the direction that we took when it came to Strive’s development.”
>“Since we decided to put more focus on the global market, we also have to start thinking about how we message to the global players,” producer Ken Miyauchi added. “We are very used to communicating to Japanese players. Even in the previous Guilty Gear Xrd, we ran a lot of location tests in Japan only, and had the first reveal in Japan. We took a step back from that kind of approach and tried to implement a new approach to messaging to the players around the world.”
I'm grateful that they're up and honest about this. Now I know not to buy anything from them, as well as anyone else who wants to cater to ((( westerners )))
People still play fighting games? Fucking why?
Replies: >>240755 >>240991
It's the pedophile's choice of gaming. Never associate with tourneyfags
Replies: >>240991
Kotaku Owners G/O Media Reportedly Back Down From Fully Shifting Site From News To Guides After Editor-in-Chief Resigns, Staff Push Back
>“After careful consideration, I have concluded that the current management structure and decision-making processes at G/O Media are not aligned with my values and goals for Kotaku,” wrote Glennon.
>“I firmly believe that the decision to ‘invert’ Kotaku’s editorial strategy to deprioritize news in favor of guides is fundamentally misguided given the current infrastructure of the site,” she added. “[This decision is] directly contradicted by months of traffic data, and shows an astonishing disregard for the livelihoods of the remaining writers and editors who work here.”
>“That they’re destroying livelihoods gags me,” he added. “Last thing I’ll say is this: Someone at the top told us to just ‘get guides done’ because the AV club ‘watches full seasons of a show and still produces their stories’. That alone is proof that they don’t understand what we do.”
Hasbro Calls Larian an 'Incredible Partner' After Studio Confirms it Won't be Making Baldur's Gate 4
Hasbro promises more D&D video games after Baldur’s Gate 3 success
What a fucking shame.
Replies: >>240761 >>240865
You're right, one of us should make a site and allow it all and shell out tens of thousands of dollars, maybe even hundreds of thousands to combat copyright lawsuits from predatory jew megacorps.
It's real easy to sit there i  your fat rolls and mitter cuck all day when you don't actually have to deal with anything.
Replies: >>240774
>explaining that the team is focusing on their broader player base outside of Japan with Strive.
when the new "fans" skip the next game and GG dies they will still not learn there lesson.
hey man, I was only saying that caving this time makes him an easy target for future threats - don't negotiate with terrorists sort of thing
that said
>your fat rolls
I never understand projecting in any form...either you're correct and the guy doesn't need a reminder, so he just dismisses you as a dick, or you're wrong and you're dismissed as a fool. Is it a woman thing?
Replies: >>240775
>if you don't just nod and agree with me crying cuck all the time no matter the circumstances then you're a woman
>don't you dare point out how I don't lift a finger to do fuckall either
I don't care if you think I'm a dick, I'm not going to stop making fun of faggot behavior.
Replies: >>240790
If Fulp doesn't personally go to Japan and behead Nintendo's entire legal team then tear Miyamoto's arms off and beat all yakiza to death for good measure he is a cuck and so are you. I'm not though.
Equivalent of showing off Fisher-Price like it was a reputable game developer.
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Microsoft cautions developers to avoid curvy female characters
>Microsoft urges developers not to create female characters with “exaggerated body proportions” on their official site to support game devs.
>The site, titled “Product Inclusion Action: Help Customers Feel Seen” includes a bullet list of considerations they urge developers to make when working on their product. One Twitter user pointed out the language expressly condemning certain female characters as reinforcing “negative gender stereotypes”.
>Are you reinforcing any negative gender stereotypes?
>Are you unnecessarily introducing gender & gender barriers into your code or design?
>Are you creating playable female characters that are equal in skill and ability to their male peers. Are your female characters equipped with clothing and armor that fits their tasks?  Do they have exaggerated body proportions?
>When the story allows, do you show male characters who display a full range of emotions, including joy, sadness, and vulnerability?
>Recently, western game developers have been making a point to rally against “objectification” in games and are citing unrealistic beauty standards set by fictional characters. Most recently, Stellar Blade has been the subject of such criticism despite the game’s heroine being based off of a real life model.
>Between Microsoft’s developer site and Stellar Blade it seems there’s been a reversal of roles. In recent years Sony has been criticized for it’s censorship policies after relocating its gaming business units to California.
>Gamers have been more vigilant in recent weeks following an attempted harassment campaign initiated by an employee of Sweet Baby Inc against a Steam curator and his personal account. The controversy has spilled over from the employee’s actions to a wider conversation about narrative consultation in video games.
>Help Customers Feel Seen
>Incorporate stories and themes from marginalized communities or emerging markets in a relatable way. 
Replies: >>240911 >>240913
>all women in vidya must look like trannys!
Can't imagine why there have been so many video gayme layoffs this year. Too bad none of those are the ((( people ))) who are responsible for the problems.
Translation for this textual diarrhea
>use twitter as a reference for your audience so the higher ups can claim zogbucks that you will never see
>Research shows
The King of all Cliches.
>that players prefer to play characters that look like them and are more likely to purchase and play experiences where they align to the characters identity.
While this statement may be true in the sense that having the option to play as or create a character that shares some traits (skin color etc) with the player might lead to increased sales, I very much doubt that players want to see exactly themselves in a game or any other media.
Beauty is a virtue. Beauty standards represent an ideal towards which to strive for. Beauty also often goes hand in hand with health. And just as there are less than beautiful, less than handsome people in real life, good looking people do exist.
Oh what's that I hear? Beauty is problematic now? Well, give me a new Star Wars/capeshit movie where the main character is an average looking dude or girl, I'll wait.
>give me a new Star Wars/capeshit movie where the main character is an average looking dude or girl
Well the last few star wars products all stared ugly sheboons. And the capeshit was trying to push that mid woman who has the ass of a 2x4 for a while.
Replies: >>240918
>the main character is an average looking dude or girl
Daisy Ridley isn't particularly good looking, and neither was Carrie Fisher. I assume it's only downhill from there when it comes to Stawas.
>that mid woman
She was half a woman?
