/v/ - Video Games

it's fucking video games, baby

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I don't think I've seen a single /gsg/ thread on zzz since day zero and I decided I've had enough of waiting for someone else to make it. The one on smug, which you can find here https://smuglo.li/vg/res/1231.html , was made a staggering four (4) years ago, only got 200 posts and the last was made 11 months back, so I think it's time we get our own and hopefully get not glacial levels of activity.

So, what are you playing? Still playing Parajew shit and incesting your entire family in CK2, blobbing in Vicky or has anyone been as far as decided to trying something new more like for a change?

Speaking of Parajew, the latest HOI4 expansion "Arms Against Tiranny" dropped a few weeks back adding a few more mechanics, which should've been in the base game to begin with but are instead, in typical Parajew fashion, locked behind a paywall, like slightly more in depth supply networks, transports, a barebones international arms dealing market and new focus trees for Scandinavian countries. I decided to give it a spin and pirated it for the 15th time and I'm now playing an (read: restarted a dozen times because I keep getting repeatedly fucked over by one thing or another) a-historically focused campaign as Shittaly trying to gigablob the entire universe and it's not going particularly great. Here's a recap of the events so far:
>wrapped up the nigger correction expedition just before March and justified against France while in the middle of it still
>knocked out the frogs by mid 38 after a rather slow and sloppy war, which I won 1:5 ratio, and yoinked all their navy which included 7 juicy BBs, 1 CV, a couple dozen light and heavy cruisers and over a hundred destroyers and subs
>barely managed to nick the the strategic Moroccan half of the strait of Gibraltar by declaring on nationalist Spain, sneaking in from France, making a quick push through an ever narrowing strip of land before it could get gobbled up by the other sides of the civil war and then nailing the peace conference just right to demand it and other minor bits of clay
>took less than a month and almost no casualties
>I'm starting to look at Uncle Adolf or the UK when fucking Marxist Portugal decides to declare war on me out of the blue
>they're landlocked so I just lmao naval invade them with not even a full army of nigger irregulars and own them in 3 weeks
>them being Marxist unfortunately translated to them also being in a faction with the USSR and now I'm at war with them but we are too far to fight
>Germany is Germanying along doing typical somewhat historical path of annexing Austria, and then going to war with the Czechs and the rest of the balkans because they all decided to be in one faction
>Poland commies are about to win a civil war
>The UK and Japan have been doing fuckall
>Yugo balkanized
It is now almost Christmas 1938 and I'm preparing to invade Turkey from French Syria so I get access to the black sea and the Soviet border, also setting up some defenses in Portugal and the French/Spanish border because, since they're commies, I expect them to join the Soviets and the war as soon as they finish mopping up the anarchists. I'm not confident I can win against the soviets because I really don't have either enough divisions on the field or manpower to last, but they did fight a civil war so maybe they're not doing as well as usual.

Look at my blob in pic related 5 and post caps of your own blob or border gore or whatever. Also the infograph is several years out of date, it could use a revamp if anyone feels like doing free work.

1st of November in history:
>1179 – Philip II is crowned as 'King of France'.
>1805 – Napoleon Bonaparte invades Austria during the War of the Third Coalition.
>1894 – Nicholas II becomes the new (and last) Tsar of Russia after his father, Alexander III, dies.
>1911 – World's first combat aerial bombing mission takes place in Libya during the Italo-Turkish War. Second Lieutenant Giulio Gavotti of Italy drops several small bombs.
>1993 – The Maastricht Treaty takes effect, formally establishing the European Union.
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the tomboys do not belong to you
Replies: >>222848
If there was one I see no reason why there couldn't be more.
the problem hoi4 has is that the AI is too dumb and its basically impossible to lose. And most of the time i don't even need to use half of my army because i'm already way too strong.
I've been playing Imperator Invictus and testing out mods in HOIV.
Invictus with a ton of mods starting as Suebia and turning into Germania. The content for Germanic tribes is obviously far behind the rest of the mod. My intention is to make a megacampaign out of this, but I don't know what to do next since Rome fell into a civil war because of Caesar, who is on the definite losing side, and is far weaker than it was historically but is beginning to pick up speed. I also have to conquer the Slavs and Caucasians in Eastern Europe to gain more food as I anticipate the Crisis of the Third Century.
Dawn of the Motherland as Prigozhin's Omsk and non-committal restarts as I try to find a nation worth playing in Kaiserredux. KX's bowing to KR by accepting their version of Italy after advertising how they kept DH's version because it was more fun at the start of development is upsetting Additionally, the continued slander against the super conservative Goering, baby boomer of the NSDAP, is frustrating. His ideology as Chancellor is now Kleptocracy to match his Mittelafrika meme path. As I mentioned in >>222280, I want to make his path more fitting to his historical actions while still retaining some of the absurd nature of Redux by making Goering a neo-colonialist who fuels the war effort by pulling civilian Germans out of Africa and "decolonizing" the continent into huge states that would send their resources to Germany. The Vizekonig title, not path, would be more fitting for the extremely incompetent Eitel Friedrich who wanted the ridiculous title of Grand Duke of Alsace Lorraine and could barely drive a car or ride a horse.
Replies: >>223871 >>224540
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Can dominons 5 come play in the /gsg/ thread too?
Replies: >>222975
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Who is this character supposed to be? I always see her posted in dominions threads.
>Can dominons 5 come play in the /gsg/ thread too?
I have no objections, but post clowns to.
Replies: >>223022 >>223031
Should I "get" Crusader Kings 3 for playing Elder Kings 2?
Replies: >>223028
I have no idea but I like her.
Speaking of clowns I've been meaning to try them out.  They look funny.  Like haha funny.
Replies: >>223074
CK3 isn't worth playing. You would be better off just getting CK2 and playing the Elder Kings mod for it.
She is from BRANMARKER 2, fantasy game were girls get raped by monsters, nip favorite pastime. And it looks like she doesn't have any lewd scene.
Replies: >>223074 >>223133
>they look funny
They're unironically the best playable race ever put in dominions. Funny as hell, and fun if a bit difficult to play. The difficulty helps with how OP they tend to be.
Jewgle search gives me nothing.
Replies: >>223081 >>223431
Replies: >>223092
I couldn't read your post as anything but Brainmaker. That explains why I couldn't find it.
>She stays pure in a game about monster/nigger beastality
That automatically makes her the best girl by default.
>>222841 (OP) 
But I did make grand strategy threads
Replies: >>223748
I should give the clowns a shot. I suck at Dominons though, still have fun despite that. I need to learn thugging and Super combatants better.
Replies: >>223444
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Greatsword of sharpness+Burning Pearl on almost anyone for counter thug. On a thug you want to be looking for a few general things. You want them to be low cost since they were probably die, and since they will be fighting weak province defense mostly you want them to be able to kill enemies quickly, and you want them to attack areas that are weak. A good combo is a vineshield for survivability, frostsword for AoE damage killing enemies quickly, and ideally already having stealth, or the ability to cast cloud trapeze or teleport. Cloud trapeze is generally prefered since teleport requires three astral. Bare in mind to achieve a surprise attack on a weak flank you don't need a single strong unit. Bakemonos are very very good because the leader and troops have sneak which means they can attack and then hide again to make another surprise attack, and they are very cheap allowing you to mass produce them for very little. A team of 25-40 bakemonos will typically get the job done, and they all die who cares?
>super combatants
Super combatants are a bit trickier because they tend to be much more expensive. Experimenting with pretenders can be very helpful with this. The clowns are bit tricky with SCs however because most of their big super combatants have weak armor. However they have several standout strategies that are relatively easy for them to use. 
>armless woman
Can have two death and are a stealthy and a preacher. This allows them to sneak around without being seen, and cast horde of skeletons. You'll probably need two or three to go in a group, but they're usually very effective.
>Impossible Clown
This guy is super tough size 6 mother fucker and for what he lacks in armor he more than makes up for in insane stats. At 80 gold give him some armor, a shield and an AoE weapon to make an excellent thug or counter thug. He can also bless himself since he's a level 1 priest. Just make sure the armor you give him is close to twenty or more.
>Clown paramount/Ancient Clowns
These guys are where it gets really crazy. You see they have the ability to teleport, cloud trapeze, size 4 or 5, and even more importantly has a chance to spawn with 1F. The guys who spawn with one fire can then cast pheonix pire. You know that bullshit that allows you to fucking respawn after being killed, but gives you huge fatigue? Get a blessing that gives them reinvigoration, and maybe a few items to stack it higher and you have an absurdly powerful SC that absolutely delete armies that aren't prepared for him. Which they wont be because he cast cloud trapeze/teleport to attack your flanks. Also astral/water/air gives them a lot of powerful buffs they can stack to make them very hard to hit. In addition Ancient Clowns especially tend to have powerful water magic, which means if there's no water nations and nobody else on the map can easily enter the water it's yours for the taking. Hope this helps.
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>>222841 (OP) 
I sharted my pants and got owned a number of times, it went more or less like this
>commie spics are predictably quick finish the anarchists off, join the Comintern and the war Portugal originally started
>they get fucked in the asshole because I had already set up a counterassault on the Portuguese and French fronts as well as naval invasions
>I literally just beeline towards VPs and win almost without fighting in like 2 weeks because 90% of their army is still northeast where the last anarchist pocket was
>due to wack AI shenanigans the Allies consist of Commonwealth countries + bunch of assorted spic shitholes in South America fighting commie Mexico
>this means they aren't interested in going to war with Germany to protect the Slav faction or guaranteeing everyone
>this in turn means that it's all up for grabs
>think I'm smart by trying to go to war with Turkey to get access to the USSR and that it'll be a walk in the park
>I'm not
>Turkey joins the Balkan faction and gives military access to the Soviet Union 
>big stacks of Soviet divisions at the Turk/Syrian border
>big stacks of divisions at the Slovenian/Italian border
>I can't make any progress because terrain is shit and it's too narrow to push even with a whole light armored army
>can't fucking do anything but waste manpower against the wall of divisions
>also the commies are decimating my convoys in the Mediterre-nyan with subs and I don't have a counter because Italy doesn't start with basic sonar and I haven't researched it
>meanwhile, the German-Hungarian Axis finishes the job and annexes the entirety of the Balkans
>fuck it
>ask to join the Axis and ask Germany to go to war with the Soviets with me
>the Soviets had a lot of their Army at the Turk border so their border with Germany is undermanned
>send the armies which I had at the now friendly Slav border to help
>it's working.webm
>we make fast progress, get a bunch of encirclements, capture major VPs and eventually Stalingrad Moscow
>it's now 1941 and the USSR is 70% towards capitulation
>problem is they keep shitting out dozens and dozens of divisions, they have a gorillon small VPs with their biggest ones are easternmost of their stupid ass empty country and our frontline is starting to stretch too much
>the offense slows down but we're still going
>Germany finishes a focus that gives it wargoals against Belgium or whatever
>oh God
>they declare war on them
>please no
>the UK was guaranteeing
>Belgium joins the allies
>Belgium calls the UK into the war
>we soon get fucked in the ass because I had literally zero divisions or anything covering France and also had grounded my manpower pool to dust in the war against the USSR and Turkey
Fast forward a few days, I reloaded the save just before the frog war and it went even worse and I lost even quicker
>do a better job at owning France
>finish the war by March 1938 instead of July like the last save
>was already justifying against Nationalist spain before finishing so the justification would only last 30 days
>go to war with them and get mostly the same shit out of the peace conference 
>shit plays out differently and Portugal doesn't declare on me so I got the Soviets off my back this time
>hmmm maybe I could sneakily attempt to slip my penis into Germany while they war the Czechs and maybe they'll blunder like Spain
>try it
>enjoy some minor success advancing into a poorly manned Rhineland because they're still mostly focused on the other front
>until uncle Adolf decides he's had enough of my shit and brings the rest of his army down on me
>get steamrolled in not even a month
>ragequit part 2
Rereloaded the same save a third time and have been playing that, shit's gone more smoothly as I've learned my lessons
>France capitulated by late Nov '37 with a 1:20 casualties ratio
>justified on commie spain FIRST instead of the nationalists, that way the USSR wouldn't intervene later
>killed commie Spain by April '38 and nationalist Spain by August with not even 1k casualties
This time around I got what was left of their navy which included 2 BBs, 7 CLs and a small assortment of subs and DD, not bad since it brings me to almost to UK levels but not quite. I started justifying against the UK as soon as the war with Spain ended. They are alone so I should have a chance as long as I don't get my navy wiped and finish them quickly. I've also begun building medium armor and, thanks to a focus, I'll have mechanized 1 year early which means I should have the first units operational before 1940, which hopefully will give me an edge. Pics related visuals of the campaigns.
Never seen one.
Replies: >>223751
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>savescumming in a gsg
Replies: >>224007
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>>222841 (OP) 
>Gotland with Intrigue focus
>Join Ironside early on and secure Spymaster position for income
>Focus on raiding war-torn countries that can't bother sending a response to your <800 raiders
>Manage to secure Áland, Borgholm and that island county west of Estonia within 30 years
>Invest all money made into buildings or feasts for amassing prestige, snowballing into an army large enough to consistently raid the vatican and sometimes even constantinople
>eventually seize swedish throne through a combination of murder schemes and the last heir being only 7
>mop up Norway, seize Orkney and Shetland, Iceland becomes a vassal of it's own free will
>lord dies, get through inheritance unscathed
>new heir is better at philosophy than intrigue but that suits me just fine
>wrestle control from of the high north from the natives in a series of wars, King of Finland joins every war on my side, despite sharing their culture/religion and also having pacts with them, because reasons
>reform norse faith, declare scandinavian empire and become feudal
>suddenly realize I can't raid anymore
>even with the searaider tenet, only Duchy and below can raid in feudal systems and even then with a considerable prestige hit
>my >10k army is reduced to barely 8k that wants to be generously paid in gold now
>while my primary income source of burning down the Vatican, Constantinople and half of Africa is dried up
>can't keep my war-hungry vassals happy either, unless I constantly start actual, proper wars now
Replies: >>223851
Oh right and I forgot to mention that someone, somewhere is constantly scheming to kill me or one of my best courtiers now, with the only reason that I'm not dead being some lowborn caveman I abducted (and later befriended) from the canary islands that somehow has 30 intrigue.
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An update on my Invictus game: I won another third of Gaul but severely underestimated the capabilities of war score. The First Roman Civil War ended with an obvious victory for the Western Roman Republic under Caesar, but Caesar was voted out of power after the war ended. This has left Marcus Antonius in charge, but his election has sparked the Second Roman Civil War led by Brutus. I have a peace treaty with Rome, so I can't start another war until long after this civil war is over. I hope the Carthaginians and Ptolemaics, who are now working together, can pick up the slack because Rome is gaining steam. In the meantime, I have plans to amass enough influence to perform multiple consecutive deifications with the goal of forming an imperial cult, conquer the Balto-Slavic and Scythian tribes and Dacian kingdom, continue urbanizing, form a standing legion, and build a pyramid entirely out of gold to spike my research speed.

