/v/ - Video Games

it's fucking video games, baby

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this is my first time trying to host, no bully
I got a month, so this server's gonna try to be dedicated for that entire month. Plug n' play away with your anon friends and enemies and see who's the best racist while waiting for FIYAH EMBUREM or WURM!

This version of SRB2KART is using a Saturn fork, which gives plenty of fixes and improvements. May or may not be less or more trannycode. However, you ARE forced to run it in OpenGL.
As far as mods go, there are a SHIT load of tracks, probably around 100, one I guarantee has been never before seen. Apparently there's some gay shit about that being a bad thing in terms of code due to slots being taken? Whatever. Hopefully it'll stay around 100, and if not, it's not like you can sue me for false advertising. Either way, chances are you'll rarely be playing the same track twice assuming I don't have to gut half of them.
Either way, the plan is:
>weekday is experimental week, as in, play lemme know about any big bad bugs or things missing/stuff that really, REALLY shouldn't be in before the weekend. this means i may have to disconnect and reconnect things at a very awkward pace because i really haven't screwed with a server in my life. depending on severity i might wait til dead hours to fix it.
>weekend is game day. see some shit? unless it's actively server-breaking, deal with it fag lmao
>if shit is irreparably fucked on friday, if someone could just toss the 1.3 version we'll just fuckin' do that
As far as things I couldn't add and remove that I'd like to add/remove, if anyone has any information on the following it'd be much appreciated:
<safely removing certain maps from the vanilla karts map pack, such as the mario kart ones since there's infinitely better ones already in the fan packs and the ones there are super shitty
<in fact info on this in general would be great, as i'm sure there's some gay shit in some map packs 
<also info on how to have more than 3 maps on the voting screen would be neat. as far as I know, Neptune's the only thing that does it
<how the fuck to make the hostmod config work, i had to add all the restating shit in manually

>NOTE: If you have any old instances, keep 'em. Replays there obviously won't work on replays here.
Get 1.6 sanic kart here: https://github.com/STJr/Kart-Public/releases/tag/v1.6
Get the Saturn fork here: https://github.com/Indev450/SRB2Kart-Saturn/releases/tag/v5.1
Apply the Saturn fork to 1.6 as directed. Should be layered on top of 1.6. Make sure you run the Saturn executable.
Get mods here: https://pixeldrain.com/u/NVL1ivFR OR https://mega.nz/folder/ikQnWACb#uK6BTQ0BEVpi0B2mVxfjLg (download as zip) (future changes will probably be on the mega upload for easier adjusting on the fly)
Drop the mod FOLDER in the root. So your mods folder should be an entirely new folder: mods/a bunch of other folders. If there's any pk3s or wads from it in your root, if a ton of folders from it are in your root, or if there's 2 mod folders you fucked up.
Build from SRB2Kart's source and Saturn's source with the relative links and THEN do the instructions above. Grab the new dependencies for Saturn too. Make sure to layer the Saturn version over the vanilla version. If you can't get it working, hopefully some other anon can help. If Saturn doesn't work for you, you CAN load vanilla 1.6, it's just buggy as shit.

Server is US East, hopefully it's friendly enough towards both amerifags and eurofags and whatever-else-fags 'cuz we're stuck with it. and I'm hoping to god it won't crash

The console opens with the ` key. Use it to restat (speed) (weight) between 1 and 9. And set your horn between rounds. However, it's best if you get used to the gameplay flow before you do any restating autism, just pick what looks cool.
The ' key sets you between spectator and player mode.
You shouldn't have to enable any addons before joining the server, just hop on in and press Esc to do all that fancy player set up shit.
Don't use the brakes, braking is for PUSSIES! okay actually use it sparingly when drifting tight corners, you'll learn
Replies: >>230652
>>230641 (OP) 
4 niggers in
Replies: >>230658
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Hot damn, more kart
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things seem to be going swimmingly well so far, can't wait for it to crash while i'm sleeping or some gay shit forgot to give a couple more quick protips for new players:
>actually the item key sets you as a player, by default it's on E
>the time to get a speed boost is right on 1 in the count down, watch other players
>you can hold the item key for a couple seconds if you have Grow on so you can cancel it, good for if you're coming up on more items or just hitting a really shitty turn
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I installed everything and it seems to be working. Hopefully this game night wont crash and burn before Friday.
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Oh shit it's go time. I probably wont play tonight but I'll give it a go tomorrow.
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alright datamining time:
Which distro of Linux do most of you fags use (especially if you're having trouble compiling it)?
'cuz as it turns out "just" is a pretty heavy word in "just compile it" which i should've fucking known and posted considering i just had to fucking do it in an ubuntu terminal
i had to follow this guide https://kart.moe/building-srb2-kart-for-linux/ but substitute any version with 1.3 for 1.6
so you'd use (assuming ubuntu of course) (and once you reach the relevant parts in the guide)
>wget https://github.com/STJr/Kart-Public/releases/download/v1.6/srb2kart-v16-Installer.exe
>7z x srb2kart-v16-Installer.exe "*.kart" "*.srb" "mdls.dat" "mdls/*"
Replies: >>230691
Better start learning to scour jewgle for answers to ambiguous WINE error messages, penguin boy.
Replies: >>230692
No need for WINE when the game can be built under Linux. The .exe is only used as an asset package.
Replies: >>230701
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How's that working out for you, building it under Linux?
Replies: >>230702
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>Load up bottles
>run program
Compiler? I don't even know her.
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>not White Swat-Bot
I'm going to murder you.
Is anyone else experiencing hiccups inside the server? Sometimes the game seems to hang up all of a sudden.
Replies: >>230709
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>check console
>singular nigs are hopping on and off just barely missing each-other
get back here nigs, i'm on for the next hour and thirty would've been on earlier but internet decided to shit out
also apparently the reason niggerlips appears on random damn maps is because something fucked up but the game doesn't even tell you what fucked up, at least not that i could see in the console. answers were vague from the mapid being fucked to the preview image being fucked.
just like, select the white color palette. if you're euro there's a chance it might do that, but otherwise everything been working on my machine
Replies: >>230754
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I'm playing right now for an hour or two just to test things. It looks like my connection is fucking trash though.
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ebin benis :-D
This shit will be added in next week (probably on dead hours on Monday), the reason why I'm delaying is because this changes a mechanic, which means replays will be fugged, so go through 'em and get those funni moments while you can
new additions:
>ChronoShift track pack (personally edited to remove all of the "pride" flags, worst you'll see is a rainbow in the Lovely Lab but rainbows are God's creation, not a gay flag symbol) (otherwise all of the other levels are super well designed and have no tranny shit in them from the get-go. seriously, why do this?)
>This pack, aside from that, features the following course gimmicks in their own courses: steal a fucking gnome's hat, a course that gives new restrictions with each lap, and 2 courses in one where you can shift between them freely. Prease look forward to more funny gimmicks. You can spoil yourself by looking at the names of courses on the gay forum page or in SLADE, but where's the fun in that?
>EggPanic (since i forgot to add it in earlier). This makes the robotnik trap make you go faster if you pick it up off the ground, and if you bump into another racist when holding it, you'll pass it onto them.
These new additions are already in the MEGA link in the OP, so if you haven't downloaded all of the mods yet, get 'em from there. If you've already downloaded the mods and are looking to update, here are the two MEGA links. If updating, slap the ChronoShift pack in the tracks folder, then EggPanic in the 'loadfirst' folder. If you can't download them for some reason, let me know.
Again, these will be applied to the server next week. Unless you really really want them in before the weekend.
So is the serb stable this time?
Replies: >>230723
i played in it like twice, everything seems to run fine. i think the only problem depends on the region you're in since this is a pretty cheap server on US East
Replies: >>230724
I'm referring to the last server constantly shitting itself, never had an issue playing karts on USE.
Replies: >>230725
wait what the fuck
>my ID changed
well hopefully the fact that i updated the mega proves i'm op
that's what i'm referring to too, so far during the weekdays with 4 people, server runs stable, we'll have to see in the weekend
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>purseowner characters
>RWBY characters
>eight copies of the same Virtua Racing car with different paint patterns
>two mikus
>no classic mega man
>no Aniki
>no Sue
>no Wallace
>no Peppino
>no Hsien-Ko
>no Roll
>no Morshu
>no Rouge with her tits out
Replies: >>230728
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nigger you had like a month to specify these characters you wanted, i'll throw 'em in next week/whenever the game's updated but c'mon man
purse owner and rwby shittery was because apparently some fags here actually play as 'em, at least according to the list i was given
you didn't even mention the two servals that i got too lazy to delete one of
Replies: >>230731
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>nigger you had like a month to specify these characters you wanted
I didn't think I needed to because I played as all of them on a regular basis last gamenight.
>some fags here actually play as em
Are you sure you weren't looking at /vm/ natives from last time or something? I assumed you added them because you wanted Neptune from the same anime pack, if that's what you were after I probably have enough SLADE-fu to extract the neps (and whatever else) from the /vm/ packs. Incidentally there's some weird shit in there, man.
Replies: >>230732
alright, my bad. i didn't get the characters from any /vm/ pack, just a list that >>228547
 posted back then.
if you could link the lads you want in, since i don't think it changes any mechanics that could fuck up replays, i'll get 'em settled in on any dead hours tonight
Replies: >>230734 >>230737
You also forgot Tamamo OP.
Replies: >>230738
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All right, here's a big list. Most of these are stuff from the /vm/ server that I thought was missing but a few are things I just thought would be fun. You should have room for them after cutting the bloat from the roster.
https://mb.srb2.org/threads/mother-3-frog-in-a-car.30936/ - Car Frog
https://mb.srb2.org/addons/flo-diner-dash.5850/ - Diner Dash Flo (aka the best Flo)
https://mb.srb2.org/addons/ninjis-character-pack.1831/ - Hsien-Ko
https://mb.srb2.org/addons/mario-kart-64-style-waluigi.5836/ - WAH
https://mb.srb2.org/addons/crash-robo-blast-2-kart-hyper-pack.5705/ - Crash Bandicoot (and whatever other CTR characters you want)
https://mb.srb2.org/addons/kelchars.3398/ - Anya and Dejiko
https://mb.srb2.org/addons/max-sam-and-max.4107/ - Max
https://mb.srb2.org/addons/aarons-char-pack-latest-update-caine-raises-cain.2117/ - Crazy Frog
https://mb.srb2.org/addons/morshu-v2-1-hmmm.2025/ - Morshu
https://mb.srb2.org/addons/the-pizza-tower-pack.2143/ - Classic Peppino (make sure it's the "classic" version or you'll get SRB2Kart pillowshaded versions)
https://mb.srb2.org/addons/mobykarters-pack.2978/ - Wallace (Dan Backslide also lives here if you want to add him)
https://mb.srb2.org/addons/moai.4465/ - Moai, lol
https://mb.srb2.org/addons/instablepack-v1-3-proto-man-8-bit.2091/ - Mega Man, all of the characters in this pack should be good or at least inoffensive though
https://mb.srb2.org/addons/flesks-chars-pack.4538/ - 2hus
https://mb.srb2.org/addons/roll.1468/ - Roll
https://mb.srb2.org/addons/pepsiman-the-running-hero.1491/ - Pepsiman

