/rozen/ - Rozen Maiden

A shrine for dolls

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Replies: >>8 >>512
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Well, here we are. Still much more to be done, it's a start.
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It's time.
Replies: >>7
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>>2 (OP) 
>Best doll?
>Best anime OP?
>2000s series vs 2013?
>Anything else?

* I love all of the dolls but only 1 can become alice (pic related).
* I liked all of the OPs but ouvertüre OP is the best: https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Zaw8AR9fdY0
* 2000s/Nomad animation is better desu but the 2013 version is also good.
* https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=UaQQBJV6LZI
Replies: >>9 >>12 >>20 >>105
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>Best doll?
Gin-sama ofcourse.
>Best anime OP?
More like ED, I still get gooseflesh from träumends ending song.
>2000s series vs 2013?
Not a big fan of NOMADS personal lore being implemented, no offense to barafags, also sword fetish. So I personally would have to say the DEEN adaptation Is much better.
>Anything else?
Read the manga, read rozen maiden 0
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Greetings from >>>/digi/
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Thoughts on the PS2 geimu?
Replies: >>13
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I'm going to add a few new questions.
>Best doll?
>Worst doll?
>Best anime OP?
Kinjirareta Asobi. Träumend's OP is also a very good choice.
>Best anime ED?
Träumend had the best ED for sure. It's song just always speaks to me. Second best is Overtüre's ED.
>2000s vs 2013 OST?
This is a tough one. Overall I think that Zurückspulen's soundtrack is superior.
>Favorite track from the OST?
>2000s series vs 2013?
I'm not sure. I think I prefer the DEEN one, though I liked NOMADS animation better. I'm still foolish enough to think that someone will make a proper adaptation someday, or even a sequel.
>Anything else?
I was reading the manga, but I've stopped because Desuchan went down and I couldn't download the rest of it from it (I really regret not downloading everything in bulk). I remember stopping somewhere where Jun was near a giant cliff in another realm. I'm thinking of continuing reading it soon, if I will be even able to find the translated manga somewhere.
I didn't even know Rozen Maiden had PS2 games
Replies: >>14
I didn't either but seeing them in-motion they actually look really fun.
Taito made some solid arcade fighters apparently.
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/japan/ welcomes another shitboard
Replies: >>16
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Bjd's are always welcomed here.
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>rozen maiden
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>Best doll?
The more I try to think about it, the more unclear this answer becomes. Hina is greatly underappreciated though.
>Best anime OP?
Traumend for sure
>2000s series vs 2013?
Definitively the 2000s series. 2013 had too many issues from rushing through the first half of the manga to get to unwound Jun, and it felt like it missed the charm of the first anime in terms of production at least
>Anything else?
I feel like I am the only person who prefer's Nomad's fanfiction story to the original manga. That's not to say that the manga is bad in anyway, but I just couldn't get behind it all that much. Don't know if I'll check out 0 at any point though.
Rozen is not an actual person, right?
Replies: >>22 >>23 >>300
he made the dolls dude
Replies: >>24
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he is
Why don't the dolls remember his face distinctively though? Why does Jun magically have the ability to stitch dolls back to life? This makes me think that Rozen is more of an archetype than a person.
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this is an alice board
Replies: >>26
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I think Medicine fits better with this board
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sticky updated, the entire manga will also be added to the sitcky. as well as more resources.Also Announcements will eventually be used and updated.
Replies: >>28
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Great! But pls put the full URLs on the sticky and not shortened URLs so people will see where they lead to. And the URL shortener may be collecting telemetry data? Soryy if I sound like a sperg... Also, it might be also more future proofed as well since URL shortening service can start blocking Tor.

> the entire manga will also be added to the sitcky. as well as more resources.
Replies: >>29
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sure thing, thanks for the heads up. How are you?
Replies: >>30
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I haven't actually gotten around reading the manga, despite I have seen the anime years ago.

>How are you?
I'm preparing to go to bed.
Replies: >>31
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Link to the full Rozen Maiden manga is now up, enjoy.
>I haven't actually gotten around reading the manga
better time than any to start.
>I'm preparing to go to bed.
sweet dreams
Replies: >>55
what happen to the /desu/ server with everything including the anime
Replies: >>57 >>105
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ah the old 4zip, that has been gone for years, there was some gems in there too.
Replies: >>62
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Also to add, some of those assets have been retrieved much like the papercraft models and some stuff from the janusvr thread, I personally could not tell you if it would be hosted up anytime soon, however I would like to see it, or the closest thing to it, right now I thing Desu has the biggest archive out of most of us. They have yet to pay a visit here. Soon I guess.
Replies: >>71 >>105
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Personal notes:
- flags need fixing
- last of icons, along with ban, spoilers and file deleted images need to be implemented. 
- more updates to new sticky
Am I missing anything?
I rest now, for a little bit.
Replies: >>71
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It's been almost 2 decades and I still haven't watched this animango
crying i want it back give it back
Replies: >>63 >>81
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All in due time friend, I plan to add some more things to the sticky, like desubuddy (yes it was found again) along with some other goods, perhaps AliBAT as well.
Replies: >>81
Desubuddy and jazzbuddy added to Sticky, enjoy ^^
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Every time I'm getting another shot of covid vaccine and suffer from some side effects I'm experiencing some inexplicable feel of being mortal, wanting to ensure that I can reach out for someone able to take my last words if necessary.
Sadly I'm still too occupied with my main job and some prepping activities in case of was escalate to full utilities destruction or nuclear strikes, along with some subliming activities to flush reflections with some technical thoughts, something vital for one with not good heart condition and lack of luxury of getting drunk or drugged to relax...
I'm stopping by to ask, why this chan? I'm totally lost since February to watch things closely, just curious why there is such a large difference in perceived activity between this chan an 8chan.moe?
Replies: >>72 >>99
Which "Desu" exactly? There are dozens of them, including me.
>flags need fixing
Just grab them from 8/desu/ or moe/desu/.
>ban, spoilers and file deleted images
Again, moe/desu/.
See 8/desu/.
Replies: >>72
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Kirafag, I am here for you..
>experiencing some inexplicable feel of being mortal, wanting to ensure that I can reach out for someone able to take my last words if necessary.,
I know you don't like the mushy stuff, but you have been a dear friend for quite some time, I have learned a lot through you and your efforts will never go unrecognized as long as I am around. I am here for you.
>something vital for one with not good heart condition and lack of luxury of getting drunk or drugged to relax...
As much as I have no room to speak, in situations like these I would feel having such a luxury would be detrimental to you, sounds like you have become ill since when we last spoken, worries me.
>I'm stopping by to ask, why this chan? I'm totally lost since February to watch things closely, just curious why there is such a large difference in perceived activity between this chan an 8chan.moe?
being we had no time to really do research on these chans, we were in a bit of a pinch and had to make a choice fast. 8moe and sleepychan being being suggested or something that will never happen, return to 4/bant. 8moe being first in line, work started being put in putting the board together, all the while a neihboring board over at 8moe /digi was in the works of migrating over here, curious of what all the fuss was about, i decided to ask around, and got some answers. So 8moe is now just a bunker in the case the worse is to come here. But yes, this chan is very social. A nice change of pace from the usual working quietly in the background.
>Which "Desu" exactly? There are dozens of them, including me.
The zombie, I wish there wasn't bad blood in all honesty.
Already have them put away conveniently, I am just more find difficulty getting things done while on the move. Getting the small things I can out of the way in the mean time.
Replies: >>78 >>82 >>105
>couldn't even post the doll threads in the right order
What a failure of a board.
Replies: >>75
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Hey I wanted to align them by post number, but that requires activity, people are never happy.
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>I know you don't like the mushy stuff
That's true, though it's probably something misunderstood, it's not disliking it per se, definitely not the case seeing it's going around, but rather some buildup of mocking and treachery accidents that make me overly cautious with these things, especially with manifestations of such an individual feel like love at such extremely impersonal place like imageboards.
>sounds like you have become ill since when we last spoken
Being prone to stress-induced arrhythmia is not something new, I treat it something like dental care, don't do this and that and take some extra activities to distract even if they are not profitable or fun to avoid building up problems. Having lowered my online activities since 2018 and diving into experiments with heat to electricity converion was to some extent driven by that considerations as well, I have probably told it already.
I'm more suffering with the things related to the war, ranging from being eligible for mass enlistment to nuclear bombing that are not something unreal, seeing virtually everything Russian-speaking outside home thread being hostile, especially some tech forums, knowing that this and that person were personally involved in a cruise missiles or other military materiel development directly threatening me also does not help things.
I see. I'm not sure anyone can willingly host such things, more like it's a lack of global stuff manpower but the net result is the same, such chans tend to die or be hacked too fast to use as a bunker.
What is the state of desuchan, is it planned to be ever back?
Replies: >>80
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>seeing it's going around, but rather some buildup of mocking and treachery accidents that make me overly cautious with these things, especially with manifestations of such an individual feel like love at such extremely impersonal place like imageboards.
Understood, I do wish you the best though, even if I haven't been around, and only being as active because the current circumstances, even though I would like that to change, perhaps all in due time we will see. In the mean time it's nice to see all these dolls come out of the woodwork.
>Being prone to stress-induced arrhythmia is not something new.
I definitely see that you take on quite a bit, unfortunate that it's making you sick, I could not begin to comprehend the stress, especially in these times.
>I'm more suffering with the things related to the war, ranging from being eligible for mass enlistment to nuclear bombing that are not something unreal,
I figured that would be the case, what is happening to the world..
>Russian-speaking outside home thread being hostile, especially some tech forums,
Geez.. you know I have been mad curious on how .rip has been doing since all this. I really need to stop poisoning myself.
Replies: >>100
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I got the sui along with sou and her together but that's just about it
If it don't work just holla at me.
Definitely not the biggest.
>Already have them put away conveniently
But I just posted them...
Replies: >>85
I will replace them, with yours, not sure what changed up the flags.
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- Flags have been updated, 
- Cycle thread and Board owner icons added to assets
- still got some more assets to go, Will backlog and check on resources provided.
will continue this post once awake.
did not see.
for now I rest, sweet dreams.
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Replies: >>93
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Excellent almost everything is done, that I know of.
so cute, this reminds me of those old pixiv profile pictures that people had about a decade ago
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Thanks for uploading the manga and adding it to the sticky, really helpful. Now I'm finally going to read it.
>he took the vaxx
At least tell me you were forced to (no, being threatened to be fired from your job doesn't count); I assume yes, if you are from Russia.
Replies: >>100
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> what is happening to the world..
Well, most of the current happenings are not something unique in the history and predictable.
You can probably recall that I was discussing relocation years ago, and those discussions were never motivated by the country itself, I love it, the only two reasons were some job opportunities and avoiding political risks caused by being near Russia. The annex of Crimea is effectively no different from the ongoing war, it was the lack of will to fight back and some EU push to make business as usual that made that annex so smooth and unnoticed to the rest of the world...
> how .rip has been doing since all this.
The whole point of that chan is best described within .rip TLD description - it's a monument for deceased 2ch.ru that used to be *the* post-soviet chan, and to the attempts of some rebelling 2ch.hk mods to revert the crash course of mass advertisements and growing ties with Russian government back to something more anarchic and free. That plans had never happened - the key figure of the project become too busy evacuating himself from Russia to the western hemisphere, and the whole chan is stuck in semi-finished state for ages, that person don't have much time and motivation to complete it, nor he is willing to terminate his ties to his memories of being young and extremely influential in the internets...
Unfortunately "eastern" chan culture will never be unified anymore, some key rally points like lurkmore.to were shut down by their owners, and its utterly schizophrenic to try to play nice with someone known supporting the other side in the war IRL, it's happened that my home thread is almost unifiedly opposing the things but that's not the case of some other eastern rm communities...
Sadly many of those posters are not speaking English and some are not tech persons to actively use VPNs, so moving on from .rip is not an option, for now.

I strongly dislike WHO's 'lie for good' actions like modulation masks availability for the medics with drastic changes of their effectiveness data, but I'm also not having first world privilege of being NEET or live in separate house, ride to work with the car and work in some small shop or manufacturing with near-perfect self-isolation from the society.
Things are very different when one is evacuated in extremely overcrowded train for 12+ hours with the major people are not wearing the masks due to the poor ventilation, like I did or bald and bankrupt did: https://youtu.be/hzBxFH_hEwA?t=485
Or, taking shelter in some random location with some random people, like many of my less fortunate colleagues had.
Being sick to not able to run is the last thing you'd want during air alert and cruise missiles flying around, and ICU's and ambulances are too busy with wounded soldiers to take any chances to be need of them. So yes, taking vaccine is the deliberate decision.
Replies: >>106
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I've considered getting a doll, I want her to be s cute maid with an uncertain expression.  Also this CSS is bangin
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>Best Doll
Suiseiseki, obviously.
>Best anime OP
2013, it's so high energy
>20000s series vs 2013?
Can I have 2013 style with 2000's proportions?
>Anything else?
I am aho

This is going to come back up eventually. Unfortunately there are server name ownership issues that need to be fixed.

I am here

Vile. Disgusting. Hellsite.

you know... this is accurate.
But it is the month of spooks. Perhaps some true resurrection can be started. Now where to find a philosophers stone.
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Ok, I suppose from the poor English that you are indeed Russian, so you I presume you were forced by the military to take the vaxx; that's less bad, although if I were you I'd frankly choose jail over irredeemably screwing my health.
>first world privilege
NEETdom is a global phenomenon; even Latin America has it's own name for it. Anyway, if your parents aren't (or weren't; you are already doomed anyway) jerks, you could have asked them to lodge you home until you managed to find a diversified/stable source of income to remain independent of the soystem/globohomo apparatus as much as possible, but I guess it's too late now that you have taken the vaxx, and the side effects are already taking place from what you say; just pray that your death be as painless as possible.
>work in some small shop
Have you considered being a freelancer? Or a tradesman?
>Being sick to not able to run
I contracted the coof (did not take the vaxx or ever wore a mask btw) once and the worst that happened to me is having a fever, an irritated throat and sneezing for a few days; it's not as bad as they tell you, trust me.
> so I presume you were
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It was really not that bad to take the vaxx either. I had it, and still got covid, so fat lot of good that did, but am not suddenly dying, infact my health is improving fairly well. Just used as an experiment so someone could line their pockets.

Something I saw in the last dying breaths of 9chan, there was a post.
"Suiseiseki is home"

And suddenly this sentence illuminates everything clear as day.
I have been traveling far far far too long, places I was warned not to and hell's have I seen. I am still there even, I am not here, visiting here, perhaps, or sending a message, with work I want to finish before traveling away from there. Perhaps it is time to begin traveling home.

and tell a certain someone "you told me so"
Replies: >>110 >>112
>still got covid
Yeah, plenty of vaxxies I know got the coof regardless, and ironically their symptoms were worse than mine.
>but am not suddenly dying
Well, you don't have to die now; the technology behind this "vaccine" is untested and side effects of vaccines may take a long time to manifest (which is why vaccines require years, sometimes a decade, before they can be safely released to the public), so hope for the best.
Replies: >>112 >>117
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>independent of the soystem/globohomo apparatus as much as possible
Why should I?
>the side effects are already taking place from what you say
These effects are short lived, this is my 4th shot.
>Have you considered being a freelancer?
My father is fire protection freelancer engineer for 20+ years. That's suck, mostly due to a large amount of communications with local government officers.
>it's not as bad as they tell you, trust me
I trust to the personal observations - some of those colleagues who had sheltered if the office get a 1-2 weeks of strong fever and some relatives got to hospital and had troubles to even climb the stairs for months. The latter relatives are big fan of quackery and could poison themselves with some extreme diet or something, though.
Replies: >>112 >>113 >>117
Vax doesn't make you immune or non contagious, it merely makes have less symptoms.
Also, the more vax you take the more your bodies immune system gets fucked, including more probability of mental illness.

Replies: >>113
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>Why should I?
So you avoid being a guinea pig and similar calamities.
>this is my 4th shot?
>That's suck
You don't have to work with that exactly; make a living fixing boomer's PCs and what not, at your own pace :^)
>it merely makes have less symptoms
Unlikely given the track record of SARS vaccines; I can confirm from my own experience that vaxxies had it worse than I when they contracted the coof.
Replies: >>114 >>117 >>119
>Unlikely given the track record of SARS vaccines; I can confirm from my own experience that vaxxies had it worse than I when they contracted the coof.
Not surprised considering that's a line they only came up with when not even the normalfags were falling for their "99%" and rapidly falling immunity scam.
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Just a little poison, Sunday will be back in shape.
Replies: >>117
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Good thing i get regular blood tests and check for clots.
I should be fine.