If everything turns out how I've planned it, the historically barbaric lands will be Celtic (Tuistic is tuned exclusively for tribal nations, making it unviable for civilized nations unless Major Syncretism is taken) and have dominant local cultures alongside a large Germanic population, the Carthaginians will take Iberia, and Greece, Italy, and Illyria will either be Roman or smashed into a million pieces. I have over two hundred years before the Crisis of the Third Century, so I should be able to achieve all of my goals. I wish I could ally with the Carthaginians, Ptolemaics, and Greco-Persians (the Seleucids reformed the Persian Empire after a civil war) to bully Rome, but Paradox made the decision to not allow Great Powers to enter alliances.

As an aside, India was unified by the Tamil and hasn't made any movements in over a century, Tibet formed but is being invaded by the Alans, and Bactria still exists as a rump state.
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After France, I debated wether I should attempt a Germany redo with a better plan or dare going for the UK, I decided for the latter and the war did not quite go the way I expected
>have almost full intel about the UK because by a stroke of luck I captured one of their spies and I also already had my own established network
>from the intel I learned that they have almost twice the amount of my divisions, 5 times the planes and their navy both bigger and better than mine by around 30% despite me gobbling up both the French and Spanish navies
>them holding Suez canal which means they will have access to the mediterre-nyan and that's no good
>on my side I only got 3 armies and a half worth of divisions
>a full one of line infantry
>one which is half light armor and half attack-oriented infantry
>one full shit ass negro irregular militias
>and finally some militia and a few other division rejects which didn't fit in the other 3 maxed out armies 
At this point I devised a plan like so
>sendtthe shitass militia army to hold the fully surrounded horn of Africa, knowing they'll crumble quickly because it's too many provinces to cover but the point is tying up some of their army in there and buy myself some time
>send 3/4 of my line infantry to hold the rest of the African regions to slow down their advance towards Gibraltar and also tie up even more of their divisions
>send the rest of my line infantry + the 4th reject army + a little armor to try and make a quick push for Suez from both Libya and Syria hoping to quickly cut off supply to Africa and blocking acess to the Med
>plan a daring 10 division naval invasion from Dunkirk to Hull and adjacent provinces, having to cross a minimum of 5 sea provinces, 3 of which within the Channel
>stack all my remaining light armor waiting for the port to be captured
Thanks to the French and Spanish gifts I had 3 decent fleets each with 10+ capital ships, and 30+ screens, I decided to keep just 1 in the Med and risk the other two in the Channel crossing support mission, while the two submarine task forces would be doing standard convoy raiding in the key regions hoping to sink any convoys trying to ship back troops from Africa I also sailed my navy around England a few times and couldn't spot many divisions, particularly in the target port province, with that in mind I declared war and hit go.
>naval invasion doesn't launch
>check naval supremacy
>it's over already
>the push for Suez seems to be going well, they don't have too many divisions and infantry is no good against light armor especially when it's 1939
>the rest of Africa is predictably falling apart as I neither have the quality or quantity
>I'm assuming all hope for the naval invasion is gone and that it'll never launch 
>I'm about to send my ships back to the Med to avoid getting them caught in their Navy and get wiped when suddenly
>green light
>100% naval supremacy
>the dudes actually go
>they make it across the channel
>they make it to the final sea province
>they have 2 divisions
>none on the sides
>the other divisions land on the sides
>quickly encircle the port and launch the support attacks
>no divisions come to relieve them
>I actually get the port and destroy the encirclement
>immediately send the armor and the rest of the divisions while I rush to strategically relevant provinces
>it's fucking working
It turns out the UK decided the war for African dirt was more important actually defending their little rainy island, and they didn't even do a good job at that, with the arrival of the armor it was only a matter of time before I started making pockets, capturing VPs and finally, after barely 3 weeks, on the 15th of February 1939, the Treaty of London was signed and United Kingdom was no more. Thanks to how the game works, the capitulation of the single Major Power in the war meant the capitulation of every faction member and its subjects as well, which in turn meant I got to eat up the entirety of the Commonwealth, their colonies and all of their navies. All that made me the single biggest blob on the board with the biggest dick navy and it's now only a matter of time before I knock the rest of the world out.