Replies: >>240921
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I'd say she's kind of above average in the face apartment as far as 3DPD goes. The problem is she has no assets which wouldn't be a problem if she didn't have the personality of a rake.
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>scroll through games that came out recently out of curiosity
>they're still making the same Ys game over and over since 7
I didn't even hear a fucking peep when 10 came out. Falcom really is the epitome of a fall from grace (besides capcom).
Replies: >>240979
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>Well, give me a new Star Wars/capeshit movie where the main character is an average looking dude or girl, I'll wait.
Do you really want to play this game?
Wouldn't curvy be more "body positive"? Most likely means flat twigs and massive hambeasts are the only things allowed.
it would be but so would having womyn with massive tittys but video games can only be a mirror of hollywood because of  modern game devs are just that hollywood rejects
only difference between now and early 2000s is there are more womyns and minorities extreme corpse inflation
Replies: >>240962
The public idea of curvy is closer to an hourglass figure than a chubby woman. The inclusive idea of curvy starts at chubby and ends at obese. More than coincidentally, this is also the black idea of curvy. The justification for this disparity is the same argument that was used against fashion models for being skinny.
>because of  modern game devs are just that hollywood rejects
Unless you mean AAA devs this is the dumbest thing I've ever seen on /v/
Replies: >>240981
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If I can recall. I think they're essentially black company. They basically can't make anything else besides Legend of Heroes and YS.
Which sucks cause Gurumin showed that they can make a game that isn't just JRPG.
what else would I be implying?
Crypto miners are buying up all the AMD Ryzen CPUs
>Here we go again: The supply of AMD Radeon graphics cards was already tight, with demand surging in China. Still, with Bitcoin and Ethereum skyrocketing, crypto miners have gone into overdrive, buying up all the stock. The demand will be even worse when Zen 5 comes to market since they are rumored to offer twice the AVX512 performance of Zen 4.
>Cryptocurrency mining has always led to a resource drain, particularly in power, water, and land. Crypto miners are now buying AMD Ryzen CPUs in bulk, resulting in shortages. The Ryzen 9 7950X, which is one of the most powerful desktop CPUs for gaming or productivity, is highly sought after in certain regions such as Qubic because it supports AVX2 or AVX512 instruction sets, the key to many mining rigs, as well as its overall efficiency.
>It's also more lucrative. A miner can generate almost twice as much profit using 7950X CPUs versus the flagship Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 GPU, partly because of the latter's higher price point. Rumors suggest that things will only worsen when Zen 5 CPUs enter mass production later this year.
>Chinese technology outlet UDN expects Zen 5 chips to enter TSMC fabs between April and June, with mass production scheduled for the following quarter. Mainstream Zen 5 CPUs will feature "Nirvana" cores, while chips designed for the dense-compute segment for client and server applications will ship with Zen 5c "Prometheus" cores, the publication said.
>Of greater importance to crypto miners, though, is that the next-gen AMD chip architecture will offer twice the AVX512 performance of Zen 4, according to Kepler_LS. It also happens that AMD Radeon graphics cards were already in short supply in China due to the US ban on exports of RTX 4090s to the region.
>The Ryzen 9 7950X is out of stock on Amazon, Newegg, and other retailers. However, some are available through Best Buy and AMD's online store. It didn't take MEGAsizeGPU to figure out what was happening.
>"Now I understand," he wrote in a follow-up post. "7950X is the king in Qubic mining."
Report: Sony stops producing PSVR2 amid “surplus” of unsold units
>It looks like Sony's PlayStation VR2 is not living up to the company's sales expectations just over a year after it first hit the market. Bloomberg reports that the PlayStation-maker has stopped producing new PSVR2 units as it tries to clear out a growing backlog of unsold inventory.
>Bloomberg cites "people familiar with [Sony's] plans" in reporting that PSVR2 sales have "slowed progressively" since its February 2023 launch. Sony has produced "well over 2 million" units of the headset, compared to what tracking firm IDC estimates as just 1.69 million unit shipments to retailers through the end of last year. The discrepancy has caused a "surplus of assembled devices... throughout Sony’s supply chain," according to Bloomberg's sources.
>IDC estimates a quarterly low of 325,000 PSVR2 units shipped in the usually hot holiday season, compared to a full 1.3 million estimated holiday shipments for Meta's then-new Quest 3 headset, which combined with other Quest products to account for over 3.7 million estimated sales for the full year.
>The last of the tethered headsets?
>The reported state of affairs for PSVR2 is a big change from the late 2010s when the original PlayStation VR became one of the bestselling early VR headsets simply by selling to the small, VR-curious slice of PS4 owners. At the time, the original PSVR was one of the cheapest "all-in" entry points for the nascent market of tethered VR headsets, in large part because it didn't require a connection to an expensive, high-end gaming PC.
>Put it all together, and PSVR2 seems like a too-little-too-late upgrade that has largely squandered the company's early lead in the space. We wouldn't be shocked if this spells the end of the line for Sony's VR hardware plans and for mass-market tethered headsets in general.
I'm glad that I manage to build my PC just at the right time after the gpu shenanigans and before the cpu shenanigans.
>Crypto miners are buying up all the AMD Ryzen CPUs
Why does the world just keep getting wrose, so fucking tired of cryptocurrencies, NFT, "AI" and all this shit.
Replies: >>240986
Kill cryptoniggers. Behead cryptoniggers. Roundhouse kick a cryptonigger into the concrete. Slam dunk cryptonigger babies into the trashcan. Crucify filthy cryptoniggers. Defecate in a cryptoniggers mouth. Launch cryptoniggers into the sun. Stir fry cryptoniggers in a wok. Toss cryptoniggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a cryptoniggers sink. Judo throw cryptoniggers into a wood chipper. Twist cryptoniggers heads off. Report cryptoniggers to the IRS. Karate chop cryptoniggers in half. Curb stomp cryptonigger skulls. Trap cryptoniggers in quicksand. Crush cryptoniggers in the trash compactor. Liquify cryptoniggers in a vat of acid. Eat cryptoniggers. Dissect cryptoniggers. Exterminate cryptoniggers in the gas chamber. Stomp cryptonigger heads with steel toed boots. Cremate cryptoniggers in the oven. Memory wipe cryptoniggers. Mandatory firing squads for cryptoniggers. Grind cryptonigger fingers in the garbage disposal. Drown cryptoniggers in etching acid. Eviscerate cryptoniggers with a grenade. Kick old cryptoniggers down the stairs. Feed cryptoniggers to recycling plants.
conmen gotta get their money up  just face it gaymer and buy ze cloud devices already
this is why monero is the best cripto, because chinks can't buy all the fucking GPU supply. The problem is that there is like one thousand more of cripto scams that niggers want to speculate.