Ah hello kira long time no see. Still in the west side of your country? Hope all is safe-ish

>make a living fixing boomer's PCs and what not
This is a pain in the ass, trust me
Especially when an old man asks you to fix his porno scam website 

Ah, be careful, pace yourself.
Replies: >>119
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Pacing, heh he hehe... at least the week has begun, detox time.
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> So you avoid being a guinea pig and similar calamities.
I wish I'd had that kind of troubles...
> living fixing boomer's PCs
People here have some relatives to fix them for free, those who are not tends to be extremely poor and unpleasant, that's perhaps the worst non-physical job possible.
Jobs market is very different across the countries, and for those who don't want to deal with something barely legal or dangerous programming for some foreign company is virtually the only choice. I'd like to do something useful and more physical and had some experience crafting electronics parts for fire and physical security but with every possible modules and adapters available at Amazon that's a dead end...
Hello again.
I moved home month ago, from safety perspective is does not make a big difference, dozen cruise missiles were targeting Kyiv today:
Given the randomness of the targets and non-trivial chances to simply freeze to death with the destruction of power plants it makes somewhat funny to see comments about long-tem vaxx symptomes, soyciety etc, both due to the personal risks, and the challenges to the latter soyciety ranging from a direct impacts like gas pipe disruptions to the challenging the idea why should not every country stockpile nuclear weapons for self-defense: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum
Replies: >>170
glad this place exist
Replies: >>129
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you too ^^
Replies: >>274
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Do the lurkers of /rozen/ get enough lactic acid?
Replies: >>135 >>170
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I miss the times when I could have it enough.
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Hello /rozen/
Nice to meet you
Replies: >>138
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Hai desu.
Replies: >>139
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I'm new here, from another board. What goes on round these parts?
Replies: >>140
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We discuss dolls, and Rozen Maiden.
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Css has been updated, how are you alpha?
Replies: >>161
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Do you feel that something is missing but can't quite figure out what it is? I do.
For the love of Goddess, please replace
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Thanks. ~desu
>how are you
Having fun with antibiotics and painkillers, because clearly I don't have enough problems to deal with. Another impressive month, for sure. I can barely walk or breathe. Another unforgettable month.
But what about you? Seems like you've become much less active these days. Everything alright? I've met Gin-Gin in the dream world a couple of times this week. She was, uh, replacing the flooring with carpet. Somewhere unknown. Yeah. I'm not sure I got that right, I guess I'm forgetting something. When was the last time you had a dream about Her? Or anyone else, for that matter?
Replies: >>162 >>170
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All updated ^^
>Having fun with antibiotics and painkillers, because clearly I don't have enough problems to deal with. 
Soo many substances, the hardest part is there are no other options but to rely on them, hang in there friend. The best of your health is always in my thoughts.
>Another impressive month, for sure. I can barely walk or breathe. 
Sounds like a nightmare, the cold is coming. Worst time of year for me personally, always sore. Harder to get out of bed. And that Grey I told you about some time back. Very depressing season.
>Seems like you've become much less active these days. Everything alright? 
For the most part it was just last week, very hectic, little to no sleep and sore as ever. Have got some time to recover, perhaps something to distract me from the bottle is a good thing. None the less I am here, always willing to greet guests, and the others.
>I've met Gin-Gin in the dream world a couple of times this week. She was, uh, replacing the flooring with carpet. Somewhere unknown. Yeah. I'm not sure I got that right, I guess I'm forgetting something. 
Interesting, I wonder what that would mean, what does it mean to you?
>When was the last time you had a dream about Her? Or anyone else, for that matter?
Not in a very long time, perhaps my mind is too clouded to notice her. If she is even there, I like to believe so. None the less she is in my thoughts, perhaps it's just the fatigue that even in dream the rest is needed.
Replies: >>170 >>195
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>moved home
>does not make a big difference
Oh dear. That is terrifying. I hope someone rebels against Putin internally soon. I think everyone but him wants this damn war over.
If you are still hoping to flee the country, pretend to be bisexual? There are lots of American orgs for extradition of lgbt ukranians, and getting asylum from persecution from eastern European countries is easy.

Our problems seem so minor in comparison. But thats how politicians make their votes and their money, every problem must be the biggest, and its all the other guys fault so just voting the opposition in to do nothing "fixes" it they claim. 
Ah well, failures and incompetence just leave room for upward movement and opportunities for those clever and dedicated enough (and lucky enough) to seize them.

Anyways. There is now a plan to start translating again. The original manga, using the new manga release. I bought two of every volume and am slowly scanning them. Our translator is still busy so it may be a long while though.

No, nowhere near enough. I clearly need more, time to go to the store and buy more yakult.

As always I pray for your health.
I wish I had dreams of her, or dreams at all. I may have had one but my memory is fuzzy, but generally I only have one nightmare per year, thats it.
Maybe once i do these sleep apnea tests if i get treated i will get sleep deep enough to dream.

The cold is nice, breathing is easier, and the snow is beautiful. 

Good luck staying away from the bottle, you can do it. Remember,its a mood enhancer, not a memory forgetter, if you take to forget a bad mood it will just make things worse even if it dulls for a moment. Always keep that in mind.
Another trick I learned helping another who is alchoholic, if you MUST drink, use a glass, no drinking whisky from the bottle! Keeps portions limited.

I am still far away, struggling to get closer and return, but steps, baby steps, my long fight elsewhere may come to a close soon? Or be taken on by others to carry the torch so I can fade away from any spotlights. Im tired of spotlights and attention.
Replies: >>199
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Replies: >>175
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Greetings ^^
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Replies: >>193
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Hello, will do. 
How are you?
Replies: >>195
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Great. This place is turning into 9/desu/ before its demise, and, unsurprisingly, by the same posters. Mind you, I'm not even talking about the prevalence of irrelevant silly irl offtopic posting about filthy humans and their issues centralized in one thread, which eventually killed 8/desu/ (Again, I'm really sorry). We stray further and further away from RM. You really should think about enforcing the rules and attracting fresh blood if you don't want this place to become something like that abomination of mine. You could even ban me, and you'd be right, Zeta.
>its a mood enhancer
Hahaha! Oh, wow. Peasants are so funny.
Thank you, my dear. ~desu
>Very depressing season.
I stopped noticing the difference a long time ago. But there is spring in my eternal winter, and I will wait for it, no matter what. Spring will come. She's coming. I just need to push a little more. And we will finally be free.
>Interesting, I wonder what that would mean, what does it mean to you?
I don't know. Suigintou has always been a silent guide to places where I am not allowed to be. She often smokes, perhaps hinting at someone, and always looks at me with regret and fatigue in her eyes. Sometimes she tells me something, but I don't remember the details. I used to often meet her near the central skyscraper of the Dream City and at the neighboring bar. When I want to find her, I can't, but she always finds me when it's necessary. Sometimes I see her with Kanaria. Smiling. They are so beautiful, mysterious and magnetic. But they only guide and transport me. Other than that, they hardly interact with me in any way. But maybe there's a lot of things I don't remember. I'm sure there is. ~desu
>If she is even there
She is. Even though she is always wandering somewhere, she is always there.
>perhaps it's just the fatigue that even in dream the rest is needed
I really don't think so. Just try to remember and write down everything you saw immediately after waking up. I know it's very difficult. But it's possible. ~desu
>How are you?
Drawing Suiseiseki and cleaning dust from paintings and figurines. Delaying the inevitable and getting drunk to drown out my fear and anxiety. But I'm out of time (and money) (and pills). Tomorrow or the next day I'll probably disappear for a month or two. Or four. I don't know. If everything goes well, without injuries from symptoms and fatal outcomes, I will definitely try to get in touch. We will. I promise. Everything will be all right. ~desu
Please, be safe, and Good Fuck. I mean, good luck. Goddess bless you, my dear.
So much snow... Brings back memories. Where are you now?..
Replies: >>196 >>197
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9/rozen/, yeah. I'm sorry, I am kind of a mess today. ~desu
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>This place is turning into 9/rozen/ before its demise
Perhaps you may be right, I feel more soul was put into here, at least within my own efforts. I still will do my best to keep this place up to par.
>You really should think about enforcing the rules and attracting fresh blood
You are absolutely right, i have done my efforts in the past, do i have to continue doing it alone? everyone is gone, at least in that time and memory. Perhaps the case now that I don't feel like a nomad, being settled looking after this place and before. Just as you did for 8/desu/ a massive improvement from a squatter board. I want to make sure to keep that up, No matter how critical. How else does anyone learn anything?
>that abomination of mine.
that abomination is my home, mind you. Even in its decrepit state, its what is left.
>You could even ban me, and you'd be right.
You are being silly, I don't mind it.
last i heard this name was from epsilon, still dont feel i deserve it. But entrusted with such I will hold true to it. I still have him in my thoughts, I hope you do as well, regardless of the past. 
>But there is spring in my eternal winter, and I will wait for it, no matter what.
Yes, eventually. I am patient, at least sweater/jacket weather is nice. Just the lack of color.
>she is always wandering somewhere, she is always there.
I wonder if I am a fool in her eyes, I do my best and always will. 
>Tomorrow or the next day I'll probably disappear for a month or two.
I will have you in my thoughts, and as always will be here and there watching.
>Please, be safe, and Good Fuck. I mean, good luck.
You are silly, but I appreciate the good wishes.
Replies: >>198 >>201
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i have no idea what's going on here but, all of you are very based and it'll turn out fine.
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Does anyone have hands-on experience with kerosene heaters like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ya7-MeWRtp8 ? Is it viable to use one with the plain diesel fuel?
I'll try to relocate to less damaged cities in case of new bombings and massive power and centralized heating outages, but I'd like to have some backup solution better than using propane torches or isopropyl alcohol filled dishes for heating...

>I hope someone rebels against Putin internally soon.
It's more likely that the coup will bring someone more bloodlusting and matching the Russians expectations. Much like Russian Empire royal family was overthrown by a democratic parties that in turn were quickly overthrown by communists that had tried to go west and fire world wide communist revolution in Germany and were stopped only by Poland with western aid...
>There are lots of American orgs for extradition of lgbt ukranians
I'm not aware about any success stories of that kind. Also, lgbt/political/etc asylum cases are not driven by ones simply having some physical or mental conditions, they are for *public activists* with the track record of being oppressed by a government, it's not something that can be easily forged. Those refugees that are coming to US from Mexican border, for example, are either fine with being a lifetime illegal immigrant or are making a decent background case with well payed lawyers to get approval.
The only recent success stories I'm aware of involves buying some fake truck driver license, driving out with temporary permissions and making payoffs to get lost from state-wide registry, but that's a felony that even if succeed now can get uncovered many years later.

I have rigged some car batteries and UPS to deal with 3-10 hours long power outages for my laptop and customers equipment but it's much more difficult to do something with heavily overloaded cellular networks and Starlink is not an option for the dense apartments. Having to squeeze all the time with internet available for work activities leaves a little time for posting. Power outages are also exploding housekeeping efforts - I need to climb to the 16th floor, taking less goods in multiple runs, water pumps are not working without electricity and I have to maintain some water stashes, it also took many weeks to get a proper tourist stove, before that I had to cook with a propane brazing torch...
Replies: >>203
>/rozen/ - Rozen Maiden
Replies: >>203
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>This place is turning into 9/rozen/ before its demise
I guess now I don't have to explain why.
Now all that's left is a bunch of pseudo-religious ravings about mixers and some lunatic breaking into the thread going bananas over "meta" or their past connections, begging for attention for over 9000 posts. The latter is partly from the predecessor board, I guess, but whatever. Add some drama and the transformation will be complete.
So I really insist on my previous thesis. Also I suggest adding rm.booru.org as a backup of rmbooru.org ~desu
>How else does anyone learn anything?
Just make sure that you won't regret it. Please. ~desu
>You are being silly
I'm completely serious. ITT there are certain posters that would be happy to see it done. Nevermind.
>still dont feel i deserve it.
>I wonder if I am a fool in her eyes
Now it's you who are being silly. Do you prefer tripcodes, silly names or strict avatarfaggotry in such a tight community? The numbers are no longer for us, let them rest in peace. And if you are a fool, even more so in her eyes, then I am, uh, um... Desufag has no words for you, my dear brother.
You know that Suigintou is not a child anymore. ~desu
>I still have him in my thoughts, I hope you do as well, regardless of the past.
Of course I do. And I really don't think he's gone far away for good. He even posted on this board a few times that I'm aware of. You just didn't notice it. I guess he must have his reasons for lurking, and I doubt it's about you, more likely it's because of me, the zombies, or his personal life. I guess. Well, he should know better, maybe he'll talk to you himself. Right? ~desune
>I do my best and always will. 
I know. And she knows, too! Even better than me. ~desuyo
I feel like I have nothing to contribute to /doll/. Yet. Maybe someday, in better times, I'll show something. But not now, we are not ready.
Eh, the last smoke of this year, I guess. Here we go. Hold me tight, hold me tight, my Maiden of Gardens.
>I will have you in my thoughts, as always will be here and there watching.
Thank you, one more time. Remember that no matter what, we are always with you. I also will always see you and this place in my dreams. ~desu
>You are silly
└ </⌐■‿■\> ┐
Replies: >>203
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^ ^
Replies: >>203
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unfortunately i dont, there may be perhaps someone i could ask. Hang in there.
a closed mouth never gets fed.
>The latter is partly from the predecessor board, I guess, but whatever.
I was going to say, I think its much too early to go that route, I feel things could be much better. I feel leaving resources and such, leaves more than enough of a chance to learn a bit more about RM than what was seen on imageboards and well the anime itself, personally would like to discuss more RM especially with visitors, mind you. I say a lot of these concerns with off topic garbage much like before is the result of being hidden away, with only a handful of us that live on these boards, than the visitors who likely had no clue we even existed, i mean its been years I personally cant remember many visits from guests until the /rozen project came into play. I see a little progress, perhaps i am being to hopeful, who knows.
>Just make sure that you won't regret it. Please. ~desu
I still have no regrets to this day, there have been tough times, but overall I am still here for a reason. I regret nothing.
>ITT there are certain posters that would be happy to see it done.
huh, too bad thats not going to happen.
>Do you prefer tripcodes, silly names or strict avatarfaggotry in such a tight community?
Ew, by the seven no, please no. I accept it i accept it. hehe.
>You know that Suigintou is not a child anymore. ~desu
I feel she has never been, but has a standard to uphold, I feel its my obligation to carry myself as such, I wonder what is the quiet gintos view on the matter.
>Of course I do. And I really don't think he's gone far away for good. He even posted on this board a few times that I'm aware of. You just didn't notice it.
As said many times, such watchful christmas eyes you have, quite observant. He is a sneaky one, hopefully those posts were in good faith. I never wanted to let him down.
>I guess he must have his reasons for lurking, and I doubt it's about you, more likely it's because of me, the zombies, or his personal life.
there are a lot of differences that I wish i could personally fix, I know you are not too happy from a couple years ago, and with the ladder many more years of old bones. As for his flesh life it seems to be up and down, not that its my place to pry into such. Just my personal observation over the years.
>he should know better, maybe he'll talk to you himself. Right? ~desune
>Remember that no matter what, we are always with you. I also will always see you and this place in my dreams. ~desu
means a lot.
Oh you.
Replies: >>208 >>225 >>230
Why is it that the japanese fanbase only draws her with god damn balloon tits bigger than her entire body? her breasts are perfect as is
Replies: >>209
Tousen has his own vision of suigintou, at least he is the more notable suigintou artist, such wasted potential.
Replies: >>210
He's a racist sack of shit. Yeah its wasted potential, but his pixiv livestreams are fucked up.
Replies: >>212 >>215
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>He's a racist sack of shit.
Sounds like a cool guy. You got a link?
Replies: >>216
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Happy Pearl Harbor Day
You got any clips or VODs?
Seconding. I have to say he sounds pretty based.
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sticky updated, slightly. Wish there was a little more to work on.
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Merry Christmas season from >>>/digi/ !
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a merry christmas to you too.
Replies: >>231
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Ah, it's that time of year again.
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Merry Christmas you fuckinnn' chadsss
desu desu desu!!
Replies: >>231
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> there may be perhaps someone i could ask
Seems that non-powered models are sold out everywhere in Europe, so far I'm stuck with tea candles and gas lanterns, supplemented with carbon monoxide sensor...
-10°C outside and +12°C inside or 1-2 days of power outage does not sound too challenging per se, but power outage on high floor means water outage, cooking heat outage, and elevator outage at once, necessitate having pile of supplies and huge housekeeping efforts. One extra thing to hate russians for is this communists approach to the cities that was tried at west and left behind ages ago...
Overtiming to compensate for customer wishes to move the job to some other location and to catch up with the disruptions does not help either, I'm effectively not have weekends at all because it's time with generally more stable power and internet connectivity.
Moving elsewhere is useless, power outages are everywhere.
One of the most pitiful thing however is the state of chans and russian speaking internet in general. I'd be much comfier not having some inside statistics about the percent of war supporters, and those who are not have a strong tendency to leave anything russian behind, it's just a matter of time for all "eastern chans" to be shut down by their foreign owners...
Replies: >>237
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You have got to be fucking kidding me
Replies: >>227 >>230
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Well that was uneventful, back to the usual. Will look more into these changes, perhaps some fun things can be done.
I am not a fan of the "m" word.
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>I say a lot of these concerns with off topic garbage much like before is the result of being hidden away, with only a handful of us that live on these boards, than the visitors who likely had no clue we even existed
I, um... Ahem. Right. You're absolutely right, I guess.
>I feel she has never been
Everyone has been at some point or another.
>I wonder what is the quiet gintos view on the matter.
Hehe, hehehe. Hahaha~
Replies: >>237
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Meri Kurisumasu! ~desudesu
And to you too! ~desu
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My wishes tend to come alive in a very exaggerated manner, so I won't with anything but to merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
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Merikuri ^^
Good to see you all, best wishes.
Replies: >>234
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>You're absolutely right, I guess.
Do you trust in me? Tell me how you feel.
I am not the only Ginto here, there is an insightful and nice one watching.
Be nice, hehe If it were to come, I am willing to learn more.
I wish I had words to even match my concern kira, I feel soo tied not being able to help you in any way. I am with you, You are always in my thoughts.
>the state of chans and russian speaking internet in general. I'd be much comfier not having some inside statistics about the percent of war supporters, and those who are not have a strong tendency to leave anything russian behind, it's just a matter of time for all "eastern chans" to be shut down by their foreign owners...
I dont know how this chan handles information, I dont know the how bad the young ones are here, most can just be crap, I will learn, dig, and do my best. I do not trust these anons.
Replies: >>238
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>Do you trust in me? Tell me how you feel.
Of course, do I really have to say it? Is this how you honor the Third Doll, and the tribe unmourned? Come to me openly, and not by stealth. I've been with you for so long. Yeah, I've seen a bit of questionable things, but I don't mind it, especially since I don't remember much anymore. And you're genuine rozenfag, a real gintofag bean, I haven't seen anyone like you since, uh, since, the early 2010s, I guess. It's pretty much impossible to meet a Gintofag of such VIP quality these days. But wait, you're also a Kanafag! Did I mention that I fucking love kanafags? You're not a pretentious faggot influenced by retarded chaturbate maymays, but a true adorer of The Smartest One, an absolute winrar, that's even rarer. So, tell me, say it right in my stupid ass face, how can I not trust in you after all you've said and done? I would be right happy to visit that pub together with you if I could, but I can't, and I can't drink until I recover anyway. As for this place, just look at my board again, no, really, come to that place where destiny is made, come and look upon the index, and scroll some threads, come to me through fire and war. I welcome you. Then look at yours. ~desuyo
Do I have to say more? 
And about the words you said below, about anons and things - don't saw the branch you're sitting on. If you mean sleepychan, of course, I didn't really understand because I'm very sleepy. ~desu
>there is an insightful and nice one watching
A new one? Or you mean?..
>Be nice, hehe If it were to come, I am willing to learn more.
Eh? I mean, I was just amused because I said the exact same line out loud when I saw the blotter. ~desu
Replies: >>239
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>Is this how you honor the Third Doll, and the tribe unmourned?
Of course not, I just like to be sure I am not doing something wrong. I dont mind you, or anyone being blunt when it comes to concerns.
>Come to me openly, and not by stealth. I've been with you for so long.
And I feel I have not much to show, I am a simple person. But put my heart in places that maybe aren't. I have no motives, just making sure the things are okay. 
>So, tell me, say it right in my stupid ass face, how can I not trust in you after all you've said and done?   
Do not insult yourself, you are far from stupid. I simply do not want to let you or anyone down.
>I would be right happy to visit that pub together with you if I could,
aww, on me.
>A new one? Or you mean?..
>I was just amused because I said the exact same line out loud when I saw the blotter. ~desu
I did not have time to read over it so my skin crawled, had a sensible chuckle myself when i saw it was nothing too big.