Are you mongoloided? How is it savescumming if I'm literally going back to what's basically the start of the game minus the initial setup after literally losing? Get your face out of your ears, dumbass moron.
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Replies: >>224269
Why is germany fighting czechoslovakia and what mod are you using?
Replies: >>224445 >>224446
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Bongs subdued, I started planning to invade the US, but after going through the effort of sailing all my armies across the Atlantic, I changed my mind and decided it would probably be safer to stick to Europe first and opportunistically annex smaller countries and interfere with WW2.
While I was wasting significant amount of precious time with my American holiday, the German/Hungarian Axis was happily genociding slavs, and was not too far from capitulating the Czechs and claiming all of the Balkan and Romanian clay for themselves,  when Hitler suddenly decide to shoot himself in the foot and declare war on Belgium, the Netherlands and Switzerland while not actually having enough men on those borders. I intervened but, in hindsight, maybe I should've let the war run its course.
>had already completed the "Balkan Ambition" focus and gained claims on some Yugo provinces
>thanks to some decisions I literally got Albania, Montenigger and Dalmatia for free just by telling Croatia to give me that shit and the other two to submit or be vaporized
>meaning I had a rather large contiguous front from Albania to the mainland
>Germany is actually getting pushed out of Czechslovakia
>the Netherlands and Belgium managed to go as deep as Hannover and Frankfurt and there's no sign of their advance slowing down
>this might be bad because when they win they'll all be in the same faction with the new German government against me
>set most of my shit on the Balkan border, some armor on the Belgian, mountain troops on the Swiss
>send ultimatum to Serbia demanding my free clay
>reply: lol, no
>war it is I guess
>Belgium, the Netherlands and Switzerland fold like napkins because 90% of their divisions were on the German front and my war declaration came without justification so they had no time to send them back
>the war in the Balkans actually turns out to be harder than the fucking UK joke war
>even lose 1 light armor in a retarded encirclement
>with his ass saved by me Hitler takes most of Czechslovakia but gives up at the capital and keeps sending infantry to die against like a 20 division stack on two provinces
>the war keeps going for months while I capitulate backwater shithole after shithole to get as much war participation as possible
>by the time I'm done I have some 100k losses, pathetic considering whom I was up against
>look at German losses
>almost 1.8 fucking million
>help the retards clear Prague and win
>peace conference is held on the 3rd of October 1940
>I only have 27% war participation so I can't ask for much
>strategically border gore to avoid landlocking my shit and grabas much industry as possible + the Dutch East Indies for rubber and the Romanian oil in Muntenia
>at least it's just 3 colors
With that done I started preparing for a war with Germany instead, they lost fucking millions so they must be pretty fucked up
>set up on the German border, some naval invasions and an armored push from the Danish plains
>bunch of armored spearheads aimed at provinces where I specifically let them take thin strips of land connected to larger landlocked areas so I could easily cut them off and destroy a bunch of divisions
>looks gud
>start getting ready, resupplying my army, fixing my logistics and whatnot
>had sent a bunch of spies to get intel earlier
>have a look at what's available
>what's this
>they're 2 focuses away from a focus that allows them to send an ultimatum to Greece and demand they turn Fascist and join the Axis
>that's no good
>do the math
>some 150 days until they can get it
>it'd take me 115 for me to justify
>then I'd have barely 5 weeks to win the war and annex them
>scrap all my plans and send all my fucking armies navies and air forces to the Greek border instead
>I gotta do them fast and hard
>thank God they're no match and they get owned quick
>justify on Bulgaria while I'm at it and annex them too because why not
>ok now surely I can go for Germany
>"The Third Reich has declared war on the Polish People's Republic"
>"The Polish People's Republic has called the USSR as an ally in the German-Polish war"
>fu- wait no that's good now I can just backstab them and
>there's a wargoal against me
>it's fucking Portugal AGAIN
>they turned commie AGAIN and they're in a faction with the USSR AGAIN
>god fucking damn it
>scrap all plans again and prepare defenses 
>Portugal should be a walk in the park as long as they don't declare war before I can get my divisions in place
>the USSR has buffer countries so they can't really get to me aside from sending subs through the black sea to raid my convoys 
>my stolen navy is also literally the biggest and strongest, only the US can hope to match it
>I should be fine
>Alberto Barbosa declares war on me
>get eated stupid 
>360k losses vs 10k
>lol and lmao
>Turkey decides to join the comintern despite being democrat, guess they got spooked of being alone or some shit
>I guess that's good
>already had some divisions near Istanbul Constantinople and it doesn't take me to long to get some to Syria
>Turkey doesn't immediately join the war
>time passes
>all my plans for a counter-offensive are ready
>nothing happens but Russian convoys getting sunk
>something something Mohammed goes to mountain
>justify on Turkey myself
>10 days later I declare war
>this time, with the USSR busy and my army being fuckhuge and full of armor I have no trouble busting through anything
>Turkey capitulates 2 months time with 220k losses
>send all my shit to the new front 
>largely unmanned because they're too focused on the Germans
>I slip in like a cock with way too much lube
The German offensive was starting to slow down as it typically happens when they overstretch their front thin and me entering the war was key to turning the tide again, in spite of that I only got a meager 24% contribution so far, so I'm not gonna be able to demand much, and the soviets are already very close to capitulating. Hell, the Germans are so fucked that in barely 1 month I halved their frontline by literally cockblocking them and cutting through from Turkey. I think might be able to hit 30% at most, which isn't great, but Germany's already lost almost 2 more million manpower in this war and have around 600k left before they gotta switch to the next conscription law, their army must be in shambles, I should be able to take them. In the pics mostly the current situation, I didn't take any during the war with the Balkans, also at some point, for some reason Italy (me) gained a war goal against Italy (also me), but there's no government changes or whatever so I don't know what's going on, wop things I guess.
It's vanilla with all DLC and the few graphical mods which are still compatible with the latest expansion, I tried installing more but they crashed.
Oh, and Germany was at war with Czechslovakia because it's not set to Historical focuses so they do whatever strikes their fancy.
I have another idea for the KX submod: expanding the Eurasianists. It's obvious that at least the Center Eurasianists are incomplete. Presently, the Market Liberals can't take power after the final focus, shifting to Socialism changes the leader but not the event of the final focus, there are no focuses for the economy, there are no unique ideologies for the various members of the Council if they take power, and there are no trees for the successors. My proposal is this:
>People's Eurasianists (Syndicalism/Social Democracy/Radical Socialism)
Roman Jacobson takes power and brings about pseudo-Slavocentric People's Eurasianism. He coalesces with the remaining Bolsheviks, particularly Bukharin, to establish a socialist government and economic system and restore the Duma in a reduced form while he pursues his anthropological and linguistic passions through the creation of government bodies such as Yvrmutfilm (Eurasiancartoon) and construction of a universal Eurasian language using the Cyrillic alphabet. Bukharin or Kirov could take power from him if he drifts too far away from action as a statesman, but he would be given a position within government. He could choose to work with other socialists instead of Bukharin, but I can't think of any at the moment.
>Progressive/Democratic Eurasianists (Social Liberal/Market Liberal)
Ariadna Tyrkova-Williams takes power and pushes for the creation of a non-socialist-union-friendly market economy within Eurasia, bringing in former Kadets to help her. She expands civil rights, the rights of minorities compared to Russians, and social provisions, and she separates the church from the state. However, the backlash from the majority/plurality Russian populace could make her shift toward her historical path of anti-populist authoritarian thought and influence the final decision of her tree, to keep the Council of Five or restore the republican system (either as a single party state with only the Eurasianists or a multi-party state) with the Council of Five as an observing body. Restoring the republican system would allow for elections, and the trees of these parties would be the same trees as the Russian Republic's. Alternatively, each focus could be split or have different options in their events, and these distinctions would allow the player to drift her between idealistic populism and jaded anti-populism. Her contribution to Eurasianism would be the establishment of a unified economy and society by normalizing rights and legal codes.
>Orthodox Eurasianists (Paternal Autocracy/Authoritarian Democracy)
While unrealistic that it would call itself anything but Eurasianists, I needed something to make Trubetzkoy's faction distinct. He would cooperate with the military and anti-socialists to bring his true and original vision of Eurasianism. The state would cozy itself with the church and military to enforce a strictly ideological view of Eurasianism. The Council of Five will have supreme power over Eurasia, and the intellectual class will rule but only with those who believe in Orthodox Eurasianism. This would include a movement away from Europe toward Turkic and Mongol customs which would be adopted by the new intellectual aristocracy. He would tumble into increasingly abstract and metaphysical ideas, perhaps even inviting post-coma Sternberg to rule the nation as he hated politics entirely. His contributions to Eurasia would be through its most extreme definition. Given the initial go-ahead by his peers in the Council and stripped of the other extremists, he would show himself to be the most extreme. He would either gradually abandon Russia as the center of politics but maintain a cordial relationship with the Russian plurality or rapidly abandon and denounce it in favor of the minorities. Minimum ethnic standards, forced or encouraged integration, and other means to create a Eurasian people that would be distinct to any outsider would be his contribution to Eurasianism. While this sounds racial, the intention would be the opposite. It would be a means to remove the "separatist" nationalists from Eurasia by mixing them together in a manner similar to Alexander the Great's intention for his empire. 
>Conservative Eurasianists (Social Conservativism)
Chkheidze's Eurasia would be one under the Tsar as a means of uniting Eurasia through the synthesis of Eurasianism and Tsarist thought with the help of the old aristocracy. Pre-Revolutionary systems and structures would be restored but with non-Russians as equal members of the nobility. If declared Tsar, Vsevolod would have the option to marry into many Eurasian families, including the Qing, Persian, or Japanese royal families to establish this new non-Russian nobility. His economic policy would be much the same as the VNS's, protectionism and oligarchic/aristocratic dominance while rooting out or subverting socialists. A new palace would be built in the Eurasian capital. The Council of Five would be dissolved to restore the Senate. Tsar Nicholas would be canonized. His contribution to Eurasianism would be its legitimization in the eyes of the old guard and creation of a legal framework based on established principles.
>Moderate Eurasianists (Authoritarian Democracy/Paternal Autocracy)
Again, there would be no distinction in name, but I needed to make them distinct here again. The final group of Eurasianists would be the center, and the focus would be on the maintenance of moderation in order to make theoretical Eurasianism a reality without relying on other ideologies, hence the title. Vernadiskiy would be representative of the more open framework, Eurasianism as a new basis for geopolitics and culture which could act as a new foundation for existing ideologies. These existing ideologies would then in turn contribute their ideas to Eurasianism by offering uniquely Eurasian perspectives on them. Each of the previous paths would have moderate versions of their ideas which could coalesce as they did in the initial tree. The key here to make it not the "good ending" is that Vernadskiy's moderate appeasement strategy would blur the definition of Eurasianism as practice increasingly leaves theory. On the other hand, Savitskiy would be a moderate through restraint. The others could pass some of their reforms, but the primary purpose of Eurasianism to maintain itself as distinct from other ideologies and operate as such in government, the ideocracy, would always be paramount. He would use the military to enforce this as a means of breaking up dissent and enforcing this. Further, nothing could ever be labeled to differentiate itself from Eurasianism. Eurasia would be a uniparty state. Their contributions to Eurasianism would be the platforming of other ideas within Eurasia and creation of a functional but distinctly Eurasian state from theory.
>Left/Right Eurasianism (Totalism/National Populism)
I have ideas for these (i.e. Left Eurasianism adopting the Mladorossi model), but I'm burnt out from my previous writing and don't know if any of what I have presented is good.
Replies: >>225543 >>225609
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I've been watching this guy doing speedruns of HOI IV for a while: https://youtube.owacon.moe/watch?v=Kk77HOm7UWk
And I came to realize it's an extremely exploitable game. Once you figure out the AI, there isn't much reason to add variety to your strategy unless you purposely handicap yourself.
On other topic, I'm thinking of trying Victoria 2. I hope it offers more variety in the long run than CK2 or EU4 did. Maybe I'm a maniacal minmaxer that must reduce everything to the optimal procedure, but I found myself repeating the same cycles over and over until I achieved world domination, without much that the game could throw my way to disrupt that process.
Replies: >>224615 >>224617
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With the cockblock only half achieved and the Ruskies very near capitulation, I decided to take advantage of me being in the war to quickly justify and wage war on sandnigger oil countries, in an effort to get rid of them from the map and to give myself some extra war score for capping more VPs.
>justification for Iraq only takes 20 days
>very nice
>send one of my fully armored armies and go to town
>start justifying against Iran as soon as I declare on Iraq
>10 days
>kick Iraqis to the curb in less than 2 weeks
>declare on Iran immediately after my divisions are in place with the justification ready
>they actually have more divisions including some motorized so it takes me just a little longer and I almost managed to blunder a medium armor only saved by them capitulating
>declare on Afghanistan which I had been justifying against while fighting Iran
>Siankiang who had just been watching from the sidelines the whole time decides to join the fray
>they only have 2 divisions lol
>capitulate them in like 1 week literally beelining with ingantry for VPs
>start justifying against Ireland and Saudi Arabia next
>meanwhile the Soviets are pretty much like dead, only 2-3 VPs will make them capitulate
>check my war contribution
>33% which translates to 36% points at the peace conference
>Krauts will get 58%, weebs the rest
>big deal since I only lost 1:20th of the manpower
At the dawn of January 28th 1943 the treaty of Odessa is signed, at the peace conference I manage to snig
>all of Turkey
>all of Iraq
>all of Latvia + Leningrad + the regions in between connecting them + a few extra ones east of Lithuania because they had some industry
>all the southern Norwegian regions minus Oslo because that was the civil war Fascist spawn region
>all of Alberto Barbosa's mainland and Portuguese Guinea
>all Iranian regions with oil and facing the Persian Gulf negating access to that sea route
>all the regions facing the Black Sea leaving only Romanian southern Bessarabia which I couldn't get in the previous war
>the oil fields in Azerbaijan
The Axis meanwhile split the USSR in half, with Germany getting the western half with all its industry, Japan the desert eastern half, and the rest fuckall. Additionally, Germany got most of the Portuguese worthless shit in Africa and all of Poland minus Danzig ironically. Unfortunately all the navies, with the exception of a few puny screens for me, were forfeited by all parties because we all sunk the war score into land claims
Look at my blob! With 7 years left on the clock, the current question is, do I try for the US or do I take on the now weakened Axis? Axis forces combined have over 3 times my divisions and about the same amount of industry if not a little more, the Japanese Navy has more carriers but way less of everything else and the entirety of the German Navy is smaller than my 6th main fleet which is the weakest. If Japan is as dumb as England I could attempt a naval invasion from 'Nam to capture their hopefully not too well defended islands, take em out of the picture quickly and then focus on Germany. Or I could attempt a huge main offensive against both armies on the German mainland and try to capitulate Germany first only to walk all over Japan second. Germany also has practical zero access to the Med, and rather limited access to the Atlantic so their Navy is pretty much useless for anything but defending the Baltic sea and raiding my convoys in the North Sea. Also, despite the German army being larger, it's weaker on average since a huge bulk of it is just standard infantry with barely 10 medium armored divisions at most, some motorized infantry and no special forces at all. On my side, a third of mine is armored, a third mechanized and my infantry is definitely better quality than theirs since I actually got up to date support batallions slots filled.