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>People still play fighting games? Fucking why?
>Never associate with tourneyfags
I used to love Fighting game until tryhard tourneyfags infested and killed the genre, that's why they stopped being fun.
Tourneyfags and faggots who care about shit like EVO deserve to be gassed.
Even some faggots here posted links to that shit in the fighting games thread, if you are one of those, kill yourself asap.
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Former Deadspin owner G/O Media puts The Onion up for sale: source
>G/O owns a handful of other sites including Quartz, Kotaku and The Root.
Shane Smith Scrambles to Save What’s Left of Vice, the Media Empire He Built – and Blew Up | Exclusive
>“Shane Smith has been telling anyone who will listen for the last 18 months that he is buying Vice Media back,” a former colleague told TheWrap, noting that in December, Smith was telling friends he “was looking for capital” to finance a deal to buy half of the company for $50 million.
>“He’s talking to everybody, literally everyone he can” to fund a deal, said another knowledgeable individual, a media investor who was skeptical that Smith could pull it off.
>“It’s not impossible, but it’s hard,” the individual said. “Because everybody who invested before lost their money. Everyone who followed them last time, what did they get for it? They lost a lot of money. Is he still the voice of a generation now that all the staff are being laid off? Perhaps not.”
News outlets are collapsing as advertisers flock to social media platforms. It has major implications for society
>Social media companies are soaking up the billions in advertising dollars that once flowed to legacy media companies — a trend that continues to accelerate despite an ever-growing mountain of evidence indicating the Silicon Valley titans govern their ballooning kingdoms with little regard for how their products negatively impact society.
>While the dramatic shift has empowered these companies, it has also simultaneously dealt massive blows to news organizations, most of which are struggling to survive as they see their one-time revenue sources sour on their products in favor of tech platforms.
>Just two months into 2024, several news organizations are already collapsing in plain sight. The Messenger shuttered last month; an already-slimmed down BuzzFeed announced it would slash 16% of its remaining staff; and Vice Media said it would lay off hundreds of employees and cease publishing on its website as it pivots to an entirely new business model. Over the last few years, the situation has grown more dire, with nearly every major news organization cutting their workforces to survive — if they can. Hundreds of local outlets have not been so lucky, closing their doors as advertising dollars disappear.
>Not only are these news organizations crucial to the communities — both local and national — that they serve, but they also diligently work to ensure that their platforms are grounded in facts and free of abuse. You’re not going to find articles promoting body dysmorphia in the pages of The New York Times. The Wall Street Journal is not going to casually elevate carelessly risky investment advice. CNN will not enrich itself through imagery exploiting children.
>But when the executives of those companies, the very humans who control the platforms, find out about such content and are questioned about it? Well, plenty of evidence has shown they’ve often run the playbook of releasing vague public statements while failing to address the root causes in a meaningful way.
>Just take last week for example. The Journal and The Times published reports (see here and here) indicating that Meta willfully allowed child sexual exploitation to exist on Instagram. The reports were both disturbing and damning, outlining how the popular platform is abused by some parents willing to sell content to predators. “The content, often featuring young girls in bikinis and leotards, was sold to an audience that was overwhelmingly male and often overt about sexual interest in the children in comments on posts or when they communicated with the parents,” The Journal’s Jeff Horowitz and Katherine Blunt reported.
>The duo noted that Meta said it is committed to child safety and monitors its platform for abuse. But they also reported: “A review by the Journal of some of the most popular parent-run modeling accounts on Instagram and Facebook revealed obvious failures of enforcement. One parent-run account banned last year for child exploitation had returned to the platforms, received official Meta verification and gained hundreds of thousands of followers. Other parent-run accounts previously banned on Instagram for exploitative behavior continued selling child-modeling content via Facebook.”
>Of course, this doesn’t represent the vast majority of the content on Meta’s platforms. But could you imagine if a legacy news organization trafficked in such behavior, even on rare occasion? The company would immediately be abandoned by advertisers and publicly excoriated, with executives having to issue apologies and beg for forgiveness. But when it’s Big Tech? Outside some brief boycotts that have sprouted up over the years and the occasional Capitol Hill committee hearing in which lawmakers (most of whom don’t understand the basics of these platforms) implore them to do more, the world largely turns a blind eye and endlessly scroll.
>In effect, a substantial portion of the advertising dollars that once supported the carefully manicured gardens of legacy media outlets have migrated over to a free-for-all hellscape ruled by mostly unregulated Silicon Valley deities who prioritize profits and growth over the public good. As a result, the news organizations which work tirelessly to behave responsibly are seeing their business models collapse and future jeopardized, while executives like Mark Zuckerberg tout record profits.
>To be fair, brands would likely prefer to advertise on the platforms of responsible media actors versus the risky world of social media. But Big Tech offers these brands much more effective targeting, while boasting a larger and younger audience than legacy news organizations. To make matters worse, news companies have been far too slow to adapt to the changing technological landscape, often sporting ugly websites and apps (sorry, it’s true!) and lacking the tools necessary to hone in on specific audiences advertisers want to spend their dollars to reach.
>It’s a cocktail for disaster — one that will have profound impacts on civilization in the years ahead. News organizations, crucial to a functioning society, are being hollowed out, if not outright dying. Meanwhile, technology giants, which have allowed for harmful content to gain a foothold in the digital public square, are thriving.
>advertisers flock to social media platforms
translation: Elon is better at controlling the masses and sucking jew cock than all journos combined because nobody under 60 wants to read fake and gay "news" articles littered with product placements and retarded nepobaby opinions.