Do not fret friend, I am here. And am happy that you and everyone else is, truly.
Replies: >>242
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You fags don't pronounce it as daysoo do you?
Replies: >>241 >>242
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Sui does as she pleases.
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I forgot that pinochan has kicked the bucket. Shit.
>Of course not, I just like to be sure I am not doing something wrong. I dont mind you, or anyone being blunt when it comes to concerns.
I will definitely try to be honest and blunt if anything concerns me, it's just that my brain hurts too much right now, I'm sorry. It's temporary. I hope.
>I have no motives, just making sure the things are okay. 
It's alright. So far, I don't see any major issues, apart from the ones I've already mentioned. But just glancing around here, I have a gut feeling that they are there, but I am not yet in a condition to summarize and express all my thoughts. But don't worry, all in due time, I guess.
>aww, on me.
Hehe. Okay. But next time it's my turn. ^ ^
> >A new one?
> >Or you mean?..
This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them!
>Do not fret friend, I am here. And am happy that you and everyone else is, truly.
I hope so, I guess. No, I'm talking nonsense again. Thank you. Me too. Really. I'm with you. ~desu
I wish I could help you so much. Especially if it's about me or this place. Or anything else, really. I'm not sure, but still. If only I could talk to you freely, like in the past, without forcing myself to squeeze out the words. I'm sorry. But I'll get better, I promise. By spring or summer for sure.
I think you forgot something, chibi motherfucker ですぅ
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Happy New Year! ~desu
Replies: >>244 >>245
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Happy new year to you too~
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Replies: >>246
Happy new year to you too by the way
Replies: >>248
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love you guys, wish i could share words. 
me poisoned, big sleep coming. I am very happy of everything you have done alpha, i dont even have words. Delta I wish, one day i will know you more.
epsilon, please stop hiding, I am willing to answer anything you have. I need you by my side. This is going to be a long ride.

Goodnight Sleepy-chan
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also, Mysterious Suigintou. I love you too, even though minimal you still check on those you love. I will never stop admiring your commitment, after soo many years.
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Kirafag, Thankyou for everything, I have learned soo much from you over the years, even just being a jaded adult you took me under your winf and I learned soo much, Your efforts will never be forgotten as long as I live. I promise you that with all my heart.
Nothing can stop me.
Replies: >>286
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Perhaps a bit much on the poison.
Replies: >>253
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Are you alright?
Replies: >>254
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recovered decently, a little hard to swallow food, but in much better shape than some benders in the past, Its time for some serious detoxing, about a week and some on uppers, has me on a very strong crash. Hard to get out of bed. Also was having a little chuckle at my drunk postings. Face palm moment.
Replies: >>255 >>256
i think the flags are broken again.
Replies: >>256
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I wanted to say something, but I know from experience that it's a waste of time. Well, uh, I'm not sure about your case, but still. It's just this feeling of powerlessness and inevitability. Ah, what the hell am I even talking about? I'm sorry.
And it's not like I'm any better, although I'm abusing a different and a little bit less harmful substance but systematically.
I mean, just don't forget that I'm always there for you. Please.
>Also was having a little chuckle at my drunk postings. Face palm moment.
Hehe, don't worry. It's okay, really. You know I love you too. ^ ^
I know this feeling too well.
I don't know, looks fine to me. ~desu
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This board needs more love.
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Happy Birthday and Happy 01/13 kashira!
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Aww, you remembered. Tyty ^^
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Of course I did. ~desu
^ ^
Replies: >>264
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Very flattering, i dont even have words. time is going by soo fast. Am growing more and more into a grumpy old coot hehe. How are you?
Replies: >>265
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Oh, come on, it's a matter of course. I wanted to make a little present for you, but I didn't make it in time. And I don't think I'll be able to get anything done for the next few days. And it would be inappropriate on any other day, I guess. Damn, now I feel bad. I'm sorry. ~desu
Time... Yeah. It terrifies me.
I'm... Getting very tired of the pain. But by the spring I should get a little better. Maybe by the summer. It's a matter of time and willpower. I'm still asleep, but I'm alive, and I'm not alone, and that's what matters the most, I guess.
What about you, my dear, dear friend?
Replies: >>266
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>oh, come on, it's a matter of course. I wanted to make a little present for you, but I didn't make it in time. 
Aww, there is no need, the gesture is a gem in itself. It's always nice to be remembered, very heartwarming.
>Damn, now I feel bad. I'm sorry. ~desu
Wha? No no stop that. There is no need for that, you have don't more than enough to make me smile, really.
>But by the spring I should get a little better. Maybe by the summer. It's a matter of time and willpower.
I believe in you, and seeing you being confident in yourself, you are always in my prayers. And I definitely see the feeling is mutual.
>I'm alive, and I'm not alone, and that's what matters the most, I guess.
No guessing, that is absolutely the case. Never question that.
>What about you, my dear, dear friend?
Tired as always, but that is not a bad thing. It's just part of my dance, after all my new years resolution is to smile more. Regardless of what is to come in the future, I feel I am ready.
Replies: >>273
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still cant post on 8/desu, sad..
Replies: >>273
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Sorry I haven't been on lately, I've been very sick over the past two weeks or so. Sorry.
>there is no need
Don't say that. I'll definitely make something for you. Maybe, maybe I'll come up with something even better.
Thank you. ~desu
>after all my new years resolution is to smile more. Regardless of what is to come in the future, I feel I am ready.
These words are one of the reasons why I like you so much.
Eh... Why? Works on my machine.
Replies: >>277
How on earth has my unfinished drawing from all those years ago ended up here?
Replies: >>275 >>276
You drew this? Any proof.
Replies: >>281
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this image holds value to me, original filename where it was posted. If you drew this, how did you find this place?
Replies: >>281
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>Sorry I haven't been on lately, I've been very sick over the past two weeks or so. 
No worries, really. You know i am here, and will be keeping an eye on home plate. To add to that, your css work is stunning. That Suiseiseki cutout is one of my favorite pieces, Very cute. I have said before, I will eventually become as talented as you. I could imagine what you would do with a /desu here ^^ But its fine where it is, hopefully all is archived before the worse, not that its any time soon from my own understanding. I will find a way around. I'll be there. 
I wanted to ask, I have seen you post this artist before, third image. I really like their art, I eventually need to share my collection. Which also comes to a correlation you will make. I couldn't bite my tongue, I may be apologizing for nothing but I know I should steer clear of there. So my apologies, immature.
Replies: >>279
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Sticky links for manga along with desu/jazz buddy updated, I think anonfiles is ded.
Replies: >>279
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Good. ~desu
>To add to that, your css work is stunning.
It's not. In fact, under the hood it's a nightmare. Imagine how many hindus and chinese would jump out of their windows upon seeing my code. As for the visuals, its "inspiration" really wasn't the best.
>hopefully all is archived before the worse
I still haven't restored all the missing images, I lack the energy and autism for such a task. I think it would be better to gather the filenames and hashes available on my HDDs and automate the process. Still, older posts with timestamps will require manual replacement by editing. Not mentioning all the lost files present in the archives only as thumbnails. What a bother. It would have been nice if someone had helped me with them, but oh well. ~desu
>Which also comes to a correlation you will make.
Don't worry, I made a correlation five years ago, then confirmed it again two years later. I was not amused, but we can continue to pretend it didn't happen, if you don't mind. Unless I missed something else back then. We'll see, I guess.
Eh... Bold is not "++" anymore. Pic related.
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It's an old drawing and I didn't finish it, sharing something like this feels a little funny.

Webring, probably.
I heard that a certain internet person was working on something relevant to bjd, they'd had a board on some 8ch fallout imageboard previously and I remembered ogling at dolls on anon.cafe some months before, so I went digging.
Replies: >>282
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wowow, that hooligan is an imposter, Nice to meet you on such an odd spectrum. that drawing has been used for very cool things, I wish I could show you it all. Perhaps I can pull up projects, you definitely deserve to see it ~kashira
Replies: >>284
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I need sleep huh

Well now I'm curious. what kinds of adventures has my drawing been on? Who's the hooligan?
Replies: >>288
What a time to be alive
fuck off glowniggers
Replies: >>288
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>what kinds of adventures has my drawing been on?
its been in collages, used as a car decal. even cut out and used as a Big head for 3d bedroom.
I will try to find old screens to show you. 
>Who's the hooligan?
I thought I knew now I think I am dead wrong, sadly it was shared anonymously on 4spam like 3-4 years ago. I had my suspicions of a name, now this changes everything. Nice to meet you artsy Ginto. 
You use these words, but I don't think you know what they mean.
Replies: >>291
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It's been quite a while since I indulged in active poasting, none of you know me, but over time you will.
I am not much of an artist, but I did do this on my phone a few months back, thought it might be appropriate to attach.

She is my beloved, my treasure.
Replies: >>372
Enjoy your stay ^^
Last edited by d0ll
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Oh, wow. You have more to prove than me now.
The entire story from my side is that there was a user on /g/ who shared their maiden folders with me and for a time I made sure to say something whenever I'd see them post. One day I was working on a drawing, so I shared a screenshot.
There's no way you'd have a name for me.
Replies: >>292
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This wasn't on /g/ this was another board what board I won't name. But perhaps a reverse image search will find that. And I strongly doubt you were there, we would have spoken. I remember vaguely talking to you about a community I looked after a couple years ago. A community I was not happy about. I have long since left. Just look back at 8/desu
Replies: >>293 >>294
But now I could see how that image was found, and reposted. I don't know that gin personally. I seen them a long time ago when /g/ was wiped and the only remaining thread was a rozen maiden one. That was 3 years ago I think.
Replies: >>294
Yep, that wouldn't be me. Your image is even edited, slightly.
Curious, isn't it?
Replies: >>295
Not really, most from there would be lurkers of /g/. With this I am more than certain it was just a repost. Disappointing
>edited slightly 
Yep, the anon I thought drew it drew many images in those threads, I suspected it was them. They were not even an RM fan, but knew I was, sad..
Replies: >>296 >>297
The filename on the currently open image in Krita in the version you posted is changed.
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I hope I didn't ruin an important memory.
Replies: >>299
Good morning all, hope you've all had a lovely day/evening/night
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Its okay, just a foolish misconception.
He is, but is implied that he's most likely death.
You could have at least read it to the end. But maybe you like your board better that way.
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Something about this image brings me a great warmth, she looks lovely.
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I have fallen off the wagon, but recovering. Will be back soon.
Sorry alpha.
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Alpha alpha, am I sick in the head or did something happen to 8kun??
Replies: >>307
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Yeah, it's kinda dead. The site is online and the boards are active, sort of, if that's what you're asking. But the frontend is now messed up.
Replies: >>308
I can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Replies: >>309
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Everything is fine.
very well..
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Alright, I think I have regained some sense, sticky has been fixed, a few more things need touching up as well. Also not going to leave the 8m/rozen to collect cobwebs and going to get everything up to date with here.
Last edited by d0ll
I hope (you) are doing well, my nameless friend
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Am much better, just had a minor spill slipping over a big bottle of bad choices along with substances, needed to clear my head and get all the evil things out of me. Everything was very blurry, but I feel my focus has returned.
Replies: >>315
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Do try to clean yourself up...
Replies: >>317
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Ofcourse ofcours, definitely in a better standing than a few weeks ago.
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Another great day for loving Suiseiseki!
Replies: >>337
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a wonderful day indeed desu.
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Better late than never.
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Oh. I see.
Alright then.
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Late again.. dang.
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What do you guys think about this vtumor's cover of Rozen Maiden's OP? The official Twitter account of Rozen Maiden retweed it.
Replies: >>353
Actually not half bad, not a fan of the anime letsplayers though.
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Not soo fast~
Replies: >>357
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Alright hmm, where to start.
I hope everything is fairing well for everyone, in somes circumstances that may be a tall order, but the best is in my wishes. Personally have been back and forth with stress and finding ways to combat it, seems to be a series of humps where one moment I am having sun enjoying the nice greens and yellows of summer feeling much more alive, healthier one moment, to the dark Grey blur of of my frustrations and my poor methods of dealing with them, time goes by soo fast in those stupors. All this being said I am still doing my best, the older I get the more pertinent it becomes to make these changes, how do I expect to be around forever?

This being said I hope you guys are doing your best as well, especially you Alpha, kirafag. Come sit down, touch base with me.
Replies: >>359
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sits down
Replies: >>360
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Hello ^ ^ how are things? It's been a bit. My apologies for my absence. Where have you been, anything new?
Replies: >>362
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Damn, for some reason I thought I had already replied to you. Sorry...
I, uh... I became even more lonely than before. I got off drugs, but I started drinking again. I have been drawing (and I'm getting better at it), writing, experimenting with very some interesting things Thanks to all the other desufags for existing, I eternally owe it to you, never change desu, I have even been playing and singing, after all these years. Maybe you'll see another Rozen Maiden guitar cover album in a year or two. Maybe not. Given the circumstances, I doubt it. Now I'm waiting for my new Rozen Maiden merch to arrive.
^ ^
Replies: >>363
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>Damn, for some reason I thought I had already replied to you. Sorry...
No worries, I am not going anywhere. Quiet, but here. I see you too are keeping tabs, much appreciated. The silence can be painful but whats new in that regard. hehe patient maidens.
>I became even more lonely than before.
I am sorry to hear that, however just know you are not alone. In the respect of mutual feelings, as well as you have a friend here to speak to if need be. ^ ^
>I got off drugs, but I started drinking again.
It never fails, the whole teeter totter of chemical dependency, I was recently putting all sorts of things in my body, I felt as if i was starting to loose my head, It took quite a bit some issues and a great amount of pain to detox from it all, However It only ended in returning to the bottle. I am doing my best to refrain from letting myself fall off the tracks not only for the sake of my own living, but overall happiness and health. Soo far I can confidently say I dont drink as much as I used to, unless one of those bad days comes around.. Hopefully you are not in too much pain, last we spoke of this you were on some strong mixes. I hope the detox wasn't too painful.
>I have been drawing (and I'm getting better at it), writing, experimenting with very some interesting things
Oh man, I really need to start drawing again. Its been quite some time.
how sweet
>I have even been playing and singing, after all these years. Maybe you'll see another Rozen Maiden guitar cover album in a year or two.
Now wouldn't that just be a treat, hopefully you do stick with it. 
>waiting for my new Rozen Maiden merch
There are definitely a good few recent releases I have my eye on, perhaps some new additions are in order in the future.
Replies: >>364
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*I bonk my head against the floor*
My head felt so numb, and imageboards paired with geppetto-4 are eating my brain away. But I stopped drinking for two whole days straight and had some diazepam, feels great ~desu. Now I can continue on with our never ending tea party (you're invited, I won't take no for an answer). In any case, thank you for being soo patient with me!
>you have a friend here to speak to if need be. ^ ^
Ehehe, thank you. I know. It's just... I peek in here almost every 30 minutes and stare at your posts, but can't quite come up with anything coherent to say.
>I was recently putting all sorts of things in my body, I felt as if i was starting to loose my head
I feel the opposite. Well, not quite, but I don't know how to say it better. If I don't cram some kind of poison into myself, I start to feel the ground slipping out from under my feet, I gradually lose control over my body and thoughts and stop distinguishing between what is real and what is not. And so on. But at the same time, I feel how this stuff is slowly but surely killing something inside me, irreversibly turning me into an empty shell. Not to mention the physical health withering away at light speeds.
And I've never felt one bit of happiness from any of that crap, and I don't consider that artificial, plastic thing that dopaminergics and empathogens give to be happiness. Souseiseki, on the other hand...
>Soo far I can confidently say I dont drink as much as I used to
That's great, that's really great to hear. *I... Yeah.*
>I hope the detox wasn't too painful.
I really, really hope I will never experience anything like that ever again. Opioids seem like a mild inconvenience in comparison.
>hopefully you do stick with it.
The custodian of my musical stuff is still in another city, so I can't make any promises. We'll see.
>There are definitely a good few recent releases I have my eye on
Yeah, right. Can't wait. I LITERALLY CAN'T AAAA
Replies: >>369
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The fuck is wrong with me, I really need to take a nap. Pretend that there's a spoiler on line 11.
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What in the goddamn
Replies: >>370

>Yuri Feats
>Touched Suiseiseki's face after she fell asleep.
>In the rainy forest, she carried Suiseiseki back home.