>I've been watching this guy doing speedruns of HOI IV for a while: 
>came to realize it's an extremely exploitable game.
>Once you figure out the AI, there isn't much reason to add variety to your strategy unless you purposely handicap yourself.
That's the same as looking up guides to know what equipment to get and where to get it and how to spread your stats to perfectly minmax the game. In a nutshell a great way to ruin your fun. Vidya AI is always limited in a way or another and exploiting it isn't exactly a novel concept and certainly not exclusive to HOI games.
Replies: >>224617
victoria 2 is my favourite paradox game, play it with HPM or with this mod: https://github.com/rderekp/The-Grand-Combo
isn't a basic thing of videogames to try to get better at them? in hoi4 is minmaxing. but the game is too easy than you don't even need to minmax everything to win againts AI, just snowball civil industry and pick the organization bonuses. And make everything a puppet to get free 75% industry and no spending of industry in occupation. The thing i most hate about hoi4 is how much scripted is everything.
Replies: >>224685 >>224717
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how do I mod pirated HOI4?
Replies: >>224632 >>224717
Download a mod from SkyMods and extract it to your Documents/Paradox Interactive/Hearts of Iron IV/mod directory. From there, unpack the zip into a file of its own. You can name it whatever you want as long as you don't use too many or invalid characters. Open descriptor.mod in the new folder. You will add a new line, path="path to mod". If you're using a non-Latin language for your system, make sure the path is separated by strokes, not backstrokes. Paradox games can't process backstrokes. From there, rename the included descriptor.mod because you'll probably be downloading more mods manually in the future and move only it to the Hearts of Iron IV/mod directory.
Replies: >>224717
I wondered about this, how different is HOIIV compared to previous installments? I've heard that a lot of people did not like the introduction of the focus tree's and that paradox did the standard thing of introducing a gutted base game with the intention of adding back in all the features from previous installments as dlcs.
Replies: >>224686 >>224800
hoi3 is more like a tabletop wargame, where you control brigades, and you have HQs
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I added Ireland and Saudi Arabia to my collection, in the meantime I also joined the Japanese war against China just in time to barely manage to capture enough VPs to get some score at the peace conference. A meager 2%, which you might think is nothing but it allowed me to get exactly what I wanted: a very strategic port province on the eastern shore China, a mere 4 sea provinces away from Nagasaki, the closest Japanese core with a naval base. The newly acquired naval base in Qingpingpongdong is going to halve the distance the invasion force will have to cover in the coming war, which in turn halves the chances of the convoys getting intercepted and sunk or damaged by the IJN. I have a decently clear idea of how I'm going to play the Japanese theatre, but I'm still bumbling about planning the German one. I was thinking of a paradrop + land spearhead combined but they have a trillion major VPs a lot of which are deep in their mainland, my front with them is also fuckhuge to boot and it's going to require a fuckton of divisions to leave no gaps and that's without considering the Latvian and Norwegian fronts.

>isn't a basic thing of videogames to try to get better at them?
Yes, and it just breaks the fun if you just look up tutorials and guides that describe step by step how to do it instead of figuring out shit on your own.

Do what >>224632 says but you also need to add them to a "playset" and enable them through dowser.exe which is the paradox launcher and dlc/mod manager, you can find it in the HOI4 root folder. I'm happy to help if you have more trouble.
i wrote a very long reply before explaining how to download mods from steam console, install mods, set up the launcher and play multiplayer, but the automatic word filter banned it, mods fix your website.

in short, you need to open dowser-config and change where it says steam and write pdx (or it was the other way), then you open dowser.exe with admin rights. the mods should appear there.
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Go go gadget wall of text.
It is now June 1944, a whole year has passed since the last big war ended and I've almost completed planning and preparations for the war against Germany, Japan et assorted minor friends. Unfortunately, if the intelligence is to be believed, even after all the divisions I've been shitting out for the past year, in the best case scenario I match Germany's army size, and only get outnumbered 2:1 counting the rest of Axis divisions, at worst, 3:1. However, my industrial capacity either matches or is a notch higher than the whole Axis combined, which allows me to outpace them in production of shit. Right now I'm building enough tanks to have a fully supplied medium armor division in like 6 days, and thanks to the extra 2.5 million manpower I got from a NIGGER focus I can just print said medium armor and infantry like paper, which is what I've been doing, and that's without needing to switch to harsher conscription laws than the one I started with, which would grant me several more millions of meat to throw into the grinder.

As for the plan, I mostly finalized what I had already in mind, here's the outline.
First the "easy" one, AKA Operation "Anime Prevention Force"
From PingPongBingChilling I will launch a relatively small scale invasion divided into 3 groups
>the main naval invasion force
>the support paradrop
>the infantry + armor reinforcement assault once the port has been captured
I'm only committing 2 armies for this as I'm gambling for the chance this will be an UK part 2, Japan won't be guarding their stupid islands as well as they should and that the armor will fuck any potential infantry uncontested. The first army is going to go in first and attempt the naval invasion and paradrop at the same time, then, should these succeed, they'll be sending a limited amount of infantry to bulk the front up, while leaving the rest behind to hold the port; army two is a mix of light and medium armor and is going to be the tip of the spear to be shipped across along the first army's infantry when the naval invasion goes through, assuming it even manages to do so. As air support I've got hundreds of heavy and light fighters, medium and strat bombers and CAS totaling a 1.9k strong airforce completely independent from the rest the other theater. Finally, for the Navy I'm going to commit my 3 biggest and best fleets, half of my submarines, and a few shitty minesweepers I just made to get rid of the mines they deployed, and hope that the number advantage alone is enough to make up for the fact everything's 7 years out of date at best.

Next, the headache, AKA Operation "Make the Holocaust Real Again"
Germany will be an even bigger gamble than Japan because if the main plan fails, I fear everything's going to revert back to WW1 trench warfare where you can't move an inch without facing a stack of 10 gorillon, fully entranched, 40 width divisions defending a level 10 fort, which basically means it's GG because you can't do shit but attempt to strat bomb the fuck out of them at that point. The plan goes as follows:
>paradrop onto all major VPs
>clench ass cheeks and hope it works
There are a number of other side plans but none of them really attack core provinces and mostly serve as distractions and softening their army, hoping they help make way for a potential backup land armored push.
The main event of said side gigs is this very juicy encirclement, caused by the border goring of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the peace conference, only connected to their mainland via two provinces surrounded by my own allied provinces, within which the Axis is stationing nearly 50 divisions. If the two province deal wasn't enough, the only supply hub supplying the entire region is in Belgrade which just so happens to be one of the two fortification-less provinces in the way of the pincher. If this goes well, Hungary is sure to lose almost a third of their entire army, seen how half the divisions in there are theirs. Additionally, I've got 6 more pincher/bulge uwu cut offs targets
>Western Swiss Alps
>Southern Bessarabia
>Sandniggerstan bit north of Turkey
>Northwestern Iran
then a small scale push for Oslo/Northern Norway, with mountaineers and some shitty militia and the central African theater which I'm manning with my irregular nigger army still, meanwhile, the remaining 70% of the army is basically just going to hold the XBOXHUEG front which stretches from one end of Eurasia to the other, while my other 3 fleets and rest of subs are going to cockblock the North Sea to make sure no one dares go in or come out of it.
With that said, I've only got half a backup plan for Japan which goes like this
>retrain more divisions and retry the same shit
Which will only work if my Navy is not at the bottom of the Yellow Sea, and half of Germany which goes like this
>stack all my tanks in Belgium and attempt to go around the Maginot but in reverse
Neither of which I'm very confident will work, so I hope it doesn't come to this. Oh, I'm also almost done with nuclear research and I'm going to start building my first reactor in just a few months, then maybe I can nuke Japan enough times to send them back to the 16th century and get them to produce more fart warfare scrolls.