Missing are Sue, the neps and "Agent Boobge" which will need to be hand extracted from the weedles character packs. Hank Hill too but there seems to be multiple copies of him on the forums so uh take your pick I guess.
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gotcha, i'll get to work on that then. i think some nig linked rogue's fat bat tats in the organization thread, and as far as Sue goes, you're talking about Sue from Cave Story, right? most i could find was a generic mimiga
the neps if you could extract those while i'm putting everything together would be neato. i can't seem to find aniki either
Replies: >>230739
Here's the bat titties.
Replies: >>230740 >>230741
Here's a fatchouli link in case the other one expires.
Replies: >>230741
I want to call you a fag, but your commitment to bat tits is somewhat admirable.
alright, almost everything's ready to ship (yes including Tamamo), just need Aniki and any Neps that need to be in. guess he got removed from the fucking sanic kart forums for being too cool for a bunch of trannies
i also got a bunch of other fun-looking bonus chars in, which will be listed when i go to make the post warning about the server reset
Replies: >>230746
oh yeah, and still need Sue too
ebin benis :-D
Server will temporarily be off for a few minutes, making racist adjustments. Some racists will be removed, but you won't have to remove them from your files.
>New characters
Classic Mega Man, Classic Proto Man, Roll
Mr. Krabs, Mickey "Public Domain" Mouse, Minnie Mouse
Aniki, Sue, Wallace
Peppino (apparently made by mr. pizza tower himself), The Noise
Hsien-Ko, Morshu
Demi-Fiend, Tatsuya Suou (the only purse owner representation you'll get)
Rouge's Fat Bat Tats, Pepsiman, Tamamo, some 2hus from FleskCharsPack
Moai, Dan Backslide, Crazy Frog, Senator Armstrong
Piccolo, Demoman, Scout, Medic, Soldier, Kirby
Max (from Sam&Max), Anya, Dejiko
Crested Ibis, Small-Clawed Otter, Klaymen, Revavroom
Crash Bandicoot, Coco Bandicoot, Dr. Cortex
MK64 Waluigi, Flo (Diner Dash), Froggy Car (Mother 3), 

Joker (not the SOCIETY one, not that we had it in the first place)
Haru (play a real chin megoomi tensay gaem)
Junpei (ace defective)
RWBY stuff you know anyone sane got off the ship years ago, just let it go man
Smol Serval (we already got serval, i like big servals)
all the copies of that virtua racing car, now there's only 1
Alt (it's some guy's OC donutsteel from the same purse owner pack)
actually pretty much everything aside from Serval and nep nep from the animechars pack are gone
So the files you'll no longer need are KC_Smol_Serval_V1 , KC_VirtuaRacingChars_V2 , and kc_animechars_v7
>*as of right now the following aren't REALLY in yet cuz I still need them: the Neps, Aniki, Sue. Those'll be added when someone can get 'em and when it's dead hours again.
Sorry that this update isn't totally complete, wanted to just get it out since it was getting late and wanna make sure I didn't just overload anything. The server has not been updated for EggPanic nor the new tracks yet, so your replays should still be safe, since I don't THINK anyone used the removed characters.
server's back up, I had to fuck with Serval a little so make sure her file is named Serval_extract_real in your char folder, i am fully expecting something to go wrong
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and while i'm at it, congrats rougefag, rouge's bare bat nipples are now the first thing people are gonna see when going to select a skin for the first time, hope you're happy lmao
Replies: >>230752
actually never mind, fixed it to where she's just called rogue booba instead of AGENT rogue booba, so if you just now downloaded all this at the time of writing, grab the new rogue
Replies: >>230754
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Why do you type so much like a faggot? Just concentrate and post every changes you'll make in a single post, instead of backtracking every two minutes.
Besides, if there's gay shit in maps/characters you have the authority to remove it, regardless if someone used it 3 years ago for a single lap on a late-night game or not.
>just like, select the white color palette
I wanted the White variant because it uses a dual color palette, meaning the torso will always be white, hence you can make him look like that one robot holding the sign; instead of the monochrome robot you got on the server. Also where's old Arle you hack.
>complains about Purseowner
>posts characters straight out of /vm/'s tranny shithole
Most of what you've posted there is either garbage sprites or kiddie cancer. Fuck off.
Replies: >>230762 >>230789
Do you just like complaining?
Replies: >>230763
What's wrong with disliking things? If you can't voice your honest opinion how's this place different from an echo chamber?
Replies: >>230770
>Diner Dash Flo
I wasn't going to join but now I gotta.
Why would you remove animechars? It has more than two commonly used characters.
Replies: >>230773
You can complain, you are just an abrasive faggot about it.
You know you didn't have to include every character in every pack, there's zips with each character in a separate pk3 so you can add only the chars you want and ignore the chaff.
Replies: >>230779
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<why would you remove animechars?
>3 purseowner characters
>some SAO bitch
>the faggot creator's OC
The real question is why the creator never bothered to include individual .wads to his characters.

By the way have you intentionally changed Agent Rouge's name? Did you extract her from cuck/vm/'s server addons? Here's the download link from the past gamenight: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/b32jyhmk.pk3
And if you're still adding shit, I've just checked the forum and some horny brony spic faggot from twitter's made some pretty cool Zorak from Space Ghost C2C. Here's a link to it: https://files.catbox.moe/vcp64i.7z
Downloads from your server seem to be pretty fast, so I wouldn't bother uploading a gazillion new zips as clients would have no problems downloading it. If the server's IP's third number had been 78 first three numbers would've been vinyl RPM speeds.
What the fuck is a Revavroom or the Cobra Monk?
Just leave the pack in who gives a shit. Stop falling for the complaints of niggers who never host anything. The only real cancer existed when everybody fell for the /vm/ bait and switch.
So long as you don't have a server that crashes every 5 minutes like last time it's fine.
Replies: >>230779
See >>228547
There is a file limit.
>So long as you don't have a server that crashes every 5 minutes like last time it's fine.
Feels like it's rapidly heading that way with all this wad fuckery, not learning from past mistakes and all that.
Replies: >>230786
You can use a program like slade to extract individual characters.
Replies: >>230800
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alright alright everyone calm down,
if anyone uses any of the shit from the old animepack, let me know and i'll just put it back in, it's that fuckin simple, takes like 5-10 minutes.
you the hostfag from last time? either way link your white variant and i'll put him in alongside the missing stuff later
as far as wad limits go, something that i learned is that it only seems to be a client-side thing. like if you're running a server, you just run a command and it loads everything, it loads everything. it's just a matter of the server being able to handle the load, and it'll do the same to the clients
if it can't handle EVERYTHING i'll just axe my extra stupid additions and leave the shit only you guys requested
Replies: >>230800 >>230815
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Aniki: https://pixeldrain.com/u/aq3Jbi31
neps: https://pixeldrain.com/u/vkFg4fUm
Sue: https://pixeldrain.com/u/bA7DVUid
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Yes, and?
>if anyone uses any of the shit from the old animepack, let me know and i'll just put it back in, it's that fuckin simple, takes like 5-10 minutes.
What was the point of dropping animechars when you're most likely closer to the file limit than the char limit? If it ain't broke, don't fix it as the saying goes, don't end up like the last fag.
>wad limits go, something that i learned is that it only seems to be a client-side thing
You were told multiple times about pic related, you had ~170 files in the base package but if you split up all the character wads you'd probably approach the limit fairly quickly.
Replies: >>230814 >>230815
>What the fuck is a Revavroom or the Cobra Monk?
Revavroom is a Pokemon, Cobra Monk is from Age of Empires.
Replies: >>230815
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and if it approaches the wad/character limit and starts crashing the server, i'll just axe my additions til i can get 'em in a package, we're still very good on the limit either way. i removed like 8 virtua racer clones and like, all but 2 from the anime pack unless some people actually use shit like the purse owner, sword art online, and rwby characters. in the anime pack itself, there were like 14.
revavroom is an actually cool 9th gen mon, it's a funny floating engine
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>9th gen
Why's this in here? Who's excited about playing as a 9th gen Pokemon?
>Age of Empires
Are you sure? Looks nothing like him, excluding how butt-ugly the racer sprites are.
>what was the point of dropping animechars when you're most likely closer to the file limit than the char limit?
>you had ~170 files in the base package but if you split up all the character wads
I think this game loads an individual instance of each character's .pk3 in-game and has trouble later purging garbage from race to race, which would explain how my client was using more than 4GBs of VRAM at times while playing.
Packing the characters in individual .pk3s might probably be the best call here, although I don't know how long until it desyncs due to its sheer number. Remember the last server shit the bed the worst when all characters were bundled in only 3 .pk3s, instead of the individual character files it used to have.
>link your white variant and i'll put him in
It's in this post: >>230773
Replies: >>230816 >>230820
Stop fucking deleting your fucked up posts everybody can still see them anyway
alright, nice. now i know it's during alive hours but no-one's on right now and the sooner we test for crashes before the weekend the better, so:
ebin benis :-D
>New characters
White Swat Bot, Classic Arle, Atari Dragon, Etna, Fulgore, Priere, Zorak
The missing characters from the last racist update have been added in: Nepgear, Neptune, Sue, ANIKIIIIIII
This brings us up to 101 character packs, breaking 100 not even counting all the tracks so chances are we already broke 100 a while back, either way things could get wild, we'll have to see. Weekday's the experimental time for a reason.
Replies: >>230821
hopefully i didn't forget anything this time, also on it for now
>checksum error archive is corrupt
Replies: >>230828 >>230831
the shit? something must have gone wrong with uploading sue, looking into it now
Replies: >>230829
alright, i dunno what the shit's going on, i guess mega's shitting out but i reuploaded sue and the white swatbot. re-downloaded, extracted okay.
if you're still having trouble, check the 7zip log for which character corrupted, and just download it individually i guess. if people are still having trouble i guess i'll have to go back to pixeldrain
Does the game say which archive is corrupt?
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alright, status report for now:
shantaefag didn't seem to be able to get stable connection when with a lotta people (about 6). not sure if it's on his end, the connection between his location/VPN and my server, or if maybe something's actually wrong with the server that's just waiting to completely implode by the weekend when a lotta racists are gonna pile up and this is a red herring
other note, maybe i shouldn't be bringing a motorcycle to a kart race if i actually wanna win
either way, the time to get extra shit in and whatnot will end at the end of thursday (burger time), with a grace period for before friday night (probably euro time). after that, it's game time, only way server's shutting down for anything is if there's something that's causing it way too much load and making it crash.
fun times ahead
Replies: >>230866
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SRB2 has garbage netcode and is extremely sensitive to latency, pause your torrents before playing.
Replies: >>230868
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>my internet shits out for like 4 hours
>come back
>this shit's plastered all over the terminal
if i have a new ID again i swear to fucking god
i'm running it on a VPS that's (supposed to) cost like 14 dollarydoos a month (2gb, 1cpu, but supposed to have good transfer speeds and bandwidth), not port-forwarding it on my mega ultra rig on my own internet.
anywho, point is, it's their internet, which i'm hoping is actually stable and it's kartkrew's trannycode that's fucking up my shit
Replies: >>230876
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>14$/month for 2GBs, 1CPU and good transfer speeds
>2GBs of VRAM
>for a game that uses 3.5GBs clientside
You've paid for a server with the same specs as the last gamenight's. Bandwidth was never the issue, it was memory leaks.
You're fucking done, kiddo.
Replies: >>230895
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we'll see this weekend then, as i said i'll shift back to 1.3 if shit breaks. but so far this whole week it's been relatively stable except for one guy's own connection, which doesn't even sound memory leak-related.
what could also be causing memory leaks is too many shitty lua scripts in my loads of tracks for all i know. and also as far as i know, not counting the stuff you lads had me add, there aren't many characters with lua scripts in them.