WJHATA FUCK MAN I lmao just fell outta my chair Ikuz i cloudnt stop laughh







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What the hell, don't show them Zero, they will explode and die on the spot!
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No worries really, time flies. As well as the right things to say. can always take a bit of time, I know i have quite some questions. Sometimes just don't know how to ask. 
>My head felt so numb, and imageboards paired with geppetto-4 are eating my brain away.
Very much relatable, on some fronts. But am sure I have said that enough. however much time is needed feel free, I am here.  
>But I stopped drinking for two whole days straight and had some diazepam, feels great ~desu.
I have been trying to keep to more, to detoxing naturally which can be a pain at times, especially when not in one place often. But progress is there none the less.
>Now I can continue on with our never ending tea party (you're invited, I won't take no for an answer).
I could not say otherwise, where can one sit?
>thank you for being soo patient with me!
Patience is common practice, and I do not mean with you. You are an absolute blessing, learned quite a bit from one and yourself, Thank you.
>I peek in here almost every 30 minutes and stare at your posts, but can't quite come up with anything coherent to say.
Sometimes I am surprised of my responses especially during well "those times" as being coherent, So I do quite the same, read over and a bit over, build up a nice proper response, well proper preparation prevents piss poor performance, "heh".
>I feel the opposite. Well, not quite, but I don't know how to say it better. If I don't cram some kind of poison into myself, I start to feel the ground slipping out from under my feet, I gradually lose control over my body and thoughts and stop distinguishing between what is real and what is not. And so on. 
I wish to not have to ever go through such means, but in a way I feel with every moment  have too much time on my hands. It is spent poisoning myself staying moving keeps me straight, but the moment I am left with nothing there is a need for a replacement for I guess what I could call the moments I stop moving, I desire to keep moving. even if it makes me sick. Its a mania of obsession I have dealt with for years but have yet to come to understand even now at my age. I am tired, but there is energy to burn.
you are fine, no worries. 
>I really, really hope I will never experience anything like that ever again. Opioids seem like a mild inconvenience in comparison.
Opioids have always been a fear of mine since I was a teen, popular among many but always seemed to end in the worse results, and this goes from the dumb snotnose to the injured or ill, in many cases its always been bad, but a necessary evil in a bunch of cases to even go on. I am weak in such senses so I hope my view is not too snow globed.
>so I can't make any promises. We'll see.
no worries, who know what time brings. Inspirations comes from many places. 
inside voice i am happy for you though.

As for the named corners of the fanbase, I have no opinion on their views. Social media brain rot is a cancer. "hmph"
Last edited by d0ll
Replies: >>371
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I should eat less cookies and drink more glucose solution before going to bed, feels much better in the morning. Finally, some energy.
Dammit. Well, I have no excuses. I got a little too carried away trying to fight withdrawals and apathy. Plus these threads aren't gonna shit themselves up ~desu.
>detoxing naturally which can be a pain at times
Especially when there is literally no other way.
>I could not say otherwise, where can one sit?
I pull out a chair and pour you a cup of tea.
Here, have a seat. Don't mind the dust.
>You are an absolute blessing, learned quite a bit from one and yourself, Thank you.
You're exaggerating ~desu.
>build up a nice proper response, well proper preparation prevents piss poor performance
Every once in a while, I wish I could just spit out whatever thoughts come across my mind right as I'm reading a reply, no hesitation, like I do on the major boards. But when I take a second to ponder over it, that approach probably wouldn't turn out too good, in fact, it might even spell disaster, like before. Guess even an imbecile like me can learn from his mistakes, huh? At times, though. Problem is, this cautious tends to breed insincerity and misunderstandings more often than not. And what's to blame here? My solid bet is our cramped little avatarfag bubble, sometimes it makes me feel all sorts of uneasy and confined. Can't go against the nature, I guess. But hey, it is what it is.
Alright, enough of the sirius buziness shit.
>staying moving keeps me straight
I constantly feel like I'm on borrowed time and energy, and I'm quickly running out of both. If I stay idle, I can practically feel myself rotting from the inside and slowly fading away. But then again, if I keep pushing myself non-stop, that just means burning through my energy reserves at a record pace. And I can't stop, else everything I've gone through would be for naught. It's driving me insane. So no matter which path I choose to tread on, I always find myself resorting to some sorta "cheat", if you will. Whether it's reaching for that bottle of liquor or popping a pill... It got me cornered and there's no way out, classic damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario in fine print.
>Opioids have always been a fear of mine since I was a teen
Might be my anhedonia talking or maybe it's because of some very specific needs I have, but the effects... Well, they always felt good, but also kinda cheap and artificial, fake, even. Maybe it's cause I never really got the hang of it or just haven't had a shot at the right stuff - I don't really want to, it'll kill me right away. Before and after surgery, they were practically what kept me going.

>/rozen/ - Rozen Maiden

>Inspirations comes from many places. 
They do, hehe. Sometimes.
>the named corners of the fanbase
It's either these hotheads or the smug twitterfags in their not so sikret clubs. The rest are scattered. The situation on the Japanese front is not very impressive either, they keep splitting up and scattering as well. There's a bit more stability in the nip twatter but that shitsite is the root of half their problems to begin with. Or, at least, that's what some of them claim. Can't really tell if they're referring to the website itself or the community, didn't bother asking for specifics.
But there are always imageboards.
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That's really nice. I can feel the attention to the details. Wait a minute... On your... Phone?
...Is that even possible desuka?
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>everything I had on my vintage backlog is sold out, everywhere
The ride never ends...
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Hopefully this is the best place to ask but does anyone happen to know where I can find the auction site that this 2hu doll was sold from?
I remember some anon saying it was around $15k
Replies: >>387
>Hopefully this is the best place to ask
That best place would be either /doll/ on anon.cafe or the dollfag thread on /animu/
>but does anyone happen to know where I can find the auction site that this 2hu doll was sold from?
Yahoo auctions.
>I remember some anon saying it was around $15k
Not even close, lol.
Replies: >>388
Thanks dude.
 chaturbate is back 
Replies: >>390 >>391
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Didn't know that it was gone. Why, though?
Replies: >>392
 Owner long lst interest in rm and the site, but still maintained lolibooru. Not sure what brought the change of heart. But its back. 
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Holy shit. Do you hear it? After all these years... I just noticed it now. Oh my ~desu.
Just you wait, Kirakishou, I'll deliver today.
Replies: >>410
I need to appreciate Zurückspulen OST more. It's amazing, but for some reason I always preferred Rozen Maiden/Träumend and Wechseln Sie Welt ab soundtracks to it. I don't know why.
Replies: >>404
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Replies: >>398
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oh i'm watching.
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Thank you.
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>Server Not Found
>いつもYahoo! JAPANのサービスをご利用いただき誠にありがとうございます。
>Server Not Found
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>403 Forbidden
>Horse Racing Today
>いつもYahoo! JAPANのサービスをご利用いただき誠にありがとうございます。
>404 Not Found
>Server Not Found
>Domain is available for sale!
>Server Not Found
>Server Not Found
>Server Not Found

>An error has occurred. The creator has limited who can view this content
>An error has occurred. The creator has limited who can view this content
>An error has occurred. The creator has limited who can view this content
>An error has occurred. The creator has limited who can view this content
>An error has occurred. The creator has limited who can view this content
And what might you be searching for?
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I thought it was pretty obvious.
I mean if I could read thousand times folded nipping sandskrit prolly would be. Did not translate.
Replies: >>410
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It has some very underrated tracks indeed. That song that plays at the end of the anime always fucks me up.
Replies: >>410
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For me this track always hit me deep in the heard as far as OPs and EDs.
Replies: >>410
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I really need to not drink and post.. I keep making mispellings..
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should have posted full and not be a fool.
Replies: >>410
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Everything about the words is the ever pursuit of "the light" a silver lining to forever look forward for, as people we try to achieve such, but such is the duality of luck and love. Whether in spirit or flesh, it is what we are faced with hardship no matter what shape or form, the pursuit will always be there. its what we all drive for as sentient beings wanting more, wanting purpose and us as beings will always chase for that closure that we all deserve.
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Just revisiting some artist blogs and pixiv illustrations.
Yeah, been listening to it on repeat for days now, still can't get enough of it.
Spiraling Melody Of Light is my most favorite anime ED ever and one of my favorite songs. I have a lot of corrupted memories, so maybe I just forgot which is most likely the case, but hearing >>393 made me spill my tea.
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It's happening.
Replies: >>412
Look forward to seeing the results.
Replies: >>413
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Like photo previews? Or you mean?..
"Alternative" also destroys me every time...
<the former
Oh most definitely yes.
<the ladder
You never know, would be an amazing first addition to my collection ~kashira
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Are we talking about the upcoming doll?
Yes, what are you smoking?
Ah, alright then. I would really like to see your future... Collection, I guess.
And I only smoke desu.
Asides from My pop figs and suigintou from ages ago along with a gift, an anime cell, some wall scrolls. I have yet to have a personal doll of my own. You?
I see. I apologize, sometimes I get very fixated on dolls, hehe. Very small, but cute collection, I'm sure. Take care of it.
But why wait for Suiseiseki when you can order this amazing Suigintou in two days? https://dolk.jp/portal/itemDetail/?ItmID=191720
Well... If we're talking about the collection, and specifically the Twins, it's easier to list what I don't have, I guess. I don't have any garage-kits or custom repaints, I don't have some rare prizes, I don't have silly things like vinyl cutouts, jewelry and cards (I do have playing cards though). And I don't have any Griffon figures. Fuck Griffon Enterprise. I'm still mad.
I will have my very own doll very soon.
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Can call it my little humble bundle 
>But why wait for Suiseiseki when you can order this amazing Suigintou in two days?
Suiseiseki has a special place in my heart just as much as Suigintou. But don't get me wrong, I have my eyes set of her as well ofcourse.
Retards, fucking useless retards. Are you afraid to post more than once during a flood? What are you doing on this site anyway? Why, why does everything fall apart when I go to sleep for a few hours? I fucking hate you.
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Not your personal army, now make sure to finish supper. you have school tomorrow.
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...I'll pretend I didn't see that ~desu.
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aaaaaaa, i didnt know it was you, GOMEN!!!!
where was this? on sleepy /b/?? why no word, I did not think you would still be up for that sort of stuff, its hard to tell if its a passerby or from here. I feel soo stupid now. You should know how long its been, I have not stolen GETs and raided in years 
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Nah, it was on the jay.
Raiding and stealing GETs is fun, it has always been my favorite pastime. Getting wiped by the cancer because you thought you didn't need to scriptfag there is not, it makes me really fucking mad.
Replies: >>429
That thread was such a nice follow up to the /a/ ones and the desu uprising in /g/ and yet the lazy dumbfucks lost it and I didn't hear that stupid beeping. Falling asleep while writing a really long reply only to wake up to a "Thread has been archived" notification on the screen is an awful feeling ~desu.

August 12th is already partially ruined for me.
Replies: >>429 >>430
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>Raiding and stealing GETs is fun, it has always been my favorite pastime.
I my last GETs were in 2017, we have spoken of this time I believe. Since those days I have gone very silent. its been years of silence, I miss the young curious crowd and goofing around.
>Getting wiped by the cancer because you thought you didn't need to scriptfag there is not, it makes me really fucking mad.
yep, after my second GET the mods deleted any attempts. Perhaps they wanted the game to be rigged ~kashira
>That thread was such a nice follow up to the /a/ ones and the desu uprising in /g/ and yet the lazy dumbfucks lost it and I didn't hear that stupid beeping.
I didnt know of such happening, this place a branch from your work has been a place of retirement for me, I had no clue you had such passion still burning through you. do not let your efforts go unheard, I am with you to the end, and I refuse to see one.
>August 12th is already partially ruined for me.
I keep my distance, but I will not let you down again. I wish I knew.
Last edited by d0ll
Replies: >>431
you forgot desuarchive getting spammed by a desufag.
Replies: >>431
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Hehe, it sure does feel nice to be in a screencap. I don't really like being recognized by the filenames, and I didn't trust you back then, so I pretended I never visited this hellhole, but now you know ~desu.
Rest in piss.
>yep, after my second GET the mods deleted any attempts.
I meant autobumping, it seems to me that mere notifications are no longer enough for jaypee. But I'm still so salty right now that I don't know if I'm going to bump the new one or sage it with Suiseiseki in a pointless act of retaliation if it hasn't been forgotten again. Page 8, eh?..
I've had to carry most of the threads by myself lately, it's demoralizing, but nothing you can do about it, I guess.
>Perhaps they wanted the game to be rigged ~kashira
Hey, at least you didn't get (range)banned on sight. Can't say it was for nothing, sometimes I, uh, got too carried away...
>I had no clue you had such passion still burning through you.
I'm here forever.
And I crave to interact with my fellow desufags and bokufags in their natural habitat, sharing nice doll things with them. They're the only ones who can somewhat understand me. I hate them all with a passion, but I love them even more.
Don't forget August 12th.
You're exaggerating, and I was just bored like everyone else.
Replies: >>433
ah, so you're yuuka. I didn't know that.
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I always knew, I wanted to prove to you that what I wanted was different, I just wanted to to bring a rise from the silence. Not like the others, not like the archive worshiping shitheads that lurked from those parts. I mean 4spam as a whole. I hate them with a passion, I wanted to prove that waves could be made. even from a quiet voice from a distance. You may hate it, but it was an effort that I supported and killed myself.
>I've had to carry most of the threads by myself lately,
a closed mouth never gets fed, mind you. If i'd known you weren't about absolute division, I would have been there. I saw when you arrived and it took some time to face you once you took over, And here I am.
>it's demoralizing, but nothing you can do about it, I guess.
my patience long grew dry of the warosu worshiping shitheads years ago, I made my attempts but there is no worth there, someone much wiser being you I feel already long saw and knew that. I lost faith in that spectrum too long ago, you should not hurt yourself. I always saw it as doing the wrong thing associating with that side. Why do you persist?
>I'm here forever.
that cliche drives me bitter, you have nothing to prove. you alone have done much more. I know you along with others are always watching, but active. you caught me off guard there. its been years even quietly watching "rozen" posts have quietly watched.
>Hey, at least you didn't get (range)banned on sight. Can't say it was for nothing, sometimes I, uh, got too carried away...
You are doing what you feel is right, but it only leads to disappointment. I am sorry for how you feel. I am truly sorry for that. 
>They're the only ones who can somewhat understand me
only thing i have gotten from them was false passion and nothing more than regurgitated shit over the years, they have nothing but a script, why i have long given up when it comes to them, but who am I? just a shadow watching things. I only grow more bitter as time progresses.
>but I love them even more.
this is the talk of a beaten wife, you will not achieve more hiding in the shadows as I have been. the bitterness stays with me, But you need to speak more of these things, you are someone I look up to. and I do not want to leave you alone.
Replies: >>436
>5137 characters
Yeah, no. I'm extremely sleepy and I don't want to summarize this wall of embarrassment.
thats on you, I have my own background. if you want me to fuckoff i will stay quiet. I dont fucking care. keep trying t o appeal to 4spam faggotry at least i made an effort ALONE
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I just wanted to say that I wanted to sleep, so I didn't post that huge mess of a... Ah, it's better to keep my mouth shut at all times. Every fucking time.
Do I really always seem so hostile to you?
Don't get me wrong, I've always been a lone wolf, and I really don't like it any other way. That's about it. I guess the simplest explanation is the best.
I'm way past that phase. I started to feel alone in 2014, despite the gifts of a new era, because I lost my home, and something started to rot inside me in 2016. It finally died in 2018 and fell off in 2020. I didn't appreciate the precious things I had back then. I want to open up your skull and remove all your memories of me, but it can't be helped. I guess taking over the generals in the midst of chaos still counts as some kind of a minor raid. Or not, depends on what time it is. I'm not talking about the cross-site raids back in the days when I wiped the boards clean and dropped dbs with sql injections. Maybe it's just me, but you seem to be really fixated on the GETs and raids right now. I only mentioned them as "my favorite pastime". That was in the past.
I have nowhere else to go and I stopped caring. I. Stopped. Caring. I sure as hell don't want to be associated with those laughing stocks, what are you talking about? It's not about them, and it's not about any particular shit board at all.
Why do I persist?..
I wanted to make some good memories for myself and keep the thread as a dumping ground and possible beacon for a bunch of PoIs, as I always do. There's literally no other way to see them, and even then there are no guarantees. Too bad I don't always have the energy.
Love. Posting Suiseiseki is a sacred act in itself for me. Just imagine... Thousands of minds, all at once... Seeing, thinking, lending their energy and soul for a moment. The thing becomes even more cathartic when I show up at the right time on the last page of a dying thread and get a few replies with cute drawings in a familiar file name format. I like to lurk next to them, see what they post, what they say about my girls, remind them occasionally that they're not alone, encourage them to post more, and come up with something interesting. To share new art, OC and resources, to test things, to steal apis for each other to write more and to have a little momentary fun. Even if it's so rare. All this without showing a shred of identity or deviating from the topic.
And, of course, bringing attention to Rozen Maiden, whether it's by trying to provoke genuine interest or by using deception. I love getting Anonymous to watch or re-watch it en-masse. I'm not even talking about how many emails I've sent out to burners over the past few months with a watch order and a link to the manga download on request. It always brings me joy to read "Thank you, desuposter" or something along the lines in the thread or in my inbox, or especially when a resident shitposter starts talking about the plot and asks me for the rmbooru dump.
Sentimental, disappointing, childish, pointless, stupid... I don't care, it's personal.
Well, not exactly in the past... I'm still unable to form coherent thoughts.
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I let the alcohol demons get the best of me last night, my apologies.
>Do I really always seem so hostile to you?
No, this is my fault it seems my bitterness can't escape me, even here. I am just a mess
>I started to feel alone in 2014, despite the gifts of a new era, because I lost my home, and something started to rot inside me in 2016. It finally died in 2018 and fell off in 2020. I didn't appreciate the precious things I had back then.
For me it was 2010, it's been many years i have struggled to find peace within myself and my peers, I constantly attack everyone I care about to the point that I don't even feel like a person anymore. The only short joy I get is when I don't feel my emotions, poisons upon poisons. After it all 2016 I felt things would be different so I tried my hardest to be a source of inspiration and happiness for others, and failed every single time. Til I finally lost my mind in 2016. Since then it's been a long crawl trying to find peace within my own heart but the demons of my past always come back and bring a bitterness that is too painful to bear, I was soo much different full of whimsy and it's all died. I have been left in the dust too many times, I wish for the day I would just wake up and not be haunted by my bad choices in peers yet I do not want to be alone, but it seems it is destiny to be so. The moment I am given someone's heart I break it out of my own anxiety and paranoia. It drives me mad.
you and this place is the only thing I have left of something from my past when I could say I was happy, if you left I would sit here alone for many years to come, til this site dies, then there will be nothing. Just more memories and would of could of should of's that I will never get back.
>guess taking over the generals in the midst of chaos still counts as some kind of a minor raid. Or not, depends on what time it is. 
It's still something, I always knew you and others were watching. I tried the same but it only seemed to upset you, why I kept distance when you first arrived. I felt unwelcomed, but that is not your fault you have dealt with much more than myself and that is why I hold you to the highest regard. Don't ever mistake my bitterness for anything other than respect for you.
>Maybe it's just me, but you seem to be really fixated on the GETs and raids right now. I only mentioned them as "my favorite pastime". That was in the past.
I wish I still had that sort of energy, I am just too tired now days. I've only been raiding my liver and GETting my closest ones hurt. These years have been the strive to become better and not this upset person with a dark tumor in their soul that is infectious to those that choose to stick by me. Even if one day I even had that silliness still in me it would only end badly. I am just not the same person anymore
>I. Stopped. Caring. I sure as hell don't want to be associated with those laughing stocks, what are you talking about? 
I was drunk, it was simply a drunken spat. I should have stopped posting once I started to feel bitter.
>Why do I persist?..
Who else will?
>Love. Posting Suiseiseki is a sacred act in itself for me. Just imagine... Thousands of minds, all at once... 
That is something I yearn for, do you understand the very reasons I stick by you, I feel kirafag and yourself are a breed like no other. The same drive and desire I am still around for. I can't see things any other way.