Forgot to reply but basically HOI 3 and 4 are rather different games nowadays. 4 is a step forward in a few areas and back in others, in that there is a clear casualization/streamlining or straight removal of a few mechanics while others have been expanded, reworked or improved. The AI was always retarded, the difference is that 4 added several new possibilities for you to fuck around and exploit its limitations since at this point the engine is well over a decade old and the more shit they add the harder the AI can manage. I disagree with anon saying everything's scripted, in fact I think that's one of the things it does better than 3. With 3 it's straight up WW2 over and over again with hardly any ways to go off the rails of the established AI events without hitting your head against the wall, 4 is way more sandboxy and open ended in that regard, which is what I actually enjoy the most. All in all both are fairly lacking when it comes to depth and it's a shame Parajew has virtually zero competition so you gotta eat their slop, but I argue 4, with all the expansions, holds more value overall.
Replies: >>224916
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>almost completed planning and preparations
It was all a prank, and it took me 2 more years to actually get everything set up decently.
>Axis fully recovers from the war and starts bulking up the front with truckloads of divisions
>by 1946 they have 3 times as many and started catching up on medium armor
>edit my line infantry template to have 1 anti-tank batallion and swap out templates wherever I tanks
>use my spies to prepare a collaboration government
>fill every fucking airbase to the brim with THOUSANDS of planes prioritizing fighters and strat bombers
>hit go
>literally some 4000+ friendly planes all over Germany
>need air superiority in 4 air regions for the paradrops to launch
>green light
>90% of the paradrops land successfully and I secure Berlin 
>with the fog of war dispersed I can see a gorillon Axis divisions crawling all over their fucking mainland racing to destroy my encircled paratroopers
>fug I gotta end this quickly or it's fucked
>check capitulation progress
>need 29%
>start pushing where their front is weak because of all the shuffling they're doing due to the paradrop
Meanwhile, in the East
>the IJN, largely outnumbered, is but a minor nuisance to my big dick fleets
>the naval landing goes through with hardly any resistance in its path
>all divisions land and capture Nagasaki and its adjacent provinces and I begin marching towards nearby VPs while I send my armor in to reinforce
>surprised it's working despite predicting it'd go down like this
>back in Germany most of the fronts where I was just defending aren't doing too well and the battles to cut off the pockets are taking too long to break
>to my surprise, the offensive from the Danish border, the one with mostly basic line infantry and militia, the one which I had the lowest expectations of, is the one that punches through, and pretty fast at that
>their front in shambles and I just so happen to have 3 light armor divisions allowing me to overrun and beeline towards any VPs
>holy fug I might actually do it
And then, not expecting the unexpected, I accidentally the power button instead of print screen and basically my entire PC. So I wasted my time and lost all progress and now I have to replay the whole invasion from scratch. Here's the only 2 pics I snapped.
Why doesn't this game autosave after every turn?
Replies: >>225058 >>225060
you can set up an autosave every hour, week, month and year. I prefer having autosave only for month, because they lag the game and instead save manually.
>I accidentally the power button instead of print screen and basically my entire PC
That will teach you for having the power button next to the print screen button.
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So I reattempted the invasion but this time I took 3 extra months to fill up an army with paratroopers, train a second backup one if anything happened to the first, bulk the places where I saw the front have issues on the first run and deploy almost 50% more planes, just in case. The script played more or less the same but with yet another twist I did not foresee.
>all pieces set in place
>just before 1947 I hit declare war
>paratroopers paratroop 
>again around 90% of them makes it but this time I've got more
>still not enough bust just barely
>pay more attention to the push from denmark and micro it forwards instead of just blindly clicking on a generic province like I was doing before
>actually manage to bail a bunch of my paratroopers out and link with them
>check capitulation score
>look at map
>they retook Vienna
>damn, it it's over
>sike, I got more paras this time
>set another launch and get Vienna which they, again, left without garrison
>game freezes for like 5 seconds
>The Third Reich capitulates
>sorry, uncle Adolf
>it's just Japan now
>my tanks had already landed
>set generic attack order towards Tokyo and let the AI blitz through on its own since there are hardly divisions to offer it any resistance as most of them were on the German front instead
>Japan capitulates in barely a few days and I win
>wait, why is the war still going
>check war score tab
It was then that, to my absolute horror, I made a shocking discovery.
>Hungary, Finland and Estonia are considered Majors
>war won't end until I capitulate them too
Luckily, thanks to Germany capitulating, I gobbled up most of Eurasia and 80% of their divisions in their territory just exploded while the rest were left without supply in tiny pockets scattered across the Russian steppes. It was just a matter quickly reorganizing my now frontless armies and rushing to destroy them.
>Hungary is now just one big encircled pocket which ironically still has the Bosnian pocket still attached to it
>but now it's largely manned by Hungarian divisions and very few German/Japanese ones
>I push from all sides, do paradrops in the middle and destroy them 
>turn my attention to Estonia
>squash them quickly
>Finland is the last in line
>no problem
And so, on the first hour of the 28th of September, after a 9 month long war, 5+ million casualties 4:1 for me and a few nukes, 12 nations surrender their independence to their new Italian overlords. After capitulating Germany, I activated the decision which let me turn into "Greater Italy" and, as a result, I got a few extra cores, a new flag, my territory became slightly greener and my division markers got NIGGERED. 
I managed to sneak in Liberia and Lithuania at the last second but couldn't get any more so I'll have to take care of a few pimples once I go to war with the US of A. Speaking of which, if my intel is correct, my Army should be more than twice larger (and likely way better equipped and trained since the US hardly fought any battles), my Navy 3 to 4 times larger in terms of Capital ships and we should have a roughly equivalent airforce. What truly sets us apart though is the fact I have a virtually infinite resource pool to play with since I basically own the entire world but the Americas. Fuel, manpower, equipment, industrial capacity and resources might as well have the infinite symbol instead of numbers. I'm already producing 2 whole lines of fully-decked-out modern tanks with max factories assigned to fill up huge modern armored divisions, they stand pretty much no chance and it's only a matter of time until the world is painted green and everyone Italian becomes the new lingua franca.
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Bonus: the IJN getting gigafucked. I only got to keep half their fleet because the rest got sunk in a month. Literally worse than Midway. BRAVO KONDOU.
Replies: >>233892
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My Italian campaign reached its climax, and while I did get to the end, Neutral End #2 and Extra Bad End #4 weren't what I had hoped for.
>with war in Europe won I immediately begin planning against the US of A
>it literally takes me multiple hours long sessions
>had to untangle the spaghetti mess my army had become
>reorganize the navies I stole
>regroup all my air forces
>resupply, retrain all, swap templates and also add some new ones
>plan one big fuckoff invasion to end all invasions by land, sea, and air 
>5 full army groups involved
>1 of which full of special forces and another fully armored
>near 20k planes
>over 10 fleets chockfull of BBs and CVs
Speaking of the armor, I decided to swap all medium armor templates with the new modern armor one I made which also included SPG, SP AT and SP AA without realizing just how many of those units I would have to replace. In a nutshell, the swapping resulted in a 38k deficit of standard tanks, 8k of SPGs and 4k each of SP AT and AA. It quickly became apparent that even 300 factories assigned to the standard tanks alone was nothing, as they were barely producing some 60 a day due to efficiency not being maxed yet, even with over 1000 military factories and shifting like 80% of my production towards them, I still couldn't get them out as quickly as I would've wanted them. 
>divisions training, moving into position, entrenching, preparing plans
>ships shuffling around the mediterrenyan to get into their new fleets
>infrastructure, radar, air bases, supply bases, railways, fortifications and more military factories being built
>a whole year passes
>it's now the last days of December 1948 and shit's starting to look good with the armor divisions almost filled with spanking new tanks
>not quite ready yet but predict I will be in just a few months into 1949 and with the scale of the operation I suspect it'll be over very quickly
>keep running the clock
>Jan 1
>game says no
As it turns out, the campaign officially ends in 1949, not 1950 like I thought. Admittedly, I'd never played this far before and I always assumed 1950 was the end date because the last fucking techs can only be researched in 1950 and you'll get a penalty for starting them in 48 or 49. To add insult to injury, I ended up getting a second place in the final score tab because, according to the game, staying mostly neutral and producing gorillons of planes is more relevant than going to war with all the major powers in the world and annexing 4/5 continents. The United States mogged me defied me twofold. I just could not have it.

In the pics all my armies, hundreds worth of divisions, being shipped across the Atlantic to the newest meat grinder, which was a pretty cool visual. Of course, the AI had nothing to say as the country which just enslaved most of the world was moving the entirety of its armed forces towards their borders. Also some of the scores.

Replies: >>225432
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The US invasion plan, Operation McBlitzkrieg's, was a mix of every plan I've conceived so far but cranked up to 11.
>several armored spearheads on both coastlines and through the Great Plains
>naval invasions attacking Florida, Washington state and Oregon
>paradrops aimed at supply hubs and main railway intersection to cut off supply to the front
>strat bombing out the ass
Since time constraints went out the window, I took my sweet time and only declared war only in July 1949 after my spies prepared a covert joint strike. It was a breeze.
>by the end of week 1, half of their US Army was encircled north of Pennsylvania and New York, a third in Washington and Washington DC was captured
>by week 2, some 160ish divisions were destroyed
>by week 3 my armies were gleefully racing towards Mexico with hardly any resistance as the AI seemed to have given up entirely
Finally, just a few days later, the US capitulated with near 5.5 million casualties, and 700k for me but just because I blundered 2 entire armies like a retard by stacking them on a single port province bordering Mexico which obviously didn't have enough supply and got overrun by fewer and shittier but well supplied infantry divisions attacking from multiple angles even in spite of the level 10 fortifications I had built but it wasn't over yet as they were in a gay faction with a bunch of South American shitholes which for some reason were considered "majors".
Ironically, thanks to their smaller front, shitty terrain and my lack of any planning bar "go attack thing fast" from my part, Mexico put up more of a fight and took me around the same amount of time to capitulate them as it did for burgers, foreshadowing what would happen next.
It was now the Spanish and Alberto Barbosa's rapebabies's turn. You should know that, by taking advantage of being at war with a Major power, I started justifying and declaring war against every country which was still hoping to keep their independence by remaining neutral and, for convenience's sake, I went with the rest of the New Spain territories which were cockblocking my advance towards the Latin American mainland first. In time, this would turn out to be a grave mistake.
>25 full armies heading full speed towards Panama and destroying everything in their path
>geography funneling them into ever tighter and fewer provinces
>supply getting worse and dwindling due to shitty Mexican infrastructure
>make it to Guatemala's doorstep
>the absolute horror
>XBOXHUEG stacks of divisions from every single spic shithole I declared on
>front is literally 3 provinces wide with fuckall supply and in crap terrain
>there are literally millions of soldiers stuck in a massive fucking traffic jam just staring at eachother with no option but attack straight in front
>I literally cannot advance no matter how many divisions I attack with
>attempt to spam nuke them to shreds in desperation
>they eat the nukes and still don't budge despite the tooltip saying I'm winning the battles
>accidentally nuke myself after unexpectedly capturing and moving to a province I had just started nuking and vaporize 600k of my own men
>it's already December and there's no fucking way to get out of this without pulling out and spend a bunch of time replanning it or go full war of attrition and wait for them to deplete their manpower and supply
>quit in sheer butthurt frustration

And that's all she wrote. In the end, it was assorted spics, Mongoloids, Gandhi and other riff raff which survived getting absorbed into the great meatball nation.