also had this part all planned for dead hours yesterday until my internet shat out all night
boy oh boy yesterday i learned something interesting, so apparently two maps with the same mapid just have one overwrite the other depending on what got loaded.
i sure hope this won't affect us in any way because i never checked them for some dumbass reason. i may need to wait for next week to even try re-looking through everything and editing mapids.
especially since some of this stuff, i recently learned, isn't up to date. speaking of:
ebin benis :-D
Server going down for a few minutes for track adjustments. Up-to-date versions of certain track packs will now be applied. Replays may or may not be fucked, let's hope not. If they are, my best suggestion would be to load the old versions in single player and relevant racists.
If updating, download from this new MEGA link, then drag the tracks to your track folder.
>What's new
Updated tracks
KRB_IP-v2.2.pk3 (old ver is KRB_IP-v2.1.pk3 )
KRL_Masters_v3.1.pk3 (old ver is KRL_Masters_v2.4.pk3 )
KRL_CookieCountry_v2.2.pk3 (old ver is KR_CookieCountry_v.1.3.pk3 )
Save these old tracks somewhere safe in case replays fuck up or if I have to revert to them for some reason. These updates should help with just fixing bugs in 'em.
Adding in that edited ChronoShift map pack will have to be put on hold 'til I get the mapID problem sorted out.
Replies: >>230898 >>230962
server's back up for now
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>No one's on

Johnny Bravo: https://pixeldrain.com/u/WVykV2F5
PowerPuff Girls pack: https://pixeldrain.com/u/vq748PsK
Cotochars: https://pixeldrain.com/u/6Tacnwtn
alright, i've learned trying to fix mapid problems is a fucking herculean task because there's no quick way to check and nor is there an easy fix so i'm gonna have to give up on that, but fortunately it did help me iron out a couple of things:
ebin benis :-D
Server going down for just a few minutes, fixing some duplicate tracks, changing some load orders, and adding in new racists.
The following files are removed from loading in the server: KR_Town_v1.1 , KR_MPASledSlide_v1 . This is because they're actually duplicates of 2 maps already in, down to the wire. This should also help lighten the load a lil'. You don't have to delete these files if you don't want to.
Move KRBL_Pro_Pack_v7.1 to the 'loadlast' folder at an attempt to fix a lua hiccup in it, which hopefully means less likely of a chance for memory leaks/spikes. This means some of its tracks could overwrite some other maps if they share the same mapid, but let's hope not.
>New racists:
Johnny Bravo (whoa mama!), Bubbles, Blossom, Buttercup, Joe Musashi, Neff, Zobiko, Courage, Arale (not to be confused with Arle), LISE Project

Hopefully this'll be the last update I have to make tonight since I want people to be able to get a head start for tomorrow.
Replies: >>230948 >>230950
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>fix one lua warning
>get another from another pack
story of my fucking life. i bet you if any memory leaks DO happen it'll be because of all these tracks and their shitty lua scripting.
server's back up again
and i'm on for now (hopefully) if any late-night burgerfags or anyone outside of our GOD BLESS-ED USA are on, sorry it took me so long.
Replies: >>230950
I got an error when trying to join, I downloaded mods from >>230947 and I'm launching with the saturn .exe which I'm assuming is working because it does launch.  Says an error occured when trying to download missing addons. They should all be in that mega right?
Replies: >>230951 >>230958
Oh wait, I see. I thought that folder had everything. The initial stuff in the OP has what I need. Downloading that now.
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>new player joins
>immediately restats to the discord meta and picks the most generic big titty anime waifu character
>immediately starts lapping everyone else
This is what is known as a tranny. Please ban it so someone else can take first place on at least a few races this weekend.
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Metafags gunna meta. I'm just happy to play karts with anons.
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oh shit wrong person, my bad, was rushing to announce.
yes, the OP mega has everything you need if you're downloading mods for the first time. i keep all updates in it.
and speaking of trannies:
someone alerted me that City Parkway Zone has some hidden tranny shit in it. now only problem is that i'm not sure at all which pack it's in, i think it's within KR_DG-Race-V1.8 but of course, the only problem is that it has some of the weirdest file structure i've ever seen and slade isn't helping.
apparently there's a patch that removes it, if someone could bring it up, i'll do a last-minute thing when everyone's done racing for tonight.
you asked for it when hosting tranny kart
also i'm gonna attest to mr. 2 speed 8 weight, he still dominates even before he sets his weight, seen it for myself several times. so i'm betting my chips on him just being far too experienced.
besides, my sheer retard luck keeps him from winning all the time

anyways, emergency last minute no-trannies-allowed update:
ebin benis :-D
Server going down for a few minutes. Track update inbound, removed the absolutely unnecessary flags from a track within KR_DG-Race-V1.8
this marks the second time i have to wonder why the fuck they have to shove their shit in perfectly good tracks. if there's a third, i'll shout about 50% more obscenities than i usually do.
Though if you haven't updated since like, Monday, I'd suggest taking the OP mega link anyway since there really is a lotta shit that changed through the week, huh..
Replies: >>230963 >>230964
server is back up
I will probably call official game time around 1PM EST (burger) which should be at a good time relative to europes. Fingers crossed.
My apologizes, would you like for me to play on 1 speed, 1 weight instead?
>i have to wonder why the fuck they have to shove their shit in perfectly good tracks
SRB2 community is full of degenerates no surprise, it's a sonic fan game, and trannies will try to justify their warped existence by plastering their axe wound flag everywhere they go.
skill issue
Replies: >>230994
touch grass
Replies: >>230997
eat ass
Replies: >>230998 >>231002
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live fast eat ass
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You type shitty two-words canned meme answers you receive shitty two-words canned meme answers.
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(unless you REALLY wanna request an extension for emergency additions but you'll really have to convince me to shut down a server in the middle of game time and make people update for the 7th time in one week. it'd better be fucking good.)
So far this week it's been relatively stable at a max of 6 people, so consider this a stress test weekend and see how many more niggers we can cram in. If you're having trouble connecting, make sure you're RUNNING SATURN. Not vanilla 1.6, SATURN. Use the fucking SATURN. IT FIXES SHIT. If you can't get Saturn working for some reason, please, tell the thread.
If shit breaks, instead of switching to 1.3 first thing since i just remembered last host had trouble with it even as he switched what I'll have to do is gut some tracks and my dumb personal racer add-ons no-one's probably gonna use anyway and try again. If I do, I won't be able to write a changelog of what I gutted 'til later since my main focus will be on just getting it up and running, but you won't have to delete any files so you can just pop right back on in.
Worse goes to worst though, I'll have to do 1.3.
Every very late night on dead hours, if there are any, I'll do a quick manual refresh of the server. I probably won't alert if I do it since no-one's gonna be on when I do it, but if you can't connect, just wait a little.
Also, if you could, at the end of your session tell me what characters you ended up using/liking please. I might end up gutting some of my own personal additions next week anyway (nothing anons requested) to help make room for more Anon requests if no-one ends up using them. Or at least cooler shit.