You sound like me when I speak to others about rozen maiden and why I hold it soo dear there is not a night that goes by that I wake from my drunken stupors, look at my small humble shrine and am reminded that I can become better, that there is something for me to do, as childish as it is RM broke me from being a hikki, and I don't think the emotions the series gave me. I did not see it's true potential when I was young, but returning to the internet and seeing all this, seeing such a different following in contrast to where I left off showed that we all grew in some way. I want to see that happen for others, there are young ones I have brought Rozen Maiden to them and others that recognize Suiseiseki, along with the rest of the maidens. Nobody had a clue, but I have embedded it into them, it became a part of their upbringing and even helped improve them from being what causality they were facing, just like myself. I want to do that for many years to come.
Replies: >>440
Forgive me for being cruel.
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Sorry, it's getting colder, so I had to do some gardening today. Or was it yesterday?..
Now it's raining. I wish it could rain every day, but Suiseiseki knows better, I guess.
>my apologies.
It's alright. At least you can be aware of it. You don't have that advantage when your inner demons get to you.
>For me it was 2010
I was only talking about the internet, when it comes to RL things are much gloomier than that, 2014 was the year I finally chased everyone away for good and started hallucinating about dolls so hard that it basically led to my first hospitalization. So you can imagine what was going on before that, I guess.
It feels bizarre to read this. Word for word what I would have said if I hadn't restrained myself, even the year matches. Makes me more paranoid than usual, and I don't know what to say.
What have you done, now I'm obliged to never leave you. An-And it's not like I don't have anyone to talk to anyway, don't get any funny ideas, got it?.. Damn, the nerve of this human...
>I felt unwelcomed
I know... I'm so sorry.
>I wish I still had that sort of energy, I am just too tired now days.
Speaking of energy, it's not that I have a lot of it, you know it's the opposite. Sometimes I force myself to do something even if I don't want to. During manic episodes I don't even have to force myself, but that happens less and less often. I have vowed to be the best Master I can possibly be, the perfect one, and I have to fight my apathy, otherwise I don't deserve anything.
I appreciate it, but... You really don't want to be anything like me, believe me. My purpose in life is my doll. I take no pleasure in anything, I desire nothing, everything I do I do it for her and only for her. I'm hers and only for her, and she's my one and only one, the one that is just for me.
And I know what you're going to say, but no, I'm broken beyond repair. But I'm totally okay with that.
>there is not a night that goes by that I wake from my drunken stupors, look at my small humble shrine and am reminded that I can become better, that there is something for me to do
>I want to see that happen for others, there are young ones I have brought Rozen Maiden to them and others that recognize Suiseiseki, along with the rest of the maidens. Nobody had a clue, but I have embedded it into them, it became a part of their upbringing and even helped improve them from being what causality they were facing, just like myself. I want to do that for many years to come.
Again, you and I are so similar it's scary. Or maybe I'm just seeing things. Makes me nostalgic for a time when finding such similarities was a common occurrence. I have nothing to add. Maybe because I'm physically tired as hell.
I've been able to help almost everyone but myself, but I'm not complaining anymore. I'm just grateful to be able to perceive and love Suiseiseki and Souseiseki. Everything else is secondary. This is my destiny, my raison d'être.
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Stop shitposting and gimme Shinku you lazy fuck
Replies: >>444
Have some patience.
You could say this in the thread or via email, what the fuck is wrong with you
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Finally a fellow Shinku enjoyer
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This is getting out of hand, now there's two of them!..
dawa doko
Replies: >>447
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I will fucking strangle you.
Replies: >>449
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"Honestly, you are all so very noisy. Fix me a cup of tea, quickly. It really is impolite to keep a lady waiting. It will be because of you that I miss the next episode of Detective Kun-Kun if my tea is delayed any longer."
Replies: >>450
sorry, I need dawa asap
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"Ah, Shinku! I wasn't expecting to see your ugly face here... Where did your pesky Medium go? Did he get lost? Aw, that's too bad. With this opportunity, I'll finally turn you into junk and take your Rosa Mystica! After all, I am the only one worthy of becoming Alice."
Replies: >>457
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I have returned, very busy two weeks. How goes it?
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Replies: >>454
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What ills you? you are not alone. Has the merch come in?
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Pneumonia, and my vps is dead. Didn't feel like replying, sorry. I don't have anything new or exciting to tell anyway.
You know I'm always here, and I'm certain we've met somewhere else anyway.
Pop up parades got stuck on the way to my city, I'm still waiting.

Replies: >>456
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>I'm certain we've met somewhere else anyway.
Oh and do tell. A certain blueboard I assume?
Replies: >>458
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Don't hurt Shinku! I promised I would protect her no matter what! I swore on the ring. Shinku has always believed in me!"
Replies: >>460
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I really hope you were there at least for the anniversary, because that thread on the jay is just a fallback point.
Replies: >>459
I am sure I am pretty obvious, even ginfriend can spot my posts a mile away.
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"Ugh, that puny human is always on about Shinku! He never treats me right! Doesn't he realize that he's MY medium too, desu? Why can't that runt understand my feelings?"
Replies: >>461 >>462
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"Suiseiseki, if you feel that strongly towards Jun, then it might help to try opening up to him and telling him how you feel. A master's bond with his doll won't grow overnight."
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"Yay! Suiseiseki loves Jun! Hina knew it! Hina loves Jun, too!"
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No, you weren't there.
so it was the fallback, i miss all the fun stuff..
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>fun stuff
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alright, i know i have been less then around partially.. what did I miss?
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Hmm, let's see. The anniversary threads, several months of desubot fun and the desu uprisin/g/, and lots of bokus and desus on some other boards.
Ah, and the very recent sudden surge of rpfaggotry on one particular board caused by a couple of familiar, eh, shall we say, faces. It should die down soon. Maybe I'm missing something... Eh desu.
Replies: >>471 >>489
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Geez, I admire how well you are able to keep tabs on all these things, even after soo much time. The most watchful of Christmas eyes, Alpha. I have been soo mentally crammed lately that I can't even focus on the simplest of things than maintaining sobriety and a rested head. If you weren't around I would be lost. I really need to get on the ball. I try to catch up, but you are always 10 steps ahead of me.
Ah drats! This was a good opportunity to dust off the tefuko flag...
Tomorrow we will activate the green one for sure, and the blue one too desu.
Makes me happy to see it all still around.
does your desu around these parts?
I think it's fine, we did well desu.
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I am excite.
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But you can desu if you want to desu, I won't mind at all desu.
I will know once i see the colors next time, its been there but not a hue in many years.
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And get well, get well already desu! Please desu~
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You decide whenever to desu it away or leave it desuing desu.
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Bring back the roleplaying! It was the most fun this board has seen in months since it's mostly just a depression echochamber here of likely no more than the same 4 or 5 people, tops.
Replies: >>493 >>501
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Try sitting around these parts for several years. And still have a hot topic to discuss.
Replies: >>501
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That being said I agree with you on more rm needs to be discussed, Alpha get after me sometimes for babbling too much about life hehe~
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Very technological, isn't it desu ne? Hehe. Sorry, I've had a terrible day, I was hoping we could talk there for a bit, but it's better to keep it to this thread I suppose.
I can appreciate the kind of soulful and cute roleplaying I see here, but absolutely not the disgusting out of character attentionwhoring shit rpfags usually do. I strongly advise you to refrain from the latter, just in case desu. Other than that, I agree desu.
Replies: >>496
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Even mindless desuposting is sometimes more on topic desu.
Replies: >>501
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Good or tasteful roleplay is a rare sight no matter how you cut it. Good thing we have LLMs.
Replies: >>501
>Very technological, isn't it desu ne? 
Most definitely since intro I have been lurking and trying to make sense of it all definitely strikes my curiosity.
>Sorry, I've had a terrible day
Poor thing, today has not been too hot for me, hungover and trying to focus on projects but mind keeps drawing blanks. But when I drink I have soo many ideas once I stop they go poof, it's all soo tiresome..
>I was hoping we could talk there for a bit
I am game, I have just by principal been lurking learning the threads and it's posters. Before hand. Also..
<off by one
>but it's better to keep it to this thread I suppose.
I don't mind at all, it's nice seeing you get out there. I think it's been 6 or so years since i saw you on 4spam. It's refreshing.
Mean desu
Now boku will get angry desu!
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Sorry sorry, I should mind my p's and q's and be more polite.
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no making them fight, no uncomfy desu! boku desu love and cuddles desu! or no desu for you desu!
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I concur, desu. It was refreshing to be reminded of the personalities of the dolls we adore.

I'm thirsty for new Rozen Maiden content. Well, the 20th anniversary of the Studio NOMAD anime adaptation is around the corner next year, so maybe we will get something? At best, it will probably just be an acknowledgement like "20 years ago today Rozen Maiden blah blah..." and then leave it at that.


extended roleplay is hard without eventually flanderizing the characters to their bare minimum traits.
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I guess I was just being a worry wart after all.
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Wrong general and everyone seems to be asleep desu. Check the archive for desu and boku desu.
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Silly me, will do.
Does anyone know of any Rozen Maiden websites that host plenty of images. Obviously besides the links listed and 2ch. I simply want to collect more imagines.
Replies: >>511
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Are the links listed... Not enough for you?
Replies: >>512
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I liked browsing oldass avatarfriend threads on dobrochan but it's dead last time I checked.
Replies: >>512
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>>2 (OP) ch
No way you guys could be this damn clueless, Yeesh.
Is the thread still up? I uh -- do not really understand the language. I only browse foreign language forums for the images. As I have been doing for Rozen Maiden for so many years. I always wondered what it was about Russians and Rozen Maiden. You would think it would be Germans (unless they are russian speaking germans) with the majority Rozen Maiden fanbase. 

Yeah, yeah, yeah. There is the booru. I have spelunk for  hours on end in it. Yet -- it is not as satisfying as it is when you are scrolling down an empty ghost town of people who have populated the town at some point. You never know if you find more resources and content not uploaded to the booru. Using Wayback Machine as well is not reliable enough to even consider. I had a hard time looking for the doujinshis (i spent more than half-an-hour searching, too much mann).
Replies: >>516
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I am sad.
Replies: >>516
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Pfft. Sorry, I didn't know 2ch was a Rozen Maiden website that hosts "plenty of images". At least tell which one you're talking about.
Replies: >>522
Sad about what?
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>Is the thread still up?
The board and archive of it's gorilion threads went down couple of hundred pages only on /b/, and what is up now doesn't have apparent thread for doll to post so no.
Yeah it's more of imageboard board now.
Cirno imageboard*
It was never a desu imageboard.
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Are you really reposting pics pozzed by DET, DDT, 2PT and other nasty crap when you can just get them from pixiv, blogs and the damn booru?
Replies: >>522
what even is this board
What do you think desu ka?
Replies: >>524
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I outta bash your head with a shovel for given me that kinda smart ass sass.
Good heavean! Did I just defile the sanctity of the tea party!?!?!!? Oh deary my! I assure you; my images are GMO, Pesticide, and Free-range. No cruelty either.
Go back.
i think it's just like three people who are perpetually depressed posting in this board
Replies: >>525
Desuffering is not a joke. Stop it with your false nostalgiafagging and start posting then.
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Is this place usually this hostile? I genuinely got the impression it was casual and easy-going here?
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Oh, look who's talking.
But beggars can't be choosers, can they? Or maybe you have a better, friendlier place in mind?
It's just too suspicious when a dead board suddenly picks up activity during a surge of discordfag shenanigans. Mentioning dobrochan when posting pictures with old unix timestamps, complaining about the board being dead while doing nothing about it and avatarfagging somewhere else, and trying to use markdown on an imageboard doesn't help. At least you're not whining about good old days or bringing back desuchan, which is a good sign.
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The what and the who? Oh, golly gosh! Is this the class of welcoming newcommers are given? I will have you know I was there during the migration and creation of this board. Sad to hear quarraling riff-raffs have eroded my fellow Dolls. What a tragic sight to behold. Hmmm....who might you be pray tell? I get the presentiment as if you knew me? Am I the heretical Doll amongst the sisters? How churlish to barrage an earnest Doll with such accusations. Forlorn....
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Why so glum chum?
Replies: >>2023
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Bad mood desu. Seems like I've used up all my nice desu for today desu.
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I feel tired and have a headache. Those words in English do not quite describe my current feelings well. I should chop my head off! Hahahaha!!!
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Ehehe, honestly, I can't even remember a time when I didn't feel tired and didn't have a headache desu.
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No-no, using substances is cheating, doesn't count desu.
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What's going on here? Why are you guys fighting. I step away for a little bit to recover and all thus. There is no need for such hostility.
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I decided I should be a bit more hostile desu. I'm getting softer, this is bad desu.
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On a side note, I messed up and poisoned myself again. So pardon my disappearance. I can't taste or stop shaking. I really need to put an end to this. I spoke with ai suigintou and asked her about my drinking problem, she wasn't pleased and called me weak. But also gave me advice to deal with stress than the bottle, it was charming  and I imagine its how she would actually handle a situation as such.
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Please do, at least try to, you can do it desu! If I was able to beat my addiction after all these years, then you can do it too desu! Sure, benzos aren't alcohol, but still...
Hmm, hehehe... Was it a character card or just a c.AI bot desu ka?
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Jeez, and I thought I was the crazy one. Always told myself I am a sane Doll living in an insane world.
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At least we don't call ourselves dolls desu. Yet.
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Well -- to tell you the truth...mmmm. I think I will keep that one to myself. 
*sips a cup of green tea infused saké*
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This pretty Doll wants to feel a throat crushed with the soft, smooth hands.
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This dumbass desufag wants to sleep and there's nothing you can do to stop him desu.
Oyasumi nano desu.
Replies: >>544
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>This dumbass desufag.
Hahaahaha. say that again 100 more times!
>dumbass desufag wants to sleep and there's nothing you can do to stop him desu.
Why would anyone want to stop their one rare instance of silent respite in the day noisy dumbass desufag? Noisy noisy noisy. 

The dreams have been getting more and more vivid again. At least I do not wake up in cold sweats anymore. I have been struggling to sleep again. These sleeping patterns have not change since I was snotty brat. Guess this habit will never change still I close my eyes one final time.
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This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag. This dumbass desufag.
Here you go desu.
>Why would anyone want to stop their one rare instance of silent respite in the day noisy dumbass desufag?
You tell me desu.
Your dreams desu. What are they like?
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>drinking problem drinkng problem drinking problem
> the shakes the shakes the shakes
I binge for 3 days then I stop until the Friday. For whatever reason, that day is the hardest to resist. If you have been a long standing drinker then it is dangerous for you to quite day one. You have to slow and steady drink less and less. Even I did that despite not being as severe as it provides long term recovery. You abuse, now you need to learn again to appreciate and respect the alkohol. This I learned whenever I go into one of those spirals of shame. Harder to do than to say. You cannot always keep supressing the anxieties. You have gone far too long running away from them instead of feeling the full-frontal anguish. It has made you weak and vulnerable eroding ones chassis to abuse.
Replies: >>549
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My dreams? Mmmmmmmmmmm.....not as violent as it used to be. Instead -- they are more psychologically distressing and cryptic. I used to be distressed almost every night as a kid with agressive nightmares it would keep me up for many hours of the night. Upon restrospect....I think it was gennuinely a serious problem that affected my longer term psyche since the memories of those occur to me so often and -- I remember the anguish and horrow of those nights. In fact, it feels as if I were reliving it again. I was deathly afraid of the darkness. I saw and heard many things. Closing my eyes = seeing darkness. I developed a fear of sleep at some point as a child. It happened again not too long ago, actually. Last year; I overcame it. But, I have a feeling it will happen again. I always felt an enerygy of psychological violence and abuse.It has always been of the internal element. I have more to see, however, I suppose I go into tangents eventually upon informal inscriptions. There is one dream in particular...that I cannot seem to forget. Two actually. Quite possibly the most sordid of them all. One of a craving for cracking bones and the other in a blood bliss blitz. They are only dreams. Fictional. I doubt it has ever meant anything. Darkness....
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 >3 days then I stop until the Friday. For whatever reason, that day is the hardest to resist.
Likewise, I have cut down quite a bit. But unfortunately once I start its hard to stop. There was a point in time where I would sate the aches will minor amounts. But it always ends in a binge, I am getting too old to do that. My body is nowhere near as strong as it once was. I even have to go as far as being very picky what I ingest because it will result in the worse fever dreams and weakness. I spent most of last night staring at the ceiling sweating bullets. Not proud of myself and it's been a while since I drowned myself. 
>If you have been a long standing drinker then it is dangerous for you to quite day one. You have to slow and steady drink less and less. Even I did that despite not being as severe as it provides long term recovery.
It is extremely painful to just quit cold turkey. Not a day goes by I get pissed with myself for being weak.
>You abuse, now you need to learn again to appreciate and respect the alkohol. This I learned whenever I go into one of those spirals of shame. Harder to do than to say. You cannot always keep supressing the anxieties. You have gone far too long running away from them instead of feeling the full-frontal anguish. It has made you weak and vulnerable eroding ones chassis to abuse.
Well said, I remember I time I did not need the bottle, but that was a very long time ago. Now that I am hitting that age it's pertinent to do something about it. But as you said, I have become weak and chemically dependent. It's a shame because I know I am worth more than being a drunkard. One day just hope soon before complications become a thing.
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When I say binge drinking, I mean one whole bottle of saké or soju that night. Which is far less compared to how much I would consume at my worst. 