Any idea for what country I should play next? I was thinking Finland, Poland or Ireland.
Replies: >>225543 >>225656
I've thought about this idea for the Eurasianists, and I've made some changes after performing more research about the players involved. As a general change, the Transitional Council is always dissolved.
>Jakobson/People's Eurasianists
They wouldn't go for Syndicalism. In fact, anything Left of the NEP would see outrage by the rest of the Eurasianist party, and Jakobson has neither the personality nor charisma to force them in line. I still stand by the idea that it would ideally be a Jakobson-Bukharin collaboration/struggle. Bukharin is the most collaborationist socialist and can find common ground with Jakobson over their disillusionment with the Bolsheviks but not Marxist Socialism. The state would either stay the Eurasian Union or shift to the Eurasian Republic.
>Ariadna Tyrkova-Williams/Liberal Eurasianists
By this point in history, Tyrkova-Williams would have been calling for a military-backed capitalist dictatorship. However, I do think the idea of her pushing for Eurasia as a dominant-party sovereign democracy isn't bad despite it being a reference to early-2000s Russian politics. Tyrkova-Williams has the personality to establish herself as an elected pseudo-dictator over a federation of ethnic autonomies and regional republics, so I think she would follow a blend of both sides of the first and second term of the Kadets but not support the restoration of the Tsar, instead rewriting the now Eurasian Federation to have a President with even less restrictions than America's. I don't know whether she would fully trust the system and maintain the legal allowance of socialist and monarchist parties to have a constant scapegoat, but I want to believe she would. This said, I changed the prospective title back to the default Liberal Eurasianists because her stance would be closer to the right wing of the Kadets rather than the left wing, the remnant Progressive Party, despite her extremely progressive stance on equality between the sexes and implementation of some of their reforms (i.e. farm subsidies).
>Trubetzkoy/Orthodox Eurasianists
I do think my idea here was a little too wacky. However, I also think the continued hardline stance of Eurasianism and Trubetzkoy's real life drift to radicalism would lead to him attempting to eliminate the "nationalist separatists" from Eurasia by drastic means. If there ever was an "Invite Sternberg" path, Eurasia would become the Eurasian Khanate.
>Chkheidze/Conservative Eurasianists
I don't have a problem with my ideas for this other than that I could have implied Chkheidze would work with the republican wing of the VNS. Chkheidze would stay almost exclusively with the aristocrats and monarchists and try to make a constitutional monarchy that has learned from the mistakes of the pre-revolution tsardom. Socialists would definitely be banned, and I still think Nicholas II would be canonized. The state would maintain being the Eurasian Empire.
>Vernadiskiy/Savitskiy/Moderate Eurasianists
I don't have any changes for this. Vernadiskiy would become content with his position as the focal point of his ideal intellectual-led Eurasianist party and state and begin taking an active role in the mediation and synthesis of his compatriots' ideas. On the other hand, Savitskiy would be the other way around. Rather than trying to make Eurasianism fit other ideas, he would try to make other ideas fit Eurasianism.
Play Spain.
Replies: >>225609 >>225735
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Considering the similarities between gameplay ideas and the fact that the vanilla content is oft dropped for modded/fanmade content,does /gsg/ have any ideas as to why there aren't any good open engines/reimplementations in the mapgame genre? (ala OpenRA,mugen etc)
You'd think there'd be some autist that tries to make his own super-modable engine that ran well under the high load his alt history fanfics would put it under.
Is Parajew sniping anyone who tries?

Not Enough Turanism.
Openvic is being made and so project alice.
Replies: >>225745 >>225746
>strat bombing out the ass
That really is just ww2
Turanism was something that some Asiatic Eurasianists saw as appealing and adopted, but Turanism proclaims all of that as Asiatic rather than Eurasian, and the geographical borders of Eurasia aren't the Western idea of Europe+Asia but a distinctly separate landmass that coincidentally covers most of the former Russian Empire and some places it wanted to expand. However, a Turanist takeover could be neat. If you want a ported paradox GSG, check Project Alice.
I have two more ideas for this submod I keep brainstorming.
>Internal Struggle of the WCC
Out of every Civil War state, the WCC has the most disparate groups and the lowest population density. The WCC's tree would be about gaining resources from and forming a working coalition with local powers by promising changes (i.e. allowing Mormon self-governance like the Indians, the repeal of eminent domain for the Cowboys, reparations for the Navajo) if the government wins. If the WCC overextends itself, (i.e. extreme land appropriations from the Cowboys, conscripting too many Mormons, trampling on the autonomy of the Navajo) it'll collapse into Deseret, Arizona, and/or Navajo depending on who was upset the most and a military rump state in the North bearing the "American Legion" tag. If the Pacific States are at peace with the USA/WCC, border territories such as Idaho, Nevada, Western Wyoming, and Western Montana will have the option to join them. If Texas is at peace with the USA/WCC, it'll have the option to regain its 1821 borders. If only a single breakaway state appears from the WCC, it'll have a tree regarding the North/South Divide and attempt to mend the differences between the Mormons and Navajo or Cowboys.
>The End of the American Experiment
This is an idea I've had for years, but the principle of it is that any breakaway state with its own regional culture, such as the PSA and Texas and Alaska, would be able to divide America into smaller states via a long series of treaty events after winning the Civil War. Mexico and Canada could demand land or support to not interfere in the new nations, the racial question would be addressed or ignored with the latter setting up the South as America's South Africa/Rhodesia in the future, and the final event would be about whether the now divided states should form a joint government similar to that detailed by the Articles of Confederation or go their separate ways. If the nation performing this has conquered Canada and/or Mexico, the division of those would be included in the treaty. For example, North Mexico as a new Republic of the Rio Grande, the Yucatan as an independent nation or given to a friendly USCA, South Mexico as Mexico, British Columbia given to Alaska or the PSA, the Central and Northern Territories given to whoever owns the Great Plains, Quebecois independence, Northern Ontario being given to whoever holds the Midwest, and Newfoundland, Southern Ontario, New Brunswick, Ottawa, Saint Lawrence, and Nova Scotia being given to New England.
Replies: >>227273
>Project Alice
>Symphony of Empires
Are those any good?
>You'd think there'd be some autist that tries to make his own super-modable engine that ran well under the high load his alt history fanfics would put it under.
Just wait 2 more weeks™ for mine.
I think the reason is just that it's a fucking pain to make, requiring a certain amount of skill and a long amount of time, and there's basically no reason to make one since anybody that isn't Paradox will get lazy and give up halfway when it comes to making a game out of the engine.
Those are just copies of the Vic2 engine though aren't they? It'd probably be a nightmare to change them up so that they fit for another time period or type of game. It's also doubtful that they'll even succeed at all, seeing as how one is being spearheaded by Schombert, the guy who tried and gave up years ago because he got bored, and the other is some discord committee that spends 90% of it's time adding more and more bloat ideas that they'll probably never get around to working on. Still better than nothing though, I suppose.
I finally have an idea for how Goering's Germany would be remade. The fundamental ideas of the following are that Goering's rule is based on his popularity and initiative in seizing power, willingness to be ruthless, access to a greater and more welcoming pool of resources compared to real life due to Mitteleuropa and Germany's position as the world's superpower, and diplomatic ability:

Goering takes power and declares a State of Emergency during his address to the Reichstag as the official story is that the late Kanzler has been assassinated by the domestic branch of a foreign power, the FAUD. He would have the option to have known FAUD members executed as he wanted the Communists after the Reichstag Fire or imprisoned for life. Despite having the support of the people, opposition parties are beginning to voice their concerns over the State of Emergency. His first order of business is to bring Zentrum, Germany's moderate-right Bavarian Catholic party, into the fold by promising protection of freedom of religion for Roman Catholics (Franconia's Orthodox Catholics would be mentioned in a flavor line as being too likely to be affiliated with Russia to protect), creation of a dedicated bureau for Germany's brewing industry, the courtship of the Papacy and Two Sicilies, preferential treatment of religious unions rather than the banning of secular unions, and the establishment of the Freiwilliger Arbeitsdienst with the addendum of anti-social citizens being forced to work in it. Zentrum would become the DRP's center after 1940.

Goering's next step will be a declaration to reorganize government positions, another move that will enflame the opposition because it will see Goering's men put in bureaucratic roles and Goering's positions of Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, and Minister of Police merged to place him above the law and at the helm of the Verpo, but the inclusion of Zentrum in the coalition and the presence of a favorable Kaiser mean the opposition has no recourse. 

The next focus would open up two branches of the tree, both of which would have two branches themselves. The first branch would be about the SPD-FVD coalition. He could choose to approach the SPD-FVD coalition with an offer to include many of their planks from the current 1937 election tree with addendums (healthcare reform but not for the anti-social, industrial subsidies but for industries the government considers immediately important such as armaments and infrastructure, protection for non-Syndicalist non-Secular unions, taxation of Junkers who don't own subsidized industries, Mitteleuropan immigration on visas) to turn the FVD into the DRP's left wing after 1940 or dismantle the SPD-FVD coalition by subterfuge and playing the population, villainizing them as crypto-Syndicalists and eventually banning the SPD on the pretense of its republican wing planning a coup, leaving the FVD in the wind as a pariah party for forming a coalition with them. The second branch would be about Vorbeck rather than the NLP as a whole. Vorbeck would refuse to comment on Goering's actions so far, a soft condemnation that would leave the military split on supporting Goering. Goering would have the option to meet with Vorbeck and agree to cooperate while implementing the NLP's ideas without addendums sans the additions to the now suspended constitution (reinstatement/maintenance of the gold standard, creation of special economic zones to form a New Hansa) and going on a political tour to show that the first and second miracles in Mittelafrika will come to Germany or work to imprison Vorbeck on charges of a plot to coup the government with the military, allowing for a purge of the military, the removal of a potential political rival, and the tying of a now fractured NLP to the DRP via the placement of a popular Catholic businessman from the most in-line German colony at its head, the chicken proprietor and German patriot Heinrich Himmler. The NLP would become the other half of the DRP's center after 1940, allowing for the creation of a soft one party state.

Following the removal of political rivals, the meat of Goering's tree would appear. This would be the pursuit of the implementation of a Four Year Plan involving all of Mitteleuropa and its peripheries, talks with Mitteleuropan nations to ensure their loyalty through autonomy and the settlement of territorial disputes, diplomatic missions to Germany's potential enemies (as long as they aren't overtly hostile to Germany) and potential allies (especially the French Exiles and Austrians), funding of espionage and rebels in enemies such as the Welsh in Britain and Bretons in France and Boers in South Africa, massive funding of the Luftwaffe, changes in internal structure to maintain power such as the formation of a Grand Duchy of Alsace-Lorraine to counteract Bavaria, and the fate of colonies because Heydrich's position as the second Vizekonig is only temporary due to its potential to threaten Germany and the Kaiser if anyone else takes it.