Replies: >>241020
>News organizations, crucial to a functioning society
heh heh
>Elon is better at controlling the masses and sucking jew cock
He allows anti-pissrael posts on twatter (for now, I'm sure tah twill change) so that second one is kinda wrong considering how hard every single legacy news outlet gets pounded in the ass by rabbis.
I don't know about the first one either because plenty of people fucking hate him and he doesn't seem to have a literal cult following like Trump does.
Replies: >>241097
>Report: Sony stops producing PSVR2 amid “surplus” of unsold units
Sony has an abysmal record of dropping all support of a product at the slightest indication of failure. Rather then weathering through and trying to support the product in the first place. Sony is apparently beta testing the PSVR2 to be supported on PC. If they were actually capable they would go full in on marketing to capture the PC market.
Replies: >>241035 >>241107
You're right but I think it's more that nobody gives a fuck about VR at this point.
Replies: >>241047 >>241051
>likes sexy slim woman
<you are sexist
>likes flat-chested woman
<you are a pedo
Replies: >>241050 >>241207
VR is always a niche thing, I'm stunned how multinational corporations want to make it a thing that ALL normalfags want to buy and failing, on the other hand, that will give me an opportunity to buy them for cheap for simulation shit and lewd vidya.
Replies: >>241048 >>241051
they're trying so hard to make the matrix a real thing like it's funny to me that VR is no different than 3D except it's probably even a bigger failure since  really no one wants it  like there's no market for gamers  or normal people 
maybe VR movies could work? but I don't see how you can do that  easily without absurd prices  at best this is used for stupid shit like making 3d models

I don't really see a world where people would want to wear VR goggles all day even if you slimmed them down to glasses  to me it's absurd that retards like zuckerberg took warnings of a dystopian future and tried to make it reality
>likes big assed woman
<ur a nigger
>likes big boobed woman
<ur a manchild
>likes pale woman
<ur racist
>likes a black woman
Replies: >>241053 >>241207
Even the VR streamers (or at least the H3VR ones) will freely tell anyone who expresses interest in VR that the used market it over-saturated with barely used equipment.
>likes a small ass woman
<you're irish
Replies: >>241207
>crypto miners are buying AMD CPUs
You fell for a pump and dump scam. There's plenty of availability of these CPUs and distributors are being left in the lurch because corps are only buying the minimum to feed their Nvidia GPU clusters for their Frankenstein gangster computer god AIs, so they come up with fake stories like this to keep the channel moving.
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>Xbox, a division of Microsoft, generates about $16 billion every year in annual revenue, and Sarah has been pivotal in helping the company become and remain successful. In her former role as Vice President, she led the Xbox division dedicated to building and commercializing products and services for game creators and partners. She worked with thousands of developers and partners to bring games to players on console, PC, mobile, and the cloud and was instrumental in directing strategy, policy, mergers & acquisitions, and integration.
>In her new role as President of Xbox, Sarah will be in charge of all software and hardware platforms which will include the redesigned disc-less Xbox Series X to be released in 2024 and a next-gen hybrid Xbox console in 2028. >She will also oversee player and creator experiences, platform engineering, strategy, business planning, data and analytics, and business development.
>Sarah currently sits on the Board of Councilors at the USC School of Cinematic Arts and the Board of Directors at the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), Zuora, the leading subscription management platform, and CHEGG, a leading student-first connected learning platform.
>Prior to joining Microsoft, Sarah held senior roles at T-Mobile, including leading the Corporate Strategy and Development team, responsible for cross-functional strategic initiatives, major investments, partnerships, mergers, and acquisitions, and was a member of the team that led T-Mobile’s turnaround. She started her career at McKinsey, where she was an Associate Partner in the Seattle office. Sarah holds a BA in Economics from Yale University and an MBA from Harvard Business School.
>Sarah has dedicated her career to transforming cultures, rearchitecting organizations, accelerating businesses, and, most importantly, empowering others to do the same.
Pokemon Go got an avatar update, anyone have more pics of that disaster?
Iirc, people have been banned for talking shit about israel.
>black woman
I don't see what this has to do with video games.
Replies: >>241102
Xbox makes consoles fucking retard
Replies: >>241105
post proof
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>Sony has an abysmal record of dropping all support of a product at the slightest indication of failure. 
PSVita deserved more love :,(
They released those launch title and people were like: "okay, these are the launch titles, cool, but what about next?"
And sony went silent.
I think that even the first E3 after the Vita launch had no announcements for it, barely months after the console launch.
How did they expect people to buy it when that was a clear indication that they had no intention of supporting the fucking thing!?
Replies: >>241108
How well has the homebrew and such scenes come along for it? I remember PSP was a dream to hack and basically became the biggest selling point.
Replies: >>241109
Mostly proprietary android apps running on a compatibility layer, but there are a good number of open-source ports and emulators. NoNpDrm + NPS will take care of your native piracy needs, and Adrenaline gives you a loadable PSP CFW so you have access to the PSP library as well. You can even use PKGi to download PSP games from Sony's servers and have it dump them onto Adrenaline's fake memory stick for a seamless experience. The only real drag is you need a Vita memory card to boot the homebrew exploit from, but you can put all your games and shit on an sd2vita so it doesn't have to be a big one.
Replies: >>241139
Flagging megacorp Embracer Group is now selling off Gearbox Entertainment to Take-Two for $460 million
>Swedish games behemoth Embracer Group bought Gearbox for $1.3 billion back in 2021. Just over three years later, Embracer Group is divesting Gearbox Entertainment to 2K Games and Rockstar parent company Take-Two Entertainment for $460 million. The acquisition is expected to finalize by the end of June.
>Embracer will retain one piece of the Gearbox pie however, in the form of Gearbox Publishing San Francisco, which holds publishing rights to the Remnant series and Hyper Light Breaker, in addition to "other notable unannounced game releases". The remaining arm of the business will be renamed.
>Embracer Group has been ruthlessly downsizing to stay afloat, after years of seemingly monthly studio and publisher acquisitions. It sold off Saber Interactive last month to the tune of $247 million, and laid off around 1,400 people in 2023. Last year it shut Saints Row studio Volition and Square Enix Montreal, to name just a small handful of its big contractions. Rumors that Gearbox was on the out started as far back as September last year.