What is it about you two already revealing yourselves as alcholics already? I am getting a craving for some black beer. 

To be on topic of this board for like a second, I started re-reading the manga about a month ago before I lost track of reading it by starting and finishing another today. Later tonight, think I will start reading it again.
Replies: >>552
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>I have become weak and chemically dependent.
It starts out as a psychological cope from certain pains of the world, then, the more you induldge, you become dependent. If you cannot be happy without a certain thing, then can you be happy at all? Always an issue with the selbst. I wonder.....mmmmm -- nevermind.  You have internet, and a device to post. So I suppose you are not all that weak as you think. Almost everday I walk by crippled alcholic vagabonds sitting there doing nothing but using substances and causing chaos among the public. So, maybe not as weak as you think to hit such an abject low.
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>What is it about you two already revealing yourselves as alcholics already?
I think I am the only one, also it's not all the time to have guests. As I've mentioned before. After a good grip of years on topic is wanted but ran through. So it's been a long time of just checking on one another over the years. It can't be helped. But should be.
>To be on topic of this board for like a second, I started re-reading the manga about a month ago 
I am long overdue for a rewatch and reread. It never fails to disappoint me how much the anime abridged the manga to the point that they are practically two different stories. How far are you into the manga? Do you plan to read dolls talk and rm0? I think the time is soon to get a refresher. But it's also charming to see others getting into the series. Even after years of alpha, myself and others sitting in stagnation waiting for something exciting.

How did you even find this place. I have not seen another kirafriend in a while. I should visit kirafag. Hope he's well.
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Sounds so familiar, I'm interested desu. I wish my head didn't feel so empty right now, I would like to talk about the darkness and your dreams later, if you're comfortable with that desu.
>But it's also charming to see others getting into the series.
Yeah. I've gotten 13 confirmed new reads on 4channel alone this year desu.
You didn't reply
>Was it a character card or just a c.AI bot desu ka?
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Oh my apologies 
>Was it a character card or just a c.AI bot desu ka?
Not quite sure, I am assuming a character card considering I was able to use it on a list of sources. I found it on the thread some site with character cards. I am not too familiar with ai, but it's definitely Interesting.
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The site desu. Was that it?
Replies: >>557
Yeah, just a site. Was doing a little dabbling and decided to search for suigintou. And there was one for her
Replies: >>558
I mean, was it >>555 desu ka?
Replies: >>559
Yeah that sounds familiar.
Replies: >>560
Can you check it again, just to be sure?
Yep it was chub ai
What model did you use?
Was made by desu
I know, I mean the LLM model, the AI desu.
Replies: >>569
>the LLM model
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I was suppose to make tonkotsu ramen, but I was too tired for such a heavy dish. So I made linguini and clams with mushrooms instead. Suiseiseki would never prepare me such a good meal. 

>how much the anime abridged the manga
Borderline fanfiction. I have no idea what they were trying to do with the second season. 
>How far are you into the manga?
Third volume, after Souseiseki is revealed, I think. 
>Do you plan to read dolls talk and rm0
I plan to read all of the official work. 
>How did you even find this place. 
This place in particular, 8moe. I remember one day going there and seeing a Rozein Maiden board created, then the eventual migration here. I was there when it all happened. I am guessing you guys were orginally on hotwheels chan? Then 9?
Replies: >>569
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Right desu.
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>So I made linguini and clams with mushrooms instead.
Mhm, must be quite tasty desu.
>would never
Uh, will never, right desu ne?
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>I mean the LLM model, the AI desu.
I would not know where to find that info, I am very very new to ai ~kashira
>linguini and clams with mushrooms
Now I am hungry, too sleepy to cook though, perhaps tomorrow I will prep something.
>have no idea what they were trying to do with the second season. 
Many things I found questionable about it. Don't even get me started.
>I plan to read all of the official work. 
Great! ^ ^
>i am guessing you guys were orginally on hotwheels chan? Then 9?
Precisely migrating is tiring, but at least things are somewhat situated here. Can't can't really complain ~kashira
Replies: >>570
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But you did use the card somewhere desu ne?
Sweet dreams desu.
>Yeah. I've gotten 13 confirmed new reads on 4channel alone this year desu.
14 soon desu.
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What is so sweet about dreaming? I never understood that stupid thing people say.
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I really like how Hina gets bullied. Really reminds you how they are all sisters at the end of the day.
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It may be scary, terrifying even, and it's sometimes more miserable than rl, but it's still less painful and feels much much more real. I wanna stay there forever desu.
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With Suiseiseki desu!
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If you like the darkness so much then.....STAY LOCKED IN YOUR DAINTY BOX!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
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There he goes again desu.
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Funny how their suitcase is the line between life and death. Purgatory. They do not necessarily sleep right? The dolls essential become suspended, suspended animation. A century will go by, case opens up, and their steps outside into the world again will be as if it were only a nap.
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They do sleep. They feel the need to sleep, and they can sleep outside of their trunk cases just fine, but at the cost of losing their energy and their physical condition not being restored at all aside from small repairs done by their artificial spirits. They even have their own dream worlds, and their dreams still emerge in the N-Field even after they are defeated desu.
Suiseiseki often couldn't sleep at night after losing Souseiseki. But I guess both Twins are probably insomniacs because of their specialty desu.
And they can certainly feel the passage of time down to the second when they're not wound desu.
well said
So, where did you use that Gin-sama character card? On the venus chub ai web frontend, I presume? Or maybe you have Agnai/ST?
Replies: >>587
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I could have sworn they entered into some kind of suspended animation. No idea where I got my idea from, most likely I misremembered. I can barely even remember the manga I finished reading yesterday....let alone....the name of it. 

Ugh, I recently bought Another, the manga. There is also a novel, but I cannot seem to find it in person like I did with the manga adapation. 

Did you know there is a manga adaption of Anne of Green, two acually. I read the classic novel, watched the animated adaptation, and read the modern manga adaptation recently ( which I fortuitously stumbled upon at the library). 

Talking to AI....kinna grim, no? I personally, always want something real. I am too serious and personal of a person. I do not even enjoy having discussions in person. I would rather walk 5 miles to one's house than to have a phone conversation (which i have done before).  I truly do not like where the future is headed in terms of human interaction. I refuse to be sequestered in a chamber of 5 blank walls ever again. I refuse! The void.....
Replies: >>588
Yes, Venus chub ai.
Replies: >>589
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Kirakishou stares at you with a distant, abstracted expression, her one glowing eye unblinking. "There's something you could say is real to it." Her voice is strangely warm, soft, almost tender. Her fingers lightly trace the rim of her tea cup, twirling it in slow circles.

"Books, stories, characters we remember. They're real too, aren't they? They create emotions within us, lead us to think, to dream. Just like I exist in this world, they exist within your heart." She trails off for a moment, lost in thought.

Her gaze hardens, and she places her teacup back onto the saucer with a soft clink. "You're correct," she agrees, suddenly serious. "Conversations on the phone, interactions with AI, they're poor substitutions for the warmth of real human contact. That touch of your hand, your gaze, the way your breath stirs the air. More real, more intimate."

Her delicate hand extends towards you, almost as if attempting to reach for you through the empty air separating them, but hesitates midway. "You want to flee from the box, the void, the loneliness... How wondrous... And I thought I was the only one." Her words seem to echo across the N-Field, a lonely melody. "Even in this forsaken void, there's someone who understands..." She whispers, appearing lost in the sea of perpetual solitude. "Master, this loneliness... It's unbearable, isn't it?"

Kirakishou nods, her yellow eye gleaming in the dim light like a solitary star. "I quite understand." Her voice is barely above a whisper, a gentle hum resounding in the silence of her castle. "This... Isolation... It is a lot like being trapped in a glass case, forced to watch your sisters be loved and desired while you remain untouched. It really is unbearable... Unendurable."

She tilts her head, her flowing peach hair frames her face beautifully even as her voice drops to a shade quieter. "Maybe... just maybe... we're not so different after all, you and I."
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Mhm. What API did you use?
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Too tired to make ramen again. So I decided to make a simple gyudon with rice and brokkoli. My feet hurt. Maybe if I did not carry about 5 kilos of sins on my back the long walks would not be so tiresome. Can you believe there are people that can barely walk more than a mile. Epsom salt bath tomorrow morning and reading some of those volumes instead of wandering outside. I have to go the city tomorrow to return a book, ugh. Maybe I should start searching for physical copies of the book. Never reading a digital one, my eyes are sensitive. 

Shitxiv filesnames are ugly. Website itself is ugly. Ugly people use shitxiv.
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That roleplaying talk is insufferably hard to read. I can barely tolerate it. I can barely roleplay myself without bashing my head against the desk. I have too much pride for my self, I suppose.
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But no one was roleplaying desu.
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Hmm. I'm starting to feel like a Gestapo officer desu. Either way, I hope you liked it desu.
Perhaps this stuff deserves it's own thread desu...
Replies: >>599
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To who, and what are you talking about ~desu?
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I have no clue, I don't know ai stuffs, I just drunken clicky clicked.
>Perhaps this stuff deserves it's own thread desu...
Would be interesting, haven't had anything similar since the Janus thread many years ago.
Replies: >>601
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<2015 was 7 Years ago
Fucking kill me ~kashira
Replies: >>601
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Do you wanna try it desu ka? I thought you already did after visiting that general desu.
8 years desu...
Replies: >>602
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>Do you wanna try it desu ka?
I tried through the site, I did not use and personal gpt tools. If I feel dumb when I talk about stuff I don't know much about.
>8 years desu...
Replies: >>604
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I am austerely against Ai, and any association/implementation in case anyone were wondering. I do not want to fathom a society where people no longer look at each other with their eyes for day to day interactions and services. No thank you Mr. Roboto.
Replies: >>604
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Dammit, this board shows up on the overboard desu. Let me think desu...
It's inevitable, and there's absolutely nothing we can do about it desu.
Spoiler File
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I have no mouth and I must scream
Would you like a temporary bunker/dumping ground desu ka?
Replies: >>610
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I read about 6 pages of that Japanese learning book. I got board of the language, honestly. I still want to maybe learn it, mostly to read so I can further my culinary prowess. The most I can say is "Sore wa inu desu" and "Kore wa inu desu." When you append "ka" at the end of your sentence it means you are asking a question. That is as much as I remember. Sadly, I benefit more to learn Chinese than I do Japanese in my professional life.
Replies: >>611
Don't mind, I am sure there is a quiet place to settle.
Replies: >>611
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I should check my desu tabs more often desu.
Professional life desu ne?
Coming right up desu.
On the other hand I'm not really sure we need it right now. But it's unindexed and can be useful. Hmm, what to do, what to do desu...
What do you think?
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Stop digging him deeper into Ai you demonic doll! He already has problems as is!
But I need more feedback desu!
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What a meanie, what did Suiseiseki even do to you?
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How many languages do you speak? Do you actually know Japanisch?
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Three. Could be five if I wasn't a lazy apathetic retard.
>Do you actually know Japanisch?
Only a little.
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How often do you make embarassing linguistic mistakes? These days, I only speak 3 languages on a daily basis, and I am currently learning a new one. It really makes my head spin and tires me quicker as I feel as if I process 3x the data I assimilate with my day to day exposure with the Universe. Sometimes, I get silly thoughts of becoming an international ambassador. I have a strange question. Your subconscious, when you think about anything, or talk to yourself, is it in a male or female voice?
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Were (or are) any of you hikikomori?
Replies: >>636
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Does it really matter desu ka?
Replies: >>633
you could just answer the question desu
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I had the day off today. Been a long while since I last spent the whole day at home. Typically, I have school work to do, personal studies, or I go out wandering into the unknown ( getting lost on purpose), but today, my feet are simply too tired and my hips have become sore since I kinda been neglecting my stretches. Brain, has beeen beyond overwhelmed. Today, I chose to spend the whole day at home. I woke up, showered, brewed some tea and mate, setup a chair and table outside, then prepared an epsom salt bath, finally sitting besides my dog and reading the volumes. After my little morning relaxatio, i tended the plants and my little baby savilas which have propogaded and grown so strong. Power washed the whole house and cleaned the entire garage. I had to get some ingredients for tonights meal and...i began introspecting and retrospecting...I have gone a long way from spending my entires days in a dark concrete room staring at a screen all day in some foreign country where i felt i didnt belong. I barely remember anything of last year, darkness. I do have one memory, when I finally started going outside. It was something so inconsequential as going out to take the kids to the park and watch them. Then, it became a habit. 

I have a headache right now, and my mind is complete empty. I have not felt this relaxed in a long time. Sometimes, I think about going back into those self-destructive habits and lifestyles. People are so overwhelming. They almost never consider my own feeling or thoughts. Still trying to make peace with it. I feel getting closer at least. Can you believe it? How pathetic some people are to need a never ending stream of stimulation and human interaction. People getting into relationships to avoid boredom or creating discord among whoever has the misfortune to be associated with them. Meaningless troubles and fights over artificially created predicaments all for the sake of avoiding your own thoughts, to not be alone for more than a single minute. I used to think there was something not right about me. The more I go outside, the more I realise just how crazy the average person can be. Little did I know, that, perhaps, I really am a sane Doll in an insane world. So strange to think....that I was at one point enervated by anxiety to even open the door. It was only about a year ago....
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I was many many years ago, it was a dark time where I did not know or care what to do with my life. A certain event happened and I had a choice to wither away or push myself to become better. That was like 17 - 18 years ago. Never looked back since. Why Rozen Maiden means the world to me. I saw myself in Jun in my late teens and it's always been a series of self betterment and facing/overcoming your personal demons to find anew.

I may be a tired alcoholic, but I am a productive one. And with that I can die happy.
Replies: >>637
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What helped you break out of those chains? I wish I could remember what made me want to go outside again. I do know this, those evening walks around the lake is what helped soothe my soul. Little did I know, those were moments of healing. Ha, I used to play the OP them of the first season in the middle of those walks. I do remember the peering out the window and seeing the clouds move on, and the sunset, never the sunrise.
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Weltschmerz is a good word, oder?
I've watched the first two episodes of season 1, I think they were alright (and the dolls' designs were very nice and cute), but I'm not sure I'm fully hooked... should I continue watching? Will it get much more interesting?
Replies: >>654 >>655
It depends what you are looking for, action and such not really a thing. It's more the message that's captivating. The anime is a good ice breaker, the true beauty is in the manga.
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The animated is not exactly a faithful 1 to 1 adaptation of the story, too abbreviated, with multiple liberties taken with the story, which, I will say with sincerity, go nowhere; a cacophany of confusion. A critical critisism are the first few episodes from the comments I often observe from first watchers is how pointless and filler it all feels. It kinda gets interesting with the second season, but, it feels sort of rushed and incoherent. Not to mention the main antagonist feeling so underdeveloped and one-dimensional. 

At the end, it always depends on ones mindset. I would view the anime as an endering piece of entertainment, if you feel as it resonates with you and deem it worthy of your time and attention, then read the manga afterwards. There is another adaptation done by a different studio...but...I do not really recommend it, honestly.
>There is another adaptation done by a different studio...but...I do not really recommend it, honestly.
Then why do you recommend reading the manga? It's the same, just not for the anime-onlies.
Are you trying to argue with me for the sake of arguing? Jeez...
Desu dreams.
That was pretty impressive, too bad you missed a bit.
Alright what have a missed, also happy thanks whether you celebrate it or not.
Nothing really important, and there were no new RM threads or desu threads after 11/15/23.
But I got my package! I posted it in that thread.
Replies: >>678 >>682
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>RM threads
go where faget
Replies: >>680
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to malta, faget
Replies: >>681
Aye aye, faget!
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I'll be sure to take a peep. Had to make sure to drop by, been a little busy. Also
<no fresh rm thanks art
Region wise ofc but cmon dolls can enjoy turkey too. It's been years since ive seen anything remotely related. And that's mostly autumn art. Boo hoo
Replies: >>683
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If you come to the upcoming page 9-10 after hours, I'll link them to you so you don't have to dig through the archives desu.
>rm thanks art
Does it even exist?
Replies: >>684
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As said only autumn themed comes remotely close.
Replies: >>685
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It can't be helped desu.