I have other ideas for this, such as the coups by the Republican SPD and Vorbeck having a chance of not being setups by Goering and Himmler being a potential successor for Goering if Goering takes opium and decides to fly, but they aren't as structured. My only remaining idea worth mentioning in this post is the creation of German-dominated superstates in a post-war Europe out of Mitteleuropan members such as the Benelux, Scandinavia with or without Finland and Iceland, a Celtic Union centered in Ireland, Iberia, Greater Germany, a Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and various Balkan divisions with Greece, Romania, the Ottomans, Italy, or Yugoslavia at their center for ease of management and an allusion to a future unified Europe.
Replies: >>230211
>>222841 (OP) 
Seeing the OP pic I made and the good old "today in history" makes me very nostalgic.
I probably still have all of the games and all the old mods in the OP pic, if somebody wants them. Especially the mods. I am assuming Anon's Mod was lost to time otherwise, as it was a local anon doing it.
Replies: >>227416
Historical Bloat Mod is at https://github.com/TurningPointNovocherkassk/Historical_Bloat_Mod. There has not been an update in 2 years, so you can assume it's dead. He moved on to a fork of The Grand Combination, and that's dead now. TGC includes some of HBM now as far as I know, but it's still sad that it's gone.
Replies: >>227420
Cool to see that he continued for a while after the exodus. Thanks for the link.
One thing missing on the github is his EU4 edits. If I can tell correctly this should include his edits and the needed main mods: https://gofile.io/d/g7zRCF
No idea what's considered a good sharing website right now. Catbox is too small and didn't want to bother with mega, so I put it in that for now.
Has anyone given Terra Invicta a proper whirl yet? It looks absurdly complex, is it so anon? Is it the salvation from Paracuck?
Replies: >>228806
I tried it a while back, patch 10 I believe.
Overall it was an unsatisfying experience. You have to micromanage your councillors through every single turn of the game, some 8 people, and every turn is a month in this game which will continue for 40-50 years or so. You're usually going to be assigning them to increase your popularity in governments, seizing parts of said governments, and stopping alien operations. Regarding that last one, literally no AI faction will ever do it. You either go out of your way to stop every alien operation or the whole earth goes fucking boom.
Regarding the other two, they're fucking cancer. The automated action thing for your councillors doesn't work properly, so if you want to pull a government to your side you'll have to raise public opinion 1488 times over first, manually. The way your councillors do stuff is cancerous too, by the way. There's a X% chance that they'll do their job properly, and some chance that they'll fuck up. In this particular case if they fuck up you lose public opinion, if they succeed you get some. Much like in XCOM the chances to succeed tend to be disgustingly low, and it's extremely frustrating to just keep failing and failing on a single mission. It's made worse by the fact that when another faction gets power in a major country(sometimes by endlessly rolling 1% chances, sometimes by cheating their chances) they will never lose it, ever. The economy and population of the country are both massive, so at worst you'll have a 0% chance at ousting them with your councillors, and at best 3%. If the faggot AI gets control over a major country your best bet is to kill them with a war.
Regarding war, by the way. It's fucking broken(or at least was in patch 10, maybe they fixed it now that it's at patch 12). I don't really remember anymore but the AI was exempt from attrition or something so winning wars against majors was next to impossible. One time I attacked China(8 armies) with my own, about 30. The result was that I got laid the fuck right out despite having better numbers and technology.
The game simulates country management to some level, a really crappy one. You're expected to keep track of the development priorities of all the countries you control, including the tiny shitholes. It's simultaneously both micro hell and too shallow. The country has a certain amount of development points and you distribute them so that they'll be used for various purposes, but if the country doesn't have a really good economy then it's basically pointless to even bother because it'll have next to no development points. You'll probably just leave it at 100% priority for mission control and ignore it for the rest of the game. Also all economies are always very slowly recessing and there's no way to prevent this, even putting 100% priority on economic growth. Thankfully the recess is slow enough that it doesn't really matter.
The research system...isn't that bad. But it is kind of cheeseable in that you can just pour 100% of your research to a particular research slot and get full control of what the next research that slot will be doing. There's not much to say about this topic, so I'll be moving on to the next: Unions and claims. You'll be getting these by research. Why? I don't fucking know. Oh and they all cost 4 to 8 times the research points that proper research does, lol. Basically how this works is that you research a particular tech, and that gives claims on certain territories for a specific country. For example there was some tech that cost 20k or 40k or whatever science points and gave Taiwan claims over all of the mainland. If you fight a war with China you'll get to gobble all this land up. For some reason though it's impossible to take land if you don't have a claim on it. This system is fucking disgusting and retarded, to the highest degree. In my game I first took over Japan, thinking to recreate their empire at it's height. Guess what? You fucking can't because there's no research to give claims to Japan. there's a million ones to give claims to Malaysia, Indonesia etc etc, and even a research to give claims to all of East Asia to the CCP, but none to give claims to East Asia to any other country. If I want to unite East Asia I would have to break the CCP through a standard war, rely on a million 1% rolls to take control over it, and THEN wage war on the rest of East Asia just to unify it all.
What would happen if I somehow had control over the CCP from the start of the game, you ask? Well I would have to wait about 20 years before uniting with any other country. Say I had control over Vietnam too, I would have to wait until the research for Asian unification to end and only THEN would I be able to annex Vietnam.
Replies: >>228811 >>228869
The space part of the game sucks too. You have to grind mission control and boost so that you can make a bunch of mines on the moon, and then you'll start getting a bunch of materials. You have to micromanage all your mines and later on in the game this is absolute cancer, also how to manage your mission control and boost is not explained ingame so you can softlock yourself really fucking hard if you don't "just know" beforehand.
The mines give you some resources, and with these resources you make more mines, some stations on earth orbit(to give you 1% bonuses to irrelevant shit), and military ships. These resources do not tie in in any way to the governments on earth. They don't.
Your one and only reason to make mines and ships is to rape the aliens. In practice this is sitting through a really fucking boring and shit combat sequence and either one-shotting or getting one-shot by the aliens. That's it. As of now there are no proper colonies or anything like that, nor anything fun to do in space.
Also the AI of the other factions is retarded. Only the ones who suck alien cock are competent, for some reason. The rest literally do nothing ever, they take a bunch of shit countries, make one space station in the orbit of earth, and then lay on their ass until the aliens rape them to death. The factions can't be killed by the way, so if they get kicked out of all their territory they'll just harass you all day with their councillors. The ones who suck alien cock are disgustingly overpowered, they'll try to fuck you over at every turn. I assume that their strength is because they get assistance from the aliens?
Anyway, the game is... not too good. There's potential, yes, but it's not potential to be good. It's potential to be addictive in the same way Paradog games are. And that's only if the developers bother to continue developing the game. As some on the steam reviews have said their speed in adding and improving content has decreased tremendously since the first release, and it feels like they're just kind of throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks and to "learn game development". More of a hobby thing than an attempt at delivering a product.
If you have free time and nothing to do, then I recommend you check the game out yourself. The game didn't feel particularly complex to me, but then again I am a turbo autist.
Replies: >>228869
Well fuck anon, thanks for the write up.
Is it beyond salvation or do you think it'll get better? Is there any potential is what I'm asking
Replies: >>228873
For what it counts they did recently shit out a new patch, and supposedly they're getting some new content ready and no you dont get to see any unless you get in the discord. shut up and get in the discord. get in the discord, buy a diaper and let me groom you and buy you estrogen pills. get in the fucking discord. I think the game will continue getting better over time, the question is just how good. If they keep at this pace it might be slightly better a year or so from now on, but maybe they'll shock us, ramp up the update speed, and make the game significantly better. Either way I think the game as it is is a decent 10 hour timesink for those with too much time on their hands.
This time, ideas on an expansion for the PSA.
>creation of new states (i.e. NorCal/SoCal, Lincoln)
>renaming of Spanish towns and states
>monarchy LARP for an absolutist Norton II and working with the military so he can implement measures outlined in the Million Sons tree due to his lack of popular support
>option to later elect Hearst if you elect someone else in the first election
>a Sinclair-Hearst struggle if Sinclair is elected that ends with Sinclair being shot if he imprisons Hearst and either dying or declaring a state of emergency or, if he keeps Hearst free, the player choosing whether he's impeached and resigns or the impeachment trial fails
>Henry Wallace Left Roerichist tree that can lead to the Bolsheviks fleeing to the PSA if they lose the Second Russian Civil War or are under a government hostile to them
>longer second term trees
>Huey Long tree where he implements everything he can as outlined in the First Hundred Days to mixed reactions as his celebrity status wanes from it (and can claim former AUS territories west of the Louisiana River to make the Western States of America)
>option to extradite a President or Prime Minister Huey Long to whoever wins the Second American Civil War so he can stand trial there and guarantee the PSA's safety
>referendum for Texan annexation (and claims on Northern Mexico if it succeeds)
>referendum for Australian/Australasian annexation if Australia/Australasia is a republic (with potential flavor events for Maori and Aborigine reservations)
>referendum for Filipino annexation (with option to make it a large Puerto Rico-like territory)
>option to make Hawaii a reservation
>creation of a new Statue of Liberty in SanFran, Seattle, Eureka, or LA
>referendums on the annexations of Hawaii and Alaska
Replies: >>230223 >>234482
I don't understand any of this but it sounds fun.
Replies: >>230297
Seems like there was Distant Worlds 2. Did anyone play it and have opinions on it?
Replies: >>230268 >>230274
I'm not nearly as well versed in DWU mechanics as I'd like but DW2 looked and felt like Distant Worlds 3D Edition to me. Don't think it has all the races yet if that matters to you.
All I know is that it got shat on hard on release due to sucking real bad, and that when I pirated it on release it crashed on my face because it requires a supercomputer to run or something. Also, I remember reading the dev diaries and being utterly pissed when I found out that they completely gave up on simulating objects movement in favor of.....shitty 3d graphics, which probably isn't even a good reason to ditch said simulation. To me it looks like the original is far better, with 2 being an attempt to cash out by making the game more Stellaris-like, which is not a good thing.
Replies: >>230312
The Pacific States of America are a breakaway state representing the West Coast and democracy in Kaiserredux's Second American Civil War. Norton II, a relative of SanFan's celebrity madman Norton I who declared himself Emperor of California and Protector of Mexico, is someone who can be put in charge of California after Disney or Hughes is put in charge by the military then shot by a dissident for being too authoritarian and the obscure Norton Restorationists charge and take the capitol in the chaos before being allowed to stay by the pacifist military. You can then make Norton an absolute monarch, losing out on any further content as this path lacks a tree, or a constitutional monarch, allowing you to take every democratic path except for Heart's for some reason. 

Unlike what everyone was told in school, Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" is a Marxist book about the conditions and life of workers, not a hit piece on food quality and animal rights. In-universe, Upton Sinclair forms the Progressive Party of California (think "abortion good to keep the poor in check, state ownership of utilities good to assure quality of life standards, creation of forced labor worker hives good to prevent abuse by bosses, immigration bad because it hurts the native worker") to push his real life EPIC campaign in the political chaos California is going through in-universe since people didn't understand the message of his novel. However, there are multiple events about his rivalry with media mogul William Randolph Hearst and his offshoot of the Democrats who seek Heart's presidency that will push policies such as the creation of a national police force and municipal land ownership and promotion of business capitalism. This doesn't go anywhere in-game. 

Henry Wallace is an ex-Mormon politician who kept in touch with Roerich, a Soviet mystic seeking to trigger the Shambala Prophecy in his investigation of Tibet as part of the Soviet Union's early Cold War strategy, and he can adopt his ideology in-game without any change in his tree despite New Age religions like Scientology having their own tree if they take power with the help of the Japanese.

Democratic political trees are divided into terms by party in most nations, but the PSA only has three-to-five focuses each for the second terms of its parties.

Huey Long is a real life politician and progressive-like Governor/Senator of Louisiana who leads his own warlord state in the Second American Civil War, governing it with the strongarm tactics he employed during his real life tenure. There's a conspiracy theory that he was assassinated by FDR's camp since he was his main rival in the elections he took part in and was very popular. He released a book titled "The First Hundred Days" in which he stated everything he would do in his first hundred days in office, including his implementation of his Share Our Wealth program, a system of taxation and wealth distribution which sought to establish a universal income for working men and make "every man a king." This included a 100% tax on any income exceeding $1,000,000. Whoever wins the Civil War can have companies and generals stand trial, but the warlords typically get off scot free and can try to continue their war elsewhere. For example, Huey Long can become the leader of Paraguay, a nation he was close to in real life.

