This is your friendly local reporting tengu back with the exclusive ((( (((they))) ))) want to suppress. After going to the realms of the Mad Ogre King, ((( (((Seagull))) ))) managed to attract the attention of the /tv/troons and get his board raped and pillaged by the angry ogre hordes. In typical Jewish manner, he refuses to take responsibility for it and is already looking for a scapegoat. He didn't say it outright, but he's obviously looking for an excuse to throw /japan/ out of the site. He doesn't really care if he has to get his board flooded with shit to achieve it, because he's drunken with rage after your most humble servant made fun of his moderation practices in a private chatroom.
In his desperate attempt to misdirect, he even tried to blame Eden on ogrechan. For those not in the know, Eden was once a cabal member who became a rulecuck and had to be expelled. As they say, you either die hehpilled or live long enough to become the rulecuck. I suppose our feathered companion figured that staging that would make it appear as is your friendly local reporting tengu was behind the drama he created today. This is nothing but a power grab on his part. He knows Sturg doesn't mind us being here, so he staged this false flag with his crisis actors to gain the upper hand and rid himself of us so-called "herdniggers". Sturgeon, we plead you to not let this madman pull this tyrannical coup.
If anyone has a POZ LOAD TIP they want to share with their friendly local reporting agency, this tengu is MORE THAN WILLING to perform sexual favors in exchange for information. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: egg stuffing, extreme brapplay, kigurumi sex, CBT, and allowing you to use Hatate in any way you see fit. Find me on the FBI's most wanted list for more details.
This has been your friendly local reporting tengu, signing off.