I won't be able to hop in to play 'til later again sadly, sorry
Replies: >>231014
I'll be home later and play. I leik karts.
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Trying to join but the server gives me an error message now that it's failing to grab addons. Never happened to me before.
Replies: >>231023
nevermind I'm a dumbass
boot the /vm/ nigger hostfag
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>Serb full 
How many nigs are on now?
Replies: >>231031 >>231032
8, i'll have to see how the fuck to allow more from console
You want to race? Left a slot open for you.
fucking hate this tranny game, there's no easy answers for commands. i search it up, all it comes back with is download pages. if anyone knows the command to type in console i'm all ears
Replies: >>231034
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Just like type "~" anon.
Replies: >>231036
alright, think i fixed it, if i did, maxplayer count got bumped up to 16
Replies: >>231046
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2 in
I have never loved and hated a game more than karts. Out for now, I'll be back at it tomorrow night.
Replies: >>231064 >>231068
Getting hit by a spikeball and being sent careening off the course raises my blood pressure a good 10 points.
Replies: >>231067
Even better if you're in first and about to win.  But nothing beats being the guy who pulled it off.
Replies: >>231068
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If this game and UT are to go by anon would rather spend his weekend hateplaying some game he claims to detest rather than some perfectly normal vidya.
>nothing beats being the guy who pulled it off
I may have sit at the end of the queue for the entirety of the evening but at least I can look fondly on all the poor bastards I ran over with the grow powerup. I'm still waiting for replayfriend to clip his ogre getting squished.
Replies: >>231171
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Replies: >>231079
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Replies: >>231079
I had forgotten about that one. Do you have that other moment when I was stalking your kart while powered-up, came really close to you twice then I stopped on my tracks and you ran into me, getting squished? I remember it being fairly early on the evening. I should have been recording as well, but my shittop would've caught fire if I did.
Replies: >>231083
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Replies: >>231088
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It wasn't this, was it? Are you sure it happened yesterday? Do you remember the map or any of its elements?
Replies: >>231085
No, that wasn't it. I had used the grow item, though I'm not sure if that was even you. Some sort of city with buildings that weren't a drab gray rings a bell. How do you activate replays?
5 niggers in
7 fags on
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I can't download the extra addons
Replies: >>231102
What do I need to join this server?
Replies: >>231103
grab the mega link, it should have everything you need to join.
after that follow the instructions on how to install
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Desert Bus is the best* map in this godforsaken game.
Replies: >>231268
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All's going well so far knock on wood so I have a sneak peek for you niggers too.
>Sneak Peek for next experimental week?:
New Racists: ditto & clone fighter. These two bad boys will actually have their own way of cloning racers. Ditto clones the racist he's nearest to down to their stats, and Clone Fighter just selects anything from the skin select screen at random per race, down to their stats. Now let's just hope they'll play well together.
New Mechanic: Egg Panic. When you get got by a Robotnik trap, you'll speed up, and if you bump another racist, you'll pass it onto them. I may also add some extra mechanics like one that makes the Growth boost better (such as being able to get items when big and items that are tossed become bigger), one that gives a bit of a grace period for bumping into walls when drifting, etc.
Of course, these are all empty promises because this is extra lua scripts. Which means capacity for more memory leaks. So we'll see if I can actually keep everything in or not.
So in case it's not obvious, right now we're in basic bitch weekend. Next weekend if everything works is gonna be even better.
Replies: >>231180 >>231187
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Replies: >>231157
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Replies: >>231168
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I completely forgot to check how you managed to win this race. That was insane.
UT is for reliving good memories, karts are for making them.
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behold drifting power
Replies: >>231189
The biggest thing grow needs to be better is terrain immunity. Without that it's just a speedup (without the handling buff speedups normally give you in this game) that lets you run over bananas sometimes.
Replies: >>231188
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Replies: >>231193 >>231298
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Replies: >>231193
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Replies: >>231193
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Apparently adding horns is just as easy as dropping .ogg files inside Hornmod and renaming entries, which means
>new horns
Any suggestions? I'm mostly looking for aggressive car horns and racial slurs.
Why do you go the length to write these overhyped long ass posts about stupid fucking Ditto? We don't need any more racers, we have enough.
The gameplay mods would be alright though, specially eggpanic and the grow balance, even if I believe grow's good enough. Wouldn't the drift not resetting when you bump on a wall make the game too easy?
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the growth mod also CAN do it, i'm just not quite sure of how to tinker it around in a way that won't just make it a better item than the invincibility item.
like for example, taking a closer look, big items look fun but the odds are broken as shit. might just toggle on the offroad immunity like you said since it's really the only problem anons seem to have with it
>overhyped long posts
nigger i'm just explaining what it does
anyways suggesting a cut of "NIGGERS" from ducktales, your call as to which would be funniest
>Wouldn't the drift not resetting when you bump on a wall make the game too easy?
potentially, but it might ease some peoples' troubles with latency issues, we'll have to see just how much of a grace period it gives
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For those who get perception issues like I do, a kind anon told me yesterday that the command flipcam 1 lets you completely disable upside down sections of the track.
Replies: >>231611
What OBS recording settings are you using?
>Any suggestions? I'm mostly looking for aggressive car horns and racial slurs.
Gonna link some audio files later tonight.
Replies: >>231538
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Replies: >>231201
9 IN
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alright what fuckin console command unlocks hard mode, didn't even know that existed but of course documents don't say shit
Replies: >>231227
Type 'banana' in the main menu when booting up the game. I think that should work.
Replies: >>231228
wtf this makes nerve gas
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That was an amazing gamenight, OP.
I didn't get disconnected even once and the server was rock stable from the beginning to the end. Keep it up.
Replies: >>231247
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alright, make sure to get your replays recorded at the very least before monday 1pm est unless you think you might need an extension, because i'm probably gonna switch to the cuck/vm/ map packs as a base unless there's any objections.
yeah yeah i know, but i'm in a rock and a hard place here. it's either this hodgepodge of tranny maps i was too stupid to check in-depth, or a curated pack by cucks who might have maps that might be slightly less actually shitty since they play this shit game 24/7. if they don't have it, i'm putting back in desert bus and probably funny avenue, depends on if it's part of a pack with other shitty maps or not because you can't easily extract them
thanks, sorry i don't know enough console commands to properly fuck with you lads but i'm learning
Replies: >>231268
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I wish we did more hard races but by the time I was done dinner the server was dead.
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>new horns
DESU.mp3 is a glaring absence considering we have nep.mp3 in there already. Other than that gachi samples, mp3 related and Moon Man saying "k k k" are the only things I can thing of.
I don't think that's such a good idea. The weedles packs have their own kusomaps (they don't care because they get the dopamine hit from watching pubbies fail at them while they cruise through from muscle memory) and buggy/outdated maps. For example their version of desert bus is bugged: when you boost the game loses track of your position (see >>231105 for what this does) and going off course will cause you to offcourse a minimum of three additional times because the "wind" will carry you off the road while you're stuck in midair.
Replies: >>231274
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oh yeah, i just took a real look at it, it's the exact same pixel vomit shit we have, except it plays worse because you go actually too fucking fast to control your shit unless you have autistic muscle memory due to boost stacking and whatever else flavor of autism they put in there.
canning that idea then, the only thing i'm jealous of is the 6 map selection they have, but i am absolutely not touching the gay mess that is neptune for that
Replies: >>231280
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oh yeah, and as if you think cuckchan couldn't get any more gay:
>applied mods is a bunch of Blue Archive-themed nonsense
>endless pointers and stats filling your screen that you have to look away from the road you're going at 99.9 MPH just to see
>dubbed anime characters, played only by the highest elo tier of autists they have a fucking elo
and the list goes on.
Replies: >>231282 >>231301
See if you can find an undubbed dejiko for me would you? If you can't I'll edit the existing one.
Replies: >>231284
sadly i don't think it's in there, but if you do edit, he's in the kel_chars pack. don't go extracting 'cuz then we'll have two dejikos.
it also looks like there is some original shit in this cuckchan pack too, but it's either mingled in with other shit or made for the neptune modification, will upload soon for more patient autists to pick apart
Replies: >>231298
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here, laugh at the sheer state of cuckchan racing and pick out what you think might be salvageable from this if you're the least bit interested
also what's your ffmpeg settings for compressing those videos please? been trying to look fucking everywhere for compressing commands but can't find anything
Replies: >>231538
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I heard that you niggers are looking for better horns, here is a special version, remember that if you are going to use this DO NOT USE IT WITH THE NORMAL HORNS MOD TOGETHER, either pick this one or the other

Enjoy niggers, and ask away if doesn't work, it should

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You were right about the UI clutter, holy shit. I managed to make it bearable by fucking with options.
Also, it's funny to see my edit of this map get edited by /vm/, especially since they were mocking me at first for not being able to do it properly.
>test out a character that was missing from the roster (recette)
>load her up
>game instantly crashes and no longer functions
>have to reinstall the entire program
I've never seen anything like this. How did a fucking character sprite destroy an entire program?
Replies: >>231352 >>231353
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Wasn't Recette a part of some character pack? Maybe the pk3 file with the character somehow got corrupted and caused mischief.
Did you get a warning for a gameplay-modifying mod? Maybe it comes with some fucked script.
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This is just a repack of the other horn pack.
All that's new are three lines from the Heavy and some audio crops from what I assume are Tiktok videos.
I think >we could put together a better horn pack if >we gave a shit.
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as much as i'd like to put this one in, certainly there's gotta be a way to have your cake and eat it too with this. 'cuz some people do use more of the normal horns too and it looks like it'd overwrite them. as far as i know, it's relatively simple to just add more horns.
(check instructions here)
and if you want, the KL_morehorns in the loadfirst folder which i'm probably gonna put in loadlast this week cuz chances are it didn't load this time should be a good reference as to what to do.
either way funny shit.
Replies: >>231373
KL_morehorns was in last time I checked. Someone was using Tutturu a few days ago, and I saw "It's joke" in the horn list not too long ago.
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ebin benis :-D (week 2)
New tracks, new mechanics, and Hard mode on by default. Server's gonna probably be down for several minutes so I can fuck with commands to get what I want working right.
>New tracks: Added the no-trannies-allowed ChronoShift track pack edit.
>New mechanics: EggPanic (more fun robotnik traps), some stuff from kartMP.
I'm not gonna add in Ditto nor Clone Fighter unless someone actually plans on playing as either just so I won't have extra shit to debug.
Also for now I'm not gonna put in the funny horns unless it's Thursday and the sounds haven't already been converted to a morehorns pack, sorry. Compared it to the version I have on file and it just overwrites a lotta stuff. But I will put it in soon as it's converted.
Finally, decided against adding in the stuff from HugeQuest (namely the offroad immunity) because the changes from kartMP should pretty much keep things fluid. And not only that but HugeQuest adds that gay visual timer that I think cuck/vm/ has, and it's clientside on by default. Unless you want it in and wanna have to type showitemtimers Off every time you join.
DOWNLOAD THE UPDATES HERE (eggpanic and chronoshift should already be in your files from last week, maybe):
>EggPanic (loadfirst): https://mega.nz/file/fs5lHQQZ#kJNwEaE12hz03JAxiz9fWIzU7TcXLWzSLTE4SxilkZQ
>kartMP (loadfirst): https://mega.nz/file/2lYQmKTQ#4k6KblK9-RJHwVfiJEY72uQf9n-CQvZF5bhvl4Lbihk
>ChronoShift (tracks): https://mega.nz/file/K8ogXTjT#EBlE3ZfHyBEphTpMJ_f26KFi4whtkA021w2l6kyjmfk

