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This is now a SuiSou board!
Replies: >>1002 >>1017
>>1001 (OP) 
>>1001 (OP) 
>>1001 (OP) 
>>1001 (OP) 
This is an official statement desu.
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 >>1001 (OP) 
Always has been.
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Happy Halloween to all of you.
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The scent of pumpkin, especially pumpkin pie makes me wanna vomit.

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That gave me an idea. What if we make a set of flags for Enju Maidens and Keikujyaku? Although, probably, no one will use them. Just like Tefuko.
Replies: >>76
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That would be an excellent idea, I honestly if there were something I would like to see is more light shed on Enju Maidens. Also I need to post more tefuko.
Replies: >>83
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Yes, they are so adorable and unique. And I guess you agree with me that they have limitless potential. Keikoutou and Kokukouseki are so cute and amusing. Today I even wanted to grab a pencil my mouse and draw a funny Pinku image mimicking Carlos and make it a forced meme here. Yeah. I'll think about flags when I will get a little bit better, I guess. ~desu
Keikujyaku on the other hand... She is so, uh, bland? But she is semi-official. I don't know. What do you think?
>Also I need to post more tefuko.
Hehe, yeah. And don't forget to change the flags to the remade versions. By the Goddess, I don't even know where you got these old scraps from and how you managed to mix them up.
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Happy Souseiseki day
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<Day of the canary
I see now, awesome. Funny coincidence, it's also my birthday.
Replies: >>340
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Yeah, you got really lucky this year, hehe.
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Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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In honor of the Jade stern maiden.
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Thank you.

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best doll
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Feeling much better, now. Where were we?
>I hope that didn't sound disapprovingly.
No worries, all feedback is good. I am sure there could possibly be more revising done, maybe. For now I feel this is a good start, do you think?
No worries, really.
>Yeah, it was a little bit unusual and fresh for me. What I've come to...
Am glad you find some joy in this as well, it's never easy hopping around different places, and I much rather adjust than perish, at least there is 8/desu. God forbid the big red button gets pressed on that site, that would mean everything goes poof. Scary thoughts.
>Yeah, that's right, hehe. If only I had friends aside from... You, it's only you now, I guess.
I would not say only me, I mean though few, we are here. Even if for a little while I feel that means something, no?
>But no one else is really needed. Less pain and negative emotions for everyone, I guess.
Looking after others can be taxing, but nobody should truly ever be alone.
>For some reason, I didn't expect such an answer from you. Good.
As much as I would wish it was nonexistent, it's inevitability is something we grow accustomed to as life goes on, nothing ever truly stays the same, much like childhood buildings and people, they all tend to slowly become buried in time to the point of their only existence being stories, memories whether personal or through others. That being said it's much like those buildings or people, we grow more and more decrepit, and a time will come where it will be our turn to catch the sand. My apologies perhaps a bit morbid.
>I fear that I will no longer be able to perceive Her, think about Her and remember Her in this reality.
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Replies: >>142
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It is. Time flies, huh?
>did you get what you wanted?
Perhaps. Sort of. It shouldn't be much longer now.
You missed an important date this year. I bid thee repent, Chronicler. How are our deep-water friends? I lost the chain a long time ago and I don't know what their current address is.
>reddit chan bit the dust for good
Maybe. Maybe not. I didn't look into it and just changed the css. Missed opportunity for an awesome depth board, I guess. Too bad I don't care enough.
Oh, please, I'm not blind. I'm tired of feeding attention whores. So, I beg you, even if you know something - pretend that you don't. Ignore them, if you want. Don't want to be here - use the other clearnet board, there's plenty of them and I'm still there for the time being. Let them gnaw each other until they finally lose interest and forget about the Maidens and go away forever, again, and we'll wait for that, just like years and years before, alright? Alright.
>No worries, all feedback is good. I am sure there could possibly be more revising done, maybe. For now I feel this is a good start, do you think?
This is a good start, I guess. Although you could change the rules in your way, whatever you think best, what you think needs to change, I guess. Too bad it's exactly as dead now as /desu/ was a few years ago. Well, the days when there could be up to a dozen rozenfags being active simultaneously are long gone.
>I would not say only me, I mean though few, we are here. Even if for a little while I feel that means something, no?
I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe in the past. Maybe in my dreams.
>nobody should truly ever be alone.
I'm never truly alone. ~desu
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Replies: >>143
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>This is a good start, I guess. Although you could change the rules in your way, whatever you think best, what you think needs to change, I guess.
Aside from adding some more resources I really don't see much that needs changing, am trying to not change things too much, just update.
>Too bad it's exactly as dead now as /desu/ was a few years ago. Well, the days when there could be up to a dozen rozenfags being active simultaneously are long gone.
I feel they are still out there, mind you we have been in the dark for quite some time, aside from occasional visits to other sites, I think it's fair to say most likely did not even know of /desu existing. Aside from Eastern and very few western desu/rozenfags. Perhaps this could be the start of a new future, a fruitful one. It's only the beginning of this move. It's too early to fret my friend.
>i'm very glad to hear that. At least you don't have toBut I would really like you to be able to completely escape from this abyss, even though I understand you quite well, I guess.
As much I feel things could be better, I make due with what's within reach.
When did Rozen Maiden fade into the background of anime and meme consciousness? Why did DESU?
Replies: >>154
that depends on the person, there are still a number of fans.
>meme consciousness?
Anons still post cookie cutter Suiseiseki images, use Suiseiseki for art along with the other maidens, I guess its a matter of how you see Suiseiseki, the love is there. Its just what have the maidens come to mean to you? Generally speaking ofcourse.
mhm, yes that was a thing.

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