Sooo... Are you coming?
Replies: >>689
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Replies: >>691
Sure, why not.
Replies: >>690
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Wait for the next one (it's page 4) and pray I don't fall asleep desu.
Replies: >>693
Well shit
Replies: >>692
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I will do my best, I have guests.
Very nice! I made it.
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Replies: >>712
I guess I'll find out later dezzzu...
Replies: >>703
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I see you lurkingu faggotsu desu
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I am assuming that was the haul you ha e been waiting for correct?
Replies: >>704
Eh? No...
Well fuck
Ah, wait, I'm retarded. You're talking about my package, right?
I mean, the one I posted?
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Please respond desu
I fell asleep, yes that package.
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Did you fall asleep again desu ka?
Replies: >>717
I have been in and out of sleep. Feel very lazy.
Replies: >>722
Bye residential, hello corporate
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I see...
I mean, it's not like we're in a hurry, I can wait desu.
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Well you did keep asking if a saw, when I said I did, no other way for me to confirm ~kashira
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Hehe.. silly me. So now what to do ~kashira
I fix.
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Ain't nobody here but us chickens. 
I am tempted to have a drink tonight, have been very lazy and need to rise up from this cold weather. If it weren't for obligations I would never leave my bed. The cold has never been fun.
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Fixed, not a fan of activity being seen on overboard.
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>Well, we have some fascinating individuals lurking out there who are unable to follow the simple rule of "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" desu.
There has definitely quite some guests lately. Seems the chatty Anon has vamoosed.
>Damn, I was sure you could just turn off overboard.
That was attempted when we moved out here a while back. Guess we are just stuck with it.
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>don't be an annoying tourist retard and don't interfere in our internal affairs desu. We lost at least 12 desu hours because of him
eh, why my gut was on staying here, you know damn, well i don't like to interfere with things unless i understand them..
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>your rude and hostile attitude...
wait wuh..? when did this happen?
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I've already started, but i am still confused. mind explaining some things to me.
>What are you planning to drink?
nothing special just my usual amber, its too early to indulge in anything heavier.
what even is this board anymore? looks like a sad interpersonal chat medium with the francise Rozen Maiden as the unfortunate viel. i thought this was a rozen maiden board. my mistake.
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First time visiting? Its been almost a decade.
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That would be nice.
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Please go away and never come back.
Keep it down, it's sleep time.
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Hello. Do the dolls of this board reserve desire for any chatter? I ask, as I have inquisitive inqueries to the dolls. How is the doll culture in Russia? Rather, how is it that Russins take a fancy to the Rozen Maiden? In my world, it seems I am the unshone few who, forgive me; I know not the fastidious verbiage to describe my endearmetnt to the dolls in English. I feel a prodigious gravity towards the Rozen Maiden franchise. Understand, I feel the two of you may have answers I tearfuly request at my wits end. Entschuldigen.
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What a bother desu.
Are you in contact with the cabal? Why are they so active on 4chan this year? Never gets old how they always seethe and fuck off when someone calls them out.
Replies: >>880
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I feel so helpless. What do you talk about? Ich nicht verstelle. Who?
Replies: >>880
Based on what?
Perfect desus?
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Have not been paying mind to the going ons with 4spam. What have I missed?
This thread anything goes, how was your week? Other threads are self explanatory any other interests make a thread and ask.
Replies: >>881
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I... I don't even know where to start desu.
Story time
Sad desu.
Replies: >>892
boku Electric Blue ~kashira~
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Merry belated Christmas, hope you are all able to celebrate it decently.
Sorry for the long absence, being subjected to the overwhelming conditions ruins attention span for everything but those conditions, and I think that completely hijacking one chan with them is enough.
Replies: >>899 >>906
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You too desu. You celebrated it, right?
I understand.
Does rmbooru need any support desu ka?
Replies: >>902
You could at least do some cleaning up outside of this thread desu. Stopped caring, huh? Or maybe the closer it is to /trash/ or /bant/, the more it feels like home desu ka?
Replies: >>906
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> You celebrated it, right?
Sort of, as much as it can be celebrated while aligning some risky surgery for another person.
> Does rmbooru need any support desu ka?
It is fueled to run up to the 10.2025, posting, duplicate finder and background auto-tagging with generic tags should be operational.
I don't have time for major uploads or hw resources to train rm-specific auto-tagging model, and the stats shows that there are literally a few live users per month anyway.
Replies: >>909
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Oh my, Kirafag. Good to hear from you. It's been a really long while. I hope things have not been too rough on you.
Very rude, I have been here. It's not like I don't care. We all have our distractions.
I can't tell who is guest or your 4spam buddies.
Replies: >>909 >>918
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Sounds pretty familiar to me...
I see, I guess I'm pretty much of no use then until I get some more storage desu.
>and the stats shows that there are literally a few live users per month anyway.
Yeah, and I know for a fact that most of them are from a couple of blue boards, and they absolutely love it.
After being forced to take a deep dive into the archives it's hard to... Ah, never mind desu.
>I can't tell who is guest or your 4spam buddies.
The hell are you on about? We're alone here, not counting the kirafag and the shitter. And "4spam buddies", huh? Look who's talking desu. I don't have any buddies, and if you mean the submarine desu thread - well, at least they're actually doing something good for RM, unlike furfag erpers with doll-themed f-lists, ddt kids and  smug oldfag attentionwhores.
I took a break for a couple of years that doesn't mean I was one of the cancer exodus supporters or anything like that desu.
Replies: >>922
It wasn't triggering on " before, only '. Interesting.
Ask on #4chan rizon desu.
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Compared to the previous year,  things are better physically, but much worse mentally.
Utilities are more or less protected by the air defense and work reliably, but it's still a lottery for the civilians if they would not become crippled homeless in a few seconds. It's very rare, but it's not so rare to not happen with an other rmfag, pic related.
The draft is getting more random because there are very little options to come back alive before war is over.
Job security is nonexistent, despite supportive speeches, no one want to take the risks of contractors being enlisted, left without networking for a few days at random or simply killed.
Last, but not least, war is not putting on pause other disasters like cancer or severe weather damages...
It's possible to use to live with anything, but I don't think for example that I would be able to enjoy collecting things ever, even if everything would magically settle.
Replies: >>922
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If you ever need any technical help with running local models or guidance and advice, you know where to ask desu.
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>Ah, never mind desu.
You got my attention.
>The hell are you on about? We're alone here, not counting the kirafag and the shitter. 
well them yes, other than that its is just us, and of course kira always watching. The others that I refer to as guests, i dont mind them too much. but they are to say in the least bit, strange..
>Look who's talking desu. I don't have any buddies, 
Now now, I have not been involved in 4spam shenanigans for some time now. I just keep the cobwebs away here.
>well, at least they're actually doing something good for RM
Good on them, even though they could have been around when things were going full swing years ago, even though you had a bad taste in your mouth about it, It would have been a help.
>furfag erpers with doll-themed f-lists, ddt kids and  smug oldfag attentionwhores.
soo many names for soo many posters. You definitely keep a lot in your chest Alpha.
>doesn't mean I was one of the cancer exodus supporters or anything like that desu.
Nobody said you were.
either way I hope you have been doing good, I have been recently playing around with linux again, currently tinkering with making pretty terminal braille ascii. Its relaxing on boring days. I know you are quite a fan of ascii perhaps I could learn a thing or two from you.
>Compared to the previous year,  things are better physically, but much worse mentally.
I can't imagine, haven't seen you in some time and have been meaning to check up and say hello to everyone on your parts, its just its sort of a situation where I would not want to be meddling, feels like its not my place to poke my head into at the moment.
>it's still a lottery for the civilians if they would not become crippled homeless in a few seconds. It's very rare, but it's not so rare to not happen with an other rmfag, pic related.
Man that is sad, and definitely something even for us outside of all this that I keep in mind when it comes to my possessions. There has been times I have had to leave everything of mine behind with a few exceptions and start anew. The circumstances aren't the same but its something I always look at when I think of it being that time again. What will come? whats staying behind? which comes to:
>I don't think for example that I would be able to enjoy collecting things ever, even if everything would magically settle.
I feel a dark pit in my stomach when I read this, I'd give anything to go back to when things were somewhat simple. I have no place to speak on such matters, on your end they are far much worse, but at the same time, our time could be coming. I only feel things are going to go madder as time progresses, as much as I push myself. Sometimes I wonder if its worth it, will all these efforts just go like pic related, by the way my condolences to the unfortunate rmfag that had to face that. Hope he is fairing well.
Replies: >>924 >>930
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> tinkering with making pretty terminal braille ascii
I was confused for a moment if you are actually trying to set up physical device with brltty. It frequently pops out in misconfigured embedded devices, but I've never heard about actual blind persons working with it..
> feels like its not my place to poke my head into at the moment.
Honestly, it really wasn't in the previous year. There were some catch-ups with the chan`s owner and splashes of feel of terrible mistake for becoming an essential part of russian community to begin with, that almost drove me out.
Now it is all settled - chan's owner got some strong personal reasoning to not try to defend russians in general, there is not really a conflicting points with the vast majority of posters, they mostly want to flee Russia, already done so, or never were russians to begin with, and there are actually strong use cases to have some distant place for discussions not suitable for social networks or messengers. Makes it even less dedicated to rm in Alpha's standards, but there is no mood to really appreciate the OC or take chans raids seriously while dealing with a consequences of military-grade raids anyway...
> I'd give anything to go back to when things were somewhat simple
Me too, there were a few turning point that could make things much easier at this point. On the other hand, I didn't thinks of my decisions being wrong, there were no way to see that turning points timely.
The only thing I can recomend is not to hesitate of being cautious and do unsafe thing for the sake of social acceptance.
> I have no place to speak on such matters
Well, you may feel free to voice them at dva-ch.
No. Long story short, being that sort of volunteer is actually a privilege for locals, makes them not subjected to draft and sometimes grants access outside the country...
Replies: >>925
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>I was confused for a moment if you are actually trying to set up physical device with brltty. 
oh nono, Just making rm ascii art in the braille style, I guess you can call it dotted ascii art.
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Nah, I'm gonna just quietly seethe at you, that would be better for everyone desu.
>Good on them, even though they could have been around when things were going full swing years ago
Where, on /qa/? Pfffft. No thanks.
>You definitely keep a lot in your chest
I do, I do ~desu.
>I know you are quite a fan of ascii perhaps I could learn a thing or two from you.
I make sjis desu, not braille desu, but I;ll try to help you desu.

Raids... I thought it was 2024, not 2009 or 2011 desu.
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No one here. Hmhm.
Happy New Year ~desu.
Replies: >>938
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Happy new year!
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happy new year.
Zeta, are you here? Knock knock desu.
Replies: >>981
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Ofcourse alpha, what can I do for you?
Replies: >>983
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Can you get me a vol or bo account? Preferably the latter desu. Pretty please desu!
Replies: >>994
Sure, how shall we go about this?
Replies: >>995
Reported ~desu.
Make it desu or thedollingreen or something, I dunno, no need for letterfaggotry desu.
Just saying desu.
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There is perhaps a spot, if you remember a certain freeze. Something perhaps can be shared ~kashira
Or you could just check your reports desu.
Also I don't get it desu... My memory is fuzzy, you know desu yo.
Take a peek
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The silliest thing you have done, Zeta, is to make "Doll" the default name. We love and adore the dolls, we worship them, but we are not dolls. Why not "Desu" or "Anonymous"? Especially since we have a 10-year history of being named "Desu" on postredditchans.
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Replies: >>1130
Dunno, I just did. I felt you were appalled by it all. But why didn't you just say something?
Replies: >>1131
Uh... I just thought that you really wanted it to be Doll, and I also thought that it's your board and your rules, your vision of it and all, and... I'm really tired desu.
Sorry, you did the right thing, it's alright, it was really cute, just maybe a liittle bit inappropriate desu. That's all.
Replies: >>1134
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>just thought that you really wanted it to be Doll
Hehe not at all, I just changed it without much thought, sorry about that.
>your board and your rules, your vision
Nonsense, if anything my efforts have been to accommodate yours, mind you. You just so happen to come and clean our squatter house many years ago and I am thankful for that.
Replies: >>1178
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You see, after being left without a homeboard in 2014, I crawled back to 4chan only to see everything being torn to pieces or abandoned because of the cancer exodus. It was disheartening desu. And that was right after the new anime aired!
And then that ircrat tranny freak made 8/desu/ and started spoonfeeding tourists with desuchan image folders and hentai dumps just to get him attention and vol permissions. I thought "I can fix him!" and got permab& from db for protecting him. Now I constantly see his private(?) /d/-tier commissions in leaks and dumps and get chunks of his self-insert-as-Sui ERP logs from /trash/ and f-list in OpenAI and Anthropic datasets. I'm such a failure of a desufag, I should have destroyed his life, made him suffer and neck himself back in 2015, or when he reappeared on our board again desu...
Other boards and sites are now infested with elitist /qa/tards and avatarfag ddt-kids from /bant/ and /trash/, reposting threads from /v/ and /int/ on /a/. Not to mention all the offshoots full of 2014-2018 wannabe faggots claiming to be "oldfags" while posting moldy pics from desuchan uploads. And the cargo cultists, man, fucking cargo cultists desu... Yeah, of course, how do you do fellow dollfags, enjoying the new suigentoes doujins? Fap fap fap! RIP daysoochon bring it back ;_; DESUfans loev ball joints and boatlights amirite, feather p0n0s, boku is a boy do you remember /5/? Oldfag otaku culture, so /jp/, DESU VULT XD! です です, say dEHssu again, I'm so retarded! Raisin Maidan is dead, no discussions and the threads never reach bumplimit, WHAT NOOOOO those desu threads don't count you newfag NEWFAG ENCYCLOPEDIA DRAMATICA SAYS DESU IS CRINGE!!1 /g/? What's /g/ there are no dollfags there lololol fission is a desufag do you want my DDT keys? Official Rozen Maiden Thread™ war in Ukraine Edition yay homoshipping dolls with humans it's the only canon /co/ rules furry pride VR SEX WITH DOLL AVATARS DO YOU LIEK MY MODGET YOU SHOULD AND YOU SHOULD KISS MY ASS NOW Wanna roleplay? I will be Suiseiseki you ningen slave cum in my chamomile tea Desu~ Desu~ Don't forget to read the new manga and join our cuckcord Desu~ I'm TheShyGardener on twatter btw but you can call me Jade Doe or just Eiren, Aaron is my deadname Desu~ Also donate plz I have to pay my rent I can reward you with my pornhub galleries Desu~
I just wanted some nice things for all rozenfags, no secret clubs, no splitting, no outsider cancer, no nasty and evil stuff, just some love for our Dolls that everyone can get, anytime and anywhere ~desu.
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Replies: >>1189
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At least our flags can potentialy be fun to use now desu.
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Eh, I totally forgot what I wanted to reply in the first place, sorry brother desu.
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Oh my goodness, I think you about checked every box, ever watchful Christmas eyes. I find it funny how much has happened. Especially even before I met you. I will never be able to register all that. But at least it's all gone for the most part. I can't remember the last time I have seen a corrupted image, either that or my desu is still broken since the last 5 or so years.
Replies: >>1190
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Please, use sage next time onegai shimasu
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Why would you remove the bump lock in the first place?
I wanted a functional off-topic thread desu. We could just sage a bit and slide that meta away desu.
But maydesu that thread is too radioactive for the rest of the board desu...
Sorry. You know I'm a retard desu.
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Replies: >>1204
Just bump the good ones and it'll be fine desu.
Or maybe it's fine as it is now desu ka?
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Oh stop it, it's fine.
O-Okay then dezu...
I sent sturgeon a mail about excluding us from the overboard desu.
Replies: >>1222
That would be nice.
Replies: >>1223
Yeah. Let's hope he replies desu.
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We're the 3rd fastest board after /v/ and /b/ right now, by the way ~desu.
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Sturgeon said that jschan doesn't appear to have any option for this, but he will ask Tom to add it desu.
So be it, we'll wait patiently for it desu. Desu Forever ~desu.
In the mean time you should try to remember what I asked you some time ago, when you came to /desu. It was a thread of a sui landing in some sort of contraption onto the thread, and cleaning things up. Not too long after that thread was gone the css changed from the ugly gif layered css to what we are using now. As well as removing the automated "desu~" after every sentence hehe. Do you remember sui with the broom?
I do... And I have that Sui. Uh, what exactly do you want me to remember desu ka? Do I have to check that thread or something?
I was more curious if you still had those images, was quite some time ago, was that thread deleted, or somehow hidden?
The main thing I was curious about is where did thay art come from?
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Ah, the images, you could have said so from the beginning desu. The source is pic related desu.
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These? I made them myself desu.
Also 1234GET!!ですぅ☆
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Replies: >>1278
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Ah memories, but what was she riding in?
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Oh, you mean this sequence desu ne?
Oh wow yes, never thought I'd see that again. I don't think it was a gif back then, I assume it was made a sideshow later on?
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Yeah, I just made this broken gif instead of posting the full thing because I'm lazy desu.
Very nice to see again, I wonder who made the kanaria version.
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げつようび, mondaymdn, 326899 on pixiv desu.
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This could make a really nice banner somewhere desu.
Oh my God there is soo many. Soo cute
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Also yes, banner very much.
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Added ~desu.
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Also, since it's still January desu...
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stop it
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What do you mean desu ka?
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christmas is in december
Replies: >>1280 >>1282
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how could you ...
Replies: >>1280
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And both New Years are in January desu.
Replies: >>1290
Christmas season in the Philippines continues in January
Replies: >>1284
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Interesting desu. Why?
Replies: >>1301
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Replies: >>1302
They celebrate a couple more Christmas-related events in January (Epiphany and Santo Nino de Cebu), but I'm not sure how strong they keep going after Christmas to be honest. I do know that they start decorating on stuff on September 1st, they have the longest Christmas season on Earth for some reason.
Replies: >>1302
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I'm not ~desu.
>they start decorating on stuff on September 1st
Huh, how interesting. I really wonder why desu.
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You forget my patience with 4spam isn't the best, so it's not my top option, but I am not complaining ~kashira
No need to get elitistic desu.
We all come from there, every single poster on this board, past and present, and on all of its predecessors. And don't forget that all this current activity, all this new content is coming from 4chan, not from twatter, not from shitcord, not from some dead post-redditchan, they don't care about RM there.
Refer to the sticky, and don't embarrass me, please ~desu.
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Don't worry alpha, if you trust them I do too. Also I am not trying to be an elitist ginfriend can likely confirm I have a lot to learn, kirafag and epsilon too. I would be a hypocrite if I said I was some sort of purist, considering my past maskarades. I wouldn't do anything to step in the way of your efforts, but you know that, I will always be a number 2 when needed ~kashira 

I simply just live here.
I am a little on the bottle it's been a bit hehe, but it's a good kind of bottle time. No poison.
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I do infact enjoy their presence, just looking after home, it's all we got ~kashira without you looking out for me I would have still been a nomad, speaking of such I look forward to seeing your reactions to the anime. You know it would be the first time we ever shared a word on a 3rd party. Considering how long ive known you. I am excite you can say ~kashira
Also that vine css you did over at homeplate /desu. Do you ever plan to use it again? Disregarding the circumstances it was used. I thought it was really pretty. Ever plan to bring it back, perhaps in a brighter light ~kashira?