As for the things I'm adding in specifically from kartMP, they're kmp_bumpspark (which just doesn't make you lose all of your drift sparks if you bump something by accident) and kmp_shrinkduration (which changes shrink timing to be more like mario kart).
Try to lemme know throughout the week what should be fucking off and what should be turned on from all this before Friday:
Replies: >>231424
server's back up
and i'm in for now sorry benis
Sparks buff might make the game too easy for fatter characters, but we'll have to see.
fuck, rebooting the server, kartkrew fuckery is happening
so fun fact, whenever relay.kartkrew.org decides to kick you off or just not connect for some unknown reason, it'll flood your console with messages, memory leak, and slow your in-game console to a crawl.
not sure if it's due to new mods or just tranny code fuckery, but guess we'll have to see. back up and back on.
Replies: >>231450
2 nigs on
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There's quite a few map duplicates. Also, spotted that the Mizu map pack isn't up-to-date (the current version that we're running is 3.2): https://mb.srb2.org/addons/mizu-pack-v5-2-new-maps-chroma-backrooms-spring-casino.2313/updates
Replies: >>231595
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OBS records the game at 1080p 30FPS, x264 (CPU) at 4000 Kbps VBR, CRF 23, high profile and slow preset.
The videos are then clipped, down-scaled and re-compressed with webm.py, using AV1 and manually limiting the size to 1 MB per each 15 seconds (sometimes larger depending on movement and desired detail).
Replies: >>231626 >>231654
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tfw you're in the lead the whole race then choke the final lap
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ebin benis :-D
A couple of duplicate removals and a track update, server going down for a few minutes.
Thanks to >>231457 for pointing it out, grab the track in that link and apply it to your 'tracks' folder, it's also in the mega folder.
The files you'll no longer need in your tracks folder if you wanna delete them are KR_BigForestV1.1.wad and KR_Cotopack_V1.pk3 .
As far as mikuEX goes, i'm just gonna keep her in, got a guy already using her.
oh yeah, and leave any graphics-related protips too please, like that one console camera command or settings that make less pixel vomit.
Replies: >>231597
server's back up
Replies: >>231610
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alright, fox told me the secrets, thanks again:
in console:
cam_dist 210
cam_height 120
and in graphics settings:
fov 110
granted this shit depends on your monitor specs, and i really wouldn't even be sure about how to get an auto-script working that sets these, but if you're having trouble seeing, fiddling around with these should help.
WHY THE FUCK ISN'T CAMDIST AND CAMHEIGHT IN THE GRAPHICS SETTINGS THEN, god i can't wait for super tux kart to get better, /agdg/ would have a blast making stuff for it i bet
Replies: >>231628 >>231976
>fov 110
You can type this in the console instead of going to the settings.
Here's the mod that adds greentexting. Unfortunately it adds a bunch of pointless shit as well, but I guess it's worth it for the meme text:
Also, friendly reminder about the command that disables upside down sections on certain tracks:
flipcam 1
Also here's that cherry blossom map that anon was asking about:
Replies: >>231624
fuck, i can't seem to connect to that site for some reason. if you could upload it on pixeldrain or even point to where you found it in the cuck/vm/ pack i can snatch it later
Replies: >>231625
I hope you can download from other pomf clones. Got the file for it from some public server since I wasn't able to find the map on the forums:
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God bless.
Replies: >>231637
You only need an auto script for addon commands that don't get saved, like restat and sethorn. Camera settings, including flipcam, are saved in kartconfig.cfg after you change them, and can be edited there.
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Replies: >>231632 >>231637
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Replies: >>231637 >>231640
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Replies: >>231637
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>arrow pointing left and right on the wall
>giant arrow on the fucking floor of all things
Was this from the weekend or do I keep missing more karts?
Replies: >>231638
There were some games last night, but those videos seem to be from Saturday and Sunday.
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>guy complaining the game sucks and is too easy
>also somehow knows every shortcut and skip in every course
Makes me think.
Replies: >>231654
OP add Erika Furudo and Rin I beg you
Replies: >>231654
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that guy has to know the secret to some sort of tolerable graphics setting to see them super fast, because he was the one who immediately knew how to set kartspeed to hard and restat.
now if only he'd post it in the fucking thread because i know he's lurking.
thanks, i guess i'm too retarded for the command line and the docs sure as shit don't help, is there just a certain command line function you use?
i at least found erika, but trying to search for rin is a nightmare, link 'em please
Replies: >>231660 >>231672
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I'm pretty sure that's he's using this:
webm -i video.mkv -av1 -ab 96 -l [number]>to_be_continued.webm
was encoded with -l 20 from a 110 MB mkv file encoded with 800p 60FPS, HEVC (AMF) at 4000 Kbps VBR and the rest of my clips were encoded with -l 5-10. Sometimes I went as low as -l 1-4 because there wasn't much going on.
Replies: >>231662
One thing I really don't like about webm.py is the complete absence of adaptive bitrate control. If you encode a one minute webm with -l 10 it will always give you a 10MB file, even if 90% of those bytes are wasted. It means that unless you're an encoding sperg (and if you are, you probably aren't using webm.py) you have to run it again and again with smaller and smaller size limits until quality begins to suffer if you give any kind of shit about encode bloat.
Replies: >>231672
serb ded?
Rigged. I was winning.
serb's back up
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Here's Rin:
I'd also like High Elf Archer from Goblin Slayer, because I'm getting tired of playing the same character over and over again:
That's good to know, thanks. I hope to get a 5060 once it releases so I can hardware encode AV1.
oh my fucking god, is it kartmp that's doing it? gonna disable it next
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back online, disabled kartmp
Here's the mod. Make sure to turn off stuff like the meter.
Replies: >>231711
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I feel like a fucking retard for laughing as hard as I am at crazy frog going apeshit.
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i see what you're offering, however, would there be any objections to trying this out instead?
this seems to be a spiritual successor, that and everything there is HUD-based and even actually saves your trick setting between races.
this is the "chaos drives" it mentioned too, but it's an optional add-on but might make things three times as fucky
Replies: >>231713 >>231731
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While Acrobatics and Open Tricks are similar to each other, Acrobatics is far more streamlined and easier to learn (but harder to master). With Open Tricks anons will have to memorize what trick does what. While with Acrobatics literally all that you have to do is press the brake button while mid air to gain a speed boost once you land. That said, I really don't mind trying to play with Open Tricks over Acrobatics, but I have no idea if other anons will. I mostly want this to be added because anons that haven't played much before don't know that you can gain a large amount of drift boost from getting launched by a bouncy spring if you drift while mid air, and Acrobatics would've easily solve that issue by making it easy for them to just simply press a single button to gain even better benefits. However, it's still very much beneficial to drift while mid air even with Acrobatics installed. It will also make every single ramp on maps with them much more valuable, albeit more dangerous to use (especially if you overdo your boosts).
We also need to make deaths much less punishing. Anons that used a star, grow or a rocket booster and died while their powerups were still active should respawn with them, and resurrects in general should respawn anon on the track much faster. While faster respawns also benefit those that are consistently at the top of the ranking, those who are far behind will greatly benefit from getting respawned not only a lot quicker, but with their remaining time on their items still active. I've seen as well that there's a way to make people that ended up too far away from the track respawn on it, and I need to figure it out how to do that.
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>With Open Tricks anons will have to memorize what trick does what.
same could be said for acrobatics honestly, there's 3 of 'em and you've gotta change 'em via console commands. open tricks explains what they do in-game and can even actually be used any time the player's in air as opposed to acrobatics only going off bumpers and ramps. which, honestly, might just be a bad thing depending on how janky some courses can get
acrobatics does have a 99% more stylish HUD though, that i can't deny.
i'll leave it up to anon decisions today/tomorrow if they wanna even add either/which one 'cuz it really adds a whole other layer of autism to the game. then again, you niggers DO like going extra fast, and both are the fastest way to get to doing that.
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I tried an old copy of the acrobatics mod (0.5a, so seemingly still up to date) that I have saved, and trick settings stay between races. Do you mean it doesn't save on reconnects? Even if it might be a problem, you can set up an alias to set it every time you connect, along with other mod settings that don't save (horns and stats).
Replies: >>231746
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0.5a is the latest version. KL-Acrobasics-v1/pk3 is a legacy build based off of 0.4 that retains the old depreciated COMBO style.
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behold the sweatiest lap in gaming history
Replies: >>231771
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Add Akari. She is int he same pack as Dejiko and Otter.
Replies: >>231772
Did you really lose from a finish line burn out? Damn dude I would have offed myself.
Replies: >>231773
ebin benis :-D snigger edition
New track, new racists, new horns, new stuff. Acrobatics added in for a test run since you lads voted it in and praying to god it won't crash the server. Gonna be down for a few to add everything in.
even though i still think you nigs would have more fun with open tricks
>For Acrobatics: Type in console: ac_trickstyle (0,1,2) to change between Burst, Store, and Augment. 
https://mb.srb2.org/threads/acrobatics-v0-5a-abs-system.28277/ has more info. 
>New track 
Some cuck/vm/ course I'm told was cool looking, has those cherry blossoms and shit you weeb fucks like and I do too :^)
>New racists 
Erika Furudo, High Elf Archer, Rin Kaenbyou, Kunio 
>New mechanic: Acrobatics. When flying off a speed ramp or bouncing off a spring, hold the brake key and hit the sweet spot before landing to GO FASTER. 
>New horns from >>231300 converted into a morehorns pack, should blend in good. Listhorns 34 all the way to probably 32 should show what they are. Even put in a secret one
>Couple of LUA scripts that should help with debugging, i THINK they're server side, but if you have trouble connecting, download from >>231768 and put them into your luafiles folder (it's in root, not mods folder)

I can now also appreciate the sheer patience of hostfags for this game because
>remove mod that crashes game 
>console still shows apparent code from it and refuses to show where it's coming from 
But I'm sure absolutely nothing will come from that. Nothing at all. No xir, this is a trans-ally approved code!
Sorry I had to add this in so late, got busy between converting the horns and throwing everything in a pack for this weekend.

You should probably already have the Chronoshift Pack and the new Mizu pack if you joined in this week already.
Replies: >>231775
I wanted to do something silly at the end but I didn't know how close Miku actually is.
serv's back up for now
>acrobatics was in
I didn't even notice.
>server crash
fuuuucking hell, restarting
okay, we're back
Replies: >>231781
ebin benis :-D
Brief server restart to try adding advance tricks which is supposed to be acrobatics but cooler, download it from here
I also fucked up with adding that cuck/vm/ course, re-download it here and add it to your tracks:
Give it just a couple minutes and it should be back up by the time you've downloaded all this
Replies: >>231783
god dammit, THIS is advanced tricks, but the catbox link also should work
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Nevermind, it really seems like it's their fork of Acrobasics that works like here:
Replies: >>231786
server going down for a couple. again, you can rejoin the server when it's back up in a few to automatically download small stuff like >>231784
mainly cuz i don't want negros returning to the thread and seeing like 20 ebins in 1 day. but, it's also here if catbox shits out
Replies: >>231787
back up
>adding /vm/ gacha shit
holy fuck, how do you manage to be more transsexual than /vm/ itself, thats quite the achievement
Replies: >>231789
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hey, you niggers wanted it in. at this point i'm more than ready to just make a damn poll because i dunno what you guys want.
Replies: >>231790 >>231808
I'm up for the poll idea, but we should try it out without advance tricks first.
Replies: >>231791
Comments in the advanced tricks LUA don't make any mentions of other mods, so it seems pretty clear that it was never meant to work together with another trick mod.
Replies: >>231792
That would make a lot of sense.
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Also, why the FUCK does my ID keep changing when I have a static IP?
Replies: >>231796
back online, removed the trick shittery, we'll fuck around more with that next week when it's not so close to game time if you fags want
Replies: >>231795
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>we'll fuck around more with that next week when it's not so close to game time if you fags want
Make sure to not load anything but
when that happens, and big apology from me for not testing this shit thrice as I should beforehand.
Closing the browser often changes the cookie.
Replies: >>231797
It was never caused by this, because I always wipe my browser's cache and cookies files upon close.
Don't respond to bait nigger.
I've been asking for what seems like all week now: why are KR_Mizu_Pack_v3.2a.pk3 and KRL_Mizu_Pack_v5.2.pk3 both active?
Replies: >>231826
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because i fucked up pretty hard with duplicates in tracks due how entirely stupidly they have to be named, if any of you nigs see them, keep calling them out, because the more duplicates removed the less strain on the server there is
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Nothing but a good, klean karting klub this weekend. Won't be able to hop in myself 'til later.
>What you missed from last experimental week
Any attempt to add anything crash and burned the server. At first I thought it was eggpanic, then kartmp, then finally the ChronoShift pack which FINALLY fucking fixed it. Even as I removed the tranny flags, it still had the world's gayest tranny code and would actually attempt to constantly call eggpanic and kartmp despite not even having it. Then it got way too close to game time for me to try fucking with kartmp or eggpanic again.
We also fucked with Acrobatics for a while, then a fork, but things got fucky and it got too close to game time to really try just adding in a new mechanic at the end of the week. We will, however, be revisiting it properly next experimental week between that new Acrobatics fork then Open Tricks to see what breaks the tracks less between those or nothing.
However, at the very least we got some new racists and even got some new horns from >>231300 converted to a morehorns format. You can use listhorns 34 in the console and maybe even go back a couple of pages to see what's new. Unfortunately not everything works for some reason and I'm not sure why
And, we maybe, probably got one new track. To be honest I'm not sure considering mapID fuckery. It's more of a reason to laugh at the absolute audacity of cuck/vm/ but apparently you fags thought it looked cool, so it's in.

You can probably just join the server too and it'll download everything since there's not much from this week, it's just slow as shit.
And if you're just joining in for the first time, the mega link in OP has everything you need all in one package.

