[Hide] (171.6KB, 442x342) Reverse Feeling much better, now. Where were we?
>I hope that didn't sound disapprovingly.
No worries, all feedback is good. I am sure there could possibly be more revising done, maybe. For now I feel this is a good start, do you think?
No worries, really.
>Yeah, it was a little bit unusual and fresh for me. What I've come to...
Am glad you find some joy in this as well, it's never easy hopping around different places, and I much rather adjust than perish, at least there is 8/desu. God forbid the big red button gets pressed on that site, that would mean everything goes poof. Scary thoughts.
>Yeah, that's right, hehe. If only I had friends aside from... You, it's only you now, I guess.
I would not say only me, I mean though few, we are here. Even if for a little while I feel that means something, no?
>But no one else is really needed. Less pain and negative emotions for everyone, I guess.
Looking after others can be taxing, but nobody should truly ever be alone.
>For some reason, I didn't expect such an answer from you. Good.
As much as I would wish it was nonexistent, it's inevitability is something we grow accustomed to as life goes on, nothing ever truly stays the same, much like childhood buildings and people, they all tend to slowly become buried in time to the point of their only existence being stories, memories whether personal or through others. That being said it's much like those buildings or people, we grow more and more decrepit, and a time will come where it will be our turn to catch the sand. My apologies perhaps a bit morbid.
>I fear that I will no longer be able to perceive Her, think about Her and remember Her in this reality.