>Embracer's recent doom and gloom is in stark contrast to 2021-22: those were the days when the company was making huge acquisitions ranging Lord of the Rings through to some of Square Enix's former tentpole western studios, and receiving big investments from Saudi Arabia. But following the collapse of a $2 billion deal in 2023, which prompted an immediate and "comprehensive" restructuring of the business, most of the studios brought under the Embracer Group umbrella have suffered to one extent or another. Needless to say, a hell of a lot must have rested on that deal.
>"Today’s announcement marks the result of the final structured divestment process and is an important step in transforming Embracer into the future with notably lower net debt and improved free cash flow," Embracer CEO Lars Wingefors said in a prepared statement. "Through the transaction, we lower business risk and improve profitability as we transition to becoming a leaner and more focused company."
>Gearbox founder and Randy Pitchford had his say as well: "As a significant long-term Embracer Group shareholder, I believe in the strategy for the Embracer Group going forward and am completely convinced that this transaction is the best possible scenario and an obvious net positive arrangement for Embracer Group, for Take-Two and, of course, for Gearbox Entertainment. My primary interest is always Gearbox, especially our talent and our customers. I want to personally assure fans of our games that this arrangement will ensure that the experiences we have in development at Gearbox will be the best they can possibly be.”
>Two-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick also indicated in his own prepared statement that these corporate machinations are for the greater good. Gearbox will fall under the 2K umbrella as a studio, presumably with a focus on Borderlands games, which 2K has published since the series started in 2009. For its $460 million, Take-Two also gets other Gearbox IP including Homeworld, Risk of Rain, Brothers in Arms, and Duke Nukem.
>ywn buy gearbox to save homeworld
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>buying Gearbox for 1.2 billions
What the fuck were they thinking!?
Nobody thinks Gearbox was worth that much
>Embracer Group has been ruthlessly downsizing to stay afloat, after years of seemingly monthly studio and publisher acquisitions.
>Last year it shut Saints Row studio Volition and Square Enix Montreal.
Good riddance, wanna bet Crystal Dynamics will be next?
According to some rumors, Embracer is having enough of their faggotry.
Replies: >>241118
>nobody thinks gearbox was worth that much
rich people with no idea of games  as anything more than investments sure did
>Randy Pitchford is still employed after Battleborn
Holy hell he must have some dirt on somebody
Replies: >>241124
Or maybe he's just good at lying to his higher ups that it was everyone else's fault but not his.
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>which will include the redesigned disc-less Xbox Series X to be released in 2024 
These niggers really don't want you to even own a fucking dvd player at this point.
Replies: >>241143 >>241215
>The only real drag is you need a Vita memory card to boot the homebrew exploit from
Only the OG Vita. The redesigned, later version Vita has 1GB of internal memory and can run the exploits without the shitty Sony cards to let you go straight into sd2vita.
Gearbox has almost nothing of value left. Homeworld 3 is coming out soon, but it is niche at best. They'll fuck up Risk of Rain 3 and kill the indie darling they had. The other IPs are unused and make tiny residuals from GOG/Steam. Randy must give the best fucking head to be able to sell a middling dev team worth more then entire companies.
Replies: >>241140 >>241211
haha  at least they can milk duke nukem with another port right? this time they'll at least add all the other expansions  haha
>Pokemon Go got an avatar update, anyone have more pics of that disaster?
it's an experimental feature that allows for more body sliders to determine only width, it's just that by default it sets you to looking like a fatty. you can go back to regular skinny or flat-out landwhale because nothing says "mobile game that encourages you to walk 10km a day to hatch an egg" like playing as jabba
Replies: >>241175
It is the final push to stop making discs and still charge 80 dollars.
Well judging from >>241095 it clearly also affected the pose, straightening the hips.
>News outlets are collapsing as advertisers flock to social media platforms. It has major implications for society
Neat. I wonder if the boomers dying off will finish off "traditional" TV news media. Or at least cripple it into such irrelevancy that it might as well be dead.
Replies: >>241213
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>Wouldn't curvy be more "body positive"? Most likely means flat twigs and massive hambeasts are the only things allowed.
Nothing of that ideology cult makes any sense, remember what the fake wedding, lolcow, cat lady Anita said once?
>Everything is racist, everything is sexist, everything is faggotphobic...
They just want normal people to be uncomfortable and have them apologizing for the dumbest thing all the time.
Probably they thought that this way people would become more submissive to the agenda or some shit like that.
Ironically this led to even normalfags getting fed up with their shit.
Replies: >>241212
>Homeworld 3 is coming out soon, but it is niche at best.
Unclear how much broad traction it got during the last demo but it got absolutely dragged. It looks, sounds and feels generic and middling.
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>They just want normal people to be uncomfortable and have them apologizing for the dumbest thing all the time.
Literally 1984?
Replies: >>241218
It's already like that, no one younger than 60 takes shit like CNN or FOX seriously anymore. The only reason people even look at them is to screencap some insipid outrage b8 so they can mock it on twatter/instagay/dik cok.
Replies: >>241231
No they really don't. They can much more easily retroactively censor and shit up older movies/tv shows if they're all streaming only. I'm glad I never got rid of my collection despite going full pirate years ago.
>Literally 1984?
Not "literally", but just like that.
<no one younger than 60
maybe inside your head but people are easily manipulated and are stupid no one simply falls outside of the hypnopod without something breaking mentally  without dealing with crazies and recognizing lies
>maybe inside your head
Nah I can back him up on this one. I have yet to meet one person under 50 who believes anything the traditional news media says. That does not mean they understand every scheme but they do not trust the authority of jews news or the government.
Replies: >>241299
>legacy media ratings lower than ever
>fewer boomers than ever
Ask anyone your age, assuming you even go outside, where they get their news and every time it will be social media or an online news site that isn't overtly related to the (formerly) major brand names.
Replies: >>241246 >>241299
I knew a guy who was around my age and he went to being a legit commie very fast
Sega sells off Relic Entertainment alongside laying off 200+ staff in Europe
>We have an important announcement for our players and fans. With an external investor, Relic Entertainment will become an independently-run development studio. This is a huge change for us, but one thing does not change: we want to create amazing experiences for our players.