If you're having choppy lag, quit the game and re-enter.
If you're just getting started, restat 5 5 is a good spot to start. Honestly any stats that won't have you sliding in ditches as a part of your own inputs are fine.
Also check here for better camera settings if you have trouble seeing shit around you.
if anyone can remind me of the mapid for desert bus, we can do it during peak hours, i think there's even a way to force battle mode on it too as a meme
also seriously debating starting a super tux kart klub after january, would be fun making assets for it since it's blender and we wouldn't have to be associated with tranny coding.
Replies: >>231977 >>231985
Trick mods only had the minor issue of making the game too fun, and didn't crash or burn anything.
Replies: >>231978
You're not entirely wrong, but the way it was added in last week broke tracks in an absolutely negative way. Namely that one that shoots you forward in mid-air because you can just die for absolutely no reason because DOOM hates the Z axis, Y axis, whatever the fuck.
Replies: >>231985
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Hell yeah.
>Also check here for better camera settings if you have trouble seeing shit around you.
Once again, I'm recommending these:
cam_dist 210
cam_height 120
fov 110If you won't like them, you can just simply change back to the default ones or fuck with the values yourself. Default values of commands are displayed by typing just the command itself.
Like I said before, it's because we used Acrobatics along with Advance Tricks. SunflawerGarden's forked Acrobatics on it's own is completely fine, because the boost to speed applies only once you land. My own gameplay of it is here in this webm >>231713 (you can also check my camera settings in it).
2 NIGS ON (and gonna be 3 in a sec)
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Noooo we can't karts. I'm working all weekend and there is also a splatfest going oooooon.
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>Aniki keeps getting kicked
>Shantaefag nowhere to be seen once again
Replies: >>232040
you're shitting me, give me a bit
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Going to take that as a sign to take a break. If I'm not back tonight, I'll be in to job tomorrow. 
I hate karts.
everyone give a big hand to relay.kartkrew.org for fucking up memory so bad that it's even taking forever just to reboot
Replies: >>232044
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Replies: >>232046
0 fags on
I hope you try again tomorrow shantaefag, it's not the same without you
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every time i tried to post my funni compressed clips it keeps breaking, let's see if these two post
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>reboot server
>go to sleep
>everything's hunky-dory
>just wake up and check console
>kartkrew tranny code once again fucking me over because the relay server wants to boot me off
server's up again
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Requesting new characters:
https://slow.pics/c/42LSLoVs (images at the bottom)
>Draco Centauros
>Yukari Yakumo
>Kaho Reinol
>Old Miku sprite
>Postal Dude
>HL Scientist
>Blood Cultist
>Caleb Bloodman
>Kuze Daisaku
Replies: >>232144 >>232276
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be back later lads, fun games
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Wrong Bocchi.
Replies: >>232172
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>Attempt to undub some characters voices
>Download Draco Centaurous voice rips
>65 wav files, not so bad
>Download Dejiko's voice rips
>477 wav files
Yeah, on a second thought, I'm good. Maybe I will torture myself through this later, assuming there's a demand for undubbed Dejiko.
Gonna upload the updated addon soon for next week.
There's no Hitori Boccher, unfortunately.
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Alright, here's the KC_Draco_HL_Postal_Crono_Rayman_Sanae.pk3 with undubbed Draco:
Replies: >>232179
also rena
Replies: >>232199
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3 nigs on
Rena is in here 232110
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thx for the karts niggers see you next friday
Did I miss karts for today?
Replies: >>232224 >>232225
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We literally just left. Come back tomorrow around 8 PM CET.
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server's dedicated and always up for the month so you nigs can come in any time and see if anyone else is on after hours
Replies: >>232227
By enabling "Play SFX while unfocused" in the sound settings you can pretty much just idle on the server until someone shows up.
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Found the supposed grappling hook section of Crumbling Tower.
Replies: >>232256
I figured it was something like that when I saw the ring glowing green, but how do you use it exactly?
Replies: >>232258
press B near the black orb
Replies: >>232278
Server's gonna be down for just a few to apply updates.
We're gonna be trying gay tranny tricks again and seeing how they'll work. We'll go with that Acrobatics fork, which just has you press the brake button while in air to go faster when you land.
New racists: I actually fucked up last time, Rin Kaenbyou's in for real now. Accidentally threw in the High Elf Archer twice last time. We also got Konata and everything from >>232110
New tracks: Kanzaki Pack, and fixed the Virtual Raceway to have no red palette and is actually easy on the eyes now.
Broken horns should be fixed. If you wanna have your own horns in, it's actually incredibly simple and you can just use the nicesounds morehorns file as a reference.
You can download here to make it quicker or just join the server, but because there's a whole track pack it's probably gonna be slow as hell.
Replies: >>232278
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oh, great. i think the fucking site that lets me even manage this server is shitting itself. hang tight.
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As in hold the brake key and let go off it if you want to unhook yourself.
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alright, no clue what the fuck happened there but we're back on, everything looks stable
Replies: >>232280 >>232281
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We're getting server timeouts. Something is wrong.
>server shitting itself again in real time
I HATE KARTKREW TRANNY CODE JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, have to fucking reboot again, gimme a bit
alright it's back up, let's try that again
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>take a funny sound clip
>trim it down to preferably something quick in audio editor of choice
>save it as an ogg
>name it DSXXXXXX (replace X with whatever)
>for some gay reason, the maximum letters this game takes is 6, so you can name it shit like DSBOOBS which only has 5 letters
>then either just post it here to get put in a community pack, or if you have multiple of them to put in a pack, go to KL_NiceSounds_morehorns_fix in your loadlast folder, and essentially just make your own fork of it
>don't forget to adjust the lua script in there so it just points to your own file names
it probably doesn't make too much sense at first if you've never touched lua shittery, but it should be pretty easy to figure out.
if you're making your own pack, make sure to test it in game by loading hornmod CE edition first, then your pack after it, then setting your horns
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my highlights from tonight
server is fugged again, you may want to remove some characters
Replies: >>232316
ah god yeah, it's slowing like fuck. alright, gonna shut it down for a bit to maybe remove some shit. i'll mainly just be trying to remove the personal shit i added and seeing if that just works
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alright, so here's what i removed for now in attempt to fix shit:
>the cuck/vm/ course (since we found the cooler shrine stage), and people seemed to think it was very, very "eh" at best
>the bowling alley edit since i THINK there's already one, making this a duplicate
also removed a couple racists i am 99% certain no-one was using like coco bandicoot and revavroom, if there's someone missing that you use lemme know, i tried to keep it on the low end because i think it was a matter of lua scripts more than characters. there's some shit in there i KNOW no-one's using too, but they're part of bigger packs i'd have to completely rearrange.
either way server's back up.
Replies: >>232331
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>the cuck/vm/ course
But... I liked it.
Replies: >>232332
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fiiiine i'll put it back in, i don't think it's the cause because the server was working fine with it before, had to reset serb anyway cuz the relay booted me off again and console spammed it to death, but it's up again (again).
if it's not one thing it's another with this damn game, man
My connection is lagging and stuttering on the server way more than usual. Also, 2 fags on.
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Seems fine again.
i fucking hate this relay server and it can suck a bag of dicks, gotta restart if anyone's having problems
alright, we're back up again
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So the reason why kitchen sinks are so rare is because hitting someone with them completely eliminates him from the entire race: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=5dUzpPXWqYg
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I can't make these horns work OP so please spare me this whole mess and make it work pls
Replies: >>232462
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Replies: >>232462
server dead?
Replies: >>232448
yeah sorry about that, the tranny relay server shat on me again, it's back up
think you could stuff all that in a catbox please? for some reason or another i guess just downloading them gets fucky on my end
Replies: >>232476
Here you go. Thanks.
Replies: >>232481 >>232482
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alright, i see the problem, i think you might've somehow exported the oggs wrong cuz they're not even recognized in slade and my sound editing program didn't wanna open it either. what i generally use for exporting oggs from videos is shotcut, and if that doesn't work for some reason, some editing in dark audacity usually helps. not sure if you use either of them,
working on fixing them right now though
Replies: >>232482 >>232516
alright, s' up, working, and in server. you can just download it by joining fairly quickly but i'll leave a link just in case:
Replies: >>232516
Weird. I used ffmpeg to extract the audio.
The volume is really low ingame though.
Replies: >>232517 >>232568
I cranked up the gain to make it louder.
did a quick server reset to fix the horns, should be back up and done now
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>ffprobe your_horn.ogg
48000 Hz, opus, stereo
>ffprobe working_horn.ogg
44100 Hz, vorbis, mono
One of these has something to do with it I think.
Replies: >>232593
Maybe it's the codec. I see.
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We keep getting timed out from the server.
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alright it's just as i thought, the fuckin' kanzai pack is having random tranny code spikes.
can't have shit in karts man, working on it
Replies: >>232643
alright, back online
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If you can't see what happens in this clip
>throw banana
>hits candy cane
>hits at perfect angle and lands on the other track
Replies: >>232657
Definitely should up the bitrate on this, I can't see shit.
Replies: >>232662
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this is a better quality version but I'm too lazy to cut it up
New horns
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>shit you missed during experimental week
Tried to add the Kanzai pack, it had tranny code spikes. However, this actually isn't sanic karts, you're playing mayro karts now.
You know how you press a button to do a cool little trick and speed up a bit while going off of a ramp? It's a bit like that, just press the brake button when it happens. No meter, no extras, just a button press.
If you're just coming in from last weekend, you really should just be able to join and it'll download everything fairly quickly since I don't THINK there's much, but we got some new horns/racers, and the virtual raceway's been fixed to have no eye-blaring red palette.
If you feel the need to though, here's the folder containing everything from this week:
And as always, if you're coming in for the first time, the mega folder in OP should have everything up-to-date.
Replies: >>232725
also 2 nigs on right now
Replies: >>232730
Replies: >>232733
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0 fags on