The Million Sons tree is a colloquial term used by the generals who prevented the PSA from joining the Civil War with the purpose "to save a million sons." You can enact a Marshal Plan for the PSA and other policies to give former soldiers jobs now that they won't be fighting.

Texas, Alaska, and Hawaii can break way from the USA depending on the decisions taken beforehand by whoever is playing as the USA.

The Second Russian Civil War can either be Russia's war against the Far Eastern Republic of Transamur (a Japanese puppet state for White Russians lead by Admiral Kolchak) or Russia's war against itself as the Soviets try for another revolution or the generals get upset about the Soviets taking power.
>an attempt to cash out by making the game more Stellaris-like
How so? Stellaris is a Star Ruler 2 ripoff but most of your actions are just busywork that don't really matter, almost the opposite of Distant Universe where you can automate what you don't feel like managing and most of your actions actually have a meaningful effect on the game. That hasn't really changed with the second game.
Dom 6 has released. When we doing another zzzgame?
Replies: >>233836
I'm still getting used to the bless changes in Dom6. I do like that you can place them as you see fit, not just in the path you stacked.
Replies: >>233836
I'd be down, but I'm a complete noob with just a handful of SP games across 3 and 4. Skipped 5 because of the launch price, but the bug bit me again with 6. There's also a couple of people on /tg/ with it, so you might advertise there if you get a game running as well.

Less sacreds relative to army however since holy points didn't go up.
Is BB spam king again? 
I still don’t know how naval combat actually works.
Can anyone recommend me a good geopolitical game?
Replies: >>236658
More ideas. This time, they're general concepts about the Entente and Cairo Axis since I don't have knowledge of the characters surrounding them.
>Absolutist paths, the Conscription Crisis, or Labour winning potentially causing a Quebecois revolt headed by the opposite side of the political spectrum of whoever is in charge of Canada (i.e. Syndicalists funded by the French Commune if the government is Absolutist, Natpops funded by Japan) and the option for certain American paths to use the opportunity to enforce the Monroe doctrine against the Entente
>a revolt in the Raj led by Churchill and mirroring the Poo-in-Loo Commune's Agrarian Revolt if it pursues peace and neutral reunification with the Poo-in-Loo Commune
>a scandal in Ghandi's Poo-in-Loo Commune where Churchill publishes proof of Ghandi going around the Commune and having women prostrate themselves before him while begging for sex to test his resolve
>potential for the Internationale, Cairo Axis, Liberia, anti-colonial America, and Goering to fund Sand France's potential native revolts and for the Cairo Axis to intervene with a potential scripted peace deal where they take the North up to Morocco and Hausaland takes the territory north of them if the Cairo Axis manages to win
>a Unification Congress to be held if the Cairo Axis wins against the Ottomans and both Egypt and Arabia pursue pan-Arab unification
>a decision for the Cairo Axis to demand the Suez Canal and Morocco from Germany for their neutrality if the Second Weltkrieg has started and for Germany to counteroffer with a demand for their support
>a South Atlantic Treaty Organization to form if South Africa, Australasia, and India leave the Entente and have agreeable governments
>a path for Canada to expel the Royal Family to one of the other Commonwealth nations to prevent the Quebecois from revolting or Americans from invading
>a path for a united Arabia to attempt to reform the Ummah if Arabia, having claimed the title of Caliphate, leads the union rather than Egypt
>a decision for the Cairo Axis to intervene in the Ethiopian-Somali War and Eritrean Crisis
>more focuses that unite the two states composing Lybia into Lybia
Kaiserredux: Musterkolonie has released. While I like some of its changes, others are nonsensical. Here's an initial review.
Mittelafrika in its initial KR/KX form doesn't exist at the start of the game. What  takes its place is a small Mittelafrikan administration operating out of Tanganyika. German holdings in the Horn of Africa and the Indian Ocean have been consolidated into Westasien. Sierra Leone is its own nation. Portugese holdings are their own nation. Kamerun can form Äquatorialafrika if it survives its collapse events. Westasian can expand into Arabia, the Horn of Africa, and South Asia.
Mittelafrika doesn't own the majority of Mittelafrika, making its name almost nonsensical, and it has no focuses for managing former Ostafrika. The Portuguese and Liberian Bush Wars are broken and don't fire. The mod misses the point of Mittelafrika, a desperate struggle to retain European control over a multi-ethnic patchwork of the former Allied colonies, in favor of the division of European ethnic colonies. The Sudan is too sparsely populated to warrant being its own nation under Egypt. Once Kamerun has formed Äquatorialafrika, it cannot continue its expansion tree, even if the Spanish Civil War has left Spanish Africa defenseless, and it cannot take all of the Mittelkongo, should the Mittelkongo collapse. There's no way for every colony near a collapse war to involve themselves, even if they've finished their own wars or Mittelafrika is unable to effectively send its own troops to the war. Mittelafrika doesn't have a dispersed troop presence across Mittelafrika. Ostasien's war with Burma typically ends with it taking the coastline while Germany takes the rest, for Germany can somehow involve itself in Ostasien's wars rather than Mittelafrika's. Collapse wars are almost guaranteed to happen, and they typically start in or near historically German colonies.
What period are you wanting to play?
Replies: >>237720
For the HOIfags in here, how do I actually get units to level 5 experience?
Replies: >>236756 >>236790
Only real  combat experience gets them to 5, and to get there you need not have the experienced dudes die basically, experienced casualties get replaced by greens and lower the overall division experience.
Replies: >>236792
As long as you can maintain their equipment, train units then send them as volunteers. Any country with a civil war or unfavorable terrain is good for farming unit and military XP. Once your volunteer units reach a certain level, recall them then send more units and repeat until the war is over. The Spanish Civil War is good for this.
Replies: >>236792
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Theoretically yes but how do you get them to actually gain net xp quickly instead of losing it fighting though?
>recall volunteers.
Replies: >>236813 >>236891
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>Group Sex of One Female and Several Males
Replies: >>236883
That's the red army for ya baby
>recall volunteers
Sorry, I forgot that I was using a mod for that. Still, the principle is the same. Send every troop you can to foreign wars but do not send the same troops every time. Always train your troops. Don't deploy troops immediately. Always have some troops waiting to deploy on the backburner, unless your manpower is abysmal. You can't stop XP loss in combat, and, outside of elite units, field hospitals are not worth it.
Replies: >>236906
Yeah but then I cant get them to level 5
After having played the submod some more, I've come to make some revisions to my review.
>The Portuguese and Liberian Bush Wars are broken and don't fire.
These do fire, but they don't fire as often.
>The mod misses the point of Mittelafrika
This is only partially true. Mittelafrika is still a desperate struggle to hold on, but it's one that the AI somehow always loses even if it beats every, or almost every, native revolt. Ten-to-fifteen years have passed since the post-war chaos in Africa. In that time, some sort of stability somewhere should have been made. Instead, Africa is a mess of nations divided between European ethnicities which exist as protectorates because of Gemany's intervention during the revolutions in Europe. However, some of these protectorates exist for little reason, and they're universally mismanaged despite some places almost having a century of previous colonial rule and the desperate position many settler colonies would be in due to their lack of support from the outside. Unless viewed from an anti-colonial perspective, it's unrealistic that Mittelafrika would be in such a sorry state.
>The Sudan is too sparsely populated to warrant being its own nation under Egypt
The justification in the mod is that the Egyptians couldn't conquer the Sudan after the collapse of the Anglo-Egyptian condominium due to Sudanese resistance. This is justified, but I think that the Egyptians not owning the Sudanese coastline is unrealistic.
>Ostasien's war with Burma typically ends with it taking the coastline while Germany takes the rest
This should have been "Westasien".
>Collapse wars are almost guaranteed to happen, and they typically start in or near historically German colonies.
This is a problem with the mod that I explained in the second point. Colonialism is only unsustainable to those with a normalcy bias, and some of the colonies in Mittelafrika have existed for one hundred years. German colonies were some of the most prosperous and peaceful, and many Africans saw Germans as biologically above them. Not only this, but Africans in German colonies were sparse, and Germans typically streamlined African identities in the territories they controlled, such as in Tanzania, where they insisted on the use of a single native language in all official proceedings. This normalcy bias can be seen in the mod's bibliography, which includes many inherently editorial titles such as "Colonialism: A Moral Reckoning," "The Ghosts of Happy Valley: Searching for the Lost World of Africa's Infamous Aristocrats," "King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa," "The Kaiser's Holocaust, Germany's Forgotten Genocide," and "Heart of Darkness" (a piece of complete fiction). The mod's description begins with a quote from a book furthering the myths of European movement of African wealth and of African society being developed as a backlash against European imposition. The mod author obviously can't make the mod from a neutral standpoint regarding colonialism.

Overall, I rate the submod a 4/10. You should install it if you don't want "le evil Nazi controls Africa!" or "ebin wholesome black man unifies Africa!" for the millionth time, but it should be understood that the submod has a heavy slant toward anti-colonialism and is made for someone who can accept this unquestioningly, the type who thinks effort equals quality and a long bibliography is inherently good. It is, perhaps, exclusively anti-German in that the mod author won't display the management of French colonial possessions in Africa due to how much it would weaken the Entente. This is in spite of the French administration being split by the Sahara Desert and the existing potential but lack of probability that the French have rebellions of their own.

Examining this submod and frequently playing Kaiserredux have made me wish the 8chan successor imageboards could make a fork  of KX or a mod of our own.
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Reminder that the Remilia mod is dead and will stay dead
Replies: >>243540 >>243892
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Having not played it in three years, has Stellaris become a game worth playing or is it still a glorified mobile game?
The Remilia mod?
I found a weird incompatibility. Anime Autobahn breaks Musterkolonie's history files. Anime Autobahn should only touch tech files, yet, for some reason it seems to overwrite history files. Every reskinned nation is the original nation but with new leaders, while every new nation is what it would be in Kaiserredux.

This next incompatibility is in Imperator. It seems that Gift of the Nile, an alternate history mod with PoDs in the Bronze Age, doesn't work with any mod that changes culture, other than Invictus. This means that Reanimata and GotN are incompatible because Reanimata, which is mostly a mechanics mod, includes a handful of new cultures, so one of the most promising alternate history mods (looking at you, Persepolis), and the biggest expansion for the game can't be used together.
>Strat bombing caps at 100
>Shore bombardment caps at 25
>Attack over defense/breakthrough deals crit damage
>Air combat width exists and is based on the width of the enemy ground force, or total hull size at sea
>Speed and visibility reduction on vessels are effectively extra defence
>Air attack=agility>air defense>everything else
>Ctrl+click the frontline to cancel force attack on selected units
>AI submarines ALWAYS flee from DDs, even if the DDs don't have any way to reveal or damage them
>Cav officer, media personality, war hero, brilliant strategist, reckless, harsh leader, armor officer and engi officer traits all give extra chance for  the general to gain attack stat on level up
>Trait xp gains faster on low level generals (someone might have to fact check this one)
Someone will benefit from this
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