>To our fans, we want to assure you we will continue to support our titles, including Company of Heroes 3 – we are looking forward to the 1.6 Update in April, loaded with new content and features requested by our community.
>We want to thank SEGA, whose support over the years and guidance during this transition have been instrumental to our success. We may be out of the SEGA business, but we remain friends and colleagues.
>We are excited about this next chapter for Relic, and we hope you will all join us in creating new experiences for our fans worldwide.
SSH backdoor in upstream xz/liblzma release tarballs!
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Probably that anon was living under a rock over the past 10 years, but in that period of time the public trust over the obsolete media and lugenpresse dropped like crazy, even most boomers, who were the ones to believe every shit the Tel-Avision said, are know more aware of their lies.
I was always doubtful of that "great awakening" but now i do think we may be getting there.
DHS to Spend Almost $700,000 Investigating ‘Radicalization in Gaming’
Replies: >>241387 >>241391
I didn't know that there was something wrong with radical dudes I just thought they were cool
I guess some people hate fun and just want to watch the world burn
>Investigating ‘Radicalization in Gaming’
>Several groups are coming together to study the little understood phenomenon.
This is nothing but an excuse to create empty jobs and get paid for it. When does "study" end and action begin? Who will act and how? Most important, where will results be posted so people can see accountability and progress?
>The money is going to a joint venture between the Middlebury Institute’s Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism (CTEC), Take This, which is a nonprofit specializing in mental health in video gaming, and Logically, a company attempting to solve the problem of bad online behavior at scale.
While looking at Middlebury Institute of International Studies News articles and not seeing anything of substance or getting things done I stumble on this... 
>Then in October, President Xi wrote him back, making headlines in China.

>“The foundation of China-U.S. relations lies in the people, and the source of strength lies in people’s friendship,” Xi wrote.
Choose 1
This trite from a dictator who makes his predecessor look like a Care Bear. 
This is a joke.
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VNDB lets you post one lines that scroll across the screen for april fools. Pretty fun.
Replies: >>241486
Layoffs Hit Gearbox Staff Hours After Embracer Sale
>Less than a day after the news that Take-Two Interactive would acquire Borderlands developer Gearbox Entertainment from the embattled Embracer Group, layoffs have already begun. In the hours since former Gearbox employees were made redundant, they've taken to Twitter, and while the total number of staff impacted remains hard to determine, it sounds significant.
>Insider Gaming has reached out to Gearbox and new parent Take-Two Interactive for comment, but in the meantime, blindsided staff are telling the story for them. Former PR Manager Jennifer Locke posted: "Along with countless others, I've just been informed I've been laid off at Gearbox." Senior user research investigator Jewels Verne said, "I just lost my job", and Chris Harada, director of online engagement, wrote on LinkedIn, "After three incredible years at Gearbox, my journey with the company has concluded."
>Embracer Group sold the Texas-based company for just $460 million, less than half what it paid for Gearbox in 2021, shelling out some $1.3 billion then to acquire the studio in the first place. That's an approximate loss of $840 million in just over two years, illustrating quite well the ridiculous state of the video game industry.

Borderlands: What The Cast Look Like in The Film Vs The Game
Nintendo Confirms Testing Layoffs Amid First-Party 'Lull' and Reports of Switch 2 Delay
>With few major games on the horizon and the Switch 2 seemingly delayed, Nintendo of America's testing department is undergoing major changes, according to a new report from Kotaku that includes a statement from Nintendo.
>In its statement, Nintendo acknowledged that it is restructuring its internal testing, which will "involve some contractor assignments ending, as well as the creation of a significant number of new full-time employee positions."
>"For all assignments that are ending, the contractors’ agencies, with [Nintendo of America's] support, will offer severance packages and provide assistance during their transition," Nintendo said in its statement. "For those contractor associates who will be leaving us, we are tremendously grateful for the important contributions they’ve made to our business, and we extend our heartfelt thanks for their hard work and service to Nintendo."
>According to the contractors in the report, the restructuring comes as the company faces a "lull" in its testing department. The contractors claim that Nintendo has no new major first-party games on the horizon and that no one has had hands-on time testing the upcoming Switch successor — which was initially rumored to release toward the end of 2024.
>While the official number of employees impacted by layoffs is unknown, four former and current Nintendo employee claimed in Kotaku's report that the restructuring could potentially affect over 100 workers, and that those being converted to full-time employment are being moved out of software testing.
Replies: >>241492
I think messing with the functionality of an informational site is in bad taste. I already had to deal with TCRF changing the font to something hard to read and the Pokemon wiki changing the whole page to black and white. It's more annoying than funny.
Replies: >>241487
You can turn it off unlike most of these other unfunny gags.
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>Borderlands: What The Cast Look Like in The Film Vs The Game
>They post a picture of Kate Blanchett from 20 years ago.
What's the deal with casting all these old hags to play the role of characters that are supposed to be in their 20's anyway?
Cate Blanchett is way too old for yhe role, and i read that the actress playing Moxxi is around 60 years old, what the fuck. 
Jamie Lee Curtis should already contact a mortician to have her casket ready to go, as she's already decomposing.
There's basically no up and coming younger actresses. Hollywood is unironically dead.
Replies: >>241581
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IGN France Scrambles To Backpedal After Writing Off ‘Stellar Blade’ Protagonist Eve As “A Doll Sexualized By Someone Who Has Never Seen A Woman”
>In the latest example of the Western video game press having a chip on their shoulder when it comes to media created not just by Japan, but apparently and East Asian nation, IGN France has found themselves scrambling to defend themselves after writing off Stellar Blade‘s lead protagonist Eve, despited being based entirely on the real-world appearance of an actual female model, of being nothing more than the “sexualized” fantasy of “someone who has never seen a woman”.
>Following a brief overview of the game’s post-apocalypse, humanity-must-fight-for-survival premise, the outlet’s Ben Ossola took a detour to share his protestations against Eve’s ‘sexually appealing’ character design.