also here's how tricks work since maybe three people were using them: press BRAKE when you're launched upward by something and in midair. Upwards-inclined slopes count, springs count, just falling off of something doesn't count. This queues up a forward boost for when you hit the ground and starts the trick combo meter. If you do another trick before the meter runs out, that next trick will give you a bigger boost. This scales very fast, the boost from a 3-combo trick makes you go faster than a star with no warning and none of the handling buff a star would give you. Don't trick more than once unless there's a long stretch of relatively straight track in front of you or you'll probably die. You probably shouldn't trick at all on Big Blue unless you've played this game so much your balls fell off.
>passed out from exhaustion
>missed everything
Replies: >>232800 >>232847
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Today, at least. There's always more people playing during the Saturday night either way.
I thought nobody was gonna show up and left after an hour or two of 3 person racing
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naturally when i'm away is when the server decides to cpu spike, it's back up and ready
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is it over
Replies: >>232902
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Not over yet, but soon it will be.
LOUDER jojo horns because they're really underwhelming + za warudo
Replies: >>232964 >>233183
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Found some JoJo characters as well, since you were asking:
>Wonder of U
We can replace characters that no one uses anymore with them, like High Elf Archer for the example.
Replies: >>232965 >>233183
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Replies: >>232979 >>233092
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Replies: >>232979 >>233092
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Replies: >>232979 >>233092
>tfw was setting up a new os and missed all of friday and saturday
I missed the entire weekend and I'm a little buttmad
>sync error
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oh yeah, someone was asking about that blue shell mod, not sure if i'm gonna put it in this final week or not but:
it also comes with a lot of what looks like heavily broken shit
Looking around I saw this: https://mb.srb2.org/addons/stuck.5031/
Was this considered already? It would've been useful last night when getting stuck in the pit in the Nico track or slammed deep into heavy terrain.
Replies: >>233067 >>233096
I'm down for the final week being completely bonkers.
Yeah, but we don't really know how to install it.
Replies: >>233070
I loaded it like any other mod, it should work just fine on the server.
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Replies: >>233092
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Thanks for the clips guys, as usual.
God damn it. I knew someone would clip this embarrassing mistake.
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i tried to load it last week actually, but as it turns out it's also more memory leak-type stuff.
Just gonna try adding in those wacky items from >>233042
 and see how well they play if they ALSO don't memory leak the server but I can already tell some nigger's gonna put a pipe in a narrow spot. I don't think I'll be able to join in too much today, but let me know how unplayable it ends up getting because this is some wacky shit.
Should be able to just hop in & download.
FYI the SRB2 forums ban VPNs, so you should probably post something about how the new items work here.
Replies: >>233112
Did a few races with it, here's what I noticed:
Blue Shell is ruthless but it doesn't feel as bad to get hit with one as in Mario Kart.
Mad Milk+Orbinaut is neat, if you land a hit on a soaked racist you get a speed boost and some iframes.
Jarate+Orbinaut I never managed to land, not sure what a minicrit will do to a soaked racist. Spin him out more?
The Minecraft axe is neat, you get three or four swings before it breaks. Although you have to be pretty close to hit the target.
The Shrink potion is nuts, if you drop it in a chokepoint everyone is forced to go through it and live with being tiny.
The Microphone is funny although hard to benefit from. Upon activation it will play two voicelines, and at the end of the second will spin out every racist ahead of the user that is still holding an item. Basically it forces everyone to drop their hoarded items or suffer a spinout.
The Donkey Kong(?) Reverse Magnet is hard to use, it doesn't show a reticule but will target a nearby racist and pull him into you.
The Pipe just drops a kart-sized wall behind you that sticks around for a while where you dropped it.
The Mine Cannon sticks with you and just shoots explosives ahead of you in an arc, never had occasion to hit someone with it.
The Pot of Greed, I have no idea what it does but when I used it two icons appeared in the top left. Needs further investigation.
Replies: >>233112 >>233114
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fucking tranny site, gotcha, image related
here's the download link just in case the server's too slow.
>the shrink potion
if these items stick around i might disable the regular shrink in lieu of that when i figure out how to, since one shrink is kinda shitty enough
Replies: >>233114
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"minicrit" seems to mean extra knockback and spinout time.
Minecraft axe seems to disable items for a short time.
Shrink potion will probably shrink you too if you throw it in a chokepoint, you can't seem to drop it behind you.
The shitpost microphone is mostly useless, unless someone's holding a 10x banana or something. You generally want to dump your items as soon as possible to increase your odds of getting something useful when you need it (so not growth) and the only item you really benefit from holding on to is orbinaut/jaws when you're in first. It sure is funny though, someone post the "I'm pissing on the moon" video because I forgot where I saved it.
Pot of greed you hold the item button to spend a card and roll an item as if you just hit an item box.
Shrink potion seems to be a double edged sword anyway since you have to dodge the area of effect as soon as you throw it, but I wouldn't mind if regular shrink goes away either.
Replies: >>233187
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Really hoping to not miss out on this weekend
Don't forget this >>232962 and this >>232964 pls.
Replies: >>233194
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To add:
>Serval and Kaban riding together on a single kart
>Remilia Scarlet
>Fascist Cream
>Ronald McDonald
>Space Marine
>Doom Imp
>Better Pepsiman
>SS13 Clown
>Elphet (old design)
>Okina riding on a wheelchair
>Nero Padoru
>A few horns (merged the louder horns and added the missing ZA WARUDO entry in the lua file from >>233183 )
Since we're not using the cuck/vm/ Neptune client, we'll be needing more space for all of the new characters. I'm proposing to remove the following:
<Kuze Daisaku (no one played him but me, and most likely no one will)
<Mac Tonight (normalfag version of Moonman)
<Pepsiman (better 3D-like version above)
<Anya Forger (no one plays her)
<High Elf Archer (no one plays her)
<Nep (no one plays her, also >English dub)
<Nepgear (no one plays her, also >English dub)
<Shiver (no one plays her)
<Tohru (no one plays her, also >English dub)
Replies: >>233199
Can we throw in Master Emerald too?
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Can get rid of dejiko and 2b too since they both have english dubs.
Replies: >>233204
I'm planning on releasing undubbed Dejiko tomorrow. Not gonna bother with undubbing 2B, unless someone is willing to link me rips of her voice.
Replies: >>233208
wew nice
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>wad file limit reached
alright you niggers are driving the server up the wall, but i'm gonna try to fix it without removing too much shit
also the problem with removing shit is that most of the shit requested to be removed is already in existing packs, meaning it won't really change the file limit at all. i'll try and do it later tonight, right now gotta see how to even cram everything in
alright server's back up, here's everything in a package if server download speed's too slow
Replies: >>233221
server shit itself
wait nevermind, no it's fucking not
>server refused to send info
working on it, what the fuck is going on
alright it's live, either the checker wrecker did it or some combination of that meme master emerald and that, i don't even know man
Characters/charpacks I've seen used maybe once at most:
>whichever version of Arle is the shitty post-Fever design
>all of the kemono friends except Serval
>all the TF2 characters
Replies: >>233301
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I can speak on behalf of these characters (from least used to most used):
>TailsDoll (pretty much didn't see him at all)
>Anya (played once on one map)
>Sothis (played thrice at best)
>Shive (same as above)
>Ranger (likewise)
>Tohru (likewise)
>TF2 Scout (saw some use during the first two weeks)
>Crested Ibis (used to play her, was surprised to see her get picked up today for a single map)
>TeamRocket (some anon played them for a few hours, but chose to stop)
>TF2 Med (same as above)
>Lolo (used to play her from time to time, but rarely gets picked up anymore)
>EarthwormJim (definitely at least one anon was rotating him between his roster)
>BomberMan (same as above)
>Jack_Frost (likewise)
>Dwarf (likewise)
>Snake (likewise)
>Duke Nukem (likewise)
>Otter (I played her quite often, should definitely play her more since she's pretty cute)
>TF2 Spy (at least three different anons played him for quite some time)
The rest I either haven't seen in play at all or I just simply do not recognize them by their names alone. From what I've played, the server seems stable.
I will be requesting the last character from me (at best two) along with undubbed Dejiko to be added tomorrow. Maybe along with undubbed 2B as well, if I will manage to find clean audio samples of her Japanese voice that is.
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wew, the moment I posted the serb started timing me out.
>away for even a fucking hour
>server shits itself
it was another relay issue, so nothing to do with the loads of mods, if i had a means to disable it i would, but it's back up again
Replies: >>233314
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Now that I think about, in both examples in which the server was having sudden relay issues the Shantae map was being played for way too long. It just might be the root cause that's crashing the server, assuming it stays up for more than half an hour.
Replies: >>233316
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Replies: >>233316
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oh nah, this seems to happen at least once a night no matter what map it idles on, even as late as 2 AM. your guess is as good as mine as to what's causing it, but my personal thought is the relay server just having a hiccup and tranny code naturally freaking out, because it shouldn't be fucking log spamming that it can't connect
i can't wait to see the effects of how many people a pipe is gonna cockblock when we get max players this weekend
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This is way too late but I'm going to try to make the morehorns situation less awful. In my opinion horns should be
>3 seconds or shorter (so you're not constantly interrupting them during normal gameplay)
>not too annoying (so you don't hate yourself when you get a bad one from a random roll and have to hear it all race)
>not annoying when spammed (because horns are meant to be spammed)
There's a ton of horns in the morehorns pack that break this and I fucking hate it when I keep getting them. I don't want to keep hearing "trans rights", the first half second of a risitas webm or that stupid TF2 micspam that stopped being funny 10 years ago whenever I press the item button. The lua script that powers the horns mod has a special bucket for earrape called hellhorns ("a shadow passes over your item button") that has a 1/1000 chance or something of being selected when you have your horn set to random. You fags didn't use it. I'm going to move the especially bad ones into there and try to cut down the ones I think are salvageable.

There's also some obvious holes in the horns that are available. There's nothing from Shadow the Hedgehog, for example. While I'm doing this I'm open to suggestions for shit you expected to be there that wasn't in the horn list.
Replies: >>233322 >>233338
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very fair, i don't even think anyone aside from the user could even hear the TF2 micspam or that one that goes BRRRRR due to it being just that long.
also, if you niggers want the eggman mic item to be DOCTOR IVO RRRRROBOTNIK instead of the snapcube eggman, drop some quick clips and i'll see what i can do too
Replies: >>233393 >>233484
Leave my ORAs and MUDAs alone pls.
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Which version of Dejiko's win music does anon prefer? Of course these will be cut in half.
Replies: >>233393
If there's interest I could probably hack the xItems script for the microphone to have a 1/10 chance of playing AoStH clips instead of Alfred Coleman.
tbh I would rather use a segment of only one,no.1 since I associate that a lot more with DiGi than Party Night.
Replies: >>233458
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The SA2 snapcube dub is a motherfucking goldmine.
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Alright, here it finally fucking is:
>Drop-in replacement for Dejiko (undubbed)
>TF2 Engineer
>Toyota AE86
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Lambdadelta* Also, I'm on the server right now if anyone wants to play.
I've been listening to this for a few hours and tried to pick out some potentially useful lines, they aren't particularly funny though:
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Okay I finally "finished" my morehorns tweaks. This replaces both the "nicesounds" morehorns pack and the ZZZHorns pack because it includes both. I ended up running out of patience and mostly including snapcube stuff, but there are a couple mandatory inclusions thrown in there from Sonic games too.
Replies: >>233536
>server couldn't send info, please try again
Replies: >>233526
jesus fucking christ, i restarted it to add in the new shit but i'll see what's up
Replies: >>233528
While you're at it add this updated zzzhorns+nicesounds pack since I made a stupid typo in the lua I didn't notice until now.
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alright, i'm guessing what's going on is that we are DEFINITELY fucking going past the wad limit. fortunately there were some battle tracks from the last hostlad's pack i hopefully don't think that anyone will miss and i had to axe like one or two characters
i guess 241's the actual limit the server can handle, any more and it just refuses to sync up shit. either way i think it's back up now
Why were my horns completely removed?
Replies: >>233538
wait, were they? point me to them, i'll compare files
Replies: >>233539
Also, you can now pick hellhorns willy nilly now from the console, regardless if you rolled one or not.
They're listed here as last entries 233194 
You can change the Spy one to a hellhorn as well.
Replies: >>233541
>Also, you can now pick hellhorns willy nilly now from the console, regardless if you rolled one or not.
Looking at the lua for hornmod there's a cvar that does this, it's named horn_unleashhell if hostfag wants to turn it off. On a related note I should have tested this shit ingame first because the new horns I added are wayyyyyy two quiet. Even the loudest horn I added (Chaotix Recital) is a dull roar compared to the vanilla hellhorns.
Replies: >>233542 >>233543
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i put it on for now because the right to hornspam funny loud noises shall not be paywalled behind rng and i will surely not regret it :^)
if you could boost the volume back up on your horns and get the other lad's horns in, that'd be much appreciated though.
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>On a related note I should have tested this shit ingame first because the new horns I added are wayyyyyy two quiet.
This seems to be a very common issue with this game, since when I was working on Dejiko's undub the loudness of the stock voice clips that I've used sounded completely fine in mpv, but in-game it was nearly impossible to hear Dejiko's voice, and I had to amplify them with around 10dB because of this (most likely at the cost of introducing a bit of audio clipping to them).
Here are my missing horns along with the lines of code that need to be added to the bottom of the file:
Replies: >>233626
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Since this will be our last weekend with Karts for quite some time, I've decided to (hopefully) help anons with a little bit of my knowledge of the game that I've learned throughout the month.
Regardless if you're a newer player or not, there's a good chance that you will find about something useful written here.
>First off, I recommend creating a shortcut to srb2kart-saturn_v5.1_64bit.exe and adding -skipintro as a command argument/launch option to skip the GroomKrew intro entirely.

>Type in your own name and choose your character here.
<Additional characters will appear once you load them in yourself or by letting the server do it for you.