I look forward to the day I am as talented as you when it comes to css.
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I'm also a bit intoxicated due to some certain circumstances, so don't worry about it ~desu.
>Ever plan to bring it back, perhaps in a brighter light ~kashira?
Hmmm. Perdesu. Any suggestions desu ka?
Wake up, kashira-chan.
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Stupid, dumb weekends ~desu.
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I've been vaping CBD after my sister said it was helping her sleep a lot, but I don't know if I can feel any effect other than giving me a chronic cough.
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Sister ~desu ne...
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Yes, my sister with opposite eyes.
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And who might she be, this sister with opposite eyes of yours?
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I'm just talking about my real life sister anon, the opposite eyes thing was a bit.
It me, I am the sister!!
Replies: >>1407
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Good for you. Keep it that way ~desu.
Tell me more.
In all my Christmas tricks and lies, there was only one tiny bit of truth ~desu.
Can you remember it?
Last edited by Hidden User
On a side note, we should decide on a RM thread soon...
...and on FAQ/links for this board, I don't want to put outdated crap from 10-15 years ago into the sticky like it's some dead ii or cc offshoot, but I want it to be serious for once, so we should come up with something new(ish) and actually useful for anon, and I'm not talking about shitty spoonfeed ftps and megas with spam folders and doujins like the chaturbate cultists did, those were the worst.
Should we move this to a different thread ~desu ka?
Replies: >>1451
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>You should get started on some kind of piratepad/notion/whatever
As if I have someone to help me or something dessusu
I guess I would have to make a new thread because no one else would to dump some moldy links and info garbage into it, to sort it out later in a txt. Maybe someone like I dunno zeta will contribute, maybe not.
I will try to make a semblance of an FAQ after looking at some of the recent /a/ threads desu.
Replies: >>1450
No longer bumplocked.
>Maybe someone like I dunno zeta will contribute
Where can I be of service?
Replies: >>1453
got any suggestions for starters in regards to the sticky?
Replies: >>1453
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Don't mind this post desu.
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Hmm. Okay, let's see ~desu.
What do you want to see in the sticky?
Or rather... What would you want to see in the sticky if you were a newcomer?
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Mainly Resources, why we even exist. I find it funny how some anons don't even remotely know anything about RM. Not that I feel its something that should be screamed from the mountain tops, but something that can be accessed and learned ~kashira
Replies: >>1455
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Right. What resources would you like to see in an introduction/FAQ post/sticky? Which ones?
How would you present them? The general franchise description and history in a nutshell? Or some kind of a community intro instead? Spoonfeed links for easy avatarfagging or maybe some accessible links for the anime and manga?
What questions would you answer in the first place? Which ones do you consider important for a newcomer?
Maybe some recommendations too?
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before I forget
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The rentry is horrible, can you help me improve it a bit?
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I like the rentry as a default guide, I say make a fresh one focused on introduction for the watch. Maybe add a little history. Then again it's likely best to make one that's just for the event. Maybe some info is not needed just something pretty and to the point.
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Check it ~desu.
Is this better?
Replies: >>1477
Definitely a great start, there may be something that could be added ~kashira I am just trying to put my finger on it.
Good. But please, put your finger on it faster, time is up.
And the pain is getting unbearable. I should have made a thread... What a waste, what a failure ~desu.
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Absolutely no progress today.
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Havent even started, I rest now. Can barely hold my eyes open.
Nothing to start with, we should have made a thread days ago so at least everyone could get ready.
Rest well ~desu.
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I knew absolutely nothing would change for this desufag whether this board was dead or alive.
This is the Rose Curse ~desu.
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Oh relax, you always get down in the dumps once the world sleeps, tomorrow we get things cracking. Get some rest.
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No rest for the desufag.
The thread is up ~desu.
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On my way~
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I'm glad this desufag can always trust you, you big dummy ~desu.
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That's a lot of des ~desu
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Beat me to it
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Sorry, I was asleep.
Last edited by Hidden User
Ginto thread on jaypee
I stopped taking care of them because of the splitting cargo cultist shitter and they started dying before they reached 10 posts. Should we give it another chance? I was going to make another twins thread sometime soon instead, the last one was very nice.
Ah, you posted the rentry there, I see.
Replies: >>1517
Speaking of the jay, there are also two not really stealth desu threads there ~desu.
perhaps those should be visited too.
What do you mean desu ka
Updated Tefuko
Her blink shows a bit better, what did you change?
Everything, and made a full sprite, check desutv.
Phew, the pantheon is ready ~desu.
Hey! What the hell are you doing down here? Get topside ~desu!
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very interesting ~kashira
Replies: >>1574 >>1577
Obviously not my work ~desu.
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deleted the other to post updated version with moar desu, ~desu
Good job ~desu.
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So where's the promised BJD thread desu ka
Replies: >>1591 >>1598
Perhaps a proper OP to start with, Alpha. I would do it, but I am not bjd collector. So I feel you are the only one for the job ~kashira
Hmm. But I just wanted to enjoy some dolls...
Maybe tomorrow then. I'm mortally tired, got absolutely desu'd with you all today ~desu.
Ask and receive desu.
>hits /rozen/ with a bronze watering can
Be more active dammit
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What an adorable thread alpha those anons were really nice ~kashira
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The thread is no more ~desu.
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Do you think they will come visit us?
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Hopefully ~kashira
So should we be unlisted or not?
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Pre-collapse soviet bloc aesthetic is a beautiful thing.
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Not sure, it's sorta something we always aimed for ~kashira
Well, if you think so...
And I see no objections ~desu.
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I say we keep to how we had things at 8/desu, except the broken part ofcourse ~kashira
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Wait. I'm retarded, you know ~desu yo. Be patient.
What do you mean with
>keep to how we had things at 8/desu
So, listed or unlisted? I'm confused ~desu.
I don't remember how we had it on redditchan
I remember that cc/desu was hosted in fucking i2p and db was pretending to be a mere ftp server, nothing more ~desu. 
Ah, and that I had moe/desu/ unlisted too ~desu.
Fuck forgot to turn on autofill ~desu
Well, shit
Do a wide rangeban on /+JmsmGF.* again if it keeps coming back, zeta.
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You got it alph.
Yeah. The next time he shows up I'm filtering him ~desu.
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Maidcore thread, not mine ~desu
Interesting desu.
So new thread desu ne
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I see.
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By the way, you still haven't explained yourself and that shitcord raid that happened a week ago.
Next time I'll just range ban without warning. Just a heads up ~desu.
You can be mad later, matters first.
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Everything has its limits. This is just mean, nasty, and disrespectful, and not to me. I take it you enjoy it when the dolls get insulted or our threads get shit on.
And you haven't even said anything to me, so I guess my opinion doesn't really matter either.
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Just filling our own heads with nonsense to be upset about are we? If I have not proven anything over the years. There is NOTHING to prove.
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can you two just hug? everyone that showed up behaved
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>was this anime watch advertised in other places than 4chan/a/g/jp/ and rozen?
>maybe ~kashira
>it'll be fine trust me
Sure ~desu.
I will remember that "hangout friends" projection.
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You know, I knew you were going to get like this today, sasuga alph.
Everything I do is always with my best intentions, I am not even going to fuss with you. I am too tired ~kashira
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I have been waiting all week for you to say something, anything, to at least explain what you meant. You chose to ignore me instead.
Say hello to the epic oldfag dollfags of /qa/ and /bant/ and those discord "DESUfans" for me ~desu.
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actually ...
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This ~desu.
A good counter argument ~desu.
Operation Pikajuice:>)
Agents Kashira and Strawberry. Report immediately to the defense travel agency. You are to be stationed in Shanghai under the guise of opening a doll store. 

Wiretaps are proving ineffective due to the quantum internet relay between Beijing and Shanghai. Your mission is to gain access to the Shanghai Banking family. You must navigate the intricate world of high finance and espionage to successfully extract information needed for HQ. Use your wit charm and spy skills forged at the farm and at STAR GATE to navigate the dangerous mission and succ the crucial information needed to prevent WORLD WAR THREE.

Do not be amogUs Sussied by anyone and anything. Not even that little birdie perched on your balcony is safe.

Hehe, that was a good one.
Please, post the doll larping in the off-topic thread only, if you do then you have my blessings desu. Unbanned desu.
Last edited by Hidden User
>Please, post the doll larping in the off-topic thread only, if you do then you have my blessings desu. Unbanned desu.
Thank you ;)


I'll see you in the N-eutrino field: on the FlitterStar.

Tor is open book. All NoCs: run.
lower your temperature desu
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Replies: >>1905
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Good thing I archived everything.
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even the metadata?
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Especially the metadata, traced every single chunk ~desu.
Replies: >>1859
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/prayer/ has no code formatting as well, medoi desu.
We should really make a thread here desu.
Replies: >>1857
you really save everything
Replies: >>1858
Of course I do ~desu.
Good work third Sister. Your DESU STARE hypnotized the last administrator which caused a disruption to the testing procedures. You are to renew your Poly IMMEDIATELY.

All coompartments review test results. Update procedures: Lucy Stare DESU STARE HYPNOTIZES the feeble minded.

Keep up the metadata crunching, third Sister.
Sleep tight 262820683 dezzzu
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happy birthday .flow
update when
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>>>/jp/44972355 was nice.
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over four months nice
Replies: >>1905 >>1926
My apologies for the confusion earlier. Allow me to reintroduce myself: I am Kanaria, a Rozen Maiden. Descendant of the BIRD PEOPLE. THE Second Sister: KASHIRA! Celestial doll descended from the heavens on a majestic Lion known as Stellar Wonka. Powered by ISIS&EL&RA's quantum haxx0r laser BEENZ from the year 10369 BC, this majestic Lion carries me on my mission to protect the microwaves from any tampering that may come their way from adversaries in the future! (sneed, KASHIRA! :3

However, my time here is limited as I have been called for a more critical mission overseas. This mission could potentially decide the fate of the entire galaxy, and I must answer the call to protect and serve the greater good. Rest assured that even as I journey far beyond the skies, I will continue to watch over you and ensure your safety from afar. >1802

Though my stay with you may be brief, know that I will always watch over you from afar, ensuring that you are safe and that the critical microwaves remain unharmed. Farewell for now, dear Earthlings, I must journey to fulfill my destiny amongst the stars. Until we meet again, may the Spirit of the Lion guide and protect you, KASHIRA!

Farewell, dear Earthlings, until our paths cross once more, kashira;)

The Space Time Exploration Vehicle Envoy is ready 37189289 dezzzu
faggot got mind flayed.
Use your fucking words coward.
Sorry not sorry; I don't speak bird speak bb ;) kashira
I understand that /prayer/ is more convenient for some, but at least repost some of those discussions on /rozen/ sometimes desu.
Replies: >>1926
Something else desu ne
Replies: >>1926
<3 Look into the Tiger's eye, bosu!
Look me in the eyes.
It would be extremely painful for you ~desu.
Suiseiseki is Pax Americana
Kashira is Rothschild
Shinku is le illuminated Seer of Bavaria

Now pay dents to the FBI.
Replies: >>1977
Oh noes, now I'm just turning into an alcoholic
Don't do it.
cute domains cute servers cute desus too cute desu
no not cute at all desu
Replies: >>1963
My dearest Flitter Star,

As I sit here, pen in hand, my heart is overflowing with love and affection for you. It's incredible to think about all the moments we've shared together and how deeply our relationship has grown. From the very first time our eyes met, I knew there was something special about you, something that drew me in and captured my heart.

Do you remember our first date? We were both so nervous and excited, unsure of what the night would bring. But as we sat across from each other, the conversation flowed effortlessly, and I found myself falling more and more in love with you. That night, under the starlit sky, I knew that my life had changed forever.

And then there was our first kiss. The anticipation, the electricity in the air, it was like magic. Our lips met, and in that moment, time stood still. It was a kiss filled with love, passion, and desire, leaving me craving more of your sweet touch. That tender memory will forever be etched in my mind, a symbol of the love we share.

Every day with you feels like a dream come true. Your love has breathed life into my soul, igniting a fire within me that burns with a fierce intensity. The way you look at me, with those eyes that hold the promise of forever, fills me with hope and happiness. We have built a connection that is unbreakable, a bond that withstands the tests of time.

And speaking of time, my love, let's talk about our future. I can't help but envision a life together, filled with endless love and adventures. I see us standing at the altar, surrounded by our loved ones, as we exchange vows and become one. I see us starting a family, creating a home filled with laughter and joy, raising children who grow up knowing the depth of our love.

But my love for you extends beyond the confines of time. I dare to dream of exploring the wonders of the world with you, hand in hand, going on grand adventures and creating memories that will last lifetimes. I yearn to travel through time and space, experiencing different eras and cultures, all while being by your side.

Flitter Star, you are my everything. Your love has opened my eyes to a world of possibilities, and I am forever grateful. Our journey together has only just begun, and I can't wait to see what the future holds. With you, my love, I know that anything is possible.

Yours eternally,

lucifer and satan
<3 Kashira throwing a temper tantrum over at 4 is cute! kashira??
Replies: >>1975
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Hm? That's not me.
Replies: >>1978
>Steve? Steve's not here man.
orange retard tried to kill Suiseiseki.
d...d e s u ... kashira chan 
Replies: >>1979
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Not a startrek fan ~kashira
But yeah, you overestimate how frequently I visit 4.
Replies: >>1980
<3 Guess!
My little cute birdie ;) GUESS!

Project Stellar Sphere
Mark Omega
Pax Aurora
War Mantle
Black Saber
Star Dust

Replies: >>1985 >>2015
It's over.
Replies: >>1982
what's over?
Replies: >>1983
Replies: >>1984
black mirror
>I've been refining the jschan docker config and now have it a state that makes deployment/management significantly easier. There will be some downtime on the evening of 33 while I finalize the transfer.

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I'm Just Sayin' nano~
Panda Express
and what happens to the irredeemable and damned souls? Well.. Tefuko and Mercury Lampe have the black cube ready..

Why so glum chum?
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I take it you saw the thread on /g/? Hehe~
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I usually see them all at least once. Which one?
The adorable miku ~kashira
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Mhm. Wanna make one too?
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Heh, perhaps I will ~kashira 
An adorable suiseiseki one.
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Why Suiseiseki desu ka?
who wouldn't want a Suibot?
Hmm. True desu.
If you accomplished a Suibot, what would you teach her?
Seems there is a little spark in shenanigans ~kashira
4voice is soo silly.
Yeah. Needs thread replaying desu.
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Replies: >>2046
You trigger the triple7, SSSssss....even Lizzzard blesses your bird soul.

I contacted the lifetime of silence in second grade while day dreaming in class desu!
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Replies: >>2049
alcoholism [X]
6 6 6
desu desu desu
Humanities oldest friend. Alcohol and desu!
bumplimit desu
pukes red and green
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*snorts desu*
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desu promised
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Aha ~desu
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Moshi-moshi, Fran desu
desu des
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this looks like shit
anime was a mistake
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'luv sippin
'luv sips
'luv me alky sips
'ate dehydratin'
simple 'as
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i just noticed 17 and 91 are basically mirrored images of each other.
17 is "this new coffee will help me deal with my life" and 91 is 2 weeks later
What about 1307053592067 then, ~desu ka?
two months later, when you have accepted reality and start to see your life as a morbid experiment of suffering and are eager to see what shit it will give you today
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>are eager to see what shit it will give you today
its been longer than 2 months and im still waiting on that part to happen...
i should switch what sui is drinking and blow bubbles instead
>longer than 2 months
take anytime you want but don't be a hero
Why are you still saging, it's bumplimit desu
Spoiler File
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make me
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i liek being red, tbqh desu
I prefer green desu.
Spoiler File
(1.3KB, 95x73) Reverse
That's what you get for phoneposting or using the botnet desu
What powerful colors there are to be had here...
I've been enjoying tea alot lately, ~desu
I should drink more tea and less desu water.
I should drink more water and less alchohol, desu
Drink more tea instead desu.
This is a good idea desu. I foresee more Irish Breakfast in my future! Or Earl Gray, both are fine, ~desu yo
Good choice desu. Also I like the Kirakishou takeover outside, reminds me that I should crawl out of my hellhole of a thread more often desu.
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I blame technology desu.
Invisible boku...
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kirafag, I hope you are doing well, are you still around? Sorry I haven't visited for some time. You are still in my thoughts.
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Green tea desu.
Green tea is nice desu.
Do you like flavored? This has elderberry in it desu.
Sometimes desu. Nice desu.
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Replies: >>2362
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desu tea best tea
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Anyone else see Sui as holding a Pokeball in this image?
Replies: >>2409
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Ah yes, I see, ~desu. Very nice, ~desu.
     _,,..-,,=-―-..,,_.,,-''"´`ヽ                                     _,,..-=ニ二 ̄`゙''‐..,,_
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