>“The design of the game, in particular its character, highlights an obvious bias,” wrote Ossola, per an English translation of his piece provided by this article’s author. “We’re going to beat up the alien, but if we can do it while pleasuring the eyes of the men, that’s a bonus.”
>“And the result doesn’t really work,” he continued. “It’s not new, and other games have made the choice to highlight the assets of their female characters, but where Bayonetta bears an iconic character design, or 2B from NieR: Automata, inspired an entire generation of cosplayers, Stellar Blade’s Eve is just boring. A doll sexualized by someone who has never seen a woman.”
>Unfortunately for Ossola, even the briefest of internet searches regarding Stellar Blade‘s development reveals that his complaints are based not in any real-world fact, but rather his own personal hang-ups.
>To start, Eve’s designer, game director and the CEO of its publishing company Shift Up Hyung-Tae Kim, has definitely seen a woman before, as evidenced by the fact that he is currently married to Shift Up concept artist Jiyun Chae.
>Further, while Eve herself may be a fictional character, her appearance is not, instead being based on a full, 1:1 body scan of real-world South Korean model Shin Jae-eun.
>“Yes, we did base the character of Eve on the model Shin Jae-eun,” the aforementioned Kim explained to PushSquare of his protagonist’s conception. “We thought that her body shape would be a good reference for the character that we were pursuing. But the face was created originally in-house – it’s just the body of the model that we scanned for the game.”
>In light of both their ignoring of these facts and their blatant attempt to insult Kim, both Osolla and IGN France soon found themselves facing a massive wave of backlash from the general public regarding their lack of journalistic integrity.
>However, rather than respond to this outrage by admitting to having completely missed the mark with their accusations, the writer and outlet instead moved to try and cover up their shoddy work by blaming the public for having ‘misread’ their original statement.
>Changing their insulting description of Eve from “A doll sexualized by someone who has never seen a woman” to “A doll sexualized by someone you would think has never seen a woman,” Osolla then added the pompous disclaimer, in English, that “This last sentence has been slightly edited for French speaking people pretending not to understand what we meant, and the English speaking mob who Google Translated the initial text.”
>However, since then, IGN France has amended the disclaimer to instead claim that the article was edited “following death threats”.
>Notably, neither Osolla nor IGN France have provided any proof of having received any such threats.
Replies: >>241500 >>241515
>“following death threats”
Weird how every single time these "people" get called out for something they start receiving threats. Almost like it's a ready made excuse they can use to try and weasel their way out of addressing something by making themselves look like a victim. That can't be it though. I'm sure it's just another ((( coincidence ))).
Replies: >>241515
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>What's the deal with casting all these old hags to play the role of characters that are supposed to be in their 20's anyway?
It is a mystery.
legit thought her daughter was in a KKK outfit for a second when the picture was not zoomed in
Replies: >>241509 >>241514
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>dressed as a character from the game Undertale
fucking faggot lmao
Replies: >>241505
could be always worse could be a undertale yellow scenario
He should have lost weight, not his dick.
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>legit thought her daughter
You can't tell faggots apart even when you type like one?
Replies: >>241510
I see the you have completely missed the joke
I'll explain it for you
>picture not xyoomed in
>looks like just a ugly whale with bad genetics
>zoom in
>oh it's just a troon
I could tell from the thumbnail that is a dude in a dress and my eyesight is shit.
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>“The design of the game, in particular its character, highlights an obvious bias,” wrote Ossola, per an English translation of his piece provided by this article’s author. “We’re going to beat up the alien, but if we can do it while pleasuring the eyes of the men, that’s a bonus.”
They forgot to add "straight white" before "men".
God forbid them appreciating a good looking female character!
>“And the result doesn’t really work,” he continued. “It’s not new, and other games have made the choice to highlight the assets of their female characters, but where Bayonetta bears an iconic character design, or 2B from NieR: Automata, inspired an entire generation of cosplayers, Stellar Blade’s Eve is just boring. A doll sexualized by someone who has never seen a woman.”
Whoever wrote that article is probably surrounded by trannies and sheeboons and never saw an ACTUAL woman.

>Weird how every single time these "people" get called out for something they start receiving threats. Almost like it's a ready made excuse they can use to try and weasel their way out of addressing something by making themselves look like a victim. 
Yeah, i mean it's not like they are pulling the same shit for ten years straight :^)
Replies: >>241521
These game journalists (may the Gods forgive me for uttering such filth) are obviously lardbuckets and are just pissed off that people with healthy body proportions exist.
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Back after 29 years!
Yes, this is real: https://www.patreon.com/posts/shady-lewd-kart-101488900
No, no one has uploaded it, yet: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/255993
>it's real
what the f.u.c.k
Dead Cells, Slay the Spire and Darkest Dungeon devs launching their own game awards, the "Triple I" initiative
Here we go again.
finally, a good character
Too bad the game is shit
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So another self-congratulatory award like the oscars?
So these indie devs can award and praise themselves?
How sad that is?
Replies: >>241540 >>241544
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And indies already praise themselves through their game journo buddies.
Replies: >>241541
>that pic
That is something obongo would definitely do, if he could.
Replies: >>241558
The StS devs haven't even given the game an update in like 2 years. Fucking assholes.
Replies: >>241544
Presumably it's for indie vidya announcements(as indie as something like RoR2 is). There have been some rumblings that Silksong is totally being announced promise for real this time since it's gotten an xbox storepage and an ESRB rating yesterday.
I won't hold my breath for any amazing games but who knows.
Replies: >>241599
>the "Triple I" initiative

Incomplete, Interactionless, "inclusive"?
First time seeing it?
Replies: >>241573
I wonder how much of this is starry-eyed teenagers trying to chase the pipe dream of a bedroom living wage, and how much of this is the long-term consequences of kikes once again shitting where they eat.
Forgot about that, I wonder what the excuse for the delays will be. Maybe they shouldn't have announced it was coming soon :^) years before it was actually close to ready.
Its back up again
Replies: >>241653 >>241662
Why Ubisoft? They haven't made anything good in over a decade.