>Video Options
Set Resolution to your monitor's native resolution.
Set Draw Distance to Infinite and Weather Distance to the maximum number of 3072.
Disable V-Sync.
If your monitor supports Variable Refresh Rate (either G-SYNC or FreeSync) then cap FPS below your monitor's maximum refresh rate by 3-4 FPS for optimal input lag without any screen tearing.
Setting the size of your Drift Spark Pulse particle effect to the maximum value of 3.000000 (MAX setting doesn't save itself for some reason) can help you notice Drift Sparks appearing below you much easier.
>Video Options > OpenGL Options
Turn on Palette Rendering.
Set the Texture Quality to 32 bits and the Anisotropic Quality to 16.
Change the Texture Filtering method to either Nearest_Mipmap or Nearest_Linear if you want to further filter sprites positioned away from you.
Render Distance should be on MAX.
>Sound Options > Advanced settings
Disable Grow and Invulnerability Music if you want.
>HUD Options
Decrease your HUD Visibility based on your preference or leave it completely opaque.
Set the 2D Character Select to Extended for a much better character selection screen.
>HUD Options > Online HUD Options
Set Local Ping Display to Always and Ping Measurement to milliseconds.
>Gameplay Options
Change Game Speed to HARD (requires you to do the cheat code listed in the section below) if you'll ever want to test something on localhost.
>Data Options > Replay Options
Set Record Replays to Auto Save if you want to rewatch your or someone else's gameplay without the need of saving them manually.
>Useful Saturn Options
Turn off Input Display Outside of RA.
Set the Speedometer Style to Small.
Turn on the Stat Display  to display your character's current stats above your Speedometer if you care.
Turn off Show Lap Emblem if you actually want to see something in front of you after reaching a lap.
Turn on Show Minimap Names.
Turn on Small Minimap Players.
Turn on the Midnight Channel Flicker Effect if you want to remove it on Midnight Channel.
>Saturn Options > Player Distortion
<Try these out offline or something. I myself really enjoy using the following:
Rotate Players on Slopes, Rotate Players when Sliptiding, Squish Sound Effect, Saltyhop, Saltyhop Sound Effect, Saltyhop Squish.
>Bird Options
Turn Show Free Play Text off.
Do whatever you want with the Advanced Music Settings. I personally find Music Fading neat.

>Typing "banana" while on the title screen will unlock every unlockable right away.
>Press "~" to open up the console.
connect [IP]: Connects to a desired server.
discordrp off: SHIGGYDIGGY.
highresportrait on: Enables high resolution portraits.
>Better Camera settings. Will drastically improve your vision at the cost of reduced immersion.
flipcam 1: Disables flipped view on some maps.
cam_dist 210: Self-explanatory. Default value is 160.
cam_height 120: Self-explanatory. Default value is 50.
fov 110: Self-explanatory. Default value is 90.>Horns
horn_volumelimit [0-10]: Increases/reduces the sound volume of horns.
listhorns [1-48]: Shows a list of horns.
sethorn [1-957] robotnik: Sets a preferred horn from the list.
resethorn: Clears your horn preference. Your next horn will be random.
hornsoff: Only actual faggots will use this command.
hornson: Become straight again.
>TF2-esque Hitfeeds.
hitfeed: Toggles hitfeeds. Defaults to On.
hf_displaymode: Changes the hitmessage displaymode. 1 = Names, 2 = Icons, 3 = Icons + Names. Defaults to 1.
hf_charlimit: Limits characters in a hitmessage name. Defaults to 21.
hf_messagelimit: Limits the number of hitmessages. Defaults to 4.
hf_backdrop: Toggles hitmessage backdrops. Defaults to On.
hf_highlightcolor: Changes the highlight colour. Defaults to White.
hf_colorednames: Toggles hitmessage coloured names. Defaults to On.

Aim mainly for Blue mini boosts and Red ones.
Most of the time it's not worth to go for Rainbow boosts.
Item rolls can be rolled much quicker by pressing ITEM, most likely at the cost of getting a weaker one (which really doesn't matter much when you're far behind).
Eggman's bombs can be detonated prematurely by pressing ITEM during their countdown, which is highly useful for blowing up other players or so you can position yourself right near a speedboost.
Hold ITEM if you have Grow active and want to cancel it, or if you want to utilize the Magnet or Pot of Greed if you roll them.
Mines won't activate if a karter is too close to them. They also have a blast radius much larger than the size their sprite.
Thunderclap can destroy an SPB (the nuke that chases the 1st racist) as well as some hazards.
<Fun fact: your very own SPB can start chasing you.
>Non-vanilla items
It's possible to dodge Blue Shells if you release your mini boost acquired from drifting right before it would otherwise hit you.
Roads positioned outside of the main track are rough and will slow you down based on how useful otherwise driving on them would be.
Don't get fooled. If you notice a road that's way to good to be true, then most likely it's an off-road.
The vast majority of them require using a speed boost from an item or a speed boost from chaining multiple tricks to traverse them.
You can drift on them, but you cannot generate progress towards your mini boosts on them.
Pretty much the exact same thing as off-roads. First spot them, then memorize their locations.
However you'll definitely want to pay much more attention to them since they can be much deadlier than off-roads.
>Spring drifting
Hold DRIFT right before you bounce off a spring and STEER while in midair in order to build your drift gauge.
Don't let go of the DRIFT key if you want to continue building your drift meter on the road.

There are a couple maps that feature a paraglider mechanic.
On their tracks there will be either springs or ramps that will launch you high into the air and magically spawn a paraglider on top of you.
Paragliding players behave as if they were grounded while floating, meaning that they accelerate, and they can use Sneakers and Rocket Sneakers unlike before too, to allow for even more interesting paths and shortcuts.
Players are given a turn-rate while paragliding, dictated by their handling - the more handling, the better.
It's possible to hold up or down (Aim Forward and Backward respectively) to either get to the ground as soon as possible, or to flutter upwards, gaining an extra pinch of height.
And if all fails, hold BRAKE to let go to the paraglider, dropping you to the ground.
Press BRAKE in midair to perform a trick. Chain multiple tricks for SPEED.
The Spring items will allow you to trick in midair, however very few maps have it as a pickable item.
>Paraglider Acrobatics
It's possible to chain multiple tricks by spamming BRAKE right after you drop from the glider back onto the ground.
Keep in mind that you need to do this very quickly or otherwise it won't work.

>Everything else

I hope to see you fags on the roads tonight.
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With also a bit of a grace period for Friday night, as in, get your stuff fixed if it's broken or missing something, whatever, submit it, and then I'll add it in on dead hours when no-one's on because due to that wad limit, I have to make sure that the server even syncs with people. And if you submit something, for the love of god, please make sure it works in-game. I won't be able to work on the snapcube eggman -> aosth robotnik changes, but if someone could get oggs of what they want then I'll try putting it in later.
>What you missed during experimental week
Also new items.
If you're joining in this weekend again, just joining the server should let you download everything.
And if you're joining for the first time, the mega link in OP should have most of the mods you need, then download the rest of them via joining the server so you can get in quicker. Sorry about not constantly keeping it updated but I ran out of steam for that, so I'll be releasing a pack with all mods that were used on the server when it's down for organizational purposes.
I'll be in later tonight.  You fags better be on still
4 racists
Fixed volume levels for the new horns. I may have also added an extra surprise.
Replies: >>233616
Did you put the old ZZZhorns in their upgraded louder version?
Replies: >>233620
Maybe. I only brickwalled the horns I personally added, the horns in the ZZZpack that I merged in were already loud enough ingame so I didn't mess with them.
Replies: >>233621
The risitas horns for example are really quiet now.
Replies: >>233625
My horns
Replies: >>233625
Okay, this should finally finally fix everything.
Replies: >>233626
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Replies: >>233652
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I went and did it myself.
Is no one on or am I in the shadow realm?
Replies: >>233657
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guess the people are majority eurobros, but just announce when you're on so the burgers can hop on in too
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>pick your audio clip and open it in Audacity or something
>cut it down to a maximum of 3 seconds, 4 if it's really funny and you can't cut it down any shorter
<can't cut it down that far? fuck off unless it's really really funny, in which case make it might be worth it as a hellhorn
>crank that shit up, horns need to be LOUD to be heard over all the other shit playing in srb2k, you're looking at a peak loudness of about 10dB
<can you fairly describe it as "ear rape" afterward? it should be a hellhorn, not part of the normal horns pool
>this will affect sound quality, deal with it
>export as Vorbis, sample rate of 44100Hz or 48000Hz
>rename to DSxxxxxx.ogg, where xxxxxx is something unique and descriptive
>create a folder, this will become your pk3
>create a subfolder in that named "horns" and put your ogg files in there
>create another subfolder named "lua" and create a file named "horns.lua" in there
>put Lua code to register your horns in the lua file, it'll look something like this

	{name = "sfx_xxxxxxx", info = "Funny horn #1"},
	{name = "sfx_yyyyyy", info = "Epic meme #2", extags = "ifunny 9gag"}

	{name = "sfx_zzzzzz", info = "Obnoxious as shit horn", extags = "bazinga"}

>name is a Lua-specific pointer to an audio file (with "sfx_" replacing "DS" and ignoring the extension there's no technical reason to not let you just use the lump name/path that I'm aware of so blame discord trannies taking over SRB2 I guess)
>info is the horn name hornmod displays in the console for listhorns, sethorn, etc
>extags is invisible but counts as part of the name when searching by name with sethorn, use it for synonyms or nicknames for whatever the horn is
<for example all the SA2 shitpost horns are from something called "Real Time Fandubs", but everyone just calls it the snapcube dub so "snapcube" goes in the extags, people can find all the fandub horns by running "sethorns snapcube" in console
>open SLADE
>click the blue folder icon (Open Directory as Archive) in the toolbar
>open the root folder of your horns folder tree
>Archive > Build Archive
>name your newest abomination, make sure to give it a .pk3 extension so SRB2K can find it
>congratulations, you have made morehorns
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alright, i got the TRUE, true zzzhorns fix right here (for now), since there were some files missing (my fault):
i'm hoping to god that this fix won't screw up any replays from yesterday, but if you're cautious, may wanna get 'em recorded before downloading and replacing
Where are the risitas horns you niggers
Replies: >>233705
They're still there inside of the file, but they were added as hellhorns instead.
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Replies: >>233707 >>233708
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I was looking through the character list for characters I have not see anyone playing and found a few that could be removed to free up space:

Toejam, Earl, Pulseman, AiAi 5S/3W (One is already included in bonuschars.kart)
Orbot and Cubot
Asha, Pepelogoo
-Atari Dragon
Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup, Prof. Utonium, Mojo Jojo
Arle 5S/2W, pic related (One is already included in bonuschars.kart)
Sue Sakamoto
Kuze Daisaku

Of course if anyone is playing or interested in playing an above character speak up.

Replies: >>233716
2 nigs on.

Also restating is disabled, and I can't spam hambaga.
Replies: >>233712
I think the server got completely reset. We're playing on normal speed back again.
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Actually server might have died.
We're dead
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If that's how normal speed feels like, then I really don't want to know how bad it feels to play with speed set to easy. I can't believe that we used to play on this shit.
Agree with dumping all of these except the second copy of Arle. The one that comes with SRB2K seems to be based more on the post-Fever (shit) games while the other one looks more like OG puyo and the Madou Monogatari remakes.
jesus christ, why does the server only shit out when i'm sleeping.
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