Replies: >>241672
Class of Heroes 1 & 2: Complete Edition launches this month
>It’s worth pointing out the PC release is being sold separately for each game, Class of Heroes: Anniversary Edition and Class of Heroes 2G: Remastered Edition.
How are they going to fuck this up?
DLSite temporarily blocks major western payment processors
>you don't own nothing, goy!
Replies: >>241674
Somebody really needs to tell Ross that there just isn't a single Game as a Service worth protecting.
>tell Ross that there just isn't a single Game as a Service worth protecting.
I think he'd respond with "it's the principal of the matter.". As he said in the vid, gamers have nothing to lose over this. You can't get any worse than a company stealing away something you purchased from ((( them )))
Replies: >>241669
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>gamers have nothing to lose over this.
Except time I can spend doing something else rather than filling in forms online that aren't going to do anything when people bought and played this game KNOWING that it was a GaaS title. At that point, you only have yourself to blame.
>You can't get any worse than a company stealing away something you purchased from (((  them  )))
Except, I didn't "purchase" it. In fact, Ubishit gave the game away for free a few years ago. But this was also long after I swore off buying, let alone playing, a game that I have zero control over. I don't need to play The Crew, let alone lament it's death, when I can play Test Drive Unlimited, Burnout Paradise, Fuel, and so on. This is not" me saying that companies can do whatever because it doesn't effect me. What I am saying is that I DON'T CARE and LOSE ALL INTEREST IN supporting people who KNOW they're being fucked over, finally ARE fucked over, and then requesting the help of everyone else to prevent people from being fucked over "Ever again".

If you morons didn't want companies to do this, then you DO NOT support the companies that do this.
Simple as that.
Replies: >>241672 >>241738
Crab bucket niggers.

>At that point, you only have yourself to blame.
Your "i don't care" attitude and your insane abuse of formatting and caps lock indicates you are a huge faggot. The simple fact is that currently video games are among the least fair goods/services on the planet, and there is no legal framework for forcing a company to do anything in good faith (like patch the game to be playable offline, or not make it GaaS in the first place). Ross wants to change that, and The Crew being shut down being rendered unplayable presents a timely opportunity to gather public support around the issue. The guy has repeatedly said that he doesn't expect there to be a good chance for success, but he simply wants to make the effort to establish some kind of solid legal ruling: either we own nothing and we must be happy, or the law should be doing something to help us.

>you guys should have voted with your wallet!
Ignoring that normalfags are easily manipulated, this doesn't work when companies like Ubisoft mooch money off the govt via cultural grants and the usual Blackrock/Vanguage money ball. They exist outside of the free market, so the retarded libertarian notion that financial pressure will force them to behave differently is out of touch with reality. Companies inside and outside the video game industry have colossal failures all the time but they never change their methods because the people who control the company's direction are all toner heads who were inserted into the C-level exec suite and have no idea how the company ladder works.

Nobody is asking you to go ringing on doorbells to get support for Ross's campaign, but the absolute least you could do is not act like a huge faggot. If you claim to be above the situation then you would know this and you wouldn't bother screaming about something that either doesn't change the status quo, or has a chance to make the status quo better.
Replies: >>241696
Rare example of a nichegamer article that isn't a waste of bandwidth.
Ross is doing this now because a game he cares about protecting has just been shut down.
Replies: >>241689
Just in time to erase Israel I see.
It was The Crew, right? They already have The Crew 2 and a 3rd game with a 4th game called The Crew 3 coming out. Looks like it'll be time to kill the second game as well.
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>The simple fact is that currently video games are among the least fair goods/services on the planet, and there is no legal framework for forcing a company to do anything in good faith (like patch the game to be playable offline, or not make it GaaS in the first place).
Yes there is, you don't buy nor play games made by those companies.
>he simply wants to make the effort to establish some kind of solid legal ruling
Getting things done through the legal system will result in nothing changing at best. At worst, the very same companies pushing these practices are going to be the ones writing the laws that "regulate" how these companies operate in the future.
>Ignoring that normalfags are easily manipulated
It's not my job to prevent stupid people from doing something stupid.
>this doesn't work when companies like Ubisoft
Why are you playing Ubisoft games in the first place, knowing the company's history, interests, and agenda?
>mooch money off the govt via cultural grants and the usual Blackrock/Vanguage money ball
And those companies are finances are plummeting because customers are tired of their shit, and shareholders are writing up lawsuits (If they haven't already filed them) for these companies having abandoned their fiduciary duties.
<But they're being funded through ESG.
No, they're not:https://archive.ph/3k16u
And it's not just the U.S.: https://archive.ph/MREbl
That's not to mention that even the government is going after BlackRock: https://archive.ph/IDmiU
On several fronts: https://archive.ph/odkW1
ESG only works so long as the people remain complacent. And they are not. The SBI debacle is proof of that where, within a month, game companies are now running scared because of some no-name Brazilian with a list.
>but the absolute least you could do is not act like a huge faggot
No, the absolute "least" I can do is ridicule you people for doing something stupid in the first place, long after you ignored all of the warning signs present.

Let me put this another way. Did you play Dragon's Dogma 2 or Helldivers 2 after everything Capcom and Sony have been doing for the past several years? If so, it's not my fault you're the one getting fucked in the ass.
Replies: >>241732
>it's a waste of time for Ross to launch legal action against ubisoft because nothing will come from it
<btw ur wrong about ubisoft mooching off the govt because they're being sued

>some legal action is being taken against BlackRock by some states
<therefore all the cultural damage done over the last couple decades will be fixed
(You posted the same article via two different links, you fucking idiot.)

>you play the crew
>you play dragon's dogma 2
>you play helldivers 2

What do you gain from being this stupid? Why are you so unhappy that something bad may happen to your enemy?
Replies: >>241736
What do you gain by trying to save slop instead of letting it die? Do you want to archive every shitty Korean MMO and gacha non-game too? Some things just aren't worth fighting for.
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>Except time I can spend doing something else rather than filling in forms online
Unless you're in France, it's just sighing a partition that takes under a minute mostly. There's no need to be this pissy about it.
The link in the CP2 report list hadn't been delisted and I really want XJ9K to fix the problem right now.

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